The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, December 22, 1906, Image 16
iti, ihk Atlanta Georgian, _ aTLBDAY, Lfc.CL.UDLK 22, Will Remain Closed Until Wednesday Morning, December 26. LIVERPOOL WAS OPEN Advices From That Center Were of a Discourag ing Nature. Mahlpidntinn <rs« evident In Liverpool Saturday morning. The Kogll.b exchange had ■ ''lone hand" »o fsr ns speculation was concerned, all the American markets lielnc cloned for the Christmas holiday; _ e« ... not .naif nir tint? ft. jttid. as the h«IW nre not waking nuy ef forta to Hupport prlcos, It wns nn en»y matter to open that market expected *' “ ““ a«4<S6 point* w*s recorded for ontlonn.^ Hpot* were nuoled "hnrnlj lower, the • —a liddilng upland* having been price for mid. towered 23 point*, aa compared with Fri day’* price. Hale* were lllwral for the •bort *e**lon. 8,000 hale* changing hand* at the decline. . . The week In cotton wns uninteresting to holla and hear* alike until Thursday, up to that time, neither aide was aggre**lre. aa price* were ruling at a level about uls- HESTER’S WEEKLY COTTON STATEMENT Secretary Hester, In his weekly statement of the movement of cotton, shows an Increase of the movement Into sight, compared with the same week last year, the same days year before last of 121,000, and an Increase the same time In 1003 of 108,000. For the twenty-one days of Decem ber the totals show an Increase over last year of 502,000, an Increase the same period year before last of 312,000, and an Increase over the same time In 1003 of 328,000. For the 112 days of the season that have elapsed the aggregate Is ahead of the 112 days of last year 742,000, be hind the same days year before last 78,000, and ahead of 1903 by 1,045,000. The amount brought Into sight dur ing the past week has been 509,516 bales, against 53,974 for the seven days ending this data last year, 388,358 year before last, and 403,271 same time In 1903, and for the twenty-one days of December It has been 1.870,169, against 1,168,267 last year, 1,868,061 year before last, and 1,342,222 same time In 1903. The movement since September 1 shows receipts at all United States ports 5,485,76V, against 4,808,686 last year, 5,536,698 year before last, and 4,760,071 same time In 1903. Over- Edited by Joseph B. Lively Mr. Lively'* twenty-fita year*' experience of ed iting market* In AtI»nU and the South ha* made him a recognized au thority Id bla specialty. RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCKS AND COTTON MARKETS NAME’by STOCK. Coaat Line. American Sugar Rif. Anacoml.v Am. Smeltiag lief. do. preferred. Atchison.. . . . do. preferred.^ American Cot’on Oil. Am. Car Foundry, • , Baltimore A Ohio, . . Chesapeake Jb Ohio. Colorado Fuat k Iron. Central Leather. • • . do, preferred. the yield of cotton for the *efl*on, the trade apparently of tho opinion the enor mous consumption now reported through out the world would take of a crop of moua oon*ump> out the world , cotton even a* large n* that estimated. There are n number of well * pie who hold the opinion that porting hoard of the agricultural depart Sent nave made more than usual effort* to arrive nt correct fijeuros, and that the gneas thla season will he nearer correct than any heretofore Isaued: In fact, nn over-estimate would not surprise a number of the staple** friends. The estlruite, however, was “conAtrued" a* bearish by the ’'talent.** They were aided by the vary besvy_moycn.cnl anrt tlj« «>*'i several other report* were to lie Issued by the government on which - bearish ■traction could" !m» placed. The census bureau Issued Its report on Thursday of the amount of cotton ginned up to December 13. It showed tbnt 11,- 0*9,001 bale* bad ln*on ginned up to that date, ami was Immediately **fonatrued as bearish by the "talent. Tho lowest prices of the week were recorded on Hint day, December breaking through 9c. On Friday, a ainnll rally carried prices 211* SI point* ntwvo tho lowest touched, on Jbc active month*, the clone Friday showing declines of from 6017 point*, us compared with Saturday, December 15. Following Is thej-ange fojMhej|||j|^_ December ” .9.32 8.86 9.17 IX 9.30 3’ jamrj *•» 9-21*22 9.8S-39 a of aoft U Mill o »« May 9.83. j„iv 9.96 9.00 9.83-84 9.89 91 The New York and New Orleans mar- kete will 1m* closed on Hnturday, Monday aiid Tuesday on account of tho Chrlatmns On account of the closing of tho cotton exchanges, spot quotation* were not *«- reived. the movement nt Atlautn The Atlanta market le nominally un changed at lOe. Following today: Ilecelpta today Same day Inst year Increase Shipments todny Maine day last year Increase * Stock on band todny Same day la*t year ... i ftittt*" WORLD’S VISIBLE SUPPLY STATEMENT LIVERPOOL. m.—Cotton 'dratsnd. ' wlUl price- SBSS. “S&^MradTporftSJ; receipts 40.400. all American. Futures openod enax. Open lug December December-January ...5. January-February 6 Febmary-Morch 5.39 March-Aprll 5» AprII-May HI. May-June _ Prevloua I tango. 1p.m. Close. Close. ... .5.41 6.40 6.39 6.38)4 6.3X4 Juue-July July-Augu ist-Rei August H “TToied’ ust ■ptomber ...5.424 ....5.45 ....6.44 ....6.40 6.42 6.424 6.374 5.464 quiet. ENGLISH MARKET BULLISH CENTER New York. Oor. 22.—The Sun WISH: "Tim overcrowded hour era ft wa, ."Wcc ”*> »* to apeak, to a long range and enfilading fir< - T7. * I ..7kl..l. n» ...111 U' 11 V 11 frotn T.TvcVpool, which has an o»ld way at times of coolly vetoing New York a opera-I tlona about government reports. In this -*•••— cal report case It considered the gliumiii Tbursday as being anything but a* bearish na New York advocates of lower prices be I lleved It to be. YY’hnt 1* more, Liverpool, to give concrete expression to Its opinions,i calmly advanced prices equal to 4 to lV*o In our money, and Lancashire and conti nental Spinners, ns If to add Insult to In- kSre^where’tbe inark^^o appearance of being told out If not over- ■old. Liverpool. YVnll street and tin* South bought. Hut there Is still n big short ln| terest in Wall street In whic h bulls t.w»k apparent Interest and wilt endeavor to treat With all due attention when It makes a nertous effort to cover. Local shorts rov- •rid to tome extent. The receipts were largo and ao were the estimate ' day. hut for the moment they had little ef- f< New Orleans, Dee. S.—The Tlim-s Demo crat says: •’Y'eatertlny'a cotton market felt tho do-nothing dullness of holiday times, hut tho old-time spirit of Chrlatmns was lack ing. Business whs on a very small scab*, covering by shorts supplying meat of tin support. by shorts supplying moi the magnitude of the movement the piles of cottou congested at the Interior points nn®l the reported easier tone of the apot market In Texas eneournged bearish confidence, but the fact that Liverpool spot Rales for the week aggregated 62,000 against 18,000 lu 1906 and 29.000 lit the Idg crop year and an Improved ileinaml for the heretofore less desirable grades, checkmated to some extent the bear tendency to Ignore all fac tor* aave the movement in crop calculations. However, the presence of a five-day holiday and the desire of spot shorts for cover were more largely responsible for the speculative nteadlness than was the relation of supply and demand. The charge made by nn Oktu- boms shipper, whose cotton taih-d to nn-et requirements, that grades nre t«w» strictly sort'that the troubles of th«* sblpiwr In question are traceable alone to the fact that the classification of his cotton fell way be low contract specifications, thus neces sitating the purchase In the open market bpr him of cotton to meet bis obllgatbms. all ©f which eutalled loss.*’—Gilbert A clay. WEATHER FORECAST. Georgia. Fast Florida. ■■■ i Alabama—Fair Saturday and Kundny. Arkansas—Fair Saturday and Sunday. The world’n visible supply of cotton, ns compnred by Beerotary Hester, of tho Now Or leans Cotton . Exchange, shows nn Increase for the week* Just closed of 142,457 against nn increase of 93,109 last year nnd nn increase of 117,815 year before Inst. Tho total visible 1h 4.880.956. against 4J»M9» lyrt fWOfk. 5.091,00® U,t' year nnd 4.566,137 year boforo last. Of thla Iho total of American cotton la 3,937,- 956, ncnlnat 3,848,499 lo.t week, 4,030,- ooo In nt year and 3,843,127 year before lam, and of all other kinds, including Egypt, Hraxtl, India, etc., 943,000, ngalnxt 890.000 last week, 1,061,000 last year ami 723,000 year before last. The total world's visible supply of cotton ns above shows nn Increase com pared with last week of 142,457, n de- orcuso compared with last year of 210,- 044 and nn Increnae compared with yenr before last of 314,829. Of the world's vlslblo supply of cot- - — nbove thero Is now nflont nnd ton held In (treat Britain nnd continental Europe 2,199,000, against 2,474,000 last year nnd 2,329,000 yenr before Inal; tn Egypt 217,000, against 177,000 last year anti 190,000 year bhfnro Inst; In India 405,000, agulnst 500,000 last year nnd 218,000 yenr before last, and in tho United Unites 2,060,000, against 1,880,- 000 Inst year and 1,766,000 year before last. SPINNERS’ TAKINGS AMERICAN COTTON Illinois Central. . . , Am. Ica BacurltlM. - . Louisville * Nashville. Mexican Central. . . . Missouri Pacific. . • . Chicago k Great W. Chicago. M. k Ht P. B eiaware 4k Hudson. Istlller's fieeurttlee. Erl# .... do. preferred® • • land across the Mississippi, Ohio and Potomac rivers to Northern mills and Canada 485,437, against 389,859 last year, 474,766 year before last, and 384,- 308 same time In 1903; interior stocks, an Increase of those held at tho close of the commercial year, 551,373, against 686,277 last year, 649,278 year before last, and 468,139 same time in 1903; Southern mills takings 909,000, against 884,850 last year, 828,613 year before Inst, and 754,303 same time In 1903. These rmke the total movement for the 112 days of the season from Sep tember 1 to date 7,411,570, against 6,- 669,621 last year, 7,489,295 year before last, and 6,316,831 same time In 1903. Foreign exports for tho week have been 240,328, against 257,057 last year, making the total thus far for the sea son 3.703,337, against 3,234,229 last year, nn increase of 469,108. Northern mills takings and Canada riuririg the -past seven days show an Increase of 36,824, as compared with the corresponding period last year, and their total takings since September 1 have decreased 85,597. The total tak ings of American mills, North, South and Canada, thus far for the season have been 1,971,426, against 2,083,416 Intft year. Theso Include 1,051.135 by Northern spinners, against 1,36,732. Stocks nt the seaboard nnd the twen ty-nine leading Southern Interior cen ters have increased during the week 91 032 bales, against a decrease of 38,- 193 during the corresponding period Inst season, nnd are now 188,010 larger than at this date In 1905. Including stocks left over at ports and Interior towns from the Inst crop and the number of bales brought into sight thus far from the new crop, the supply to date Is 7,709,340, against 7, 114,212 for the same period lost year. .NAME OF STOCK. t Westsro. N. Y„ Out. A V National Lead. Northern Pacific. . . New York Central. . Norfolk Se Weatern. Pennsylvania People's Gas. I fOlllr ■ (ID®, ® ® . • * Pressed ftte«l Car. . . do. prefsrrsd. ... . rad fie Mall. Reading. ........ Republic Steal. . . , . Rock Island. do. prafarrsd. . , . United Btatri ltubbst. , do. preferred Southern Pacific. . . . Southern Railway. . . , da preferred Texas k Pacific. Union Pacific United State* Steel, da preferred. Western Union. Wahssb do. preferred. Total stock aalce today 548,000. Ht. Paul ex-rlghta closed 34. NEWS AND GOSSIP of the Fleecy Staple. New York Commercial. The report was bearish, but It had been discounted. The ceusus bu.eau figures were about what Wall street looked for. It was a very busy hour after the report came In. . ... _ . ^ , The long* made a splendid fight, and In creased their lines with confidence. The by the long Interests held the tuar- uylug I The public did not come In to buy a bale. The siren soiig of the *’dope** writer does not seem to Impress the public enr, at the moment; this Is probably because their toues nre too white, coloring la tho rcnl test. There will he no exchange Christmas tree this year. Home of the crowd are even be ginning to lose their fnlth In Knntn Claus. Then? could be nothing wrong with figures ns accurate aa 11,060,001, but aotnelMMly wns menu enough to wire to find out the weight of that one bale. . _ , Washington Is learning right nlong more nnd more about the game. , . If Is doubtful, however, if the market will r us broad ns In the good old days of Hyde ad Holmes for some time. There wns a good deal of covering by the ueceaaful gueasers of the last two govern ment reports. The crowd mude money, but It will be more like n cotton market when they nre out of it. Certain big spot people have been snbl to be cnatlng aheepMi eyea on tho cominis- slon house game for aorno time. A whole lot of commission houses are wondering If there Is any money In spot cottou. The lM*nrn got the figure* they expected from the census bureau, hut the market failed to break on them. The report wns better discounted perhaps than any govern ment report ever fanned. The market went down before tho report wns received to a level that carried all mouths to the lowest figures for a long time. THE WEATHER. LOCAL FORECAST. For Atlanta and Vicinity—Fair tonight ®nd Kundny. with minimum tciuporaturv o( about 28 degree, kundny morning. DEMAND GOOD FOR NEAR-BV OPTIONS Caused a Fraction Advance in Wheat During the Morning Session. Chicago, Dec. 22.—The beam on the board of trade ruled the rooat In to- day’j sesalon. Loosen were made of l-4c In wheat, save December, which was up l-8c, l-8@3-8c for corn and 3-81M-2e for oats. Cash transactions In grain here, as well an the seaboard, were at a stand still. Primary receipts wheat were 665,000 bushelB and com 771,000 bushels com pared with 676.000 and 823,000 bushels, respectively, a year ago. Clearances for the day were 152,000 bushels wheat, 163,000 bushels corn and 2,000 bushels oats. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET Chicago grain and provision quotations for toduy follow Open.' Previous nigh. Low. Close. C'loie. 74*4 WEATHER CONDITIONS. During the Inst 24 hours there has been a general and. In most cases, marked In crease In pressure over the country east of the Rockies, sud today tho weather condi tions are dominated by a vast area of high presimre whom center la over the Itnkotns, wldlo Its crest extends south Into Tesns. cloudiness continues from Teunessoe northeast Into New York and snow win falling this morning nt Nashville, Asheville, Clnrlnnatl, kt. Louis nnd Pittsburg. No iiriH-lpItntlon for the Inst 24 hours Is report ed In the gulf and south Atlantic states, hero tho wonther Is generally clear. The advance of the northwestern high resaure area Is ranslug rontlnned fold weather east of Iho ltoeklox, tho lln. of freeslng temperature dropping Into north* ern I leorgtn amt Alalmma. Killing frost Is reported at Kavanliah and light frost ut t.. .-I....... ..4 II.. .....I Vntftt nslullllU •f it 4 ■ k H4»i i v 111»* nml New Ort The comllIlona favor fiilr 1 tonight nml Numlny •nther in this with it mini mum temperature of about 28 degrees Hun day inoruiug. Minimum and Maximum T«mpsr«turss .and Rainfall. Observations token at 8 a. at., fitb meri dian time. Secretary Hester glues tho takings of American Litton by the spinners of the world an follows: This week 420,000 this year, against 330.000 last your and 323,ooo u- before lust. Total since September . ils year, 4.389.00ft, against 4,283,000 Ium year and 4.112.000 the year before. Of this Northern spinners and Canada took 1.051.000 boles this year, agulnst 1.137.000 last year*, and 1,085,000 the year before; Southern spinners 920.000, agulnst 897.000 last year nnd 829,000 the year before, and foreign spinners 2,418,090, ngalmt 2.249,000 last year and ,188.000 the year before. COTTON MOVEMENT DURING PAST WEEK The movement of cotton for the week nnd season, us compile®! by Superin tendent King, of the New Y'ork Cot ton Exchange, Is as follows: Weekly Movement. This Year. I«n*t Yaer. Fort receipts 355,701 241,773 Overland to mills und Canada. . .. 57,093 37,794 Southern mill tak ings (estimated) 71,000 68,000 (lain of stock at In terim* towns. .. 28,610 16.212 363,7 Drought Into sight for the week. . 512,404 Total Crop Movement. This Y’ear. Last Year. Port receipts.. . .6,499,881 4.849,457 Overland to mills and Canada. . 459.061 3.63.786 Southern mill tak ings (eat.) 887,000 841.000 Stock at Interior towns in excess of Sept. 1. 539.338 561.729 Asheville. Atlanta. . Augusta. Birmingham. Bl*mnrck. . . Hosto Buffalo. . . Charleston. Charlotte. . Chicago! Clncluuntl. . . Corpus Chrlstl. Dnvenp«*rt. . . Kl Pa so. . . Fort Smith. Galveston. . Knoxville. . . 1 <o* Angeles. Mseon. . . . phis. Memphis Meridian Miles City. . . . Mobile Montgomery. . . Nashville New Orleans. . . New Y'ork. . . . Norfolk North Platte. . . otunh.-i Palestine Pittsburg. . . . Portland. Me. . . Portland. Ore. . . Ht. IvAUl* Hr. Paul Han Francisco. . Savannah H|»oknne Tampa Taylor. . . July PORK- •Inn... 16.2b 16.2# 16.1714 16.20 16.11) .Mny A . iV 16.52J4 16.6714 16.W 16.6714 16.45 TIPS FLASHED From Wall Street. Private Wire to Olbort & ciny. New York, Dec. 22.-Mnr.bnll, kpnrter & Co.: Yesterday's market reflected no Impor tant change lu sentiment, though a rather In bullion by the Bank of Knglsnd nnd the ' "tend* Improved In most respects sltuntli .. . financially. Dow-Jones* summary: Movement of gold In quantity from Purl* to Loudon reports Important easing lu foreign money market the stock exchange there close*\>n Tuesday nnd Wednesday. Dun's review says Increased trade diffi culties for tho IdiM-kiide* nnd shortage of serious results at some Bradstrcet's ssys holiday buying Increases ns # the season draws to a close. N-w York Central's officials say enr sltua ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. EGGS—Tandled. active. 29c. LIVE POULTRY—Heue. active. I2fcl7»e each: chickens plentiful, 15<ri5c .each: lucks, l'ekln. JBc ench;^ puddle, Dressed POULTRY—Geese, undrawn, mve. loeiric pound; tnrkeye. undrt active, 14al6c pound; ben*, undrawn, tire, 13c pound; dneks. nndrnwn, * m 15c pound: fries, active, 15c pound. tire, 13c pound; ducks, nndrnwn, fancy, “c pound: fries, active, 15c pound. PRODUCE—Tennessee ribs amt hones, 8c. Tennessee sausage. 9c; lard, 10c lb.; hams octlvo. 14c lb.; shoulders active, 10c jh.; sines active. 10c lb.; butter active. lu$224c lh.; Iteeswnx. active. 25c pound; noney, bright, active. pound: honey In 1-pound block*, active, 12c pound; chestnuts, active, $3.00 bushel; dried apples. 6c pound; white peso sctlve. $2.50 bushel; lady pens, $3.00; stock, $1.40m.50. GAME—Quail, actlre, 16c eneh; doves, ac tive, 5c each; ducks, mallard, active. 40c each; ducks mixed, actlre. 25c each; wild turkeys, active, 16c pound: rabbits, sc five. 1244c each; squirrels, active, 10c each: opossum, dressed, active. 11c pound; opos sum. live, active. 8c pound. FitUITH—Lemons, fancy Messena. $4,500 5.00 Banana a. per bunch, culls, nettve, 90cff$1.00; straights. $1.6002.00. Pineapples Florida stock, per crate. $2.00. Ornnso* Florida slock, owing to sixo snd condlttc on arrival, per Ik>x. $2j«M?2.50. Apple*, choice Ben Davis $3.254*3.69;: fancy, U75; New York state apples, wjntm; varie ties. choice, per barrel. 83.25fr4.B0, finif, 83.75fl4.00. O repos. £<™York »l«to. In WK basket*. Concords20G22Hc; Niagaras 3Z1W 25c: Catawlms 2p4*22Hc. Cranberries, fanr dark Can®* Coda, per barrel, fiZ.vW Joreoyn. *811.00. Crepe fruit, fjorj'l* •took, owlnz to « ie null color, per box 81.50 tn.Ui. I .linen, l'lorliln ntock, per hnliilrefl. 75o4i81. Null, fnpoy. mixed, lu »«} (« pound. 12Vt614o. Cocnnniit*. hen»J rultnni, reek of IP), notice,Jit H.60 •ack. Ponnut. in sacks averaging 100 pounds etch, owlog to grade, per pound, 4J4l®6c. le, per pound. 4'/4'Uoc. . K*®® ETA BLKH—Beets, cahlmge cra*«». active* ».ob'crate: mbbaWstauSard crates 2c pound: cabbage, barrels. 2c I»o»«»d, .nfiun V) Krt frmtf' cueum- egg plant, active, iz.w crate; vncuin- hers. $1.59 crate; romatoee. fancy, actlvs $3.50 crate; tomatoes choice, •ctlve. $2.00J$ 2.25 crate; beans, round green. crate onion®, dry. ctlve, 75c bushel; Irish pota toes, active No. 1. 80c bushel; celery, fsn : ev. 65<e*0c bunch: peppers .active, $-.2j cnullfi *wer. ncTlvs’>10c poniulIi lettuce, headed. 81.30G2 drum; sweet potatoes yel* lAtr. active CO bushel; sweet potatoes,white. low. active CO bushel; sweet nota . active, 50c bushel: kraut, half-barrel. W.75, rutabaga turnips iV4c. Strawberries, 35#49c crate. FLOUR. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. FLOUH-lilghlst patent. «.W: best rjt ent $4.49: standard patent. $4.26: half pat ent. V 99; spring wheat patent. $5. PORN’—Choice red cob. 69e; No. 2 whits C4c- No 2 vellotv. C7e; mixed. 62c; old crop choice. 66c; old crop No. 2. 64c; new Tennes see white. 63c; crack corn, per bushel, 70<r. **OATR—Uholce white cllpned, 60c; No. 2 xvhlte, 48o; No. 2 mixed. 47c; Texns rust proof. 64c. Golden oats, 47c. tlon should ho easier in a couple of weeks. Indications point to strong bank state ment. Hf*! 1 *’* I*in on week's currency movement $5.6Sh.60j. Return of money from othc IhjIiiIh still dlwippolntlngly small. «hoi •ent. Net earnings of Amalgamat'd Copper for the fiscal year ended April 30, 1907, will ex- Indiistrlala advanced .78 per cent. Twenty active railroads advanced .08 per cent. New York Financial Bureau: A hull tip I* rejmrted on Hineltlng, in which a large shortage exists * Union Pacific displays a stronger upward United States trend. We continue bullish Steel. Reading Is held nt present between 137 and 141 with accumulation reported. LARD- Dec„ 8.90 Jan... 8.90 May.. 9.06 H'lDEH- Jnn... 8.73 May.. 8.83 9.06 9.05 9.17*4 8.904 8.95 9.06 9.06 9.05 9.17V4 8.65 8.80 8.90 8.70 8.8N4 8.97^4 No. 2 re«l 75 nominal: No. 3 do Ttfil74: No. 2 linrd winter 73Ytfr75V4; No. 3 do 71 J. J. BARNES-FAIN CO. PRODUCE LETTER. • I s . West Texas—Fair and colder Satur«tay:| Funilsy fair. I ALONZO RICHARkidON & CO.® PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Empire Building. Bell Phone. Main 8sl ATLANTA. GEORGIA. T Indicate* trace of rntn or snow. J. II. MAURURY. K«*ctlou Director. THE COFFEE MARKET. following rtgur®»« give the np®»u!ng and clow in the New oYrk coffee Range. January S.fiRA.v* February 5.73-5.H» March 6.!** April 5J6-4.00 May 6.1» 5.9045.00 4.WV6.06 6.10-6.15 July а. ?»4?.*25 б. 25-6.35 W.4» October N«»vemb«-r |>ce®nnb**r Clowi steady. 6.464.55 6.3)6©) 6.WW.70 9-6 56 Atlanta, December 22.—During the past week the holiday trade has been very active. The demand for oranges has been especially so, owing to the Inability of the railroad companies to furnish equipment enough to move the fruit for the Christmas rush, and con sequently what few cars that have ar rived have met with ready sale nt ad vanced prices. Some of the Jobbers had contracted withe the trade to fur nish them with the oranges they would need for Chrlstmaa at $2.25 per box, nnd have had to pay as high as $2.50 In order to fill contracts. Grapefruit and tangerines did not fare as well as oranges. There was not so much demand for them, and prices showed no advance, except for fancy grades. Pineapples are not moving with much activity, and receipts are ample to till all requirements at low prices. Pananfis are exceptionally scarce and quality of fruit poor, but the trade Is paying high prices for all this fruit, owing to the heavy demand at this season of the year. Apples are more nlentiful, and tl\e quality of the fruit is better than we have had for year*, and for this reason are moving readily at moderate prices. Florida vegetable receipts are very light and nre meeting with ready sale at high prices. Strictly fresh eggs are scarte, and are only obtainable In small quantities. What few that are arriving are bring ing from 30c to 31c. Turkeys are not so cheap ns we heard they would be last week, as anything like select stock Is bringing 18c per pound. However, this price Is not too high to prevent the majority of people who wish turkeys from buying. St. Paul should be bought for turns on all soft spots. ‘Canadian Pacific is tipped to cross 200 be fore Christmas. We are still bullish on Copper nnd Ana conda. which nre exceptionally well bought ut this time. A. WO *ho 83 check .lock In Brooklyn llnplrt Trim tat la removed It trill bnve n •imrn r.e.belnit taken hy hi* hounei. Rnllwny* * |lpe< ' ,or * rl *® : 1,1110 bbuthern Pennsylvania and Ixmlsrlll, and Nash- T I® »ro bought for Important account on all recessions. STOCKS REVIEWED BY NEW YORK SUN New York, Dec. 22,-Thc Mun My,: The .lock market wore u somewhat more'ebeer- ' yesterday, nlthouxh the trolling fill fac t(iw was dull and the moderate advance* In val ue* that occurred were accomplished In slow nnd desultory niauner. There particular features of the day’s transac tion*. The Great Northern Ore certificates were especially strong, nnd the rise In the Peoples Gas shares that has been going on . fortnight wns continue®!. A strong Short*, white. $1.50: medium. $L40; brown. 11.96; pure bran. $1.25; mixed brand. $1.15. HAY—Timothy, choice large bales. $1.25: do., cnolee emnlL bales,^$1.25; rto., No. 1 .is. Choice Bermuda. <*«:. RYE—Georgia, $l.u0; Tennessee, 90c. Bar- le^. 96t .'he aiHiTe prices nre f. o. b. Atlanta. PRO VIS IONH—Supreme bams. lie. Dote ham*. 15c. California hams. $9.00. Dry saR extra ribs. $9: bellies, 20.25 pounds. 10.25: fat FISH. Bream. WWc pound; snapper, 10c pound; trout, 8c noun 1; blue fish. 8c pound: pom- PRICES MELTED AWAY RAPIDLY Due to the Heavy Unload ing of Reading Shares. CAUSED A FAILURE Declines in General Market Ranged From 10 to 6 Points.. New York. Dec. 22.—Heavy unload. In* of Reading shares for the account of speculators who had been caught In nn exposed position by the failure 0 f the directors to authorize the second dividend Increase, was the main lncl- dent In today's market. The suspension of a brokerage Arm was supposed to be largely due to losses In this stock ;m ,j the closing of commitments for the failed Arm accounted at least in part for the liquidation which occurred |„ the last hour of this morning's trading. melted away very rapidly on the Reading collapse and ended with small recovery from the bottom. Tho bank surplus Increased nearly 18400,000 In today’s statement, leav- Ing. ns expected, a fair margin again over legal requirements. The Increase of 86,100,000 In cash agreed exactly with yesterday's estimate, but that loans should have fallen off onlv J48j. 000 In a week of such heavy specula- live liquidation wns a great disap pointment. The only possible explan, atlon was that withdrawal of credits by trust companies and out-of-town Institutions anxious to make a stron* showing at the end of the year had operated as a considerable to the stock exchange decline. The possible effect of a favorable bank statement today upon security prices was dispelled by nervousness oc casioned Just previous to the publica tion of the figures by the announce ment of the suspension of Arnold, Leo H Co., a stock exchange commission house. In consequence of the failure declines In the general market were sustained, ranging from 10 to 8 points. Just previous to the close there wore recoveries from extreme low- figures extending to a point or more. The market closed weak with most stocks at or near the lowest figures of the day. Government bonds unchanged. Other bonds lower. NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT. The weekly statement of the New Vort Association show, tho following ohnnnx! * Naw GROCERIES. BUGAR—Standard grnnniated, $8.10. fork refined, 4%e® plantation, Ic. COFFEE—Roasted Arbucklt'e, $16 JO; balk In bags or barrels. 1341c; green 11© 12c. RICE—Carolina, 4V407V4C. according to the grade. CHKFSE— Fancy full cream dairy, lBVAc: twins. 15c. Shredded hlsrntt. $5 case: No. 2 rolled onts, $3 case. Hack grit*. ‘ 92-nound hags, $1.65. Oyster*, full weight, $1.75 case; light weight, $1.10 case. Eviroorated apples f&c pound. Pepper, 18c. Baking powders, $5 case. Red salmon. $5 cnee.* Pink salmon 84.35 case. Cocoa, 39c; chocolate 35c; ennff, 1-pound Jars, 48c. Roaat beef, $1.80 caae. Cornell t>eef, $1.30 caae. Cataup, $1.90 caae. Blrup: New Orleans. 35c gallon; corn 28c Soda :, 100-pound. 16c. Axle grease. $1.75. a crackers. 6Hc pound; lemon 7V4c; ora- ... 7c. Barrel candy, per pound, 6c; mix ed. per pound. 6J4e. Tomatoea, 2-pound, 11.90 caae; S-pound, $125. Navy beans, $2; f.fina Iteana, 5^c. Beat matches, per gross. $1.65. Macaroni. 61407c per pound. "Sar dines, mustard, $3.25 cate. Potash, $3,260 180 case. Pennut*,_5<4c. Rope, 4-ply cot ton ISHc. 8oap. $1.6004 case. THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. stock during the day was. as It has been for 11 * w ‘ Htntea S'toel common, nml there was a recurrence of stories that an advance In the <llvhlcml rate on the stock at the January meeting of the- dlrec- tor* of the United States Steel Corporation was possible. The annual report of the Southern Pacific Company attracted no at tention, ns being enflrefy In aeeofd’* wfth of Its chnrneter Isaued hy the the forecasts . w company Inst August. As definite n cause ““ nn . y KT * . ^Prowment In sentiment call money rate*."although''condVtiona* in the time moner situation did not relax at all and rate* for this cla*t of funds eon- Untied to hold nt the highest figures wit- Hesse®! lu recent years.— GlWrt A Clay. THE DRY GOODS MARKET. New Y'ork Commercial. Activity In the wholesale dry goods mar ket f®»r cotton goo<I* la eonfltnul to forwanl buying, its there is practically no stock goods f»»r s|»ot or near-by delivery. When • he future <*on®tition of the market is «U* cussed It ap|H-:irs to many commission mer chants that the high prevailing itrlce* on g-shls will be nmlntalned. but that this con dition. tog*th«-r with th«* harder tuoucy omlitlon*. will tend to limit forward opera- ions ntt beavy staples. Th«‘tv I* nn Imlti-a- Ion In the markt-t by the al»sen<-.- of buy- th that the holiday season I* Already ill- erting their mliol* and the out-of-town con tingent* an* now thinking ®»f returning to their homes for the •’brtstnms week. It Is planned l»y men's wear agents to ®lo very little In th®* way of opening line* from now until the first «»f January, aa the number of buyers In the market, Ir.steail of Increasing »* wa* the rase last week. Is uow stetollly llmlnUhlng The only division of the whole sale market thnt Is expected to In* active during the Christmas ivivk (« the jobbing trade, where the »|»e4-fn! sales arranged for the last f«»ur days of uext week will attract a large uuiuIht of retailers. In the cuftlng' up trade the huslue** the year has prac tically been close®! ami the only new nusl- ness now being negotiated is ®>u the nd- vaoce spring stylet. STENOGRAPHERS FOR UNCLE SAM Expert atenographera nre needed by the interstate commerce commission and an examlnotlon will be held In At lanta by the civil sendee commisaton January 2, 1907, to secure a lint of eligible* from which five vacancies will be filled. The salaries nre $1,500 per annum nnd nil traveling expenses. In order to pan* this expert examination It will be necessary to take dictation at the rate of from 175 to 200 words per minute. Information can be had by ap plying at the offices of the board in the custom house. Chicago, Dee. 22.—Hogs— Estimated re ceipts todny 18,000. Market generally Be lower: bulk $6,154)6.25; light $6^6.20; mixed $6.06f?6.27tt; heavy $5.S0(&6.25: rough $5.80ft 5.96; pig* 85.5006.20; yorkers $6.1506,20; good to choice heavy $6.1506.27*4. Reserve, less United States deposit, in crease $5,320,000. Loans, decrease, $483,000. Hpecle, Increase, $4,687,500. Le gals’. Increase, $1,439,300. Deposits, Increase, $4,587,400. I', |iunn., IU< trine, Circulation, decrease, $25,500. THE LONDON 8TOCK MARKET. .IK Amalgamated Copper Atchison Baltimore and Ohio . Chesapeake and Ohio.. V. 7. .128$ b&i 113%..... 102V10.S Great Western Canadian Pacific Denver and Rio Grande «i«, wmemtu ... Illinois Central .... Kansas and Texas do, preferred heifer* $2.3005; calves $5.5007,50; good prime steers $6.3007.10; po®»r to medium 93.9005.25: Stockers and feeders $2.6004/* Riianrii i®in® imimt Sheep—Estimated receipts 1,500. Market ready; native $3.2505.85; western $3,250 80; yearlings $5.6006.40; Iambs $4.7507.80; western $4.7507.75. THE 8UGAR MARKET. New York, Dec. 22.—Refined nnd raw sugar markets steady and unchanged. Lon don beets steady; December apd January unchanged. uu, iircitiiriTU Louisville and Nashville .. Mexican Central Norfolk and Western .... Northern Pacific New York Central Ontario nnd Western Pennsylvania I'hllntlt Iphin and Reading Bock Island Southern Itnilwny do, preferred Southern Pacific Ht. Paul Union Pacific United Htat«*« Steel........ do. preferred Wabash do, preferred 66% 17% 196 195% 43%'43% 90% 196% 131% 131% 47 139% ! 134% 29%' 32%; 94%;. 93%' 93% 187 1187 181% IMS 47741 47% 104%'104% »% 41 SOUTHERN EXCHANGE OldMt E.Ublt.hed Office South. conos—STOCKS—BONDS—6NII Oreund Floor Ooutd Bulldlnr Deity market letter and market manual malted on application. NO NEGR0E8 ON JURY, NEW TRIAL IS GRANTED. Special to Tho Georgian. Jackson, Miss., Dec. 22.—Joe Hill, a negro, recently convicted nt Vicks burg for murder, lias been given a new trial by the supreme court, and his appeal has Involved n very impor tant question, which Is attracting some attention among the legal fraternity. Among the grounds set up by Ills at torney, who Is a white man. Is that he was deprived of his rights under the constitution of the United States, In so much as there were no negroes on the grand Jury which Indicted him. The case was not reversed on this point, but on account of the trial judge re fusing tn hear argument to quash the Indictment on the same ground. The universal suffrage bill passed the upper house, Vienna, hy a large mnjorlty. Upder this hill every Aus trian 2® years old. domiciled In a con stituency for at least n year, will be entitled to vote. ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK ATLANTA. GA. C. CURRIER, President. A. E. THORNTON, Vlce-Pr.aldtnt H. T. INMAN, Vice-President. QEO. R. DONOVAN, Cashier. JAMES 8. FLOYD, Ati't Cashier. Capital $500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $500,000.00 We Solicit Your Patronage. L. H. Fairchild. L. H. FAIRCHILD & COMPANY. 3. J. Whits NEW ORLEAN8. -. _ Members: V.®"; VlLl 11 ?? .V°"2. n Exchange, New York Coffee Exchange. VeS, TS5f V o. Exchange, New Orleans Board of Trade, Nt ' w Orleans Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade. r,-. *. , LIVERPOOL COTTON ASSOCIATION. wlre! ' ‘® NEW YORK and CHICAGO. Orders solicited r- ture delivery, on above Exchanges. B. C. COTHRAN. BANK CLOSING NOTICE. Tuesday, December 25, "Christmas,” is n legal holiday. The banks compos ing the Atlanta Clearing House Asso ciation will be closed for bu-'oess on thnt day. DARWIN G. JONES, *» m atr. A i.irnnn - HUBBARD BROS & CO., Sts Atlanta Offices, 3I».«| Century Building. Members New York Cotton Exchange, New Or- lean. Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Asso- ciatlon, Chicago Board of Trade, New York Cof- fee Exchange, New York Produce Exchange. Bu.ineu solicited for the above exchanges Direct wire service. Correspondence invited. Phone* 454, Long Distance 39. A.S. Huxtare Mgr. JOS. A. M'CORD, Prer-.