Newspaper Page Text
No longer do such plnyful tricks her
With pleasure fill.
But In a thouKand other ways she
Me guessing still!
—New Orleans Times-Democrat.
Among many pleasant Informal af
fairs planned for Christmas day Is an
eggnog at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
William Lawson Peel. No Invitations
have been Issued and the occasion will
he thoroughly Informal, some of the
friends of Mrs. William Tilt calling.
Mrs. Tilt will arrive in Atlanta Mon
day night, and her visit here will he a
source of pleasure to her many
On the evening of December 27 Miss
Ida King will entertain delightfully at
her home In Inman Park. Her guests
will number 75 girls and boys, and dur
ing the evening many amusing pro-”
gresslve games will be played. Punch
will be served by Misses Mary King
and Tommie Perdue)) All the pretty
decorative details of the party will be
In the holiday colors, red and green.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Broyles enter
tained at a Christmas tree party Mon
day afternoon, the guests including the
members of the family.
The occasion was thoroughly In
keeping with the holiday spirit. The
guests present were: Dr. and Mrs. A.
W. Calhoun, Mr. and Mrs. Colquitt
Carter, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Oglesby, Jr.,
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Powell of Newnan.
Captain and Mrs. Grayson Heldt, Mrs.
Susan C. Hill of Newnan. Mrs. A. It
Colwell of Newnan, Judge and Mrs
A. D. Calhoun. Dr. Phlnlzy Calhoun
Miss Harriet Calhoun, Colquitt Car
ter, Jr.. Abner Calhoun, John Calhoun,
Andrew Calhoun. Jr.. James Calhoun,
Kdward Nash Broyles, Louise Phlnlzy
Broyles, Frances Broyles and Norris
Mr. and Mrs. Colquitt Co;.'or 'will
entertain at a small Inform.'.: buffet
supper Christmas evening at their
home on Peachtree street.
The majority of entertainments on
Christmas day are Informal family par
ties,. In which even the Intimate friends
of the family circle are not Included.
A pretty occasion of Christmas day will
be the buffet luncheon at which Mr.
and Mrs. George Howard will entertain
the members of their Immediate family
and their relatives.
christmasTree PARTY.
One of thq merriest children's par
ties of the season was that at which
Master Ralph and Miss Dean Van Lnn-
dlngham entertained about a dozen of
their little friends Monday afternoon.
The occasion was In honor of their
cousins, Misses Katherine and Frances
Blbbes, of Savnnnnh, and the feature
of the afternoon's entertainment was a
Christmas tree. The tree, which de
lighted the children, was an unusually
beautiful one, laden with gifts and
unique ornnments and Illuminated with
dozens of tiny electric lights.
After the gifts were distributed de
licious refreshments were served.
Judge and Mrs. Spencer R. Atkinson
will entertain the members of their
families at an eggnog party Christmas
eve at their home on Piedmont ave
The gny holiday week was Ushered
In by the brilliant reception which Mrs.
Nellie Peters Black and the Misses
Black gave Monday afternoon at He-
gndlo's hall.
The Idea of the holidays was carried
out in the beautiful decorations. The
walls and doors were hung with smi-
lax and the chandeliers were festooned
with Mnilux and mistletoe and artisti
cally decorated with bells. The punch
bowl, which was placed In the smoking
room, was decorated with holly and
mistletoe. At both ends of the hall
there were handsome palms, the tall
potnsettla blossoms nodding here and
there among them.
The receiving list imliuhd Mrs. Hen
ry M. Atkinson, Mrs. Edward C. Peters.
Mrs. Joseph Thompson, Mrs. Lowry Ar
nold, Mrs. Harvey Johnson. Mrs. St.
Julian Rav»*ne|, Mrs. Milton Saul, Mrs.
John 8. Clarke. Mrs. c|e!and Klnloch
Nelson, Mrs. Z. 8. Kurland. Mrs. T. A.
Hammond. Mrs. A. \V. Calhoun, Mrs.
\V. G. Raoul, Mrs. Oscar Pappenhelmer.
Mrs. Julius M. Alexander, Mrs. J. P.
Huntley. Mrs. K. L. Connnll.v, Mrs. W.
L. Cosgrove, Mrs. R. D. Spalding. Mrs
A. V. auric, Mrs. David Woodward,
Mrs. J. K. Ottley, Mrs. K. O. McCabe,
Miss Julia Ortnc. Miss Mary Gude, Miss
Roilne Clarke, Miss Adu Alexander and
Miss Eugenia Oglesby.
Misses Marlon Woodward, Lottie Peck
Wylie and May Atkinson served punch.
Elaborate refreshments were served
during the afternoon and an orchestra
rendered a charming program.
Mrs. Black wore a hundso ne gown
of black lace over white silk. The
bodice was black velvet rlbbyn and
cluny lace
Miss Nlta Black's toilet was n
stylish French creation of old rose
cloth trimmed with luce of the same
coir and embroldf red In gold.
Jlss Louise Black was attractively
prowned in white chiffon cloth fash
ioned with Irish lace and satin bands.
Mrs. Edward Peters wore a gown of
white lace over taffeta, the corsagi
Ing made
in silver.
Mrs. Joseph Thompsi
mired In a French gown of white net
made over gray silk. The short bodice
war made of Valenciennes lace and the
empire skill was trimmed with black
rhlff* n hands and point Vcnlse lace,
At the corsage she wore orchids.
Mrs A. W. t'alhoun's toilet was or
White brocade d Silk, showing a design
of delicate pink
short sleeves wc
over chiffon. . „
Mrs. John Iv. Ottley was attractive^
gowned in old rose colored velvet, iThe
skirt was made plain and embmldenu
in silver and the waist was
with Irish lace and the enibroldep
showed the same design as on me
k .Mrs. Oscar Pappenhelmer’* gown was
a chain pagin’-colored satin elaborately
trimmed with baby Iri di nee.
Mrs. E. G. McCabe's • t wuh a
black lace over white s'
Miss Julia Orme was .ciomingiy
gowned In white messallue, trimmed
with Valenciennes hue
Miss Mav Atkinson "*’«»• .» damn
frock of pale green chiffon, trimmed
with luces.
Saturday morning MU* Margaret
chiffon and embroidered
i much ad-
i>, in
>1 oi
a* ir
Mitmle Cooper. Miss Coradele Si Imess-
lor, of Roanoke, Ala.; Miss Ethel Bey
er. of West Point; Miss Louise Sim
mons. of Tocco.t. and Miss Margaret
Beyer, of West Point.
By Augusta Wall.
Christmas has come again at last.
How we have waited the year long
Reinem’brlng happy Christmases past
In their pleusure and gludnes.s und
Somo are sad o'er loved ones passed
To life eternal where all Is love;
My h*art sorrows and, down here, I
And ask God for these from abovo
Send many blessing this Christinas
Among the many charming affairs to
be given In honor of Miss Ethel Gay
previous to her marriage to Mr. Philip
Kunzlg, on January 4, will be the buf
fet supper by Mrs. Thomas B. Paine,
luncheons by Miss Katharine Gholstln,
Miss Mary Dens Tuppcr, Miss Bessie
Woodward and Miss Laura Payne.
Miss Lottie Peck Wyly will entertain
Informally for Miss Gay und tier at
About fifty guests will be entertained
Saturday afternoon by Misses Alice and
Lena <»ir, at a pretty Christmas »>arty,
ut their home, on East Pine street.
Monday evening at 8 o'clock Dr. and
Mrs. James B. Baird will entertain at
a delightful eggnog party ut then-
home, on Capitol square.
Miss Katherine Glover will be the
guest of honor at a luncheon to be
given by Mrs. R P. Me Burney early
after Christmas.
Sunday afternoon Paul Romare Til-
son. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Tllson, was christened with interesting
services nt the home of Mr. and Mr*.
TINon. on Fourteenth street.
Rev. c. B. Wilmer officiated, the cer
emony being witnessed by only Inti
mate friends and near relatives.
i m Saturday evening Governor Jo
nh M. Terrell entertained at sup
per, complimentary to the Ten Club,
j His guests were: Judge Beverly l».
I Evans. Judge Marcus Beck, Dr. W. W.
; Landrum, Dr. John K. White, Mr. Sam
D. Jones, Mr. Walter O. Cooper, Dr.
George Frale, Mr. F. J. Paxon and
Professor M. L. Brittain.
The Gate City Hive of the Ladies of
the Maccabees will send their dues to
Mrs. Jensen, 25 McAfee street, as there
will be no meeting Christmas eve.
Atlanta public, which wait out in
large numbers, was given a genuine
treat by the choir of the First Bap
tist church on Sunday afternoon, un
der the direction of Professor J. P.
O’Donnelly. The work rendered on this
occasion was Dudley-Buck’s sacred
cantata, "The Coming of the King."
The organ prelude was from Brell-
man, by Mrs. W. S. Elkin, Jr., and
her playing sustained her reputation
as a finished organist. The entire caft-
tata was rendered with unusual abili
ty and consisted of solos, duos and
trios, portraying the coming of the
Christ child with sweetness and beau
The solos by Mrs. Peyton II. Todd,
Miss Laura Gilbert, Mr. Robert Bar'
ry, Mr. Edward Werner and Mr. John
S. Scott were rendered with well-nigh
faultless effect, and elicited the most
ordlal commendation of the many mu
sic-lovers present.
The climaxes reached In the full
choruses were magnificent. The uni
sin chorus In the “Adoste Fldelis,"
with full organ harmony, was espe
L.lly effective.
This service was a restful pause In
the worldly and material side of the
Christmas preparations, drawing the
minds and hearts of the listeners to
the real and true meaning of the day
p celebrate. v
Professor O'Donnelly In giving these
cuntatas of high order is doing a good
ork in the city. If Atlanta cannot
have oratorios, let sacred cantata tie
often sung in her churches.
The regular choir of the church was
assisted by Mrs. Peyton H. Todd, so-
rano; Miss Laura Gilbert, alto; Mr.
obert Barry, tenor; Mr. John S. Scott,
bass; Mr. C. T. Wurm, cornet 1st; Mr.
J. P. O'Donnelly, organist and director.
The regular choir, Mrs. Peyton H.
Todd, soprano; Miss Laura Gilbert,
alto; Mr. Robert Barry, tenor; Mr.
John 8. Scott, bass; Mr. C. T. Wurm,
cornetist; Mr. J. P. O’Connelly, or
ganist and director, was assisted by
sopranos. Mrs* W. 8. Elkin. Jr., Mrs.
“ H. Wingfield, Mrs. W. E. Quill Ian,
Miss Mary Ritter; altos. Mrs. Clarence
Blosser, Mrs. Arthur Crevlston, Mrs.
W. T. Perkerson. Miss Jennie Ann.
strong: tenors, Mr. T. B. Davies, Mr.
John M. Cooper, Mr. Oscar Cook. Mr.
E. C. Davies. Mr. Charles Hoke, Mr.
Marion Roberts; basses, Mr. Edward
Werner, Mr. Joseph Hubbard, Mr. T. L.
Jennings, Mr. Ernest Waltt. Mr. II. Co
hen. ,
Y. W. C.”a7 NOTES.
Daily promise for December 25:
'Glory be to God In the highest, and
on eat th peace, good will toward men."
—Luke 2:14.
Thete will be no dinner served at the
rooms on Christmas day.
The association rooms will be closed
after 4 o'clock every day this week.
Mr. Rolfe Hunter, of the Atlanta Bi
ble school, spoke at the gosper service
Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock. His sub
ject was •'Prayer," and what he said
was very helpful.
All women are Invited to these Rou
ble school, spoke ut the gospel service
day afternoon.
Mrs. C. E. BAKER, Secretary.
The South’s Handsomest Jewelry
Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Calhoun will en
tertain at nn elegant dinner nt their
home on Peachtree Christman clay, the
guests to Include the members of their
Tuesday evening, January 1, Miss
Annie Porter Kolb anil Miss Mary
Louise Browne will give a New* Year’s
party at their home at Inman Park
complimentary to Misses Bcna and Le-
olle Hall, of Arkansas. The Invited
guests are: Misses Currie Gregg, Mag
gie McCullough, Ida King, Rena White,
Annie Mays Patterson, Samuel Aokey,
Irene Lupo, Walter Cassels, May Barn
well, and Messrs. Lex Irwin, George
Irwin, Harold Willingham, Lucius Gar-
trell, George King, Charlie Sheldon,
Henry Bedlnger, Vol Kolb, Walton Bed.
Inger, Joe Carter, J. B. Ficklen, Grover
Geyser. Joe Hoyser, Tutwller, Dr. Ar
chibald Smith.
The Atlnnta friends of Mr. T. J. Sim
mons, formerly of this city, will be in
terested In the following account from
The Knoxville Sentinel of a unique
dinner given In honor of Mr. and Mrs,
T. J. Simmons, commemorative of the
first anniversary of their marriage. The
Sentinel says:
"One of the prettiest and most origi
nal social entertainments ever given in
the city was the anniversary dinner
tendered by Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Ilazen,
complimentary to Mr. and Mrs.
Simmons, of Macon, On., whe
spending the Christmas season In the
city. Mrs. Simmons as Miss Lillian
Ilazen. was one of Knoxville’s most
popular girls, and also since her mar
riage she has been a frequent and al
ways welcome visitor In the city!
•The occasion of the dinner was a
‘cotton wedding.’ the celebration of the
first anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Sim
mons’ marriage, and twelve of the par'
tleular friends of the guests of honor
were present.
"Above the dinner table was sus
pended from the central chandelier of
the dining room a large white bell
made of snowy cotton and draped with
festoons of stnilax. On the table Itself
fragrant white curnatlons, combined
Ith the rich green foliage of ptuinosa
,*er greens and sinilax were used and
i.» whole effect, with the sliver cande
labra with their brightly burning ta
pers. was most suggestive of Christmas
heer and hospitality. The dining room
itself was decorated with a profusion
holly, mistletoe and other greens,
I made a most effective setting for
scene of the dinner.
A number of pretty and entirely
original features were introduced
throughout the serving of the menu.
The ices were molded in the form of
mlrlature cotton bales and the Indl-
Idua! cakes were surmounted by little
pickaninnies all busily picking banjoes.
•As plate souvenirs the real cotton
bolls brought from near Macon were
5I to The Georgian.
Pensacola. Fla., Dec. 24.—Curds have
been Issued to the marriage of Miss
Ituhy Angela Mallory, dou'-hter of Mr.
and Mrs. Attilln Mallory, to Mr. Wil
liam Fisher, both of this place. Miss
Mallory Is a cultured and lovely ~lrl.
and Is a member of one of the oldest
und most distinguished of West Flori
da’* fanillle*. The groom is a descend -
j avit of th«* late William Fisher, a prom-
j in* nt member of the Pensacola bur,
jund-ie himself an attorney with a
* bright future before him.
On Tuesday evening, January 1. Miss
Helen Hill Payne will give a large
New Year’s dance at Segadlo's hall,
which will be one of the most elabo
rate and charming affairs of the holi
day season.
Christmas day at 11 a. m.
Prelude, “The Christmas Pastoral,
Processional Hymn, 59, "It Came
Upon the Midnight Clear," Willis.
"Venlte," Beethoven.
Gloria Patrl, (1) Winchester, (2)
Schnecker, (3) Stainer.
“Te Deum" In E flat, Bruna Cecil
"Jubilate" In E flat, Klein.
Hymn 51, "Hark, the Herald Angels
Sing," Mendelssohn
"Gloria Tibi," Dykes.
Hymn 57, "Sing, O Sing This Bless
ed Mom," H. Smart.
Offertory, "The Heavens Declare,"
Charles Macpherson.
“Presentation," Anon.
Recessional Hymn, “O, Little Town
of Bethlehem," Bnrnby.
Postlude, “March," Schubert-Best.
On the Sunday morning following
Christmas this program will be repeat
ed, and in the afternoon the following
program will be rendered:
Evsning Service, 4 P. M.
Processional Hymn. 60, "Angels from
the Realms of Glory,” Smart.
Gloria patrl, (1) Winchester, (2)
Schnecker, (3) Stainer.
Magnificat In E flaL Horatio \V.
Nunc Dimitis, in E flat, Parker.
Anthem, "The Heavens Declare,"
Hymn 55, “Calm on the Listening
Star of Night,” Dykes.
Offertory. “There Were Shepherds,"
Alfred R. Gaul.
“Presentation." Anon.
Recessional, 59. “It Came Upon a
Midnight Clear," Willis.
Organ Postlude.
The personnel of the choir Is as fol
Sopranos, Miss Nellie R. Nix. Mrs.
Harold Moore, Mrs. Robert M. Barry,
Misses Lucllc Strickland, Annuli Mul-
Hn. Marjorie Mullln, Henrietta Moans.
Ruby Strickland. Edith Bradley, Willie
B. Anthony. Virginia McDaniel. Alice
White, Bessie Hitchcock. I
Altos, Misses Leonora Owsley, Thorn-
well Gamble, Mary Cundeil, Eva Rich
ardson, Loretta Trennor, Frances Py-
ron. Louis Stevens.
Tenors. Frank Cundeil, C. R. Rear-
den. Charles Barker, Seth Morse, J. G.
Passes, George McDaniel, Bockover
Toy, Edmund Shelby. Perclval Huger,
Beverly Du Bose, Henry Tucker, F. J.
Lenoir, Jnhh Stevens.
Solo quartet, Miss Nellie R. Nix, so
prano; Miss Leonora Owsley, contra!-
Mr. Frank A. Cundeil, tenor; Mr.
George McDaniel, bass; organist and
choirmaster, Mr. William E. Arnaud.
Miss Christine Lyons, of Salisbury
N. C., and Mr. Walter Ades, of Mont
gomery. Ala., will be married Tues
day evening, December 25, at 6:30
'clock, at the home of the bride’:
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Lyons.
.Miss Addle Cohen, of Atlantn.
be maid of honor. Miss Cohen left
for Salisbury Saturday night.
L ADIES, if you want a good Shampoo—if you want
an artistic Hair Dress—if you want a scientific
Facial, Scalp or Body Massage—a Vapor Bath— a
Manicure or Pedicure, come to
(57 1-2 Whitehall Street Over Wiley,*)
Everything I* new and up-to-date—we have all the best Electric
appliances and everythlrtg we use Is thouroughly sterilized. We manu
facture and sell our own Toilet Cerates, Hair Tonics, etc.
Two Christmas Dinners
At the
12 to 2:30. - . 6:00 to 8:00
Price $1.00.
Specially Selected Music al Each Meal by the Orchestra.
Diamonds, Watches, Cut Glass, Etc.
The Prices are Right. 94 WHITEHALL
Monday afternoon Miss Marian Fi
ter entertained delightfully nt cards,
her guests including about fifty young
girls. Miss Foster’s home was deco
rated for the occasion with quantities
of Christmas bells and holly wreaths.
The first prize was two silver fili
gree cologne bottles, and the second
was a box of stationery. The booby
was a box of candy.
Miss Foster was assisted In receiv
ing her guests by her mother and those
playing euchre were: Misses Ida King,
Marlon Perdue, Eva Hurt. Helen Thorn,
Carol Stearns, Helen McClaughry, Em
ma Benjamin, Jennie Hutchins, Pau
line Coulter, Ida Landrum, Emily Win
ship, Jennie Knox, Annie Sykes Rice,
Clifford West, Katherine Walker. Lucy
Stockard, Margaret Ashford, Virginia
Scott, Irene Bloomfield, Mary King,
Lilllnn Logan. Susie Hallman. Adrien
Batty, Aurelia Speer, Sarah Rawson,
Carolyn King. Imogene Thorn, Ruth
Xorthen, Mary McCord, Maud Kirk
patrick, Mary Hines, Lula Deane Jones,
Pa.ssle Mae Ottley, Mary Traylor, Irene
Austin, Marlon Fielder. Jessie Han
cock. Lorena White, Helen Jones. Hil
dreth Smith, Katherine Clark, Martha
Selby, Bottle Peabody. , Annie May
Maupln. Leonora .Maddox. Daisy Le-
Craw, Austlne Anbury, Annie Laurie
Crandall, Mattie Gregory.
Mrs. Nellie Peters Black and the
Misses Black will entertain nt a large
dancing party Monduy evening at Se
gmllo's hall.
Special to The Georgian.
Tallahassee, Fla., December 24.—
St. Johns Episcopal church was the
scene of a brilliant wedding Thursday
evening when Miss Genevieve Perry
Parkhlll, daughter of Judge Charles B.
Parkhill, of the supreme court of Flor
ida, became the wife of Mr. James
McKay Lykes. The stately 1 old church
was artistically decorated In white
and green and masses of green about
the altar made an effective background
for the bridal party.
The church was Ailed with an assein.
blage of friends long before the hour
set for the ceremony. While they wait
ed the coming of the bridal party the
following musical program was ren
dered. Miss Whitfield presiding at the
March de Flambeaux.
Vocal Solo, “Love’s Token," Thome—
Miss Sara Croon* Mays.
Violin Solos. “The Night," Nusa;
"Thousand Eyes," K. McLean—Miss
Vocal Solo, “Love Me, and The World
Is Mine”—Mrs. J. Clifford R. Foster.
At the appointed hour the familiar
strains of Mendelssohn’s wedding
march heralded the approach of the
wedding procession. First came Miss
Clara Lewis and Mr. Kenneth McKay,
f Tampa; following was Miss Laura
McNeil, of Mobile. Ala., with Mr.
Thomas Lykes, of Tampa, and Miss
Clyde Raney with Mr. Richard Lykes.
of Cuba. Preceding the bride and her
father came the maid of honor. Miss
Cary Abercrombie, of Pensacola. The
bridesmaid- wore quaint girlish gowns
>f white chiffon over w hite satin, with
,'eiJs. and carried bouquets of maiden
hair fern, tied with white tulle. Miss
Abercrombie’s gown was of white chif
fon over satin, with It she wore a
veil and carried a bouquet of bride
roses, tied with tulle.
The bride was radiant and queenly
as she came up the aisle leaning upon
her father ?* arm. Her wedding gown,
fashioned a la Marguerite, with court
train, was of duche.-se chiffon silk over
chiffon and taffeta, with a garniture of
real lace and pearls. Her tulle veil
was . aught by a wreath of orange blos
soms. She carried an armful nt hri«f»
Charles W. Crankshaw,
Diamond Merchant and Jeweller.
16 Whitehall St., ' Century Bldg.
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry.
to be found. herd, an incxhaustlve stock to select from at unapproach
able prices.
3EVENTY - - • - Next Door *
w “ J.C.Mellichamp g££
Atlanta’s Only Popular Priced Jewelry Establishment.
This stors will bs open every night until Christmas.
A Gift of Gifts
A thing women really yearn for, and a fashion not of
the moment, but of all times—the Chatelaine Watch. M e
are showing these watches in exquisite styles—jeweled
enameled and plain.
DAVIS & FREEMAN, Jewelers.
69 North Pryor Street.
vith shower of lllle* of the vul-
The groom and his best man, Mr.
Fred E. Lykes, entered from the vestry
and met the bride at the altar.
Rev. Dr. Carter read the betrothal and
the Impressive marriage service.
During the ceremony I.a Polonta was
goftly nlayed. The recessional was
ie bridal chorus from Lohengrin, as
o wedding party left the church.
There was no reception, except to the
wedding party and the attendants, ow-
ln*r to the recent death of the groom's i * u
father. 1 j |t
The bride Is the eldest daughter of : |,oiur.
Judge Charles B. Parkhlll. and at l»r.
granddaughter of the late Ooverno*’ [ Cel leg
Slip is descended from two of Hr. •
Florida's m*»st Illustrious families, and ! *
is herself of a distinctively lovely type f ,
of Southern womanhood. Tall and j jh, - 1 *— *
graceful, with dark hair and beautiful I ro
Farmer will spend Christmas In Y<>
Harris. .
Pope Vow, of the Tech school. Atl.ii
will H|H*nd Christmas at
will In* the guest ef Miss MaUd \-
during Christinas week.
.Mr. ami Mrs. H. A. Verner will *>
Christmas In Jacksonville. Flu.
Mrs. W. A. .Mitchell went to T<*< •'
G. Walter of the South* 1
e for the holiday- ,
, of Commerce, "ill
Louise Miller
Jark eyes and cordial attractive
she has been extremely popular
In society since her debut two years
•Lykes is a son of the late Dr.
Howell Tyson Lykes. of Tampa. He
a young man of line character and
business ability, and with his brothers,
ion* he Is associated In business,
has i con v* rv successful.
After the honeymoon, which will be
spent in Tampa and Cuba, Mr. ini’
Mrs. T.vkes will make their home at
Galveston, Texas.
Among the out-of-town guests at the
wedT»tig 'ere Mrs. Solon B. Turman,
of 1 aw a. sister-of the groom; Mrs.
Get rce R. Macfarlane. of Tampa: Miss
Sara Croon) Mays, of Montlcello: Mies
Cary Abercrombie, of Pensacola; Miss
Laura McNeil, of Mobile. Ala : Mr.
Perry G. Rosy. .,f Pnlatka. and the
groom's brothers, Mr. Fred E. Lvkcs,
Mr. Thomas Lykes and Mr. Richard
L> kes.
Mr. and Mrs. Lykes left on the early
train Friday morning for Tampa, where
w* m ither he
re the honey-
Clarence Miller, of Fetters. S. « -.
Ing Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Stovall.
Miss Mnev Itrowu has return*
Knoxville, Venn.
Mrs Myrtle Smith, of Km-x* ni
ls visiting her parent*. Mr. and Mr
Brown. <ui Main street.
Mr. und Mrs. P. I*. Luidruu..
flirt, are visiting the latter's L |,!l
W. It. Mitchell, of thl* place. ,
I»r. J. II. Crawford was in A»*
Im'sIiiok* n few days ago.
Miss Ilian* he West of Hartwell l*
Mr. ami Mrs. J. I». Brown.
Mr. J. M. Walter* is now a r* «■
352 Whitehall Sire.:. .
Practice limited to w- - r r
they will visit M
fore going tn
m x»n will be
Jlr AlU-rt At-lrl.-ta.
tluiH li.-r,. ,villi hi,
l>r. T. II I
stniHu st*
Nn •.chine rd-J J« *