The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, December 29, 1906, Image 2
THE ATLANTA' GEORGIAN, SATTBDAY, DECEMBER 29, 190ff. GREAT CONFERENCE . OF COTTON INTERESTS HERE NEXT OCTOBER Will Atlanta Let This Splendid School Suffer? OPTIONS ON LOTS CLOSE JANUARY 1. Let Every Patriotic Citizen Come Forward with Lib eral Subscription at Once. Unless over 14,000 Is raised at once, Tech will not get that badly needed addition to the camptie. The option on the two lota which can now be bought for 17,500 ezplrea on January 1. Then money cannot buy them. Are Atlanta people, who have ever come to the help and aupport of Atlanta Inatltutlone, going to allow Tech’a appeal to para unheard! They ahould not. That Atlanta Spirit of which Atlantana are so proud muat coma to Teeh'a aupport. Before Janu ary 1 14,545 muat be raiaed ao that the two lot* can be purchaaed. Already there are down on the Hat of contributor* eome of Atlanta'* moat prominent and public-spirited cltlxena. But there are not enough names down yet. Bo far 43,105 line been raiaed. requires 17,500. The fund Is short $4,349, and It ta up to Atlanta people to raise this amount before January. 1. The story of Teeh’a crowded campus la an old une. Atlanta people know It and they know, too, how badly Tech needs new buildings. Unless the cam pus la enlarged and these two lots are secured, the new buildings cannot ' built. Are Atlanta people going to throw Tech down? There arc only a few more days left In which to answer the quaatlon. Growers and Manu facturers of World Are Coming. TIME OF HALVES 1 TO BELENGTHENED New Tork, Dec. 24.—Prlpr to the meeting today of the National Inter collegiate Athletic Association, It was announced thnt a new football rules committee would be appointed, but that probably no changes In the rules would result, excepting as to time of game. The delegates favor the lengthening of the halres from 10 to 35 minutes each. Aside from this It Is doubtful if any change In the rules will lie made. Th* executive committee of the as sociation met last night and framed a report on athletics to present at the masting today. Those members of the liiiii",,— present were: Captain Pal mer E. Pierce, of West Point, chair man; Profesaor H. D. Wild, of Wil liams; Proftssor Louis Bevlcr. Jr„ of Rutgtrs; W. L. Dudley, of Vanderbilt University, and Profesaor Rice, of Ohio Wesleyan, representing Professor Her bert Welch. MRS, GRUBBS SUES SOUTHERN FOR $M) Suit for 325,000 damages against the Southern Railway Company was en tered In the superior court Saturday by Mrs. Nellie Grubbs, of Atlanta. Plaintiff sues on account of the death of her husband, who was killed by a locomotive of the defendant company at the North avenue crossing In this city, December 24. Grubbs was em- f iloyed as a driver for the Guthman sundry, and, while attempting to cross tl)e railway tracks with his wagon the team was struck by a switch engine. Grubbs and a 12-year-old negro boy known as "Pete" were killed, the wa gon reduced to kindling wood and the horse killed. A NEW CITY CODE IS BADLY NEEDED The committee on printing recom mends. in ths annual report to coun cil. that a new city code be printed to embrace new laws, and that at least 250 copies of the annual reports of 1405 and 140* be also printed. All the printing was done In union shops. Councilman Curtis of the First ward Is chairman of th* committee. A conference will be held In Atlanta next October between all the cotton manufacturers and cotton growers of the United States. A dispatch to The Georgian lata Fri day afternoon from Providence, R. I., brought the announcement thM such a conference had been tailed by James R. McCall, president of the Lorraine Manufacturing Company, of Pawtuck et, and also president of the National Association of Cotton Manufacturers. Mr. McCall has Issued- letters to all the cotton manufacturers and growera In the country. A similar letter has been issued In Europe to all manufac turers there by the International Fed eration of Cotton Manufacturers of Eu rope. The members of the following organ izations were Included In the list of those sent letters by President McCall: The Farmers' Educational and Co-op erative Union, the Southern Cotton Association, the National Spinners' As. aoclatlon, the American Cotton Man ufacturers' Association, the National Association of Manufacturer*, and the International Federation of Master Cotton Spinners. The purpose of the conference, ns outlined by Mr. McCall, Is to have a better mutual understanding brought about between the cotton manufac turer and the cotton grower. He be lieves this will lead to the betterment of both. The conference will bring thousands of neople to the city. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up th* System Take the Old Standard GROVES TASTELE8S CHILL TONIC. You know what you are taking. Thi formula la plainly printed on every hot tie, showing It Is simply Quinine and Iron In a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out the malarlu and the Iron builds up the system. Sold by all dealer* for 37 years. Price 50 cent*. EASILY IDENTIFIED WAS COLQUITT MAN WANTED BY OFFICERS PRODUCES SLEEP BY miCITY French Hospital Surgeon Makes an Important Discovery. By RAOUL DE 8AINT RENE. G'ofiyrlffht,. 1900, l$y \V. II. Hear it.) I’hHm, 29.—A . large ami brilliant crowd of Amerlruns. ns well ns a great number of French ladle* and gentlemen well knpwn In the literary world, flocked to hear the lecture, given In the Karbonne a few day* ago by Professor Archibald ( f 'nry (.'oolldge, of tlnrrord. The NUliJect of the lecture was “America ns u World Power." ‘essor (.'oolldge began by stating tint _elt very nervous ut np pear lug before *n audience which was largely French, on the subject of the United States uud Its ressons for certain attitudes with regard to various questions. The lecturer then went on to explain what ho meant hr “world power.” He wild that Austria, illy and Japan could not be called world jwers because they take no active part In the world's affairs, but only protest the lutcre*t* of their citizen*. The great world power* were England, IluMla, France, Hermnny and the United State*, liecnusc anything seriously affecting them would lie of liii|M>rtnncc to the rest of the world. America flr*f became a world (lower after the war with Hnnln In 1898, mid another *tep In thnt direction wn* taken by the United Htatcs In the allied transaction* with China In 1900. The lec* lure wn* given in English, and it wn* sur prising how the French part of the au dience granped the meaning of what Pro fessor ('oolldge saiu. Special to The Georgian. Columbus, On., Dec. 29.—Jake Mock, a Colquitt, aa., man, wan arrefttA here yesterday for the authorities of that place. He la wanted there on a charge of criminal assault on a woman' at Jolquitt. Mock Is 65 years old, six feet four Inches In height, bald-headed and only haw one eye. He weighs 185 pounds and wear* a No. 10 shoe, and there was no trouble In the officer Mentlfylng the man, for whom there is a reward of $50. NEGRO KILLED WITH AX DURING QUARREL. Rpcclnl to The (leorglan. Spartanburg, H. C„ Dec. 29.—New* has reached here of the killing of John Brown by Wlllla Garrett, both colored, In Laurens county. It la ^ported thnt Gurrett and Brown quarreled over n gambling debt and Garrett aylsed an ax and struck ftrnwn on the head, crushing his skull. Garrett lias been arrested and committed to Jail. up to and state. _ wn* passed forhhhllng to Catholic unlver si tic* the rlglit of voting; 1880 the expul sion of the Jesuit* from France; 1882 the *upprc**lon of church precessions; 1884 tlio tarlanlsm of the cctneterlen; 1886 the i-tires; losfi. cuuuwi Houlnrd; 1892 taie_ the (liscoume of F. llrlssoii against . Ojllver; 189» the pillaging of 8t. Joseph church; 1900 *nppri>**tnn of the inns* serv ice* at St. Esprit; 1911 new law* on all religious associations; 1902. under Combes, the closing of all congregntlonal school* 19W, expulsion of congregations; 1904, tin removal of the crucifixes from the court house*; 1905, tho separation law, and 1906. the dosing of the Inst “ schools and the * . congregational • Inventory scandals. POLITICS AND POLITICLVNS. msy be counted upon to do his share toward making the couteat a lively one. Hhcriuan Is a consummate |H»llt1elau of the old school and knows every strlug of the game as It Is played In Illinois. A project Is afoot In Detroit to erect a „jntue to coat $100,000 In men **“ Hernitoc James McMillan, of It now looks ns though chnirman ill the uutlousr Democratic com mittee, has been repudiated by the Demo crat* even of his own state. According to report, the lendershlp of the Democrats In lioth house* of the Indiana legislature, soon to meet, will be opposed to Taggart. Ity purposes to pnt In s bid for the uext Republican national convention. Edward C. Wall, of Milwaukee, who was _ candidate for the presidential nomination lieforo the last Democratic national conven tion. waa married recently to his private secretary. Miss Martha Dorothy Ahrcndt. Democrats believe to Ih» the licst ava. man for the Democratic presidential noiui nation. Is a native of I.ym hluirg aiu$r will he 65 years idd his next birthday. He served In the Confederate sriuy throughout the war and was well known ns n lawyer before he entered public life. Elected to office for life through the blun der of law makers, Dr. Hugh Cary, member of the city lioortl of education of Detroit, will appeal to the coming legislature to put an end to his official term. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablet*. Druggists refund money If It fall* to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa ture on each box. 15c. STEAMER GOES ASHORE DURING DENSE FOG. Norfolk. Va., Dec. 29.—The Old Do minion steamship Hamilton* sailing from New York for Norfolk, Decem ber 2*, went ashore near Sewells Point, btftok below thla city. In a dense fog thla morning. Tuga have been dent to her assist- and aa she la lying In an easy , no alarm la felt for her safety. shire. Is 42, s Harvard graduate am. iiicmlicr of an old New Hampshire family, lie made quite a fortune fa railways and The first bill Introduced by Representative . rank (>. I.owd«Mi, of Illinois, t»rovldi>s for au amendment to make the president's term six years, and to establish Ineligibility for reflection. STRETCHED ON CABIN FLOOR, AGED MAN FOUND DEAD. Special to The Georgian. Brunswick, On., Dec. 29.—M. J. Mar tin, an old reuldent of Brunawirk, waa found dead In a small cabin on the Whaley dock, at the foot of Albemarle street The body was stretched full length on the floor, and It won evident that life lied been extinct many hours. There were no marks of violence, and It waa decided that* death was due to heart failure. The deceased leaves a wife and three children. covery mane i»y nr. Turner, or tno Itcnu- Jon hospital, which consists of producing artificial sleep by electricity. It la called "Ln Romnell Electrlque,” This discovery Is n great event In the medical and surgical world, because It will do nwny with the need for anesthetic*, which are mostly dangerous to the patient. It la an electric battery which palace* a current of 40.000 ndllbuupcrc* In strength. JThe current does not affect the heart, but exercises Inhibitory action on the pain nerves of the brain. Professor Tuffler hn* demonstrated thnt no Is ill so aide to produce by the same battery artificial epilepsy. Nearly all the Darla papers havo com mon toil on President Roosevelt's message, some of them favorably and some very unfavorably. • The Libre Parole publishes In Its cdltorlnl tho following: "Another Illusion gone! The Roosevelt who was always represented to u* j nun Kiiix'-n nun cnruiues. wearing n hat a In Buffalo Bill, the Intrepid ‘finder of paths,' which we are accus tomed to see depicted In our newspapers for so many years, "I mean the other Roosevelt the sort of 'suttcr-ninn* whom a certain clnss of 'Intel- ’cctnal*' have held an to its for admiration. Hu per-man? The epithet I* not sufficient. I or some French writers be was a detnl- goil. Now the famous message has appear ed, and we see the real Roosevelt, and to us he scarcely differs from the most vul gar of our politicians.” Raven hundred students of the Kcole Ccn- trnle Depart* for {engineer* go on strike because they have been asked to eat beef steaks as hard ns bullets aud potato chips ss dry ns shavings. They also complain that they hre charged too highly for the food, thnt It Is of bad quhllty, and thnt It Is either served eokl or dried up by being kept too long In tho oven, "keeping warm.” The caterer says thnt ns all the seven hundred tvnnt their meals at the same Htlic, If Is impossible for him to serve them' If the portions are carved before hand. The students now buy their own food and march Into th* school dining hall to ent It. One Man and Eighteen Horses Are Drowned in the River. MANY PASSENGERS HURLEDINTO RIVER Vessel Is Struck During Darkness and Fog Off Jersey City. New York, Dec. 29.—The Erie ferry boat Paterson was sunk In the Hudson river early today. It was rammed by a freight lighter In the darkness and fog. Many of the passengers were flung Into the water. Others of the passengers scrambled Into the Paterson's small boats. Tugs hurried to the rescue. Dell Barker, an oiler on the ferry boat, was drowned. He lived In Jer sey City. Eighteen horses were drowned. Others Reported Drowned. According to several passengers, there were probably other passengers drowned, but no one could be found who could give any definite Informa tion In this respect. It was a Lehigh alley railroad lighter, according to one report, that rammed the Paterson. Other reports assert that It vai a tramp steamer. According to Sergeant Hagne, of the Jersey city police, there were two United States mall wagons sunk with the Paterson. Their drivers had to abnndon their charges or lose their lives. It Is iald there were also sev eral express wagons sunk. The fifty passengers had but little warning of the collision. The lighter wns proceeding down stream. The fer ry boat wns going up and across. The bow of the lighter tore and crushed Its way Into the port side of the Pater son. Deck Hinds Launch Boats. Deck hands swiftly loosened the Pat erson's small boats from their fasten ings. Mfcn scrambled toward them from the cabins. All were shouting like mad. Fortunately, most of tho men were In the smoking cabin on the starboard side. They were all flung to the floor when the crash came. Then they made for the boats, helping to launch them. Tho few passengers who had been on the port side or In the port cabln'of the Paterson were flung Into the water. Almost all of them hod time to snatch life preservers from beneath the seats. There were no women on the boat. Tugs steamed at full speed to the rescue. The men In the water were picked up first. Then those In the small boats were transferred to tho tugs. All were landed at Jersey City and Hobo ken. ATLANTA PARTY IN BIRMINGHAM FOR LEAGUE MEET By PERCY H. WHITING. Birmingham, Ala., Dec. 29.—The At lanta delegation arrived In good time last night and additional delegations from Little Rock and Nashville came Ijf this morning. The meeting will not be called on schedule time. Those present at the meeting are President W. M. Kavanaugh, his sec retary, Clark Miller; Manager Mtque Finn, H. C. Rlthlr, president of the Lit tle Rock Association; Mose Wormser, auditor of the league, all of Little Rock; "Cap” Joyner, Lowry Arnold, John C. Dickinson and Billy Smith, of Atlanta; President W. T. Crawford. Secretary Harry Erlich and Manager Tom Fisher, of Shreveport; Manager Charles Frank, Prssldent Leonard P. Ison, of New Orleans; President F. P. Coleman, Secretary Tom McCullough and Manager Charles Babb, of Mem- £ hls; President E. P. Amerine, of lontgomery; President Robert Baugh, Director Will McKuen and Manager Harry Vaughn, of Birming ham; Manager John Dobbs, President Fred Kuhn and Bradley Walker, of Nashville. Chattanooga Wants Plao*. Chattanooga has sent to the meet ing a delegation composed of Sam Strahg Nlckltn, of the New York Na tionals, and A, M. Gifford, on old ball Mayer, to attempt to buy a franchise In the league. They havo the backing to pay any reasonable price for on*. IF PA'D BEEN THERE. GEORGIA SAVINGS BANK & TRUST CO., Paying 4 Per Cent On De posits. The oldest savings bnnk In the city, the Georgia Havings Rank nnd Trust Company, will pny 4 per cent Interest per annum on all deposits of from 31 up beginning Januhry 1st, and It will be compounded for you twice a year. If you entertain the Idea that you cannot have a bank account permit us to re mind you that you ran. Just take 31 (surely you can spare thnt much) and tnke'it to the Georgia Savings Bank and Trust Company, corner Broad and Alabama streets (you will see a Inrge sign, SAVINGS BANK, over the door) and thpy will give you a pass hook and your account Is started. This dollar will soon crave for company and be fore the year Is out you can have a "Nest Egg" thaV If properly managed will make you comfortnble In your old age. Resolve that with the new year you will begin a light to get the "wolf farther Sway from your door. Thou sands of people are saving with this solid Institution. They had on deposit Some burglars came to town the other night. And got In Guthrie's house and helped themselves To nearly everything there was In sight. Or locked In drawers or piled up on the shelves. And Mr. Guthrie hardly drew his breath, ’Cause Mrs. Guthrie said he didn't dare; Those burglars would of both scared to death It pa’d been there. got When Russia didn't whip the Japanese Pa told us It was Kouropatkln's fault; He ought of won as easy as you please. The trouble was he wasn't worth his salt. I'll bet the Japs would all be wlshln' yet That they had not mixed up In that affair. For they'd he full of bullets and regret. If pa'd been there. December 28, 1899 December 28. 190* December 28. 1901 December 28. 1902 December 28, 1903 December 28, 1904...... December 28. 1905 December 28. 190* Amounts deposited on or before Jan uary 10 will bear Inter**! from January I. Bank open every Saturday after noon from 4 to 6, In addition to regular morning hour*. 310,152.T9 50.090.10 75.431.11 107.111.39 I52.541.OS 215.115.10 255,259.94 SOLD AT AUCTION! BID IN BY OWNER. Last Christmas Uncle Fred sent m* a book About the light they had at Water loo; It tells you of the part Napoleon took; Pa says he bit off more than he could chew. And ma thinks that the Duke of Well ington, Who. as the poet says, stood up four-square. Most likely would of gone home on the run If pa’d been there. Special to The Georgian. Columbus. On., Dec. 29.—The Dixie Brewery, located here, waa put up at auction yesterday by the owner, C. Kersten. and th* only bid obtained waa 35.5tO. The plant waa bought In by the owner at that price. Once when my pa was tellln' ma and me About the flood and Noah and the ark He said he couldn't ever seem to see Why Noah let the rate and mice em bark, . And ma said: r 'I suppose he didn't know How they'd Increase the woes wa'd have to bear; They’d never of got up the gangplanjc, though. If you’d been there.” If pa had been In Adam's place that day When Satan came to Eden In dii- guise We, wouldn’t have to die and pasa away, Nor rare about no maiulons in tbe skies. Pa he'd of winked at E* and turned to ebasa , Tbe mean old tempter In a hole somewhere; The fall of man would not of taken place , If pa’d been there. —Puck. •IS A CHEAP CLUB Members Get Their Meals at a Small Cost. By RICHARD ABERCORN. (Copyright, 1906, by W. R. Hearst.) London, Dec. 2i.—Welbeek Abbey, where the eccentric duke of Portland burrowed underground rooms and pas sages to hide himself from the world. Is to be visited by the king and queen, as the guests of the present duke and duchess of Portland. Their majesties will Inspect the won dorful subterranean annex, which In eludes a huge riding school which li now used for large dances. There are also a picture gallery, a chapel, a li brary underground, which have been made habitable by the present duke, but are seldom used except when roy alty visits Welbeek. The late duke of Portland Is said have spent 315,0*0,000 on these bur rowing*. He had a morbid dislike for being seen by or seeing his fellow men and lived in solitary state. When he stayed at his London house, a gloomy old place, surrounded by a high wall, he traveled the whole distance In his brougham, with the blinds down. The carriage was placed with the duke In side on a freight truck and sent to town by rail and he was driven from the sta tion to his door, after being Invisible throughout the journey. Even now he Is dead, It Is still un> certain whether he did not live a dou ble life, and under the name of Druoe ran a bazaar In London. Law suit after law suit has been fought on this question without solving It. The duch ess of Portland, who Is perhaps the best all-round sportswoman In Eng land, does not figure prominently In so' clety, But confines her entertaining :: shooting parties at Welbeek, county br-llu !r. the underground hall, hunting parties, etc. It Is not expected that she will take her place among society lead' ers until the debut of her eldest daugh' ter, Lady Victoria Rentlnck, who Is not yet 17 end Is a god-daughter of the late queen. The duke of Portland, who was until lately master of the horse to King Ed ward, Is a fine sportsman and a learned naturalist. He maintains at Welbeek a very complete private soo, where strange beasts like kangnroos, Ameri can bison and antelopes roam the park at will. The cheapest club In London Is the House of Commons. Labor members of modest means find that they have to pay no more, or perhaps less, for their meals In the parliamentary din ing room than they would at the mod Inexpensive restaurants outside, and the prices are 50 per cent lower than In any West End club. Soon after the meeting of the new parliament with Its host of members from humble life, the kitchen commit tee began to cater, specially for them, nnd Introduced a shilling (25 cents) dinner. This Includes a cut from the joint, two vegetables, bread, cheese, butter and a choice of two sweets. Ab-r staining members can drink with If water from a special artesian well, paying nothing for this, of course. For 12 cents you may have tjalf a bottle FI COMMIT CRIMES AT ELJENO, OKLH It Is Not Kiiown if They Are Regulars iu the Army. El Reno, Okla., Dec. 29.—Dressed In the uniform of the United States army, an unknown negro last night attempted a hold-up In the laundry of Lee Sing. The Chinaman resisted and waa shot. He may die. The negro escaped. It 1; not known whether the assailant waa a soldier or one of the discharged men of the Twenty-fifth regiment The numerous outrages perpetrated by ne. groee have aroused the bitterest feel ing on the part of the citizens gener ally. Intents Feeling Prevails. Intense racial feeling prevails over the assault upon Mrs. T. S. Clifford, wife of a prominent physician, by a negro who wore the uniform of a aol- dler. When asked what action he had taken to ascertain If any of the regu lars were guilty of recent outrages, Major Penrose, commanding ■ officer at Fort Reno, said: “I am getting sick of this business. Every time a crime Is committed It Is laid to the negro soldiers. I won’t tell anything about what has been done further than to say that we are doing all possible to aid the police to capture the guilty persons.” of fair claret, and for 20 cents half a bottle of a "vintage’’ wine. The heavy Inheritance tax levied on the duke of Rutland on his succeeding to his father's title and property has obliged him to shut up Belvolr Castle, the magnificent family seat, and live In quite a small house on another estate. Most of the tax was assessed on the splendid collection of pictures which adorns Belvolr Castle, and which wil not be seen tor many years—that Is, until the duke has Anally recovered flnun- elolly from the effects of the Inherl tanre tax. The walls of the principal rooms are covered with, art treasures which are merely the remnant of the great col lection which existed before the Are a hundred years ago, when 104 valua ble pictures were destroyed. The Belvolr Castle pictures Include Holbein’s "Henry VIII." Sir Joshua Reynold's portrait of the Marquis of Granby and his sister and Tenter’s Dutch Proverbs and tbe whole collec tion Is practically priceless. A thief has been curiously detected In the act by a man at work on the dome of St. Pauls Cathedral. In a top room of one of the big warehouses which surround the cathedral, the workman watched an Individual un dress, put on a new suit of clothes and cover them with bis own clothes, which were rather shabby. Descending tram Ms lofty observa tion poaL tbs workman went to the warehouse and gars Information, with the result that tbe quick-change art 1st, 8WEAR THAT 80LDIER8 FIRED FROM GARRISON. Brownsville, Texas, Dec. 29.—In the Investigation as to the riotous acts al leged to have been committed by mem bers of the Twenty-flfth Infantry, col ored, being conducted by Assistant United States Attorney General Purdy, at the Instance of President Roosevelt, George Randall, a retired business man, and his wife swore that they saw sol diers shooting from the Inside of the garrison wall on the night of the out rage, the soldiers afterwards jumping over the wall and Invading the town. Mr*. Kate Leahy corroborated this evidence and counted sixteen negro soldiers participating In the shooting. Herbert Elkins was with Mr*. Leahy and corroborated her testimony. In all twenty citizens testified today practically to the same effect. Photo graphs of places fired Into were taken and bullet holes counted. A new Sprlngfleld army bullet of Improved pattern was found Imbedded behind u bedroom mirror and will be taken to Washington. UPS BUYING AMS TO USE AGAINSJ 0. S. The Little Brown Men Storing Food in Hawaii. FEDERAL OFFICERS 1 ARE INVESTIGATING Devlin and Bonaparte Dis cuss Details of Test Case in San Francisco. Honolulu, Dec. 29.—The recent lm- portattona of rice and other foods hy the Japanese are unprecedented. The Federal authorities are Investigating the matter. The imports are said to bo stored '"unknown places at Hilo, on the east coast of Hawaii. The Japanese have been assessed for months for the uur- chase of arms. v T FOR COLONEL MANN Owner of Town Topics Is Fi’eed on Charge of Perjury. New York. Dec. 29.—Colonel William D. Mann, of Town Topics, charged with perjury, was acquitted "by a Jury last night. The verdict waa reached four hours later. The charge against Colonel Mann grew out of the Norman Hapgood libel suit. During the proceedings in that case Colonel Mann testtfled that the letters "O. K., W. D. M.,” appearing on a letter received by him from Count Reginald H. Ward, of London, had not been written by him. In the present case It was charged that Colonel Mnnn committed perjury when he denied having made the letters In question. DETAILS OF TE8T CASE DI8CU88ED WITH DEVLIN. Washington, Dec. 29.—United Slates District Attorney Devlin, of San Fran- cisco, spent much time today with At- torney General Bonaparte In a confer ence on the conduct by the government of a test case to determine the status of Japanese residents of California In the public schools of the state. The case on which the two conferred grew out of the state law separating the Jan- anese from white schools in Califor nia. ONJUNE 10,190? Georgia Day at the big Jamestown /Exposition will be on Monday, June r I0, 1907. This definite announcement was made Saturday when Chairman W. N. Mitchell, of the Oeorgla Commission to the exposition, received a telegram from Hon. Harry St. Georgo Tucker, president of the exposition, saying this date had been fixed with the full concurrence of President Roose velt. Some weeks when Chairman Mitch ell was In Washington, he had a con ference with President Roosevelt and at that time the president announced his determination of being present at the exposition on Georgia Day to make an address so now that the date has been definitely fixed, visitors to the exposition will hear him on that day Chairman Mitchell will at once take up with the Georgia military authori ties the question of sending state troop* to the exposition to be present when the president makes his ad dress and he will ascertain just how- many will go. The occasion will be doubly Inter esting for the reason that the Georgia building at the exposition Is a repro duction of the old home of President Roosevelt’s mother. Invitations will be extended to the governors of other states to be present and the Indica tion* are that Georgia Day will be one of the largest during the entire exposition. Motllcr-iri-Latf of Rich Man Is Terribly Binn ed. New York, Dee. 29.—The sight of * woman on fire, like a torch, In a fourth story window of the Hotel Calvert, at Broadway and Fortieth street, with blazing curtains about her, was wit nessed by a |arge crowd today. The woman was Mr*. Mary Parker, moth er-in-law of L. E. Waterman, Jr., son of the wealthy penmaker. Mrs. Parker attempted to light the gas In the room and the top of the match flew Into the curtains, Igniting them, and In an Instant the flames swept to the celling. She attempted to pull down the blazing curtains and the flames caught In her hair. She ran screaming Into the hall. A man grab bed a blanket and wrapped It about Mrs. Parker and extinguished the Are. Mrs. Parker lost her hair, besides re. celvlng serious burns about the face and hands. So great was the crowd that gathered In Broadway that It wa necessary to call out the police re serves to handle It WILL SEND MEN TO GET who was the Janitor 1 * son, wn * arrest- ™ ■» he came down stairs, looking rather bulky. * He would have get away with the goods If his curious had not been noticed from die dotne of tbe cathe dral. That Hie Georgia Immigration M- sodatlon means business was amply demonstrated at the meeting of tb« association Friday afternoon In the at- flees of the Chamber of Commerce, !a the Empire building. Hon. Hoke Smith stated at the n t- Ing that the decision of Commission*? Straus, of the department of commerce and labor. In the South Carolina case, was In accord with the law, nnd that Georgia could legally go to work ant secure a desirable class of Immigrants. The directors, following the meeting, called upon Governor Terrell and mlzsloner of Agriculture T. O. both expressing themselves a.« In sympathy and accord with the nm>' ment. . la Commissioner Hudson volunteered take charge of the movement anu devote his time and energy ’ " getting the Immigrants here, lie assured of the co-operation of in* „ soelatton. The Immigrants ^ brought. If possible, from tn «*‘ : Ireland, Scotland, Norway, Swi-.-n Germany. ..(.a James A. Strachan. of Atlanta. - Is In. Scotland, under the Clrecuo., Commissioner Hudson, has an lot gration movement there well Fred Hanson, of Rome, will be " ta a deputy commissioner, and . * ^ Norway, and Sweden. ? ron l h . _, a ny countries be bos already brought ^ alto with a commission from Co® 1 sioner Hudson. |«t»» IS Dn [hel< l t 4ln | fra. I I l*»«l l*Bch I nut I kill IS r K:.