Newspaper Page Text
"PAnifAl" at the Grand.
The dramatlxed veralon of "Parsifal,
that beautiful sacred play, was pre
sented at the Grand Friday night to a
small though thoroughly appreciative
audience, but the production was one
that deserved a much better patronage.
If there were any doubts* in the be
ginning as to the success of the play
without Wagner’s music, those doubts
were soon dissipated. The play was
one that created a deep Impression on
the audience, -and this was accom
plished not only by the manner In
which the parts were acted, but by
the excellent staging, costumes and
electrical effects.
- Although Mr. Connor had- that most
difficult rote of Parslfaj, he executed
'It In a manner which can call forth
nothing but praise, and the same may
be said of Miss Keating, who acted
Kundry. the fairest of women. Both
as an evil temptress and as a peni
tent she was excellent.
Mr. Devorak as Kllnschor and Mr.
McKee as Anfortas are deserving of
the highest praise. Not only they, but
the others\ In the cast Injected an In
tensity of fi
feeling Into, their parts that
brournt me entire performance up
the highest standard. P. E. W.
“The Prince of Pilsen.”
"The Prince of Pilsen,” the familiar
musical comedy by Frank Plxley and
'Gustav Luders, will be played at the
Grand opera house next Friday and
Saturday nights and Saturday matinee.
' Manager Henry W. Savage In send
ing this tuneful and popular entertain
ment on Its fourth season's travels, has
limited Its. presentation to one com
pany, which,. In Us personnel, repre
sents a Judicious distribution of the
various characters among those who
have shown ttfelr superiority In pre-
-vlous casts of this play. Jess Dandy
retains his, humorous Impersonation of
Hons Wagner, the Cincinnati alderman,
who, on a holiday trip to Nice, Is mis
taken for the Prince of Pilsen, and has
on embarrassing flood of honors show
ered upon him. Ida Stanhope Is play
ing Mrs. Madison Crocker, the coquet
tish widow, and It Is noted that she
had this character in the London pro
duction of the play several months ago.
. George Lydecker has the part of the
real prince and William C. Weedon
plays the part of the American naval
officer. Albertlne Benson, a clever
singer and actress, is among the new
comers fn the company, and Marie
Welsh brings to It a voice-of pleasing
quality and a personality that fits ad
mirably Into the pictures. Jeannette
Bageard and Robert O'Conner add
largely to the lively character of the
performance. The tuneful familiars of
■'The Prince of Pilsen,” "The Message
of the Violet," "The Tale of the Sea
Shell," "The Stein Song," "Pictures in
the Smoke," and all their Jingly com-
panlotr songs have a popularity that
has seldom, if ever, been given to the
members of a musical comedy, and will
be a factor In stimulating general In
terest In the engagement.
"The Lion and the Mouse.'
A play which has scored one of the
"greatest suocosies of the past-ten years
will be produced by Henry B. Harris at
(he' Grand op Mhhdhy and Tuesday
bights aiM Tuesday..natlnee, "The Lion
"iild the Mouse," by Charles Klein.
The success of the piece which has
hs premiere In Boston In October, 1>05,
was Immediate and after an engage
ment of four weeka there It was trans
ferred to the Lyceum theater, New
York, where It has been presented ever
since to the Are limits of the theater—
In fact, this play haa a record w hich no
olhor dramatic production can boast—
It Is the only drama to have run
through an entire summer without a
•Ingle-break and will In a very abort
time be In Its twelfth month at one
theater. " :
The central figure In the play Is one
of cxsrnnwtinery - interest and the
theme Is timely. Mr. Klein has taken
*» his central figure a money baron of
the present day who wants to he a su
preme leader In monetary affairs, a
financial Julius Caesar, an Alexander
•Ighlng for more moneyed worlds to
conquer. His will Is law and anyone
vho crosses him In Its exercise has to
fall. He rules his ordinates and his
family with a sceptre of Iron, but he Is
n't without paternal love nor Is he un
kindly as a husband. He simply hns
way to carry out his Ideas for the
kivnnvement of himself and loves
|o»er morn than he does gold, which
» him Is only a means to obtaining his
cnhltl^us ends. He- has no-Idea of
Following the Christmas holidays,
and to start the new year aright, the
Grand management has prepared one
of the very best lines of the season
for next week—a bill which Is thor
oughly competent to measure up to the
high standard of things theatrical set
by the present week.
On Monday and Tuesday nights and
Tuesday-matinee 'The Lion and the
Mouse”.will be presented. Local thea
tergoers, although they have never be
fore been afforded on opportunity to
see this play, are sufficiently familiar
with New York successes to know that
“The Lion and the Mouse" has been
declared to be the greatest American
play. The cast which will present the
piece here includes many of the artists
who contributed t6 the great success In
the East.
Creston Clarke, a young actor who
has enjoyed years of popularity, will be
seen on Wednesday and Thursday
nights and Thursday matinee In "The
Ragged Messenger.” Mr. Clarke hns
been seen here often, and does not need
nn Introduction. He Is conspicuous In
the theatrical world for conscientious
effort, and undeniable abKIty. His
latest vehicle Is said to be one of the
best with which he has ever been sup
To roiyid out I he week, and supply
high grade of comic opera. "The f
seen by a capacity house, for it is on*
of those ever new productions.
“The Ragged Messenger. 0
Creston Clarke will present "The
Ragged Messenger" at the Grand on
Wednesday and Thursday nights and
Thursday matinee. This new modern
emotional drama has set ttye entire
theatrical world agog.
Everybody who lias seen Creston
Clarke's artistic Impersonation of the
leading role of John Morton, the cler
gyman. acknowledges that no other
actor could get so much out of It. All
the other roles in the play have been
fllled with the same nicety. U Is easily
the most successful play of the seuson.
When John Morton Is bequeathed an
Immense fortune, with which he plans
to fosfer his pet schemes of charity,
his cup of happiness seems overflowing.
Schools, sanitariums, hpuses of refuge
for his beloved poor of the slums—all
nre within his powers of accomplish
ment, until one day he leurns how his
dissolute cousin, who accumulated the
millions to which he has fallen heir,
had betrayed and afterwards turned
penniless Into the streets u poor, young
woman. John Morton's time thence
forth is divided between his conse
crated work and a systematic rearch
for this wronged woman thnt lie may
make her sultuble reparation. His Joy
at the prospect of Andlng the forsaken
one Is turned to horror when he dis
covers her in the waif whom he lias
saved from an impending life of want
Anancial morality. Men are to be
bought and sold and he Is simply the
highest bidder for their influence. With
hltn nearly every man has his price.
When he cannot buy men he plots their
downfall as he does that of Judge Ross-
more, of the supreme bench, who has
rendered decisions adverse to corpora
tions in which this multi-millionaire Is
The author has made the central
character nn impressively natural crea
tion; he has ail tne mnrKs or a man of
decision who does not hesitate at adopt
ing any means for carrying out his
purpose, short of actual murder. He is
a bold commander of fiduciary forces,
who believes that any means to obtain
victory are permissible, no matter how
near It approaches criminality. N >
dishonest method Is a sin to him if
there is no danger of eonvjctlon. He -*■
a man who believes supremely In him
self that lie is almost his own Deity.
Against this element Mr. Klein has
arrayed another force—that of love.
To attain his ends In a scheme of colos
sal proportions the money bar
Prince of Pilsen” will be presented on | ^
Friday and Saturday nights and Hat- ]\ hn ™ h ®
unlay matinee. It Is Just as bright, ^onir-^his ^ieart’-breakinir knowl-
Just as clever and Just as entertaining ‘^‘'rrthS^efeSSo of the
as in years gone by. It is nn assured | *?*©. tw niHUen 1 /, 11,!»in11 v
fncf that "The Prlhee r»f Pllspn" will he I " on,an he lo\es and t>.» a Drtllinniiy
rat t mat i ne crime of l lisen win ne j ronc€ ,j ve ^ subterfuge, saves her from
open degradation, only to denounce her
violently when they arc alone. His
anger Is turned to pity, his fears to
hope, as he gradually realizes thnt her
quiet submissiveness to his terrible
execration* can only mean that she
hns been more sinned against than
sinning, and that her soul has already
been saved. But meanwhile she has
left their home and all efforts to lo
cate her are fruitless when, woman-
dike, without apparent reason, she re
turns. and It Is not long before a
complete understanding Is arrived at
to the very ^rcat Joy and comfort of
Judge, adverse to this great Interest.
The money baron proceeds to remove
him. Fearing disgrace, dishonor and
poverty for her father. Shirley Ross-
inore takes it upon herself to inter
cede. The son of the money baron falls
In love with Shirley, ami John Burkett
Ryder finds In her something which he
hus never before found in anyone, and
for which he hns the greatest ndmlra-
tion, absolute determination to attain
her end. She visit- m- house unde*
an assumed name: he proposes her
marriage to hi* son. whereupon she
admits the truth of her Identity. Ry
der orders her oiit ! of his house and she
denounces him. fhls scene Is one -f
the best ever presented on any stave.
Indeed tile play 4s one of exceptional
quality and because of Its universally
Interesting theme ! it should appeal In
the keenest way to nil Classen of the
ater-goers. The sent sale Is being con
ducted at the Grand box office.
Oaldwin-Melvil!e Co.
The "Two f)rphu|ns" continue to draw
large crowds to tfio Kl Dornd 1
sal proportions the money baron has | a ,.g P crowds to tho Kl Dorado to see
been balked by a decision rendered by h(J B ald\vin-Melvl lq Stock C'ormmny in
judge Rossmore, a supreme court; ^ p|(|> . Th |„ coinpnny Is rapidly be-
The shipment of I
M reported nt II P
•trike of stevedores
|»nl'l f.'F.Vi
I coming one of th«J moat popular stock
I companies ever ge^n here. The differ
ent actors are becoming better known ,
! to the public amf to themselves, and •
; the result is that better and more An- j
j ished performances can he looked for-
; ward to from this Ion. The crowds are
| Increasing every T/eek nt the popular
• little Kl Dorado, and that Is a sun* i
• sign thnt this company is making good. J
I The rough stages of the organization I
process are ubout over and the man-}
agement knows about what class of __
plays will please Atlanta audience*, j stedylYtg imniigintfi
I The result is tna: those plays will be conditions of the i*hun:,
I put on and Atlantans are promised a «»—*——•»•*•— ••«'» -
; season of stock after the first of the
I year that has never been equaled in
! Atlanta for quality. The "Two Or-
• phans" wifi be given again Saturday
| afternoon and night for th? I.t*t time.
Next week two of the best plays yet
given will be produced.
Ill New York city in IY*i were
day, IIml worked fifty-throe
They now receive |4.VI n
a will centralize !!»
it me.isurc.v tii'ioo
ter. Oii» will pro
employe ,
il employ
Nat M. Wills, "the happy tramp,” nt
the head of one of the most carefully
selected organizations of musical com
edy talent now on the road, will be
the Bijou attraction for the week that
starts on Monday, and "A Lucky Dog”
will be seen for the first time In the
South, and Mr. Wills makes his first
appearance In Atlanta at the Bijou
scale of prices.
There Is a great Interest attached .to
this engagement. In the first place It
Is hardly a question as to the stand
ing of Nat M. Wills. There Is no oth
er comedian In all the profession who
has so thoroughly mustered the art of
correctly Impersonating a genuine
tramp as he. The funmuker does not
overdo the task, either, but In make
up find in mannerism, he Is one of the
beings who will knock at the back door
and ask for a bite, and sometimes the
bite Is furnished by the family dog.
Unci; in the clays of high vaudeville
Nat Wills whs u star that was ever
hendlln'Ml. and whose sulury was the
only obstacle to his advent In the field
of musical comedy, but Broadhurst &
rurrle recognized In him a great
proposition, contracts were entered
Into and "A Son of Rest” was produced
and Atlanta Indorsed the one nerform-
nnce that was given here. That was
three* seasons ago, and Wills did not
eome South ngaln. because qf the won
derful hit of "The Duke of Duluth” In
the larger cities. This season the pro
ducing managers accepted Mark K.
Swan s "A Lucky Dog," und,lts succ ess
has eclipsed anything thut the come
dian has had. With the desire to make
a tour of the South, Mr. Wills made
the contracts-for the appearance of the
attraction over the circuit, and the At
lanta week starts on Monday, and will
continue with regular performances at
the Bijou scale all week.
"A Lucky Dog" was written for
Wills. Jt gives him the opportunity he
had In all of his other pluys, but on a
wider plan. He will have a better
chance to cover a great many points
of Improvement In Ills work, and will
Introduce absolutely the newest of his
crop of parodies. In parody singing
there Is no other comedlnn half
successful as "the happy trump."
Broadhurst & Currie, the managers,
have given the star a magnificent
equipment of scenic and costume ef
fects. Some of the best artists in the
land were commissioned to make the
scenes thnt will add life to the action
of the play, while many of the gowns
and chorus costumes passed through
the custom house in New York.
In the company are a number of high
class artists, whose success In musical
comedy stand out In unusual brilliancy.
Delle Stucy, Lee Hobbs Martin, Joy
Shaw, Charles ITdell and a number of
others, not unknown here, will be
prominent In cast and the musical pro
Much local Interest Is demonstrated
In the musical department of the of
fering, because of the fact that George
A. Nicholas, one of the musical direc
tors of the former Wells-Dunne-Har-
lan musical comedy. Is In charge.
The sale of seats has commenced
with Interest, and’ selections are being
made for the entire engagement.
In "The Fatal Wedding,” which will
be the bill at the El Dorado for the
first part of next week, the manage
ment of the Baldwln-Melvflle Stock
Company and the El Dorado have se
cured what is bound to prove one of
the most pleasing bills of the season.
It Is a melodrama from the pen of
Theodore Kremer, who wrote It espe
cially for a New York run. The Im
mense success of the production In
New York encouraged the managers to
put It on the road, where It has proved
satisfactory from every standpoint. It
has slnc^ been translated into French
und German and played In both Ger
many and France with great success,
although the scenes are laid In New
The play Is highly dramatic, without
a dull moment in It, and telling tlia
story of a treacherous woman and vil
lainous man plotting together the sep
aration of man and wife. They accom
plish their purpose and the remainder
of the play Is devoted to rlghtlng\ the
wrongs of the separated ones, which Is
finally done. It is a play of heart-
throbs. of soul-stirring scenes, and In
cidents, of a drift from high to low
life, and one of the strongest comedy
parts ever seen at this theater. The
main interest In the play Is the part of
Jessie Wilson, "The Little Mother,”
which Is taken by little Lottie Salz
burg. This Is one of the longest parts
ever written for a child, and little Lot
tie always makes an immediate hit
with her wonderful work. There Is no
precociousness about this remarkable
little woman. She carries her part en
tirely through the four acts, and It can
bo said of her she holds her situations
as cleverly as any co-worker and at
times holds the stage by herself. Her
work la rather the work of a grown
actress, speaking through the child,
than that of a little «rirl less than eight
years old. The cast for the play is
made up in a manner that will Insure
a finished performance In every re
spect. Mr. Maitland will be seen as
Howard Wilson and Miss Mae Barson,
a new arrival und co-worker with Mr.
Maitland In the Forepaugh Stock Com
pany* In Philadelphia, will be seen as
Mable Wilson, the wronged wife. Mr.
Murdoch will be seen as Robert Curtis,
the villain, and Miss Louise Kent as
Cora Williams, his accomplice. The
cast Is easily the strongest evei\ seen
In nny stock company In Atlanta be
fore, and Is bound to prove a winner
with theatergoers.
“Squaw Man,” *»The
>n West," "T
R ESfON CLARKE iN -ihL hAJwLL -t.'
New Bill at Star.
With the close of «.ne of the most
successful weeks the Star theater ha*
ever had the management of this pop
ular amusement resort announce a
mammoth new* bill to begin Monday
and run all next week.
This bill will embrace all the newest
stunts In vaudeville and will include u
very strong melodrama, which will be
staged In elegant style.
The comedians will be much In evi
dence In this sparkling little produc
tion. and It will also have several very
thrilling scenes.
The musical features will Include
some of the latest and best popular hits
I of the day.
Many new vaudeville artists are an
nounced and w ill make their initial ap
pearance at the Star next Monday.
! The moving picture machine will re-
I produce life-size reproductions of
(many laughable scenes,
i Several Illustrated songs will be ren
! The Star chorus of comely young
; women In bright new rostumes will ap
pear In several medleys and marches.
The Star has ^ad some record -
i breaking crowd* this week and has
made many new* friends and patrons
i the
trades u
of denial
1 mi tile* i
Hie 4 111*
.ion* lu til. (Tilted King! ....
*<1 ,i program consisting
ids to l.e made from nil tin
!i;mlt;inooti*ly early u< xr
nt the
Ited by
next week's burners bids fair to eclipse
II I , ..mL all others.
• w.lANDl I made many new friends and patrons This bill will be presented all tiro
s==l a nlon * lhe theater-going public, big week with usual matlneea.
Tile long *t*tldlng iron We between Hie
New York. New 'lluveii end Ilnrtfonl mil
lend, and It* engineers, over the question
of wage*. Is nt an end. the engineer* Intv-
reed to «ie«vpJ u scale ol uages sub-
In Austria, the fnetorjr law ha* ls*eii
twentr rears In e\lsteure. It has Iktii
amended only lu some minor points.
workmen Is helm; tigl
Effort* nre heiiig made to have n bill
i>a**ei| In Nevndn mnklng the first Monday
In Meptemhcr l-obor day.
After n strike of two months, the work
ers lu the ship yards at Tend. Italy, have
won tliHr demand*, including a shorter
stroug manifesto li*» l*-.n
Issued declaiinc that the existing lufior
eondltlou* are de|»lonible.
Mem I wr* of the Independent I .at tor party
Toklo, Dec. 29.—At the American cm
bassy today Miss Hnllle Ermlnte Rive*,
the well-known writer, was married
lo Mr. Post Wheeler, second secretary
to the embassy. The ceremony
performed nt noon and was witnessed
by the American ambassador nnd Mr.*.
Wright, the embassy staff and many
prominent members of the American
colony In Toklo. Mr. and Mrs. Wheel
er are to sail Immediately for America
and Intend to spend the remainder of
the winter and early spring at Ocean
Grove, N. J.
Wheeler Is a handsome daugh
ter of Kentucky and a cousin of Anteile
Rives, author of "The Quick and the
Dead.” Her father wn* one of the old
Klvt s family of Virginia. Her great-
great-grnndfatiier «»n Iter mother’s side
tuis Sir John Tlllottson and Iter mother
wu* the daughter of William Edward
Ragsdale, a big slave-holder and to*
bacconlst. From her mother Ml**
Rive* got her love of horse flesh, which
show’s up so clearly In her novels. Her
mother wn* a daring rider and stories
ure still told In the South of her rides
upon her groat white horse, which was
celebrated fn two state*, when the
Yankees held Fort Donelson. Their
foragers stole this horse. She rode
through the hostile lines, disdaining all
challenges, straight to the tent of the
commanding officer, demanded the ani
mal buck and rode him In triumph.
Miss Rives lias been a prolific maga
zine writer since her fifteenth year.
Post Wheeler nlso Is well kftown as
a magazine writer, though his chief
claim to fame Is as the uuthor of '‘Re
flections of a Bachelor.” He Is a na
tive of New York state nnd a graduate
of Princeton. He has been a great
traveler and after his graduation from
’ollege he spent considerable time
among the Tukudh Indians in the Arc
tic regions, concerning whom he wrote
much of Interest. Subsequently he re
dded In London and Paris and for
seven years he wus the editor of The
New York Press.
Girl of the Golden West,” "The Great
Divide" and other. Western plays of
this character, "Mfr Pardner,” will bo
the bill., This great play is one of the
most beautiful In point of stage set
tings nnd strong stage pictures that
bus ever been seen here. The plot Is
briefly as follows: Joe Saunders and
Ned Singleton nre partners, owning a
gold mine together In California, near
Mt. Shasta. Joe Is In love with Mary
Brandon,’ but Ned has made love to her
and betrayed her. Joe proposes mar
riage, but Mary, knowing his true lova
for her and her condition, will not mar
ry hltn. In the course of their con
versation Mary faints and Joe goes for
some water. On returning he hears
Ned and Mary talking over the facts,
and he makes Ned swear to marry her.
In the next act they are dividing the
gold preparatory to breaking up their
partnership. Joe leaves Ned and In
the meantime 8croggs, a miner, comes
Into their shock and In a quarrel with
Ned kills him. Joe returns to make
up with Ned nnd finds him d***L The
crowd believe he has killed Ned, but he
dures them to take him out and hang
him. The mob then turns and blames *
the deed on a Chinaman who was
hiding In the shack. He Is saved by
the evidence of one of Bcraggs* cuffs,
which he has found stained with Ned's
blood. The play is thus ended hap- 1
The "Fatal Wedding" will be given
Monday, Tuesday- and Wednesday
nights, with matinees Tuesday and
Wednesday. Thursday, Friday and
Saturday nights, with matinees Friday
and Saturday, "My Pardner" wIU hold ;
the boards.
The Woman's Trade Union < League of
Great Britain Is now upon*a solid round*- •
tlon, nnd Is atendlljr growing In numbers :
*-- •- iber- •
nnd liifiiicnce. Thu Increase In meml
bold# out special Inducements.
ml i>ioil** the mines.
1’rnl.nlilv tie* first protest
t|»e 1 iilt-d Hint*.4 spihisl
was III the
ver made In
onviet IoIhii’
resolution ndop*e«l
h.miles held III
Tl»" Interim Itrewery Worker*
2010,: lo *irf w to prevent the employing lit
of children fn th** bottling works «f brew-
•He* In Milwaukee SiMl Ht. I.OUI*.
The recent notion of the postofflce de
partment In fining two railway nmil clerk*
In Spokane for psldk* criticism of n rail
way I* resulting in
ulining the clerks to
freedom of speed*.
official*, arc nil authority for
i* statement Hint there are more rlmn
..ougti workers of nil classes lu Hull Frau-
rl*co to supply tbe demand.
CTfW l4.tXW.M0. with a "capital of fll,-
UQO.iNO. to he located nt Ilauiniond, I ml.
Three Haiti more firms anlnst whom pa
per* of Injunction were filed for the Ille
gal use of the t inted (iariin ut Workers of
The Hindoo roo||e« problem has now lie-
eotno of great import In western I'simd*.
The government lm* sent nn dgent from
the hoinlgnitloii department of Vancouver
and Victoria to investigate. Hundreds ure
arriving, mid It is Mbl that fiO.OQO are now
mtaped at lloug Kong, awaiting transporta
tion to British Columbia.