Newspaper Page Text
417 Tons Of Paper
*. /
Costing Over $18,000.00
Used Since July 1st to
Print The Georgian
New York, Dec. 27, 190C.
P. L. Seely, Esq., President
The Georgian Company, Atlanta, Ga.
Dear Sir: Our records show that we delivered to the
Atlanta Georgian during the six months ending December
31, 1906, 814,000 pounds of white news print paper.
In compiling these figures we note that the amount of
paper delivered during the last three months of this pe
riod is more than double the quantity delivered the first
three months. Yours very truly,
A. E. WRIGHT, Manager News Division.
Fitzgerald, Ga., December 23,1906.
The Atlanta Georgian, Atlanta, Ga.
Dear Sirs: Inclosed you will find my check for $2.26, for which
please send me your paper for six months. I have been reading it for
some time and the more I see of it the better I like it.
It is one daily paper that I do not object to having in my home, for
I can allow my little girl to read it with safety.
Wishing you a prosperous and happy new year I am yours truly,
.• J. W. RAD WELL. _
Corona, Ala., Dec. 26,1906.
Hon. J. L. Boeshans, Manager
Circulation of The Atlanta Georgian, Atlanta, Ga.
Dear Sir: Inclosed please find money order for $4.50
to pay my subscription for one year, dating from April
26, 1906, to April 26, 1907.. The Georgian is one
of the cleanest, purest and up to date papers published
south of Mason and Dixon line. I want it to come right
along to my address—Corona, Ala., and oblige yours for
The Georgian,
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