The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, December 31, 1906, Image 8
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN, MOXDAY. DECEMBER 31. 1?"*. May the year go softly, friend. To thy tread: May the ahlne and shadow blend To thy need; May the God who loves us all Watch for aye, whatever befall. O'er thy head. May the year no softly, friend. If He will; And whatever winds attend. Good or III, May the Master still command; In the hollow of His hand Hold thee still. IN HONOR OP OR. DINGLE. Mr. William Spceh will give an rln gant dinner Monday evening at his home on Peachtree street in honor of Rev.'Dr. W. L. Dingle, recently called to the pastorate of the First Presbyte rian church. The table, which Is In the shape of a mnltesc cross, will be artistically deco rated with polnsettla and ferns. The centerpiece will be a bowl of these blossoms, from which loops of red ribbon will extend to the bowl of the same flowers at the corners of the ta ble. Around the centerpiece there will be silver candlesticks, holding red ta- pers, and cupped with red silk shades. The place cards will be hand-palntcd polnsettla, with the name of the guest In gold. Mrs. Speer will assist Mr. Speer in receiving Ills guests, and. will wear a handsome gown of white lace. Seated at the table will be Dr. Din gle. Dr. C. H. Rice, Rev. It. O. Pllnn, Mr. Sam M. Inman, Captain C. D. Dangaton, Dr. J. D. Turner, Mr. Huefc T. Inman. Dr. J. D. Daniel, Dr. J. G. Earnest, Mr. W. C. Inman. Mr. William Dansell. Judge W. T. Newmnn, Mr. J. 8. Panchon, Mr. C. H. Dowls, Mr. T. H. Calhoun. Colonel Robert J. Dowry, Mr. T. D. Elyca, Mr. W. T. Healey, Mr. W. T. Miles, Dr. A. W. Calhoun. Mr. S. W. Carson. Mr. J. R. IiaChnyin, Mr. W. R. Hoyt. .Mr. George W. Har rison. Mr. Paul Fleming. Mr. T. R. Clay, Mr. Carl Harmsen, Mr. C. R. Wlnshlp, Mr. J. J. Woodslde, Mr. B. B. Crew and Dr. S. T. Barnett. DINNER TO MISS LIPSCOMB. Miss Ellae Dlpscomb, of Nashville, the guest of the Misses Whitman, will be the honor guest Welnead ty evening, when Miss Blanche Carson will give an elegant dinner at the Capital City Club. • Invited to meet Miss Dlpscomb nre Miss Doulso Hawkins, Miss Susie May Pope, Miss Martha Whitman, Miss Hattie Orr, Miss Sumuella Whitman. Miss Marian Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCerren, Mr. Madison Bell, Mr. William Ellsworth, Mr. Hugh Ad ams. Mr. Edward Dougherty. Mr. John Dusk. Mr. Rlchtle Kimball, Mr. Henry Fallows. NEW Ye’aR-SiBALL. The large social event of Monday evening will be the New Year's bull at the Capital City Club. The occa sion, which will be a very brilliant one, Is being anticipated by the dancing contingent of society and .among the guests present will be a number of charming visitors, who will Include Miss Dorothy Horner, of Baltimore; Miss Nan Payne, of Warrenton, Vo.: Miss Ellse Dlpscomb, of Nashville; Miss Ruth Glover, of Nashville, and Miss McCarthy MISS WARE "TO ENTERTAIN. A nlMMnt «v*nt of Mnnriny «v#nlnar will bo the Informal party at which Miss Helen Ware will entertain Infor mally Monday evening at her home on Washington street. to mrSTbray. The luncheon which Mrs. Harvey Anderson will give Wednesday In hon or of Mrs. Sims Bray will bring to gether the bridesmaids of Mrs. Clay and the wives of the ushers. These who will be present are Misses Jennie Mobley, Kate Robinson, Emma Robinson, Rollne Clark, Estelle Stew art, Mrs. Charles McGchee, Mrs. Rob ert Alston, Mrs. W. C. Jnrnagln, Mrs. Hudson Moore, Mrs. Charles Davis. informalTat HOME. Mrs. John Ducas Mell and her daughter, Mrs. John Woodson Wright, will be at home to their friends Tues day afternoon from 4 to 3 o’clock at the borne of Mrs. Mell, on Capitol ave nue. • TO MIsFgREER. On Friday evening Mr. Ivan Allen will compliment Miss Amanda Qreer, tbe guest of Miss Antoinette Blount, with a box party at the Grand. buffetTupper. A beautiful event of Thursday even ing was the buffet supper which Mr. William A. Speer gave at his home on Peachtree road In compliment to the employees of the John Sllvey Company. lanfo'rd'-winn. Special to The Oeorrtan. Waterloo, 8. C., Dec. 31.—Mr. R. W. Danford and Miss Clara Winn were married here on Thursday at the bride's home on Main street. Rev. J. A. Martin, of Cross Hill, united tbe happy couple. An elegant wedding dinner was served to the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Danford left Saturday afternoon for bridal tour. The bride Is one of the most popu lar young ladles In this section, and belongs to one of the best families In the state. Mr. Danford Is a rising young busi ness man of Greenville. ENTERTAINED Fn~HONOR OF MR. AND MR8. M’DANIEL. On Wednesday evening, at Nash ville, Chancellor and Mrs. Joseph H. Kirkland entertained at a handsome dinner complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Sanders McDaniel of Atlanta, and Colonel and Mrs. W. Henderson, of Knoxville. CONFERENCE OF 80UTHERN SUFFRAGISTS AT MEMPHI8. gathering of Southern women, held in Memphis shortly before the holidays, was gnlque In that It marked the flrst concerted action on the part of women of the South toward organ ization for tho purpose of obtaining suffrage for the women of the South. One of the prominent women who attended the Conference of Southern Women, Suffragists was Miss Daura Clay, of Kentucky, a descendant of Henry Clay, and one of tho most brill iant women of the South. Mrs. Jen nie Hart Sibley, of Georgia, Is Inter ested actively in the movement as are Mrs. Dlde Mcriiwether and Miss Bello Kearnoy, of Tennessee. The object* of the conference were very definitely declared us follows: "We. the members of tho Conference of Southern Women Suffragists, In session at Memphis, Turn., December 1U-20, state our purpose; Declaring otir adherence to the principles of po litical liberty, guaranteed to tho American people by the fundamental principles of our government, we af firm that they should not be limited by sex. “Believing that public affairs should be guided by the intelligent, we de elare for suffrage with an educational qualification, and urge the enfran chisement of all women who can read anti write. "We ask for the ballot as a solution of the race problem. There nre over six thousand more white women In tho Southern status than 'nil the negro men and women combined, if the women of the South were cnfranehlsed. It would Insure a permanent and enor mous preponderance of the white race In politic*, and would preclude the ne cessity for any doubtful expedients to minimize the negro vote. “We ask for the ballot because stu dents of Industrial conditions afllrm that the lack of direct political power Is a factor ln ; the comparatively low- wages off the ..*,000,000 wagu-eamlng women In otfr country. “We ask for the ballot ns the strong est Insurance against child labor un der conditions destructive to the best development of the men and women of the future. "We recommend that women peti tion the legislatures to gram them pres idential suffrage, since the United State* constitution empowers each rlale to appoint presidential electors In such manner as the legislature thereof may direct. "We recommend, further, that logls laturcs be petitioned to submit to the electors constitutional amendments granting full suffrage to women. HILL-COOPER. Mrs. Loula Cooper, of West Point, announces the engagement of her daughter, Annie Dou. to Mr. Charles Dougherty Hill, the u-eddlng to take place on the evening of January 30 at her home, In West Point. Miss Caroline Hill will be maid of honor and Mrs. W. J. Kirby will bo matron of honor. Miss Mattie Hill will be bridesmaid. Mr. Harvey Hill, of At lanta. will act ns best man, and Mr. W. P. Hill and Mr. B. ID Hill, of Atlanta, will be tbe groomsmen. Miss Cooper Is one of the most at tractive and popular young women of West Point, and Mr. Hill Is a nephew of the late Benjamin H. Hill, of Geor gia, and Is connected with the Arm of J. J. Hagedon & Co. one of the largest mercantile establishments In West Point. ATLANTA GUEST8 AT THALIAN COTILLION. At the ThaNan Christmas cotillion at Macon on Friday night Mr. and Mrs. John D. Dlttle. Miss Margaret Dad son and Miss Hallle Ellis, of Atlanta, were among the notable guests. Mrs. Dlttle wore an elegant toilet of white lace. Miss Ellis was gowned In pink satin, embroidered In pink roses and trimmed In lace, and Miss Margaret Dadson wore white satin and chiffon. OUR BUSINESS Has prospered wonderfully during the past year on ac count of the liberal policy shown our customers. If you are not one of them already, start the New Year by giv ing us your account. Our ’sales for December 24, 1!<06, alone were $2,651.61 ahead of the corresponding day of last year. A nice little gain, isn’t it ? Our Policy, Goods and Prices are right, or else we would not have grown so fast. EUGENE V. HAYNES CO. JEWELERS. 17 WHITEHALL 8T. This charming evening toilet Is made of black chiffon over gray silk. The low neck Is finished with ac.qrdlori plaited chiffon edged with narrow black velvet ribbon and at the corsage there are rosettes of the velvet. The skirt Is very full and Is finished around the bottom with the velvet ribbons. PUPILS’ RECITAL. Mrs. George C. Mungcr gsve a very Interesting pupils’ recital on Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, at her studio, 345 Peachtree street. One of the best features of the excellent program was the delightful rendering of several vo cal numbers by Mrs. Stephen D. Smith. MR. HANCOCK'sVeW , YEAR'8 PARTY. Monday evening Mr. Leonidas F. Hancock will give a New Year’s party at his home, on Forrest avenue. CONTRIBUTION*™ THE HOME FOR OLD WOMEN. Christmas day at the Home for Old Women will for mnny days be one of pleasant memory, and the Gordon Cir cle of the King’s Daughters and Sons wish to thank ail who remembered tho ladles of the home, contributing to their dinner and sending gifts. Contributions to the dinner were sent by: Mrs. M. M. Myers. Mr. C. J. Kamp- er, A. Fugaxxl, John D. Wing Company, Mr. Wolfshelmer, Gnrron's Candy Kltrhen Company. Gifts were sent by: Mr. A. K. Huwkcs, Mrs. J. P. Huntley, Mrs. J. H. Porter, Mis* Dtzzlc McCauley, Miss Grace Murphy, Mrs. Moreland Speer. Miss Aurelia Bouch. Miss Susie May Pope, ladles of Central Presbyterian church. Grace church Rummy school, sixth gratis of Formwalt street school, Mrs. H. Hitchcock, Mrs. Cramer. Miss Dollle Dumpkln and young ladles of suit department at Blch's store. Money was received from; Mtss Min nle B. Gatins, Mrs. K. D. Spalding, Mrs. B. M. Swift, Colonel L. R. Ray, Mrs. Churles W. Hubner. MISS MITCHELL ENTERTAIN8. Monday evening Miss Ora Sue Mitchell entertains at cards, compli mentary to Miss Caroline JIowelL whose marriage to Mr. Willis M. Mil ner will take place In February. MRS. GORMAN’S BRIDGE PARTY. Mrs. Osstnn D. Gorman will give u Inrge bridge party Wednesday after-, noon, January 2, at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. J. Smith. 145 West Peachtree street. In honor of Mrs. R. D. Cooney, und of Mrs. Cay McCall, of Jacksonville. Fla. MRS. ARKWRIGHT - TO ENTERTAIN. Mrs. Preston Arkwright will give i\ large dancing party Saturday even ing, complimentary to her niece, Mies Maitland Marshall, who Is spending the holiday season In Atlanta. AIOS-LYONS. 8peclal to The Georgian. Salisbury, N. C.. Dec. 31.—Among the Christmas weddings In the Old North State this year none'arouzed more gen uine Interest nor attracted more wide spread attention than that of Mr. James Walter Aids and Miss Christina Ly ons, which was solemnised at the home of the bride, 42i North Main street, Tuesday evening at 8:30 o’clock. The home was tastefully decorated, the color scheme being red and green. Mendelssohn's wedding march was ren dered by Miss Julia Snipes. The bride und groom were met nt an Improvised altar of palms nnd ferns by Rev. C. B. Currie, pastor of the Spencer Presby terian church, who performed the cere- many. The ^rlde wore a stylish gown of brown chlfTon. broadcloth, with hat and gloves to match, and carried a handsome shower bouquet of white carnations and maiden hair fern. Quite a number of the bride’s friends were present to witness the ceremony. Among the out-of-town guests were; Mrs. t'hsrles Wicker, uunt of the bride, from Montgomery, with her two little daughters, Virginia and May; Miss Adelaide Cohen, Atlanta. Ga.: Mr. Fred Lyons, of Mobile, Ala., and Mr. George Miller. Jr., of the Univer sity of Virginia. After a delightful luncheon, Mr. and Mrs. Aids left for Washington, D. C„ here they will he for a few days. They will also visit Atlanta and Mont gomery glana, AM., where they will make their future home. complimentary"TO MR. AND MR8. LITTLE. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Stevens, of Ma con, gave a beautiful dinner party Fri day night In honor of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Little. The dinner table had as a centerpiece a tall vase of American Beauty roses. The place cards were Tiffany conceits, representing the petals of an American Beauty. The accessories of the lovely table were all In the color of the American Beauty rose. The guests at the table were: Mr. and Mrs. Dlttle, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Han son. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Felton, Mr. nnd Mrs. Roland Ellis, Mr. nnd Mrs. Geurge Duncan, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Wortham, Mr. S. S. Dunlap and Mr. and Mr*. Steven*. Mrs. Dlttle was handsomely gowned In a French creation of pale blue chit- for, embroidered In darker blue lilies and finished with lace nnd velvet. Mrs. Stevens wore a white liberty satin gown, hnnd-einbroldered In sil ver. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wortham en tertained at a luncheon Saturday at t o'clock In honor of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Dlttle, of Atlanta. The decorations In the drawing room and dining room of Mrs. Wortham's home were of bridesmaid roses and ferns. The appointments In the din ing room were all pink. A centerpiece for the table was composed of pink roses, nnd the Jionbons, and so forth, were In the same color. Sliver shades, with silver fringe, were usod on the cnndelabrn. Mrs. Wortham received 'her guests uttlred In a lovely embroidered gown of white crepe de chine. Mrs. Dlttle wore a magnillcent gown of Irish cro chet lace. Mr. ami Mrs. Wortham's guests were; Mr. nnd Mrs. Dlttle. Major and Mrs. J. F. Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. George Dun can. .Mr. and Mrs. William Fglton, Mr. nnd Mrs. William P. Coleman of Mon treal, Canada, Mr. nnd Mrs. D. O. Ste vens uml Mr. 8. E. Dunlap.—Macon' News. BAGWELL-NELMS. Special to The Georgian; * Bowman, Ga., Dec, 31.—Quite a ro mantic marriage occurred here Friday evening, the contracting parties being Miss Bessie D. Nelms, of Hartwell, and Mr. Emory S. Bagwell, ,of this town. Miss Nelms i» one of Hartwell's most attractive and accomplished young la dies. Mr. Bagwell Is one of Bowman's sterling business men. They will make their future home In Bowman. ~ THE FREE KINDERGARTEN ASSO. CHRI3TMA8 DONATIONS. It hus been a great gratlflratlon to the members of the Free Kindergarten Association to receive a very generous response to the appeal sent out for money to carry on tbe work Instead of giving an entertainment to make money. The sum of 1243.80 has been sent to the treasurer, Mrs. william Greene Raoul, and It Is expected that there will be others who will add to this amount as soon as the rush of the holiday season Is over. The very pleasant notes which hnve accompanied many of the checks Indicate a feeling of good will and appreciation of the work, which has been exceedingly grat ifying. The co-opcratlon of tht methods has been a great assistance to the teachers this winter. Social meetings are held each month In the various school rooms and the teachers talk to the mothers and confer with them about plans for the good of the little children, and this has Insured a much better average attendance upon the daily ex ercises of the schools. The following wen-known ladles and gentlemen hnve contributed to the Christmas donation: - Mr. John W. Grant, Mr. Lewis H. Beck, Mr. R, F. Sheldon, Dr. Thomas Hlnman, .Mrs. John Hill, Mrs, J. A. Nicholson. Judge J. H. Lumpkin. Chambcrlnln-Johnson-DuBoxe Com pany, Mr. Ulric Atkinson, Mrs. Samuel Dumpkln, Mrs. Howard Bell, Mr. I, Carroll Payne; Mr. J. B. Martin, Mr..P. ' Hlbert, Mr. R. C. Jolly, Mr.. Hugh Richardson. Rev. Richard Orme Fllnn, Mrs. Janet T. Fortson, Mr. F. B. Daney, Mr. E. H. Carmen, Mr. C. M. Jerome, Mr. Arnold Broyles, Mrs. William O'. Raoul, Mrs. Nellie Pettus Black', Miss Jennie Armstrong, Mr. A. V. Gude, Mrs. EM ward Brown, Mrs. Maude T. Klrby- Smlth, Mrs. Milton N. Armstrong. Mrs. Robert Maddox, Mr. W. L. Cosgrove, Dr. McH. Hull, Mr. T. Y. Tupper, Mr. William T. Ansley. Mrs. M. R. Em mons, Mr. Hubert Culberson, Mr. W. A. Chapin, Mr. W. P. Inman, Mr./Joseph Olllnger, Mr. T./A. Hammond, Mr. T. W. Eggleston, Mr. Milton Dargan, Mrs. M. B. Parsons, Mrs. Alex King, Mr. J. B. Thompson, Mrs. Lena Swift Huntley, Mr. Henry Hirzch, Mr, Lowry Arnold. MISS BROWN’S TEA. Miss Marjorie Brown was the charming young hostess at an.after noon card party Monday, given In honor of her guests, Miss Irene 'Searle, of Montrose, Pa., and Miss Frances Wallace', of Paducah, Ky. The decorations throughout the house were conflned to the holiday colors, nnd everywhere there Were wreaths of holly and mistletoe. The young hostess wore a dainty frock of white batiste trimmed with Valenciennes lace. Miss Wallace wore pink messallnc silk fashioned with Cluny lace. Miss Searle wus gowned In white cloth embroidered In silk. After the card game the young la dles were joined by a number of their young gentlemen friends, who enjoyed with them a delicious hot supper. MOORE-BREVARD. Mrs. Robert Joseph Brevard, of Charlotte, N. C„ announces the mar riage Of her daughter, Caro Mays, to Dr. Baxter Springs Moore, which took place Wednesday, December 26, at Charlotte. pearsallTblaine. Announcement has* been made in Washington of the engagement of Mrs, Martha Hlchborn Blaine and Lieuten ant Paul S. Pearsall, formerly of the Rough Riders and a millionaire. Mrs. Blaine Is one of dhe celebrated beauties and belles of Washington, and recently obtained a divorce from Mr. Blaine in Dakota. , ELSA8-TRIER. Mrs. Reuben Trier, of Newark, N. T„ announces the- engagement of her daughter, Ethel, to Mr. David Elsas, of Atlanta. Y. W. C.~aTNOTES. There will be no dinner served ut tho association rooms New Year's day. The rooms will be closed. Miss Elina Harley, physical director, will return to her duties this week. We are very grateful for the gifts received from kind friends of the asso ciations, as follow: A handsome rocker for the office, some pillows, subscription to two mug- aslnes, all of which will be made good use of. MRS. E. C. BAKER. Secretary. ASSOCIATION of - COLLEGE WOMEN. The convention of the Southern As sociation of College Women was held during the past week at Montgomery, adjourning Saturday. The constitution of the association was revised; It was decided to meet twice each year, in the spring and the fall. Instead of annually; Nashville was chosen its the meeting place for April, ltd?, and It was decided to put forth an Increased effort In the Interest of the scholarship fund. Dr. Lillian Johnson, acting presi dent, presided, and the meetings were attended uy a number of coiiege wom en from polnte throughout Alabama and Georgia, and many Interested Montgomery women. With a view to the more rapid ex tension of the work of the Southern Association of College Women, the fol lowing resolutions, offered by Miss Ce leste Parrish, of Athens, second vice president of the association, were adopted: “Resolved, That the executive com mittee .of the Southern Association of College Women be empowered to do the following work: "First. To Invite the co-operation with the Southern Association of Col lege Women, bodies of women already organized for educational purposes. "Second. To stimulate the organi zation of nlumnac associations In all girls' schools In the South, and to in vite these associations to co-operate with the Southern Association of Col lege Women.' "Third. To Invite these co-operating bodies to attend all our open meet ings. "Fourth. To arrange for one co-op erntlvc session at each melting of the Southern Association of College Wom en. "Fifth. These co-operative bodies to be In no wise members of the Southern ’Association of College Women, but sep arate organisations. "Sixth. All bodies consenting to co operation shall pay a fee of not less than $2, the sum to be used by the Southern Association of Col leg? Wom en for the scholarship fund. "Seventh. Where organisation Is not possible, Individuals shall be Invited to co-operate. These individuals shall not be members of the association; but co-workers with It, and shall pay a fee of It for the scholarship fund.” ADIES, if you want a good Shampoo—if you want —' an artistifc Hair Dress—if you want a scientific Facial, Scalp or Body Massage—a Vapor Bath—a Manicure or Pedicure, come to RANDOLPH’S HAIR DRESSING PARLORS, (571-2 Whitehall Street Over Wiley,s) Everything Is new and up-lo-date—we have all the best Electric Appliances and everything we use Is thouroughly sterilized. We manu facture and sell our own Toilet Cerates, Hair Tonics, etc. SCALP AND SKIN DISEASES A SPECIALTY. BELL PHONE 3573. SUPERB COLLECTION OF STERLING SILVER SUITABLE FOR WEDDING GIFTS. LARGE HANDLER OF GORHAM STERLING SIL- VER. MY FALL STOCK IS COMPLETE. Charles W. Crankshaw, Diamond Merchant and Jeweller. L6 Whitehall St„ Century Bldg. The heavy demands on my stock have been replaced and I am prepared to serve my friends and patrons with new goods at the same popular prices. With many thanks for your liberal patronage, and best wishes for A HAPPY NEW YEAR SEVENTY Whitehall Streat. J.C.Mellichamp Next Door Chamberlin* Johnson* DuBoso Co. Atlanta’s Only Popular Priced Jewelry Establishment. m BROOCH PINS We have a good many gold brooch pins from $1.50 up in various designs. We will give a special discount up to the first of the New Year. Don’t miss it. Come and see fhem ' a. HOLZMAN, 94 Whitehall Street. return thl. week to Notre Dame cove nant In Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs.' W. C. Henry, after a delightful visit to Mr. nnd Mrs. Flem ing duBIgnon, have returned to their home, In Columbus, Ohio. Mr. nnd Mr». Warren E. Hall, of 33 Bedford place, announce the birth of a daughter, Martha Haygood Hall. Dr. and Mrs. George Tlgner have re turned from Birmingham. Mr. and Mra. Ralph Smith left Mon day for Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mra. John Carrlgan paeaed through the city Sunday cn route to Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mra. Barrett Phlnlzy, of Athens, are the gueets of Mr. and "Mra. J. C. Hunter. Miss Marie Alice Phillips ha* re turned from Virginia. Mra. Albert Collier Is the gueat of relatives In St. Loula. Mlsa' Frances Connolly laavea this week for Baltimore, whera she la at tending Madame De Febra'a school. Mra. Thomas Peeples Is the guest of Mrs. Charles Phlnlzy In Athens. Mr. and Mra. Wade Dangaton have gone to St. Douiz, where they will make their home. Sir. T. M. Seawald la visiting rela tives In Michigan. Mr. Peyton Douglas la In Knoxville. Mra. R. H. Shaw, who has been their guest recently, has returned to her home nt Cartersvllle, Ga. Mr. and Mra. Sidney Butler, whore marriage on last Tuesday waa of gen eral Interest to, their large circle of friends, leave Sunday for their future home in Atlanta. Mra. Butler was for. merly Miss Marie Battle, of this city, Thd- wedding took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Battle, on upper Broad street. —Augusta Chronicle. Mra. Frank Butt and children will re- turn this week from a visit to Augusts OR. REBECCA C. BRANNON, APARTMENT A. THE FREDERICK, 352 Whitehall Stmt. Practice limited to women and going Irom there to Ucor- children. Personal Mention J) D Mr. W. K. Teiry, of Birmingham, gave n theater party Friday evening in that city. In honor of Miss Due-lie Dane and her guests, Mlsa Darfean. of At lanta, and Miss Cobbs, of Anniston. Mr. Edward A. Werner has returned from a holiday visit to Birmingham. Mra. Werner will remain several days longer In Birmingham, where she Is tbe guest of her stater, Mrs. Joseph V. Allen. Miss Dargan returned Monday from a visit to Mlsa Luclle Dane, at Birm ingham^' Miss Nan Payne, o the attractive guest J. Carroll Payne. Misses Claire and Marie Ridley will Mr. Nat Jenette, of Nashville, Is in Atlanta for a few days. Judge Howard Van Epps and Hon. F. T. Williams are on a hunting trip in South Georgia. Mr. Alex Stephens Is spending tho holiday week in Washington, Ga. Mrs. George Hurt and children were the guests of relatives at Eufauln, Ala., during the holidays. Mrs. Jack Cutler, of Macon, and her mother, Mrs. Emma Bell, will spend January In Florida. Miss Schofield and Miss Josephine Jones have returned to Macon after brief visits to Atlanta fylends. Mrs. E. Powell Fraser entertained on Saturday at her home In Marcn In honor of Miss Hallle ElUs, who Is the guest of friends in that city. Mra. David Stratton Goodrich, of At lanta, Ga„ and children have been the guests of Mrs. Eugene Smith, on For est avenue, for the holidays. Mrs. Goodrich, who formerly lived here, has been given a cordial welcome by her many friends, and -on Thursday Mra. Smith complimented her with a family dinner. Mrs. Goodrich will go for the week-end to Madison, to be with Mrs. Everett Doolittle, and returns to At lanta Monday.—Nashville Banner. Mra. Samson D. Mallory has returned from a visit to friends at Madison. Mr. IV. T. Smith left Monday for Texas, after spending the holidays with his family. Mrs. D. If. Reid and her daughter. Miss Julia Reid, of Greensboro. Ga., are the guests of Mrs. Paul Pound. Miss Essie Soggus, niece of Mr. and Mra. Marlon Graham anti Miss Isa belle Graham are the guests of relatives at Aiken, S. C. Mra. William P. Duvall la visiting Mra. J. P. Verdery, at Augusta. She return to the city In a few days. Miss Addle Cohen has returned home after spending the holidays In Salisbury, N. C. Mr. L. M. Deas, of Meridian, Mir*. Is In the city visiting frtsnda. Miss Louise Cobb, after visiting Hiss Frank Haltlwanger for several weeks, has returned to her home at Annis ton. Miss Frank Himiw«n*ei !■ the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Arthur Sullivan, at her handsome home, "Hill Crest." at Rome. Many charming soelnl func tion* are being planned In Miss Haiti- wapger*a honor during her visit to Rome. Mr. and Mra. J. C. Trabue have re turned to Nashville after visiting At lanta friends during the holiday sea son. Miss Elisabeth Kirkland, of Nash ville, daughter of Chancellor and Mrs. J. II. Kirkland, gave a doll parly on Friday afternoon for her cousin, little Miss Harriet McDaniel, of Atlanta, who, with her parents, Mr. ami 111* Sanders McDaniel, Is spending the hol idays with relatives at Nashville. Eighteen guests attended the doll party. Mra. Edward Palmour Simpson and the Misses Simpson, who have been visiting Mra. Arneltl Broyles, have re turned to their home In Toc-toa. Mr. Tom Perrin has returned from I his home In Abbeville, S. C„ where he | spent the holidays. Miss Cecil Love la the guest of Ml«* | Susie White In Birmingham. Mr. Ernest Harrison, after a delight- ful visit to home folks, has returntu j to Pittsburg. Mr*. Myrta Lockett Avary I* “I Montgomery, Ala.. In attendance at u I alck bed of her mother, Mrs. August* I Harper Lockett, who waa stricken "It" I paralysis early In December. MJe I Lockett resides with her grandson. Mr. Arthur Bertrand Moon, at Montgon I ery. Mra. E. O. Moore, of Inman Mrs. Is her daughter. Her grandchlMr'" here are: Mr. V. B. Moore. Mlss Majf Moore. Mra. John M, Graham and M 5 l Vivienne Strory. 8he has also gre Jl grandchildren. New Passenger 8ehedule. Special to The Georgian. , I Brunswick, Ga, Dec. 3D—It I* ***'" unofficially that the Atlanta. Blrffl «’ ham and Atlantic railroad will. » >'" I the next ten days or two, week", i l augurate a double daily P**- „*„,i I schedule between Brunswick Montezuma. Heretofore the" htl ■ been but one passenger train over I line each 'day. — IMITATION BURLAPS, FRUIT DESIGNS FOR DINING ROOMS. WHITE WALL PAPER CO., 69 North Pryor Street.