The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 01, 1907, Image 1
10,000 HANDS SHAKEN BY PRES. ROOSEVELT ON NEW YEAR’S DAY ~Ab W&JJt— Wko Said * Race-siucide ? Last Season’s Record Is Smashed, Say Old Timers. LONG LINE OF FOLK LEADS UP TO HOUSE Foreign Potentates, Array and Navy Officers and Common People See Chief Executive. Washington. Jan. 1.—Nearly 10.000 Ameri can cltlxcns. representatives of tentnte* and powers, officers of the army and navy, statesmen. Judges and office holders. shook bands with President Rooae- ▼#lt today. It was the annual Now Year’s reception, the' first of the list of Important social •vents of the white house season, and the president was "at home" to all the world. Lest year the executive shook hniul* with Just persons and was engaged upon the task until 2:46 p. in. If those who have watched the annual rush for the president's right for several yenrs are any good Judges of numbers, the present year’r, procession, at the white house will break nil past rec ord*. The great line of gold-laced officer*. !m»- ■pangled diplomats, blue-con ted veterans, aud well-groomed plain people, extended from the front doors of the white bouse down the winding walk to Pennsylvania avenue, west on the avenue up past the atate. war and navy building and south on fitoventeenth afreet to the Corcoran art gal lery. Policemen’* Hands Full. Although 11 o’clock was the hour an nounced for the beginning of the re ception, the line began to form outside the White House grounds as early ns 8:30 a. m., and within half An hour the policemen who were assigned to the Job of maintaining order, had their hands full. Now and then a more than ordinarily enthusiastic free-born rltlxen would move up a few puces and dispossess tome other equally free-born gentleman in the line, and an argument wits pre cipitated* j At.. A ~*ukv though, everyone In the long, Bred, waiting line was In the best Joked witli his n*uxe; UPS DRILL Go Through Army Tactics With Rifles on Campus. Honolulu, Jan. 1.—Japanese In com- pantos of forty are having Infantry drills dally with lilies on the campus at the Japanese school. fiiTil three nights a week the men gather in the school grounds, and, armed with rifles, go through the close and open order drills very quietly, and the manuul of sighting and utmlng the rifle. The men are not raw recruits, but execute the orders of the drill with the swing and order of regulars. During the day the rifles are kept locked up. A Japanese training ship has arrived with u large number of re serves aboard. A steamer has also ar rived manned and officered by Juponeae officials, and in her hold oru the guns which were mounted fg» her decks while she was u converted cruiser and army transport during the Russo-Jap anese war. oo<kxk>oooock>ouooooooooockk> o O BRIDE KISSES 400 O GUESTS AT WEDDING. O a o O 8t. Louis, Jan. 1.—Jacob Qlas- 0 O ner, who was married to Mis* O O Lida Xletvtan. has a line dlaposl- 0 O tlon. Immediately after the wed- 0 O ding ceremony Ills bride began 0 O kissing the guests. She kissed 400 0 vlthln an hour, and then gamely 0 O asked if anyone lmd been over- O O looked. Her husband said he did O O not care how many she kissed. 0 O O OO0O0O0000O000OO0OOO00000O 4,000,000 CHINESE REPORTED STARVING London, Jan. 1.—The latest estimates allow iliot 4,000,000 persons are afarving In the north Anhui province, China. Ow ing to-the excessive ruin- niul fall* 4lht4£<fis.cr4i|bi:artdt:'.. ly growing worse. N AND B. & O. BY U. S. COMMISSIONER WashUmton, .Jan. 1.—Investigation .Into the operation* of tho block signal nyntema of the Southern and Baltimore and Ohio railway! will be mndc by tho Interstate commerce ' commission, ac cording to an announcement made to- flay. . * Tho cdmmlMton will make a cartful and thorough an InveatUratlon into, the operation of signal systems In cohnec- tloh’wlth the wreck In which President Kpeneer, of the Southern, was killed a month Ago. and also Into the wreck at Terra Cotta Sunday night. ■ The first session, of the InvestlRgtlon will be tielil In this city Vrtday. They are expected to lent acvernl days. The members win move to the scene both wrecks and such other points a* may be found necessary In order to make a complete Invedlantlun of the system of signaling which has been ndopted for safoty to the traveling public. COL. LON LIVINGS! ON SEEKS A MAUD ORDER AGAINSTN.Y. EXCHANGE Washington, Jan. 1.—Forgetting that It waa a half-botliay .In the departments. Rep resentative ton UvlafWon. of Georgia, got np tt PMtthHtfrikdnl Cortolymi’s office ^ aQlfuottn to make formal npplleatfcn for a fraud onler sgain*t the New Yark‘“Cotton Exchange. He wllLJ** there again tomorrow to file charge* upon Cloaca fit-| he >f« hoc* ug';< tea ha neat t change will In 1 heard before the department take* action. Representative lturle*on. of Texa*. Is at work on a hill to prevent bucket whopping n* far n* the federal government tuny do It. It will forbid telegraph ronquinleti to-trail Gunibllug will Uo il« itipd ttoils in which no m-tiinl deliv tended. mill evidence that the NV\ change uses "dog tail'' vottou for the true* of ibitvery would be accepted, lturb-soii thinks, n* proof that It* tnu tlon* are merely spe« iilatlve. any trail one ‘ v I* York DID DOT DEED Hildebrand A sseri: That Flag Hid . Signal. OPERATOR PHILLIES TO BE EXONERATEI Dcatlr List iajkely ttr 60—Several Injured , Persona Dying. * Waablngtoo, Jan. L~8a badly Injured ;rr many -of those who wore taken alive from the wrsekas* of Baltimore had Ohld train No, «, which waa wrecked Sunday, at Tam Cotta; that .lt la hollered the death Hat will grow to atxty. naif a doaen of tho Injured iwawagera, now In hrepHala la thlw city, are In such condition that It ll practically certain they can not sarvil The railroad official, are proaaeatu Intent tan lion to dx tho blame for the < ter. That Ulltsn V. Phillips, tho ops. at the Taknuia block station, will be oxon* crated la evidenced by n statement-math) by Ucorral anperlnterfdeot Todd. Train Crew Arraafid. ' "" Tokoma la tbe last sicnal station passed ' by tbe equipment train, which, while go ing at a high rate at speed, crashed hits the rear of the paMeofer train, complete, ly teleecearina tr. Mr. Todd rare Phil. Ilpe wan ornglag Inatrncttona when Be went horns at «» o'clock, lea*In* the double sreen slciinl hurulaa. The srueml anpennlrndmt eh,rye agi ' iadlrates most rest upon tbe en the equipment train. T nrreeted. and an held | gntlon. • “J Didn't ftaa digital." They are Harry B. ITIldebi Ira C. McClelland, fireman; 1 myer. rood actor; Ralph Butter, tmkea and WllIMm A. Norris, f Hildebrand rnylna nil I THERiCE MILLIONS: COLLEGE GETS CUSH Galveston. Texas, Jan. 1.—Albert T. Patrick having been denied an Interest In the ‘«e«tfiu»~ of the late William ,M. Klee, for w hole death he was convicted, the ox ecu {or* of the will have turned over th>- t'state to the trustees for the establishment of the nice Institute, for which 44,000,000 wan -provided. Two ndlllons iua-W bQ iwle-1 for buildings and equipment and $4.000,GOO for the endow merit of the Institute. CITY BEGINS NEW YEAR WITH FINE BALANCE IN HER TREASURY TROLLEYS CRASH; MOTORMAN DYING 'LACKOF 31 R1HRE CORDS MAKES LAW A FARCE" \ ; H. P, MEIKLEHAM. AQBNT LINDALE MILLS. of the Massachusetts Mills In Georgia, one anibng the largest mills In th South, iiny respects a model mill community, bo wl tl proVe more or less of a farce t>«cau*c are kojm in the state. concernIBg the effect of tbe law on the mills speak* with the directness ami blmunvM for say* Harry P. Melkleham. agotjt of the Masiachu located at Lindale, near Rom and whkh In coniideml in t liavgft the new child labor law no wetWl of births or death! Agkffd for an expression < .of thft tUUfi >!r. Melkleham s which he It wdll known. He whether it w|ll haf excapt tb’ put uaio the worry and exm * * * ‘ to Rome.(five mlleaT to inn* “ M I cannot nay “ mych effect one way .or the other. miHht tending our opaVativea from their affidavit* befon‘ % the ordinary, ally every other mill m nn this child labor MU* Wilmington. Del.. Jan. 1.—The dense • »g of this morning and a mlaunder- tandlng In signals combined, resulted in a head-on collision on the People'* railway on Twenty*thIVT! street this morning. Motormnn John Farrell was pinioned beneath the operating machinery and the front platform of the enr nnd'se riously Injured. He may die. Law and Order Laagua. Bpeclni to Tbe Georgina Brunswick, Go.. Jun. 1— A meeting was held yesterday In the study of the pastor of the First Baptist church for the^. purpose «sf forming on organisation to he known as the Law and OrderJ«ctyru*. A'number of.prom- Inent. dtixens'were in attendance. In cluding the pastors of all the church#* In this city. lore than I150.MQ In rush will l»e carried | •r from the administration of 1906 Sol administration of 1907 than waa carried •r from lis*. lie comptroller’* Iralnnee on January 1. waa $311,541.44. The Iralnnee op into I v 1. 1JW7, Is $450*.This shown the| nunry l. I9»m— t’oniptroller's lral*nee rolled Ion* during the year Total to lie accounted for Totnl dlaburayincuts during the yeur i u*ry 1, 1*>V— UompftTiller’s I mis ace Warrants oiitHtamltug awry 1, 1907- rnsb In Maddox-Rucker Ranking <’*ni; <*u»li In Lowry Niitloii*l Rank .... Total ca*l» In Irank* ond treasury unary 1. 1907- hI. t-urrletl from 1906 to 1M7: For (icrpetunl charter fund For Itond sinking fund For lull mice newer ImiimI sale for outstanding warrants .. For IWrtulHW'light blit of th. nl council t forth In .$ SI.26S..16 . 59,1SS.3H ,. N'.-.', .a -$#^969.21 Pryor At red For Ira lance Wiishlngto For’ acliiml vouchers Street Vlfl.dCt ii \ vonehrt* - iindy hospital rauy liosplfgr ’ Grady hospital bnUeys . For city hall I 'or pork voucl For iwldge voi i: 12,IW0.tlM 1.495 . f ItkOfi \ fcx.4») 1*55 : sftg 3h.Wl.31 . .H‘h'.«8.21-$4h-».Xi .I HiEianr FALLS OH EIIEIIK A. flywheel welgltltig five fops broke loaae from the derrick with' w hich the big plica of ir«xn wam befog unhtaded at the Pratt Laboratory shprtly aftef on Tuesday, fulling upon ‘J. K. Ore nnde, one of the • erpployees^badly crushing one of hit legs. , He was hurried To the Presbjharian hospital and after an examination of the wounds, it is thought that the leg will be amputated. Grenade was suf fering greatly when moved., but ahowed underfill nerve. Ha was almost un- msclous when , the . hospital was Mr*. Kaunft who wag nlifkt a, hft from rve, I* won *Ad h.r .nfifaWM. ht) tho ]K,Mi».\V>y )'o IJIqblMM aroirao. ltorhiK tho wrok •iiVpixod to hovv :ui-r,l* bretl Inc hor bfiti. Bopetl hkrtoottt Jones Bought Sixteen Eggs Cif Gfocer Jenks for 24 Cents : ^BM .Inlotcqt. *»0re of CHARGES OF GRAFT GAINST VARDAMAI MADE BY WARDER Special to Tbs Ueorglau. Jacksun. Miss., Jan. 1.—A big sensa tlon was created in political circle* 11* morning when Warden J. J. Henry, f the penitentiary, who got?# nut of (flee today, submitto<J a report hleto he charged Govetnor Vurdemion | with grafting In tuppbrt of thta frdtp djwtaiu cRFr JtHek-la ihn * statement of the •chrtagi »oTu- ■Dudfay Proiacd by Ptruvijn*. New Y rk. Jan t —A farewell rx»- ptir.u \»uf. given to the retiring Aimr- »n minht* v b* Peru at Lima. Peru, charge lie said that on a recent j st. Louis the governor and metnb I'tif the imard of control purchased a lot i of mules, the gixv^rnor at the same time buying a saddle horse, which he shipped T« expense of the ataie. created a great stnoa circle* ooooooooooooooooooocc 0 HOPES TO. PREVENT O 8UIC40E BY ft ' Lr * i Lomti'O. Jan. t.—> burreu , jvafUrx of Utq^RMka tendon lubtHeqn W WllU»m 'I bv ,l 1.::,' It "•)« npnvnanl S !>«<»?*"-• *>v t*iv»:.tvut P*nl). Tholre egSSra thaOPAtM') • witilrm onjt 10 a tou-t thktthv uhuMiQJreap«jltfiHt t thosWru rtonrras Mr, UuiUv>"* <1«- O i * riTruno. nml J Mrnimt*, tho t»t of hvr protoa(*|f i ui-txhbon to Wonio. npprrh Th* report of,' th* ill nialBtr ilno to tin f*et lor, whoa «ho Mt Bo klttrni Hi th* homo. L whfit oh* voiwtdorefi. viSktont ft rihvonrtnf thre* poovtiloio.'tho 1 ram* htuwrj auit 1 pqti Th*,1 h»|i* op-iurt » hni.ll> ootid—t Hr. t-ht nuit hr nuuM 0* lot wore turn a Uni to 111 woman. Tom In luvretl«*ttnc tho re* anri l ureilnr.reorotoB. Tl ■'nn-ivil Mrs HrtBtaUF lh. ui'jihon It wii* Irernnl hum* Chrtatmn* f ■if liwjmo In'tit nmll rrMnv Ih* horn* of SI atiwt. on* o) itay thvi*. the bout* Of Ml laVn »v*r *ta».. r ..; , mSXjvSRrt cqtah^rvuutal ’ -r- Mr. Jau ss