The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 10, 1907, Image 2

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN, ■ ....-.‘flPAY., JANUARY 1*. J*W. ' Whit AQa TouT Do too feel weak, tired, despondent^ have frequent headaches, roiled tongue, 'tiUler or tad U«ie'ld moremi, -heart burn.* brlchln* of (». leld ruing* Id Ihroal if Ur eating. stomach «niw or burn, foul breitb. Uiuy «p»ll». i>oor or virlible appetite, nausea at tlmaa and kindred aymptnoia? If yoB-fcave any ronildfrable number of pbnvetyulom* you are sufferln* dlinu*ntts?Wpid liver with Indl bowel regulator and nerve strenfthener. The*t,olden Medical IMsrovery * It not a patent medicine or aerret noetrum. a full Hat of Ita Ingredients l-ein* printed oa Ita bottle-wrapper and attested under —oath. A flatvre at lu formula will abow that It contains no air.,hoi, nr harmful habit-forming drugs It la a fluid eitrarl made with pure, triple-refined glycerins, pf proper ajrength. from the root* of the following native American forest planta, vlt. ttulden Heal root. Stone root, HI aril Cberryhark, queen's root, llloodroot, and Mandrake root. ’ The following leading msdlest suihnrlUi s. among a boat of otliera, eiUil the foregoing reels for the cure of Just aurh allmenta aa the abovearmpfnmain.llrete: Prof It. Harthnlnw. ‘ of Jefferson Med t'ollafe.'l'hUa: I'mf. Vond. at. It., of llnlv.of Pa : Prof Edwin Halinrinann Med. Collage. ffe CJilragu; Prof. John Kin*. N- If. Author of Anrnrm l»l«p**iMtprji Prof. Jno. M. Hrtid* Sir. tf fi.e Author of Msdlclni*: Prof. L«urmrr John«M»n. M I»rpt. ( ol* of fTV.i Prof. Hnl#r ElllnfwinxL M.!».. Author of M*t*r1* Msfilr* and Prof In Brunet t Medi cal Gollff*. PhlrtAo Kend name and «d- firm on Pottnt Cai4 to Dr. !k V Pierre, Duf- filo. N. V.. and receive free Uioklet flvlnf eitrtrta from writing* of til the above medi cal tuthora and mi nr oihert rationing. in the •tmnfMl ptrwIMfl term*, each and every In- trredlent of which "Oolden Medical DIko»* GIFTED SPEAKER FOB BIG REVIVAL FOB TABERNACLE Dated for whnt proinlaea to bn the gieatrat annual Hil»le mnfereno# In the history of the liuptlaf Th hr mac I* have been hard ami the Hat of speakers gtvtn out by Rev. Dr |<*n O Brough ton. The conference will lake place from March 21 to 31, un<! during that time there will be six lectures given every duy by *om* of the foremost Christian workers In tha world. The speakers and those wh<i are to take part In the coming conference are: tlypsy Htnlth, the great English evan gelist, w ho. according to the testimony of .Rev. Dr U. (‘ampbell Morgan, of London. Is the greatest living ivange- list In the world. Itev. I)r. J. II G'»od- tle||, of .Vew York city, pastor of the t'nhrary Methodist church, sahl to tlic strongest Methodist church .America; Rev. Dr. James A. tiray. the Moody lilble Institute of f'hh a Itev Dr A. C*. IMxon. pastor of the .Moody church of Chicago, and succe*. eor to Dr. R. A. Torrey. Rescue Mission Evangelist Melvin G. Trotter, of Grand Rapids, Mich.. V. R. Moody, president of the NorthfleJl Rchools and direct) of the Norihflelu .Conference of t'hrh tiun Workers: Rev. H. II. Ilulton. ■» Charlotte. N. f\; Miss Eleanor Ht afford Millar, Melbourne. Australia. Professor D R Towner, of Chicago, will he in charge of the music. MURDERER IS PROTECTED BY WAR DEPARTMENT Washington, Jen. >0.—During the de bate over (he Item In the army appro priation bill wetting aelde 11.000,800 for encampment*. Hepreeemailve Oroeve- nor. of Ohio, declared In the Jiouse yes. lerday that at the encampment, nenr hie home. In Athene, Ohio, last sum mer, an Ohio militia officer wee ehot and hilled by regulars who were trying to rescue one of tlielr companions from the ramp lork-up. He said do, one bad ever been pun ished for the crime and no report waa ever ordered on the subject. He charged that the war department bad taken up the cudgel In opposition lo the local autboritlee who tried to bring in justice the perpetrators of the cold blooded murder. The house. In committee of the whole, by a vote of 37 to to. refused to strike nut the encampment item. LIFE WAS A NIGHTMARE, SO HE USED GAS TO END IT New Vurk, Jan. 10.—With a nple lying near by. In which he had written "l.lfe ta u rarebit dream," tha body of Albert Chittenden, an artlet of enmn MUCUS HUliO tU PICK SOM Lansing. Mich., Jun 10.—The raucua Helen It t.'nlleil Htatea senator I eurreed Uenarat Bussell A. Alger, ad journed at 12:tS tliIn morning until 9 p. rn The lift to ballot atood: IV, r, M- Mlllarr, 2*: William Alden Hmith, 4.1: Arthur Hill, 32; Congressman t\ E Towneeml. a? mile, was found In hie apartment! at IS West Twenty-ninth atreet. Chittenden had committed suicide by inhaling gas and had been dead at least three days. BOARD OF HEALTH RE-ELECTS OFFICERS All lIn* officer*' of the hoard of health were icelected Wednesday ofleriCHUi n! the reorganisation luesttug. Them- nro Iir. <\ K. Henson, presidenf; lieorge > ll. Ilrandon. vice president, ami «\ JL Vaughan? secretary* - An election of two new men! Inspectors wiir lifhl by the hosrd. There were In the l.l.l...rli.HH^..f J—nlf; candidates IV II Assets Over $85,000,000.00 THE AETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO, OF HARTFORD, CONN. Offers GREATER OPPORTUNITIES TO AGENTS than the majority of life insurance companies that are doing business in the State of Georgia. Why? It Issues PARTICIPATING NON-PARTICIPATING TERM POLICIES ’ - PARTNERSHIP '• and the standard form as prescribed by the New York Legislature. “ ATTRACTIVE AGENT’S CONTRACTS. To men who wish to make the insurance profession their vocation, we wish to call their especial attention to the contract we are making, details of which will be given upon application. WE RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS FOR 1907. W. E. HAWKINS, State Manager, 904-7 Prudential Building, Atlanta, Ga. An unsurpassed record of over forty years on Annual Dividend Policies. *(MdMi bowrla art murh mo st! 9* ted. They're tiny and sugar-coated. WONT TAKE MAIL in.—Rerauie Louisville, Ky., Jan. L. -Nhltfc cllUeim living an rural roma Nit. 3, in TwAggs rounty. objected t«» being •erted by n negr* mall carrier, the route has been discontinued by flu postoffice department at Washington •'for lack of sufficient patronage." and the carrier, W. L. George, la without job. The mall «v«s formerly delivered I ; ft whlte_ carrier, who Urclined-rsaju polntment. mid the negro was appoint ed. The white peopl* look down their mall boxes, and the mall was carried to "Tile Springs" before being turned over to the persona to whom it was ad. dressed. ENDLESS CMAMnIeTTEr" 8TIR8 A8MEVILLE PEOPLE. Epeclal tu Tha ujuurghn, Aslievllle. N. 1‘ . Jan. 10.—Hearing all r the earmark! vf reltglou! tlirrata lumlr during the Dark Agee, carrying an ul, of mystery which (tumhfounila thnae whose 111 luck It has been t,. receive -• them are the wn«nvmmia letter* which have been left .m the il.M,retet.e «.f many nf the Aeltcvltle triune*. The ■ fetter* Cnntnln a prayer, allege.! t,. Imv,. heed W-Htren hy tttehup l.^wrcncr. nf Ma**achu*eti», ..f the Kpi*c..pul church, and ruU.iwIng Due iH-mitlful ttaettage tlltectetl t.t t* n re.|iie*t that each i»er*.in receiving euch a let ter In turn write n fnc-*lmllr letter to a frlemt ami t*mtlntie writing tine trt- ,ter each day until nine have been writ. , ten. Huttead nf u re.,ueHi t«» e,imply with keeping Ihl* entile** chain g.tlng. — there t* a threat that some Imirfbla ! accident will befall the Ural In Ignore the command FAIR ASSOCIATION DECLARES DIVIDEND. Special tn The nrorilili. ’ Eatunmn. tin, Jan. 10—At a Hirel ing of the al.M'khiililer* on Ttieeduy Ihe annual election of officera and director* of the I-ulna in rounty fair Aaaorlatlon wai held and other liuperlnm liu*lne»» Iranaactetl From ttie reports of the aerrrtnry and treasurer the unsocial Ion wna allow u to be In u aplendl.l condi tion. A dividend r.f IS ,.. r cent on the Old Hock Ul declared, and an l**ue of lino additional «tnek wa» mithorUcd. Arrangement* were ul*.. made fur the axpendltutr of n goodly »mn in Improv ing the track and gr , ml*, and In-, crearing the building capacity The election of oltlcer* » a* fol low* J. T. Dennla, irelected president; M. R. Hhlver*. elected vice president; J. I>. Watterson. re-elected weretary, E. W. Ingram, re-elected treasurer. Prof. Tolwin is Dssd. Cleveland. Ohla Jun In --I'lMfessor I* 8. Tout in. for f.irty y ear* profe** >r of Kngll»li m.tnlurc In Me*tern He- aerve I'niverslly, I* dead from pneu monia. A BANKER S NERVE Drekan by Coffts and Raatsrad by Poatum. •»ls |*« r*»mlnrm hanker hww in* krsps f Olmtta- imsplf in ii.a ihl 1 t ail tn use For p«»nu* i frtun its t*» afT»*rt m»» iramblt-il. tin- mi. my men- am! tn other ut of order. • had at last A hank* nerve* an brain. A 1 noogn tell eondlilnir •Tp lo 17 >fi Allowed t.i drink 1 got out intu ih It and grew very f.»nd of It years I notb »d no bail efr»- use. but in time it lagan unfavorably M\ ha muscle* of mv face t lal processes seemed %■«» my system g These conditions gre that I had to give up t. free alto. . gAther. "My attention having been drawn to Poatum Food t'offee. 1 began Its use **n leaving off the old kind, and It gtv»* mi plaasnr* t ■» testify tnrr\ultn*. T And It m delicious leverage, like It juat as well as 1 did coffer, and during tha years that I have used I*.-stum I have been free from the distressing symptom* that arromimnled the use of coffee The nervousness Has en tirely disappeared, and I am as steady of hand as a boy t»f 2j. though I am more than 92 years old. I owe nil this to Poatum Food Coffee." Name gl\en bv the Postuni Co, Hattie «'rrek. Mlrh "There's a reason" Read the little b«e*k. "The Road to WellvUie,” In i»kgs All grmera. WORK FOR PASSAGE OF LITTLEFIELD BILL The Woman's ChrlsiiHn Teni|»erance Union of Georgia Is deefdy Interested In the passage by congress of the Ut tlefleld bill, which places restriction* on Interstate shipment nf Ibpiors. —r-Thtw—tdtt "hr tom- - t»ef»»re- < he h«H»*e Judiciary cimmlttee. of whbh Con- \V. G. If rant ley, «»f the Klev- enth (b*orgln district. Is a member. An effort tu g**i the committee to report Wednesday was proponed, but no In formation bus reache*! here ns to whether or tint any notion was taken. Mr* Jennie Mart Hlliley. of Union Point, hoiiotary president «»f the W. T U in Georgia. nn«l one of the most ardent advocates of prohibition, has been busied for weeks circulating and seem lug signatures to petitions urging the passage of the l.lttlefhdd hill. These petitions with thousands of sign er* have been forwarded to Uongress- imm Itrunllcv nt Washington. Mr.-. Slbb y also urges all good pen- d?ic lH-llic plnte inl^t traiud ln-this-iiu?** lb»n to telegraph Congnssinnn flrant- ley uigiiu^the passage of the bill. *ful ITw DINNERS SCHEDULED • AT THE PIEDMONT Twenty-five Hlgma Nu members and frl*»nd« from Te«*h will Attend a dinner at the Piedmont January 19. The gun- day school «ti|K>rl!itendent* of Atlanta, numbering about too, will give a din ner on the same evening at the same place. Forty members of the Bouthern Yel low J*lne Hash Manufacturers will hold a-met:ling m.. tlw-IMedumut January—ML- Aftd on ~thr JTth the Hotithrrn nnd Southwestern Hallway Club will hold quarterly meeting uson railed the attention of the h. id |o the fttet that the pbrsirlsus were iot eotJi|i|ylng with the law. which requires ii-it all Idrths lu* re|Mirted to file U»nrd. f.o-t wldeli was brought to light by an rtli-ie In The Ge«»rtfluii severnl days nge, how'lng lliut, neeordlng to the stutlsiii-M of he I "Mini, there were twice ms ninny deaths a Atlanta last year ns births. 11 us* *tut**d nt the meeting (but many 'll* •Ii'Iiiiis eotiteiiden they could liot In* erred to report births, i ue matter waa dlseiiHscd nt some lengtli, ltd definite aetioii will lie taken nt the ie\t M-K-sfoll. Divorced From Angel of Coney. New York. Jan. In.—Mrs. Robert Garrett Mcngls Corwin has been grain ed by Hupreme Court Justice o'Gorman absolute divorce from Halsey Cor win, “the angel nf Coney Island,” with the privilege of resuming her maiden name. Hhe Is in Parts. MAN CHARGED WITH SHOOTING HIS WIFE William A llam-nek,. min*'liman from the Seventh ward, has announced his. Luiulldtu v for alderman, to aucmtl J. N. MeKaehern. fthose term expires In January, 19ax, and George II Wade, general manager of the Union Klectrlc Company, lime announced to succeed Councilman Hancock. Mr Hancock has an enviable record In council, nnd it I* lH*llwe«| limi lie Will lie elected without opposition to the nldermanlc Imard. Mayor Joyner ii|ip«dnted him as a member of three of the most Important committees of the city government, finance, streets and waterworks. He Is chairman of the waterworks committee Mr. Wade will make a strong race for councilman from the Hexenth lie I* the (list man to announce f..i the place, nnd It is possible that th re will lu* no opposition to hill) lie h.o* been u property owner and tax payer In West Rod for the past Id Neats. Specie I to Tin* fhorglan. Savannah, Ga., Jan. 10.—Uhar with shooting his wife, K. L. Rotureau. i highly connected young man of thl •Ity. was arrested hist night nnd held without hall, while Mrs. Itoturenu Inn- gulMhes at a hospital with a bullet round whtrh rnny prove, fatal In her Me, R-'tli dechircd at that flu- wound wna the result of an accident, which happened while Hotureau was leaning Ills pistol Fearing that might die. It Is »said, Mrs. Hotureau told a sister a dlf- j fen nt story* saving that she und her If you think that you must he uper-i husband had miamled at tlielr home, ateit upon to tie cured of piles, you arc' the city; that she had struck him ur.iiit Ttimi*<imt* . r ,ns*« ..f i.lIM ..rr*" 1 ! •* whl C ' vht *' h •» Hart muitht nnrt t:*;.' r. r .. ruard upan nm tn rPtaTtaTT-TU 'TfM^trgfie * Fating severlt' uoise, mTBoubt.| caught up the pistol, and they strug gled for Its possession. It wan fired, the bullet striking Mrs. Hotureau after slightly Injuring her husband's hand Hotureau Is n lumber Inspector und u member **f Company H. of th»» Serhnd Georgia regiment In the Spunlsh war. Cured of Piles by Pyramid Pile Cure If You SufTer, You Can Be Cured. Coits Nothing to Try. >r*e, m than voUr*. ha\«* lH*«*n cured pnlnh 1 y, uulckly nnd permanently, while the •atlent has been nt his work without he loss of time necessitated by ufferer pernthut In fad as not been able r even move a»r< fter using ihe bon many i reach Ills work « the room until remedy prepared mpany. COMING BAINBRIDGE AFTER FREE DELIVERY Apcclsl to Tb l(aiuh(ldge While the spects Utile Jeoriflss. ila , Jan. M The past one .*! the most pros histoij of llatnhrhlge meemeiit Is In some le- >11 of remarkable, m Ro Move Pilu! Oae Box Cared -Oaiy 50 Ct»! r lldliduldge that it u h was the condition of an Indiana ** man. as shown m „ r*. .nt let- |Ulck. aectirate ! dated. fifteen atmot t th luc not ties n of the mushroom variety, but lug the year III clt\ tux late has been reduced fron ight to live mill* The balance of tin floating Indebtedness lias been lb|Ul 12 idle vn grm h*d Improxin went for » t .*t Sire has been expend- • park, and met cry lmpr.>\e- wnter piping have date the IllA reused •nil new *tiec»* Duiable and at- have been placed r and the bouses •I ptvp.wat .*f v to tall delh.ty. nnd III l lift- !: men i*. l.%.i la-eft laid to uccotmn. population, and sc\ If MV e la*en o|a*lied U| tractive name plate* at every street corn have been numbers obtaining the frt-o I Iti id I piohaldllty It v after March I The city's elect tn ittg and waterworks plant* have plated on a paving bA«ls, and * the tmmv e\|a tnlltuies for puhl proveiio lit* made during the year.* there I* now a lmnd«ome surplus In the treasui>- A sewerage system I* being installed n«*w at a cs*st of $.1.1,uao 1*11 vat e t-nterprlse- Tnvt-.T tTTTI vhai'v tJ TTIe" and have flourished and S J Warren has • ompletrd his brick plant at a co»t of Two storage w«rrbou«»**» have be.* built nt an aggregste com of fr.e.odo Waterman A i’o have er*H-t«a| the largest sales stable In South Geor gia During the veat thlrtv homes have been hunt tailing for an expenditure of II.:»"•••* Some lift % or Sixtv co|. Inge* have lot n erected nt an average cost of |! ‘ each UtfU-vn houses arc in course* of tiiiUon- Het Idvetl of file nnd have given |: u tali trial and It I prove n tlie be-t I . \t*r tried. I ean rec ofniiieml veeii highly in this vicinitv Have used v ouv sample and one ho and If has effin-retl a e'entplcto cure* t has been worth lion tl , Thanking vmi for the sn*npl> the •xnm : *t 111 It-caftiiiieiid y.ot to fully. Julius j HUSBAND SLATER IS GIVEN REPRIEVE - Jefferson Uity, Mo., Jan. in.—1( was eifildally announced from the executive mansion tliai . Governor Folk had granted pn days' reprieve to Mrs. Aggie Myers, under death sentence for the murder of lur husband. The rthi of* the go rnor va.M taken on the advice of the attorney general and was done prlttMpnlly to prevent complication* In the event the supreme conn of the United States re- fuses to grant tin* condemned woman a new trial. Unless a reprieve was granted complications might arise nft- « new trial had been' refused. No action has been taken regarding the .'outan's accomplice, who l.s tt lno under sentence of death. WA8 ACCIDENTALLY SHOT WHILE RIDING WITH FRIENO. H|a*clnl to The Georgian. Newberry, S. Jun. 10.—It. If. Folk, a young mnn of this rntintr. was nccldenLully. ahot utt Saturday ^ after noon. a load of bird shot entering his leg Just below the knee. The &un was In the hands of D. A. Kleckley. a friend. Both men were riding at the time of the accident. The wound Is a serious unc, but It Is? thought that the leg can be saved. ^ Raft Detleata Woman and Girt*. Tbe'THd Btandnrd. qrnrpli'TiiRlwr Chill Tonic, drives out malaria and builds up the tiystem. Sold by all dealers for 27 years, ’'-lea 20 cents. PERFECTING THE PLANS FOR MONTREAT COLONY. JESUS AS WORKMAN, SUBJECT OF SERMON l.HlH.t i„K m wise, have he* nt TrlnIt Sunday night at dressed by Rev. Jed w ill be "J.-mi The Invitation f Atlanta ha** b» he Atlanta Fed . organix. \ and other- invited t• • attend serv- M« tltodiM * Lurch next t X oVI uk to be ml- J W Lee. Id* sub -if* hh a Workman." i to.tin laboring men xtended through ntlotf of I arbor to .Mayer. I»ealer m Feathers. Gltf*- . and Hitter. R. dfot.i. Ind " The I'viatmd Fib* Uure can be use*! nt home in th.* prlvrt. v *.f y,, ur room There I** enough «t rente th In each little siipposlttuv t.. drive out in- feetbut. while at the «nttf* time It melts aw av Into ttl*- deadi tled I issues of tile lectuni. heals up the fissures, relieves the inflammation, starts the circulation of the veins, dindnlxhe the congestion nnd brings th back to thair.normal condition We want to prove to every sufferer from plh** Hint tin* Pyramid Pile yure | every organization Tin* subject has nnd I beet! given espet lal study by Dr. Le ml his discourse Is expected to he ex eptlonaily Interesting ATLANTAN HONORED HY ASSOCIATION llL-i**' 1 ' ' ** Ji ..Tldi ir>iiiiwi.m ■♦*» • prepatrd t , .rfr,-rtun •• \ i •sp«-|-|i\ exclusively bv the IVrunild Drug Uotn- «'.»).rnelJ Vi I S-U t l-l'lll'l «■> ■ ......4. ■l-lli I. I ....(tl .1. .4* ... II S I. . ' * . ew York. Jan. 1*>-General James Drain, New York national guard. gansMast night was elected president of the National Hide Association of America, to succeed Brigadier General- Hlrd W. ■it-Xrw Jcracy^-wha. declined Idence of Its not nsk I jive lilt'll N suftlctent genuinene you to .lepend upon the reliability our name or the hona fide testimonials of the hundr**ds of cute«l piles sufferers Send us vour nnnu* and ud.lies- for a l*an Holt Nash, of Georgia, I'lected as a member of the. cxccu- •mimlttec. trial package to directions Th* will Justify void * druggists f ‘t i f.*i- Klst.s sH! the pyrr It nc Ilk.* the *'lng at • cent box Ilf 1*1 Pile -m will g*d an** to the All drug- • hire, just substitute. ^ Pyramid Oouble Wadding Bpoilad. Middletown. Conn., Jan. in.—Because the Hev. William G Griffin, imstor «>f Trinity Kplscopal church, forgot his marriage license when he went t » mar. ry Miss Helen Garvey, a double wed ding was spoiled. Ills brother, also a «lergvitittii. waa married w hile thg Hev. W. G. Griffin waa getung another 11- vinov. H|*eelnl to The Georgian. Asheville. N. U.. Jan. 1«».—John S. Huyler, of New York, nnd Hev.’J. H. Howerton, of Uha’rlotte, N. U.. are in Asheville to arrange for the closing of the deal by which Montreal, the fa- motif* religious colony, established l»y Mr. Huyler, on thn beautiful Hwau- nanoa river, is miles from Asheville, becomes th** property of the Presby terian synod of North Carolina. Th** plan for acquiring the.properly, ns originated by Dr. Howerton, was to sell 5on shares of stock at a par value of $100 per share, euch buyer to be lim ited to one share, and to receive a building lot at Motilreaf. Before th option given by .Mr. Huyler hiui ex pired f*oo shares of stock had been sub scribed for and the purchase price «» $50,000 nssured. This ineana that there are R00 persons from all secflons of the country who will build summer homes nt this beautiful resort, which com prises over 3.500 acres. countyTarmIers* UNION OPPOSES BUCKET 8H0P8. RpeHoJ to The Georgian. Newberry. S. i\. Jan. \o—The meet ing of the Founty Fanners' Union wa one of the largest ever held In New berry county. Delegates were present from every local union in the county. \V. (’. Moore, of Greenville, president and manager of the Farmers* Uotton Union, was present nnd explained the o|»erutlon* of his organization as It af fects the farmers In warehousing and selling their cotton. An Important move on the part of the union nt this meeting was the adoption of a resolu tion condemning bucket shops. Bank Diraetori Elected. Hpccial to the Georgian. Newberry. 8. C, Jan. 10.—At a meeting of the stockholders of the National Hank of Newberry the follow- Inf director* were elected: Messrs. M. A. Unrllsle. J$. H. Aull. George John stone. Robert Norris. T. II. Unrllsle. H. U. Moseley, J. H. Hunter. J. A. Black- wehlvr. It U. Matthews. The new hoard of directors re-elected the old officer*. Hotel Marlborough £roaihr*y, 36th and 37th St*., Herald Square, New York Most Centrally Located Hotel on Broadway. Only ten minutes walk to 21 leading theatres. CompKtdlj? renovated and transformed in every department. Up-to-date in all re spects. Telephone in each room. Four Beautiful Dining Rooms with Capacity of 1200. The Famou* German Rcrtaurant Broadway's chief attraction for Spe cial Food Dishes and Popular Music. Eimas Pisa. 499 loai. M Salks. Kates for Room« 31.50 and upward. $2.00 upward with bath. Parlor. Bedroom and Bath $3.00 and upward. $ 1.00 <dCra whit* two ptnoot occupy a stoflo room. — WRITE FOB BOOKLET. SWEENEY-TIERNEY HOTEL COMPANY E. M. headaches and neuralgia FROM COLDS LAXATIVE RROMO quinine, the world wide Cold and Grip remedy remove? mute. Pall for full name. Look for tlsnatlsre E. W. drove. ISC. Want Millar Reinstated. Waahlmttnn. Jan. 10.—Ry a practi cally unanimous vote, the local hudw binders', union luia voted to rcln-tntc William A. MIIIct. former ntodstant foreman of hlnillnst In the teovernment prlntlnK office, and who wa« prlmartlv reapnnalble for the now open •hop order of the president. Dinned 1,701 Balee. Special to The ricortlan. Perry, da.. Jan. 1-.,—The Strother dinner*' hie closed down for the sea- The plant tinned l.;oi balea of cullon title eeaaou. GREENE-GAYNOR CASE TO BE TRIED IN 'ORLEANS. Special to The Ueorptnu. Macon, da.. .Inn. la.—Marlon Er- ivln. t-peclal aaalalam attorney Kenernl, accompanied by Ills wife, has Rone to t'himno, where he will complete hta brief tu the appeal cn*c of Itcnjamln l> drecite nnd John K. fiaynoi. In the famous Savannah harbor case. Mr. Erwin Is preparing to nalit the appeal of the ruse. Jin lu. Iwen In Mac,tt for aevyrul days, Kallierlnr ma terial for the case. The work lias rtjeen almost com pleted. nnd the ease has been set down for a hearing before the circuit court of appeals In New Orleans on March 5. The date formerly llxed was Jan uary T, but owing to failure to *> t transcript of record ready and oth, r papers nnd documents In the case. I' was necessary to carry It over until the March date. A.eoeiated Charities Move. Secretary J. 4‘. Icysn anil Ills ass.- 1 ants In the Associated Charities are now In new iiunrters. The offices f the oritanlznilon hnve been moved fro. , the second tn the seventh floor of tlo doubt hutldlmr The new offices nr- more commodious, nnd Secretary I. Kan Is now Klven n chance to con-1" ' business with some privacy, and this was Impossible In the old offices. Iv sons seekln* help and not wlshlna ' hdvertlse the fact to the world can do so. Ask for the Union Label On Your Next Order of Printing Then Watch Your Business Grow v Atlanta Typographical Union, S20 Candler Bldg. p. o. Box 296. Atlanta Phone 873.