The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 11, 1907, Image 10

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T 10 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN, FRIDAY. JAKDABY 11. lWt FUTURES MARKET -CONTINUES DULL No .Inducement for Outsid ers to Mnko New Ventures. THEY HOLD ALOOF. NEWS AND GOSSIP of the Fleecy Staple. Bportal tn Tbs Gsorglaij. (From Hayward, Vl<-k ft (’lark » KtW Tbit. Jan. 11 -J. N. Barbs,* t'n. Liverpool was due* 4 to 64a lowrp. (l|»«*ii*‘d quirt hut stsady at 4- dsnlfir. At 12:15 |» in. wai quirt urt 54* to 7 lower. Monts.*UM-*a <loins at 4 lower; middling. IC*; Miss Ainrrrsin 11.400. S0rcw)a tb*u sail sip-ort l.ftn. Imports wsra T ao.flso, In-i.i'Uof 11.400 Aim-rl. In spite of the rscurd lit Demand for Actual Cotton Hood, Tliongh the Tone Is Slightly Easier. First rubles from Llvsrpoed Friday n>orn Ins were al*ut * stand off, lu that Initial prices were,fha.ut as due on New clos^- pn Ihuifelny At 12 16 I* in. had ssffsd to a level *.f 54 t«» 7 ih»i low opening flfurra. after which the Stesdlrd. a slight rally rbwlttg the mat Let stead) I tn 64 below Thursday's finals. The follow Inc la the range lu the active Booths lu Liverpool today. open filth. Low. Janusrv 6.68 6 4? 6 56 March April R» 6 66 6 63% May June- ..6644 8.67 RM July-August J62t. 6 66 6 61 4 ft pot was lo demand, spinners again tak ing bale* at a decllne of * points, making middling 6.96. Initial prices In New York were little ehanged from the previous close. — -■* or 2 |Hiints ahowlhg. will* trade dull. from the spot markets state that the demand continue* giNNi, with the good grades *<-aree. In New orlrana the market waa quoted easier early, at al***ut l-I*- down on aalea of hedge cotton, but factors ars holding steady at unchanged prices That the board of managers of the New York cotton exchange contemplate making some change In the grade differences, as a reault of the recent agitation on that sub JscL Is Indicated by the following Item from Wednesday's New York Commercial: 'There was s meeting—s special meeting —of the hoard of managers after the close ysttsrday afternoon, at which there was an other general discussion of the question of K de difference. Two changes of the by- s to he submitted to the metubar* were agreed upon^ I'restdenr Ifqbbard^decUnsd hasp posted. 1 - * '• Following Is Secretary Hester's statement of the crop movement 1907. 86.811 temlier I 841,74* imptton.. Ight.. 1904. IV*. 3.9*5 i:.m 641,313 Ia.1.690 67 .«M 49."««» 43.000 ___ 4-'7.»4 224.88* 252.342 sralwr 1 B.?28.nft4 7,416.4*5 8,111.741 Weekly Interior movement: • ItecHpts »'.*.75| 94.445 99.861 hhlpmruta 245.963 ’ HMM Htocks 846.W* / 7P»r7'0 ft*. Ill In sight for week (King. New Yorkr, 436.- 745; for the season. 8.727.7W7. Jn the late trading buying by Mitchell, Ferule Wlleon and Kchlle prices were nd vanced to a level a few points above* the dosing *>f Thursday. Ferule Wilson hid 9.41 for l.twi May lata In the aesalon. The close was steady net 4 to 7 point* higher. Datlmnted tomorrow: 1*17. 1906. New Orleans 9,000 fn 15.000 6.U7S - ........... r. .BL.ooci' tA~7k,naa ~ftL39n 41 mi ton 19.000 to 21,000 8, «7 Movement at Atlanta: fteeelpt Weather Indications: Fair over eastern and western st-tlons; partly cloudy to showers over central state* today and to 'The way cotton ns knd tlalveston ... Ling export* does not look aa If It mbs hard-to buy cotton." Journal of Comerce: '.There Is Just enough doubt aa to whether ths mnsuinp Hon of the world will lo* able to dlegat amb enormous quantities of cotton as are now coining tn hand to make not a few of the professional operator* rather more cautious until they can a*tl*fy themselves on this polul " — Times Hem.e rat ."The steady demand for actual cotton at th« moment la * sua taintuar factor of tbs first magnitude." Bombay receipts of lodUn cotton 1Miles, against 113,000 same week last year. Mhlpfiienta 41.0W. aslust last year; afloat 1 J.'M). against Jl.uOO lust year. Five thousand delegates are expected at the annual couventlou of the Moutnern Cot- tou Association to In* held at Illruilugbsm. Ala , January 17-19 . - - . Tbs only .sustaining feature, the demand for spots, both hers and abroad, continues on a large scale, but on the other hand the record-hraaklng movement gives some slgu* of undermining ronfldeuc*. Hopes of a full ing off are diminishing and returning hear confidence la apparent aa cottou continues nils up. Tn« market looks lower, but Edited by Joseph B. Lively MARKETS Hr. umr* yeerr ex»ertee« of ad- lUo. aaarkata la Atlaata sad ths Mttnwfo tom a w»»t»l»o« aa- tkeetty la hi* RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCKS AND .COTTON MARKETS be Inclined to advise purchases iruinitiH mm nraiiH/ mm ai ytrirui. Fresh selling from Wall aUavt and scat tered liquidation by yesterday's bulla alunit tells the story of today's market. The spec uhitlve public will not buy cotton until the mmemouk lets UP- Looks like It .might ease off s hit further, but It's no market to go short of except for n turn l«*»ral BMaUttMlMf that! tin htlxnn- tonight ** lift* X.7V3 4,843 Maim* flay l**t year . Increase Ntork on hand today M.ffie d*y last year . Increase SPOT COTTON MARKET. IJvcrpool. easier; middling uplands 5.96d. Atlanta* Sternly; middling l«4c New oYrk. steady: middling ln.Mhv New Orleans, ateaily: mbblllng b*4c. havanuah quiet; huddling Id 9 I*?. Wllmtugton. steady; mbblllng l^Sc. Iliuten. steady; mbblllng 10.90c. Little Hock, steady: mbblllng 10 116c. Augusta, quiet; inlndilug ll‘»c. TODAY’S PORT RECEIPTS. The following table ahowa receipt* at tb4 Interior towns today, compared with tbs same day last year: New Orleans. . . (inhesion . . . Mobile Maviiunah . • . Charleston- . . 1 Wilmington. . , Norfolk Italtlniorc. . . . Itoatoti. . . I'hllnilelphla. . ftninswlrfc. . . , Newport New*. Hen Francisco. , Jacksonville . . INTERIOR RECEIPTS. The following table shows receipt* at the towns today, compared with the adme day last year: Total .xm: IW4 BALES AVERAGE HEAVIER. New nrlenns. Jnu 11 Secretary Heater has Isaued n Statement of the weight of ft.47VS.Vt bales of votlou handled at nut port a and across the Mhalsslppl. Ohio aud I'oto- tnac riven* overlaml t-» American utauufac tnrvra outside *.f the cotton tn-lt for the four months from Neptemher to Heccmber Indnshe. showing an average i*er bate of 6:: M po'ibda. agaluat tt% ?l for the same perl«.-l :n»t >vnr The detalla by atntea nr** as f»-i;.i» 1* Texas ports Hi.ll. Senlust 531 67 - l.oulsb nn jmrts 6.^*1. auniiist 43 Abibama |>*»rla etc . ITT. agaliist ’>.> tieorgin |*.»rts 6e? 26 against r•'8 4 , * K*tilth »'ur..llna |*.»rta t5« agalintt 4S5 North Carolina i**»rta fadfte. sgninat NO Virginia |*orta w»S. against 4!«fi '7 Tennessee, rt- . 517 sgiilnst S74 tl These averages t\v»* bused on o(T.- ml re turns of the secretaries nu-1 aupertm.1,.1 cuts .*f the etchauge* and experts at |s-rt», etc . In the states named COTTON SEED OIL MARKET. All the lots held have been sold and they will have to dejiend on the scraping* yet to ha picked " “—• sa flrn OBdlnons . ... . figures, but the market is tern Would buy on any material break but with the lu sight figures ruunlug a» big It look* dubious for the bulla. W# would hat New York with her contract system could easily go 2«* lower without effect on other markets. The market opens steady and unchanged. Further depression Is expected In New York and trailing la dull here In consequence ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. F.tilJH-t'mulled, dull. Mr. LIVK rtiri.TKY -liens, active. 374*f4<v each; chickens active. >1tjf3fie each: ducks. I'ekin. 35c each; puildle, Swftgv each: geeee. full feathered. 65*• each; turkeys active, 14c pound HHKMHFh rol?LTKY—Orene. undrawn, active. ]nafl2Hc pound; turkeys, undrawn, dull. I5trl7c |Hiund: hens, undrawn, fancy. • ctlve. 16|ilKc pound; hen*, undrawn, fancy, 15c pound; fries, artlve, 16c pound. rttntH'cr: Tennpsseo rttw and tH*he*. ftc; Tennessee apurnge. 8c; lard. 10.* pound; hanta active, 14c pound; shoublera active. 9.* r -ound; aides acllve. |(w* |*onnd; butter, nr Ive. 1602?V p.tun.1; beeswax active, 2.V pound;, honey, bright, active, m* |toun.|; honey In I pound tuoeka. active, i;c pound; drltil ajiplea. hr |M>un.l; white j*eaa active, te g4l2 bushel; lady |M*ns. *3 «*»; stock. (iAMK- tjuall active. 1214C each; doves active. 8c each: docks. Mulfnrd. active, 4*w* enrh; «1tn*ks. mixed, active. »c each; wild turkey* active. 1*V pound; rnbblta artlve. Ific each; s«pilrrrla active, Sr each; o|M*aautu, dreaeeil, active, 11c immiii.1; opoaauiu, lire, active, he pound. FltriTN— Lcmnna. faney Measena, It fsyft 6no. Itananaa per hunch, cnlls, active. *ft*e %\ ooi •tralgUlo. 41 WfHOft ^Flneaprles, Flor Ida st.M-k, per erate, |2 nn. oranges. Florida stock, owing to slae and conditr irw NAME OF STOCK. Atlantic f'oaat American Mugar lief . Anaconda American l/venmotiva. do. preferred .... Am Mmelilng lief. . , do. preferred .... AtcMsoo do. preferred .... American Cotton Oil. . Am Viir-Foundry . . . Italtlinore A Ohio . . • Hrooklyn Itsptd Tran.. , Canadian I'arIQr . . , Chicago and Northw'a. , Chesapeake A Ohio . . Colorado Fuel A Iron. Central leather .... do. preferre«1 .... Chicago A Great W. . Chicago. M . A Mt. |\. { tela ware A Hudson. . natttler* Nsnirlfte*. . Krle do. preferred .... Oeneraf Fleetrlc . . . Illinois Cantral .... Am. ice Hecurltfes . . Lonlavllle A Nastivlil*. r: M fid o d 2 g 3 i ii!4 ■*’ ms 119S ij- IX 117 4f ' 73 734* | 1614s- VSi'C iV.49 101 1014t 31S 31>a 7149 vud 100% 31 ai sis »»y iMv, my xirr42 'ms* 'isik 65Si 864 644 144j 354 34* 'hhI ii4 V. 1514 1544 1614 2y*4 2204! no tth; «S «V|| 1434 1434 *142 £5i 25!.» NAME OF ITXt jcYTozrTwrr, National Lead. Northarn Fad fie Naw York Central. Norfolk A Wet tarn Ftnuaylvanla. toga&: do. nraferrad. ....... g lfle Mali S!rtt!f 4ta«fV~.~r l n r,'. k Island. do. preferred Uni tod Ptatas Rubber do. preferred. . ...... Southern Faeiflr. . ...... Southern Hallway........ do. preferred. •••••«. SloM-Sheffleld Tenn. Coal A Iron Texaa A Pacific. Union Paetfle. ......... United States btoal. do. prafetTftd. ....... Va.-Car.Chemical . do. prefarred. ....... Western Union. ........ Wabash. do. preferred. Wisconsin Central. do. preferred. | 47*41 «'l «5»I jT 5 . UH*i 1« 4*i '»•« 34;* ho 1 16*4; i*> 133 ) 111 I 1324i 914f 904! 5**4j •SSI'S! •srf:::::: 864 86 [ 864 a 60S WS »*V “ sii NEW YORK. I followtof I. th. non I. cotto. ».• I. N.w Tor* today: . . . *.76 * April. . . .1...J.. Jum- ...J •!"'r ».» *.m 9.10 Ana « ».m 9li ->'■1 97t *.77 971 i a n TTR "9.77 9.90 9.96 9.83 9.77 9 44 61 9.n-7»i 9.86-IT 9.89-9(1 9.92-9. 9.98-9’ 9.179 9.78-79 tiftMU 9.73 74 9.81 M 9.M 85 9.85 87 9.91 92 9.82-84 9.74-76 LIVERPOOL. ne following give* the opening ranga and doaa, compared with yesterday. Futurea opened quiet and steady. Opening Previous tUaee. 1 p. ra. Close. Close. January ..■..MM -6 67U 5 6914 6 MW 104U Jill. Fab.!! Xh Iffg 6.S tE* Feb -Mar. ..5.86 A.I64 Mar.April ...6.66 4 844 April May ...5.54 May-Juno ... .6.844-5.84 June July ....6.51 4.63 Julj-August ..8.614 5.62 Aug.-Hept. ..5.4544.48 Sept.-Oct. ..640 „„ .... t>ct -Nov. ...6.M44I44 L364' 5 354 6.46 closed steady. 5.5*4 6.82 6.884 667 6.81 .... 6.664 6.804 5.58 6 T44 6.80 6.644 6864 6.884 6.54 6844 668 6 474 6.49 6.62 6.42 6 41 6.464 NEW ORLEANS. ♦ore# In New Jan. . , . Fab. . - Jan. Fell. Feb. Hi hieing 10. B| 1946|10.33|1914]., tafgw tk tk .110.38110.45110.32 10.46110.46-48 l«».j:..3b ‘ * k tk tk timtkf'iM | I10.45-45.10.K47 10.4941 10.41-43 10.41110.66 10 84 56 P'.p; 49 10 52 59 10.4961 10.491i). 52110.81-52T0.62 f. • • . •** March. . . .10.38110.45 10.32! 10.45'10.45 48110.37-38 April. . , ,| I ‘ May ,10.48:10.15 June. . . July.. . . 110 83 10«2 LToaevl steady. NOTES ON GRAIN. Pointer* on Proviiion*. H|m-cIsI to The tieorglan. Tlarflrtt, Frailer t purchase spots hard rival, per box. I1.76ff2.00. Apples, rb'dee Hen Pavla. S9.M3.M; fancy. 11.76; New V**rk state apples,,winter varieties, choice, per barrel. |S 25ff4 50; fancy, |S75ff4 00 11 rapes. New York state. In 5 pound baskets, 'uncord•. »iff224c. Crantw-rrles. fancy dark 'ape Cod*. |>er barrel, 112 00; J*-reeys, 111.00. t lra|*e fruit, Florida stock, owing to site and color, per hoi ft.604/2 50. Limes, Flor ida stock, per hnndrnl. an.- Nuts, fancy tutted. In b»*te*. per sack of Jft>. arttTe at 14 80 sack Peanut* lu nark averaging lOo ^Muinds each, owing to grade, per pound, "I'fcTlETAni.KS:.Rn-la. rratn. five, 12 erate; eabbage, standard' rrate*.' 3r i*ouud; cfbbag*.. barrels. 2v pouinl; egg plant active. |2tV> erate; ettcumU-ra. f27*1 crate; tomatoes, faney, aetlv*-. 33 60 crate; tomatoes, choice, active, f? «vqfl! 26 crate; beans, ronud greep, f: 60 erate. onions, dry. acffve. 75*- tuiahei. Irish |N*tato«*«, active. No 1. vhi'/k' tiushd: celery, fancy, 76ff86e luinch; |*eppera, active, |2 % erate. okra, ill baskets, small. |2 8** orate; raullfiower. ne live. HtfKk- (Mtund; lettuce, headevt, tl IWff l^ drum; sweet potabwa. yellow, active, •V* bushel; sweet potatoes, white, ae live. 65^7o>' bushel; kraut, half barrel. S3-7&; mlabagn turnips, 14o M raw berries. 35c crate. FLOUR. GRAIfTAND PROVIBIONB. FMM H Highest patent, S6.*vi; best pat ent 14 M: »tandnr«1 patent. 14.26; half |*at Ut fJW; spring wheat patent 18 ft»HN Choice r*il Cl.. 89.-; No 2 white 4e; No 2 vcllow 87c. lulled 82c; old crop hole* t;V; oltl crop No 2 84*-; new Tenues ••*• white *vV; crack corn, per huahfl. *‘V lulls. |U6fi ttATH fhob-e wtdtv clipped NV; N»v 2 vIdle 49c. No 2 mixed 4.c; Texas rust proof 54T. Holden oafs 47c. Hurt 7»v MKAIl Plain water ground. |n»r bushel. ?e; tH>lte<1 14-» p-*und Jutes per buslu-l *v. iMltum 1140; brown, mlxevl bran, fl 18 Vidor feed fl ?o hnlee large bale*. |l .*'» tl 26; WHEAT SLUMPED ON LOWER CABLES More Favorable Argentine Weather Also Depress ing Influence. ome unchanged to 14c lower on • t and unchanged on corn, for lota •what under the estimates. Weather tiled with somewhat higher tempera lures through the weat. Quite general ring by shorts yesterday In all the . and It would not lie surprising If we had acme slight reaction today. At tha name time, *\e consider the situation n health* on*-, nu«l believe on the soft spots nlicat. corn and oats are a buy. blocks re not ac«-iiiiiulatlng and demand Is good. Iteeclpta of hogs .TO.nnn on an estimate of with ;..(*>I left over, market 5c low er. Think provisions are a Mia ou the hard a|H«ts. T«Mlsy*a hog movement considerably larger than expectations and provisions are low- or In consequence. Ktock yard* Interest* have sold rll.s aud pork. Kugllah houses have, sold pork. Hupport from larger pack era who bought yoatorday la lacking so far. 1*ideas It cornea, prices are likely to yield further under weight of liberal hog re- Thi . Mod¥rn MUrer reports nhoW the Ac Chicago Kecord Herald: Wheat waa .winter wheAt-cmp-4«v.l»o-tn-ifwnerwlly at no tim*- aa low ■Thursday ns at the [good condition, the plant having a close of the previous day. and Ha final healthy npi»earance, Htth< the price wns the blghekt - m 1 — ' market bad n strong 1 tluuallv throughout the fart that It renrted tepiponirtly from ttqv • Chicago. Jan. 11.— 1 The wheat market closed tame and l-8c off to unchanged for the day. Torn l-8fil-4c up to l-8c off. Oat a unchaned to l-8c off. Pro Vision* 2 l-24j20c lower. t7nnh tales were 20.000 bushel a wheat, 66,000 bushels com and 200,0uo bushels osts at Chicago. The seaboard reported nix loads »f wheat, two loads corn and 30,onn bush* eln oala tie taken there and ot mtr porta for export t «f the aesalou. The | growth is mall where ruin w nnderfotie atmnit rnti • i_ -f * tie acaahuw deaplu thu 1 -y Ar .« k tepiporartly from top Lieoramea Tor the week u. prices under professional selling (treasure. This aching waa overdone, with toe result enmjwdlng with each other for the scanty i»fr*Mliige near the clone Thin demand waa responsible for the flunl bulge. Professional speculators who were raid lug the corn market a week ago, and wh« • * *- “ —- * "— -* *4c It _ . . TOh eapectntlona. On market falle*l to decline after "the abort Interest had been eliminate*! unta ranged higher with other grain*, al though the ahnrtnge lu cara greatly Inter Tered with operation* of »htpp*r*. |^*cal recefnta «»f hogs were 10.000 lea* than expected, and there waa an advatico of 10c In prices at the yard*. The big packer* bought product very freely, nwlft took the hulk of thu lard rfferlnga. and Armour bought riba nhd lard The nit es timated the Armour purchases \»f riba at over |*ounda Ala*ut the only prod net ou aalc waa from scattered longs aud a few of the packer*. Chicago Kvenlna I'oat W. II. Lake A Co. had n message from Kansas city, ths sender of which stated that lie had an order for bushels No. 2 red wheat nt 7?e. which In* could not fill ou account of Inability to find aellsrs of wheat nt the price, although It was 1% over the May price there at the lime. One of the broker* who make a specialty of filling orders for cash wheat for outside miller* said that he ronhl be doing some business dsllv If It were not for the trouble of getttug ears. "I can not take the risk of buying tn« wheat to fill the orders I am receiving." be said, "with th*- probability of cars L* load the wheat b ble until the charges of th« entvn up nil the coumiisab-n. uu run my prospective profit Into n Itroomtiail cables that. ac.-..r* • •fflclnl report, the wheat <-r.» South Wales cotu|*ares as follov :t.'V»:.t*v> bushels, 1906-08. 20.944.' iuanttt> «if the c'rop fhis •el lei A Lincoln. Nebf., tneasagv * he largest elevator. dvneeru •levut-Ts »n southern Nebrnsi •rn Kansas say the* have out mallei* grain of all klmls aim- > * "One of here, with * and north bought T.OOrt January 1 " li 9 NEW YORK COFFEE. The following figU do No elo Hilda 9tV Chicken fe,d. pound sack*. >v l\VF. tieorgin fl; Tennessee 9>V. Itarle •W leli At la nt The nbov FROVIHI . .... , hams I.V. CvMf»riiln hams lii.Al hr* *.•*!» T trs ribs 9 25; l-.-Jlb-a. 2U 25 pounds.' I - .V-. fat back* '»•»’. plate* x At; supreme inrd I'V Hnowdrlft . >ui|hhiu<1. hi" GROCERIES. NtNlAll Mnndard granulated *v York refine*!. 4V. plantation. 4\.- foFFF.F. Uos-ted Arbnckb-a HA 7* lu bag* or barrel* l.v green lhti: IllCK Carolina 4S«i7V. ae-ordlng grade CHF.KfiK. Fancy full ere, ,W MmMdeY hla.-uU k*. on.,- \, ; t *dUM ••ltv 11. «»• case. Sock grits. potiii-! t-aga. weight 9! *• - ia.- light Fvnporatrd apples, fv.* needed 4,073,- ooo bushels wheat and 1.29h.oo bushels c«*rn compared with 4.76*.M>0 and 6,* 342.000 respectively a year agn. Primary receipts of wheat 378.000 bushels and Corn 894.000 bushel* corn 695.000 bushels compared with 640.000 bushels anil 69.00 bushels respectively a year airo. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Th*- following gives th*- open, rnngt* snd close of the Chicago grnln market t<slay; Previous “ High. how. Close. Close. WHEAT— May— 78t, July... 75 T i COHN May— 435 MATS July (4 J May J III v. UtHlK Jan. . May July r.Alll*- Mav. 9 Julv. . n 75L 7844 7*«; 78^ 43\ «•* 18..V* May.. :»'•* ?.»• s'.tD 9llt July... 9.171* 9.174* 9 12 9,124k 9.2; LIVERPOOL DRAIN MARKET. THE METAL MARKET. •»pper advanceil V^r nl spelter uiu hanged. CHICAGO CAR LOT8. Below Is given receipts today and esti mated receipt* for touierrow: Tomor Todav. row. Wheat. . 43 41 l*t THE 8UGAR MARKET. New York. Jan 11 fined sugar tinttket t*«dav BLEACHED FABRICS ,VRE RULING HIGH The New York Commercial: Changes In the price of hleacbed goods are regard***] -e*»^abfil s^an- t snr.| l> ‘f ahead mail owe a Urge quantltv «*f g.ssla to the Jobliera and cutters up. It Is stated by the scents representing the leading Near England mills that throughout tht-lr entire range of fabrics they could get from * ‘ tally .. able .V ..... Some of the lilies of narrow print cloths have lieeit worked tin during the past few day* from 4*®*%-'. snd Mies bare been put through mi remote delivery. It la not the cutter up who de- murs at pnytng prtres. but th*- seller who does not care to go t*o> extensively In nn ths future except at a value basts. In the men's wear marekt Thursday there waa a marked activity In the way of the opening of additional lines of worsted* and woolens for the fall of 1907, and It waa In the Jobbing houses the trade yesterdn owing to the return of fair weather, sh«* ed a marked Increase and n large contin gent of local and nearby buyers wen- In HAYWARO, VICK Ar CLARK'S DAILY COTTON LETTER. New Orleans. Jan. It—Not enough moral Indepondenee from New York Is the tronhle tn these days. Spot demand la encouraging there la enough willingness with speculation t«> bsrk bullish featUfFk Tfi 1tUllT'rfitTfifi. but the market having the greatest flnnn elsl |H»wer declining dally In the fnee of such spot conditions, hesitation and lack “ creasing demand for goods from Chi India. Futures here were well supported sround the opening on ronfldeoee In the spot sit uation. but this buying waa soon knoekod out by the reuewed weakness In New York. Prospert» for unfavorable Into sight *1*111 parlson* contributed to the dullness, al though this Item Is offset by prospects for bullish spinners' takings In th<* vUlidc to night. hanged Is short. March fut „ , good middling; full middling being 40 l fsr. The supply In good grades ns much a* i*w |x>lnts on la being paid for Liverpool New York, Jan. 11.—J, S. Hnehe A Co.; The spot situation seems to be leas f«»reefiU as a market luflitenee. it Is dally becoming more difficult to reconcile the reports of difficulty In securing cotton, with such enor mous receipts as the figures «how from dnv to day. and unless there Is a quick and is at a stnudstll iny revival to *s-cur attractive to buyers, fslllug off In the movement ninterlnllxi There Is little In the present outlook ml we do not expect until prices are more or the long promised UPS FLASHED From Wall Street Special to The Ueorffao. (From Hayward. Vick A Clark.) New York, Jan. II.-Bartlett. Frailer ft Carrington: l»nd-*n generally lower. Penn sylvania ensuring has given them a chill. The 3290,000,000 to he provided for coming at a time when money Is wanted a*» badly Is not regarded with fsvor. The bears will get to work a* aa market opeus, and will 00 doubt make Pennsylvania a tar **Tbe market will probably he affected teinp*warily by this unexpected flnsuclug. If It should turn out that Peuiisylvsn * |2«x*.'a«.onft Is to buy the Atchison. It would uiAkr 1t a bull card. Town Topics: We lo*»k for n considera ble extension of yesterday afternoon'* re action today on account jiartleylnrly of the announcement that the Pennsylvania stock holders are to l*e asked to ratify au luerease of iierbapa In Its capital at the annual mn-tlng tn be held shortly. While there have l**eti lutlmntlous that Pennayl Vania would need u llltle money the pre* cul-ltAtfUlfnl vrJtl J_*c a stnfgerlng blow to the atock which. In the early Iamdon aesl* Inga. Is two points Iwlow our (uirlty. and we would not lie surprised to see It sell off fir around 136 during the dny. 44 bile we hare unbounded faith In Pennsylvania and tbluk that It will recover all the lost ground l*efore a great while, we would ad vise against buying even on Itreaka today. 4V# do not look for any extensive break lu the general market, and aa the money out look la encouraoliig on the sharp reactions we would rmutaer snrb atocki aa ftsttlmore and Ohio. Bending. Atchlimn. Ixuilavllle and Naabvllle. Koulbern Hallway, Ho*-k lalaud. Erie. Steels, Amalgamated. Rmeltera aud IxK-omotlve aa worthy of purchase rorable, and conditions are sorb as to war rant the belief that today will tee soma sharp fluctuations which alert traders may utilise to their profit. 44'hlle there may ba some more against the cotton aborts tha tendency Is toward * *— and w* would aeti on alt bulge 1 of a break. Ths announcement of further tssner-of stock and bonds by I'annaylranla took tha market nnawaraa and lad-fa some heavy telling In London tbit morning. The price In London was about 3 per cent lower than the doting here. Borne dlsruaalon arose aa to the necessity of the Issues, and In view of reeent accumulation of Baltimore and Ohio by the Union Pacific. Pei vanla would he compelled to enter trana-contlnental Hat. The strength of the Hteel stocks waa very noticeable. Popper C rices are advancing at a tremendous rate 1 London and Copper metal should reach 26c here shortly. At noon, mnrket quiet anil steady. THE WEATHERREPORT LOCAL FORECAST. WEATHER CONDITIONS. At a general rnle cloudy weather prevails over the Hoeky Mountains and on the Pa cific ronat. Know wsa falling this morning In portion* of Montana and the Dakotas and ralnlug In portions of ArkaiiMS, Texaa. northern Alabama and Georgia. In thu Inst 24 hours precipitation has occurred In Ten nessee. North Carolina, the Ohio valley and nt n number of stations In tha northern half f the map. The pressure has fallen In nearly all see. tlona and Is lowest In Montana, while the highest Is over Florida. With the exception of a small are* In the northwest, s general rise In tempera ture Is noted. 44'lth the eastward drift of the north western low rain may he expected In this i-tlon tonight and .Saturday, with rising EARLY TRADING DECIDEDLY WEAK Pennsylvania New Se,-urj. ties Issue Adverse Influence. WAS UNDER PREHSrnE Early Movement was L*ni- fonnly Dowmvaar. Loud— was a Liberal Seller. N»w York, Jan. It —Tti. .took <114 not takf klndlr to th.- )irn|>n...i , tun, of 1*0,000,000 urw IVuMjIranlu n,i road MM-urttlro and prim hmkr i,.„: th, oprolm. Pronurlrnnla <><•. .. ' . y* it IgTaa MjM f « ICooo^rw fell Immediately % further to itt 1,.,! stock was ths worst sufferer, but 7 shares declined shandy. Ht. Paul fell ii. ding 14s: Union Pacific j; Routhern iv Tk. Baltimore and Ohio \\ ai,<i \ rn York Central 149. In the Industrial -,. the Steel aud Copper were under pressure. Amalgamated, on large tlona, fell 1V9 and United Btstea Kte.-i won % per cent. The market was decidedly weak in it,, early trading throughout the entir* h»- a heavy seller of about 26.IXM) share* *>f , vanla. tlovernment bonds l>onda lower. WILL LIST MINING STOCKS. New Y’ork. Jan. II.—Public sttent!.■« being so diverted from the Insbli- .t. k market to the mining Hat that th. \. York stock exchange has de«id«-*l t.. it some of the proved mltdng stiN-ka tjrani Is the first company to apply for iumi. and It la understood that th*- Green. « „ per and United Copper will sls«i sp|>i>. MINING STOCKS. Boston. Jan. 11.—Tecumseh M 1 ?: Butte 11749; Tamarack 141; Kbsniioi Massachusetts MJulDg 91k. THE LONDON STOCK MARKET. lopnljpmjcina I Amalgamated Copper ...{.....lllStk A *~ u *— 1534911M' Baltimore and Ohio — tide..- Mil. and Bt. Paul. Chicago and Great W.. Canadian Pacific Erie do. preferred Illinois Central Kansas and Texas do, preferred Louisville and Nash.... New Y'ork Central Ontario and Western .. Pennsylvania ...... * n hlla. aud Reading .... Observations takso at t a. m., tftb merb -United Htates-Hteel atlinulate hullUh eonfid*-u«‘e. advise purehates only on weak for moderate profit*, a late r I.lverjHstl says that offering* of cottou are Increasing. COTTON MARKET PUZZLES TRADE New Orleans. Jan. It.-The Hines Pento crat aaya: The cotton market eontlnuea nn enigma to most o|*ernfora heeatlae of the In nbllltlea lo explain current conditions by time-honored tradition* Moat men oppoae present values on the theorv that old stand nrds of computation do not justify them Steady demnn*l f.*r actual cotton'nt the ment In a sustaining feature of tin- first decline was traceable ATLANTA. . . Abilene. . . . Amnrttln. . , ; Asheville . . . Augusta. . . . ftlrmlnghnm. . tlamnrek. . . Boston Buffalo 'hnrlestnn. . . Charlotte. . . , 'hlcngo. . . . Cincinnati. . . 'orpun Christ!. Davenport. . . Dodge City. . J7I Paso. F**rt Sndth. . , Galveston. . . Havre Jacksonville. . Knnsas City. . Key Weat; . . Knoxville . . . I.o* Angeles. . Macon Memphis. . . . Meridian. . . . Miles City. . . Mobile Montgomery. . . Nnshxllle. . . . New Orleans. . New York. . . Imaha. . . . 'Aleatlnc. . . Mttshurg. ■■‘ortland, Me. ortlniul. tire, t. I.oula. . , Bt. Paul. . . . Man Francisco. ntinnh . Hpoknuc. . . . Tampa. . . . Taylor Thomaavllle. . Vlckabnrg 4Ynshlngton. . 44'llmliiglon. . 192H 19244 a 13 ii 17K» t H . 178S ;-494a 1914 J-c’, 42', 1% 73'* TV t 13744 t35Viri; 35lJ \S&— J lOX^IlX THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. Chicago. Jan. II. Hags Estimated re ceipts 20.000. Market nenk «n he loner; light |8»«8.4749; mixed |6.26ff6.65; lienty K20G8.65: rough *5 2088 30; pigs F.*VM»*?.V>; yorkera f8.FHi6.46; g'Mal to choice hea^y f*' *1 <15,56. Cattle-'Receipts S.oo. Market steadv strong; IteeveslNffLlO; cows fl.40ff4.75; heif ers -32.6006.26; calves f5.5fiffX;- good prime steers t5.gVO7.10; poor to medium S4fi5 3•; stockers and fee«1ers f2.70ff4.86. Bheep—Hecelpts 7,000. Market steady; tn- tire* I3.40ff6.*t*; western M40C6^; jeai. lings f6.Mff8.60; Isuiha f6ff7.76; western 15 C77S. TO UTILIZE CREEK FOR POWER PURPOSES. Rpeclnl to The tjeorglsii. Amerlcus, Jan. 11.—Parties nrs here looking over Mucalee creek, the beautiful stream flowing by Amerl«us with a view* of harneaalng It and u*lm It for power purpose*. This same creek Is being used for |»ower puri**-** nt Albany and engineers consider *t Juat as profitable here. If a dam if constructed thin will moke Amcrb U' the site of several factories. SPECULATORS. Thnar Ititrrp.twl Id Htocki, Cottou " I flroln run Irorn rotu-thlng of lulor.-.! of nddr-Mlng J. S. OLIVER, eis Amtell Bldg., Atlanta. Ge. Southern Representative of CLARK GOODMAN * CO., New York City. HAYWARD, VICK & CLARK, COTTON, 8TOCK8, B0ND8, COFFEE, GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Carondalat and Qraviar Sta., Naw Orleans. MEMBERS: New Orleana Cotton Exchange. New York Cotton Kxrbnnge. Galveston Cotton Exchange. •*f buying predicated iqiu Ii-rte* lilting bil«ilif*a on the . luiais J the belief r bat other Opera tor* Ii.-t le*» T |H*r cent f*»r cash, ex , in on the rise Mi*ot entton '* deral Hugar Hefinlng Company.) nrnctleallx nmiuinceil nutting The bn London l*eets market firmer, i tie or no referen*-e to'ring ductuatloiia — nary 14*1 higher. Hayward, Vick A Clark mnrke January February. March HeplemU-r New Orleans Future Brokers' A»»<x*b't ,,1 t a - New Orleans and Chicago Boards of Tr-i 1*. New York Coffee Rxchangs. Associate Member* Liverpool Cotton A»* a- Houston Cottou Exchange. J. B. BACHE A CO?AN k D H BARTLEVT. r FRAfrER'*'CARRINGTON. PRIVATE WIRE8 TO ALL POINTS. Boiton. Chicago. Washington. Atlanta. New Orleans. San Francisco. Philadelphia. London. The American Audit Company 100 Broadway, Naw York City. F. W. LAFREKTZ. C. P. A., Proa. 0. E. MANWARING, Vico Pro*- THEO COCHEU. Jr, Secretary. The American Audit Company, chartered under the law, of New York, la empowered to examine the affair, of, and make reporta upon the Ibar rial condition of private and public concern, for directors, officer, and in dividuals. The preparation and Installing of ayatema a specialty. ATLANTA URANCH, 101S-1016-10tM01t FOURTH NATL BANK BLDG. C. B. BID WELL, Resident Manager. Talephona, Main 872. Cabla Addraat. Amdlt, Naw York. ALONZO RICHARDSON & CO., PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Empire Building. Bell Phone. Mein £;3. ATLANTA. GEORGIA. ►bad, i/jVA, iMlvk »h.t«l, .VU2&C. 1114 Fourth National/Bank Building. NVK - u *“ ^ “* ATLANTA. GA. L. H. Fairchild. g_ j. L. H. FAIRCHILD & COMPANY. NEW^Ofl LEANS. 15:2 * m New York Ceffee Exchante. Nr* York Cut ton hxchanae. New Orleant. Board of Trade, Naw Orleana Slock Exchan*.. Chlcaao Brunt ot T-ede LIVERPOOL COTTON ASSOCIATION. ' •«1 NEXV YORK a nd CJI1CAUO. Orders aollcl ed for fu- lut. n-uvenr, on above Excbeofte. B. C. COTHRAN. I I