The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 11, 1907, Image 11

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, THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN, FRIDAT. JANUARY !1. UK. Chamberlin - Johnson - DuBose Company | Chamberlin- Johnson-DuBose Company | Chamberlin - Johnson - DulW Company lust a Minute, Gentlemen—Here’s an Ad Especially for Men to Read. If you can’t go to your chiffonier and pull out a suit or two of medium or heavy-weight underwear, you’d better give a little time to this Men’a Underwear Announcement. You’ll find it more than interesting—you’ll find it economical. * __ rajamas Moil’s Outinfl Pajamas, cut right, fit well uul comfortable; in neat, choice patterns, lilitarv style, at, a suit, 1.00 and 1.50 Underw Men's White Madras Pajamas, military style, at, per suit, 1.50 Negligee Shirt's “ MeiiV White Plaited Bosom Broadway' Negligee Shirts, at 1.00 Men’s Colored Negligee Shirts, with at tached cuffs, odd sizes, in neat patterns; 1.00 at 79c ear Men’s light gauze weight Wool Drawers, odd sizes, 1.00 value, at 69c Men’s Scriven Drawers at, pair, 50c Men’s pure white, medium weight, ribbed shirts and drawers, very elastic, a nice weight, 75c quality, Men s Sex Men's fast black Reece lined double sole, heel and toe Socks, at—— M cn’s latest improved Seri veil Drawers, Men’s black lisle Sox, good medium at 1.00 weight with white tipped heel, toe and dou ble sole, at 25<l Men’s spring-needle Shirks and Drawers, very elastic and an elegant weight and fin ish. Price, a ganneut, ' 75c 35c Men's fine black Cotton Sox, made from the best material; will wear liettcr and give greater satisfaction than any other sox at Men’s fast black silk lisle Sox, double, heel, toe and sole, at Union Suih 50c Men’s Union Suits, the only garment that gives perfect comfort to the wearer. Docs away with the extra band around the hips and waist. They fit smooth, easy and comfortable; nicely finished around wrist and ankle. Prices, 1.50 and 1.75 Men's medium weight fast black lisle Sox, four-thread top, and six-thread heel, toe and sole, at 50c Men’s fast black sox, double heel and toe, our regular 25c sox, at • , Men’s black, hair wool mixed sox, sizes 9 1-2 to 10, 25c quality, at 17c 17c Men’s Shaw-knit Sox, double sole, heel 35c Men’s Guvot Suspenders, neat, nice pat terns, 50c Night Shirts Men’s domestic Night Shirts, made full nnd long, trimmed or plain: white, made with the new style comfortable military collar. Prices -—1 and toe, the only sox without u seam that fit the foot comfortably. Black with white sole, heel and toe, all black and Balbiiggan, at : ■— : : 25c Men’s Outing Night Shirts, made full nnd long, military eollar,’ neat patterns. Prices 50c, 75c, and 1.00 —i r i L 1 . | g* ^ n R C LI \an iberli in-J Ion uson - V uDose Lompan/ AT THE THEATERS ’'Stranghaart.” '•Stmngheart," a new comedy drama by William C. DeMItle, will be presenl- *d tier, by Robert Kdeaon and hla com. tiny under the direction of Henry B. Harrison, on Friday and Saturday ai»hu nnd Saturday matinee. Ah the college-bred Indian, whose ram,, furnishes the title of the play. Wr Kde.on by h rhararierlxatton of unuHualneaa and power aeerna certain ' 1 imreaie (he large meaaure of popu- l*c*y already won by him In "Soldier. 'I Fortune" and "Ranaon'a Folly" lr,'Mlilo preaenta the problem of the e-ho-med Indian In love with a woman n " t 111. own race. ThU -unconven- n 'i "tory la placed In an equally out "I ti,» ordinary aalllng—Columbia t nl- '•r'liy. with youthful college life, lie '•mpu. heroen and Ita football game. ' Kde.on will be aupported by a * ■'■-fully .elected company containing »e||.known player.. • v ’ionaheart" waa the dramatic aen- •Ai'n of latt aeoaon, being the mo.l lai.-d-of play In the Eaai. “The Tenderfoot," Hi, "ard Carle 1 ! great operatic com- The Tenderfoot," will come 10 H'- 'Irund opera home Monday, matl- *" «nd night, January 14. Thin Is the blggeat undertaking Mnn- -•** I’efllve baa offered at the Grand • -en.on. ft la the big company] made auch a auccea.ful run In 'hi.ago. and numbera clo»e to *!**>' r* i’e Oscar I.. Flgpian In the lead- Me. Profeaaor PeTllbone. baa been ' h'oh) a. good aa and In many re- tn better than Richard Carle and ' 1! »ao like, carle at that. « ertnln '' Hainan la agmntedlan •" ,h - m *"* n ‘" l“'rn. and he la a good .Infer Into .IS bargain. Hi* two year. ,P'“ Hurgoinaaler'' ably filled hHO 'or ■ Tenderfoot." Mlaa Rulh White • "«tnr with Mr. Flgnian. and i» ■ ’ 'H.nily remembered for her local •*» la.t year, eo al*o nearly a .core 61 able people, who w»U be raadll* recognlaed for former creditable work In the "Big" ataow. "The Tenderfoot" to be a real bargain nt the Grand, and Manager DeGIve la under heavy guarantee for thla offering. Maxine Elliott. Ml.. Maxine Elliott, who come, to the Grand on and Thur». day night. In Clyde Fltch'e play. "Her Great Mittch.” will thla aeaaon acrom- on. of the mn.t ealen.lve lour, on record for a plar. opening In Hie Ka.t. .he will the Middle We.t, the Northwe.t, the Pacldc coaal. the South, and in llte enrly .prlng will re- lum again tn the Knit. She will travel In her private car, the "Maxine." which will be "home" to her for at lean nlno month.. At El Dorado. "The Price of Honor" I. •how, and the Rnldwln-Melvllle Stork Company al El Dorado played It well Thursday night. Mia. I .mil.* Kent played Anna Mer- vllle. a cloak model, who I. wrongfully aecu.ed of iheft. and I. wronged by the villain, and nhe doea the pari Oior migblf and earne.tly. I .title Lottie HaJ.burg and Florence Hartley In the juvenile pane work to gether well, and Ihe.e role, .ull them thoroughly. Uttle l-nttl* «ang "Rock-a. Ry Baby" Thuraday night an sweetly .. to almost cau.e the artlnn of the play to cease, at the hearty encore if lhr audience. Mr Maitland na Tom Elliott, a atnt* detective, had a i>art which he did splendidly, but the opportunities are ""Mr. Hall and Ml.. Idilrd, In their pari a of Henry Ferrl» and Jraate El liott the tinted part*, acted them *o well a. to merit the hlaeea they re- 1 ’Vhe play Is melodramatic In It. Iln— nnd .rene. and the guml-alted audience of Tuesday night thoroughly enjoyed't. The management of El Dorado an- nounce "Little Lord launtlerov" at .in enrly dnte. and al the matinee per formance. .ouvenlr photo, of Little Lottie Hnlxburg will _l» given to the Indie- nnd children. awaited with Intereal. day. matinee and night. Monda night bring, the drama, "A Royi Slave." K. E. 0. At The Bijou. hn» grown up to the real hlgh-watei mark The Irish play ha. warmed It. and the tide of theatergoers lar Atlanta Institution. Flake O'Hara, the all prominence accorded established himself as an actor o| merit, nnd his vocal work la the strong est feature of the bill. Among the many wonderful Scenes of llanlon'. "Kamanina." the moat notable are: The Court of Gamaliel. King of the Demnns: The Ruined Ab bey: The Village of Punnyn; Under the Sea: Neptune's Beaullful Realm: Yellowstone Park: Exterior and Inte rior Rcenes of faille Strange: Queer Street In Funnyo: The Witch's Cal dron: and the Lustrous Land where Bubbles Blow. SMALL BOYS CAPTURED A7/A7/T. \ F A n kttna wa V After being nrrroled and locked In Ihe police station Friday morning, lu ll* Leonard Roper, l.yeara of age. uf t(> Mills .treat, who ran away from hla home Wednesday morning, declared he boil eattn nothing since that time, and that he had spent the night, sleep ing In an old box In Marietta street, between llunnlcutt and Pine afreet*. The boy waa taken to tha police ala- llon by Policeman \V. L. Thompson who had to adopt a clever ru.e to effect 1 his <A|>ture. The little runaway w*ir 1 found nt Hartow and Walton atiaet*. i hut at tight of the officer ran Itka a. j <le« r. Thompaon gave rhane. but found 1 In uaa no match for the chftdUh aprlnter. lie finally enlisted the a#rv- jlt**» of two or three other little boys, who succeeded In approaching the run- nr.ay and aelzlng him. They then se- rurely held hint until officer Thompson mine on the scene. The boy sjiys he ran away fr»xn home because he, and Ilia little brother hud a dispute over a toy wagon. In which both were IntereRted. The child I. .aid The Star. With n new hill and entirely new- feature, throughout, the Star Theater le giving a performance this week Ihsl will add another spoke to the wheel of Its popularity. Thl. play 1s a mixture of musical, vaudeville and comedy features and a strong dramu. The principal scene* of thla drama, which Is entitled "The out- law of the Klondike." are laid In Alaska and Boston, principally In tha former. There are the usual number of ex FULTON VETERANS FROM FATHER'S SIDE TO GET PENSIONS ! BOY IS ARRESTED NEXT WEDNESDAY on next Wednesday Pension Com missioner Lindsay will begin disbursing MS.OM ta the Confederate vetrrana and the widows of vetrana In Fulton county. Payment of '•analons will continue until the lV800 coming under the pro visions of tha law are paid. Tha total ! amount to be dlbutned will be ISM.SOO. It la expected Hint the usual deficit will be Riimewhat l.rger thla year, owing lo a naw act reaching other pension- ere. Commissioner l.lndtay can not tell citing scenes and sensational feature. which go to make this kind of play a } *t. but’the detlrit may'reach IbO.OOe Tho management of ihe Star an.; T* Rail Bankrupt Stock, nounieo nine good things for "ext H Tb( . lo'he the'youltge.t and heel Fauntlemy This same bill will be presented to. I Amerirue. tie., Jan. O.—Th* *<' K 'k un tbs stags, and the performance u night and tomoirww matlnaa and night, of dry goods, nations and tioimng of Juat after returning with Ul» father from the theater Tliuruday night. \V. HoniUall. U year* old. wrr taken Into ruttodjr l*y I'ullretnan Kilpatrlek at ibe Klngatoa Hotel la Trinity arenue ana lus ke.l In the poll*** athtkwi. The Ikiy la held rn InfaruiRtloo that he Ir wanPtl in rnlrlnirn «>t» a charge of bur- gtarr iMMeetlreR T. II. Isatifonl nnd t’lark ararvlieil lor the In*/ Thnnutay night, tint after falling: lo nmi him left tnutrmtlon* with t tn leer KllpetiVi to witch far liU ratnrn tn the lintel. The l«*y Ir Mid In hnre entlte tn Atlanta nalr a few dayn agn aa<l iwi lueii Mopping at »!»** KltigRtoa lintel with hU father anti dint tier. George Waihingten Spivey. The tNMly of (leone Waahlncton H|»U \o\. who died nt a private aanltarlutn Thuradav morning, waa Rent to hla home. Moultrie. On.. Friday morning. Lagarua A Pear I man will ha told at a bankrupt Ml* here next week. CZAR COMPOSES POEM TELLING OF HIS DOOM M.v haimtnr.s waa born at night And suckled on Hie gloom. My pleasures have dissolved In night Heart-ntrlckan at my doom. Alv soul strive* Mindly for relief. Chilled a. by drifting snow. By doubts which mock at tha bollef lif nmllng peaca below. Xt. Petei.burg. Jan.’ II.—Boclaly I. dlaeu.alng with deep Interest the poem which the exar It*, asm log friend, ucrompanted by a photo graph of the Imperial family. Il sumo up tho situation In thla distracted country a* Hi* ruler vUw* It. Kv*ry Rtanxa breathe* melancholy and foreboding, und dearly Indicate, (hat the exar ha* but llttla hope of a brighter future for Russia. THREE STORES BURN IN M1DN1GHT FIRE AT BITKHEAD, UA. Special to The Georsl.i. Iluckhead, Ga.. Jan. II.—A Are which develup*il here at II o'clwk Iset night, comtilelely destroyed three .tores, en tailing a loaa of 12.1*0. The stores destroyed wet*: Rl(ey Taylor, general tiierchandlee. loss tl.OOo. R. M. Baker, general niervbandJaa: loss 11.00a. Banks Tate, grocery store: loss 1200. But a email amount of Insurance wo. carried, the hxu being almost total. The nr* spread rapidly and It ra- qulcad hard nurk to prevent It Iron spreading to othar beading*. Thl. I* the worst lire that aver vl.lled this place. Captain Hunt to Cuba. Captain uFmy J. Hunt, nt tha Sev enteenth United Btatea Infantry, who ha. been post quartermaster ut Fort McPherson, haa bean ordered to Join hi. company In Cuba, and will leave at once. The company of which Captain Hunt ss. In command la In the two battal ions of tha Seventeenth that lert Fort McPherson for Cuba when Uncle Bam MRS GUINN IS HELD KQK COMPLICITY IN ASSASSINATION Mncial 111 The ttrorglaa. Blue Ridge. Ha.. Jan. U-Fhllowlag lb* loafrMlon of John EIIK of Fannin coua- IT. wbe ha. been held under bead as witness In tin- linestlg.ilnn of Ike nssnmI- hr thin »f t'utiMiel W. A. tlnlun. as he wws enieriNX ike gat* at bis hams at Ur- Car#, Twin., alwat three week* ago. Mr*. Hulun and KUIs hare Wen luth arreMi-l is* plac'd ms irtal Inday. It I. expected that ilartllmt develnpuirnts will hdlow. flu nnonnt nt the mailing of Hr* par ti—. intuit Intereal Is innnttriifil. tvd..- ael Hdtaa wts a praulaekt lawyer sn-t eltlsen uf XleCaya, and his wife, wtm was . Miss MeCsyw lading, lo nn* of th- weslthlirot and Meat anwalarat f.mlllra nt this wetto* Bee tsal, * bfgh poidtlen lawk I* sort.I and I.Vmwiro* rfr- lies. Mr*. Hal** riente* *11 knowledge of ih' affair. Kill, s ' the nun M , dll'lit" I Ut IWI.eeo hliwnif srot J.ikn Allen, wtw Is mm I. Jsll *t Renien, Tenn., fur Ihe murder nf t’okinel tlatsa. Flic this aasaat etcher h* nr Alls* were tn kill Colonel Ottlnn. They st.tlnaed themselves Rt Ike Urn Bit — *htvk gave eattne* lo Celnnel Halm's tireotlsee. nod si wklrbrver gate Colonel Oolnn eiitcrist whoever wan its rimed thee* arm in hill him. butted lata tha Insular affair* tad gut down tha alleged rebellion.