The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 11, 1907, Image 2

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. rsIDAT, JANUARY U. UOT. Eat More of the most nutritious of flour foods— Uneeda Biscuit—the only perfect soda cracker. Then you will be able to Earn More because a well-nourhhed body has greater productive capacity. Thus you will alto be able to Save More because for value received there is no food so economical as Uneeda Biscuit JST£ In a dust tight, ^0 moisturt proof packagt. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY ROSSER RE-ELECTED AS HEAD OE BOARD Committee is Named For Ensuing School Year. The • liutfil of ^duration I1H1I He first. tuvvHim “I uml- vtar xtt the. Huy a*. Hlah Hch-,..i Thursday afternoon nnd officer* for 19«7 t*«-ra rlwtrri and tnltters named f.»i the year. The rlerthm of oflhere resulted a* follows: Luther Z. Rosser. |»rt**hlt*nt. hr I. I*. Stephens, view |>tevident, Pt-off*w«>r L M. I^tndniin. verietary. and .lone|di *1* Or me, treasurer. All of the old officers were re-elected without opposition I'resident Rosser has Item at the head of the board of education for severs! years nnd dur ing that time the school* of Atlanta have steadily Improved until they are the best In the state tr not In the Fouth. |*ievident Rosser named the follow. Ink commit tees <t» serve during the year: t*ommlttec on* and School Tenchers—In. L. I* Hi-phens, chair man; t'ourll.-tnd S Winn, Hnmuel N. Kvlns, Mayor W. It Joyner, ex-ofttclo, anti Luther Z Ro«*er. ex-offlelo. Commute** on Kinam Hulldlng nnd — Ifc'insii* l'i t A « Turner, ehnlr- CONTEST IS CLOSE IN TEXAS DISTRICT! Anti-Btiilry Faction in I.o^- islntiirc K«i| to (Jet In- vrsl Ration Started. tnnn. K. I* Hums. K M Mitchell, T. T> 4t A«dm-W—4lnuit-wn4- lewtlwr V*- To dccurt Nsw Lots. In addition to these committees, hr. !«. 1*. Ktephens, K M Mttehell and K. 1*. Hums were appolnted ms n speelnl com mittee to secure lots for new schools when council makes the necessary ap propriations The Isiatd will petition council for nn itpptoprlallon of* |40(» with which II I* Intended to purchase a lot 6ft |c. |aa feet to he used as a play ground for the pupils of the new l’ryor Hi reel school. • The hoard decided to establish an overflow grade at this school which will Ire mainly for second grade pupils, and Miss Klixaheth llaunson. supernutnem- • r> at the l«ec Htreet Hcho«d, will hr* placed In charge Mayor Joyner and Koundlman Grant made their dehut ut. the meeting ns memlters of the hoard and were given a hearty welcome by the otheis Landrum It Honored. - During the meeting of the board of education Professor L. M. ljimlrum, —gfrrvTary nf thr hoard ar.d nimtstnm petintrndent of schools, received con gratulations from the members of the board on an liopor rccenth paid him l*\ • Botlthern educators At the recent annual session in Mont gomery “f the Houthrrn l-Mucattonat Assim latton. the Association of H« hoo| Hupcrmtendcntf. an auxtllarv organlxn- lion, elected Professor I .a ml rum presi dent. During the first two days *»f the meeting Professor Lattlinm was pres ent. hut h Atlanta It making cause of hi- work after hi- departun perlntendents lem hM»i president The next meeting of t»i*. Southern Etlucaftotia! As-.Mlatl*n will |>t oiwthly be held In New Mttrims next Thanks giving da* nnd an effort I* trow twine made to have tin* I'll.lav following Thittlksgiving made it holulav s.» tlmi educators mnv attend tin sex-inn- Pr *. fessor I-a ndnint will prepare a program for the »n'\t mu ting . f the l» dv which Austin. Texas. Jan. II Returns from the special election in the One Hundred and Fourth legislutlxe district of Texas Indicate the contest ts close, with both the Itntley and anti-Halley forces claiming victory. Young county, the Imtite of t'rawford, the anti-Hailey candidate, has given Kfquford ftao plurality, and fie claims this will elect film. The liatiey njen do not concede the defeat of KoitUon. their candidate. There are seven counties lit the district. The election was to till u vacancy causrd h.v death. The nntl-ltnllcy men failed In their efforts to gel the resolution f«»i an in vestigation up for ronslderatlon In the legislature >esterday, and It looks now as If It would not he considered until next week. CAPTAIN NPKNCK QUITS r. S. ARMY Washington. Jan 11 The secretary of war Ini- granted the re«|uest of t’ap- taln R K |.. Hpeticc. *.f the Kleventli Infantry, for a »1u* -burg**. ('nptalii Hpenes lias lw« n stationed at Mllledge- vllle. (la. and made application to be relieve*! from iluty several weeks ago E AFTER WINNING IN EIGHT FOR CHILD CALL STATE CONVENTION OF ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE To Organize Solidly For the Big State Campaign. MEET IN ATLANTA OX FEBRUARY 6TH Figlit for PrebHritiott Planned bj’ Leaders of League. Is A mat* ('invention of Iht liennlti Antl-Halnon I^ufti* will b* held In At lanta February t. The oRIclal rail for tha convention lilt* been laaued by J. C. Solomon, «u- perlnlendant of the Iracue. Two lm- liortant matters are to be dlacutaed, the antl-Jug bill and a general prohibition election In tbo elate. The last laclelature considered the untl-Jus bill, but It did not come up for final action. It It understood that tt will be brought forward asain early In ■he eeeelon next summer, and It le ar- -ei led that It hoa excellent Chance nil liaeeace. . FINANCE COMMITTEE BALKS AT SALARY RAISE BEFORE IVENTORY SALE Boll Wants New Public Buildings in Poor- gia Cities. Before taking Inventory we will make the following reduc tion* to clean up these lines of itock—Cash or Credit. ALL LADIES* SLITS Vs OFF ALL SILK WAISTS Vs OFF ALL MILLINERY Vs OFF Clothing. Hals. Shoes lor Hon, Women and Children on easy payment plan at cash atom prlaaa 64 Store*. ♦rfihe HI oemiilee In Oeorgl > Washington. Jan. *11.—At a meeting of ths finance committee of the senate yesterday*. the committee declined to take any action upon the question* of an Increase In congressional salaries. The bill making appropriations for (he legislative, executive and Judicial expenses of ths government tarries |30.X5&,884, a. net Increase of $22.'».4:*0 over the amount of the bill as passed by the house. The propositions for raising the sal aries of members of congress and members of the cabinet, including *he provisions Inserted by the house In- creasing the pay of cabinet ’’members, the vice president and speaker of .the Te iiSe T«i~iJ2,600 a year, wus rejected. The total amount of decreases made b> senate committee was 842,37*0. nssBfcsa Over 71 WHITEHALL ST. Btore Open Monday Evening!. MAIL ORDERS N**wmri*<dmi* am r*>btr-< key Mtn't Salt) **< OnrtMU Or Mil •• Mty •MMMIMMIMIMMMMM WANT TO KNOW what your friends are doing 1 TELEPHONE! and find out—do your shopping—attend to any one of the thou sand details that may be accomplished if you use the BELL, Reasonable Rates Contract Dept, Main 1300 prohibition prevails In 120. The con vention Will discuss the- wisdom of calling a general prohibition elect ion to inukti Him other twsnty-sU counties "dry.” Dr. J. I*. Whits, of Macon, who was third vice president of ths Georgia Dengue, has been called to lleaumont. Tex., and the convention will have to flume Ills siP-ressnr. The trustees will ulso have to organize. The official rail as follows Call for Convention. ‘Muttcis of the gravest Importance i* confioMug (leoiglanw tide -year •ver perhaj ite hav tho history of this ’hrlstluns and lioine-lovers and patriots been railed U|sin to do n more valuable service to the common wealth than now. •There are one hundred and twenty fry counties In (lootgia and twenty-six w el count lee. and every dry countv In this state Is a common. dumping ground for the heartless wet counties And vain are the protests and pitiable are the cries for mercy, hut the Jug rain runs right on. and every year the l»eople of our beloved state, from the untalus to the He aboard, are being debauched by these few wet counties. The time has come to call S halt. The people have l»een outraged and sinned against long enough. Relief must conic. The rtdhfy Of the f/ublk pi 1HIM 1 way fixed nt 9&.000, an increase of fUOn over the amount he now recelvea. hut a de crease of S1,000 In the amount voted by the house. Representative Hell, of Georgia, liar Introduced In the house u bill profiling for the appropriation of |r*o,0(n» fot each of several public buildings In the following cities: Toecoa. Lawrenrevill \ Winder, Buford. Jefferson and Com- merest Mr. Hell Is also seeking to hav* the government establish an assay of fice at Dahlonega. Senator Latimer, of Mouth Karolina, has had the senute committee on man ufactures restore the appropriation »f t2(i,000 for the employment of experts nrk. abroad- to boow-4h»-4Lmbv An nntt-Jug hill wan pending before the last session of the Georgia legisla ture. nnd will douhthw* come up early tn the session next summer. We have most hearty assurances that this MU will pass When this great day comes there certainly will be much rejoicing one hundred nnd twenty dry counties tills state llut wt-Mire rnnlcmpUU K it greater victor* than that. We menu, God helping us. to secure State- hie prohibition. We have easily a majority for prohibition In the house, and a good chance for victory 4a the trade In cotton products. The war department has ordered that ' the Heabonrd Air Line bridge over the Savannah river nt Hutchinson's Island he removed within eighteen months. The Southern Coast Lumber Company complained that the bridge In Its pres ent condition obstructed navigation In. the river. PILES CURED IN 0 TO 14 DAYS. RAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any cose of Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles in 4 to 14 days or money refunded. 60c. WIFE AT FOURTEEN! LEFT SCHOOLBOOKS TOWED HERLOVER late. that we may sit In counsel to gether and caltulV afl*l v 'Wisely dellher- Lvelglitv matters. 1 call for an Anti-Saloon League convention, to held In Atlanta on the tith day of February. Kvery trustee, every iiiiiii- of the denominational committee*, and all the Ant I-Saloon League forces the state an* cordially Invited and urged to n J sine Soil for absolute illvuiu. alimony and the custody of her 4-yeai-old son wn* flint Thursday nnm».»*n in the su perior court by Mrs Odessa . Tlmnias against lift* husband, A L Thomas. The filing of the suit followed the ter mination of habeas corpus proceedings Instituted by the husband for the cus- «•••!> of the child. It bring alleged that Mis Thomas was not a tit person t" leai him Jtidg* Retd Thursday nft- rinooH aw aided the custody of the b«»\ to his mot bn. pending tin* action of the superior court in tin* action for divot*» . \ st feature of the s«*|s*ia- Uoii **f the Thomases was the shooting of in « aw hern, the family ph\*i. |.m l»\ Thomas, who alleged that undue in led between the wife and Doctors Admit That They Can Do Nothing More For Your Stomach Than Stuart'i Dyipepiia Tablets arc Doing Every Day. COSTS NOTHING TO TRY. A< cording to the expert analysis of (o\* iumeut authorities In the t tilted 4tat*»s and Gteat Britain. Stuart's l>ys- ** ps‘,1 Tablets contain the exact ele* m nts provided IVy nature for digesting In tin* healthy stomach, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have i\»*d sufferers from stomach disorders aliriops of dollars by giving In the do, to ill fat cent package, more relief than countless treatments bv physl- . i.ius w otild bring about at S3 00 per he loads APPOINTED CHAPLAIN OF SECOND REGIMENT. IIOTKL MAN.XCiKKs DIN AT 1HKDMONT Mi II N luitn of the I'ii'duw h|H . Ini The t;«s>rclnn. Ms 1 1 Re n appointed by chaplain, with Dougla*>«. |Mist..r «»f tl terian * livrch. ha** he 4'obUiel W A llnrrl I he rnnL of taptaln, of the Georgia regmu nt Rev. Iiouglu-N smn eeds l»r White who Us- b« eti * haplatu regiment f *r n number of \*»ar who will leave shortly f .r Texa: For those who live bv brain work Grape=Nuts food exists. “Th«ra'» a Rtatcn" d'lilie tioi.-i, rntertMlned the h»»n t tnii11* Thur»dny night m a In the •lining feotn **f the which he preside* The dinner w.»* a eainpl: other hotel imn of Attwnti* for the man* •••Uirlesles MtO'ige luittnu hns r»*ol*e*| «H tn Ailania. the The follow iuk W It elit e*|» ZlUHiier. Ilhli'li IMIIIWI K. »** Hie. Kit 111., I..*' HI I J'C HirlHii. nn.l Itrti. FOR GEORGIA FIRST. THEN MACON SECOND. Fpr.-lal trt The Ceorgtr*0. Slacon. On. Jan 11.—The t'hamher • *f Commerce ve-terdm forwarded data I * Wanhlngton leialtve to the jsisstlill-' Ity «»f Macon's securing the sub-treus- ury. Telegrams were received front Washington, advising Macon t*' put In her «latuis. in the hope that if by the squabbling of Atumn and riavannah. Georgia would be in danger of losing this Institution. Manat c*»uld h« agreed U|*on mi a place sattsfartorv to both. The object of the Chnmhci «*f Koin- msr«e is to sr.-uie the sub-ttea*urv for (leoigi.i aJ ,d then to L*ut forth Mavon's clalnuk All Atlanta records for a long time were smashed In the matrimonial line when Miss Fannie Scott, a 14-year-old girl In the eighth grade of Walker Street school, announced to her parents that she hml married Walter F. Brown. 15* years old.- and that because of this site had decided to quit school. Of course, the news cairn* as a shock to Mr. and Mrs. Hcott, but they soon became aeciistomed to the situation and gave the young couple their bless ing. It was on last Friday that the youth, fill lovers decided to try the matrl- monlaj game, and by advancing their agea some four years, a license was cured and Rev. t\ W Parker tied the knot. Nothing, however, was said of the marriage, nnd Mrs. Brown contln usd to attend the Walker Street school until Monday, when she broke the news to mother. Young Brown called to see his wife on Sunday night at lor home, 209 Greensferry avenue, hut he left at an early hour and still nolRing was known of the marriage. Brown works In a Peters street market nttd became ac quainted with his youthful wife as she passed his place of bunlne>*s on her ell** RKCOMKS FIRE BUG FROM ACTING PLAY Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Jan. It.—James A. Roberta wan an enthusiastic actor In an amateur play, the **Flre Bug." written by Otto Hchnddt. a local fire man. at the opera house here several weeks ago. Today he was arrested as a pyiomanho and was committed to the Kltntra reformatory TWO MEN DETAINED BY POLICE IN MACON. I'eilint* you are afflicted with dv*- |h psla .1 some kindred disease arising ftom a disordered digestion It may be headaches, heartburn, palpitation, liver trouble, Insomnia.\ou*» de- blllty. The* nil have their beginning in n stomach which d««es not secrete the juices or grind the fo\ul which Is j taken into tt If so. we urge you to send f«*r-a.f»ee trial i*ackage of Stuart’s D\spep»iaj Tablets It *flll c»mU you nothing an.l I surelv will bring us no gain unless *..uj Hml. after yrts tt. ttiat you are bene fited a*^i fe^. th>* you need a full f.ze.l | package. Thete Is ab»cno danger tn tri- ] mg htuarts Dyspepsia Tablets. Noth.' tug Is • ontalned in them »hat has not I we n subjected to the .**.n.^st scrutiny b> the government officials. Muart's Dvs|s*psta Tablets will dl- sl without demanding areful diet. One grail*, of these Tub- I “ * digest 3.00(i gta.nsj ..ndm*. You tun bo sure that n* matter what \.»u* i "fTirse TTrrrc t.iwfiw ^ after each meal will shortly restore] your eto-.iitoch t*» its normal c«*ndltion and render It capable of doing its work j unassisted We withhold the names of hundreds I who have written us voluntarily *x-| pressing their giutttud** to this simple sub^tltut** for nature Send f »r trial package t«*dnv F A ! Stuart t’»*. To Stuart Bldg. Marshall. Mb h ■*o «ent size package for sale by druggists v\xr> where. Special t.i Th.* Georglnn. Mnco.n. Ga. Jan. 11 -Two young men ate bring held h> the officers In this city on suspect charges, and since then- arrest t'ldef t’onnor has been in- \estig.mng their cases. When the men were arrested at the Plata hotel it was believed that they were guiltv of working several local concern* fot* tmmey for a cause In which the* had no official connection Both claim to he members of the Switchmen's Futon. No. IS. of Detroit, Mich, ami said that they are author- lied to collect funds to be used In the completion of a souvenir program for the national conventon of the Switch men's I’ntoti. In police court the prisoners were arraigned before the recorder, hut upon tin* lack of testimony the case wus continued. The two tnen have retained J F. Frquhart upon the case, who is also getting Into touch with the De troit offices of the union. ITALIAN LABORERS SEARCHING FOP WORK. Epcewl to Tb>* Georgian. Macon. Ga., Jan. It—About fifty Italian*, who could not *|«eak a word of Knglish passed through Macon yesterday on their way from Apntachi- • ola, Flo, where they have been work ing on railroad lines which hate t*e«*n built recently. They went seeking Work in wilier quarter* P Vf The leaving time of *• the Afternoon train From Atlanta fix' THE NEW LINE LcvM TO Cincinnati'"Louisville ARRIVES CHICISRATI 7:50 A. X. LOOTSVILIX 7:50 A. FOIXOWIKO MORNING Train Lmtm Union Station THROUGH SLEEPING CARS DIMING CAR SERVICE CITY TICKET OFFICE, No. 4 PEACHTREE ST. PH0HXS, MAIN 1000. ATLANTA 170 BELL SERVICE IS SATIS FACTORY, MiBAW Tonight and Saturday—Mat. Saturday. ROBERT EDESON Management HENRY B. HARRIS Third Year of Unprecedented Succors tl STR0NGHEART 1 XIght 35c to 32.00-Mat. 25c to $1.50. SALE NOW ON. MONOAY, MATINEE AND NIGHT, JANUARY 14. "THE TENDERFOOT" , With OSCAR L. FIGMAN AND ROTH WHITE. 50 PEOPLE—OLD FAVORITES. Night Pricar, 25c. to |1A0| Matlnae, 25c. to 31.00 M'CORD PROMOTED! VICE PRESIDENT OF Tl New Officers Named at An imal Flection in Big Bank. Long service and demonstrated busi ness ability were rewarded Thursday afternoon when the new hoard of di rectors of the Third National bank met and elected officers for the year 1907. As a result of fhia election Joseph A. McCord, formerly cashier of the bank, was elected active vice presi dent; Thomas C. Krwln, former assist ant cashier, waa elected cashier, and Ralph \V- Byers was elected assistant cashier. Mr. McCord had Just returned from his visit to Washington In behalf of Atlanta's claim to the new sub- treasury —Kver-elnre-the-organlzatlon of the Third National Mr. McCord has been connected with the bank, and for years l\as served ms cashier. The full list of officers elected la as bdlows: Frank Hawkins, president; II. M. Atkinson and Joseph A. McCord, vice presidents; Thomas C. Erwin, cashier, and Ralph W. Byers, assistant cashier. The board of directors for 190: named last Tuesday, are: Frank Haw kins. If M. Atkinson. Dr. A. W. Cal houn. Milton Durgnn, John W. Grant, II. Y. McCord. Joseph A. McCord, James II Nunnally, J. Carroll Payne, Judge E. II. Rosser and Duvld Wood ward. Union 8avingt Bank Eleete. The annual meeting of tin* stockhold er* of the Cnlon Raving* bank was held Thursday night, and the following dl rectors for pm? were elected; James M. Johnson. Thomas J. Peeples. J tbdleman. W. (». Foote. Clyde Brook*. W. H. Htovall nnd F. J. Paxon. The new board will meet 'within few days and elect officers for this vent At present the officers of the Institution are: J. T. Ilolletnnn, presi dent; F. J. Paxon, \lev president. W. l. 'Krmp, treasurer, and J. W. Andrews, secretary’. Other Election* Coming. Already many of Atlanta's banks have held meetings of stockholders at which new directors were elected, nnd these have In several coses elected the of ficers for the new year, others, how-- ever, have not yet completed their or ganization for 1907. The stockholders of the Central Hanking and Trust Corporation met on January K and elected the following rustees for the new year; I. Y. Sage, MASSENGALE AGENCY OPENS BRANCH OFFICE Enterprising Atlanta Copy Makers Find It Neces sary to Have Offices in Richmond. John N. Goddard. 8am D. Jones. F. B. Dancy. Norman C. Miller. George E. King, Isaac If. llirsch, William M. Nixon. Eugene R. Black. J. P Williams of Hgvannah. Charles G. Goodrich of Augusta and Dr. J. Scott Todd; Asa G. Candler, .president; William II. Pat terson, vice president, and John 8. >**en*. vice president. The stockholder* of the Germania Saving**, bank will meet on Monday night at 8 o'clock for the election of directors, and the new directors will meet on next Wednesday for the elec tion of officer*. In order to meet the greatly Increased demands made upon It. the Massengale Advertising Agency, with office* in the Candler building, opened on January 1 nn extensive branch office in Richmond. Vii.. -securing office* In the Bank of Richmond building. Edward II. .May- field was retained .a* manager nnd George W. Lemons ns ad writing ex pert. Already much progress has been made, ami President 8t. Elmo Masson- gale, of the agency, is authority for the stutemem that the Richmond branch will grow with such leaps and bounds that it will rival the Atlanta main of fice in a comparatively short time. This Increased facility was made Im. perative by a plausible demand on the part of the advertising world that the Massengale Agency handle it* business. The Atlanta main office will not lose A single account, the Richmond office stmply being established for the pur pose of taking care of the many new account* which were waiting to be handled by Mr. Massengale. The growth of the agency has been well- nigh phenomenal since Its thirteen years of business. Many of the larg est accounts In the Fnlted States are handled by the main office, a score of advertising experts being constantly mployed. The Riel Richmond office will be Just as thoroughly equipped, ns far ns expe rience and ability Is concerned. Mr. Mayfield was formerly advertising man for the Fable Piano Company. Inter advertising manager for The Richmond Tlmcs-Dlspntcli nnd secretary of the Richmond Advertising Agency, which last i»o*itlon he resigned tit accept the Attractive proposition innde him by Mr. Massengnle. Mr. lemons Is n graduate of the edi torial end of newspaperdom. lie is a forceful writer and has wide exf»erlence tn advertising. The Massengale Advertising Agency is recognized by the Quoin Club, the American Newspaper Publishers' As sociation and the Rphinx member ship*. being the only agency in the South with this distinction. It does more business than all other Southern agencies combined, and Is one of the largest In the tilled States, having accounts nil over the country* and placing ads anywhere. •n BIJOU TONIGHT—MATINEE 8ATURDAY. mous Irish Tenor FISKE O'HARA In the Comedy Dram* Success MR. BLARNEY FROM IRELAND Next Week: HANLON’S "PANTA8MA” NEXT WEEK—Ueual Matinees. HANLON BROS'. GORGEOUS U FANTASMA » Company 50—THREE CARS Unparalleled Scenic Spectacle ELDORADO BM.DWIN-MEI.VnJi STOCK CO. Thursday, Friday and Ratunlay Nights. Friday cud Saturday Matinees. 'THEPRIOEOF HONOR" Night Prices 16c. 20c, $0e. 50c. Matinee Price*. 15c. 20c. 10c. NEXT WEEK: "THE ROYAL SLAVE" •‘LITTLE LORO FAUNTLEROY" JANUARY 24-2«. Malaria Make, Pale Bleed. The Old Standard. Qrove'a Taateleu Chill Tonic, drives out malaria and builds up the system. 'Bold by all dealers tor 21 year*. Prlc* 60 cent*. CENTRAL GEORGIA BANK ELECTS NEW DIRECTORS. 8|ieclal to The Georgian. Macon. Oa.. Jan. II —The stockhold er* of the Central Georgia Hank held their thirtv-ninth annual meeting yea- terday and elected the following direr, torn: It, It. Rrown, *V. K. Cox. W. W. William* K. N. Jelk* and John T. Moore. Following the stockholders' meeting, the litreclor, met and re-elected the following oflloera: President, R. H. Urmvn: vice president. W. R. Cog; cashier. T. <■. t’heatney; teller and bookkeeper, T. H. Btone. Al! of three gentlemen have held their respective poalttona In the hank for many years. 'X«.a3c [ THE STAR 1 WEEK OF JANUARY 7. 8EN8ATI0NAL DRAMA .. THE OUTLAW OF THE KLONDIKE" New Movtaf Picture!. STRONG VAUDEVILLE Uatlnses Monday, Wednesday. Thursday and Saturday at 2:10. Every Night at 6 o'clock. WANTED Carpenters, Miutone ami Plasterer* at F. J. Cooledge & Son, 150 Pe ter* street, where we will give you lowest prices on all Tools. F. J. COOLEDGE St SON. N aad wmaitrr hUits s&sm M. WOOLLEY. M-P- T»|* ••• IM ^■aew* Iim. all airtea 1*1*..- Wane ..*• 7*m 1-m e-* •hut^ I It* «M»1 WUH cental Ns. tn Mm* hf — ^ -Ifftat tatta ■*»..- . « MaMrU. kmn latent UmtsU