The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 11, 1907, Image 3

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. FRIDAY, JANUARY 11. 190T. Our Great Clean-Sweep Sale Tomorrow A Most Extraordinary Bargain Event. Attend It At 9 o’clock tomorrow morning our doors 0$ stocks of all kinds of winter merchandise. The i that end in view—absolutely without regard to cost or^resent value n on the grandest bargain sale we have ever held. It is to be a clean sweep of surplus ;le object of the sale will be quick and complete clearance and prices will be marked with while the extremely?ow prices p: There will be atartlin afford to miss this remarkab! The sale will continue for 8 days as Saturday, Jan. 12jTuesday, Jan. 15 Monday, Jan. l*t\Wednes'y,Jan.l6 wise, well-posted shoppers and many will supply future as well as present needs ecials in each and every department; new bargains will b e offered daily; you cannot early and often; ws promise you a grand feast of good things. below. ■ DOORS OPEN TOMORROW AT NINE O'CLOCK. Thursday, Jan. 17 Friday, Jan. 18 Clean-Sweep Ladies' Suits Clean-Sweep Ladies' Coats We will offer in this Clean-Sweep Sale your choice of a great line of Ladies’ Tailored Suits, ranging from $18.50 to $25.00 in value, at the sensational price of $7.90 for choice. The line includes Eton, Pony Coat and English Box styles' of "fine plain Broadcloths, Panamasand fancy mixtures. At this price you buy this com plete Suit for less than cost of materials alone $7.90 Clean-Sweep Dress Goods 300 bolts of fine Broadcloths, Panamas and Fan cy Mixtures—40 to 60 inches wide—including all the most fashionable colorings and worth ev ery cent of $1.00 a yard, will be offered in the Clean Sweep Sale at, per yard tiJyC The Continued mild weather has somewhat re tarded the sale of coats and is responsible for this wonderful bargain offering which will in clude stylish 50-inch Tourist Coats of fine Broadcloth, satin-lined, new fancy mixtures and all-wool Cravenettcs—coats that are selling in other good stores at $10 to $15. In the Clean- Sweep sale you can take choice of the line Jor $3.90 Cfean-Sweep fine Silks Saturday, Jan. 19 Monday, Jan. 21 Clean-Sweep of Ginghams ',,000 yards of highly mercerized silk-finished Zephyr Ginghams in New Spring styles for dresses, waists, etc.—sold usually at 10 to 15c a •ard—will be offered in the Clean- 5c Sweep Sale at the bargain price of, per yd. C/ean-Sweep Sale of Bits Over n thousand dollars' worth of Fine Furs In this lot that came In ton Into for the Christmas trade. The collection embrncev stoles, boas and .ollarettes of mlnkeretto. sable, fox. marten and other popular furs In new. and best shapes. The entire line Is to go In the Clean Sweep Bale at marvelous bargain prices. fl/C Fur Neckpieces, worth $4 to $5. Clean Sweep Sale price —— - w Fur Neckpieces, worth IT to $10; Clean Sweep Sale price J2a98 Cur Neckpieces, worth *10 to *16; Clean Sweep Sale price $3.90! 50 pieces of yard-wide all-silk Taffetas in green, navy, lavender, gray and other colors—also nov elty Plaid Silks, new fancy Silks and Crepe de Chines worth up to_$1.00, $1.25and ^ Ladies' Eaton Jackets of guaranteed black taffeta silk: allk-llned and nbrly trimmed; *10 £2 98 Children’s Caps In best styles and colors; north 25 to 50 Cm cents: choice ww Infante' Long Coats of fine cash- ti»n beautifully em. ttQo 11.50 value . ^ , Children's Underwear, heavy fleeced v< <14 nnd pants; f Qfl Wean-sweep price ■ wv Ladies' Vasts. and.. Pants, Ladles' and Misses' union, Suits. Bb?n Dmw’eA"'* 18C Ladiaa' Waists of guaranteed taf feta silk in black and colors and of fine white China silk; Qfl all $5.00 values ^laUO Misses' Coats and Children's Coats of plain and fanry fabrics. ;', b c w, " kln ':". $1.98 Boys' Suits, well made of good fab rics; clean-sweep Q7a eale-prlce TT; . . . 77777T. ,7 ^ i V Bo**' Overcoats, long, heavy and well made; clean- QOa sweep sale vOV Boys 1 Knee Pants, well made and worth 60c; clean- sweep sole Clean-Sweep S*i* »f Skirts Mlitse*' Skirts of (Inc all-wool Panamas and Broadrlotha, In black colors and of Imported fancy tnlxlursi, worth up to 16; Clean Sweep I $1.95 Ijidlrs' Skirts of line all-wool Panamas, Broadrlotha, Invisible Plaid Novelties, fancy checka, etc.; new and beautiful atyles, worth up to **.00; i'lean Sweep Sale price $2.90 $1.50 a yard; Clean-Sweep Sale Price.. Sweep Sale on First Floor. Clean-Sweep Fine Laces 20,000 yards of beautiful round-thread Valen ciennes Laces, Point Appliques, Torchons, Point Venise, Silk Laces and Trimming Laces worth 25 to 50 cents a yard will be on a big ^ ' the Clcan-SweeD Sale at. Shaatinga—Fine quality, aoft fin ished. 10,000 yards O lo sell at. per yard..*® * Ole Brown Drasa Llntne—All pure Linen: real 20-cent 1A> quality, at per yard ,wv Tablt Damask, full bleached, 60 Inches wide and worth OCn 60c a yard, at - Tabla Napkins, full bleached, ready hemmed, 16-Inch Om size, each OO Husk Towels, >2 by 24 Inches, ell linen, hemmed. Oes - 20c raltte, each .- ; . , . ,. Towel Cresh, heavy weight, plain or twilled. Clean O 7.flc RnrMD mice w Ladies' Gloves of finest French kid, full elbow length; $4.50 IT., c .'“ n . $2.49 Ladles' Qloves of line French kid, two-clasp style. <1.50 AQfs grade; clean sweep .... ——L Ladies' Handkerchiefs, whits hemstitched; clean sweep sale, price— Man's Underwear, heavy fleeced shirts and drawers, OQm 61.00 grade; clean sweep — Umbrellas, man's and ladles' atyles. worth up to *4; D7m clean sweep price .....— " v Bed 8preads, full slse, Marseilles 69c l>Hdn 1c Flannelettes and Outings, worth 12 1-2 and 15c; clean sweep price Bleeched Cambric, Lonsdale fin ish, cleun sweep aalt£ 7-8C Blankets, full alts and heavy, grey; clean sweep • AQ- prtce, per pair ——— Blankets, extra large and heavy, wool mixed, gray; AQ« *2.50 value, per pair .. . ."-k Blankets, finest California wool, extra slxe, *6.00 A4 BA value: par pair .. ,.tJI<Wa«»W Comforts, large alas and heavy; cotton filled, ADm *2.00 value -OU Open Saturday Night Until 10 O’clock We Give Green Trading Stamps. 18 West Mitchell, Near Whitehall. special tabic in the Clean-Sweep Sale at. Clean-Sweep Parlor Tables We bought a ear load of these beautiful fancy quarter-aawed polished oak Parlor Canter Tables and nearly 2,000 of them are left. They will ba closed out In the Clean Sweep Bale at leas than usual wholesale cost In four lots at 50c 75c 98c $1.50 Worth three to four times these prices at retail. Dining Chairs of solid polished oak with cane seats; 7E« *1.75 value; at M OC Dining Tables of solid polished oak, 6-foot extension; (12 AC value; at wt'-o Bed Lounges—large alas with oak frames and velour up- B7 QA holaterlng 9 ■ .9V Odd Drasssra of finest polished oak with French plate 7R mirrors: (20 value 9 *•*9 Iron Badi—Three-quarter or_full site; (1.60 value; clean-sweep price Bed Springe—beat ateel spiral:_full site; 16.50 Trade clean-sweep . — value spiral; full $1.25 Clean-Sweep Kitchen Safes Velvet Ruga—size 20 by 60 Inches; fringed; only 200 to S o at, choice DUO ruesels Ruga—all-wool, size 20 by (0 Inches; bright — patterns •. /VC Smyrna Rugs—all-wool and revere!, bis: alia 10 by 60 aq. ' Inches VOC Smyrna Rugs—all-wool and i bis; sice * by f Venetian "stair Carpets'in pretty patterns; ard full slse, cotton K iio Just lao nt These extra strong and well-made Kltcnen SaTsa and Cup- boards to be closed out In this Clean Sweep Sale. At I be prices we name they will eell rapidly, eo come early It you want one. All are extra larga $3.00 $8.00 VALUES VALUES VALUES $1.98 $2.98 $3.98 NE W COUNOILMEN KNOW HO W 70 ASK FOE MONE Y The new members of council and the old members of the new council have not heen at all backward In asking for appropriations for needed public Im- used for white children. ny Councilman Roberta—Providing for an appropriation of *26,000 for a new engine house In the Eighth ward, ny Coucllman Harman—Providing provrmanta. Here are aome of the resolutions which have been referred to the finance committee: By rounellman lt$»»tell—Providing for an appropriation for moving the .Marietta Street school to a colored nectlf»n, and the use of the school for miored children; also for the renovat ing of the Qray Street school, to be for an appropriation <5T 17,000 for the construction of a trunk sewer, north of Tenth street, near Peachtree atreet am! Piedmont avenue. For the auditorium-armory, 176.000. Hy Councilman I engine—Providing for the laauanre of 61,000,000 of Im provement bonds. There are 'other ordinance# calling for an appropriation of 11,200, of *1,500 and of *400. PENNSY TO ISSUE J|UUU| Plan Is To Be Submitted to t lie Stockholders March 12. Pf 11 idcijthla. Pa.. Jan. 11.—official announcement In made that the Penn- railroad management hai» ap- ir v-1 a plan to Issue $100,000,900 In capital stock and $100,000,000 In t* n.: Thin will make the total capl- I;' 1 --tork $500,900,000. The plan will •? ►obmltted to the stockholders on Bu h 12. rase* were heard In the court ■••i1r Thursday afternoon, No. 2S Ice- lust argued. -••sslon Frhlny afternoon will In* the f tin* week, the court adjourning • Monday. It l*aa been announeetl sen 43 to 53 would not l*»* taken up Monday, but It la doubtful If the '•> hear down to 43 by 6:3>) Friday n. th*» hour of adjournment. ' h**anl Thuraday were aa follow: !■»»» British nud Mercantile Insurance =;>• VB. t\ \V. Tye, from city court M. Ar- A '“i»ta, Knoxville and Northern Hall- • •lupnny ta. Maude Hmlth, from city • f Atlanta. Argued. .. %i . ' J Itrawner vs. J. J. A J. K. Mad- • !, in elry court of Atlanta. Submit- the t«rl*>fn. % * ** n. TtTng vV Beahoard Air 1.1*0 and vice versa, from city court "Ufa. Argued. ALDERMEN BEGIN BADL\; FIRS7 MEETING A FLUKE The erudite and urbane rlty clerk and the Inevitable and uhlqultlotia newspaper man attondefl the meeting of the aldermanlc hoard-Thursday afternoon at _3 o’clock at tin* i*ounell chamber. The meeting waa opened with an oath hy the eccoiid aaalatant Janitor. The election of the mayor pro tent, reaulted In a victory fur the city clerk, the newspaper man being found guilty of stuffing the ballot bot. The rltr clerk. In an ecatacy of delight and a new autt of rtntbea. thanked hta cob leagues for the honor which had lteen be- •towed upon him. while the nmMwr u— •at In profnuml alienee and a big chftlr. There being no other business before . body, the board edJournal. This wss the first meeting of the new sb dermanle board. There were oo aldermen present. . SHE HYPNOTIZES PREACHER AND CANNOT BREAK SPELL l.cxillKton, i»?., ■ McOarrey, who hypnotlxed the Rev. ... T Hooker, a student at Kentucky unl- veralty. 'luring a game at a aoelnl gathering, and who la still under a spell, which physicians ar* unable to break, la prostrated over the dlecovery of her hypnotic, powers and the evil result. She thought Booker waa feign Ing when he became Inaenelble. SCHOOL BOy DOES PROBLEMS, THEN HE ENDS HIS OWN LIFE Indianapolis. IniV, Jan. 11- Lori Burgeae, n pupil at the Indlanapoll* high school, waa found dead In hla room, having been overcome by gee. He hnd Bluffed rage In the keyhole of the door and placed clothing at the bottom to keep the gas from penetrat- >SSIA TO BUILD A GREAT WARSHIP Petersburg* Jon. 11.—The new •‘9 budget wUJ contain an appro* < ition for ths construction of a *•" n warship. COUNCIL FAILED TO ORANT STREET RAILWAY FRANCHISE. Special lo The Georgian. Amerlcua, Oa., Jan. II.—The city council, after u long dlacuatlon, failed to grant a franchise lo either of the two parties for city lighting and street railway. The eubjeel Is ellll pending, and In all probability will be acted u puli' In the next-muting. FAILED TO IDENTIFY NEGRO HELD FOR MURDER. Special to The Georgia. Amerlcua. Oa, Jan. II.—Reports hers lav night from Kufaula give the cap ture of a negro answering the descrip tion "f the murderer of Kawood Car ter, marshall at lUrbland. The negro waa on an outgoing ship just aa It mas waa anting In a chair whan found, with hla completed problems In algebra lying on the table by his aide. Among papers on lha table were i number of hie poems, all of them ad dressed to one of hla girl frlende In the high aohool. leaving Kufaula. A telephone message from here to Kufaula states that a Richland man had arrived there and failed to Identify the negro. Excite ment la high hare. SEVERS CONNECTION WITH MACON POSTOFFICE. Special to The GeoritaD. Macon, Oa., Jan. 11.—After several years' service in an Important clerkship In the Macon poatofilce, J. M. Denton has severed hie connection there and will be with the Parker Construction Company In the future, having been Chosen secretary and treasurer of that company. In (he poatofilce he will be succeeded by George S. Dure. This la quite a de- served promotion for Mr. Dure. ATLANTAK RETAINED AS PRESIDENT OF EMBALMERS 1 BOARD gpeelal lo The Georgian. Macon, Oa, Jan. 11.—H. M. Patter- ion, of Atlanta waa re-electsd presi dent of the etath board of embalmere here yesterday at the annual meeting of that body. The meeting was held <n the office of Secretary and Treasurer L. H. Burgard and Mr. Rurgard wav re-elected also. C. L. 8levenaon, of Moultrie, who has recently been appointed a member lo eucceed the late F. L Wilder, of Albany, took the oath of office and be- rame one of the body, much to the pleasure of the members who are hla associates. C. L. Torbett. of Colum bus, has been appointed for another five-year term to succeed himself. W. E Platt, of Augusta, waa the only TO GO TO BIG FAIR As officers' meeting has decided that the . . - - several regiment will go aa a body, and in. * nmmlltM, were appointed to angenwme to that end. It la on- that 44.000 will ba needad to par naea. A military fair aad ball llaon and tha d|- " ~ appropriation. rlty council may: NEW ENTERPRISES FOR SISTER STATES SHOWN BY INDEX Special lo The Gtorglaii- i-olumbus, Oa., Jan, II.—The near- member unable to attend the meeting., The board passed upon two appllca- Kl nn “ Alabama Industrial Index an>e Ilona for licenses. The next meeting t hi Its regular weekly laaue: Important Change In Bchadulet Sea board Air Lina Railway, •No. 41 From Washington 4:to a m •No. 51 " Athena 0:50 a m, •No. r " lltrmlngbam It ron m. •No. JJ " New York 4:J0pin •No. b> " Itlrmlnfham 7:46 p in. •No. 51 " fllnton .....SOtp.m. •No. <1 For lltnulntham 6:St •No. 57 " t'llntoll 7:01 a,m. •No 22 " New York II J ui lu. •No 50 " Athens 4 »> p.m. •No. 53 •• Birmingham 4 43 p it. •No » " Waablngton VOu W. E. CHHI8TIAV, a. o. p. A , Atlanta. Go. OAKLAND CROSSING BRINGS ON SUIT "During tha flrat s$v*n days after | New Year’s day, twenty-one business | orgunliatlnn* with a total minimum capital stock of $?5M09 have hern In- 14-orporated In Drorgla and Alabama, j Advance r*|Ktns to The Index this ! week give Information of the follow- | in*, among other things, j ’’Cooperage plant at M«>ntg4>mery. I Ala., Is to hr placed In operation hy J company just organised with chpltal stock of $109,090; at Macon. Oa., com pany Is to hr Incorporated with capital stock of $119,900. to build contemplated tourist hotel, cotton mills at Kufaula. Ala., wklch have been Idle for several months, will he placed In operation; at Quitman, Oa., n company Is being In corporated to manufacture ice and Ice machines, operate a bottling plant and conduct a cold storage hualnesn; «n Alabama company hoe been Incorpor ated to engage In mining and build ■team and electric, railroads; Hunts ville. Ain., has a new company, with capital stock of $199,999, which will deal la lumber and timber rights. “The awarding of elxteen Important contracts Is announced. These Include about a $609,000 wharf construction, lirunswlck, .On., $$5,000 court house, Jasper. Ala., $65,000 court house and $12,000 jail, t’ordele. On., and atreet paving and Improvements to coat abtiut $60,000. Birmingham. Ala. These will be constructed: Hlkteen steel bridges, Jefferson county. Ala., four- story office building, Waycross (la fiult for $26,009 damages hss liecn en tered by J. A. Fowler In the superior court •gainst the Georgia railroad. ritlatUT al leges that he was atrurk hy • train at the ttektaad avenue crossing, ns a result of which his right leg wss cut off at the knee. Attorney Iturton fiiulth represents Fowler. As s result of this suit. It Is expected st the dispute between the rallmml com- Cs7 aVenue rroMUng” wllf*bs brought out an< * *^ r * € * , * ory and probably settled. marble-front building. Quitman. Oa.; 110 residences, Havannah. Oa; thea ters. Opelika. Ain., and Fltsgerald, Oa.; electric light plant and water works plants *ir Improvements In three cities. The building of a $200,009 court house at Atlanta, Go., and the con struction <>f a steel bridge over the Ktowah river, near Rome, Oa.. have been proposed.” IMPORTANT CHANGES IN SCHEDULES. Tha Wvat Point Routs. Effective January 7. 1907. N«. 15—Leave Atlanta 6:20 a. m. Unite.I Htatra fuel mall for MnnlK'im- ery. Mobile, New Orleans anil the Weal. No. S3—-l-onve Atlanta 3:10 n. m. Mnntffnmery acrninmniliitlnn. For Montgomery an.I all Intermediate na tions. No. 19—Leave Atlanta 2:16 p m. New Orleans express. For Montgom ery, Mobile, Helma, New Orleans and all points West. No. 41—I-enve Atlanta 6:26 p. m. Weal Point accommodation. For Wee. Point and all Intermediate sin- lions. Dally except Hunday. No. *7—Leave Atlanta 6:40 p. m New York and New Orleans limited. For Montgomery, Mobile, Pensacola, New Orleans and all polnta West. Bui ld Pullman vestibule train. Club car. Blnlnff car. Bleepers and obser vation car between New York, Atlanta and New Orleuns. No. 46—Leave Atlanta 4:20 p. m. West Point accommodation. For Waat Point and all Intermediate atatlona. Sunday only. Apply lo ticket acenta for foldera and achedutea. O. L WICKERBHAM, t'lty Paaaenger Agent. F. M. THOMPSON, Traveling Paeaengtr Agent, Atlan ta, Ua. DR. WHITE WILL PREACH FAREWELL SERMON TO MEN. Special to The Georgian. Macon, Oa., Jan. 11.—At the city auditorium next Bunday afternoon Dr. J. L. While, pastor of the Unit Bap. Hat church, will deliver hla farewell address lo the men of Macon. Tha meeting will be In charge qf Rev. J. R. Gunn, of the Georgia Industrial Horae, and the music will be rendered by tha home band. Dr. White realgntd tha pastorate of the Flrat Baptist church nnd accepted a call to Beaumont, Tex_ for which place ha will leave next weak. LEO WA8 AM PUTATED, INJURED MAN RECOVERS. Hpeelel lo The Georgian. Macon, Ga., Jan. 11.—Henry Davtn- tnn, who had hla left lag amputated, left the city hospital yesterday, where he has been confined for lha peat month. About four weeks ago Mr. Davluon waa struck by a street car and from Injuries received It was necessary to amputate tha left leg half way between the knee and ankle. MACON WILL RETIRE *10.000 IN CITY BONDS. Special le The Georgias. Macon, Ga., Jan. II.—During tha present year bonds amounting to *16,. 000 are to be retired by the city of Macon, the first payment to bo made In July next, which will amount to about **.(06. On the sewer bonds *6,000 la to be retired during the year 1007, and upon the bridge and Improvement bonds *(,000 la to be taken up. The deficiency bonds and town hall and sewer bonds will both be taken up to the amount of *(,000.