The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 11, 1907, Image 5

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1 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. riUPAT. JANUARY U. 1W7. MID-WINTER CLEARANCE SALE. OVERSTOCKED ON OVERCOATS I Men's and Young Men's Heavy Suits. i' Clothing of Every Description. The Greatest Sacrifice Sale Ever Held in Atlanta. $60,000 STOCK To Be Reduced in Ten Days McConnell's Mid-Winter Clearance Sale. Boys' Suits Less One-third Regular Price. Heavy Winter Underwear Fine Egyptian cotton fleece lined Shirts and Draw ers worth $1.23 a suit. Mid-Winter Clearance Sale, Garment 39c, Suit 75c Stiff Bosom Shirts Coat Shirts, with attached cuffs. Colored Shirts with niffs detached, $1, $1.25 and $1.50 values. To close the entire lot, Mid-Winter Clearance Sale, Choice of the Entire Lot 69c Blue and red only, most all sizes, values 50c, 69c and 75c; only a small quantity. Mid-Winter Clearance Sale. To Close the Lot, Choice 25c The extreme mild winter has left us with a heavy stock of Overcoats, Men’s, Young Men’s and Boys’ Clothing. We have decided to make a —TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE on everything pertaining to heavy win ter merchandise. Many short lots of clothing will be sold regardless of cost or former price. Nuf Said. Investigate. See. MCCONNELL’S FOR BARGAINS. Heavy Winter Underwear Fine derby ribbed Shirts or Drawers, blue, brown or salmon, worth $2 a suit. "Mid 'Winter CIearance Sale, ~ Garment 69c, Suit $1.30 Men’s "Berlin Office Coats Sizes 34 to 44, wool, fleece lined Coats, worth $2.50, $3.50 aiid $5; about one hundred Coats. . Mid-Winter Clearance Sale, : Choice of the Entire Lot $1.50 ~ Men's fine all wool flannel Shirts.cxtra well made. Shirts worth $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75. Most of the lot navy blue. Mid-Winter Clearance Sale, To Close the Lot, Shirt 95c Young Men's Suits at Half Price. Men’s Hats Reduced A full line of soft Hats, also two shapes in Derbies. Our regular $1.50 kind, and the best values sold in At lanta. Mid-Winter Clearance Sale, One-Fifty Value Hat, 95c EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAINS Mens Pants worth’ $1.50 Men’s Gloves, worth 50c.. •Men’s Suspenders, worth 20c . •Men’s half-wool Socks, pair Men’s all-silk Tcck Tics Men’s fancy Half I lose, pair '. ladies’ Storm Rubbers, pair , Hoys’ Pants, one to a customer, age 4 to •Men’s fanej’ Vests worth $1.50 MCCONNELL’S Shoe Department We have always sold the best Shoes in Atlanta for the money. Prices have advanced on all lines of heavy Shoes. FOR 10 DAYS we will reduce prices on several thousand pairs that we own at sixty-five cents on the dollar. Not every shoe in the house reduced, but many that can be bought at a reduction. my McConnell for shoes. Silk and Wool Undershirts About 50 dozen fnney silk and wool Undershirts, in many assorted patterns and mostly large sizes. Shirts worth $2. $3 and $4 per pair, the biggest bargain of the season. Mid-Winter Clearance Sale, Garment 69c, Pair $1.25 EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAINS Men’s leather bottom Carpet Slippers Men’s Plush Caps (storm flaps) HFi! Boy’s fleece lined ^ £■ Men’s fine unlaundered £ Shirts Men’s hemstitched Hand- ^ kerchiefs Men’s sateen Office •>$ Cans 4 Silk Four-in-Haud Tius, #■ worth 25c | Hoys’ Pants, sizes 6 to 12 ladies’ Leather bottom Carpet Slippers McConnell shoe and clothing go. Near Kimball House.