The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 11, 1907, Image 8

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FBI DAT, JANCABT U, 1NT. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN, SOCIETY] Some Gossip of People and Their Pastimes Items of Interest to Women of the South AH other Dental work at eerr in* r I m prleee. Como at once and take „7 tantaae of thin o«er. RttabltabM in Atlanta 1A jeers. Imprraelon uketi- ^ plaice delivered aame day. “ '8 DATt CITY DENTAL. ROOMS Phone 1701 _ . Lady Attendant CHARLOTTE STEWART, SELENE ARMSTRONG, Aniitimi, inure 8 m. to » p. ?■ With AH Indian chief atamllna over the wnj Mic l„t,d that .blef *lth a itaenl.ui an ereat Thai h. r sufferlnge »m v naftr to cotllem Idtttc ' lint from her |N.altl.iii ahe couldn't allr. And III.. Itnllaii chief iniildu t cnine to her The. putted at each oilier with rapturuua Hill fictoitii thoac Itoka they couldn't ad Hite Ihoueht he iiugbt to he the tint to it* tlnnilt lilt* W*f. LOW PHICES _ UMTIL 1AM. 28. 0000 SET OF<tO TEETH 90 GOLD CROWNS CO b«tt 22-k |old.9w Hut *lir <titi|i|n lie wUIimI, «f Hut tim!, iHTfu ■'w I till ttlHT li.itli Kresi t.iiMi. tNt hwirt Whll** •h»*. tlioufti ► 1m* l«t«l IiIiii *» li‘»t •hr rnul.l, Ha.l a l»f«rt tlint «*■ tmrrlr tna.lf <*f w.mhI Amt jrmTII flml It Un i l*\»oml ln*llrf, tbf Diodd ami the New York Hun MRS. W. O. ELLIS. JR., TO GIVE LUNCHEON FOR MRS. MARSHALL no Thuredey, January IT. Mr* W. I>, Kills, Jr. u111 r.ntrrialn nt an elegant i buffet luncheon Mra Kit la' luncheon i will he riimpllmentury to Mra. Mnr. I ahull, who. aa the guest of her sisters, Mra Hreaton Arkwright and Mre. { George Houartl. la being delightfully I enterehlned The guest Hat of .Mra. Kl- lla will Include ubout twenty-five of ' her frlenda. MR. AND MR8. LEWIS DECK TO ENTERTAIN MISS SPEHR. Mr. anil Mra Lewla Bach will enter tain In honor of their niece. Mlaa Janie ft peel. Juat before Iter wcildtrilf lo Mr. William Huntley, of Ilulfalo. M'ELROV-HOLLIS. 1 »f Interest t-i a wide . (..-lo *>f friend* la lltc marriage of Mia t'orn llollla ami Dr. \V. V. McKIroy, which took place quietly Thuradn.v evening nt the home of Mr. ami Mra. Harry ftcoti. .in Weat linker street In the presence of retarRes and a small coterie of inti mate frlenda. an Impreaalve ceremony waa |terformetl hv Hr. Wnlker Lewis, , Dr. and Mra. McKIroy leu ring. Imtne- ' dlately ofier for an eglentletl trip through Florida and t'ltlia. The Itrlde la loved by a boat of friend* for her aunny illapoaltlon anil womanly character. Ur. McKIroy la a prominent denttal here aifd la a popular member of the Athletic flub t’pun their return to Atlanta. Ur. Bnd Mra. McKIruy will la> at hume with Mr. amt Mt*. Harry Scott, tin Went Baker alt eel DR. AND MR8. HOPKINS TO DIVE PARTY TO MISS SPEER. Dr. and Mra. John Randolph Hupklna will he- among those entertaining In compliment to Mlaa Janie Speer nml Mr. William Huntley. wsz? A ninnrt walking matum* Is her** shown mad* of dark rr4 cloth, the only trimming twins of red velvet and ml buttons. ANOTHER SHIPMENT ARTISTIC WALL PAPERS. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. “PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST’ J L BURNETT. u east hunter st. «!• L/I tlUlVil M-J A A. y BOTH PHONES 660. TO GIVE LARGE RECEPTION The Daughter* of the < ’onfeilernoy will on Thursday nftemoon. January SI. give a brilliant reception at the - Woman’s cl ut^-rooma 4n -JhaViruruL tu which Invitations will be Issued to all <ha membsr* of the organUatton and their husbands or escorts, officers of the United Daughters of the t'unfed- •racy who will be among those receiv ing will be Mrs. Edward Warner, presi dent; Mrs. W. D. Ellis, Hr. .Mrs, J. R. Mobley. Mrs. Robert Blackburn. .Miss Lucy Evans. Mrs. W. O Raoul. Mrs. E. O. McCabe. Miss I.tde Field and Mrs. Dalton Mitchell. IN HONOR 0>~MI88 8PEER. Mrs. !,ee Lawman will be among those entertaining In h«»n«»r of Miss Jnnle Hpe«T. whose wedding to Mr. William Huntley, of Buffalo, slll^ be a social •vent of February. MR8. CONKLIN TO ENTERTAIN FOR MRE. WILLIAM GRANBERY. Among many functions planned Tor Mrs. William Gninbrry. who arrived from Nashville Thursday night to be the guest of Mrs Henry. Jackson. Is the informal luncheon tit which Mrs Charles Conklin will entertain the lat ter part of next week. MRS. MOORE’S BRIDGE TO MRS. MARSHALL. Mrs. U timer .\l«*ore will entertain at a bridge party Tuesday morning. In honoi *4 Mrs Marshall, of Htaten .Island MRS. HENRY JACKSON GIVES BRILLIANT RECEPTION. Tin- i nuhd of gayetles occasioned this week b\ the presence In Atlanta of several charming visitors reached a brilliant climax In the reception given Fridav sftetniHin by Mrs Henry Jack- son to her guest. Mrs William Grnn- beri. of Nashxllle. The occasion was chsineterlxed In every detail by ele gance ami artistic taste, and betwem the hours of 4 and 6 o'clock the Jnek- son home, with Its beautiful decoration* as a setting for the handsomely gowned women who culled, presented a beauti ful scene Mrs. Jackson. Mrs Oranberv and Mrs. Robert Maddox *t*n*d In the btty window of the drawing room to receive callers. Mrs. Jackson made a charming hos tess In a gown of embroidered cream chiffon, fashioned with silver embroid ery and Venetian lace, and worn over pale green silk. Mrs. Oranbery waa much admired in a dlrectolre gown of cream lace, the corsage of lace embroidered In forget- tnenots. and the short sleeves made al together of tiny ruffles of hue. Hands of blue panne velvet added an effective touch of color. Mrs. Robert Maddox was one of the most beautiful of the young matrons present, and wore a gown of coral col ored chiffon, band eitthrc.ldercd In gold threads, the yoke nml sleeves of white lace. • The drawing room In which the re ceiving party stood wus decorated wit it bow Is and tall vases of American Beau ties. which harm«»nl«ed with the red walls and old Ivon* wood work. The reception hall was hanked with palm* and ferns, and the library. tTbefc punch was served hv Miss Adft Alex ander and TdlSs Ruth lliUimnn. wn* tn pink. Here mantels and cabinets held pink carnations tastefully Arranged <n tall vases and massed In howls. Miss Ada Alexander wore an exquisite gown of pale green voile Ninon, fushloned winrgreen luceruniTworn wttti ti trtgh girdle, showing a touch of pink. Miss Ruth Hallman's beautiful gown as of white chiffon cloth, hund-mude. with lace and tiny tucks. In the dining room, where elegant salad and Ice courses were served, the - olor motif was yellow. The table, which held mints and bonbons In yel low. had as Its centerpiece a great gold, en basket filled with daffodils. Bo hemian glass In white and gold added to the beauty of the appointments. A large number of women culled be tween the hours of 4 and 8 and the oc- aston was altogether one of the .moat elegant of the season. n box party und supper afterwards n the i ipltul rity Club. MIhm Constance Knowles, Miss Mnrv Thomas. MInr Marlon Peel. Mr. Joe Brown «’onnally. Mr. Versatile Glenn and Mr. Rob Keel.v will form another congenial box i»arty. complimentary"to MI88 LIPSCOMB. Thursday nt their handsome home, on Peachtree street, the Misses Whit man entertained at a delightful biidg l*arty. complimentary to their guest. Miss KHsp Lipscomb, of Nashville. Crlmayn roses and many potted plants were effectively used In the dec- oratlon of the home, and punch and various confection* were served during the game. A hut coursu, followed -by Ices repre senting tn rotor and form different fruits, was enjoyed after cards. Mtk Jt»hn Harry won the first prior u iMilr of silk hoae. Mias Edith Ru* sell, the consolation, n pretty book, and MIm Lipscomb, guest of honor, woh presented with n pair of silk hose. Miss Whitman wore n becoming lln- gerlr gown over pate trtUf sIIK. TOT** Sumuelhi Whitman’s pretty costume of brocaded silk In Invender tints, and Miss Lipscomb wore a handsome toilet of pale blue silk, trimmed with pearl passementerie Bl ALLA- LEERS. Mr. and Mrs. A. Leers have issued In vitations to the marriage of their daughter. Pnullne. to Mr. Mortimer W. Rlalla. of New York, the wedding to take place Thursday evening. January 17, Mt 8 o’clock, at the Temple. By BEATRICE FAIRFAX. G IRLS, don’t make things too easy for tht men. Don't take no much the lovt-making off their shouldtra that they will feel that they have only to hold out a languid hand and you will drop Into It like over ripe fruit. Up to a certain point the harder one has to work for anything the more it Is Appreciated. With men this Is especially the case. They do not think much vt a girl who comes at their least beck and call. You know. If you do all the running and the flattering, not only will you spoil them dreadfully, but you will also wean* them very quickly. To bt smothered with sweetness Is about as quick a way to kill love as any that I know of. Let fhc man lake the Jniative, then If you <we to you may reepond. You can convince him of your love without growing too effusive. I hare often during the eummeMtm© xratched-the-men and girls «ui in the boats. In the parks, etc. •I regret very much to sey that In many cases the girls were doing most of the love«mahlng- It ian't dignified, girls, nor docs it Sbow proper pride. For centuries It has been the custom for man to do the courtlnn: In thousands of cases he Is led by woman, but she Is adroit enough to do the leading so unobtrusively that no one save herself Is conscious of li. If you devote your energies to be well-mannered, attractive girls, you won't have to run after the men; they will save you the trouble by run ning after you. You can be as cordial and friendly as you like, but don’t. I beg of you. humiliate yourselves by running after men who are Indifferent to you. I have seen a spoiled young man taking life very easily while half u doxen girls fluttered around him. waiting on him. laughing at his feel>ie*t Joke, eagerly axv&ttlng their turn for a nod of approval from his lordship. Don’t you think thnt a rather disgusting stste of affairs—a lot of nice girls losing their heads ovet a very shallow, conceited young man? His empty-headedness could not be helped—he was born that way—but his conceit was the result of the adulation of a lot of foolish girls. The solitary man om* M**es nt summer resorta Is a dear Illustration if what girls will do to attrmi a man’s attention. A girl " iTm. w udu|d.never dream of l/dlAVIdg TiV STfi'h nn~ undignified manner will positively fling herself ut u man's head If she can not get attention any other i.ii; . All that Ih Just what I want you to avoid, girls. I want you to have a good time, with plenty of attention from tnen, but I do not wunt you to have it at the expense of your pride and dignity. Be sweet and friendly, hut don’t let all the wooing cotue from your side. MR. AND MRS. NOBLE ENTERTAIN. Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. B. F Noble, of Montgomery, entertained tnfonmUly-at-Uiu-iiuma-Qf Mra. Noble’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. M l'attcrson. on West Peachtree street The guests were fhe bridal attend ants of Mr. and Mrs. Noble, who are at present in Atlanta. TO MI8S FLOURNOY. | Mr and Mrs. John Kiser will tsln «t a bridge party Tuesday e In honor of Miss Maud Flournoy, Columbus, the guest of Mt»s Florence Hobbs. THEATER PARTY. Dr and Mrs. Floyd McRae will give a theater party next Wednesday even ing at the Grand In compliment to Mrs William Granbcry. of Nashville. BOX PARTIES AT GRAND. A number «*f box parties will be gl\en at the Grand Friday evening Miss Uum Hill Payne’s box party will Include: Miss Louise Hawkin', Mr and Mrs. Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs John . little, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Payne. \ Miss Nan Payne of Warrenton. Mr. j Howell Peeples. Mr. Htunrt Boyd and Mr. Arthur Clarke. Mr. William Ellsworth will gt\e a box party to Miss Kllse Lipscomb, his guests Including Miss Martha Whit man. Miss Janie Hpeer. Mt Hugh Adams and Mr Madison Bell Misses Maud Flournoy and Florence | llobbs will be the guests of honor at, MR8. FORTSON’S LUNCHEON TO MfSS MARY FORTSON. Mrs. Edward Fort son's luncheon. Fri day was a pretty compllmepx 1° Miss Mary Furtsoit, of Washington, Gs. Thr^hinrhPnn~tnbte wnj« itilMtlCAlly decorated w 1th red roses and nurclssus. the centerpiece being a platteau formed of these blossoms. The handles Imd red silk shndeN and the place cards [were hand-painted roses, upon which wore the names of the guests In gilt. ! The hostess wme a becoming gown I of white broadcloth, trimmed with •nter- ! Irish lace and hand-embroidered In silk entng th Miss Foitson whs much admired In toilet ,*f blue silk, fashioned empire nd trimmed with cream hue. Imlted to meet Miss Fort son were: li-i* Mary Deaa Tupper. Miss Bessie tlward. id. .Miss Katharine Gholstln. Ml-s Lottie Peck Wyley. Miss M. A Phelan. Miss Martha Woodward. Miss Kate Hohinson. Miss Hortense Horne. Miss Constance Knowles and Miss Nannie Nlcolson. IN HONOR OF MR8. MARSHALL. Mrs. L. F. Fitxslmmons gave a bridge luncheon Friday In honor of Mrs Mar shall. the guest of Mra. Preston Ark wright Luncheon was served flrst. the guest ner. Mrs. *. I». Tinsley, Mrs. Walter Grace. Mrs. AViituway. Mrs, Robert Sparks. Mrs. Tracy Baxter. Mrs. Jor dan Masses. Mrs. Emntette Hmnll. Mrs. Duncan Brown. Mrs. Fontulne Barden. Mrs. . Henry Wortham. Mrs. George Duncan. Mrs. Millljim Felton. Mrs. L. O. Stevens, Mrs. Appleton Collins. Mrs. Hmlth. Mrs. Edward Fellowes. Mrs. Ellsworth Hall, Mrs. Walter Ilurrli, Mrs. Wimberly. Mrs. George Dole Wad- ley and Mrs. John M. Cutler. The handsome home of Mrs. Han son. which has recently been added to, tvns profusely decorated with splendid palms and other potted plants and quantities of beautiful cut flowers. An elegant luncheon was served dur ing the. afternoon. _ . Mrs Hanson wore a handsome toilet of white chiffon cloth, embroidered and ti limned with thread lace. Mrs. liur l becoming gfrive and Irlih lace, made prlncesse. game these were Joined by those‘In* vFfed for lea. The first prize was a beautiful gold pendant and the consolation a silver- mounted engagement book. The club house was made moat attractive by palms, ferns and pink begofltae. Mrs. Ilucknell received her guests In a becoming gown of blue tUJt* olabo- rately. fashioned with lace. 61 ra. William Bucknell. the guest of honor, was much admired In a gown of black lace worn over white ftlk. _ Among those assisting 6frs. Bucknell In entertaining her gueste; Mrs. Hen ry Grady wore a handsome gown of blue cloth, trimmed with lace, and a touch “of stiver—embroidery; Idea. Charles Black wore a becoming toilet of old rose silk, fashioned with lace; 6lrs. Victor Hmlth waa gowned In gray silk, trimmed with exquisite lace, and Mrs. John Hill wore black luce, made prlncesse. JONE6-3EWELL. K per In I lo The Georgina. Macon, Ga., Jan. 11.—The wedding of Miss Edith Sewell and Mr. William Cole Jones took place Thursday after noon ut 6 o'clock, at the First Chris tian church. ,The church was lavishly decorated In amllax and palms, the ajtar being a veritable mase of green. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Herman Jones, a brother of the groom, and the only attendants being Witherspoon, made by him while Princeton In 1774. Tilts splendid entrance Is lighted by Tiffany lamps whose soft opalescent tints are exquisite, and on Interesting hit of furniture Is the old “hat ra ' once owned by General Ylurlon. the "Swamp Fox’* of Revolutionary fame. This famous Meeting street house Is a veritable museum of priceless historic treasures, for there has been almost no administration since the flrst without one metnlter ‘of this family In s< position of importance und of Influ ence. At the debut ball of this young daughter of the House of Calhoun may be caught glimpses of the ante-bellum type of entertainment which baa made the.old South famous. THE INAUGURATION BALL ATMONTGOM ERY. HISTORICAL INTEREST AT MISS CALHOUN'8 DEBUT PARTY Associated with the brilliant debut reception (• hdtrftr 'Mnmrarrui- houn by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Pat rick “Calhoun, Wednesday evening at hHrleston, was the charm of unusual historical interest, and family tradition, of th „ ifffntien be- au K ur ** ! **‘* lieutenant governor of al»uy» a P«rt of 111* hvacles <*■ Alabama, la a Georgian, with many illlee of the old refflnic relative* In thla. the atate of hi* birth Great preparatbma are being math! f.H-Mhe Inauguration ceremonlea ami ball, which will take place Monday nt Montgomery. Governor-elect Comer, who-wilb be- Inducted with much ecl-tt Into othee, haa many relative* In Oeor- gla, being it brolher of the late Colonel II. M. Comer, of Savannah. Hon. Henry B. Gray, who will be In qurathed to famllle* in the South. The reception occurred at the home of Mtea Calhoun'a mater nal grandparenta, on Meeting atreet. Charleaton. Thla magnificent home, built by the late George \\\ William*. one of the notable liomea In the South. It atande In the middle of an old-faiditoned garden of the long ago etyle and contains more than thirty room*, many of which are gems of beauty. Since the deuth of Mr. and Mr* William* this place has become Inter home of Sir. and Mra. Patrick Calltpun. With It* drawing room*, library, darning room and *pa- ctoun gillie* 11 I* aeldoin Hint *o beau- ttfnt nn Interior I* lo he found The midwork of the great entrance hall, Mrelchlng the entire length of the house, I* of rare, dark hardwood and j the lloor* are I with crimson carpel* of priori*** value and groat beauty. The wall* arc bung with por trait* of the dl*tlagul»hrd member* of the Calhoun family There I* a line old palming of the young debutante's great grandfather. General Duff Green, In 111* vounger day*; the urll*t having won derfully portrayed the singular beauty of tin* man In hi* youth. A bust of General Green I* nearby, and I* the work of the sculptor. Power*, whom tile general befriended In hi* early yenr*. There I* also In ihl* rvall n portrait if III) Duff Green, and on the opposite wall hung* that of the famous John C. the nation’* statesman, whose great granddaughter I* now the center of *o much galely and social attention. In the alcove near ’the grand stairway hang* the portrait .,f George MacUuf- Itr, Smith Carolina'* distinguished and being sealed at small ^able*,„>vhlrh I elmiutni senator There i* also a italnt- Ing of Mis* Calhoun's maternal great grandfather. Kdward William*..and bl* STERLING SILVERWARE FOE THE JANUARY BRIDES. Our stock is very large. Our engraving is known to be the most artistic in the city. Each piece we sell is en graved by our expert engraver free of charge. EUGENE V. HAYNES CO. Jewelers. 37 Whitehall Street. ' were i1«*y*«rnu*it with »»aui**u tmtloni* After the luncheon, which wan nn elegant '»tu*. bridge wan phiveii. The prise* } were a bronxe cnndlenilck, a eewtng banket and a pair of mik hose Mr* Fltx*1mm*»n* wore a hand* iwitnted giiwti of black lace over taf feta .Mr* Marshall won* a gown of grav *l!k. fa*hloneil with t»i*h lace* Her luxe (of black \Civet waa trimmed with white ; plume* ! Invited to meet Mr* Msiwball were Mr*. Arkwright. Mi* Getwge Howai.l. ! Mr* George Brown. Mr* Joseph ! Br»»wn **f Kalatnnt«»rt. Mr*. Henry P.»r. ter, Mr* A B Steele. Mr*. J. j Hunter. Mr* Lewi* Back. Mr*. Loin* • Ghohdtn. Ml* (’h*Hra Kelpie. Mr* John Fltten. Mr*. U B Rlilley. Mr*. Albert • Thnmtnn. Mr*. Uenrv Tanner. Mr*. \\ K Foster. Mr* \V J Penb«Mly. Mr* ! John t'tarke. Mr* Hnrvex J<dtn*<m. Mr* France* Block. Mr* Hugh McKee. Mr* l.owry Araold. and Mr* Lee Lew - ( man IN HONOR 0F MR8. HORNER. At the elegant reception given on Thur*d*- afternoon at Macon, hv Mi* J F Han*on. In honor of Mr* Mitchell on. George W. Willlain*, of Georgia Here t* ul*o a |H>i-tralt of John Ew ing Calhoun. United State* senator in j 1*05. and a rare treasure In the family j 1* a manuaertpt copy t*f the lecture* of * • >f Atlanta the, foil,mtng I ROGERS' ware Triple-Plated Silver- •i:"z ■print -'•lling r« gulnr lling prl« e. Tll***e got*l« ctm- •i ..f H.*or* l*r»»a., A Mil* H*cr* and nn* it i i.i ran- full pint** nml trltilp ptnte«1 > pome pattf rvgukir *»*ll of itMtler Kill vex . II iw ••hetl* 75e Entire lot 2% Pieces, ex- pre»“ prepaid, upon receipt relative* In thla, the state of hi* birth. Mr. Gray n* quite a young man went from Atlanta to Birmingham many year* ago a* a Journalist of talent and promise and haa achieved very brilliant auccea* in Alabama In a social, political and bu*tne*H way. A future of even greater accomplish- ment I* predicted for him by persona familiar with the political conditions In hta adopted state. The Birmingham New* says: “The Inauguration ball will be given In the Auditorium In Montgomery next Monday evening, when the Jelka ad- mTnl»lration wilt be hosts For the TTo- mer, or the In-coming administration. A fact not generally underatood la thnt there will be no Invitations Issued und that the public Is Invited and expected to attend the inauguration 1n the morning and the hull in the everting. Many who had planned to go have ex pressed themselves a* disappointed that no Invltutlon* had been sent them, but no cards whatever will be sent out. Tin* military companies from all over tho state will attend and their presence will add dignity to the greats*vent. Gov ernor and Mr*. Comer and their daugh ter*. Ml**e* Katharine and Eva Cooper. Mr*. 1-Yank Naber*. Mr*. James Craig Smith, will be In attendance. Mra. Frank I-athrop. who |* *Mp1 in mourn ing. will not take an uctlv* part In the proceeding*, although she will be In Montgomery at the time. Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Henry B. Gray will take a leudlng part In the exercise* and the ball. Among other* who ex pect t » attend are. Mrs. L. G. Wood- son and her guest*. Misses Gwendolyn Canfleld. of Toronto. Canada. Lettlce ciark. of Mobile; Clement Marks, of Montgomery and Ml** Vernon Mark*, or this city; Major and Mrs. K. M. Tut- wiler. Mr. and Mr*. John W. Tomlin son. Colonel and Mr*. T. n. Smith, Mr*. Dugas, Mr. E. W. Barrett. Mr. and Mr*. Hufu* N. Rhode*. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Haley und others.” ftflSS CALHOUN’S OEBUT on Wednesday evening Mlaa Martha Calhoun won Formally Introduced ln(o society at a brilliant reception nt the home of her parent*. Mr. and Mra. Patrick Calhoun. In Charleston. 8. C. Twenty-rive hundred Invitation* were Issued und n great assembly of nota ble guest* was gathered to do honor to the lovely young debutante. Bou quet* were sent Miss Calhoun front many part* of the United .State*, and the reception was one of the handsom est and most elaborate ever given In Charleston. « city famous for It* splen did social life. TO MRS.VuCKNELL. The bridge tea at which Mrs. Howard Bucknell entertained Thursday after noon in honor of her guest, Mr*. Wil liam Uucknefl.' of Philadelphia, was one of the prettiest and most enjoyable sc ents of the week. At 3 ushers were: Mr. George Her bert Clark, Mr. Frank Sewell. Mr. Mar shall Lane, of Atlanta, and Mr. Clar ence Roper. The yottng couple left for Florida on their wedding trip, where they will spend a couple of weeks before return ing home. : MEETING OF ATLANTA CHAPTER, U. D. C Thursday afternoon at the club rooms, at the Grand, a large and Inter esting meeting of the Atlanta Chapter. United Daughters of the 4’onfederacy, was held. Mrs. W. D. Ellis. 8r., first vice^presi dent, presided. After the transaction of Important routine business, Mrs. Rills requested Mrs. J. R. Mobley, second vice presi dent, to escort to the chair the newly- elected president. 61 r*. Edward G. War- ner. —-— — Mr*. Warner responded In a very - graceful and appropriate preastng her appreciation of the honor conferred upon her. and also outlining the work of the chapter for the year. The following are the officers of the Atlanta Chapter: President—Mrs. Edward O. Warner! lirit VIcf President—Mrs. YV; D7E1- II s. Sr. Second ATce President—Mr*. J. Yt. Mobley. Recording Secretary—Mrs. Robert Blackburn. Corresponding Secretary—Miss Lucy Evans. Treasurer—Mr*. William Greene Raoul. Registrar—Mr*. E. G. McCabe. Historian—Miss Lida Field. Auditor—Mrs. Dalton Mitchell. Advisory Board. Miss Alice Baxter, chairman; Mrs. W. M. Nixon. Mr*. W. P. Pnttlllo, Mrs. A. J. Smith, Mrs. S. H. Melonc. The following committees have been appointed by Mr*. Warner: Credential Committee—Mrs. E. G. McCabe, chairman; Mr*. J. K. Ottlev, Mnr-8.“H—Mclone,- Mrs. W. -D“EI!ts, Sr. canttrplece a basket of the roue, ... nsretMo*. ana minu And bonbon. *7^ In pink and vhlte. Mre. Kills waa assisted In the enter, talnment of her sueets by h * r ,": lovely dauahters. and was a chartnlM £”h e b!. , cVcS^n 0, ‘ ray n ,riou o r. n o7°w re h.,*. ° f «•*. MIss Halils Ellis, tbs young dausht.r of hostess. Wss becomingly ro* n ,H fl white net over pin” auk thS I™ 8 Xr.'T ot P'i* velvef. 0 * 8 sire, at, L. Bishop wore a of plnk'roses*. ,1,owln * * ®««red de,lg a cioMl' •Ilk, fashioned with lace. * * hlt * HEETINfidF-AUXILIARY. The Young Women's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian hospital will hold a mo lt Important meeting In the parlors of •be hospital Saturday afternoon nt i T ’!' 8 .! 8 th *. flr "‘ M<« >| since the election of Miss Bessie Jia,. urg«l* “CREATION" TO BE REPEATED. The "Crestlon," which was so tlfully rendered at the synagogue rev. «™ *'*••<■ ago. will be re treated Sun. afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Ptrrt Methodist church, on Peachtree street Historical Program Committee—Mra. J. C. ninisteud. chairman. Soldiers’ Home Committee—Mrs. Helen tVPlane, chairman. Medal Committee—Mr*. Howard Mc Call. chairman. Hou*e Committee—Mr*. Ira Fort, chairman. Social Committee—Mr*. A. J. Hmlth, chairman. Mu*lc Committee—Mr*. J. Gln*cock May*, chairman Children of the Confederacy—Mlaa H. Hanna, chairman, untodlan of liuga— Mlaa Lillian Tld-, INFORMAL DINNER. Colonel R. 8. Shropshire will enter, tain at an Informal dinner Frida, evening, his guests to Include: Mr. H D. Weaver, Mr. W. Roy Neal. Mr Cari Hutchinson, Mr. Hal Steed. Mr W H KA. a,orw CaJvJn and «'■' DICK-GOLDSMITH. Mrs. c. L. Goldsmith announces the engagement of her daughter. Emms Hunt, to Mr. Carl Dick, the wedding to take place Saturday afternoon, Feb. ruary 3, at her home, (4 Crew street. MISS BRUNSON ENTERTAIN8. Thursday Miss Brunson, of Kentucky, who Is visiting her sister, Mrs. War ren. at- Inman Park, gave a. beautiful luncheon complimentary to a number of charming Kentucky girls, at present visiting In Atlanta. Miss Brunson', guests were Miss Jessie Davies, th. of Mra. Doughty. Miss Frances th* guest or Mrs. Bdwsnf Brown;' Miss Hayes, the guest_of_Mrs_ T. J. Hightower, Jr.: Mtea Marjorie , v Brown, the guest of Mrs. Preat.m -Brown. Miss Anns -WlghL~o<~p*m-- me nonor ^ who was a schoolmate in Kew Tork ot Mias Brunaon. MEETING OF 0. M. CLUB. Thursday morning Miss Beasle Rar entertained the O. M. Club of West End, at her attractive home, which v as effectively decorated with cut flower,, palms and ferns. A delicious luncheon was served af ter the games. Mra St. Elmo Massrn- gale, Mies Lee Brandon and Miss Nell O'Donnelly won the prizes, which wi re pieces of hand-painted china Miss Ray's guests were Mrs. Frank Baker, Mrs. J. M. Beasley, Miss Mar garet Berry. Mlaa Edith Cofleld, the Misses Howell, Mrs. Masaengale. Mre. Mathews, Mre. McClelland, Isa Nettle Mills. Mo. J. J. Simpson, Mrs. Arthur Howell, Mrs. Robert Troy. Miss Nell O'Donnelly, Miss Kate Lee, Miss Mil dred Harris, Miss Ruahle Ray. Mra Maxwell Berry, Mies Nan Btepltene. cakFTale. St. Mary's Guild,.'Bl. Phillip* wtll have a cake sale Saturday from 1! to 5 o’clock nt Todd'i drux srorr, Peachtree atreet. ..k t 'uetn^ltan—Mrs. J. R. AFTERNOON TEA TO MR8. GREEN. one nf many pretty Informal affair* 1th 1 which the larger events of the eek have hecn sandwiched was the afternoon ten at which Mrs. W. 1>. El lis entertained for .Mrs. Green, of Danville, whose ..lit friends In Atlanta arc according her a warm welcome. Mrs. Ellis' guests Included about twenty,live ..r me mutual friends nf herself nml Iter guest of honor, and the occasion was marked by the hap. pleat Informality. The Ellis home on Peachtree street was msde doubly at- tractive by the use or quantities of pink roeea and narcissus, these fra grant flowers being placed In btwls and vases throughout the house. In the dining room, where delicious refresh ments were served, the table had as Its IN HONOR OF MISS HOWELL. Next Friday morning, January H. Mina Elizabeth Adair will entertain cards twenty-four young girls, ronipll* inentary lo Mlsa Caroline Howell Among the out-of-town guest* uh ' will arrive In the city about the IMh Inst, to attend the Blalla-Leer* wed ding will be Mr. and Mr*. H. Blalla. Mr and Mrs. K. F. Oppenhelmer. Mr and Mrs. H. Ollendorff, Mr. I. Gartner und Mrs. N. Peris, of New York dtv Mrs. \V. P. King, of Lexington. Kv., arrived In the city Friday and Is ih« guest of her parents, Or. and Mrs. William King, cn Cnurtland street DR. REBECCA C. BRANNON. APARTMENT A. THE FREDERICK, 352 Whitehall Street. , Praellca limited to women and children. ssnsa No aickli* B*ld »i »V> H iw feci*'. Oir utM m lit •<*' Itfeoral. Wf ftf t«lfIt Idl • U* *'• lw in*. la «ll p* ;THl aELLBY JEWELRY CO I a number of ladlr* nsaemblwd iaJplay cuiuiKMvU U*c rsxvlvut* 1UI; Alfa. Hur- 83 N. BROAD ST- ATLANTA, GA. bridge, and ai the conclualoo of Uta Maddox-Rucker Banking Co. Capital and surplus $ 700,000.00 Total resources $3,000,000.00 New accounts invited. Wo offer to depositors every facility whirl! their balances and business re sponsibility warrant. 4 per cent paid on limited amounts in our Savings Department.