The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 12, 1907, Image 7

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. tAii.ii..u, i. PUPILS BECOME_EXPERTS urge Mr EmW This Wesk and Mw It Pros pect It Eltir Rut look. DISTINGUISHED HEBREWS A TTEND UNION COUNCIL * tr-ire on tbs part of a largo mini h,, ,! . ..ung men and women to gain ‘m the builneee world culmln- , ,„i« week when they entered .. n . BuilneH College and 8cho< t n .riband, In the Kleer bnlldlm ,lLi might receive a STANDAR X„ir- In buelneea training to qualify ; h . , m gratify thle laudable smbufoo l„ «,i.mion to an already large enroll- iif'em or twenty have arranged . r next week, and there |e every ;,'|.,n that before the end of Janu- institution will have broken all ~,'.,r,ts for number of enrollmenu. u Mrh la good newa to the progres ,,,, luj.lneee men of the Bouth, for ore ever on.the alert to dlecnver , w i: .mined, conscientious aeelatanta »1„, are .ompetetu to take rapid dlo- in ehnrthand .and - transcribe It anil rapidly on the typewriter; „ r i.kkeepera and clerical employee* have been carefully trained In ai it.'inai icTiuoiadao TUdfliadgTranHi l with the neceealty for taking pain rriffcgggt B C, Crichton, In hla ~ experience buelneea m Twentieth Annual Meeting to Begin on Monday. PROGRAM INCLUDES —M ANY SPE AKERS - Social Features for Council Are Most Elab- , orate. On Monday morning, many of Ilia moet prominent members of the Jew ish faith In America will begin pouring Into the city from all direction*, lo at tend the twentieth council of the Union of American Hebrew Congregation*. Monday evening at I o'clock, special divine services will be conducted a| the Temple on Bouth Pryor attest by Rabbi David Marx. The sermon will be delivered ^>y-RabM-Henry Berko- wlta, of Philadelphia, one of the moat fluent and forceful ministers In tho pulpit of America. Georgian Fills Vacancies At Donald Fraser ' Sonitld Bruner j&ctiiroL D/fittur.Ctf crijtn, : »7 SAMUIL WOOTNER. President of the Union of Amtri oan Hebrew aangragatisna, whs — apaaka an Tuesday, DAVID MARX." Rabbi of tha Atlanta Habrak Ben* avolent Congregation of Prysrllrsst Tampla. ONE CREW STREET BOY REMEMBERS GEORGIAN Tha visit to Tha Oaosglan's plant waa aaoyed fo tha limit by the boy* and girls of Crew Btrest school Friday afternoon. Batdrday mom- ' Ing The‘Georgian received the following expression of delight from on* pupil who had evidently anoyed himself (is much after hie tour of tha —nt X< during hl> visit—with the usual result of too much exuberance. Ills letter will tell Its own at ary: Atlanta, On. Jan. 11, I2#7. Dare Mlatar Gorgnn: t hgd a crackin' good time up to yur bo'rdlp' houa terday, on'y 1 got the bellyako frum tryln' ter see wot cooked pastbord taated like w‘an the man wusn't hmklnf. I also trldo to see how long I isl Tfaw/fty.. !r -&RvtedZ<) kjJLfjJS' TLa cto . 4« a tUMMF jalness methods, waa r better fitted for hit great work ihan now; hla Jong experienced as- .1.11,ilia have Improved, while every m.„i.m system and up to date plan consistent with good bualnee* methods has l»-en added to the college. Thf ce. . in l< that atudanta leam-rapldly and ... i, f. v. months nt themselves as ex- i.. take up lucrative work which I.a.l, to broader endcavore end aucceaa m in*- end. . ' 1 Mam young men .and women are Uei. ncl from taking a bu.lnras courts m necessary as tuition ..i ahour, untrained a unjailg. From tbs They ended. _ __ IpSTST" business 'training'la 'de* few months the man In a nr man wltlf serioua Intentions may qualify for a position which wilt lo a f.ii more months pay them a tut- (1,-irntly Inrreaaed salary to.repay the Iiiiii.m. while the additional earning urn. Ms l« thetr* through life, Write to Profeeaor E. C. Crichti .Hi! ..n him at hta College In thd Kleer h,hiding He will -furnish cheerfully full Information and help you to sue Tuesday morning nt 10 o'clock tha council will hold Its Initial buelneea seiilnn. Governor Terrell, Mayor Joy. ner and a member of the congregation will deliver addressee of welcome on behalf of the state, city and congre gation. respectively. Samuel Woolaer, of Peoria, III., presi dent of the union, will respond. Mr, Woolner la a splendid speaker and hi* address on Tuesday morning la being anticipated with much pleasure. Following Is the. program of tho council: Monday Evening.. Divine service At thf temple at 2 o'clock. Invocatloh—Rabbi Alfred O. Moees, Mobile. Ala. ' Bervtcea—Rabbi David Marx. Herman—Rabbi Henry Berkowltz, Philadelphia Pa. t’oneludlng Services and Benediction -Rabbi George -Solomon. Savannah, a a. A special mnilo sendee, under the dl- ruction of Professor J. F. Richardson, wiumch^ethe. (loss and the ''Plrgrtm'* Chorus" from Tannhauaer. , . The service* will be followed by an Informal reception' held In the veetry room* of the temple. I * ■ Tuesday, f> A. M. 1 tiftnvsntng of tho twentieth council In the convention hall of the New Klm- Address of -weleome an hahalf of plant But 1 could hold my flngor In that melted lad. Taint worth ietlln' tho time. Tha on'y thing wote the matter with that grab) — ‘ —,)„*•„ anu I Jlst bin The stuff g< lay It'll work merits lie natter with that grate press of yum is .that it's croea- In upald* down ana cum* out rite. * _ . _ . lookout, or sum day RH work backwards. I Jlet bin tryln' to courtt how meny ds- ‘ get munday for printin' my name on my school desk with the tips you gave us. Trlde It on pa's shirt front. It Works fine. (Bu does pa. alas!) But, 'bout thorn demerits, 1'de tell you It I new wot cum after btllyune. They Linotlpo nivrsbegna I* grate, nnd you eplaned 'em fine, but. 'oneit InJunTTinteve rtrero ain't,bm wun innn Itv-thi* world- wot nose wots In ‘•ntrand that'e the man who made 'em. But I'm goner Invent wun wun day wot you Jeet got ter talk to. and don't have to le'rn to play planer dm. an'll spel eo's peepul ken reed It. Hay that pace of a Anger hurta Bo I gee* II* close. Wow! for the Georgian!!! Crew Btreet School. P. 8.: Now, this ain't speld the like Presdent Roosvelt wants us to apel. uly Kant help hut *p*f. Turn truly, VICTOR VICTOR vay we're tawt to spel. Nor le it . But It's epcld like w* **' natch- ROOT TO VISIT CANADA TO SETTLE DIFFERENCES Atlanta’s Chances Are Good For the Sub- Treasury. secretary sends LETTER TO PAYNE Lonteuts To Bo Submitted i«» Committee Before Being Made Public. '-hlngton, Jan. It—Atlanta's -» for th* sub-treasury are good, understood, on what t* regarded • table authority, that ■ Secretary • Treasury Shaw has positively - d lo recommend that Blrmlng- he selected a* the alte for the , aeurjr. 1 ■ r the hearing before the ways • an« committee the other day. the ,'talma war* eobtnltted to Mr. with a request for a reenmmen- The secretary has written a to Chairmen Payne, of the ways 'fane committee, but It* content* not be divulged by Ur. Bhaw or ■nnc. ormen Payne says he purposes 'ting It »o the other members of omltte* before making it public. th* state, the city and the congrega Response by the president of the conference. „ ,, - Afternoon Hcsstow.-j |V nl the Hebrew Orphens’ Home. —rrsssnrallon of--paper r hy -th° Hop- Morris Si. Cohn, oTTante Rm*. Ark on "The American Jew. His Posalbltl ltd gnd Responsibilities;" eald paper to be followed by discussion. Evening Session. tlnn hall of the New Kimball. AadrcairBy TtafrW Moses J Orlea, of Clevelan^GM^^ ^ A Mi Convention hall of the New Kimball Recaption of report* and transaction of general bflalnes*. 2 p. in.—Hushiesa seealon of the con ference. Thursday, »:30 A. M. Convention hall of the New Kimball. Concluding session. All session* of the council are open to the public. , Entertainment. Monday afternoon at l:*o oelock the ladle* of th* congregation are Invited to meet th* visiting ladles In the parlor* of tito Piedmont Ivptel. Monday avfhlpg after the servlce*. general Informal rereptlon will bo held in the vestry room* of the temple. Tuesday afternoon the guest* w 111 be received at the Orphans’ Home. Tuesday evening the visitors will bo entertained privately at homes of mem bers of th* congregation. Wednesday evening the visiting la dies will be shown over lha town, made acquainted with theptacssof Interest In nn<i about th* olty. I*uncn at tn« dub and attend the t"* 11 ”' 0 : . Wednesday evening at 9 o clock, the convention will be the guests of tho JewMh people of Atbnta nt banquet In the dining' hell of the New Kimball. Ieondon, Jan. ll^The Washington correspondent of Tha Times says that although ‘ - • - GRAND JURY TOLD 10 FINDJ.YNCHERS l" .t Judge Wants Execu tors of Cullen Pun ished. •f Miiwm fitHie iyucMaf •• •■'dlea, sr Jassa* mau, lu ibis city was mining the law fMMR tbs woh. Stuart'i Gin and Bnchu a quick ture for Bright’* discaie, liver and Tiach troublea. AH Drufgiet* *1.00. j__ central oI^QeonalA , railway. Unvc Atlanta toil* a. m , arrive Ma- 1.27 n. nt.; arrive Jacksonville MS pm.‘ arrive Bf. Augustins seed ,, m. Pullman car*, day roaches and dining ear. Night train for n..rhh; iAtlanta 8:IA p m . «.lt> Ticnei ofllcc. Basement Pourth National Bunk Building. Mr. Root told th* correspondent that hla vlalt would be social, not oftlctal iht fact la not - genarally but tht correspondent **ta out at spm< icretary Root, with hla wit* length TIT* rcdaOnSTur thinking that 1h' vlalt will assist to a settlement of th* MARLBOROUGHTOSETTLE $100,000 ON HIS CHILDREN known. Secretary nnd daughter, will visit Earl Grey, governor general of Canada, at Ottawa, neat week. th* United Htntes and 1 AT COLUMBIA, S,C. It ta understood upon good authority that the Seaboard wilt at an early dat(| begin construction of lit Southern iii vision shops at Columbia, B. C. TbR'tn, atallatl()n of those ehopa will call' Uft an expenditure of tSUO.OD*. The need of these shop* has long been felt by the Seahoard, as It Is now necessary to ship equipment several hundred miles for repair*, and the loss of time, to-sny nothing of the eapense, la quite an Item, now that there la a universal scarcity of rolling stock. Tha Installation of .these abopa will give several hundred men employment. great deal of skilled labor will he engaged to do the expert rapalr work and In many other waya tha division New York, Jan. 12.—The grand Jury la Investigating a charge of conspiracy in -restraint 1 'd# trade against fh* th*t atrlcnl trust. A. number of member* of the so-eaU*^;trast wqre suhpenaed to appear before the grand Jury, but nothing tv*a done. All the wlthesaei were re-subpenaed to appear before tile grand Jury next Wednesday. The charges' against the theatrical syndicate grew out of Its troubles with David Belaaco, ehops will be an Important move for the South. The fact that the Macon. Ihibtln and Savannah has Men added to the larger system will make th* necessity of the division shop* more spparetu. AGED MACON HUNTER SHOT OFF LEFT JAM CROSSING A FENCE Hperlsl to The Oeorrien. Macon. Oa. Jan- 12—While out hunting veaterday. K. M. fo* waa the victim of the accidental discharge of his gun, which cost him an nrm. Mr c,» had gone out beyond frump* park to hunt blrde. but aa luck seemed to be against him, he concluded lo return home at an early hour. As he was climbing over a fence th* ham mer caught in a crack and ,th* gun wns discharged. The entire loed of bird ehol entered his left arm. tearing awav the muscle*. Mr Cox made hie way to\the home of a friend near by, end was later In the day carried to the city hoepital. where the arm waa amputate at th# shoulder^. >||hnu)|h M n |d, un derwent the operation aplendklly and It now doing welL . NEWS FORECAST OF COMING WEEK Washington, Jan. It.—The mining week In congress Is likely to bo full of inchleht, and, Indeed, xh* same will probably hold ini* aa regards the rci.uiln.lrr of the present eeeahm All Indlcatloifa point in a great deal df diction. Aa soon as fh*. great supply bills of the nation are out of tha nay, there will be tnken up one nr more of the important mensura* whose psssage will he eonteeted at every step, i Iran nixed labor Is prepared to resume the fight of last seaaton. Great financial Interests concerned In the sml-lmmlgraltnn bills, the ship subsidy hill and the Philippines tar iff hill are ready lo look out for their welfare, ivhllo Paclllr roast Inter ests are prepared to light at every turn any attempt to modNV the Chinese exclusion act. At the New Willard hotel next Monday there will assemble represen tatives of commercial organizations through -ui the country gathered to "consider and devise measures for the .enlargement of our foreign trade, und to promote the demand abroad for the product nf our farms, work shops and mint*.” The conference will be followed Tuesday by the annual meeting nf th* national hoard of trade. Both gatherings are held at the present time #Ub a view to Influencing congress to take action at the prmtirtmMHn-nttxiLI" witin Of the hn|s>ri*ni measures In which tho merchants and manufacturers arc especially Intereited. The btleretate.eommerre commission will sit at Spokane early In th* week to hear th* flret case which has conic up under the amended long and abort haul section of the interstate commerce law. An ecllpa* of the-run w-lll take place Monday, but will not be visible In Amertea. Beversl scientific expeditions have been sent to points In ' Asiatic Russia to lake observations. , Th* eighteenth annual convention of the United Mine Workers of Amerle* will b* held In Indianapolis, njo-nlng Tuesday. The rrgge scale does nut come up this year, and the convention Will occupy Itacff with routine business. Th* convention nf the Southern Cotton Association will attract hun dred* of delegates <•> Birmingham. Ala., during the week. Edwin B. Htusrt will be Inaugurated as governor nf Pennsvlvnnla Tuesday, and Malcolm R. Patterson will assume the office of chief exec utive In Tennessee A notable reunion nf the llltie and Gray la to be held during the week at Fort Fl»hsr, near Wilmington. N. C. The legislatures of several states will elect United States senators during rttw week; but -th* -tmsroai is discounted .by th* certainty of Hr- se lection In advance. ' The National Wool Growers' Association will meet In annual eon- ' ventloa Thursday at Halt Lake fTty. On Hat«rday the centennial of Robert K will he observed throughout the Bouth. Duke Give£ UpMoney Given Him by Vanderbilts. .’1 ._London.. Jnn. 12—It ls learned that under the separation agreement reach ed between th* Marlborough*, the duke settles on their cfalldnn the 1100,000 settled on him by the duch ess' father. W. K. Vanderbilt, at th* marriage. This WlTfc accumulate toy i«r »xjmc> reserve!! then* during their mlmtfttK' Ms tb# ther '"formation, apply to coat of their living and education. 1 u C M'FAI Tkg ilialrA nflar innlnlaIninw ttlan* <• n .a . •' n • DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH. He agrees to settle 1100,000 on his children. helm, which he Is dctermfsei as n mattsr nf pride. In order <o'prove that Its maintenance was not depend ent on the duchess' fortune, will have nhnut 110,000 Income left, and ho Is IW looking for n good hut not costly it In Mayfair for a town residence. King Edward, through the Marqul* of lotnadown, when the duchess visit ed the Lanedowus at Rowood before Christmas, urged the duchess to avoid any open separation but to foil low the esample of th* Duke and Duchess 'of Huthrrland, and agree merely to llv* apart and dlvtd* the hlldrcn'e time between th* parson. The duchess has bsen seen about more since her return from Parte. It having lices Impressed upon her that she wns damaging her position by withdrawing from the public gas*. New Route to Cube mwlek," of th* Company, will sail from Brunswick, Oa., for Havana, t'uba, on the following schedule, until - further notice: Leave Brunswick noon Tuesday* January 2M, February’ *<". February l»th. March 0th. March l»th. April 2d,.and every other Tuesday thereafter, arriving at Havana every following Thursday at S p. m. ReturnTna. Leave Havana noon Saturdays, Jan uary Ittb, February *th, February 2Id. March *th, March Hd, April (th, and •very other Saturday thereafter, ar riving Brunswick every following Mon day *t ta-m.-—— Ratal Brunswick to Havana. Ona way, first cabin 125.00 On* way, second cabin ......... .512.00 Round trip, flret cabin 110.00 * Including meals and berth on steamer., For stale room reservation* and ror* > Th. minagtmant M th. Atl.nt. EEJjJ JR WORKING Poultry Auociatien announces ■ epe- cial rat* of 10 o*nt* for adminion ta th* big Dag and Poultry Show today. Thie it tha last day *f (ha Shew and 10c admit* to all parte of thle great ashlbiticn. Show will remain open un- til 10 p. m. Entrant* through Halt- buildings ’ng*’, 1* West MItehalI atraeL vUI*/ FOR NEW BUILDI NOS Wsshlngtnn. Jan. 12 — Representative Gordon Lee, of Georgia, has Introduced hills In th* house catling for the an- n of Ko.noo each for public ut Ceduitown and Carter*- IMPORTANT CHANGES IN SCHEDULES. Th# Weat Point Route. Effective January 7. 1007. No. 11—Leave Allnnts 5:20 n, m. United Rtatcs fast mail for Montgom ery, Mobile, New Orleans and the West. No. >i—Leave Atlanta s:10 a. m Montgomery nycommmlatlon. For Montgomery and all In'trrmrdiat* sta tions. No. J»—f^avc Atlunto 2:15 p. m. New Orlesns express. For Montgom ery, .Mobile, Reims, New (Irli-aim and all points West. No. 41—Leave AMaula !,:25 p. m West Point arconmiddntlon. I’or West Point sod nil Intermediate atn- tlons. Dally except Sunday. No. 27—l^nve Atlanta 0:10 p. m New York nnd New Orleans limited. For Montgomery. Mobile, Pensarnls. New Orleans nnd all points West. Hoi- Id Pullman vestibule train. flub car. Dining car. Bleepers nnd obser vation car between New York, Atlanta and New- Orleans. No. Ifi—l-eav# Atlanta 1:20 p m West Point accommodation. For West Point snd sll Intermediate etstloiw. Sunday only. Apply I" ticket agents for folders and schedule* f L W1PKBRBHAM. City Passenger Agent. F. M. THOMPSON, Traveling Passenger Agent, Allen- is. On t Hostlers Back from North, gprelst ta The (/earglsn. Macon. Os,. Jan. 12 —J. A. Newcomb, proprietor of the Hotel 1-enter, has Just returned after a very pleasant trip to New York city, where business mai lers required his attention. While In that city Mr. Newcomb inspected sev eral of the newest hotel* and returned NEW SAYS INDIANA DELEGATION WILL Cliuiiiiian <(f the G. 0. Committee Culls on (’optelyon. Washington. Jan. 12.—A flutter of cxcltamcnt w«r croatfd In Hipubllcnn circles by the m rival «f llurty 8. New, of iTittfafuitHilfr. the acting chnlrtnan of the national committee, ami Klmer Do ver. secretary «*f the committee, and by the fart that both of them called •m Postmaster (Icneral t'ortelyou. who retired from the ehalnnanahlp last Monday. Mr. New snld if Vice President Palrtmnks nllown his name to be pre sent'd to the next national convention ae- •* «*«osH4o*t*e f«H' the pe«*«tdetx^y.-and I take It for granted that he will, he will receive the hearty and unanimous support of the Indiana delegations" CHILI) IS DYING FOR WANT OF FOOD York. Jan. 12.—Mamie Gondrtl, aged 4, was found dying today of starvation In the horns nf hsr grand- nmthsr, Mrs. Etlssbsth Luts, at 12* Division •trest Mrs. Luts, who is mors than satlsflsd with th* outcoms more than *0 year* old, waa also auf- of th* trip. faring from Inanition. FADDBN, Orn. Pass. 'Agent A. B. & A. R. R„ Hell 'Phone 4015, Atlanta. GeorgUk 9VEHFUIW GRIDE «T PRrSB STREET mio! ffctsar A now overflow grad* for secogd year pupils wlH b* opened Monday 1 at lbs Pryor airsst scliool. and as a re sult this grads In several schools wtlli be relieved nf rongriitlon. Thera *2* now 241 pupils..In lbs new school, but after It was Ailed with all tha grad** Intended for It, room was found for mmy, an ID* overflow grads to rsllsv* sdngsstlon wad • determined upon. At prswsnt. hnwevwr. Just how many chil dren will he accommodated can not b* dctsrmlnsd. f. gQOOOoqOOGOOGOOOOGOOOOOeO0 O BRYAN AND HI8 WIFE o ARE IN TRAIN WRICK. O O oresi Falls, Montana, Jan. 12.— o O A Montana Central westbound o o train. In which Mr. snd Mra..\V. O O J. Bryan were pntttagtrt. col- O O tided with s switch engine snd O O some cars In the Great , Falls O O yard* Mr and Mrs. Bryan' were 0 O both thrown from thslr seat* but O O suffered no Injury. o nooc-joooooooooooGooooooooS A REAL VALUE OFFERED IN NORTH 6E0R6U DIRT In th* advertising columns of to day's Georgian is sn announcement from Mr. William J. Neal, of Carters- vllle. Os. In which he offer* some very attractive farm land for sale. Th* Georgian calls attention to this adver tising because In several Instances ad vertisements along this line have been answered by our readers nnd we know of real bargains that they have ■ ecu rod from such advertising, therefore ws do not want any of our readers to foil to read this ad, on It may contain Just what they are looking for In th* shop* of an Investment or a rural horn*,