The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 14, 1907, Image 12

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12 THE' ATLANTA GEORGIAN. MONDAT, JAM-AIT h, ] Want Ads Only 1 Cent a Word N# ad. taken (or Iran thin 25 oanta. Six worda at avaraga length make a line. The (allowing ratal are for cenaacutiv! inaertiene: 1 tima canta a line. 3 timea .... 5 canta a line. 6 timn .... 4'/j canta a line. 25 timaa .... 4 canta a line. 52 time '/, canta a line. 75 timaa .... 3 canta a line. WANTED—AQENTS. riCTDIC Aiir.MH--Hr.nn iuuh auna tn aa tar ealargaaianti fair print. gnod flnlib; 15 lit S. ficllcMna anl araaarf pi-- terra cheap. Tk* uaraar Caupaoj. UA . Atlar" Ivtara a treat. Atlaata. Ua. 11 Art I r.5'-*'ir«l4 l n Itini- for enlarged portrait* In city: good. *oIh*i men without expei leiifr prrfwwl. Call Ik* nr»fti 7 ami 9 a. in. ot U A Tatar* atraat. A*k for Ur. Casey. i houtw; ill* Hue dif mirnpl*"* • luuat have i Vm*»xx !•••!*. *»f iiiesaureiiii'iif: n.nvs|*niid «*■ Tb liner A Jamlil, lb* heater, N. V. We Will 6and lor Your Ad. Without Charge lor Maeoanger $arviea. Call Us on Ball Phone 4®27 Main, or“WI TOanta Phono. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. Whan Sending Ada. Pay lor at Rate* quoted above. Ada. lor Situation* Wanted Will bo Inaartad Fra*. WANTED HELP—MALL W A N T R D—COMPETEKT RRIIINOTON operator* furnished position*. liamlnftoo Typewriter'Co.. 1U Tearbtaee street. poeltlona for competent iimpie In all com- fpercfsi, mechanical. technical #n<* — linra. Enclose atatupe for frre Hat. TAhTElMm MEN TO GET ALL IIA fi ber Work fro* nml Aral claea at lloler liar her rallrges. 75 Mouth I'ryur or Hunter'and Fnravth etreete. rapacity ilnlly. nlnr work and fair watee j«M. Hotel, brail It V loealltj to live In. Untrained t belp Apply to Uery WE WANT A WILLING WOltKEIt FOIl atork ouil shipping; l*»y «»f 14 will ilo. If right sort. Don’t rail tin Job* you bavo bail entne e»|*erlrm*e ami ran write n *«*oi| band. Rof»-rotir-o# required. The II. T. Co. Ltd.. M Whitehall atreet WANTED MEN TO I.EAHN ItARIIKII trade. Wo prepare you for (maltloua; S12 to $20 weekly. You ran praetlrally or rour tuition, toola nml ttoanl liofore cr pirtluc Mlmrt time niiulrml. I’oaltlona locution* waiting. fall or write, Moler Itnrlmr fnllepe. II miter and Foray Hi atreeta. WANTED—ROY TO TeA!IN~ GOOD trade. Moat bo ateady and willing to work. Applr hoilaon IhintQf* Supply To., -fc nmtfh VWeyfh feel WASTKlV--TWO ( CH.OHKiniAUIlKHM T(* call at 8*4 Mouth Rmsd atreet lietweeti 12 a tiff 1 o'clock. L. M Maun. WANTED-BOOKKEEPER. $83; RTKXOG rnphor. $S»‘ foul lift for office -i»>d«tiintN. aaalataut bmikkeeper. $26. $4o, $5n; young ladr atenographer who ran uae phonograph. $V>' Hrtlnmr IhtKlttttH* Agem*y, lim t'ateller DON’T EXPERIMENT. OET TIIF. 5TANt)ARI> OAS LIOHT-TIIE Krnt Light hae proven to be the moat oatlefaetory light. lorree*# »lgbt-4l*- creaaea *n» 1*111. WANTED HELP-FEMALE. WAKTrll*—IOVF.KNRMA; ONE WHG CAN teach primary scholar*; must he willing to aealat my wife tiro In liouavkceplng; don't wart one over thlrtv-five vonra nM; must bring r» ra; three to four < lilt- drei* to If.ieh: tilee home nml good wage* t« right |*atl>; *uIoirl*aii local but. Addreaa Uovftrueaa. care. Georgian. GOODI otiK <’ asTfficI’ HE IT.HM ASKNT homo wlih room on premise*. Apply at on*** at 1*2 t'ypres* ilrrvi. near Y.lgUtb. OHO block weat of feat htree. WANTED HELP—Mai* and P*mal*. SITI’ATIONM OPEN Ft»ll MEN. WOMF.N. glrla ami Iniya. Taliernarle Employment Impart me nt, 9 to lo a. in. ‘Phono SKI. OLD HAT8 MADE NEW. 01.1* SOFT ANI* MTII F FELT HATH eleaned and re »hu|nil fur 36c. Ilatida or twesls Sc oarh evtrn. Out of town order* ghin prompt mid rsrcful iitteutlou. Heat work, latest atylea. Anno Hatters, t«»t Whitehall atreet. FOR EXCHANGE. Kuillk. Thou GRANDMOTHER’S SALVE. GUAHAKTKKD TO CURB ANT CHRONIC *ore. carbuncle*. Irdla. cut*, burn*, let ter, erysipelas. chapped hand* *od Up*, pile*, ratarrb, Pure, clean and hartule**. lias ht*n given away f»r a»*out eighty 1 year*. Urcently placed on tka market If drugfiat fall* to farnlah It. eend ua 25c la •tamp* a ad w* will aepd you a boa. poat age paid. National Ointment Company, ^Ll*UtlA-0*a 1 L BET fOUtt rcUNITUUR J# Piotn the 4. tl Toraer Furniture Lo., 41*41 W. Mitchell M. Bell Phono 1717. 8110(711* fOL* HAVE A COLD AND A rough, take “Dewberry's Delight. .Noth Ing I letter. Druggists sell It. LIGHT RUNNING. THE STANDARD “MOTAHT" REWIND innchliie sold and yento«l. Office 5H Mouth llroad street All ipakee repaired. Roth 'jihuna* 21-iC HY INVESTIGATING ot*U MTt*t*K AND PRICER TOD HAVE. We buy. sell mid e ~ Atlanta Wreckage Co., sire** -tlbdh ’plume*. OVEItHTOCKED; THREE lll’NDUED on *oii<l hand typ** writ era: nil makes; at mit rate price*. Ilemlngtotia: lute model*; p) up. Mtiillli Premier*. IX. up; nil vers. IX. Up. J. K. Crayton A Co., Charlotte, N. C. ONE SECONDHAND DIKItoLD RANK safe, with time bwk. f«»r sale. II. W. Ki ll*. 24 Mouth llroad street. THE REST LIGHT. THE KENT I.IOHT KXCEI.8 *1,1. OTII- era In oeatoeaa, brilliancy and economy. 69 N. Pryor St. Phone 4848. FOR MALE ONE OIltlAN, IN GOOD condition. Apply 111 Walton stnud. FURNITURE AND RUG BARGAINS 175 OVARTKRBH OAK MOERI>ARt>....ttt IK yVARTI'.ltlCO OAK Mini:in»ARI>....m tl, ijrARTr.RKH OAK HIDKDOABtl.,.OS nKArrim. hii.kroari.h m n 1 » 1.M1UA1N ART gqUABEH lllii)..I,IT tlf, HRI XKKI.H ART M,JI ARKS J13 t-T~iUrAaf.lTifTi R1-88 kT.k -gqrAfrhi».--» l.r 13 Ill ta.M VKI.VKT gql'ARKS (awm»laaa|.'...3» tjfTkTAXMlXhTKR 8QUARE8 ,9x13, t33 on TrVoi'vr or interior imViiove ,„h h> Ih- mi,.I,' l„ .,„r nlnr.-. lb. |.rlo.> my arlltlc In tl,,* Iiouh.. I. ml, ROBISON-MARTIN FUR NITURE CO., *j:i ami 27 E. Hunter St. MISCELLANEOUS. Franklin Still Cleans Clean, 81’ITS 51.00 AND ll.r.O, I'ANTB 50c. 14,1 WHITEHALL STREET. HELL PHONE i.3„ WANTED GOOD MKT «M» MIT op TINNEHM* >*». with pi lee nud descrip tion. I*. A C . enn* Atlnntii timirglnn. WANTED ONE MKCOND HAND fTuII f safe, state whew safe can lie seen. K’ W . care tieorglmi. BOARDERS WANTED. WANTED—ROOMS. wAXTBH-nv corns without uihu 4ran, two or ihrac faralibcl ruouin r„r light bouackfaplng. A44r*aa W, l’, C. rlr * Ge.«rglan. FOR RENT—ROOMS. roil RENT—ONE I.AROE FlIBNIRHRb ruum for Cfnilotpaa, at 347 l-aacbir— at. PERSONAL. DAVID W. YARBROUGH, MASTER PLUMBER. Plionei 1255. 20 E. Hunter St. RTENOOIIAI-IIIC WORK NEATLY AND accurately executed by W. R. Wllkerwui, atenographer of twelve year*’ e»t»erleijce. Dell *|ih4»tie I»■) Candler bulldlug. DON’T EXPERIMENT. aallafa-torj ilgb, lomaaa Ili5,-il» OET THE KTA.S’OAHD 0A5 LIOHT-TIIE Kant Uglit baa proraa to ha the moat vaaaa gaa bill. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. TUB CKLBDBATBU RARRETT 8TOVE8 AND RANGES MONEY TO LOAN. MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PKO- pla and nih#ra. Auaflrau laraatmaat C'.mpaDjr. 794 Caadlar bolldlog. WEIMAR *VonNEHIi!*K<}ITTABL*. Morigaga loan, oa ml mtoto. MONET TO IA1AN AT I. 4 AND T PER real laleraat, according in axailtf of. frrml; an,all npenac and prompt altrnlloa. onlr oa raal calalc In and near AUaoU. (. U. Turman. SPEJ-Al HOME FUNDS TO LEND; nap amount, 4VL t and 4 per real. Writ* or call hTw. Caraon, tl Mouth Broad atraat. MONET TO LOAM ai vary lowcat rata, Herman, room, Ra sa Temple JO AM ON REAL EAT ATS rataa. No delajra. Chart oa 303-305 Temple court. POUR ran CENT BONE NONET .TO lead oa tuoathljr payment plan; au delay; alao moat/ (or aarckaac money nr— Htralgbl Ioann nude at 3 per rent and warda, according to daalnl.lllty of loan. W. A. rooter, U Heath Broad atreet. PALMISTRY. MATtAMF. MELLIE. TIIE NOTED KOTPTIAN PALMIST, ran hr epoaulfod oa all .Cain ot life. Ska reunltea the aaatratod, eaaaoa a ipoedy itiniring. with tha one ot your choice, gtrea omuro, dale, and (aela In rrarylblug pw. lalolug Co life, or nu chargee. Kgypuan Kncampmant, 33 Aahorn avenue. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ' BICYCLE SUNDRIES. BICYCLER AND SUN Dill EH—LA HG BIT i earth Are the only Htovee and Raog«* on eai In which the heat PARbErt . ENlliKl.. AROUND THE OVEN. Fully , protected by governiM*t uateu'e, manufacturni by Atlanta Stove Works. Hake your dealer * get yoa one. . Mm ll and Hudaon I pssi catalogue and mice lElyca (’uupany. — - list. Alexander* FUR HALE-FINE VIRGIN TIMIlfcll CARPENTERS AND CABINET MAK- iMOIIEiq AND NUVKI.TIFH: PROMPT -t—Hirnec—11.11 •phone 37L—Xnauln W0.XI id Iron Novell/ Work*. 3» Morletta a. Al. Wlllt-rlt INVESTHIATIXII qi'ITTC InidTcati two yrorhlrw- iMincerns. Iwi •iitrni cigar stamla, tj*! and fou gfoi-erv shirs Imrgalna. $1.3(10 up. Offln btudnees. **l'en years sdd. «*nly $300. IIK'H TIIE Md^TlIAT^Hvii.I.K HUT AIR. luvialla fnrnaree In old bouara, na well ■aa new. lie prepare, a cellar If y„„ hnve no,,.'. Moiwrlef Per—— Co !»•••»• ’phnnea ME8SEN0ER 8ERVICE. [’OR PROMPT AND HELIARI.E MBS- a.-ngen, 'phone tt. J. A. Davlra nud J. MATRIMONIAL. SEWING MACHINE8 RENTED—TWO IKII.I.AH8 PER MONTH; Cither Htiiger nr Wheeler A WIImu, Wo rent .inly urn- uiachluea with complete oet MIDDLE AGED WIDOW. VERY ; wenllhy, *nlee hw.klng. tired of “alnale 1 FOR SALE OR RENT. Excellent 8-room house, lot 163x246, on corner^ Has good 3-room servant’s house, arriage barn and stables. Never been rented, always occupied by owner ns home; 2 blocks from Lueile avenue nr line, West End. Just the place for a pnrtv with horses and cows who wants plenty of room. Possession given February 1. Price $35 per month, or will sell. C. W. EDDINS, 37 Grant Building, -Beil Phone 5203. A. J. WEST & CO., Century Bldg. Phone 1754. *ii‘ll fur p|H‘4-lai lu NtlllTH HII»K IIOMI: WITHIN 2<M FKF.T f Im»*| |inrt 4»f IVachtn*; iMiruer «>f two m| slrti'ts; nttnnllxi> lot. new U|»-to«Ultc n story rcaldcti * - id***; on 4 nr III forma tbm. ori'Ani: iiomi: nuA.No\f.\v T’7>t. tiicc near Craut park m'liiMd nml the Roulovnnl I-«»t .V» l»> lf*n >.n nllny. A g.MHl router or u mmlcl home. Monthly IMiymcutH; i*nly II.TIf* ihiai tTfi i ~wT:st pT:arTTiiu:k. at ‘‘Ini* clcvntloll, facing inline va .. ii MiirrouiHiing lotn Wind 111 lit* Improved this spring, i n barualu In tlila mi A vlalt Ili. ro'!* all that Hie on Hi SITUATIONS WANTED. AN nxmilUNTF.I* hai.e**man of finii nMlln dfslii * H i ••iiinu t with a No 1 wl»4.b*srtlf lotus.* of this city. AtldrcM \.» H. mrc li.M.rglan \V ANT»-1 * rnsmoN WITH Ho5k IH’ thing Rest furuUlotl Addle HTIIMmjuai III I; WITH YKAID* tiF FX pt rb'ii,« fWidng mat him*, would Hlo* •>* tra wrk n**i rovpilrliig two hours |*r d*> A.Mn-aa r.xfra. M H.iusi.m street A ITIA«"I’I‘ Al. RimiKKUF.I'IIlt HlVhlX vtsu* .tiN-rlcmv with ilie i^.si of r.f.i *n«*r. tb'slnw a phu-f with n nrst.l.iu* wholesale hoiiiM* in this .*lt> Addreaa 1.. stir*' fltsirglan. WAMl h HY SlIMiTI Y MH»i:H. Iln\ cst and Industrious man. position as *!•• eery salesman iwhotvsnly «*r r.tnlh; ship plna clerk t*r itdlo* tor Ala.* have s..m. nractlctil knowlttlgf ,,f lMs>kkfrplng f.iro nit*it, can- li.-rgl.u KXI»Fim:.M FI• I lMlItURMAN. FAMII (nr with all ilctalU of pUnlng mill md SAVE YOUR EYES. THE KENT INVERTED LIGHT MAKES reading and studying a pleasure and re llevca eye strain. It. O. MKDLOCK (U, Koal Kstatu. MULL ’IMIONU .?»l ATLANTA ’FIIONK 4^1 MILLS HTUIIUT. FIVU ROOM i oTTAUK; $; or- It.irgnln WANTED—HOUSES. WASTKII A t suburb*. **n cai |*or nmilth. 6 pt | F,.-*' TUN Room ll«»! SU; NORTH IH»U IV* Ai llKS LAND 2*» Mill’s FITV; \ iiird Dim. with ^ brown S ..II back and a|H * kb d all »»v.-r. hond brown Anawrra to name TmicUyv." r»l If rcturnctl to No ;* Kdiiift *tr»s*t lorhltl* IMiSITloN IIV A Fair o«lurwtl4»t». l*o« work Aildress COMt’KTUNT ll«»Y WANTS «t«k«»|» |*n ►ItIon in at»i*o 4*ff1'*o; fourteen v.-ara •• age. Atlaut i phoiit MR iv A NT ft»D -UnslrtON BY I.ADl STY ••Mgraphcr; rapid and accurate, man - * ~ dfl.4 , fnmllli t graiuiiMrlaii WALLL PAPER. WAIL I'A I'll It AND I'AI^TS J,f.»rnicrt> of It I loir missing ig «»ffl.i ... Roil, ph cliMTh-ir. ... With court paRwIuiv; Aildn s* Mis* || , S.-, tor.MI LADY DUSinr.s STUMh;raIMIH mwlttoii: can furnish in-st ..f r.firvu' «•». AdUicse No. L>, wtv this p.i;>«rr. ••I palming 31 in Harnett ; A WtRlsi is n*d .lead oiitrnrting wall pnpcrl Unst IIa FOR RENT-FURNISHED R00ME. FOR RUM Ul.lIiiANTI V FI RN’ISlIKh fr.*nt new, nil . nnv.Mu. n. «s, i».*ar linua park um! MoodwarU Uruur v*r. v lit. t'aul •vtuu*. ,r. A. BROOKS, Real Estate, 407 Fourth National Bank. Bell Plume 1393 Main. I HAVE 11IREK EXTRA HOME PIUIPO- sittons. near tlrayt park; all liuptuvemanta and aurfh . heap. I can makvp on*y term* .»u the#.* nud ran slmw* Imrgnln*. Take a I half hour off and sv me twfere ton buy Rfuiriul'er that I guarani is* titles. J. A. Uliouklk TALKING MACHINES. TALKING MAt'IIINFH AND ItEFORDS— WIrelfxxIr anil Tetall 1 dlatrttiutnnrof Vie* tor Talkiug Mnrhlnea ami Ite4*or«la. Just rwli wl large cnuslgmueut of machine* am] over 10.001 riM’ords. lomtedlnte attention given mall nrtlera. We want the iinun-a »»f all talkiug machine dealer* In the Stiuth. Write for catuioguc. Alcxamb r Ulyca t*“ ANSLEYBR0S., REAL ESTATE, 10 E. Alabama St. Phone 339 Bell Buiinesi Property—Marietta St., near present post office—This is cheap, can be bought for $550.00 front foot. If you want a central investment, this your chance. North aide lot, between Jackson and Boulevard, 75 feet front. This lot will be worth twice thia much—Price $650.00. Luckie Street Cottage—Nice six room House, “Bath', etc. Price $2,750.00. E. North Avenue Lot—Near Jack- eon Street, can be bought if you take it quick for $0275.00. Jackson Street Lot, east front 55 feet front. Best part of atreet, $2,500.00. Ttys lot breheap. Dr. J. W. Mayson, H. L. Cobbs and Paul Vote assistant salesmen SNOOK’S BIG, ATTRAC TIVE GUT PRICE SALE. NOTWITHSTANDING EVERY OTHER ROOM GRANT SHADED LOT 50X150. THE HOUSE IS WELL BUILT AND MAKES A COZY HOME. WE WANT TO SELL THIS HOUSE IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS AND IT’S YOUR OPPOR TUNITY TO “GET A HOME OX THE VERY TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING II. W. ROUNTREE A IIRU, TRUNK AND IIAG UOMI'ANV IDI..II uiul r»|uiUIU||. 77 Whitehall *tr**ei. 'Mume 1576. SHOE REPAIRING. MORRIS PARK. » NORTH PRYOR atreet. Fine ah.n- repairing; l*eat leather nml gunmute.*!. W.»rk called for urn! delivered. Bell ’phone 1443. INSTALLING AND REPAIRING UNGINU ROOM AITLIANCKH, KI.F.VA tor*, pumping machinery aud atemu heat Ing plnnta. Pinna nml aimelflratlon* f.»r Acetyleue gu» plant* furnlalu’d. l.corgi- w. Moore. 24H Weat Hunter atreet. LOOK AT YOUR HAT. . ^ OLD STY LB SOFT AM* STIFF HATS .•leaneil or ilyeil nml re-«ha|»ed to lale tylea. I*omeatle and forelgu order* by mail and expre** given e*p4>rlg| attention, llua- *ev. 2*H Whitehall atreet. Atlnntii. tla. SEWING MACHINE8. _ WF RENT ENTIRELY NEW MACHINES with lateat Improved attaebraenta. Prompt delivery. Cmirteotta attention; ATLANTA TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. 71 North Pryor atreet. Atlanta, tla. Denier* In all make* typewriter*. MEDICAL. KROMOPATIIIL REMEDIES CURE era Ip dlaeanee and make hair gttrv Krotn'a Medlrated Bo*p make# yoo. »ar* aucce**.* •The Grand,” FOR SALE—RLAL ESTATE. A mmuJiif bargain at one «m Cam’ fealerate avenw. 117x15". lit tl.ttO. La-t It* ahow >oii till*, a* It will ibmlde in value In two venr* We have oilier* Just ita go.*!— nil rl»4»b*e bargain*. Get bu*> W. Jonea A Co., f» Vlndiiet Plain*. Phone* 5TA». SAVE YOUR EYES. THE KENT INVERTED I.IOHT MAKES reading and xtudylng n pleaaure and re* llevea eyo xtralo.. HOUSES WANTED! Have a great demand for houses iu all suctions. Are any of yours vacant! If so, list them with LIEBMAN, Real Estate—Renting, 28 Peachtree St. C. II. WELLS & CO., lbs FOURTH NATIONAL RANK RUM}. $5.'«v- NEW s ROOM : STORY HOME IN Eighth ward. Very ile«lrable and conven ient; ear Hue In front. $4.*hv NEW WEST END COTTAGE OF « r>*mi* and every I'onvettlenee; large level l*»t: I'.xnvenlent to iifhool* ami rhur« he*. and oif of the prettle«t I'ottdge* In Wi>at End. lot t’»«l atand for n »t prlee. aUll rutting nura down-down to l>ed n>ek figures. We are busy day and night, park ing and aliipplng all over Georgia and con tiguous state*. Inm’t throw your money away at high price furniture eforee. Our fixed expense* do not etreeil B per rent of oer sale*. Not a furniture ^ou*3> on White hall or Peaehtree atreet ran handle their ■ale* for lea* than 80 per rent. Auy bu*l neaa mind i-nn tell you why our prlee* an ao attractive to the eautlou*. conaervatlva Imyer. to W'tioui we guarantee to aax'e fJS on every $100 purehaae. Teat tbla dial tenge just once. Get price* ou them* afreets and fling them against ours. Wc are willing to atand or fall by the corapar! Braga Reda. $35. $40. $56. See theae big val uea. $22. $36. $46 Dreeaera. $14. $20. $30. $150 #-foot StdelKNirda cut to $$S. The lieat $31, $25. $25 and $50 8ldel»oarda ever rIiowii In Atlanta. One hundrevl aolld Iron RtM* $2.96, $$.90. $4.90. Flfty-dollar Crotch Mahogany Chlffonbw* only $39. Twenty-dollar aolld OAk Chiffonier a only $12.60. Roukcaaea. Hat- rack*. WardrolM**. SbbdMtard*, Dining Tu- Idea. China Clouet*. Now, rea«l values. They cannot be found anywhere else In the South: Ten cluster leg $8 00 Parlor Table* cut to $4.00. Ten art* leather Dining Chair*, alx for $11. Flfty*dollar round 54-Inch Dining Tntdea. $32.61. $85 SldelNNird only $61. TwcntyMol- lar China Closet, round ends. $12.60. l)o you want home furniture? Sge ua. Ihi you want hotel furniture? See us. Do you want office furniture? K>e ua. Do you want to aave mouey—money, big money— oti your furniture bill? Don’t fall to aw our splendbl atock of high grade furniture nt llve-aud-let-llve prices. Out-of-town buy er* write for cut prlee*. It’a Idg money In your pocket*. MM North llroad St. P. H. SNOOK FURNITURE COMPANY. E. L. MORSE, 1114 Fourth National Bank. ON rEACHTHRE ROAD. 13 MII.ES tmrth of Atliiutn, three block* from depot. Inferaeetetl by Siuilhern railway; good $• room hou«e with smaller lum*e; 36 acres land: offered by helra for purpose of Ult’ trllmtlon. Price $4,000. Sunmlt offer. Terras $1,509 cash, balance In 1, 2 3 nml 4 year*. 7 per iviil. BLOCK OF BOULEVARD AND 1IIGH- land avenue. S4>ven-room two-atory; lust repnpei4*4| mid equipped with new plutublug. Lot 62 feet front; $$.800; $600 cash and $$0 monthly, 7 per cent Interest. "M. lU’Nini *u HKM1IU. IWU blocks from Mnrlettn atreet; $1,260. NEW SIX ROOM; ADJOINING ABOVE; rented $1«. Price $1,600. CHOICE COUNTY FARM Foil sale; 19U* acres; on public road leaillng from Cbamldee to Decatur, and another PM«1 running through It. going. In Stum: Mountain; b» acres cleared: 40 arte* original format: thr»*e branehe*; «eveu room finished houVe; 7 mile* »f Decatur; 10 of Atlanta and 2 south of nmmtdee. fjxtter la on tho Southern railway. Txxo good lurna. one tuat built; coat $699. Three-room tenant's liiMiae In go<>l •■oiidltlou. Good orchard. Sixty dollars pet acre. 190 AC It KN ADJOINT NO. NOT 80 WELL Improved, ut $40 per tyre. E. L.- MORSE, 1114 Fourth National Bank RUV All ■tali* i*l la tit a. tvv **••1 *i*h«w*l _ „ .... . . , T . Itull'lilig* OU pl!Xi*r I>**» $2.vx* Thla I* cheap, and we emu put you In poeseaslou tt wove* % ACRE FARM: Al l. IN IIIGII i*ultlxatb*n; eight mile* from At i* mlloa friun railroad. .■*■> )ar*la of •■hutch, nud '»n three pubip D. F. M’CLATCHEY REAL ESTATE AND INVEST MENT COMPANY, 202 C'ARillcr Huildinfi, Hell Phone 220. Atla. Phone 854. WKST I’KACIITRBE—THE t'RF.TTIKST |.«t tu Atlnntn; built up all around It with the very Ih-m of house*; then* are very few lot* Ilk<* thla iiffereil for sale. We catf sell voti thU at ajetrgnln. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ with every tni*dcni eixnvenlence; lot 50 |*y 175 feet. |»r|ee $1,619. Thl* I* ft nice place, lu n g**i**l tie|ghl*4*rh«viv4l. and yon can buy It b*r $.t'» en*h mol the balance $15 per month. pTut ItK st' a\t:7-N15 W"1 |Til^>Tr SflTTTElTS particular; 5 r-***m*. 2 stories; per hiontli wlHTkltAlX TUUUAt'U- GiMlli h**u*4*; lot .VU16I feet, with able Price $2. *9o A 14-lit»tl\l IIGi Sk AT HMYIlNt Marietta electric line, with three acre* of g***«l ground; an bleal bv-nthm for a iNWtrd fug him*.*, Prb-o r*.6»i. nwriiTi — home*, on the street; large lot. house built n* n home with every convenience; thl* I* an up to date home In every resp*--r and Is ivffrred at nway IHow the real value of oil* sali**uien that at all time* art* glml to take you to *C4« auy pteiv of property we have for Nile, and n*«l*t you In any way pvaelble. Give ua a chance tu fit you up. HEMPHILL AVENUE LOTS • We have two fine East front lots on Hemphill Ave. a littfe beyond Emmett St, each 55x250, at $1,000 apiece. These lots run through from Hemphill Ave. to Cur ran St., giving two good building frontB. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR. CASH AND BAL ANCE $20 PER MONTH BUYS NICE NEW 5- HOUSE, NEAR PARK. FINE EASIEST TERMS. PRICE ONLY $2,300. SEE US RIGHT AWAY. JAMES L. LOGAN & CO., 408 Peters Building. Phone 2678 L Main. DOZIER & REAMS, Real Estate and Builders, 403 Peters Bldg. Bell Phone 1799. Atl. 1252. WE HAVE A PIECE OF PROPERTY; twenty six r«w>m*; white tenants; big In vestment; $5,290. EIGHT RtioM IDlURE; TWO COAL houses: lot 60 by 196; a bargain nt $6,200; north able. » WE HAVE THREE NICK IIOMF.K ON Forrest ax rune; one braud-new. If want- jg a home ou this street, let us show you theag* ||OU*en. R. M. JONES & CO.. 516 Empire Building. Bell Phone 3453-J. $2,200—Rents $33.50; lot, just off Marietta m. : two houses rented all the time to negroes j property in good Jiape. $2,000—Rents $21.75; Hose in negro property on |;. Baker street. JYau can raise rents now to $24.00;' large lot, comer alley. $3^300^Rents $41.00r.{u>t off Whitehall street, g<md corner lot, all improvements down, gas, water and sewer; 16-room house; fine rent sue. tion, walking distance. $2,000—Larkin—streetr linu level lot, 100 by 200. two street fronts, near Walker street; has 3 old houses now rented for $15.00; land is cheap at $2,000. Here is the place for 20 per cent. S. B. TURMAN & CO. TOUK ATTENTION TO. AND INSrEC- tlon of. tb# following properties t* re spectfully lovlted. The Urn# to buy a cheap niece of property Is when the owner bax definitely decided to Mil, and will not atand on any fixed price, but la willing to at lemt one-half way ro##t your views aa tn tb* value of the property. For buflneafl reasons people sometime# nave to lose a little : up on some other THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES WILL MlXIlOOM cOTfAGK. WITH RATH! Jk.X|l?C*KVK5LRnQM~COTTAGE HOME Washington atreet; $3.tu>. bring P) per cent more In ninety day*. W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. IMI 'PUrnic NCT. Atlanta 'Phone 18S1. with 6 per cent Interest. HEW 8THEKT. UOTTAHE OF fjVK roome, with all eonx-enlenrea; fronting the ear Hue. Hplendld lot. 50 by 200, tti 20- fo4*t nltey. t’tMv bam. Wtfekm tmtrec. fmtte ON FLAT HIIOALS ROAD, RIGHT AT the Hitldlers* Home Jutietlpn. n new five- room 4-ottnge fronting the ear line, on lltrge ' 77 Hy 1T5; grnnl value for $1,609 cnah. ON ENGI.1HII AVENUE. IN WESTERN Height*, n new fixur-room «*ottage. with city xxixter; on lot 41 l»v 177 to alley; for $1, ON ItYREL HTREKT, NEAR STEWART avenue, where the new car lln* Is to Ih* a nl«e shady Inf, 61 hv 120 to alley, for $250. only $10 cash and $5 per month. SMOOTH LITTLE INVESTMENT IN the fourth ward, n double house renting to negro*-* for $14 per month. Prlee $1,260; $209 cash. $15 per tmmth, ItiNxm on the lot to build another hoii*c. ON A HOOD t’ROHH STREET. NEAR Whitehall atreet. and on the corner of another atreet; all Improvements dnwu mi both atreet*. A bouse of sixteen room*. A JAM-UP K1VKHOOM I'OTTAIIK. IN the lieat imh'IIoii «»f Weat End, for $2,000, Ou term* of $300 cash and $20 per mouth. A. R REMOVAL SALE. On account of having to va cate our present location, wc are giving 23 per cent discount on all flnisucd Ital ian and Georgia marble, also granite monuments. Cliero- kcc Marble & Granite Works, nuntcr street, oppo site State Capitol BinitT-nOOM I STORY . BOUSE. WITH all modern conveniences, on Capitol are na# near Georgia avenue; east front, lot 60x900 feet. The lot and bouse, aeeordixr to surrounding prices, la worth $6,76) x» $8,000; can be bought for $4,960; It Is a first- daaa Investment. Term* $1,90 cash, tab once Mey. NORTH BIDB—TWO STORIES. NICE. — new 8-room house: larce lot: conven' tn Piedmont ivanne and y>nlpar atreet ill moden lines; near Eighth atreet; aL R roveiaenta; can be liougbt for very much >ss than It la really worth. Terms $!.6M cash, balance easy. line; only one and one-half miles from city limits. Price $1860. and the land alone la worth this money. Terms easy, splendid neighbors, churches and public school. Call for our rent and sale bulletin. S. B. TURMAN & CO. CLOSE IN. SOUTH SIDE BARGAINS. E. FAIR, 6-R. cottage in good repair; all modern improvements. $300 cash: balance $207>or month. It's a pick-up; onlv $2,800. CAPITOL AVE., 6-R. cot tage, all modern conven iences, with corner vacant lot ndj<&uing, 50x142. Hot ter hurrv. $4,300; terms. WASHINGTON ST.. 9-R.. 2-storv, with every known convenience for a lovely home. $3,730; terms. NORTH SIDE. SOMETHING on the Q. T. Mind you, a handsome home on corner; the price on this place, for a quick |>uver. is less than you can build the house aiid rock wall around the lot. If you mean busi ness, see me in person, oth erwise nothing doing. That’s all. ' V. CHELENA, ' Real Estate, 706 Fourth National Bank Building. Bell Phone 3878. THE BEST LIGHT. THE KENT LIOIIT EXCELS ALL OTtt »rt ID Drain rat, brilliant*, and raonom, 69 N. Pryor St. Phone 4848.