The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 14, 1907, Image 13

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. MONDAY. TAKVAUt ]«, im. \V. E. TREADWELL & CO., R,. a l Estate and Renting Agents, Vll Classes City Proporty and Farms. 21 Smith Broad Street, Iiell ’Phone 2644. Atlanta *Phone 3803. NORTH SIDE ini.l.rii [, is'iiu i'r ,«,I ult i..|ero Improvement'.to appreciate ...i,..I know, you will ban* to eve sss&asr™ bm ~ ElTiiFTuOOM HOUSE; NEW; MODEL; rrnninoM HOUSE: NEW; up-to- * " M.roo. “ql.; Mil Ut.rl.-a A i; H.W0. Zt, \ottTII JACKSON; tCIUHTROOM a,,.,'., .-..rncr let: servant. hooee. Iiern ”, which we can aall at the low p? r . .. T-TTI'm. i nt avenue, eiuhtuoom 1 nm-h-rn In every particular. ZfiTrtuiZ STREET, TWELVK-RopM K ho***: does In. It you are Inttr- ..a- U4 at once for price. HTliTvE TWO POUR-ROOM HOUSES, I'iii.r.'lry 4lreet; 41.100. *]l7lli: ..ITOBTUNITV T0 1TBCUA8E , rdv »H n«m hriek bulldlux for Mi.- .,7 pays lit* per real oa a leaae. Thla 1, , in and weU lo-ntr.1 on •'4;-Tl.WT»tra rt FOR RENT. nWEIXINOB. sSrwl? nat aink iu tli«* kllcbtu; bu eonbUiUn fir* Baht alter,.: Is heated ."®t *jr ftirnafv; tbli bulldllf Is np* abnr^lh. IT. 1 ' ,,,r * ^“e- k "4*S la far ■ I ff**" reniln* profierty; la now wkS P w?ii ‘li■‘l 11 ' °! ,,14r - J"0«.' Vlratl Jonea, Henann* In showing yon tbranfh the hmioo. Wait I'eeohtree atreet rara noe Work nvrsy. will I.. meant Pell- ruMr 7 I. Ileute W per innuth. M IIAItltlta HTIIKF.T-THIS TWO- room frame, on lot he by 110, on thn aniith nlile of West llarrla atreet, tween lMlllmna an.l Spring streets. Hae F"*- h b<tt,aiid euld water, hath, oloaet. alnk lH 'SLiBehen: in a good neiatilHirinnni and itLfE? tSIB'fl comparatively new, ami filler miVlh. "' l> '' rU "' T “ NEW STORE OEM. RICH & BROS. IS THROWN OPEN TO SHOPPERS *^ol| A rtaea 1 aud L prlee2 r 0T,,EU " 0VBKn JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTINO AGENT, 12 Auburn Avenue. Both Phofleggll. north ►Ide. SOUTH SIDE ttv«>-rooa>, ball aud batb; i;i:OR(ilA AVENUK. NEAR GRANT mhi room cottage; 60 by ISO; caaj £ SEVEN INJURED Sil.l. STHEET—HIX-ROOM; 50 BY ISO; 12. C! KVW«><»!» AVENUE. NEAR nROYf.EH aiVV-m; 5n by ISO; $2,760.. CHANT STREET. NEAR GEORGIA AVE . in'iv six room; SO by ISO; $3,000. pAVil.'tGX STREET. FIVE-ROOM; 50 BY AUK AVENUE—HIX-ROOM; 60 BY 200; u\n:i»ERATE AVENUE. NEAR 80UTII |t..i;li>mr«l; ftlx-rooui; 60 by 150; «*oay ,-rm»: Sl.^\ Mil Til PRYOR STREET, NEAR GLENN *atra-e-t; nvit-atnry. eight-room; 60 by 160; cim uni electricity; all modern con fttH-eft. etc.; 15,000. CAHTOL AVENUE. BETWEEN Good white , - — -t. gtiw.,3 oliTa w.»!«*r, hath. airvot tmprorr r* ill di.itrn and |ml«l for. Street ear Ih fr*»m of hotiao; abut near Da via . i white public achool. TbU U n bar- ib. out and look at It. \\V cm aell 1*1.1 cc at the extremely low price of WEST END IJ|M»N STREET-WE HAVE A BEAU- home luted with na for Immediate on j.-.oimt of party leaving city; two- * ten-iiHim: lot lift bv S*0; elevated, •b |..t; houae wan built for a home; J.-rn .iml has all conveniences; atablea, Iio'iko*. ete. Tertua $12,000. COT- Id NN stheKT-FIVB ROOM COTTAGE; FUNERAL NOTICE. linotlKS-DliHl Mnnilny morning, Jannary 1J. MW. aft.r a abort lllni-aa. Mr. Clyda llrnoka. Fnn.ral aerrlrea at the real, donee, an Weal IVaf-htrre Place. Wed- neaday mnrnlua nt 11 a'rlorY • Poneral prlrate. The following gentleman will iileaae art e, imliiioarere and meet at liarclay * Itraudon'a, at 10:10 o'clock: ii. *' yUgtil. J. T. -tlolleman, J. C. «'*£'Smith. AT,rr ' F - “ 0l * M AU,on ' Express Dashes Into Monon Passenger at South Chicago. Chicago, Jan. 14.—Seven peraona were Injured, two aerlouMy, In a rear- end colllKion on a Monon limited paa- aenger train with a Wahnah express at the One Hundred and Twelfth atreet creasing of the Western Indiana tracka at South Chicago at 12:30 oVlock this morning. Fife pannengers were In the rear aleeper of the Wabash train, and it la aald thnt all of theae were more or lesa seriously hurt. The coach caught fire and was entirely consumed, despite the efforts of the trainmen, pusseng ers ami a rescuing party. The following are among those lo ured: John Ollnger, Toledo, Ohio, body crushed, may die. C. W. Thomas, Toledo, Ohio, inter nally Injured, serious. Wayne McIntosh. Toledo, Ohio, cut about the body, not serious. George Pearson, Grand Crossing. Chicago, badly bruised. The names of the engineer and flre- en or the Monon train cannot be learned. It was said, however that nnltlier wafl aprlouaiy injured, although both were badly cut. The causa Of the accident. If Is reported, was the failure of signal torpedoes placed on the track to explode. The track is used by the Erie. Monon and Wabash, and each train Is supposed to run 46 minutes apart. The torpedoes placed by the Erie train worked satisfactorily and Ihe Monon crew placed Its signals in turn. The train halted nt One Hundred and Twelfth atreet while the torpedoes were being placed and while the train was DONE WITH PROHIBITION; DR. BROUGHTON IS BITTER AGAINST CITY COUNCIL Rfv. !>r. L»n O. Broughton la Son* with thr tight for prohibition for tha prearnt. Ha la dona with It until ha i tome hope of arrompllahlnc ra suits. In the prelude to hla Sunday night aarmon he mnda thla announcement and explained why he made the etnte. mem. In addition he dlaeuaaed hla promlaed apology to the genera! coun ell for the aland taken at the time tha mayor vetoed the high license ordi nance and aald no apology waa coming to them becauae the members had overridden Ilia veto an.l hud ramoveil the Important clause relating to the Inerenae in tha number of aatoona. "Will I apologise to men like that?" asked Dr. Broughton of hla t-ongregn- lion. "If you kay I am technically due them an apology than technically 1 will apologise to every one of the urlglnat seventeen except Mr. Bilim. I will do thla with one breath and then luat na quick os 1 can take another breath I wilt denounce ttre-wrhote lot of-them us political trtrkaters and moral Towards. They have robbed ua'of the very tneae. ure we had every reason to expect some protection from. What do we care whether a man goea to hell in as automobile or a dog cart?" Dr. Broughton aald hla heart was ! elek concerning the whisky situation 1 In Atlanta, but that be had done his | best In the fight tor temperance against j tha saloon power. tie aald he had 1 clamored for prohibition and that the > temperance adwocatse had no- nght in their hands a few weeks ago. Now. ha aald, the devil had gotten Into the pro. hlbttlon farces and they west divided and that the compromise spirit hod to- j ken possession of the anti-saloon > forces. “Now what I have to say to you ta this," concluded Dr. Broughton. "The proposition - Is up to you. you oom-— promisors. Do as you like with R. AM for me, I am dona with the fight until 1 aea aome hope for accomplishing something. I shall continue to express . my opinions from this platform ]uat j as I have done, but as for trying to ' , bring any Inltuence to bear upon tha 1 powers with respect to this damnable traffle of liquor. I am done, and l call upon you men who are responsible for this compromise condition to answer before God and this unfortunate com- "Tbe spirit of compromise has soak ed ua deeper In liquor and we are oa the way to hell. God knows who hoe „ : done It.” FORAKER HAS NO IDEA OF GIVING UP FIGHT TTaxhlngiin. J.m. M.-ruuowHtf tlt« reading of the president's message, Senator Koraker mode n few remarks, and gavo no Indication that he hod any Intention of dropping the controversy or withdrawing hla demand for a full Investigation. "This testimony, such aa we have re. celveil here," ho said, "does not In any way remove Ihe object Ions I have all along uiged ugulnst this proceeding. 1 have stood for a hearing for these men. a Bfonu at unicn anj eta m repre- sented and their. Interests cared for. This testimony which la aent was taken. If we are to believe the press reports from Brownsville, be.\nd closed doors. The men were not represented by counsel nor XIaa any opportunity given them to cross-examine wit nesses." At the conclusion of Senator Fora- kef's remarks Senator Cullotn called up for consideration the legislative and judicial bill. ,J $15,000 BOKO OF SPLENDID NEW DEPARTMENT STORE OF M. RICH A BROS. CO. Handsome Whitehall House Draws Crowd. MODERN FITTINGS; BtandHttll the Witbrnah expresn. running nt 26 miles nn hour, collided with it. wrecking the rear Pullman and derailing It- ■ > ... |,Fn nrw, w,--'. quxN sTUr.T~six.nno>!; so nv is?; I l l sritKKT—R1X-ROOM; W RY 200: *3. A>smr STItKKT—FIVE-BOOM; W BY 2* FA It K STIir.F.T-KKlUT-ltnoM; SO BY FARMS I’M: I OPPORTUNITY TO BUY A FARM ' • -i'Tf* ut n Mr Iwirgnln. wilhln 2H i .. ..f Rtifkhfdtl, roitRMtlnR of two tlir#N» mu* ntvburd. etc. If tnkrr 11 •« «li»vn. $960 bay* It. V it EH 7 Mil. EH FROM ATI. A NT A •• • « itArgaln at $1,200. About 16 -U. ting- spr I iir; I tent wnforetl place j. tuiiity; public tbroiigli form. M IIEH IN CORK COUNTY. 4 MJLKH K*'iui*nnw, On.; 37 aeren rinmI imtti “"i- i-«iM*.l for tbM y.Nir at $»»; $2.5“" Id-Vo (IKS I.AXn. 7 Mli.Ks T-llVlM II ’ H-**n Pin t HhnnU mud. new ilx-rm»tn ; fhln In one of the InhU fnrnie In ">My; $.*.$»». Come and investlRnie ! { 'no »l*t; It Is complete In every pnr SEVERAL HUSTLING FOB CITY HALL JOBS " He politician* with pull* aif • c wires to get friends fastened tu I leser plums on the .municipal tree, -■"mmtttee of council on public ■'nga and grounds will decide nn ' ceday afternoon at I o’clock who 1 be engineer at the city hall, present engineer, F. I* Bo-rne. I» ■ ui'llilste for re-election, but he Is --I by William Catton. n..ther rare for a Job will be pulled ' iho same lime, when the city hall '-r la named. The Job Is now held s H Jsekson. but Tom Wright, now mipuiatlng the city halt slcvator, D tor job- BY VIRGINIA PAPER TO STOP ATTACKS Richmond Daily Serves Notice on the Black Loafers. Richmond, Vs., Jan. It.—Fear of serious race disturbances has been aroused among.both white and negro residents its a result nt Insults which have been offered recently to white women by negroes. Warning was served on the blacks today that such actions will not be tolerated. 8 In Ihe lase fortnight a score of wom en and girls have been Insulted by blncks In the tieat residential districts In the early evening. Commenting on the situation, after saying It believe* the blame reals ui«m a few negro "loafers” who have re cently come to Richmond, The Newa- Leader any*: "The Aral of those who la caught by anv white man will be killed. There are to he no two ways about that The streets of Richmond will he kept safe for women day and night.” CUT WATER BIDS COMPLETE STOCK. Addition to Shopping Dis trict a Worthy One. A reduction In the water rate* from cents to 40 cents—a reduction of U 1-3 per cent. Is w hat Oeneral Mana ger Park Woodward of the waterworks thinks will be possible after the pro- l>i«ed Improvements to the system are "'itut even tf the half million of bonds for this purpose sre Issued, It Will Iske two vears to do the work. It will take nearly that time to get a new pumping engine If It was ordered now, and the work of extending the mains and sub- -ntutmg larger mains where needed rake about the him length vt lima. Quietly and without the blare of trumpet,, the big flve-atory department store of M. Rich A Bros. Co., on White hall street, was thrown open to the shopping world last Saturday and thou sand* of Atlantans visited the big em porium until the doors closed lata Sat urday night. Atlanta's shop|>ers found that ono of the completes! and most commodious department stares In the South, stocked with everything dear to Iho feminine heart, had blossomed out on Atlanta's “great white way" and waa ready for their Inspection. They responded read- liv and ihronas of peonle crowded throughout the big building all day long. Every cltlaen of Atlanta has reason to be proud of thla enterprise and the push and energy of one of the most en ergetic llrms In the South. The Arm has also reason to be proud of the bun- dreds of faithful patrons who have fol- lowed them through the months In temporary quarter* while Ihe new building waa In process of construction and everj-body wns relieved when the news spread that the big mahogany doors of the new building had been thrown open. On Generous Plan. The new store la built upon a gener nus plan and on extraordinary days there should be room for all. The entrance le elxty-flve feet In width, and handsome glass doors prevent the blustering wind* of winter from chill lng while waiting for friends or for rara. The visitor gets an unbroken view- of the entire tint floor oa anon as the big doors are passed. Thr glass cases are act upon green marble bases and the long broad stale* exjend throughout the length of- ihe building. The high mahogany shelves flunk the glistening ebon rases paneled nt Interval* with mirror* and alternating with wrapping counter* present a pleasing picture. In convenient stalls are rash regis ters Alted w-llh telephone* connected with the nfflre and n system has been Inaugurated thnt will reduce to a mini mum Ihe time wasted In walling for change. In the Installation ot thin ape- claf cash reglater service ihe manage^ ment believes that one of the most sat isfactory ayatema In vogus cannot but result In making shopping a pleasure Splendid Arrangement. In the center of Ihe More Is located the notion deportment. The entire wall apace nn the left ms for bark ns the elevators Is given *over to while goods, dress goods and Bilks except at the left of the entrance, where the glove counters are located, and nn the right, where the umbrella Mocks have been Installed The arrangement of the entire lower Door Is very similar WANT TO CURTAIL LEADER’S PRIVILEGES YV&xhlnjiton. Jan. 14.—Ax a result of th* attempt now beinjt made by some of the Democrats of the house to de feat John Sharp Williams, of Ittts- slsstppl, for Ihe minority ltmifrrshlp In the next conuress, various Democrat* today discussed the advisability of the next minority leader, whoever he might be. having the privilege taken away from him of controlling the Democratic appointments to committees. ! Representative William A Jones, of Virginia, said thnt he would Introduce a resolution in the Democratic caucus next fall providing thnt the minority leader should not have the privilege, of conn "Ding H** 4 v«»miolll*M* u|«|MiiniMclMft of tin* Denvtu rats. This privilege, ft is understood, wan tlrst •xsrclaed by Mr. Halley, of Texas, and then by Mr. Wll Hams, the house lender. Should Mr. Jones’ resolution be adopted, the Deni ocrutlc committee appointments would be made by the speaker of the house. Was Readily Given and Prisoner Was Released. PROBE FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE WHISK l LA W Spcclfll ta The Georgian. farK-ravlUe. O*.. Jffn. It.—In hts charge to the grand Jury this morn ing Judge J. W. File, of Ihe superior courl, took occasion to place stresa on the violation of the liquor law by deal ers shipping whisky Into dry towns In bottle form, it* laid particular atresa on the law as would apply to Atlanta dealers shipping to Cartersvllle and urge.1 the Jury to make A thorough In vvstlgntlon, and It they found the Inw- wus being violated |o return Indict- incuts against the guilty parties and he would have them prosecuted to the full .-si extent of the law. The Jury re 11 red to the room and It 1s understood that .many witnesses are to be called before It. to thnt of the old store Just vacated The walls of the store ure painted white with beautiful metal celling. Two. large skylights admit suAlelent light to make the use of artlAelnl light* un necessary and nt the celling la lined with electric globes. The store la 231 feel In length. No store In the country will have n more complete silk department than Rich's. It will occupy nb-mt so feet In Ihe rear on Ihe atreet floor and will ex lend toward the front on either sld- about 32 feet. The building has two extension*, the crockery department having been Installed on thr Hunter atreet ell. which la 76 by M feet. The shoe and piano department* have also been Installed In this portion of the big department store. Other Departments. The suit and cloak departments have been Installed on tho second floor. Over a hundred feet of space has been given over to the lingerie department on the left aids of the building. The ntllng and sewing rooms have been la Mailed on the Hunter street aide oi this floor. A ladles' real room has been handsomely fltted up and In this i«ir- tlrulnr feature the management has Inaugurated a new departure in being considerate of the comfort and weirare of t Itelr patron*. The third floor la devoted to carpel* and ruga. The fourth floor Is given over rntlrely to furniture. The base- ment haa been titled up for the care and comfort of their employees The management has b^en especially lib eral in helping their employees and In this way deserve the thanks of the public for their consideration. HUSBAND AND WIFE BADLY INJURED BY RUNAWAY MULE Biwctal to The Georgian. Dnhtonega, Oa. Jen. It —Fete Hmlth and wife, of Murrayvllle, were driving> when thill mule was frightened by rroastle cutter, felling a tree am) ran away. Hmlth'* leg was broken. Ills wife's leg and arm were broken. Doth. It Is thought, will recover. TOM SIMMONS ROBS ROOST OF CHICKENS Turn RImmnn*. ft negro, wax found by policeman Andernon And (’amp at un vitrly hour Monday morning with three fine chickens In hts possenslon lie wns taken to tho police station and later admitted lie raptured the fowls from n roost In Pulliam street. BY FEDERAL JURY P*t J. Haggrrly waa Indicted Monday morning by the Federal grand Jury on the charge of using Ihe t'nlled Htates mall* for fraudulent purpose*. Hag gerty will probably be tried at this term of court. He wae bound over last December by t’nlled walff I'ommlasloner Waller Colquitt for using Ihe malls In an ef fort to defraud John K. Murphy out of 1100 offered as a reward for the return of a diamond studded bracelet, valued at 11,600. Tho bracelet had been missed some time before by Mrs Murphy. Mr. Murphy advertised In Ihe lost columns of the dally paper* and iho rorreaixind. ence followed. Haggerty claims he Is tnnorent. The jewel ha* not boon found. W. K. leipper was also Indicted for fwMng a gl arernhark to the gin de nomination. It Is alleged that In- at tempted to pass It on J. M. McKinney, of Blue Ridge, tin. About twenty II- ilrlt distilling cases are to be Investi gated by the grand Jurv thla week. Rpeelsl to The Georgian, Mci.'ava, T«m, Jan. U.—The prelim inary trial of Mrs. Abbje Guinn, charged- wlih hiring Jemee Allen to kill her husband. Colonel W. A; Guinn, was called at t o'clock thla morning be fore Esquire* Amwlne, Hramlette and Hlmmons. The etreete were filled with people from the country and consider able excitement prevails over the case. Heneatlnnsl developments were ex pected early In the trial. A hard light I* expected, as the evidence Is largely circumstantial, and the trial promised to be a long one. When tho trial was called the court room was Jammed with people, eager in hear Ih* evidence In the cose. At »:lu o'clock defendant appeared In th* court room and her counsel an nounced that nhe waived a preliminary trial and by the roneent of the prose cution the court fixed her bond at ft 6,000. The court then requested her to give bond In this ettm conditional for her upie-aianc, before the grand Jury, to answer the charge of murder. The tnind was made and Mre. Guinn released till th* regular term of court. IN NORTHWEST Senator Says Hansbrough Facts Are SEVEN AREHREDi COAST LINE TRAIN WRECKED BY ENGINE R|w*rlal to Tho GoorgliB. Wilmington. N. C., Jan. 14.—Thlx morning at 3:35 oVlock tho Atlantic roam Llttf'ft Worn Indian limit*! train No. $5, collltlcil with light engine No. 270, one mile nouth of Hcnnon. No imniicngcrN were Injured The mull ami combination eura war* derailed. Poatal Clerk* C. II. Watt*. R T. Valenge, K. <1. Smoot and C. L. LaneaNt were Injured. Engineer Jennlnga and Firemen E1- lerbee and Burnett were .might)}* In jured. -a » The Injured were taken to Houth Rocky Mount hoepltal. Roth engine* were badly damaged. The wreck waa due to the light engine going on the main track without order*. pattyImnts HIS THREE CHILDREN After leaving hla three little mother less children In their houae, at 117 Walton atreet. for a week, dependent upon the charity of neighbors, J. R. Fatly has now mad. It known that he Is nt Rising Fawn. Ga.. and he wants He.-ret spy t/»gan. of the Associated Charities, to send them to him. And hy doing this, he haa probably snvrd himself from being brought bark lo Atlanta and prosecuted. Being Kept Secret. Washington. Jan. 14.—"Peapl* are freeling to Heath In North Dakota and the local authoritlea and newspapers - are concealing the tact from the. world." aald Senator Hansbrough lhl» __ morning after a talk- with the preet- dent about the car ahortage In the north won.-: . “ "I have Just received a latter from ~~ a friend In Weird county." coattaiMd Senator Hansbrough, "and he tella me that three women have froxen to death In that county and the facta were IUP- presacd for fear that If the newt w*’ sent out It would hurt the state." 1 SUMMONS SERVED ON MRS, CARNEGIE • AT “I Iperltl te The Georgian Savannah, Ga. Jan. 14—Deputy Mare - ahal J. Ren Wilton, of the United States court, returned yesterday morn ing from "Dungenesa," where he went to sarva m lay I Anowmaa, on Mrs. Lucy O. Carnegie. He reports that extensive prepara tions are being made for the vlrit of Andrew Carnegt* next week. The suit le ono In which Cornelia Btuffnrd William* and Nancy Stafford Gresham, who claim they are the chil dren of Robert Stafford, eeok to secure possession of 7,740 acres of land, which constitute* almost tha entire Cumber- lend Island, and the magnlflcent coun try home of Mrs. Carnegie. The complainants say that they were recognised os the children of Stafford, from whose .Mate th* land was bought by Mre. Carnegie. They are represented by Crovalt 6 Whltfleld, ot Bruniwlck. GEORGIA CENTRAL DIRECTORS ELECT ASKEW TREASURER •pedal t* The fleorglia Savannah, Oa- Jan. 14.—At th4 meeting of th* Central ot Georgia and Ocean Bteamehlp Company's board bl directors tdlday W. C. Askew waa elect ed treasurer to succeed T. M. Cure ntngham. deceased. Resolutions on the death of Samuel Spencer were passed. No action waa taken to flit th* v*> condos oa the two boards caused bj the death'of Mr. Spencer and ot th. resignation of Oeonm H»v,len court for not properly supporting hit children, but at that time the case wot dismissed upon hla promise to da bat- once before Fatty was up In police ter.