The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 14, 1907, Image 14

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•WSpOS-' , ll- ww THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. .1 if mill MONDAY, JANUARY 14,1907. / UP-TO-DATE NEWS .j a if—i a tME? Mr— ■ v-w EDITED BY OF SPORTING WORLD NEWS OF SPORTS PERCY H. WHITING REGULARS WIN GREATJJATTLE ANOTHER GAME OP BASEBALL AT MILLEOQEVILLE BY PICKED TEAMS. SKATERS BUSY IN THE NORTH Hjteelal to Tko Georzlio. mnHwnut. ai.ju. u-jq»f««t. »■« luterr«tlng |tm« of baseball tbs Begslan again dsfeatsd tho Recruits Saturday attar noon it tho T. M. C. A. boll pork. Prom tho otort It voo trident that tho luwralto were making a strong bid for tb# gama. and tha final raanlt—t to 1-abowa how noar they cams to anrcsodlof. Jordan, For baa and Klktr. with Big Tracy, formed an excellent Infield, whllo tiorham and "Sky” Smith were OB hand with twlrlera' goods. In fact, all played a Jam-op game siembriilga opposed Oorham and held Ms Opponents down to two hits In seren In. nlnga. Alien played good at the second •mtlon. handling srerythlng coming hla way wltbont an error. Hutchinson pnt up his usual, game at third, and little Tracy was "iron* at short. The figures of Saturday's game: "BPgWWi. Ah. K I! *v: A. B. Jordan. 2b,. 4 ‘ * 4 0 0 1 Klfcf. M...., tJortunn. D.^f...7V7........ i—0—0—cr havla, c 2 Hniitb. cf.-p 2 REGULAR*. . Ilntrhlnaoii. Sb Allen. 2b K. Itcyui»lds. lb. KxIpjt, r J Tracy, an Nicholson. If Kittson. rf.-p.. T9UI1 27 2 3 KAUFMAN AND BERGER ARE THE BEST HEAVYWEIGHTS DEVELOPED ON THE PACIFIC COAST IN MANY YEARS. KAUFMAN PROVEDT*HE BETTER OF THE TWO THE ONLY TIME THEY EVER MET, BUT NEITHER 8HOWED REAL CHAMPION8HIP FORM. Beore by Innings: Recruits Regulars GRAHAM CHOSEN COACH OF VANDERBILT BALL TEAM Spatial to The Georgian. Nashville. Teuu.. Jan. H-The re warm waathar baa uncorked the baseball dope bottle out at Vanderbilt, a conch bas baen signed for neit year. snd everything lookt good for • duo year at baselmil. The naw coach Is Graham, who eoarbed Tale for two years. Others win»sc services were consider*! were llradley Walker, ••Beer* Davis. Jack Kly and Gunny I««wls. Mr. Walker (University of Virginia) Is one - of the heft known athletes of the 800th. but It was Impossible for hltn to take tha potltton. owing to the fart that be Is now practicing law In Nashville, "Hoof Da via wai roach for the famous‘Vanderbilt team trf iMIs whMTIost four gamrr wt thirty. Ho waa unable to return to bis old duties. Jark Ely marhed last yosr's but hla aarvlres have neVsf be«n conitdsrwf seriously. X/awls waa captain laat season of the Havannab team, which won tha pen nant In the 8011th Atlantic League. Of last year's regular man there art In college again Spencer Love, pitcher; Ed logits, pitcher; Hob make, flrat baseman; John Craig, shortstop; Gleun Hall, left field; Cnnnlogbntn. canter field, and Fugler. substitute. The team haa tnffered a lots In Frank Kyle, the pitcher of tha Uat few seasons. , Ed Hamilton, who playad second no well, bat algo graduated, and probably hit absence will be felt tuore than that of any other of the old men. Captain Travis will alto be missed from hit potltton behind tbs bat, but there Is much new material that can step Into hit shoes, and by bit loss the tram will not 1m» materially weakeued. Right field will miss Jimmy Daygood. Atnoug the new men of promise are Thompson. Dwight Morrison. Jesse Read. Hays, Roane. Virgil Roll. 8am Coaten, Frankie Wynne. Webster, -ilonta,- I. - U. Icegg, Tipton. Neely, Vsughn IMake, Potts, Bennie, T. F. Value, R. K. Mason and Glenn. Thompson It ftotn the University of Tex* Teed In making good In tha field. Dwight Morrison, from McKeoztc. Tenn., baa pitch ed brilliant ball for two or three years ou the McTyelro school team. Virgil Hell, from Martin, should also make eomo one hustle In the outfield. If he keep* up with bit old rocord. Probably the moat certain of all to get a place on tha team is Frankie Wynne, provided ha continues to ilodga tha re peated charges of professionalism mado against him. Thera It a McKensle boy from tho Me. Tyelre school In coUega, Baa Coaten. who playad brilliant football at quarter on Uat sea son'a football team, lie should make good, and la axpected to play In tho Infield, lie wot in the university two years ago for one session, during which time lie played shortstop. Torn File Paine, from AUrdecii. Miss.. Is exported to make u showing In the out field. lie Is a strong batter und with a 111 tie extra work should make n regular tlrat team man. The plnri** on the team that arc now open are fur one pitcher, u second huscuiiin, it third Imsetnnn, right fielder, and probably 11 place behind tho bat. What sucres* the Vanderbilt team has enjoyed within the lust few venns has been due chiefly to butting. This has al ways been a feature of the Commodores, and baa saved them fr»uii defeat times. The wrfieduTe TTf jjtntne-. bn* tmt jri4 liwff completely drawn up by Mausgcrs Mauler and Potts, but !h»*re will be plnyed In nil over Thirty gutuoY Tffi»se*TI5i have" already been arranged for ure us follows: Vanderbilt vs. Nashville professionals, at Nasbvllls, March », 29 and 30. Vanderbilt vs. University of Alabama. At Tuscaloosa, April 4. 6 and 6. Vaudcrbllt vs, t'uiuberlsnd, at Nashville. April 1*. 19 and 39. Vanderbilt vs. Georgia Tech, at Nssb- Vtlle, April ». M and 2T. Vanderbilt va. Hcwancc. nt Hewn nee. May 3 and 4. Vanderbilt va. Fewauce, at Nashville. May A Id and 11. Series of games will also be played against the University of Nashville the lat ter part of April or the first of May. Tho ssmson will cloas by a Northern trip, through Kentucky, up to Michigan, but dates Lave not been decided upon dofluttety. This la a full schedule 11 ud tunny hard games ant In store. It haa been suggested that Indoor prac- tics bs begun at ouce In the gyumasluni, but on account of lark of spare nothing much can be accomplished. There la n schema to rent the skating rink, which covers severs! •fcitudred square yards. Just bsyond the university, but It Is by u<> inwiDicrrtntntbatttitiwtttTnnTrrtaUxr.ii the rluk Is In constant use. Captain Craig. In regard to Ids prospects for a team, says, "1 have great hc*|*es this Season and be- Have that It will be the strongest In years. A good many old men nre hack, and. In*, skies we have more promising new material than at nuy time duitng the four yeati havt lawn In college | f»sve ordered n aulU ami other cpilpmeut. amt hope put forth the beat team that the unlv slty lias ever seen, one that we can all la* NOT NEWS, BUT VIEWS By PERCY H. WHITING. Ruin* Waddell won just half of - tho games in which he pitched Inst year. That s pretty poor for the “Rube,” who could come very near to lending the pitchers of the American League provided he could eliminate the boose and provided ho had at least a rudimentary brain. “Hug” players are losing their popularity. Their idosyncra- sies lay them too liuble to criticism. . It l» hard for the resident, of Georgia to realise that the skating season Is In full blast In the North, but such happens to be the case. Already some of the big annual skating events have been held and others aro scheduled fur the near future. Morris Wood, the amateur cham pion and record hohlct who Is here shown, will undoubtedly maintain "ht» supremacy on the steel blades for severs! years to come. The racing scene below shows Barony. Mulligan, McDonald and Palllstcr skating In the order named. MERCER BASEBALL TEAM HAS BEGUN TO PRACTICE When Rube Waddell lay down right at the beginning of the Id s series ill tho fall of 19Oo he may have been on the gqtmro bnt American League adherents found itjiard to think -fiO.— : Ami Bug Raymond right here in Atlanta was another awful example^ His peculiarities and his had habits brought him into dis repute und ho left tho city very much under a cloud. Raymond has announced that he will not plav baseball again us ho has a good job as a railroad fireman. Also Billy Smith has gone on record to the effect that he will pitch him self before he will let Raymond go in the box again. So that seems to mark Raymond’s finish in Atlanta. There was nothing the matter of Raymond much except that he desired to pose as a “Bug.” In this respect he suc ceeded^ admirably, but os a ball player lie fizzled somewhat. We hope lie is doing well as a fireman. * The. American League Pitchers’ records show Smith, of Chicago, down with Waddell at .500 and Lygort, another cx- Sonthcru Leaguer, at .458. For real genuine records, though, we shall have to slip it to Harris, of Boston, who won two games out or ‘J3—significant number, that. m |>osltlnus of the who »if l ack IliU year. Captain' Craig Duty shift from his old t*osUlon to second I ns.* Other change* nature sr»* being contemplated. Memphis Team All Ready To Begin Season of 1907 Memphis, Tenn, Jan. 14.—Manager Babb baa accumulated the major por tion ot hla material tor the I SOT era- son. He announced today the acquisition of Dakin E. MUIer. a fust outllelilcr, who played for Ouachita. Karts., lit the Weetem Association last reason, batting .09, end two young twlrler*. whose nrtmes for the present he with holds Nadeau, renter fielder Iasi season for the Mem pint, has been released to New Orleans. Here Is Babb's materia! for the new team: ... . , Pitchers—Btockdale, Buggs. trucks. Bills. Watson, Wagner, Brotje and the NAT KAISER S CO. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ON VALUABLES. 15 Oscstur 81. Kimball Houu. * Barqains in Unrsdtoiosd Diamonds. new pair. Catchers—Iltirlburt am! nwen*. Infield—Riuohford nmi farcy. first Kmlth and IMaaa. ►***•.-ii.i. Hui** miller, short; llabl* ntul Hi* hartls, third. OutflaW*—Thiol, ltft. t*.»rt**r. rluht; Miller, center; Nelabb as ami I«u»ffo. NOTE8 OF THE SP0RT8. They an' tmitlnK « tu w wvtndcr In Iwn, Jess Rlenter Charles Huokensclinildt t credit of the dlsct»vrry. Charles J \V»M»lley. \«m «>ne time the featherw. i«ht tlanter of Knvlnml. «lie»l r* . •» home In. N .1 He onr of years, 8«fM rintendent Lend, ts .»f tj at**ira rnt*e tn*»k K that I.* win have In* kl* k eomlmc .tlx roun*f at n» vt Himmt t * iim tl tra«k tits !*«*• n HliJllt ami u tally a mw u uik. estllng name. Dan rfenniu^er lia.s been signed ns n Southern League umpire for another season. That is good news. Dan is not a brilliant performer but he is on the square and in the main his decisions are good ami the, order he keeps is commendable. Once in nwhile the bully players run it over him a hit hut usually “Vinegar" squares himself ami in the long run he evens things up and gets the offending player on the hip. “ Special to.The Q«*orglsn. Mncon. <ia., Jan. 14.—Mercer has com pleted schedules with Aubtirb, Georgia niKt Reid and others to pitch. Mallory will hold down first; Captain Keiwlrtffc scennd; Williams wifi try for (’arollnz. ploying the Yaulgnns nud Indlnn team, of Rnlllniore. Her prospects were never so bright. 8he tins leofton, Oglesby and Wcstlierry m catch; Djrar, Mos«*ly, Hogg, Oglesby, Smith. t'onner will Ik* at third and Mcl'athern. Melton. Dvtir and Abel will be in the field, with llnrri* us a general utility tmiu. The work of tin* pltebers Is still Im proving. The practice combines for nu hour each day. Georgia Basket Ball Team Plays Tulane Wednesday Athens. Gs., Jim. 14—The Imsketluill Hes sen for 1(^7 will be pried n|w*n In Athens Wednesday night, when the 'varsity of the Unlveralty of Georgia will clash with Tti- lanc’s sqund. The Tulaue team comes here after sev eral days on the road, but every member of the squad Is III good condition f*»r n fast The Tulaue tram Is composed of men who have played the game for several seasons und are up'on all the fine |H»tnts. The Georgia squad lias been nt work since the liolldnys nud practice has been hard and consistent eaeli evening at the Y. M. t\ A. gym. The forwnrds are quirk ntul accurate In good throwing nud the wlnde team works together well. The line up of the !(«>orgln team will basketball for several seasons und tin- game has secured quite n foothold In that section Snrochen. guards; Griffith, center; raptnln Ibdtzemlorf uud Derrick, forwards. Fraternity Politics Cause Fight For Control of Teams ‘ Knoxville, Tenn.. Jan. 14.—The ac tion of the University of Tennessee voters In the association. The tight is on fraternity lines, with faculty in ordering another election to day for officers -of the nthletlc asso ciation, haa caused one faction of stu dents to adopt resolutions criticising tho action of the faculty, condemning the opposing faction und withdrawing from the athletic association und other student organizations. This faction claims a majority of sixty qualified Kappa Alpha, Kappa Slyum, Alpha Tan omega nml Phi Gamma Delta fra- ternltlea aro In the wit Ini rawing fac tion and the Sigma Alpha Kpsll.m and • I'l Kappa Alpha fraternities on the opposing side. T'nless the faetlona are brought t.*gether the light will doubt, t 1 ■ *s hay.* a disastrous effort on Ten- nessie mhletlr, Control t,f the base- t ball, track and football teams is ln- \ .lived , Joe Vila Takes a Shot at C. Murphy, the Human Windbag * Herr In the latest outburst of Jos Vila, who is a knocker by profession, and worth reading always— Isn't It about time that our dear friend, Chubby Charley Murphy, was suppressed? Did you ever see such a meddling creature before? If somebody In authority does not head him off und sit down upon him, he will turn the political end of the game into a disgusting burlesque! Will the Chi* cago newspapers ever tumble to the fact that the Chubby Person Is a Hlufft or and a Four-Flusher of the klml that makes strong men weak and causes Idiots to become sane? .Murphy wants the limelight! lie cares nothing for dignity, but loves to piny the clown at all times! He never loses a chance to feed the Chicago newspapers with absurd slush about this, that and the other thing when, as a matter of fact, he Is but a Baseball Accident. In New York the scribes had him sued up correctly when he was "pub licity promoter" for the d« creplt Hiants Ith the result that he Ml Hut and was » m m disfavor ll«- «.tuldn't sell his fcU L: ivk* to any *-f the vnetrupottun dallies and s.*.»n realized that lie was ht- a !•*■»; camel iti the Sahara desert. Then he bobbed up a- the president r th« «'hb ago National League club, n owner «»f sl'H'k and an intlueutial use ball magnate of the first water. Ith I on ty|M'w rlters teprodming would h*’nr even more from his capa cious mouth! reeled groggiiy under the avalanche of words, words, words! Outtalks Howard Griffiths. 1 have called attention to Mister Murphy on several ocooalons, at the same time believing that I was wasting my time. But this latest break about the schedule appears to have been so utterly malicious that I feel it a duty to put the Chicago person under the ham mer. Howard UrltHths, the Human Phonograph, was a tierce proposition In the talking line while he lasted, but .Murphy has him skluned to death* To draw up a National League schedule and hand It to ITesldent Ban Johnson with the Insulting suggestion that the American League should build Its schedule accordingly was about the last straw. Who authorised the Meddling Murphy to draft a schedule, anyway? Is he the chairman of the National League schedule committee? I think not! Charles II, Kbbets has that honor, and with all credit to the Hrooklyn man, there never was a day that Mur phy had a t-liame with him In making schedule. Hut the Windy one amm a ehanee to ggt rid of some of his preen, so he Insulted Johnson and the American League without the slightest hesitation. defeat of the Cubs affected this Talnkttve one’s trolley. He hud boast, ed all the year that the Cubs would In the |*ennant and the world’s series, and when It was certain that they id wisdom while uu Indulgent public would have lo play the White Sox. tho deluded Chicago magnate (Hey?) fairly bubbled over! lie notified the com mission that the Cubs wanted prizes of a certain pattern and made prepa rations to hold u glowing celebration In the Windy City. He talked to the newspatiers until he was blue in the face and the veins In his neck stood out like whip cords. It was all over but the shouting! The Cubs, who had beaten the overrated anti disorganized Giants, would make the Sox look like a lot of monkeys. Disappointed and Diapruntlad. Then the American League cham pions proceeded to prove the assertion that the Cubs had won the National League )>ennam from a lot of Joke ball teams. Just ns 1 tried to show readers of Tho Sporting News all along. Mur phy, when the Sox had won the series, fell from the mo.*n to the earth with u dull, sickening, bone-breaking thud! They picked him up like a bag of meal and pumped some needed wind Into his Inanimate body. Then tli* Human Pouter Pigeon opened his eyis and. aided by the artificial wind, he handed out the usual bull of c mgratulutlng the winners Babbling of BassbaU Baby. Do you remember how Mister Mur phy r«v»»d over the title "Champions »f Chicago" a year ago because the ’ubs had beaten the S*>x In the | M »st- season series, and how tin- New York Nationals world's champl ms had him ailed to account? Will, hn't I; a shame that the Loquacious and Chub by Individual can not head a genuine world's champion team/ TUtu wu "Wo pay Pulliam his salary In real money!" said Murphy recently In ills, cussing the increase of President Johnson’s pay to llo.onO. Isn’t that a baby a talk.’ DooKmnybody who knows Johnson and his methods suppose for a moment that he would stand for u fake ktory that his salary- had been boosted? Murphy’s era. k. In this case, is proof positive that the vlctorv of the Sox over the yellow c U bs was a crushing blow that put the pudgv lit tle man near the front door of the Home of Incurable Wind Rags! | un derstand that Murphy will receive a lUelchlng before long that will take of his collar! It J TWO BATTLES WITH DETROIT AND FINI8HE8 OUT 6PRING SCHEDULE. Malinger Hilly Smith, of the Atf.ii earn, has given the Detroit Amt-re. lutes In Atlanta for March 23 und .- h # . * ^**U*ltlon dates are now fill.**! M Ith the Detroit team, of doubted ability •nurse. »h* ferest will In* llli V.‘- mi wns drafted br |».* Ill be with the risen isoil, provided that pace with his uo* ikstop. isTT, FOR PUICANS GOOD EXHIBITIONS FOR CRESCENT CITY. Herr Is wliat "Thai—nurrmrr barley Frank, has to say about xhlbltlou games for the spring *1 have completed our schedule xhlbltlou games for the spring he first series will be with the «':.i <» National League team. wlntu-J- telr league championship T*-. ames begin on March 13 and «At* trough the 14th. 16th and 17th umth. Following the National- •me Cotnlskey’s White 8*>x. win*, f the world's championship. With White Sox team will be George IP and Kddle Hahn, the two Pelican- • on the series for Conii-'n They will play here on March 2" 1 24. I tried to arrange to I the White Sok and the National- together a series of five gam*- this could not be arranged nt this -• i After the two Chicago team- l’n ish U|» with my team, the PhllHdelp’d- Athletics, of the American League •” the New Yorks, of the National L* ig :• will meet here and (day out the world's championship serl» - Th* - •Vo teams fought out the question ears ago and both managers arc -m •nfident they can win from each •c! * * 1 The spirit of rivalry Is Just as now as It was then. With the P* ! 1 delphta team will be Jimmy l>vg :’ the little Pelican. These two i* ■ will meet on Murch 27, 2S. 29. 3a an* 31." bit SPORTING FIXTURES OF PRESENT WEEK Monday--Tm-r»>und l«,ut Bartley Connolly and Billy Burke. i.» Cortland. Ale i)|N*nlng of annual trials of United States Field Trial «lub at Grand Junction. Tenn. Annual bonsplel of Northwestern urllng Association at Duluth. Minn. Annual tourney American I*; of Advertising Interests at Plnehurst, N. C.. to con tinue three days. Tuesday-i Jpening .»f poultry and bench shows at Cincinnati, Minn* a; - Vt ‘IP. Hrt|l,,>n - Opening of three days* shooting tournamem iiamiitiAtt. uatt - e»»*v amateur boxing feu mam entor ^VYeVTc rn rr t at 8t. Louis, Mo. Wntnr.U.i >_-< H-rnlng „f H.mthrm Ken nr I Club ahow at M»mrW» T.-i • -i ’ i 1 "' 1 • •f 1 " brtworn Wllllo l^ala anil Krwt Luraa. at Montreal Tn huiM'N* , o n n * ,f 1 " r<l annual m ld»lnter golf tournament ut Pin*- L r !'.?Ji~ An J ual ,,f United Btutn Golf Amnrlatlnn ul Chlcag" Satur.J.n —ni.x.'oun’l bout between George (Kill) Lavlgne anJ •'"• true, at National Athletic flub, Pbilnilelphla.