The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 14, 1907, Image 5

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THE GEORGIAN’S Great Educational Offer places within your reach. IF YOU ACT QUICKLY, at a net saving of $32.00 to you, the latest and most complete Encyclopedia before the American public today. REMEMBER, we have a very limited nntnlmr of sets to place at this Special Introductory Price. These sets are going rapidly, and when they are ex hausted the publishers will open a general sale of this work at the regular price. Therefore, WE URGE YOU TO ACT QUICKLY. The re turn of the coupon places you under no obligation, it will afford us pleasure to give you full and com- plete information free of charge. This work, because of its superior authorship, its accurate and exhaustive treatment of subjects, the fairness to all sections of its historical and bi ographical articles is destined to become the stand ard reference work of our country. It remains with you to decide whether you will allow The Georgian to save you $32.00 NOW, and by our spe cial arrangement enable you to pay for this Encyclo pedia at the rate of a few pennies a day, OR WHETHER YOU WILL PURCHASE IT LATER FROM THE PUBLISHERS AT FULL PRICE. THE UNITED EDITORS’ ENCYCLOPEDIA AND DICTIONARY 40 Volumes 28,000 Pages 100,060 Articles 7,000 Illustrations The Value of This Encyclopedia in the home. to every’ member of the family cannot be estimated in dollars and cents. Present times demand of him who would be successful, a keen intellect and a ready fund of knowledge. As the world ad vances competition grows sharper, and the igno- rant are hurled to the .rear in the struggle for cx-~ istence. -The United Editors’Encyclopedia and Diction ary places within your reach for daily reference the accumulated knowledge of the centuries on all sub jects. A MODERN METHODS OF INSTRUCTION 7 used in our schools- and colleges today- require of the pupil a certain amount of home reading, and personal research for information not found within tbc lids of text books. The arrangement of fho ar- tides in the United Editors’ is so simple that the. child of ten can find in a moment information on any subject he desires. Have you, in your home, an up-to-date reference work ? If not, is it not unreasonable for you to ex pect your child to compete successfully with those pupils who have these advantages! If you desire full information as to the value this 'work, its arrangement, its scope, and the special price of the introductory sets which, we have obtained, mail the attached cou pon today. 'W ■■■><-* '^//// vVV' An Appeal For Inter- naiional Action Made hv Mission Boards. ! i.loluhlu. Jan. 14.—On behalf <»f •*»:ii*ken people of the Congo Free Ati up|*>al for Immediate Internn- I action I a to be sent to President •srvrtt, the United 8tntca eenate and | I-Mwaul of England, by the for- ::i inix«|on board* of the United • and Uonndn. Thlx wns decided • • ••nference here Haturday. FIVE MEET DEATH lil TRAIN WRECK AT BARNEY, N, M l .i't Hindi Island Passenger I lashes Into an Open Switch. • CUMMINS LIKELY TO KEEP DOLLIVER OUT OPILS. SENATE Trouble Is Started Over the Question of Pat- - ronage. FfiENCHCLERCV ’ l’.i>o, Texas, Jan. 14.—Five per- ♦•te killed and eight Injured yes- *' when Hook Island pnwngor No. 30, bound for UhtcnRo. and • at a high rate of speed, ran •a open switch at Barney. N. M„ il<‘H north of this city. •lead are: Engineer II. Ackley fireman C, J. Pefleld, both of «'ar- a passenger, boy and Mexican • 1 None of the Injured will die • nglne left the track and turned The engineer and fireman were "• under the locomotive. The train nuary 2 was In collision nt Vol- Kans., with No. 22. Thirty-two -• were killed In that wreck. Haturday afternoon a spe«*li»l : carrying Vies President Mudge ■ party of Rock Island officials, w treked near Hvtllo, Oklo.. No •u* hurt. SprMMHng rails eausod '* COUNTESS OF WESTMORELAND WANTS DIVORCE SO SHE CAN WED EXP A TRIA TED AMERICAN :4 LARY appropriation FOR FOOD INSPECTOR. to The (leorgtan. Oa., Jan. 14.—The flnan«*e "attee of the city council will tne-t *bf Among other thing* »** »**• * n up is the appropriation »*f a sal* 1 f >r the pure food inspector. London. JAn. 14.—Despite the fact that she and her husband have been seen In public since reports cropped out that their marital relations were strained. It can be stated on the best authority that the Couness of West morland Is preparing to bring divorce proceedings ugnlnst the earl. She desires her freedom so thnt she will be able to marry a former New Yorkei, an expatriated American Uroe. fcU s. who has IIveil In England for veur* and who owns a splendid and ! historic mansion th» r»*. Says Esrl Is Crust. ^ "-The beautiful and • Mut ating nrialo- ^ rs ,t will allege In her bill of complaint •that her husband has born false to his I marriage vows anti has treated her cru- i ,l Th" Income from New York real , holding* of this banished Amor- i.-Hti inultl-mllllfnalM*. who rrnouncml i hi* -*wn country anti swore all* giam • tjreat Britain, s enormous. At the! 1 11up. he bt> atm- a naturalised British subject the eves of tin* world were turned on him in consult It Is known that this expatriate has been tlie admire) and le-t»efnci*»r **f the beautiful countess. Just now she Is In !«ondon. math mnsplcuous be cause of magnitht-nt furs costing u fortune. May Not Defend Suit. To mialtnixe the publh tty anti ptv-1 vent tfu* sensation that the beginning! of the divorce procertllngs will surely cause in Prance. England and Atner- I lea effo'ts arc h*lrtg niH»le to nrrang** * s«» that the suit shall not he defended.i But whether this can lie done with the en«a-mouit mrourcr* at th- «»»Yh v ' mnnd-of the suen s.«*Up of tTn- t-nrl in the countess* affxtlons Is not at pus-I rnt known. The only way lid*' distraction to tin* romance can be •> ii- motmted Is to Imltire the earl pot to bring counter «haute* against Ids! ad A* The gentbmnn in queotlrn has never, Had lb liro.itli of scandal a-e.ill nu! private life. II abhors it \. hej has u son ami daughter who haw oiai - i led ifintlv and are living In happlms- Both these unions again-t ills wishis. Another obstacle inav he the vent I »n of the king's proctor, wh- I Mep in and render a divorce Impoii- jslble. To do this It will have lM*en I shown that the (••unless had Imph as I di-relict In her wedded life as has been the earl. FATHER AND CHILDREN SEE MOTHER KILLED gpedal to Tin* Georgian. Btrminghnm, Ala,. Jan 11 -While en route to the depot with li«r husband (ltd two children, Mrn,„ A. Baker, who lived nt llenry-Ellen, a few miles from this city, was tun over by an • lectrlo cor here early this morning and killed, her head being crushed almost to a pulp. A little baby was knocked out of the woman's nrma and badly hurt. Mrs. Baker, her husband and two children wen- «.;i a visit to a daughter ut East f«uke, an*l were on theli way In dep »t to go to llenry-Ellen. In \ alighted from an East Lake and awaited until It passed. H.illrt to the car split a switch tan off fr'hlu the regular route, king Mm, Baker down and killing Expart in Ons Way. nfnny letters n Any can you •I etiUldii'l ls-alti to oml lu tli** ill*- , Wlij. that •Hem iti any elBUd I nn. Des Moines, Iowa. Jan. 14.—It la aa- serted the out look-for -the re-elsctlon of Henntor Dolllver, of Iowa, Is doubt ful. because of the opposition of Gov ernor ('timmlni. The question started over patronage. SALVATIONIST IS CRITICISED BY Y.M.C. A, SPEAKER filth i«i,i of til- relief method* snd char tty work.of rli- .Halratlan Artur marked su nildn-R* made Simdny iiioriilug t«y llev. J. H. Tiller of the Young Men's I'brlstlau A* Solent lull to tll» VoUDg ladles' HlMe f|«S* nt the Trinity ehureb. While prill-lug the Army for souie of Its work, stirh ns vlnltlng the liomen lit the abihim where Hie sh k are helplen*, Mr. Til ley declared the Army's charity ntid relief methods weie niit|i|ontoil nnd imncletillflc, and he further deelnred that better remilt* oil Id In* iiecotiiplliib'sl If the Army official* would co-operate with the A**oclated fhar- Itles. KapsHslly did Mr. Tilley rrltlels* the flirlNtina* dinners given hr the snlvntlon Army to I he poor of Atlanta, and In doing so lie Mid the custom of io filing the |MKir together and lain-tin* them "The Oty'a trestitute" Wax harmful nnd calculated to make them lone their self-re*|Ns*t. e dinners of which Mr Tilley *poke. ever, were not given by the Halvatlon Army In the manner which he criticised. Those who had ticket* and Ihess Were In estlgnlisl lief ore they received tickets— Islted the hall of the Army and were given •nsket* containing dinner* for live permoii* m b. The Halvatlon Army only gave away issi which the recipient* had to cook at VETERAN EDUCATOR JOINS GREAT GLASS OF NUMBERED DEAD special to The (ieorgtnn. fieorgli.... rifle. H«-. J an. !4~!>r. U. II. J«r r Uiinnan I'nUendty. dl»s| Haturdar The funeral will lie held here to Pope Discusses the Church Situation Be- ' fore Students. Rome, Italy. Jan. 14*-tn «ddNaria*j the atudent, of tha Amarlca* OoP«f In. Roma, who ware praaantad to him yea.] terday by Mar. Kennedy, reetor eMthaj collace. Pope Ptua aald, apaaktn^ wf* tha attuatton In Franoa: 1 "In the war that U bain* wacadOta.. tween the clergy and hell, (be expraa 1} alone or unity and aympathy from. Cathollce throughout the world are thaJ greateet consolation. Amerlo* e*pa«] dally haa dlatlngulahed hereelf In thla way; Indeed, America la a credit to us.* When you return to your country fol-! low with the clergy and tha people thla lutnlnoua example of eoUdarlty la tha tremendous conflict again*! Mia church." Mgr. Kennedy had statad that tha American etudenta were more Burner- one than thoee of any other nationality attending Institution! of learning in Home. ANTI-CLERICAL RIOTING IN ONE SPANISH CITY. Madrid. Spain. Jan. 14.—It ta believed tho ministry will not last out the week. All efforts by the moderate and ad* vnneed sections of the Liberals looking to a reconciliation have proved futile. The chief point at Issue le the pro poned anti-clerical kaeodatlona law. Rioting la attending an anti-clerical demonstration at Bilbao. Troops were held ready for serious trouble. At San Sebastian 30.000 persona took part In In an anti-clerical parade. WHILE SICK IN BED, HE IS SWORN IN lirindl. Midi , Jan. li—While plopped ap In la-d hy pillow, at hie home In Farming- •on. ilnvernnr Frederick U. Werner was Metnrday sworn la for hie see eng Term a. chief cin-utlre of the state of Mlchlgma. • lorernor Warner has been confined to Us Ited for two weeks hy en etttek of Inge- cues, aed Me been threatened with pose- molds. There were only fourteen spectators, anion* whom were three of the governor's Itnllllml friend,. Congressman a. A. Smith, mate Senator T. It. Iwety snd atsle Repre- senlstlre II. N. McCracken, end members of the family.