The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 14, 1907, Image 7

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. MONDAY. »AHt!A*Y 14, 1400. 4% Interest Compounded, Allowed In Our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT On and After January 1,1907 TH E NEAL BANK E. B. THORNTON, President. W. F. MAMET, H. 0. CALDWELL, T. M. BERRY, Vice Preeldent. Ouhler. Aie’t Oubier. NOBODY BUT NEGRO SOLDIERS TO BLAME, SA YS THE PRESIDENT Continued from Pag* On*. Slates troop# for soma flve m .mh, prior to the shooting In quea- ,l.,„ an'! which Is not In the possession „f private eltlsans. ■Th» cartridge used will go Into one mlier rifle used In the United States »nan aneelnlly chambered—the Wln- rhaatar "f the '08 model—but It will rsialv If ever, go off when In It and moreover the bullets picked out of the building# show lha markings of the on some of the minor points, but ever,* -a^, i .... vailed "land*' which come from —.... — . hams tired through the Hprtngfleld, but n.t through the Winchester, the latter They (Ired Into the Btarek house, the bulleia gidng through the mosquito bar of a bed from II to 20 Inches above where little children were sleeping. There was a tight In the children's room Others Certainly Knew, “The shooting took place near mid night. The panic caused by the utter ly unexpected attack was great. The darkness, of course, Inireaaed the con fusion. There Is a conflict of testimony 4 In# »ls. The bullets which 1 here -aim submit.-which were found In the I,..,,,,, ,-ould not. therefore, have been fl,,,! irrmn a Winchester or any other although—lha—cart ridges might Itsve been pul Into a Winchester m i id a I of The bullets might have barn tired from a Krag, but the car- iridsrs would not have gone Into a Kmc Springfield Rifle Used. •Taking the shells and bullets to gether. the proof Is conclusive that the n»it Springfield rifle was the weapon u ,e,l t>: the midnight assassins, and couM not. by any possibility, have been an\ Other rifle of anv kind fn the world. Tiiir. ..f Itself, establishes the fact that the assailants were United States sol di-,> .inti would be conclusive on this ■i .1st if noi one soldier had been seen ,,r rrnrd hi- any reehlente In Browns. Mile on tho night In question and If nothing w ere known stive the finding of the shells, clips and bullets. •fourteen eye witnesses, namely, fhttries R. t'hase, Aniado Mitrtln#*, Mrs Kate l.enhy. Palerno Preoladi. Tinsel" Ihinilnegues. Matigado Ilonm- rjez Georg* W. Randall. Jose Marll- „'j f McDonald. I\ H. A. Sanborn. Herbert Klklns. Hole Odin. Mrs. Hale min itntl Judge Parks, testify that they ■as the assailants, or some of them, at tattoos distances, and that they were n-gro ttoops. most of the witnesses living testimony In such shape that there is no possibility of their having been mistaken. Saw ths Negro Troops. •Jv«rptt Heritn and Oenero Psrdron Tto-rtT- stmte of tlte asaallants and test tiled that they were aoldlers (the oat, soldiers In the neighborhood be ing the colored troops). Four other fitnesses nnmely 3. O. Moore. Thorn cos, -s f. Canada and Uharlca A Htfttmontl. testlfled to hearing the shooting ami lienrtng the voices uf the teen who were doing II. and that these vttd not Mutually aei* the men who were do- inc the Rh»*ntlng. About twenty-live .«thrr uftntnata Rave their cnro»bon»- tl-iji, to n greater or Itaa dagree. to the testimony of those who thu» eaw the Tt:r.,-.Trre r.r brArd them.-The teetbrnmy rr Ttif-cp rve and ear wltneasea should e«tatill«h be>ond all poaalblllty of con tradiction the fact that the ahootlng «ih mnimltted by ten or fifteen or ni"ie* of the negro troopa from the *ar- rl*on nnd thin testimony of thelra ""liH be amply aufflclent In Itaelf, If a i artrlditf nr bullet ahnuld i be f' urvl. exactly hh the bullet* and'the oirfrJdge.H were ffJund would have ea- taMMuri the guilt of the troopers even ha t n »t n ■Ingle eye ditnaaa iaw them ••r other wltne**** heard them. • Fired From Barracks. Th** tentimony of the wlliffWI *nd t>» ip.ultlon of the bullet hole* ■how tlf«**»n ..»• twenty negro trnopa gnther- inxl'le the fort. and that the Aral fired Int. the town were fire I f r "»u within the fort; pome of them, at from the upper gallerlea of the In ‘ Vht* »*Mlm my further show* that *»> t'-oops then came out over the »ini‘. ««m* of them perhapp going ’’'r -tigh the gate and advanced a die- -**n*-e -of ana . yard* ♦** thereah*u»U Into m«n During their advance they >'••• into two hotel* and pome nine or thur houaaa. Three of the private I*■•'i-e«. into which they fired contained w -mo , H.»d children. They dellberate- '• kilh'it Frank Xatu*. the bar tender, ■footing hint «lo\vn from a dletance of * h • d 1 r» yard*. They Phot at a man woman. Mr. and Mr*, odln. and ? Mr Mttle boy. aa they atood In the w lti'l"H nf the Miller hotel, the bullet S ing !n«4 than 2 Inchep from the head *h" womnn. They ahot di>wn the ivmt of |Mdlce. who wae i»D horse. b *«« k killing hie horee and woumllng > . that he has had to have hl» • m -imputated. Attempted to Kill Police. ' Th*»v attempted to kill two police- They poaalblllty of honeet question. The cartful examlnelion of Mr. Purdy, ae- Blatant to the attorney general, resulted merely In atrengthrnlng the reports al- ready made by the regular army au- -tfmrtrtww. The #TW7.WllJ. ir Appear*. occupied about ten mlnutea. although It may have been pome minute* more or leee. ‘"It l» out of the fjueptlnn that the 1& or 20 men engaged In the aaaault could have gathered behind the wall of the fort, begun firing, eonie of them on the porchea of the harrarkp, gone out Into the town, fired In the neighborhood of 200 phota In the town and then re turned—the total time occupied from the time of the flrat ah^t to the time of their return being somewhere In the neighborhood of ten mlnutea—without many of their comradea knowing what they had done. Indeed, the fuller de- tallN are established by the additional evidence, taken since | last commu- nirAted.wjiii tTie whatr. inaTseTit likely that there were very few. If any, of the poldlerp dlamlaaed who muld have been Ignorant of what occurred. It la well nigh Itnponaihle that any of the non comml.sMloncd officers who were at the barracks should not have known what occurred. Reecinda Part of Order. "The additional evidence thus taken render* It. in any opinion. Imixisidble to question the conclusions upon which my order waa baaed. I have gone moat arefully over every Issue of law and fact that has been raised. 1 am now satisfied that the effect of my order dismissing these men without honor waa not to bar them from all civil em ployment under the government, ahd,~ therefore, that the part of the order which consisted of a declaration to this effect was lacking In validity, and I have directed that such portion be re voked. As to the rest of the order, dla. missing the Individuals In question without honor and declaring the effect of such discharge tinder the law and regulations to he a hat to their future re-enllstment. either In the army or the navy. There Ta no doubt of tny constitu tional AlYdTegat power. ”The order was within mV discretion, under the constitution and the laws, ami can not be reviewed or reversed save by another executive order. The facta did not merely warrant the action l trtok-rthey rendered push action Im perative unless I waa to prove false to my sworn dut>L Must Clear Himself. "If any one of the men discharged hereafter shows to my satisfaction that he Is clear of guilt or of shielding the guilty. I will take what action Is war ranted: hut the circumstances I have above detailed most certainly put upon ST" T,ZT ,th«rr».« T r; nr-.! from .h. » r r ! '"' in houif. putting out « llghtoit | th» tiarraik. and to the « putting th» dining room tgbla. Mr"' and h»r children tvrre In the they at once threw themaelver • n the floor and ware not hit Bracelets By all odds the prettiest aid most pleasing bracelets you can find are those in our cases. Have you. aeon them? Styles so varied that all tastes are met. Patterns of the newest and smartest kinds. We shall be happy to have you inspect them. Maier & Berkele 1 NEGR0E8 WERE DIRECTED BY ORDER8 OF LEADER. Washington, Jan. 14.—Secretary Taft s ietter to the president transmit ting the additional evidence taken by Major Uloeksom and Mr. Purdy con tains n resume of the evidence from w hlrh the only Inference to he drawn Is that the shooting at Brownsville was done by the negro soldiers. A number*’ of houses were, riddled with bulleia...... Matlnez. a drug clerk, testified that ho was reading In his house on the garrison road the night of the trou ble; that he heard n half dozen shots from within the garrison and heard someone say: “Hurry up nnd Jump." nnd then saw flve men rlltnb over the garrison fence. They were followed hv ab*>ul twenty more. Had to Hide Children. The soldiers, seen by Martinez at fifteen paces, were shooting from their hips ns they proceeded, some up the alley and some up Elisabeth afreet, to the east. Mr. MacDonald, an elderly carpenter, testlfled to seeing shots fired from within the garrison, one or two gallery of exit of the firing part of the reservation. O. W Hnndall and Ids wife live over the tele graph station Randall heard th« shooting, which lasted ten minutes and saw the party of soldiers. A bul let entered the room and scattered dust After describing the progress of the soldiers up the alley, the testimony concerning the shooting at the Fowan house Included that of Amado Marti- nex, a maid, .who saWAhe was dosing a window and extinguishing the lights when *he saw the soldiers advancing. Mr* rowan had placed her six chil dren under a bed. The house was full of bullet holes. The dining room lamp was smashed and another bullet pene trated several partitions and broke a wardrobe mirror. Leader Gave Orders. Thr testimony by various witnesses * ho wed that the squad which advanced through the alley had - -•*- gave orders to hlr # SHOOTS MIN DOWN FATHEBJAS KILLED Bloody Tragedy Occurred iu Cedartown gtreete Sat urday Evening. •prel.l to Tk. GMfftta. Odartown, Ga., Jan. Jl.—With a bull.! hole ahot through hta heart by I.»» Reid. Joe Hackney Jell dead, on _ lower Weet avenue at a apot where Reld'e father waa killed by Will Car ter eome month# ago, Saturday even ing. Only one ahot waa fired. Retd te te year# of aga and Hackney waa about >0. The cauae of the killing cannot be learned. Both partlea had been to a dance and It waa probably there that the trouble began. It ta stated that there were aeven eye witnesses to the killing, hut none seem to know the cauae of the difficulty. It la aald that Reid and Hackney were In company with the aeven men, and they slapped out from the rrowd, and In a fit'' mo menta Reid had flred the fate! allot. Reid Immediately aklf present has not been FATHER CONVICTED (HTMQll HAPPINESS OF THIS LOVER DEPENDED ON THE RETURN OFSWEETHEART'S BROTHER TO Accused of giving hla two little chil dren, a boy aj^d € years and a girl 4 years old, whlaky, and making them drunk late Saturday afternoon, and then throwing whisky on hla wife and tearing her clothes, J. B. Shipp, of * Ella street, waa Monday morning sen- nced_hy„Rgcordef__Broyl „ sera? thirty daya in tha stockade without the privilege of paying a fine. Complaint against Shipp was made to Probation Officer Oloer by Engineer Lewis, of the Orady hospital, who .Is a relative by marriage of Mrs. Shipp. Mr. Lewis testlfled In court that the eo little children were given whisky by their father, and that Shipp also threw some of the liquor on his wife, after which he tore her clothing. It was stated that the boy was made beastly drunk, but that the girl’s con dition waa not so bad. Shipp admitted giving the children some “rock nnd rye,” which he said he had purchased for a cough. He denied the charge regarding hla wife. Mrs. Shipp was not In court. The father said ne had no Intention of making the child reifUrunk. INTO II TREE Will Jnhnaotva negro, who waa ar- reated Huntlny on the charge of gam ing. consider# hlmaelf "hoodooed." Even Dame Nature conspired against him and prevented hla escape from the tolla of tha law. Johnson waa engaged In earning money by Ihe "uncut of hla brow” In a crap tame at Ben Hill, at 1 o'clock Sunday morning, when County Police men Peacock, Oliver and Hasarnck walked In on the game. Three other negroee were In the room. One of theae aucceeded In gcootlng under a bed, while the othere attempted to hide be hind the doore, but were caught. John- •on Clipped through the door, followed by Policeman Peacock, who flred aev- ernl ehbta In atop hlin. Juat aa the negro had almoat made good hla enrape a large tree "roue up" In front of him and Johnaon crashed Into It head fore- moat. He fell to the ground and the officer wae coon on him. The negro pleaded guilty. The negroes were ill fined Its or eight monlha. FINE BIRDDOGSDIEi OWNERS BELIEVE THEYWEflE POISONED Pear" expedition, and of P. Williard Geer, to whom the wae married at the city hall in New York recently. The marriage waa the reeult of a prett" romance. Mite Wolf announced to her auiter that ihe would net marry him unices her brother return ed safe from tha axpaditien. ,‘GET A DIVORCE,” ADVISES JUDGE BROYLES TO WOMAN After W. A. Summers, who resides In Marietta street, near Hellw^ood ave nue, had been sentenced Monday morn ing to serve thirty days In the slock- ade, without a~flneT-an«rBoinnt over tu the state courts under bgnd of $5<w> «n -the charjee of falling «•* support hi* minor child. Recorder Broyles turned to Mrs. Hummers, the wife, and remarked: Mr*. Hummer*. I would advise you to at once engage a lawyer, sue this man for a divorce and get rid of him for good. If-you don’t ho win kill you. He I* certain to do It." The young wife gave no definite an swer to this advice, hut hor manner Indicated she contemplated inking It. Thl* I* the third time during the last few months Summers has been before Ithe recorder for the *ame offense. One tlrnc he waa given (wenty-one daya in the stockade, hut wn* released Just be fore the term expired on plea of the wife. At nnoth^r time the case was «1lsmtsso4 Hummers' plea to take his wife to Iaawrencevllle and not mistreat her ngAln. Mr*. Rummers testified her husband had not Improved hi* way*, hut was still mistreating her. cursing and abua- Ing her. Hho said he had also threat ened to kill her. .Mrs. Rummers de clared another woman figured In the case, and that (h1s~Was the cause of Ihe mistreatment. It will be remembered that the former time Hummers waa aent to the .stockade letters were Introduced In evidence which were written to him by a woman signing herself "Rose." SUB-TREASURYPLAN CARRIED 00T EVEN IF NOT IN ATLANTA leader, who follower#. When "everai xoldlere curled through a aide etroet they were ordered hark. An other time Ihe leader .topped In a mud hole nnd directed the othere to avoid I The .quad fired two volley# from ihe alley at l.teutennnt Domlnlauea, n noiiieihun of twenty year.' exi>erlen.-r. I'M.trnn .atv thl. and recoanlted the men aa negro eoldltra. The white hor.e Domlnlguex rode wn. hit twice and killed and the lieutenant', arm "n. .buttered lhal It had to Ik- itm- yutaied. Dumlnguee wae within Zi Sped.I to The Crerglen. Amerlcue, Go, Jan. 14.—In the laet two week# «ome pereon, tt la Charged, ha. killed with polaon eeveral of the fine.t bird doga In thin .action of Geor gia — Joe Hl.thtower, the rrark ahot of the Peter*' Cartridge Company, has loat rn of hi. heat .etter*. Among the other fine dog. believed to have been pol.oned were tho.e of O. M. Eldrtilge, W. C. carter. W. T. Love. G. D. Wheatley and many nth- ere here. A club la being formed here for the protection of thr owner., and detertlv.a will aurt at once to find the Inhuman perenfi who la In thl. way ruining aport here. feet of the anldtera, had fairly good light on them, and remgnlaed them aa negro regular#. Bertender Wae Killed. The ehnntlng at the other point, where wltnr.aea had » look at the anldlere la aet forth, Including that at the Tillman, or Ruby ealoon. There Natu*. the barkeeper, had put up thr ehutters In front when ha heard the CAPT, JOE WHEELER, TO INSPECT TROOPS Even tf Atlanta doe.n'l get the aub- captain Jo.cph Wheeler, .on of the .... ..o, v u win Iirnluitdv Be cstuti- l»»o-G»umro) Joieph Wheeler, hoe been treasury, it will prooamy «« c.iao hy , h , WBr „ mr , W aahlng- II.tied. It will If the rii ommendatlon (l)t| fl „. , he annual In.pertlnn of the <*f Secretary Shaw, of the treasury do- national guard of Georgia, beginning pnrtment has any weight with the Ft hruary 11 and ending April 21. committee oo way. and meana, eoi h l,T.mL.T'i. u ,_ ry , wnitAP ta <'notier of the '‘ r ' and 1* noa stationed at Secretary Matter U. loiper. or in Kor( Screven, nenr Savannah. He wilt Chamber of Commerce, wan adviced on Iir „ h ahly Join Colonel W. a. Obenr. In- Monday that Secretary Shnw had rec- .pector general of the national guard ammenileil to the way. nnd inrun, "f Georgia, when lie lirgtna the annual committee the advl.nbtllly of cetab-1 ln«pcctlon at Jark.on on February 11. Itehlng a .ub-treiuiury In the Smith-1 captain Wheeler I. well known In eaetern .Hite., but he did not reconi-1 Atlanta and other part, nf the .late, mend what city nr ntatr .hmild get It. and the new. that he ha. been detailed It will be recalled that the committee I for the regular army In.pertlnn will e.ked Secretary Shaw for hi. opinion I plena# military men throughout Geor aa to the advloablllty of eatabll.lilnK another «uh-treaiury and hla annum approving of the plan I. conoldereil fa vorable to Atlanta’a chancen. Thai the nutMtea.urv ivtll now be entnbll.hed there I. little doubt, but whether or not It will he acted upon at till# ee.slon of congre.s I. * problem. B. B. B.—Botanic Blood Bain **'Large Sample Sent Free - ®* Guaranteed Under the Pure Food and Drug Law. Get the Best Blood Medicine; Cures Eczema, Stops Itching and Bone Pains, Reduces Swelling and Risings, Makes the Blood Pure and Rich. Whin your Bl'yod la Impure It la. wire in take Blood Medicine, but when I ou are eo unfortunate aa to i food Remedy, 6ot the Best, Blond Balm I. guaranteed under the National Pur* Food and Drug I4* We further guarantee that you will get good reaulta from Ita uee, hy returning your money, If It fall- to cure, when taken aa directed. Botanic Blood Balm la compoeed nf pure Botanic Ingredi ents representing the beat ruratlva agent, for trouble# a rising from im pure blood*. Rood Symptoms la your Blood Thin? Skin Pal#? All Run Down? A. tired In Ihe morning a# fvhen you weni hi bed? Pimple#? Bnl|a? Swollen aland# nr Joint#? Ca- tflreh? Putrid Breath? Eruption#? Boras ta the Mouth nr Throat? If eo, your blood la had. TO CURE CATHOLIC RELIGION AS AFFECTS PROGRESS WILL BE DISCUSSED Special to The Georgian. Young Harrl# College, Ga.. Jan. 14.— The Young Harris and Phi Chi Soele- tle# of Young Harrl# College have elected debater# to represent them at the annual champion debate to be held during commencement In May, a. follow*: Young Harrl#—D. W. Freem«n. Dan- lel.vllle. L. M. Singleton, Humming, G. W, Hamilton. Auguata. Phi Ch(-^T. X 'Lani'e. Chretoa: W. V. Lance. Choeatne. and F. L. Hul- •y. Decatur. The subject for dtacuoaton la: "That Homan Cathollclam haa done more than absolute monarchies to retard national progress and restrain personal liberty In European nation*.” IMPORTANT CHANGES IN SCHEDULES. B<>°n all Itching and palna j wITt atop becaune B. H. H. maliaaTM ^1 blood pur* and rich. Sore# are aoon haaled. Pimple* vanlah. Rising* and awelllnga subside. In Ihelr place,' ea .7L ,, . , !’ r pur ® c,, * n a* 1 ". manUad with rich red of pure blood ami pap- re fact health. B. B. B. work* wonder*. ; It build# up tha brok#n-dnwn body and Invigorate# the old and weak. i Waak, Inactive Kidney*—B. U. 8. strengthen# weak kidneys and bladder, draining off all dlseaaed matter and all , uric arid, ao the urln* flow* freely and naturally. Betanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) I* plsasant and aaf* to taka. Thoroughly lasted for 30 yaara. Composed of Purs Botanic tngredttnti. StrengthtMi WMtf • —: Stomach, curat Dyapapala. Price ft par larga bottle, at drug stores or by expr*## prepaid. Sample fra* by writ ing Bleed Balm Co, Atlanta, St. —re 1 .. 1 1 ——* NORAND MATINEE TODAY—TONIGHT. Return ef the Operatlo Slice###, "THE TENDERFOOT" With OSCAR L. FIGMAN AND ROTH WHITK. 50 PEOPLE—OLD FAVORITES. Night Pric##, 23c. to *1.30; Matin*#, 23c. t* f 1.00 The W#«t Point Route. Effe January 7, 1*07. No. 3S—Leave Atlanta C:20 a .nlted States fast mnll for Monti ery. Mobile, New Orleans and the \ No. 22—Leave Atlanta 2:10 • Montgomery accommodation. For Montgomery and all Intermediate ata tlona. No. 20—Leave Atlanta 1:13 p. m New Orleans express. For Montgom ery, Mobile. Helm#. New Orleans and all points West. No. 41-Leave Atlanta 8:28 p. m. West Point accommodation. For West Point and all Intermediate sta tion#. Dally excapt Sunday. No. IT—t>*v* Amntg «:»0 p. mr New York and New Orleans limited. For Montgomery. Mobile, Pensacola, New Orleans and all point# Weal. Bol- Id Pullman veitlbul* train. Club car. Dining car. Bleepers and obser vation car between New York, Atlanta and New Orleans. No. ft—Leave Atlanta 4:20 p West Point accommodation. For Weal Point and all Intermedia!* stations. Hunday only. Apply in ticket agents for folders and schedules. C. to WICKER8HAM, City Passenger Agent. F. M THOMPSON, Traveling Passenger Agent, Atlan ta, Oa. , A NEW TRAIN To Jacksonville, Fla., via SOUTHERN RAILWAY, leaves Atlanta 8:80 p. m., arrives Jacksonville 7:30 a. m., connecting with all lines diverging from Jacksonville. Wadnatday and Thursday Night*. January 1S-17. —2 PERFORMANCES ONLY— Miss Maxine Elliott In tha Clyde Fitch Csrnady “Her Great Match" Prices 2Se te *2.00—SALE NOW ON.. ™ BIJOU MATINEE TODAY—TONIGHT. HANLON BROS'. OORQtOUB “ FANTASIKIA ” Company 50—THREE OAKS UnparalUlftd 8o«nlc 8p««tael« STATISTICS. □ ! nun voiir*. ! mond firing «nd had closed th* court yard gnte fining on th® allay, when a hnlf dozen soldiers reached ths rear nf the Mloon. They flred n volley and Natu* fell dead aoroas a clntem rover Two wltnesseR testified that these men were negro soldiers. Secretary Taft reviews the ordnance question and furnished l*re*ld«*nt Roosevelt with the fart* relative to the ammunition used In the new 1903 Hprtngfleld model, which Is a develop ment and Improvement of the SOei-all- her Krag.Jorgenson and a much more powerful weapon. BUILDING PERMIT8. $T,000—Shiloh Metropolitan A M. K. hurch. to build brick churrh nt r«*r- ier of \’lne and Foundry stn*etr. 19.099—«*. W. Mole, to build three one-story frame dwellings at 33o-2*6 Little street. , 119o—W. A. Arnold, to repair frame dwelling at 174 McDaniel street. tl.200—James MeOellder*. t*b build one-story frame dwelling at 8-10 <lray 1,1 $200—Pellegrlne ft Almand. t<* build frame shed at 69* Whitehall street. 16,000—Osorge H. Fau»s. to build two-story frame dwelling at 640 North Boulevard. DEATHS. Joe Camphel. age 24 year*, died of pneumonia at 14 Fraser street. Mercy Clover, age |o year* (colored), died of broken neck at 4 North For syth street. Isenton Ruff nolored), age 99 years,, died nt 101 North llutler street. 1 Mr. C. A. Hoikman, age 46 $a«ra» Warranty deed tiled at Mllledgevllle, Ga. I»ee Vang Manx tt'hlnaman), age 6.1 years, died of pneumonia nt 101 North Butler street. J »e Lumpkin (colored!, age 14 years, dle»l of gun shot In henl at tirady hos- pltal. Itufus Andrews (colored), nge 47 dlefl of pneumonia at 46 Rich- street. PR0PERTY~RAN8FER8. 9326—L. H. Botin, L. 7. B***ser and Morris Brandon to W. A. Hears, lot on t’onnally street, near <;i*nwn4>d ave nue. Warranty deed. 970—M. D. Wldner to Nathan A. Me- Donald and T. A. Conger, lot known us the ".Man Lot. 1126—W. t\ Harper to J. H. Cowley, lot on Cascade avenue. Warranty deed. 9217 J If Cowley to W. C. Harper and W. M Weathers. I<*t on McLeod avenue Warranty deed. Iio.soi) (penal stiml—Mrs. Harah I*. Ta>l.»r to L. H. Foster. .Mrs. Ilachel Foster and Mrs. Mabel M. Foster, l*»t on Jackson street Uontl for title. II.6an- J. I*. Oliver to J. A. Defoor, bit at the Junction of the Adamsvllle and Cainpbeilton roads. Warranty deed, 1720 -L. O. Kimberly to J. P. Oliver, ltd at the Junction of the Adamsvllle ami Camphellton mad Warranty deed. I860 - Oermanla Havings bank to Ho mer Bailey, lot on .Magnolia street. Deaths and Ftmsrals Mr#. Sarah Peresna. Spn-lat In Thr GeorgUo. rullmlen. Ga.. Jan. 14 — Mrs. Rarah Person* dlrd at the home nf her daugh ter. at Jullrttr, Friday and was burled htVt Hunday at 11 o'clock. Rev. F. D. Cantrell, ihe local pastor, conducted tha ceremonlea. Bhe leaves several chil dren. Frank Hutehlns. The funeral eervlces of Frank Hutch ins, who dropped dead while crossing Ihe street, *t the corner of Forsyth and Mitchell streets, Baturdsy morn ing. -era conducted Monday morning si the Antioch Hsptlat church. The Interment use In the church yard He Is survived hy his sister, Mre. T. A. Bowen, of East I'olnt. Gilbert Jackson. Thr funeral service# nf anbei-t Jack- son, Jr., who died at hla home on th# McDonough road Friday ntght, were conducted 8unday morning In th* hapel of Harry G. Pool* A Co. The Interment traa at the family burying ground. Ori# Mullins. The funeral »#nrlc#e nf Orle Mul lins. who died at the residence of her mother, Mrs. Harah Mullins, Hunday evening, were conducted Monday att- ern.nm at the residence. 211 Means street. The Interment waa at Collin# Hprlnge. P«n#ion Payment#. Payment »f penalone for 1007 will begin Wedneaday. Un Wednesday all the t«n pensions, which are for Ihe In- dlaenl. will be paid. Thursday those f th* Invalids and Friday Ihe pension* if the women. All vouchers must be signed In the ordinary's ofltes and the pensions will b* paid at th* capltnl. jELDORADO| on nu/iN uci tin i c cmnr so BALDWIN-MELV1LLE STOCK CO. MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Tnetday #nd‘ivedne2j#y Matlaee*. "THE ROYAL SLAVE" nursdar. Friday and Rithrday Ntgkta. rridxy and flattmlay Matinees. "KNOBS 0’ TENNESSEE." Night Prices I Sc, 20c, 10c, 80c. Matinee Price#, 18c, 20c, 20c. V SPECIAL “LITTLE LORD FAUNTLER0Y” JANUARY 24-2*. THE STAR* WEEK OF JANUARY 14. COMEDY DRAMA, 'TWO LUCKY TRAMPS" "PIGEON FAIRY” and "HARRIED EOR MILLIONS” New Moving Picture#. > STRONG VAUDEVILLE Matin*## Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday at 1:10. V Night at 0 o'clock. teen accomplished one of thr etaff o. el Burharrtt Having amputated a leg at the fetlock Joint, after eereral urex he xiirreedtot In fitting e teether fis . ^. _ rmnaiitlc ctr^rr. II* la tka ■4011 nf ■ wpll kmnvn llnaton physician and for n n tint bar of v<«r« tniv*M wltk a Wild M>»t »h4»w. For ■ tlmo hi? waa no# nf th* l0*«t known cnwrlmy* nf rolnrailo. II* RttrnctGil cnnsltlrrnhlr attention rwcvot* ly hy iiuhlUhlua a (Mwk o« InxeraolL Th* M*v J«m*« Moult oo, of Nnrthwrlrh, ag*d 92. lost hi* Right tva yaara ago. Kla r*T*ntlx mn«ult*d rii *tnlo#nt *y* ap*H*b iRt. ami after aohmlttlng to an ap#«aH#h» r*4*nv*r*4l hla Right. II* Ta tb* nldeat Priai* Ith* Methndlat nilnlater In KhglatHt. and I* now ■ii|M*ranimAt*4l. H* haa t«eoa It th* mlnlRtry for aUtyfln y*ara.-Londo« Dally Mall. 25°|o Redaction On Saits and Otst- c o * 11— i n eluding blues snd blscks. Levy & Stanford