The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 14, 1907, Image 9

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'iHil ATLANTA GiliOiiUiAW. SOUTHERN SOCIETY Pleutnt Mention Prom Other Cities I In G«or|ifi and Adjoining States ASHBURN. on* "t «h* moat Pleasant event* of ■L., n was the brlthdar party «lv- „ . Meedemea J. P. and W. K. Jen- ...... ,,n Wednesday evenlna at the for. r,„home, the occasion belnc compll ' |, u ry to Messrs. J. F. and W. K Whose birthday* fall together. The iirautlful home, all aglow with —lie 1 -1--»ns ailed at «■ early hour by a . ,,f friends and well wishers. The eit-ntn* >'»" spent In social chats and interspersed with appreciated -Flections by Misses Jtihan and Poring the evening delicious salad milt coarse* were served, after „j.,,h the guests departed for their elated with the cordial hoepltal- ',,, -i-pensed to them end wishing the h „ n „ire* of the evening and thelrestl- £ri,l* wive* many happy returns of " The guests present were Mesdames t y Bohannon, F. E. Hudson, C. 1. H,,., a I). Betts, J. B. Bose man, J, 11 woods, J. B. Hutcheson, C. W, Fr iii*. W. Cowan, W. R. Dobson, c F Halley, J. 1. Evans, W. U Hlo r r M. Blalock. R. C. Dunlap, C. C. Ki'mzie O. R. Durham, Misses Kate \|. Ketude, Mary Overby. Nell Ault. Id* jiru.e I.oulse Juhan. Rose Clark, gtewart. Verna Blalock. Eula Plvsr, y..,, Urwrence. Messrs. F. K. Hudson, j i Bohannon, il. W. cooper, W. J. Turner J. B. Boteman, C. H. Bishop, t u woods, Q. R. Durham. W. W. i.,.,. .1 1,. Evans, W. I.. Btory, J. B King. K. r, Dunlap and c: U. Kirn- MA0I80N. Mr* M. r. Few and children. Mrs. I' i Few and Mias Lula Hutchinson will leave on Friday for Sparta, where il,,\ uni attend a reunion at the home ot th»lr father, Mr. A. M. Hutchlnaon jlr- M. P. Godfrey. Mlaaea Agnes tj.nlfrev and Bessie Walton left Friday for Alachua. Fla., to visit Mrs. Bar- [.. ., Godfrey. Mi** Salllc Muatln was hoateaa at mi enjoy aide flinch party on Saturday afternoon. After the game n salad r.uf was served. The gueata were M— Maids WIIHama. Mr*—Kirby ..An-- i;ir c ~n -Mt* Bessie Avsrv. Mrs. W. E. Ailam.*. Mrs. Robert Douglas. Mrs. Hill Foster and Mrs. Percy Mfddle- k«. Mrs Bailie Campbell Is visiting rel ative* tn South Carolina. Mr* John T. Newton entertained the Laughters of the Confederacy on Tues- U-.v ifTrmmm. Mtss Ida Stovall hat returned from a trip to New York. Mr* C. O Price and Miss Cairn Free are spending several weeks In Atlanta. Mr* Newton Manner, of Augusta. I# netting her mother, Mrs A. H. Win ter grTffin. —rrn .Monday evening Mra, J. W. Mang- hair. entertained at one table of Im.ig* Those Invited were: Mrs. J. J. Msattwm, Mr*. Dr. Carson and Mra. J. I> Boyd Hr*, it. o. Crouch entertained at a < orio'k dinner Wednesday evening In honor 'f the newly Installed paator nf tin Hap::*-, church. Dr. Acree, and Mrs Acme Those Invlied lo meet Ihe -giiesi* of honor were: Dr*. - W. B. Itrewr* end * ..lller, C. H. Westbrook. --Ate . J. . li..-\h-hnls. Mr- C- H. West* n c Itandail and K. o. Crouch. TIi*- deennttinna of the table were pink primroses. The Mystic Circle was entertained by Mr* B B. Blakely Tuesday afternoon from t to ti o’clock. Mrs. Julia Prltchei entertained at dinner Ttiesdayln honor of Mr. Frank FT*nl Off Washington. D. C. — Mi*. Paul Flynt entertained Wednes. day tn honor of Mr. Flynt, of Wash ington. n. c. Ml** Jeflle Martin, nf Shellman, Ga.. I* in me city, the guest of Miss Pearl New ton. Master David Mangham was host at ft itlning on Tuesday, the occasion cele- brutlng Ills seventh birthday. Pretty favors of bouquets of violets were at mb plate and seven candles adorned tin . enter of the table. Those Invited " fit Misses Emily and Charlotte It-o il. Masters J. 8. Manley, Cobb Tor- rat.-''. Kincaid Thomas and Charlie an# Hunter Baker. Hl'tch’ 8lr,nan *' L ®- Cowart, E. S. MARIETTA, On* of the most pleasant evsnls of the week was the bridge party given by the Misses Crockst, on Tuesday after noon. About tblrty-itv* guests wars -present.—At—the dose rrf-ths gems a salad course was served. Delirious punch was dispensed during the even tag. : Mis* Annie Melds entertained II. honor of her guest, Miss Elolse Gay. nf Atlanta, on Friday afternoon. Pro' gresslve dominos* was the game 1 played. The prise was won by the guest of honor. Dsllghtful rstrsah menta wer# served. Those preeent- were: Mieses Gey, Laura Margaret Hoppe,—Elolse -Barn**, Cora Brown, Mildred Brown, Willi* Jeane Wsllacs, Alice Weliena. Mr*. Fred Morris entertained the Toung Matrons' Bridge Whist Club on Thursday afternoon In a delightful manner. At the close uf the game a hot supper, was served. The Ladles' Afternoon Euchre Club met with Mrs. Alan Dickerson Thurs day afternoon and were charmingly entertained. Dainty refreshments were served. The prises wer* won bv Mr*. Alberr Bstttss. knt ft j. thrmeroy and Mrs. W. A. McCullock. They were a hand-painted dish, a picture and some silver manicure pieces. Mrs. E. n. iruiu mmaiaett inform molly at bridge Wedneeday*afternoon. A salad course was served at the close nf the game. Those present were: Mrs. V. L. Htarr, Mr*. J F. Clarke, Mrs. C. H. Dobbs. Mrs. Alan Dicker- son. Mrs. Albert Hollis* Mrs. H M. Fields. Mrs. L. N. Trammell. Mr*. Hen ry Wyatt. The announcement party given by Mra. George Roberts Friday afternoon In honor of bliss Olivia Bat on wn* one if the most pleasant events of the week. The lovely home was decorated In red and green. Hand-painted cards with the announcement of Miss Baron's approaching marriage to Mr. James Danlfl-Wtre handed to *nrh guest. The evening .wan spent playing old ms III Miss Ava Welch won the prise, a box of lovely paper, which she presents,I lo the guest of honor. At the close of the evening she was given n shower if beautiful things. A delicious salad course was served. Mr. and Mr*. D. C. Cole entertained a number of friends Thursday night with delightful dinner party. Alter din ner the guests played bridge, the prises being "on by Mr. end Mrs. E. B. Frey- er. Those present were: Mr. nnd Mr*. E. B. Freyer, Mr. and Mra. Morgan McN'eel. Mr. and Mrs I.. ■ N. Tram mell and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Cole. Mrs. R. F. Nesbitt has returned from Birmingham, Ain., where she bus been tailing her son, Mr. W. D. Nesbitt. OuIijN. Miss Pearl Page ha* returned from visit lo Wrlghtsvllle. Mrs. F. E. Hall, of Cleveland. O., Is visiting In the city, the guest of her uncle. Mr. A. T. Black. . - - Mrs. Alex MolTett Is visiting Card Club with- Mrs. Paul LsOrantl, whose elegant home was thrown open to her many friends. The lower floor was set with a dolen tables, where the gam* of euchre wee played for two hour* when Mr*. McDuff Cain prove, to be the winner of a handsome frut plate. Mr*. LeOrand served an els, gant lunch, Which waa enjoyed by fifty Miss Annie Paul Hall* Is visiting her sister. Mrs. MbLeod, In Selma. Colonel and Mrm Alex Troy and Mrs. Watts heve.retumed from a visit to friends in Indianapolis. Mr*. C. W. Garrett, of Texas, who has been visiting ber sister. Miss Lew. Is. has returned to her home. Miss Juliet Oriel entertained Tues. day evening In honor of her guests. Miss Metzger, of Mississippi,- end Mr. and Mr*. Peeser, of Chicago. Whist was played at a-doaen table*, after Which an elegant hot aupptr wt served. Mr, nnd Mrs. George W. Halls an nounce the engagement of their daugh ter, Grace Nesbitt, to Mr. Pope Fuster, the marriage to take place February 1, at St. John Eptecopal church, at * p. m. Mre. Paul F. Lee. of Birmingham. I* visiting her old home and Is the cue«t of Captain and Mrs. Chari** T. Pollard. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Pelssr have l»- sued Invitation* to a debut reception to their youngest daughter. Mill Anna Pelser, January IT. Mr*. Dudley Lawrence, of New York, formerly Mias Kate Birch, of this pine isliln in \ i*ltInnAlr*. Homer WQiantb- General C. I. Walker, uf Charleston. Is a guest of Ihe Melrose Inn. Mr. and Mrs. J. Craig Smith will entertain the member* of the Comer family during the Inauguration of her father, Governor B. B. Comer. The party will Include Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lathope. Dr. and Mra. Frank Naborn, Mr. and Mr£ McDonald Comer. Mr and Mra. Fletcher Coiner and Misses Katherine and Eva Comer. Miss Mary Ellen Harris has return'"! lo school In New York, after ependln the holidays with her parents. Montgomery's literary club* hav been very much delighted this week to have had with them Dr, Lillian John son,, who lias been presenting to her several audiences the great cause of education with much enthusiasm. Hhe also spoke to the different schools In uur city, and has the Indorsement ,,f our best people. Mrs. Henry B. Gray, of Birmingham, has Joined her husband and will In here during the term nf the legislature. Mies Carrie Knox, of Anniston, I* the guest of Mrs. G- W. Patterson nnd will be here for the Inaugurnl ball. Mr*. TV. B. Keeby was hostess for the Wednesday Card Club and a few other guests Wednesday. She was as sisted by the Mlaaea Randolph and Ill- tie Mary Petrie Keeby. who punched and kept score. Mr. and Mrs. George Smathers and daughter. Ellen- have returned to their home In Wayneavllle, N. C„ after n visit to Mr*. Samuel F. Rice. Miss Fannie Hagerdofn, of West Point, Go.. Is visiting Airs. Charles A. Knhn. at her home, on MeDonudgh street. I Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Forbes and Miss Ellen have gone to New York and other Eestern cities for quite an extended •vtstr rtty. tne goes, <» „»r •»,*,. ■>,,». , Miss Virginia Lyon will arrive next Williams—aho-U-fruni Irwlmnw Mtss Marie Holton horn returned from a visit to Wrlghtsvllle. Miss Charlie Lorn Peacock I* visiting friends In Sandersvllle. Miss Willie Tillman has returned to her home nt Glenvllle. after a visit to the city, the guest of her sister, Miss Ituby Tillman Mrs. J. 8. Simons. Jr., ha* returned from a visit to relatives In Charleston, 8. C. Miss Alice Scarborough he* returned from Sandersvllle. where she visited her brother. Mr. Ernest Scarborough. Airs. W. S. Ehney, Jr., Is visiting relatives In Alacon. Air*. William P.rltchett Is visiting In Macon Ibis week. BOSTON. Alls* May Bess Slater Is the attrac tive guest of -Miss Hattye Parker this wwk, _ , Min* Velma McRae In visiting tn Mclgg*. the gueat of Mrs. Luther 8ln- WAYCR0S8. glctnry. , . Mr.-. H T. Hitch ban returned home. Mr. Ernie Odum spent Tuosdny and visit of pome day* with rela- Wednesday nigh!" In the city with •** and friends In Brunswick. friends. .. . t U: {.eland Geiger left Tuesday! Mlsi* Scrutrhlns. of Albany, arrived ming fur Wayneavllle. after spend?, ln the city Thursday to be the guest of : F-'ine days In tho city, the guest of ; >|rs. 8nmuel Brooks. week to he the guest of her jaunt. Mrs. La. L. Hill. * Mrs. Margaret Clanton Is vtstttng her slater. Mrs. Kendricks, at her home, on Jeff Davis avenue. TOM L. JOHNSON’S DAUGHTER, AFTER A BRIEF STAGE CAREER, TO WED A WEALTHY ITALIAN CONVBRB. MBs Marl* Hcntt has .returned to Mllledgevflle, where she resunic. her school work to the " Industrial College. Mrs. Lula Thompson bee returned to LaGrang*. Mr*. Lucy Otaaton' will leave Mon day on an extended visit to Rhrevi- port, La. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Otis have return ed from Columbia. Air. end Mra. Almand will be In Bo- ell, I Circle for two months. Air*. R. <>. Galley entertained Ihe Matrons' Club Thursday afternoon. Mrs. G. W. Oleaion entertained the Floral Club Wednesday afternoon.’ Gull* a number of guest* war* In vited to meet the regular member*. , Aliases Mary Lou Turitsr, Annie England and Madge MeUdh hav* re turned to Wesleyan. ' Mrs - Kale Hardwick ha* returned from a visit to her son In Knoxville. GADSDEN. ALA, irs, of Washing!, . Is the guest nr his slaters, Ihe Ml* Rogers. Atlas Annie Russell, of Rirmthgham, who has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. W. II. Mayben, on Haralson avenue, has returned home. Allis Emm* Ksamodsr, of Carbon Hill, Is the guest of Mrs. W. T. Phil lip*. on Walnut street. The pupils of Alls* Bllbro'a musls class gave a recital Wednesday even- t vlalt - to friends In Chattanooga. Joseph Hake, of Anniston, la visiting friends here. Announcement hae been mad* of the approaching marriage of Miss Ousel* Dean Williams anilMr. Louis CaddetL The ceremony will take place at the residence of the bride on Walnut street, n Monday evening at * o'cloek. The Gadeden chapter. Daughter* of the Confederacy, held their regular monthly meeting at Ihe residence of Atr*. Alio V. Lee Friday and arranged - a program for the celebration of Robert E. low’s birthday. Judge and Aire. A. M. Ayers, who ~ — Alford, This is a picture of tho talented daughter of Mayor Tom L. Johnson, of Cleveland, the millionaire re former. Alls* Johnson some time ago- startle,1 Cleveland society hy going on the stage. She now hai given eoclety another shock hy the announcement that she I* soon to marry Frederic Atnrlant. an Italian of great wealth, and will go to live with him In Italy. Alls* Johnson Is keeping up the family tradition of doing things In an unusual way. Is the guest of her cousin, Alts* Icy Holt. Airs. J. A. Lambert returned Satur day from Atlanta. Allse Willie Campbell returned last week to school In Washington. Mr. nnd Mrs. Webster James will en. tertoln a number or guest! for the eek-en,l at Durham. Atm. Frank Sorrrtt end children will o to Florida this month for an ex tended Sit , Mr. D. Roy Adams left for Jackson- J A. Walt has returned frnnrtrT vtll* Monday, where lie-will go before I two weeks at White Oak, Oa. ] the Florida state board of pharmacist*. <'. tielgcr, qf Waynesvlllo. Is In, miss l-lly Livingston Is spending visiting at the home of Mrs. some time In Thomasvllle, the guest or her aunt, Alls* Fannie Livingston. Mr* E. P. Ward nnd children, who have been spending Ihe holiday* In Gainesville, Fin., returned home Thure- >>. on Mnry street. - William Frier and little son guests of Mrs. C. A. Sheldon on A tier a visit nf some days In the " "lilt relatives and friends, Airs. ' I' 1 'well returned to her home "w right, Ga.. Thursday morning ’■I -s Anson Jones left Wednesday dug for Atllledgevllle, where she • stime her studies at the Georgia c tl and Industrial Female College Hr- Francis O'Connor Fletcher, of Vllle, N. arrived In the city -•day morning and will be the guest • r -later. Airs. J. K. Bibb, for some i - J. W Daniel, of-thls city, left til for Savannah, where she will ■ i »omo dnya visiting relatives nnd c*l“ W ' '.“lightfiil entertainment was given inesilay night by Atr. and Airs John "M'lnrf, in honor of their guest, Homey, of Alllltown. Ga. A guess, •meet was enjoyed during the " tog. the first prise being won by Hland and Air. E. 8. Hitch, nnd i why prise by Atr. W. E. Slrmans. ■.'fitful refreshments were served ■' present were: Atr. and Airs. A. C. n. Air. and Airs. C. E. Williamson, and Airs. 8am Walker. Allsses "I Woodard. Klrkley. Johnson, An- Messrs. W. D. O'Quinn. D. Lott. (Ill * Miss At aggie Burney I* visiting In Jennings. Fin., the guest of her sister, Airs. Walter Jennings. Mrs. Fred AlcAlurray entertained at cards recently. Whist was played and after a very pleasant game' a salad course was served. Aire. Sam Brooks won the first prise, a cut glass bonbon ,ll*h. Alls* Hattye Parker, Air*. J. A. Horn and Alls* Minnie Ingram cut for second. Alls* Parker winning. Alls* Lily Carmine waa fortunate In winning the consolation, a drum, with "Maybo you cun bent this - ' hand painted on one '"miss Hatty*' Parker will entertain at cards Frltlav afternoon in honor of h-r guest """ Wh,,t played and after the game it salad course will be served. Those Invited meet Allas Slater are: Misses Myrtle Foy. Minnie Ingram, Leone Hobbs, Oja Pnrlsh and Meadame* Benjamin Afoody'. J- Willis Aloore. Will N Hsr- msnT J»v W. Moody. Samuel Brooks nnd James A. Horn. MONTGOMERY, ALA one of the beautiful slfslrs nf the week was the meeting of the Tuesday DB. E. 0. GBIETOTS LOW PRICES UNTIL IAN. 28. GOOD SETOFRO TEETH GOLD CR0WNS£«l best 22-k gold HUT'cX n^ k .Vi?.7e'.7 AtlsoU 1* l»pw»lon Ukrn~ plfttri day. gate city dental rooms 4*4 Whitehall St. hona i/v*. A 9 a. m. to 4 p. MILLEDGEVILLE. - Mrs. J. J; ^Vwottsn will entartein * few young ladles Thursday afternoon In honor of Mias Ousale Finney, of Haddocks. Mrs. Thomas F. Took will entertain the Young Matron’• Club on Friday nfternoon at her lovely suburban home. In .Midway. Mra. Adah Evans Austin has re turned home from New York. Mrs. Bessie Hirsh has returned from New York. Mrs. Batnle Johnson Riley, of Mt. Sterling. K>\, Is the gueal of Mra. M. A. McCraw. Judge B. T. Daniel, of Griffin, la In the city for a few days. Mrs. J. A. rnlloway and Mr. Leon Calloway have returned from a trip to Florida. Professor nnd Mrs. K. T. Alfrlend, of Dublin, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Cone, ’have re. turned home. Miss Nnn Barksdale has returned from n to Marahatlvllle. Miss Marie Whitaker has returned from Atlanta. Captain and Mrs. R. E. L. Hpenee have returned from South Carolina. Mr. T. L. MrComb has returned from a trip to Florida.. Miss Atwell, of Warrenton. Is the charming F.O'st of Mrs. W. F. WII holt. Miss Mayhelle Moore harf returned t. .Mn< on. CHATTANOOGA, TBNN. At the Tschoplk house Monday even* Ing .Miss Fannie Tschoplk. daughter of the proprietor of the house, was wedded to Mr. R. K. Stelnau. a prominent busi. ness man of this city. Rabbi Joseph performed the ceremony tn the pres ence of 115 Invited guests. The house was unusually handsomely decorated and a supper followed the ceremony. After touring the East, the couple will reside In this city. - Invitations hove been Issued nounclng the wedding «»f Miss Ophelia, daughter of Mr. and Airs. J L. Haggle, at Tunnel Hill, Oa„ to Mr. Hlrttm Butler Evans. January 23. 1907. Invitations have been Issued nounclng the wedding of Miss Fannie Coplan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har. ry Miller, to Mr. Abe Mlnslmlr, at Turner hall. January 22. 1*07. Mr. William G. Kestler and Miss 8arah E. Jones were married at oak- dale on Christmas day. The groom has a responsible position with the Stearns Lumber Company, of Stearns, Ky. Miss Mary Linn Carter, of Cincin nati. whose family have Terentiy re- moved to this city, will be \ striking debutante In b»cal society, when shr retudna from a tour with Mrs. L. D Drewery. In Europe Miss Frances “ of Mr. and Mrs. Ing Mrs. Fell. In Trenton. N. J. Hht will take a trip to New York soon an*l return to Trenton to resume her visit with Mrs. Fell Mrs. Lewis Coleman will return this week from a visit to Mrs. J. B. White head. In Atlanta. Mrs. Frank Klnchley and children III leave shortly to Join Mr. Klnchley In Augusta, where they will in future reside. Miss Ally# Holt, of Hillsboro, Ala., Mra. IL H. RablnB'jn."7T'r ‘HriersvTlle, Is the guest of Miss Dalsv Holmes. Mrs. lsora Jrnks has returned from a two weeks’ visit to friends In .Mem phis. Mrs. C. F. .Mllburn Is expecting a visit from her sister, Mrs. Knapp, who Is well known and popular here. Mrs Arthur Allen will leave the mid dle of January for Florida. Miss Johnnie Hardwick has gone to Dalton. Major J. H. Warner. Misses Margue rite Warner. I*ouis Morrison and Ethel Allen have returned from Cherokee. Miss Daisy Holmes has returned from Atlanta, where she visited her sister, nnd from Cartersvllle, where she spent two weeks with Mlsa Agnes Jones. Miss Johnnie Hardwick will be a welcome visitor to the city thin week Hhe will stop briefly with Miss Marie, Ffentister en route from Dalton to New 1 York, where she re-enters school. Mrs. John R. Steele has returned from Huntsville. NORCROSS. Miss Vase and Mr. Hutchins, of laflwrenre, were guests of Miss Pearl Hutchins during the week. Dr Robertson, of Thomasvllle, was the tecent guest of friends. Mrs. Joe Nesbitt entertained last Saturday evening In honor of Miss Eh* telle Med lock and Miss Mnry Strick land. The entire lower floor of tin- pretty Nesbitt home was profusely dec orated with smllax. mistletoe and hollv nnd dainty refreshments were served.' Mrs. Nesbitt's guests Included all the young people of Norcn MACON. Mrs. Hairy Kendall gave a morning bridge party Thursday, ut which time there were five tables of the players. The top score was made by Mrs. Charles Hannon, and the prise (Las a Hohemtnn glass bonbon dfsh. Mrs Kendall's dt aw ing room wu* decorated with palms and ferns, nnd at 2 o'clock a hot luncheon wits served In several'V.iuisei* on fli*' i OiinabTeif.' Mrs. Kendall's guests were: Mre! Charles I*. Hannon. Mrs. Walter Jones, .Mrs. E. Powell Fraser. Mrs. A. C. Fel ton. .Miss Anne Bannon. Mrs. William N. Fleetwood, Jr., Mrs. Robert Fowler Hemphill, of Atlanta; Mrs. Plercy Cliestney, Mrs. Shine Law son Fleet- wood,- Mrs.--Ray-Taylor? Mrs. Richard lllneM, Mrs. Duncun Brown, Mrs. J. W. Hates, Mrs. J. II. Shorter, Mrs. William I*ee Kilts. Mrs. Robert Munfotd, Mrs. John Moore Walker, Mrs. Reeves n. Mrs. Harry Robert. Mrs. Custls Nottingham nnd Mra. Will Gunn. Mis* Sam Tinnier will make ber formal debut «ni the evening of Jit nun ry 22. nt n .ulTet supper to lie given hr Mr. nnd Mrs. P. I». Tinsley. Miss Tinsley will bare with her mi this N'tasItiU Miss l.llla Tennlsmi. of Dallas, rev. nnd Miss Margaret loulsou. of M laiitn. The affair will Is- one of the nmsl sting In the near future. « Tinsley Is nn«* «f the hnnd*«iri<'«f til l.Utilities of Hie Hhe returned from Waritiliigtoii, D. where t*|ie has Imh»ii st tending the National I'nrk Nemlnsry In ihe futiinier ninl hss In-en wry popular In Mu 1*011 Horlety this Winter, haring lieen so at rritelhe guest nt nil the dehutsute nfTiUrs ami the lirllllstlt dniieew of the early wum.ii Mies Kslelle Stevens' leeeiillmi on h.iitir dm afternoon will he In honor of Miss I.oulse Timmerman, of Korsrtb* sml Mlse Mmole |teuton, of Month-i-llo. Mlse Thu I merman Is the gne«t of Mis* Hte\eu* a ml Ml— I teuton is with Ml*-* IlliTh. I he nffnlr Is for the >ming people only. Iioth vmiig w omen It ml (oilllg men being white and green. The table VS as s m- terpleee a lull vase of eul gtSSS holding while rosea, snd plaeod on s eluny laee Mint. Amilll.l 111— tall iH<ntr.i vam —t. sn.up-tl sinsll-r .'liitli,. TIi*- wiixrn tsp*ra wer* whit* s'nil III*. It.'iii ||>."I in ini in,-.-.- jilt: ntr.-Ii _ cliliToo rtutti uuU isrt'. waa xwwunl In whit* BIRMINGHAM, ALA. Many of Ittriiiliixtiain'z .'-j.tT folk bar* SfiTi* tn Jtonlxoni. ry to uttmi! ths lnsu(u ■ at l.sll Ni.n.lny nixhi. which pramtacs to l.o imriloiilnrly hrllllnnt. Uorrrtmr sail Ilrs. t'omor will !*• asnUtoil hy tbolr (Isuth- tors. I.toiilonaiit flororiiur anfl Mr.. Hon< ry II. Gray, Nr. nuil Mrs. Ilulua N. Hhodra amt nih.r iiroiulosut poople will also at tonil. Tho marrlnxo of Mins llosnl* l^firsndo amt Nr. Benjamin Itoynolits was qnl.tly s.iloniulzo<l In th* prosonoo of s fsw frlrmts nnit rolatlTOs Tuoadsy rvsnlnx st tbs b of tho brill. Mins (•oGrsnito's fnwn was nf whit* ohtlfnn nror tsffsta. A tmffot nuppor wan sorvo'l. after whlrh Nr. It*y- Ms an.l bis tirlito loft on s wo.Mlns trip m Now Orlrans .Del othrr Bnnlhorn cltls*. Mr.. Ilonry U. Gray ontorislncd about thirty (Hosts at lirl.lxo Wottnosflar after- Thin wnn hor last snttrtitnmsnt bs- for.. Inarltix f»r Montxomory, whom shs ml l.trntonnnt Gmornnr Gray will zpenil ho romaludor nf tho wtntor. Ml.. Rosnlo ami Miss IjOutss Wulkor aro ih* Ktii'.tn nf Dr. anil Mrs. W. i I'nrllnw In Tuscilnnss. Tim iinirrlaxo or Mira Harsh Bell James ml Mr llnaoiiisp Arthur I’.pp.'rnian took live Boon elillliif Mis. E. and family, hav* roturnsd home. Mrs. Thoms* Strlnxfellow, of Annls. . ton. Is vlsltlnc hsr parents, Mr. and Mra. H. R. Coot*y. Mlsa Peart Phillips, who has been th* ausst «t rslstlvsa, has returned to her horn* In Aahvlll*. Mra. Frank Colli* and children re- { turned from a visit to relatives at Piedmont, Miss Bonnl* Caddsll Is at home from Llvtnxton for * few day*. Miss Mary Ward, of Cnltlnavlll*, who ha* been visiting relatives her*, has relurntd home. H. Cousins, nf Pyrlton. Is th* xuest of his sister, Mra J. C. Dyson. ' Mins T-uclIe Bmltll has r«tUriialt"fB ~ Anniston, after vlsltlna her elster, Mra " F. Ledbetter. - Mr. and Mra Boyd Cox have returned from their honeymoon trip and are at home to frlsnda on Turrentlne avenue, at tha residence of Mrs. Emmet Frist. Miss Bessls Tsui, of Blrmlncham, ha* been tha aueat of her alatar. Mra. J. Kelley, at the Prlntup hotel. Warner Mitchell la visiting his pa rents at flhelbyvllle, Tenn. Mr. A. W. Lynch has (one to 8outh Carolina on a vlalt. \ MARSH ALLVILLB. The moat elaborate reception nf the sea* son waa that riven by Mrs. Hauuel It. Iluniph, on tA'Mtaasday aftaradoo. at h»f horn*, when she entertained fifty yonnx matrons and (Iris. Th* lower lloor was thrown opsn to the (uests-s beautiful color scheme of white and red helnx car- rle.1 out In the different apartments. Is the reception hall Mias (Ails Martin errveri flrli(htful fruit punch. Iktlrtty little eibnol' books, slates and peurlls were presented to enrh (nest, sod for s whllo the hostess "held sehoot" h, the library Whlrh was •eery smnstttfi sad lateeesttsfi fiovsmt courses of refreshtasnts were serred. the color motif of red. white sad (rsen belnx beautifully carried out. Mra. Humph was as sisted in rrcalrlng hy Mra. Nsih Murpb, Mra. Ouctr McKenzie, Mrs James ltayee, Mrs Rwtu Baldwin, asd Misses Mary Sim mons and t'lars Marlin. Mias Mabel Parens, nf Columbus, Is ■ eharmlns fittest of Mrs. John Wslksr. Mrs. Henry. Harris, of Fort Vallty, Is vliltlufi Mra Frank Sunk, this wesk. Mra llarisn ilsfer, of Port Vallsy, ls> the fuesj of Mra Rotaph. Mr. and Mr*. Oeor»e Harris spent tha day In Nashville fluatuy. _Mra. D. B. Frederlrk win antertala th* Amerlctn Rtrolutlou i ra Friday *tt*raoos. Iimirs sn- fn ;!*;**•** TltursiUy sfinriMMin st lh*» Ki#vsMtb Awnui- Mt-ihmllai church. MIm Jstnas I wore n going nwsy gunn and was attrndfil I bv .\|l*si-s l.lljlau Moore. I.urlls Dsvldsoo, Mu in Mm Oaudlit. I*nurn Oliver and Nel uf the largesi affairs «f the ft** 1 " >,n ' «»" »*«**. N * l ‘ .--I. etc. the tlrilslitrnl |,tlon tin'll! ", 1 I he ttroomfuien were Meesra liiirioisy aftemnon fit honm ..f Mr. trii. li • *: l,l 1 l J«'k «o.l \tItllzm Orrleon, il lloriier, of At Inula, b) Mrs J. F. Ila dill, a! her residence oh college slrei-l riin»e assisting Mrs. Ilausuii L.el.or ilrs 'r lll.el... 'lyd* Morn Moore entertain'") \i her Sunday "rhnol else* Monday oven- j >| In* Willi un "up Jink*" purty. Jh New Bouts to Cuba Tne |isr(.v will l#e The sieftmshljw "Brunswick.” of Brunswick Hleamshlp c’ompsnv. v sail from Brunswick. On., for Ilftvn Culm, un the following schedule, until I ih- trip oaere Judge Wiillai further notice; I Mr. h. II. Jni|Uim, Air I*. (» Lenve Brunswick noon Tuesd Tracy Hatter. Mr*. Jordsu' Masse**. Huiuielt Hinall. Mrs Hiincau llroivii. Fontaine llanleu. Mra. lienrv Won Iiiiiii. Mra. George iMiiuan. Mi- William •lion. Mra. 1, n Hie%en«, Mr- A|.|i|.i.ui •••llliis, Mrs. Hmlth. Mr* Kdwanl t-i-llowes, t!?*. Kllsworth Hall, Mrs Waite >lm WlUilieHy. Mr- «i.-orge hob • ml Mrs. John M Culler AIr.iii a Hona were Issu. d for I In- reception A psrty of |»riiiulni-iit Marmi no n left m private rtr Friday for a iltdilug trip !• bmoNuissa. Fla I milt two Week . . pleasant lime. Among th< niony. Mr. and Mra. I'epperman left for n wedding trip lo New orlessa, Mobile and Montgomery. Mr. Pepperaiau is private secretary *•» Mayor ib-orgo Want. Mr and Mrs Knmuel Karle and Mr. Karle'a mother will leave aoou for New Orleans, wln-fe they will take the steamer l*nrto and when* they will spend Harris.' tl ' Wadley , V* o. I it v I captain II I’elto i-r of Hie winter, id Mra Noble M Wiley are f Mr* Wiley's fiererifs. They , f to leave aiMin for Cuba, where Tap- tufu Wiley will rejoin Ills company. Mr* .1 c Malien eutertaluiHl st cants nt the Conniry Club Thurwlay nfternuon In ja.mir of her daughter, Mra. Hpenc.-r Ma- Mrs. IseMonnl. I Hi la v MoAh ar Hh.m1i. Ill Titwti I l»r. and Mr* Si tin- twenty-flfrh rlage Friday meeting at hsr boms oq January 11. st 3 o'clock. IfiCHVe nrunnwii'fl nuun J urmiit) n, I • f. C. Iturkk rlnos* k'Hiinv et-eitlli* January 22*1, February 5th. Febriiaryi hevenil lw>x |- iM ni ' gu«-»ta rininmdeij in* 19th. March 5th. March 19th. A l' rl the Ursn«r f Moi..iu) .l«h» \W V.f h»™ ) »»**»'•' *»•»«"»'•‘•••••• -liver 2d. and every other Tuesday th«-reafi- r 1,1 -- ^ • uuel la-dlietler i-elehrsted unlveraary of their msr- ulng Hrveral hundred arriving at Hnvftna every folio Thursday «t 3 i>. m. Returning. Leave Haviinft noon Haturdnys, Jan uary 24th. February fth. February 23*l. March 9th. March 21d, April hth. and every other Saturday thereafter, ar riving Brunswick every following Mon day nt h ft- m. Rates Brunswick to Havana. one w«>\,first cabin 125 no one way, second cabin 912.00 Bound trip, first cabin Including meals and berth on steamer. For state room reservations and fur ther Information, apply to It. C. M FADDBN. Oen. Pass. Agent A- B. Ac A. B. R, Bell ’Phone 4945. Atlanta. Georgia* * newTrain" CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Leave Atlanta 10:46 a. m., arrive .Ma- con 1:27 p: m.; arrive Jacksonville 9:15 p. m.; arrive Ht. Augustine 9:3a Pullman cars, day coaches and dining' car. Night train for Florida leaves Atlanta 8:30 p. m . City Ticket office. Basement Fourth National Bank Building. gifts were rccelvi impHnteiilao l..' Hie" Ml«ar* Has.-*, nf * hr th.- h***» did limteoa *vlllc Tmiii flu* gin-sU nf Mrs T .1 flu- mend" r» *»r the Itld Kuchre t luh voile, mm . til. _«»•*.•’*. »\rn. I ! — Tlnirwlny morning by Miss : entertained at spend the rest Simiiimis, cnindsted of Mlsa Marie lli.n-ii and Miss Foehn llascn. Mtss Hum Tbisl.o. Marv Ware Mr Edwnnl llallniii. Mr. I I'ltt tllover ninl Mr. mni Mrs KU I lines. The party waa entertnlin-%1 b> Mr. •on and enjnyei a supper .ifter tin* sic Mina Mamie Iti-ntmi. of Muiitleello, the gneat nf hnllfir Ht « »e« enfloM gfreli W’edniHMlny jgfterunnii bv Miss f.i-Ha Itlnii. 1 The Birch residence was deenrntiil In mt tkiwera nnd suillat fur the nffiilr. which' wna attended hy n numtu r nf ruling women ! sml ymmg men. The rereptlmi hall was In white in»J green The amllas fi-stamnal the walls mill Rtnlrense. Vases of White- roses mid i smstluna were plnceil on the j tables At one end of the hall a bower nf green waa arranged mrr the tatde liohllng | ut gins* pumii IniwI. Kiielriitng Mr ami Mra I* J llern. dinner Wiilm-silar i veiling Mis. T. T lllllman will of the winter at her Wiliti will ha Iteaslr Itmr M'RAE. lira. r. n. Pstsrsoa. of ftopsrtoa. Os., has been visiting hsr sister, lira Georgs Wilcox, this week. Oscar Todd, of Roi Ing bis slater. Mrs. hla horns this wssk. Mrs. Msttls Millies . __ ie guest of her parent. Mrs. E. V. WIU IX. left Friday for her home. Ur. and Mrs. Wright Campbell left last night for Atlssta to <*rry their little sea. Wright. Jr., to have hit eyes treated. Mr- sod Mrs. Mitchell Wilcox Itaro. Monday for Lumber City, where they goi * i make their future home. Ml. and Mrs. Robert Morehetd hare moved to the country. Mias Ruby Resucbsmp. who spent the hoi- (days with her patents, hit rotnroed to; her sister, Mrs. <17 8. Davis, to attend the 1 8. <1. college. Miss Nellie. Whiting bis returned to Me at-, to enter college. Mrv. M L. llaynea’ mother, of Fes- yen, spent the holidays here. Mr. Roy McRae spent several days with his mother last week. A REAL VALUE OFFERED IN NORTH 6E0R6IA DIRT In the Advertising column* of to* day's Georgian Is an announcement from Mr. William J. Neal, of Cartera- vllle, Ga., In which he offers some very attractive farm lend for sale. The Oeorgisn calls attention to this adver tising because In several Instances ad vertisements along this line have been answered by our readers and we know of real barrel ns that they-have secured from ouch advertising, therefore we do not want any of our readers to fail to read this ad. an It may contain Juit Whet they are looking for in the shape ot en Investment or a rural home. of Un lace smlla rut glass ImiwI amt nb _ table Mr*, lien I Hlmjk IniwI. uml the • wreaths of ninl. the piimh IniwI. In the drawing rnmu. where the receiving party stm*!. the dm* rntlnnt were the smllax lavishly us*-i| «n the Hulls nnd windows nml ehsiidettnoai nml other dmirstlons were iase« uf pink HUM'* nml Imwla nf violet* Mlsa Birch. Mi«i lieiiton and Mr*. J N. Brrcli mibeil the caller*, aaslaled by Mlsa Waldron |tnh eits. Mis* Kslelle Ktevetis, Mlsura r«n» and, Hindi- had*. Mlaaea Klla May ami Kmlly | WDIIsins. Ml*# Kills Willingham. Ml#* Oe ' im la llurdrii. Mr. Charb-a Caldwell. Mrs ItlrbaM Him #, Mra. UulM-rt Auderaou ami Maddox-Rucker Banking On. Capital and surplus $ 700,000.00 Total resources $3,000,000.00 New accounts invited. Wc offer to depositors every facility which their balances and business re sponsibility warrant.- 4 per cent paid on limited amounts in our Savings Department.