The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 17, 1907, Image 2

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TIIE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. THURSDAY. JANUARY tl 1ST. A Worntn’i Back Ha* mtny srhes and pain* raiinud bp weakrmve, and falling, or other dliplsre- neat, of tba pelvic organs. other trap- tom* of domain vuknw are frequent beadarhe, dirtiness, lma«ln*rr tpeekt nr dark tpota floating before the eraa, gnaw ing aenaatlon In stomach, dragging or baartagdown In lower ahdomlna I or pelvic region, disagreeable drains from ptlvle organ*, faint apolla with general weakness. If anrronalderatile number of theaboTo a mp to ms are present there la no remrdr at wrVg Ira quicker relief or a more per- , maient Sqe than Dr. Pierce'# Favorlto Prcwbwha^Jt hat a record of over forty iMlMnMauaBtMMSpBBBS iff YUrknown ia.mrdl<-»l.elepce. Itltmado 01 the glyceric eatracti ot native medici nal roots found In our forests and con tains not a drop of alcohol or harmful, or t'fnrmlng drop*—lt*4ngrodlentt are I all printed on the bnttle-w rapper and at tested under oath as rnrrect. Every Ingredient entering Into "Fa vorite I'rescript ion ’ has the written en dorsement of the most eminent medical writers of all the several schools of prac tice—more valuable than any amount of non-profeastnnal testimonials-though thn ■ latter are nut lacking, having heen con tributed voluntarily hy grateful patients In numbers to eireod thn endorsements given to any other medicine estant for the cure of woman's III*. You cannot afford to accept any medicine of unknown composition a* a substitute for this well proven remedy or Known com posit!tut, even though the dealer may snake a little more profit thereby. Four Interest In regaining health Is paramount f —to any selfish interest uf hi* and It lean - Insult to your Intelllgenro for him to try to palm off upon you a substitute. You know ii tils buik ne#a to supply the article called for. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet* ara the --original ‘Idtlle Mver PIH« ' hf*i put up by old Dr. Pierre over forty year* ago, much Imitated but never equaled. Mills •ngar-cotted granules—eair to taka as •andy. GROWTH OF TRAFFIC TOO RAPID FOR ROAD TO KEEP PACE WITH IT TEACHERS’ SALARIES RAISED BY COUNCIL BEN FRANKLIN DAY OBSERVED BY CRAFT No. 4*. their families nnd l*i%gnoM*, will rntln r Thursday uliclit In Turn Yercln ball ami li'Hinr llfiijitmin Frauldlu, (In- |#o- Iron Mint of tin* printer*. For Thursday marks tin* two hundred nnd first anniversary of tin- birth of Hint famous philosopher. ntntrguiHii. |trhifer and patriot Kuch year It is the custom of ike great Atiirrirati, mid this year oih* of tin* iii'Hbt 1‘ImIni inoat olMlHiratf programs In the liUbu* lb** celebration lirtN Im-oii prepared The program liieludes up* liking nml music, ami. at tin* conclusion. tin-.balmne of tin evening mil 4s* »|*ent in dancing to mush furnished he the Atiatitn orchestra \\ It I'oflfll, chairman of t li«> commit lev on nr rangene-nt*. will net nn imiHt address of welcome. while He will «n lion Franklin. ati make the prlucipal address of ths orrnaloi President Finley, of Southern, Issues Statement. INDUSTRIAL GAIN WAS UNLOCKED FOR rnt wla» M s.f f»,a- glvon i tlnon. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPO o o O TRYING TO STEAL PIPE 0 O NEGRO 0R0WN8 8ELP. 0 o ----- o ~© Rfmrtat Tn TIia O <’bar lesion. M. <\. Jan 1?. The O ~0 -body *»f—WJUbuu i Uimpindl. u n* - O 1 O fftti thief. wan found In the r|s- o O tern of the Empire House, on O O Ejiat Hay street yesterday. Tim o O negro wai trying to ateal u lend O O pipe off of n pump in tho rintern O O and Jumped lnt<i the chilly water O O over htn head. He tlruwtied. O Tin- following signed five tt. tile pfa -kNil I o,,,||||„nq Southern Tlullwaj sycIMn was nut by President \Y \V. Finley W day nfternoon: Houllzlng. from our own point of view and from puldh expression, Hie Ilia- WailL s.f this as.*,*. IMiny. especially In the Houth, and the fiduciary rtdfitfunditp which it henrs to nod ro tlie piddi. . I da jdre i) make it lulef Mitt he eondltlom f the purposi aKenient. nmtwig oooooooooooooooooooooooaoo ADMITS IIE GAVE FALSE TESTIMONY Washington, Jan. 17 The hearing of the interstate commerce commission on the Terra <’<*ttii wreck fun* been ad> Journed pending the receipt of the stenographic r**|M>rt of the liiveetlga- tlon Instituted by the Itultlmoro and Ohio railroad officials. Division—Kuperintciulcnt—1 Lrhhs,—m th# hearing Tuesday made the aturil ing atatenunt that Engineer Vermilion, of train No. *♦». ha«l admitted that In- had given fulne testimony at the vor- ontr'H Inqueat. SEEKING if.'iO.OOO FROM SEN. ELKINS Washington. Jan 17—Trial of the ault agaiiiNt S*nator Stephen II. HI- kin*, of W«*t Virginia. f*ir $.S00.t>0t), brought hv'H-diert Hutton atul tjeorge A*. Ihibrnelt. Italttnunv. who allege that amount Ik due them for profe*. alonal eervlce. an* -n till* morn ing before Juki tee Wright and a Juty. ARTIST SHOT DEAD BY ANGRY HUNHAND Washington Itefpon. an nil ahot to deatl Bee|*h«»*.rM yeetcnlav room of ti„ National M Reejehorrt wa* arreM# over lit*- quivering !»•*< tint K W llamey. a ca the do.»r .»f th Jan 17 — F. W and Hthographe I n ij tonsil tic fur Ruilroml to Kfpp Up Pli.VKi.-ul Condition. ac'em-nt of thin mmnany haa not b# untiiii.dftil «f its obligation to Incren facilities In anticipation of the In- It ht‘ In alhc Is*# ti. and still la, hampereil. ltowr\er, h.v t\\i coniiltlona: One I the large amount of fresh capital re qttlr«d, and. tne other, the dlfllcult of *e« Uting adequate and nttictent In Lor. ..r iTT.mTpn tlon work done, t.nd rolling stock, rail and other mat essential to improved facilities. The disappointing delay In constru< • tlon work will lie illustrated by the fol lowing example: .The double track work between Pey ton niel Austell, <jq, the contrail f«*r which w♦<“ l«M lu April. H*0&, and whhlt should h ivi heen «ompleP'd in Feh- ru.irv. I!"•»;. will he more than f«uirteeii In Completion. This d«- M an ity of labor and ma- tiiontlu ent of some ..f n 1.ifli yonfront It. and and polit y of it.-* man- would not Ignore tile fact that nt present rnltrond serv- ally. Including that of the Southern. 1* far from satisfactory. If there whs no adequnte and Justifying cause for this, these conditions would be unpardonable, hut the fact Is. they spring largely from causes which can not for the moment lw controlled one exceedingly potential cause Is the extraordinary Industrial develop ment of the South. Ill Ills last public address, the late president .if Hits com pany, Mr. Hamuel Spencer, referred to tids development at length Nowhare In the Flitted States, ex cept In the two states of the extreme northwest. Washington and Oregon, ha* there been such Industrial devel opment as In the South. It Is perhaps not too much to claim that; outside of the energies and ef* -forts—of—tlie- people. 1 Ildus elves, this •tnpany has been one of the • lilef fuc- »rs In this development Manifestly, the vast Increase of trunic Incident to this commercial awakening, requires enormous increases lu transportation fatllltles. The management of the Southern Railway Foinpany has not been unmindful of this fat t, and did not wait for tho coming of the develop ment Itself, before attempting to In crease to the utmost possible extent Its transportation uipadty. It must be remembered that this company has not been In existence more than about twtdvo \ear* It found those railroad* of the Mouth, now constituting u part of its system, or light and faulty con struction. pool H equipped and utterly unprepared to handle any considerable nafTte. They had been recently bank rupt and w*i«' without credit As scon as the new company came Into existence, the maiiag of hen, I hlllg Mouth will api tl linprov what tt I traffic of tli from th terlul. In- prosecution of this double track k ha* m•«ssaiily caused sonic of delay to the truffle of which tin* public complains and necessarily re- - i.. tin eompHm In In teased « ">-t i,er..ih>n. i» * f.o « that tin* c.imjmnv, In li*. ef fort to improve its fat llllles to bundle the public business, has not ls*en de- tencd from undertaking this work at a time when the cost of material and labor I* on such an unusually high plane, should, I think. I»e uveeptnd by the Pwhile as Mil earnest «*f the compa- ny s desire ami pur|M,Hv to put itself In n |weapbqr—f**~ per f»»rm- - it* l'H >, ltu limit:; r - ITTe g I e.t I. h| m ras hr ITte S >iitb Is that its railroad* should have .iddittnnnt tone rnpnclty —No matter how mum locomotives end cars may Is* available. It Is manifest that the num ber witleh can Ih moved 1* dmlttd by the LisLclt cjUiiciLy .Thr 'VJ»k "f pro viding the rtCiM • ir.'.- u Mlth mil track will require a \a*t Input of capital. How it |K |o l»e pis.vlded 1* everywhere a matter of grave concern to railroad managers. It cannot be obtained, from the current operation* of the proper ties. It inu*t be In*; rowed l.tMtklng forwanl to tin* need for largely Increased firllitbs. the man agement last spring authorised the cre ation of the company’ll development and general mortgage., liomls to the amount of fjon.iiao.iiuo. of these bonds, 920,000,000 were at oiu *• s«dd and the I.Miwds arc being spent ns rapidly as the work can !»■* »b«nc m .nhllng to existing facilities of flu company. R Is the intention of the m-miuement t pursiu this policy and prm h» 0 such o these additional faclllltoH ns may b on Friday evening at the New Kim ball the alumni of Hampden-Hydney <'allege, Virginia, will.give a banquet. Immediately following this a Georgia Alumni Association, will be organized. The address of evening will be de- tivered by~the ' new* president llHinpden-Rydney, Hev. J. tJray Mc Allister,' D. D.. on# of Virginia’s most progressive educator.*. !>r. A. H Hold, i rh.v, of Atlanta, will act as tuunt mas. owing to the fact that about fifty graduates of Hampden-Kydney t*niteire are now living In Oeorgia. some of whom ate among the leading educators and professional men, the event Is one of general Interest throughout the state. Among others are the follow ing alumni: . James H. Alexander, K II. ib»r- »iHt. Dr. 8.- T. Barnett, Rev. J. II. Flcklen, Dr. A. R. Uoldrrby. W. A. I-y- y»ns, D. McKinney, Rev. A. J. Mo Kelway. D. p. |f. l-scuv Hmtth. l)i. Bernard WolfT, of Atlanta: Dr II. H. A rbuckle, Agnes Bcoft follege. I*ro- fcK*or Cl. Holman Gardner. —iJuimltl Fraser school. Professor John L. Dan- !H. Hev. J. I. Armstrong, of Decatur; Professor W. H:—Hoeiwh nn»l Pr«»fei»- W. D. Hooper, Cnlverslty of Gear- kIii ; Professor J. It. Morton. John (Jll- llam, ProfcHsor It. <\ Mumervillc and Fdward McGehev, of Havunnalt. l»r W. R. Houston und II. U. Crane, Augusta; K P. Dlstnukes, Professor Mars hull Morton, Columbus; Professor c. A. Sydnor, RUckshear, Ga.; It* % ii. G. Mvdnor, Rome; Dr. A. II. Mettaucr. Macon; Dr. F. M. Cunnlngluim. Pro- b-ssor I. Cochran Hunt, Thomusvlllc. Pale Oolicste Women end Girls. Tne Old 8tnndaid. Grovel* Tuxteless Chill Tonic, drives out tnalaila and builds up the WVtiOil Hnl.i l.y ill dealers for 87 years. ~ Ice 60 cents. • t the growing demands n-qulrcd to of huhtness. As bearing up<»n the capacity ,.f the railroad compr.tih m to obtain Hie mean* t * make necessary .additions to :!>Hr fai-iiuictt and to luovlUc tlu> m..Ki.ip- provefj snf**ty appliances in npcratlnn. th* public siiouh*, give fair business tderutlon *o the situation which Alderman Quliilan graphically told why ‘ his resolution should be acted upon fa- Another Step Taken to Advance City Schools. FIRE AND POLICE DEPARTMENTS, TOO. Finance Committee to Rec ommend $> a Month Raise. Atlanta*# police, firemen and school teach#re will have their salaries raised. Along with some of the very few’ corporations of the country that have realized something'more was coining to empluyee* because of Increased cost of living, the llnnncc committee of council dechhd upon u raise of )'• a month each for this class of employees at the Initial meeting of the new year Wednesday nfrerno.-m. “— 1 The finance committee realized that while tho cost of living had Increased per cent tn ttiF tHRT Teir year* wtrtr lo. If any, Increase lu the salaries the p*K>rly paid city employees. It was time t« open the purse etrings rider. About S»to school teachers will get the raise, the frst In twenty years. It will benefit about 20ft policemen. And about 140 fire fighters of t’hlef Cummings' department will he made happy. In the past the officials drawing the fat salaries have always been consid ered when safurlea were being raised, and the poorly paid, hard-worked em ployees were forgotten In the shuf fle. For Low Salaried Employees. This year It Is different. Tim ralw will not affect any employee drawing at present ns high os |io*» a month. Police captains, firs captain* and a >me so they will not be affected. The question of salary raise: ably championed by Alderman gull- lian. who urged the necessity of this action to the other member* of the committee. Mome time ago u resolu tion to this effect was Introduced In council hy Aldernnm Qullltnn. ami It wns referred to the finance committee for action. In the meeting Wednesday afternoon The Pure Food Label Demanded by the government guarantees the article so labeled to be absolutely pure. The Union Label On your printing guarantees that it is not the product of the SWEAT SHOP. It Costs You Nothing—Get It ATLANTA TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, 520 Candler Building. ' P. 0: Box 266. ATLANTA PHONE 873. Hotel Marlborough Broadway, 36th and 37th St*., Herald Square, New York confronts the earners. The pres* nt situation Is: An Immense In Tri-no In .ill expenses, without any Incrcust In rotes—in fact, with the pnqKisftion almost universally made to de-.rcase rates hy legislative action. Th** Inrgt’ Increase In expenses may be .Illustrated ns follows: Since 1898. Bridge timber has Increased from 19.36 to 120.32 per thousand feet. Cr*»Hs-tles from 28 cents lo 34.5 cents per tie. Hteel rails from 117.75-per tnq to | per ton. Pricss Equipment Ha vs IncrsAHd, io from •48.814- Pile Remedy Given Away To All Pile Sufferers We Will 8end Free a Trial Package of the Pyramid Pile Ouro. this dread disc >u that our *d with the I'd a* euros make this offer It to Ye leuv Ide whether ot not you u miout thl* long tried io ca*e where It la** spent. In n« all. Itn approve 12.:. > id spt met id In- h« -Vou will not intrrfvr lly any mote” The reports »>f thr#» quick succession folhe shots ffreel In; |tracking 1 allgntni ut. f brhlges for I im branches i | f*»«t3.2M*. In eld.-, passing un*l Wtviul tracks, fA 1 «s v.**; tn simps. t«».i|s and machinery. t2.iH1.14*. In ad dition* and improvements t * vnrdn. I real . -t.ite. roatlwav and stria lutes and 'other Intproyetneiits and addition*, |x.- .... or a total of H*.H4 "lx j it has s|s*nt. or contracted t . spend, •t pew equipment. Joint terminals maple led. terminal*, double* tracking, ork d* ne and contracted for t" pro- are t.i hand!.' the traffic, a total of following I j.ii,, (» urn has not hr . ;|| , j I it has been Used a* I. uhie | Hons It has saved t ami changing I operating tit Me and 11 You owe It to > our trial, especially slm tng I write to thank w n Judgment t«* on . an afford to edv. We Pyramid Don’t Theorize If you’re "out of sorts'’ let up on ruffe** f*»r Ift days and try IP0STUM • / THERE , 8 A REASON.** ! 9* •d rolling stock, lo otl\ e 1 'from 623 to i fori. 1.7.44 Freight tn icelxed and 1 i Passenger cel\ed and V ' , Till* -hi* - her of ad.i r-f •A.'lt'l'i the freight cent tx; i.» (ro- •ught relief. ccordlng to f llo'JsHU' I * fro I endless t« flf to give It * tt < .»sts when llrec- in tho it ure. a fair noth- figure* and also praise > ou for the good > our medicine ha* done tin* nh. 1 can’t find word* to express my thanks to you all for such a womhrful and -pt»d\ cure I felt re lieved nfte» using xour sample. *v 1 sent right on to a druggist and b mght a Sac box. which. I believe, lias cure*) me entirely F feel more myself now than I have felt lu over a Near, for | have been bother-Ml about that long with the pile* i have told all my frleinls About this wonderful dlscoverv and will recommend It whenever I can You can use my name anywhere you ehoote He*peetfully. Mr* t’lia*. I. t'oleman. Tullahoma. Tenn ’ There Is surely n*» good reason why any sufferer from plies should continue In agon* If you are t urned with thl* disease. *\e will send t.» your ad dress. in a plain sealed wrapper, a sufflchnt quantity of tin- Pyramid Pile Pure to show what lellrf it brings Many have be.n pfa.-ticali* cared by ihls amount .»f the reined* uh»n«*. The s.imi>le |*i. kage which we will send you CUUiaUi' tin AdeulUal leumiy. m44 It* all drug Mores at vt* per box. Write today and prow to >our own satlsfnctt »n that you can be cured. Pyramid Drug »*•». 77 Pyramid lluild- $16,000 to $20,000. I’.iaacngcr cuaclma— ir> $9,468. Freight <*nri from $.*»oo.43 to $765. P. ul cars from 1368 to $1,135. The cost of labor hns Incrcnsed per tulle of nmd front $1,621.67 In 1895 12.87 4.71 111 1906. and from $2,513 per mile of toad In 19o5 to $2,874.71 111 1906. Tnxen ,,f the company per mile of road have, since 1895. Im roused 63.41 per cent. To thts large Increase of expense must lidded the eX«'e Juries in personul injur In addition to this then* is a marked tendency on the part of many of the states to regard any failure of service us w illful, and lo Impose upon the car rier n heavy penalty the Inasmuch as adequate facilities for all are not in existence, the Imposition of a penalty for failure to furnish curs under the above-mentioned ciimslanee*. If It hos anv effect other thnn merely to-deplete the treasury nf the earner and to deprive tt to that ex tent of t» e mover to Improve its trans- |s>rtatlon and service. ihuM result sim ply In the withdrawal <>t the citrr!#r*u faellltleK from the servl*.* lu resiwu't to which there Is no penalty. In order to use them tn the service where there Is a penalty. The logical result of this would be a race between the states to see which could Inflict the highest pen alty so as to obtain a preference for Its own citizens. • The imposition of penalties will not build railroad tracks, supply equip ment or enlarge and simplify termi nals. nor would It. under the circum stances mentioned, benefit the trans portation service ns u whole, but, on the contrary, would teml to produce In justice and discrimination between per sons nml localities. Resides, this nntu- rully would develop into it* preference In favor of state commerce over Inter state commerce Rut the larger Inter ests of the shipping public of the Mouth are In Interstate commerce for the ren in that theft* principal markers are the larger markets .if the country, hfch are In other states With these greatly Increased ex penses for material, for labor, for taxes, for penalties and far dunnge claims, and with the Just demands of the pub for latter facilities nml safe! vorubly. He declared that as the high, cr paid officials had always heen con sidered In the pnst when salaries were being raised, he thought It tvn* time the police, firemen and school teachers were remembered. He pointed nut the Increased coot-of living-ami how this fact hod been .recognised by employers of labor. It will not cost tho cky very much to scatter this happiness In about 700 homes or between 8.80ft and 8.000 per son*. It will cost about $37,000 a year, while from the estimated statement of the city's revenues for this year by t^omptrnller Goldsmith it *w*ns shown the income will be Increased $83,600 over last year. Ai poHce gei-i;** ® memtix- nnd the firemen receive the same a mount. ’Rhlsyear t hev wll 1 rc<*elve 175 A month and police sergeant* at present receiving 175 a month will be raised to $Hft. M«» the raise will go on $5 a month until It hits the floo ii month men and will stop. Definite Action Dtferrod. Although definite action on the raising FREE CATARRH CURE Bid Brealli, K'fliwkiig ad Splttlig Quickly Cured—Fill Oil F(W Coupon B*(0V. Moit Ccntnllv Located Hotel on Broadway. Only ten minuter walk to 2S leading theatrer. Completely renovated and traniformed in every department. Cp-to-dale in alt re- rpects. Telephone in each room. Four Beautiful Dining Room* with Capacity of 1200. The Famom German Restaurant Broadway’s chief attraction for Spe cial Food Dishes and Popular Music. European Flan. 4M looms. 200 Dallas. -WRITE FOR DOOKLET. - SWEENEY-TIERNEY HOTEL COMPANY E. M. TIERNEY. Ma»«v«r of the salaries of touchers ami police men was deferred until Thursday, when the hoard of education and p< lice bonrd will Ik- hcahl "from" it wu agreed that these employees would get the same treatment us was accord ed the firemen. In addition to taking this notion, the committee heard front various depart ments a* to the amount* of money needed for their operation during the year. All of the departinenr* linked for In- creases over last year * appropriation* amT I»e*l«1e* Tn*. Parka uiked fm ITuiuu establish an tneorinttr Hospital. Mis* Anne wttn which t ward, at Gr Walhtmr fibrartan nt The CariTFgfirT.T brury. asked for $21.47ft for tlie in stitution, which was an Increase of about $6,tmo over last year. The Home for old Women, through Mrs. M. J Ihirtell, asked for $;».«W0 tn nddtttrm tn $loo h month for expense*. An engine house In the Klghth ward, asked for by t'ounrtimun Roberts, will cost $25,- ooft. A new school house In the Fifth ward to take the place of the Marietta Ml reel school was asked for by Alder- nan Buetell. while Councilman Styron ranted more money for the city pris on. A bookkeeper with a salary of $9oo a year w*ns asked for by the city clerk, and Mayor Joyner requested that he bo allowed a stenographer at 975 a month. Rotli the bookkeeper and the mayor’s stenographer were decided upon by the committee and It Is no*v up to appli cants to scramble for the newly created Jobs. For the balance of the week thi coni- mine * will be busy nt work making out Hie apportionment sheet, which wju have to |»e completed In time to HUbmlt Louticll at the meeting on Monday afternoon. that a reduct I lllet with the pul'h larger questions of t greater safety l submit these f. mslderatlon of He perfect good faith, of our freight rat* faros. The public she My New Diteovery Quickly Cure* C* Urrh. H —C. E. Gauti. I'stnrrli Is not only ilaugeryii*. Imt it rim™» ml hrernh. uleeratlnti, death mid demy •• greater j i..** of niinklng mid ren«onlng powet peratlon. It must he apparent j kills iituldtion and energy. sins' enue must |S "W’- 11 . 1 test In these facilities nn« llldlgestto * to the candid people W ||o, Ul fire a reduction and imssenger 1 be advised that the will dem •usual*. Giv f.Kt that tliu man- ‘ mg. Mai shall, Mich. with decreased revenues the railroad* of the country will be utterl* unable to pursue successfully their efforts t*» pro. * ide better facilities and greater safety of transportation The |*olnt Is near where It mnv lie absolutely necessary for th# public to take the choice between better and safer facilities, on the one hand, and lower rate* on the other. In the nature of things. It I* Impossible to provide both. In,view of the difficulty of inerting tfie Aist demands of the public for lar ger facilities and greater safety, with reduced revenue* and tm*ren*ed ex* pq-tuieM, I Hmt 4 am Jw*tiffrd fir hr* llig before «»ur patrons and the publh this plain statement of condition- Ke*pectft»ll> W. W. FINI.KY. rros'dent. ... iIJiPCMU. raw mid reaches to tfvnersl d« suitv. Idbs-y mid lieMidty. It needs nt ten I ion nt olice fare It with limiss* I'ntnrrh fare It |h ii quick, rndbid. permanent e»ire. Is*entise It rids ilie system of the |*o!*on germs that enuse catarrh In order to prove to till win* an* suffering from thl* dangerous-mid loathsome disease ihnt Gnus** Catarrh Cure will nctmillv cure any case ..f itarrh qtllektt. no m iller Inm long standing or In»w l*ad. I will semi s irinl psek ig** lo mall free of all cost. Send ii* jour mine nml nddres* tiski* mol the treatment wilt l*e sent you I** r*tnrn mail. Try It It will 1*0*111*ely run* mi you Will Ih* Welcomed Instead of sliuniie<l by your friends c. K GAFKK »*6jo Mali, Si., Nlucdtall. Ml'ii Fill out «*uI|mmi lieli.w FREE This eoit|M*n U geisl foi on*- trial package of Gauss' Combined Catarrh cure, mailed fre* lu plain pack age Slinplr nil lii *our name mid address oiled lines l*eh*w mid mull b* HEADACHES AND NEURALGIA FROM C0LD8 LAX ATI VK RROMO Quinine, the world wide Cold and Grip remedy remove* cause. ^Cali for full name. Look for signature E. \V. Grove. 25c. A ttlntlflc treatment tee WhUkff, Ogltm. Vn> sftiae. Cscs/at. Cl Itn!, Ttbacce u4 ffttraitb- •fa ft Ntm hkittiiw lb Onl, ImIij lasti. ’ lute ill 8tir(iL 229 Woodward An., ATLANTA, BA. B: & Ryon E. E. B PHYSICIAN AN 81 Office#! 324-325 Century Bldg. Bell Phone 3901 Nails, Tools and Builders* Hardware, Builders* Hardware. Nulls and T<>< Lowest prices In Atlanta at our new store at 150 Peters street. F. J. C00LEDGE & SON., OH tlcuurs sect L _ B. M. WOOLLEY- M. D. Office 104 If. Fivor Pmu NELSON STREET VIADUCT OPEN The Nelson street viaduct has been thrown open to the public and Wed- mSnlay morning this thoroughfare, which has been closed several months, was used by pedestrians and vehicles In going to and from the First ward. Traffic during the erection of the bridge has heen diverted to the Mitchell stte*q viaduct Tim street car company has already hud its tracks and strung it* trolleys, and It H quite likely that sehfduleN across the bridge will be In augurated Uds week. RAILROAD FRONTAGE FOR LEASE. TWO LARGE TRACTS ON SOUTH- ERN RAILROAD. ADJOINING OUR LUMBER YARDS. RAILROAD TRACKS THROUGH THE PROPERTY. WHITEHALL ST. FRONTAGE. E. 0. WILLINGHAM & SONS. 542 WHITEH/ftL ST. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Arrive From ~ | Depart T**- S.-i*niiunli .... T.iftnni'Maom ........!! *•' !•' i .lucksouvllle . ?.£>■) iiiii Mseou " ’ Mneoa It 41 iiiiii.tiiekxniirllle . I'*'- 1 Mrtnui 4 15 pm!Mn«*oii * "'> ‘ Will Revise Rate Schedule. S|*ecinl to The Ginirglan. Jackson. Miss, 17.—The Am.rl- can Express Fompany has notified the railroad commission that It propose* to revise ull Its rates in this state ami ha* asked the commission to lniv» a meeting on January 22 for the purposv of «v»n«Mt ling this noised schedule. GUARDS HEAL ROCKS: THINKS THEM MONEY AllcttliiK that Ills client picks up rocks nml guards them, declarin'; them to lie money. Attorney Wall n*!.- eil Judge Cnlhtmn to postpu.’e the trial nf John A. McGuflle, charged with ' lallng labor contracts, morning, until an examination lue his client's sanity could be made DE. E. 0. GRIFFIN’S LOW PRICES UNTIL JAN. 28. GOOD SETOFffiO TEETH GOLD CROWNSffi 9 best 22-kgold All other petitol Work si very lew prim*. f'nniF nt ones and t»k" i' 1 TstitncH nf ffifa offer. KntnWisb^l •“ Atlnnta 16 years. Impression taksu-^ plates deliver**! saute day. — GATE CITY DENTAL ROOMS »'/< Whilthall SI. Phons 1706. Lady Attsndant.