The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 18, 1907, Image 12

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IS THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN FRIDAY, JAKEART It HOT. Want Ads Only I Cent a Word No ad. takan (or loot than 25 oant* »l« \eorda of avaruga longth maka a lino. Tha (allowing rat to aro (or eonoosutlvo inaartlona: 1 (Into .... 5 oonto o lino. ■ 1 limofl . . . . t eonto a lino. • tlmoo . ... V/t cento a lino. 28 tlmoo .... 4 eonto a lino. 82 timoo . ... T/t oonto a lino. 78 tlmoo .... 1 eonto a lino. Wo Will Band (or Your Ad. Without Charge (or Moooongor Service. Colt u» on Soil Phono 4927 Main, or 4401 Atlanta Phono. When Bonding Ado. Ray (or at above. Ratee quoted Ada. (or Situation* Wonted bo Ineertod Free. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. HI WANTED HELP—MALE. GRANDMOTHER’S SALVE. ODAUANTEED TO COBB ANY CHRONIC acre, carboorloe. bulla, rota bar** ler. erjolpelae, akappad baodo and pile* catarrh. Pore, dean aod bermleoo. Ilao boon flora away (or oiioat olfbty ream. IIerectly placed on tho market It ilrufflot (alia to taro lab It. aood oa Si ■tempo and we will ored you a boo, poet, ate paid. National Ointment Company, Atlanta, Ua. BUY ZOOM yCHNITt'BK From the J f Turner Kuriiliiire Co.. 41*42 SHOt'l l> tot; HAVE A COLD AND A rough. lake '■liewlierry'a frrllfht." Noth- Inf botlrr. Druggists adl It. LIGHT RUNXTNG. TIIB STANDARD "noTAIIV RHWIKO W A If T B D—COMPETENT REMINGTON •porator* furnished posttioas. Remington Typewriter Co.. UfPeacbtrve street. SUTIONAL EMPLOTMENTASA'nT*!W Si CtBtnr; BMf.. Atlanta. U«., ft pealtloos for competent nraplft In all com- ■ftrHftir meehaelcsl. technical and special lUoa. Enclose fttampa for fro# list. WAMTICD-400 ME.N TO UKT ALL 1IAB ■ Si ftl Molar Bar- ■ or Hunter ftud WANTEI»—WBAVBKH. fll'INNKRH AND doffera for cotton mill work. Good run Bins work and fair wav** paid. Good, healthy locality to lire In. Untrained taken and trained. Apply to Mary Cotton MHia. (IrtfMWn, Go. WANTKD-MEN TO LEARN RARIIKR trnde. Wr pro parr you for pneltlons; 11 to $20 weekly. You «*ai(»practlrally • sour tuition, tooli and lionrd before S ing. Short tlnia rwinlred. Positions or tlon* watting. Coll or write. Moler bar College. Hunt or and Foraytb atrofta. WANTKD-TWO COLORED HARIIERH TO rati at *«»uth Broad atreet between IS and 1 o’clock. I- 8. Mann. WAKT«I»-KXPKRIEJfCKD |STy" GOODH tmleaimen^ ^ifiiartuTriit^ 1 ! t T j5 rr,M,f ^ Phone 8RR1. WANTF.D-A BRIGHT OFFICE ROY shout f(Wirtwan. wh« know* the ellr. and wants to learn iirlntlng business. Cull South Foraytk afreet. WHEN IN N'KKH OF A JOB. CAI.I. AT 716 Century ImUdlug, and register with the Old Itelfnlde Empire. 'We can plnee n» many up|Ulcaiita today an we eon net. mid —wbo sru-cmnpctcnt. Er~~‘~~ _i **“ resu. Hell phone main ; WE HAVE PAINTERS, W’lI.DERH, lNN)kkee|M*rH. ineehanlci. aaleuiueii, etc Tabernacle Employment Department. H t* 10 a. m. ’Phono 2»L. WANTRIt—LICENSED PlIARMACIHT; Inreat araall turn or liegln on atnall aal try, and manufacture line of proprletnry Bnllrlnn. Georgia trade eatntdlsbeil. coptloual opportunity right party. J. E ftarli, Galncavlll*. da. WAKTEO -RTF.NOnnArnEIl FOR hail wty office. 170; hounekee|ier. $35; tamk **“* HeHmwy Hwolneaa Ageweyr 1*^ DON’T EXPERIMENT. oollifectory light. tncrmoe light—da TOE STANDARD <3AS MOIIT-THTJ Kent Ught boo provao to lie the uioet goe bill. WANTED HELP—FEMALE DON’T EXPERIMENT. GET THE STANDARD GAS UGHT-THK Kent Light hao proven to bo the moat gatlafactory light. Increase llght-de cresses gas bltL WANTED HELP-Mals and Femala. WANTEO-t.AIHER AND HUNTS TO train for the Hinge. Position wunrnnteed after learning. Mrs. Drown, Ill D hpilnc street.. WANTUI>~ FII48T t’l AHN RTENOOHA plier. who midenttniMU the 8|»ntili»li Inn guaac. hcl.omh Mill Mantifin-t tiring Com pan). THE BEST LIGHT. THE KENT LIGHT EXCELS ALL OTH ora in neatneaa. brilliancy and economy. 69 N. Pryor St, Phone -1848. BY INVESTIGATING We I (tty, sell and exchange mr»i , Atlanta Wreckage Co., 37 JV West Mltehel •treet. Iloth ’phones. OVERSTOCKRIf; THREE HUNDRED aeroiid hanil typewriters; all makes; rate price*. Remingtons: late mode . , up. Smith Premiers, SB up; Olivers. $X np. J. B. Crayton A CtT. Charlotte. N. C. flituret at fA Marietta ttreet, __ ... Rurke, liaiikrupt. Rida auhject to tha ap proral of the eonrt. William II. Wlthera. receiver. SIS Austell Imlldlng. FURNITURE AND RUG BARGAINS. •75 gi’ARTEREIl OAK RIHEIIOARD....I55 gl’ARTKBKD OAK HIl)KBOAIuV. 9Q« m gi"artkue1VT>ak HiDEiroARn^~tt> BEAl’TIFrio HII>RnoARI»H..7. |17 Ul 1 ft INGRAIN ART Hgi’AREM <9»I2» 17 115 nitI N.VELH ART Hgi’AREH ..TT.JHl in.60 VELVET Hgt’ARRN (acamlemu tin •26.5) AXMlNHTEIt NgFARRS’ i»il2l....|r «weatE 25c each extra. Out-of-town orders prompt and eareful attention. Rest »rk. latest styles. Actus Hatters, #4 bltehuli street. ery article In the h« ROB1 SON-M ARTIN FUR NITURE GO., 2‘.1 and 27 E. limiter St WALL PAPER FOR BATH ROOMS AbholtHirty Wi»lt*N)irOof. 40,000 rullu tu jiiek from • WHITK WALIj PAl’KK CO., ti!) N. Pryor Street. THE BEST LIGHT. TUB KBST I.lfinT EXCEL* ALL OTII era In neatneaa, brilliancy and economy. 69 N. Prvor St. Phone 4848. FOR SALE—RLAL ESTATE OK SALE-TWO ADJOININ'! LOTH IN Oakland Heights; 45 by 145. M by 145; oak rove; Idcheet elevation «»n Helena stnwt. Ilnnrnln at $175 each cash. W. J. 8toy, care MI NT HELL AT SACRIFICE. H!\ ROOM cottage. f*»ar ld(M-k« from Arngon, n«*nr ‘enchtrec: $3.rt>'t. UenttMl at month; ev er >scant. Perfect condition P. t>. ||ox 6M. SEE T8 AIIOI’T THESE ItAHiiAlNK FOR gUCK HALE: ,&»v North Jackson street; aeveu rooms; easy terms. Went Fifth street—eight rooms; ttroatory; ~*.J5o. on terms. ‘nstlelwrry street—six rooms; $2..IX); easy ■liege Pnrk—Hit CodUi; »: terms. ihh\ Street—Hit rooms 4 rms All b.irgnln |G> by $2. car line; I?,CO; >KT-ON WHITEHALL STREET. IN Nunnalh s or i l.miii-crlln's, on Jnnnarv hnndliNl Indy’s uinbreUn, olin ward. BOARDERS WANTED. THE RRISTOL. 44 WALTON STREET l’hole- nsHus. Inrge and amall. eleetrh llahts. hot and cold water. Table the licit Meal tickets. WALLL PAPER. WALL PAPER AM» PAINTS, ’fkm't let ’em f»s»l you." Jim Harnett 'fformerly of Rurnctt A W||||a) l» noudesd «<w missing, lie Is «MUtraitlng wslr|m|>er and ptlatlug. offh*e and abow room 1.' East lluntcc street. Roth phouea 4U. FOR RENT—ROOMS, ^ m rt'RNISllEH Rohm, 811.AM HEAT. WA ter. gas. .-enter of Hty . Idg slt% «; •12 per month. I’sll lelHivn S:.l» slid » p. m. It* Feacktrvc. Uu^u No. U 1 SAVE YOUR EYES. THE KENT INVERTER LIGHT MAKES reading and studying a pleasure and re Here* eye strain. MEDICAL, ASTHMA CI’RKIW-I WILL SEN I* FREE n lndtle of my cure as n test to nn.v nsthuintlc R. M Harrah. 171 Walker street, Atlanta, tla. WANTED—AGENTS. BUSINESS OlOZOTOBT. BICYCLE SUNDRIES. DICTCLU AND BL'NDBIER-LAnaMT hlrrrl. aad auo4r/ <Uatrlbulara lu tha Ruulb. afrit, far 1’lrrra, lala, Kuril aa4 lladaoa Qrrrlca. (Vrltr lor our ■we oaulofw a ad prlco lift. Alriouilrr Kim Ceupaup. CARPENTERS AND CABINET MAK MODEL* AND NOvft.TIK*: CBOMPT oerrlee. Bell 'phone 2174. Atlanta Wood and Iron Noreltjr Works, W Marietta street, HE * TIIB MA!?THAt5*KLL* HOT AIR. Installs furnaces In old houses, as *ell as new. lie p re Dares a cellar If you bare - - “ rlef Fur - none. Monerlef Furnace Co. Ibith ’phones. MESSENGER SERVICE. ...... F»R PROMPT AND UF.LIAULE MRS aeiigera. phone 0. J. A. Hi vies and J. ('. Itrnuuu. „KVTK,?^?K„ M J 5S. H, .^ 8 M0NT„: either singer or Wheeler A Wilson We rent only new ms chines with complete set of attachments. Prompt ilallrerv. Roth tones 1M&. Singer Mowing Machine Co. Whitehall treet TALKING MACHINES. TALKING MACHINES A.ND RKCORng- Wholeaale and retail dlftribatora of Vie. tor Talking Machines and Records. Just recelred large roualgumea*. of mscblnea and orer 10,009 recordli. Immediate attention S een mall order a We want tha names of I talking machine dealers la the Soutl Write for catalogue. Alexantfer-Rlyea Co. II. W. ROI’NTRE T . BAG COMPANY. Retail and repairing. 77 Whitehall atreei. ’Phone 1570. SHOE REPAIRING. MORRIS PARK. 0 NORTH PRYOR street. Floe shoe repairing; beat leather and work * * •* INSTALLING AND REPAIRING xrjixn ROOM APPLIANCES, ELKY LOOK AT YOUR HAT. OLD STYLE SOFT AND STIFF HATS cleaned or dyed and re-shined to late tylea. Domeatlc and foreign orders by mall aud express given especial attention. Bus acy, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. CORNER VACANT LOT. On northeast corner of Lit- tie and Terry streets, I have for quick sale for a non-resi dent owner, a choice vacant lot, 67x100. The new car line to Macon will pass in front on Little St. Special bargain. Price $650.00 cash CHAS. M. ROBERTS, 12 Auburn Ave. ■UilMWP APPflBTIIM1T4RS swsinsas vrrwn * uWl I me. wiki .Eimi iinyniTni suarsinrui*. Prompt delivery. Courteoua attention; $2 per month. Domestic Sewing Machine Company. 104 North Pryor street. TYPEWRITERS. ATLANTA TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 71 North Pryor street, Atlanta, Ua. Dealers In all makes typewriters. OLD HAT8 MADE NEW. MISCELLANEOUS. Franklin Still Cleans Clean, 8U1TS 91.00 AND |1.S0. PANTB 50c. 144 WHITEHALL STREET. BELL PHONE 5!0. TUB CELEBRATED BARRETT STOVES AND RANQEf j.j&'OkJMEftpL h7 iOT.raniMtDit.atf m,Daf,ctur«d bf Biot. Work* Mil. jour dMl.r get 70S os*. ' DKPICEBtHHMEH*. SEVEN YEARS OLD Flue AlUnu Mloon. MA00. liuml hotel, onlj 4(00. I'.jlng frncrj .lore and cigar aland* lluatucM bargain,: ,11 kind*. W. JONES A CO.. 1 Viaduct place. T'bonei 5540. FOR BATE—F1NB VIROIN flMBBfc 1 tract,. I*ajlng tarpantla. bailnw. where forty elrgtn rrn|ia can ha cut. A flue hard- w.MJd proposition. A. U. McKinnon, Ucaa- PALMISTRY. MADAME MELLIE. THE NOTED EOYTTIAN I'ALMIKT. in l»e coaaalled oa all affair, of Ilf* Hha .ounltea the ren*rated, caaaea a lneedy marriage with the one of your choice, glee, name* date, and farta In ererytblag per taining to Ufa, or no charge,. Egyptian Eocampaant, •) Aohurn nranue. SITUATIONS WANTED. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY PHONES 5488. 412 PETRRS BLDG $3,850—New 8-r. house, north side, near Peach trees, rented on lease at $37.50; terms $1,000 cash will sell for $3,800 all cash, Location the best. $50 foot—105x195 Spring street; beat part of it; will sell 55 febt same rate. Will bring $60 in 60 days when building season opens. $6,000—Prettiest brand-new 8-r. home on north side on large deep lot; $1,000 cash. MONEY TO LOAN. MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEO- -Pin «nd -other* American Inrratiuent Company, 1M Candler building. MONET TO LOAN AT t, 4 AND 7 PER . rent Jntereat, according lo necnrlly of (ered; amall eapenaa and prompt atteotlon. SPECIAL HOME FtTNOR TO LEND. any amount. 4M. 4 and 4 par cent Wrlle or call R. W. Caraoa, M Booth Broad afreet MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE at very loweat rate* No delay,. Chnrlaa Herman, room. 203-108 Temple coart. ; $350 CASH AND BAL ANCE $20 PER MONTH BUYS NICE - NEW ROOM HOUSE, NEAR GRANT PARK.. FINE SHADED LOT 50X150. THE HOUSE IS WELL BUILT AND MAKES A COZY HOME. WE WANT TO SELL THIS HOUSE IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS AND IT’S YOUR OPPOR TUNITY TO G HOME ON THE VERY EASIEST TERMS. PRICE ONLY $2,300. SEE US RIGHT AWAY, JAMES L. LOGAN & CO., 408 Peters Building. four per cent home money to land on monthly paymant plan; no dalay; alao money for purchase money notes Straight loans mad* at I par rant and up wanla, according to daolrahlllty of loan. W. A. Foster, 12 South Broad atroet. W..A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, Bell 'Phone KS7. 12 S. Broad. Atlanta 'Phone ISO BIGGEST LOAD WOOD " ANEMSdAi* TOWN FOB TUB MONEY. FOIt ilry stove and grata wood, call Urawford 'onI Wtid lea Co. Iloth phones 2228. Best t'oal for the rbenpeat price. personal. DAVID VT. YARBROUGH, MASTER PLUMBER. Phone* 1255. 20 E. Hunter St WANTED—ROOM*. ANTED—ONE TO TIIKEE ROOMS furnlftln-d for light lious»ki>('plng; close Ntnte prlcr. V. O. |tu\ 17. FOR RENT—OFFICES. A1WB tioUIU.E OFFICE. 8K«'ONI> l.N»r. Temple court: newly ri'ltnlslu-d; only |ht month. W. Jones A t o.. 5 Vladuri ; ’pinnies 5566. WANTED—BY COMPETENT MAK OF estanslre ax|(crleoce. position to reprrsent business of a manufacturer’s agency. No objections to traveling. 'Address T. II. E., care The Georgian. THE BEST IMPROVED PLANTATION IN middle Georgia, containing 2.609 acres, at only |15 p4»r am; railroad station on tha place; two six-room dwellings and thlrt) tenant houses, gin. mill aud ator* house 1.80) acres level land; tarma. one-third cash; Imlance two to teu years. 6 per cant Inter- Addraw X T E. care Uoor Address No. 23. csre Georgian. nogrspher; live years’ expetav..*^-, .».«<.• lug legs! atcnographlc Work. References. Address No. 18, 55 North I'orsyth atreet. ROARDKIIM WANTED wj A FEW HELKC’T IIOAUDER8 CAN BE arcointmuUted at 806 Peachtree. ’Phone N. 655 J. WANTED—EXTRA WORK BY COMPE and will work hard. Write J. Clark. Ilailehnrat, tin.. Jeff Davis coun ty; rare Howlaud A Clark. FOR RENT—H0USE8. VTprj iTiRTnuriBY-i new nun inmier*; nir- id shed i*er month, nr unfurnished 00. W. L Scott, 85 N. Forsyth street. WANTED—REAL ESTATE. gnlck Buyer.* ON A CORNER LOT. IN WEST END. a comfortable slx rooiu cottage, with two additional rmmis lu the basement for $1,800, on terms of IMft cash and $15 per month, with 6 per ceut Interest. tool miey. iw own, cnicaen non**, puna and garden spot. Oooil table for $2,500. ““*■* Is not new, but la all tha better, as ON FLAT 8HOAL8 ROAD. RIOIIT AT the Soldiers* Home Junction, a new five- inomj'ott*!^ fronting the tar llnc. on Ihrge good value for $1,600 cash. ON ENGLISH AVENUE, IN WESTERN Heights, n new four-room cottage, wit city water; on lot 41 bv 177 to alley; for $1, 250. On terms of ISO cash and $15 par A SMOOTH LITTLE INVESTMENT IN the fourth ward, a double house renting to negroes for $14 per month. Price $1,250; WELL -LOCATED FIVE-ROOM COT- tage In West End. with all the conven- ..•urea. New. Renting for $22.1“ $2,260. * * Whitehall atreet, and on the corner of another street; all Improvements down on iMtb streets. A bouse of stlteeo rooms, renting to several tenants for $41 per month. Price $3.*A One tenant for past “ ‘ "— nofiL. annually ok Into this. A JAM-UP FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. IN the beat section tif West End, for $2,000. On terms of $500 rash and $20 per month. SALES DEPARTMENT: A. S. IIOOK, R. C. EVE. PICTURE A0ENT8-SEXD YOUR WORK to ns for enlargement; fair prices, good finish; 16 liy 20. Religious and sc«nery pic tures cheap. The tisrner Company. UA Pvters street, Atlanta, Gn. WANTKIX—AGENTS Tt» TAKE ORDERS for enlnrge«l fiorlrnlta In city; good, sobe* men without ct|ierleuce preferred Call be- house: Mg line of aeniplea; mnat have kimvItiUi* of nieaMumio-nt: ••*rn »i*«uHl «r||k ua. Tlckuvr A Jacobi, Rochester, N. X, E Plaribus Unum Cliff W. An,lay. Wm. 8. Analay. Edwin P. Analay. ANSLEY BROTHERS REAL ESTATE No. 4 (o 10 E. Alabama 8b, Atlanta, Qa. OFFICESi No. 117 Prgdo, Havana, Cuba. Cabla Addraaa: -Analay.'’ Januarj* 17,1907. The Georgian, Atlanta, Ga., Gentlemen: Please discontinue the small want ad I inserted in The Georgian, as I have received more re plies than I have time t<> answer. They are coming iu from every direction, and I have received them already from all parts of Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina and Kentucky. Kindly attend to this at once, and oblige, • Yours very trulv, Wm. s! ANSLEY. A North Side Residence We have a very nice 10-room residence a block and a half cast of Peachtree, for $7,500. This is the popular Calhoun Street School section, and a very desirable place for any one who wants a large home. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR. Phone 2678 L Main. WEST END COTTAGES. BRAND • NEW, LOVELY SIX • ROOM house: bss lirgc reception room, dining room, kitchen. Three lied rooms; slto inning through. Porcoiala iiiiifii. (.Mil amiffj large ioi, iiuuv one half Mock car line. Price reduced to $3,100: terms. $500 cash, balance $30 per month. 7 per cent Intrrest. only one block from Gordon atreet car 1ne and ooo block from Ladle avenue car me; one-half caah; balance can ha ar* ranged. $2,000~ON OAK STREET* NEAR LAW- ton atreet. we have a good, well-built five-room bouse; all conveniences; large lot; $500 caah. balance $25 per month. R. M. JONES & CO., REAL ESTATE, 516 EMPIRE BUILDING. - $10,000 —$10,000 WE HAVE A FINE PLACE ON GARNETT STREET, 55x190, WITH \ GOOD 8 MAIN ROOM HOUSE THAT IS OCCU- PIED BY OWNER, BUT WILL RENT FOR $50.00 PER MONTH. THIS IS 6 PER CENT WHILE YOU WAIT FOR 10 TO 20 PER CENT ENHANCEMENT. THIS PROPERTY IS MADISON AVE. AND IT IS GOOD BUSINESS PROPERTY NOW, AND WILL SOON BE ONE OF THE BEST BUSINESS STREETS IN THE CITY. YOU CAN NOT MAKE ANY MIS TAKE HERE. PHONE US FOR LOCATION. ON THE GEORGIA R. R. full: running water; placa 1 tlon: ran gtrr noaarnalon at one*. SIX ACCOMMODATION TBAINB DAILY- STOP IMMEDIATELY IX FRONT OK PLACE. SLC00 with mo caah ana bal ance at 7 per cant. C. H. WELLS & CO.. 1104 FOCBTn NATIONAL BANK BLDO. 9J.009-NEW SIX-ROOM HOUSE ON LEE atreet. hetwiwa Watt End areane an* Park atreet; baa all modem convenience* Cull and ice ua for Weal Bad boine* We hare them, - - = — ■ ■ ■ FORMWALT AND COOP ER STREET LOTS. from Routb Pryor atreei. from Georgia avenue. We can glva terms arrange to build your bouse. Call and ns show them to you. Sewer, water and gat. NEW COTTAGE AT LAKEWOOD. AT LAKEWOOD HEIGHTS. NEAR CAR line, we have a new four-room cottage, nice grove, corner lot; price $1,350; terms, $300 cash and balance easy terms. ACREAGE. ACRES FROM ford avenue tllell street) _ atreet and Decatur car line. Nice running water. Land lies beautifully for sub-dtvls MONEY TO LEND. our rent and sale bulletin. S B. TURMAN & CO., Cor. Broad & Ala. Sts. , FOR RENT G. J. & S. L. DALLAS, 317-318 Fourth National Bauk. .FOR SALE OR RENT. Excellent 8-room house, lot 163x246, on comer. Has good 3-room servant’s house, carriage bam and stables. Never been "rented, always occupied by owner as home; 2 blocks from Lucilc avenue car line, West End. Just the place for a party with horses and cows who wants plenty of room. Possession given February 1. Price $35 per month, or will sell. C. W. EDDINS, v 17 Grant Building, 7 Bell Phone 5203. FOR RENT. STORE* AND OFFICE*. Vtem atreet ,.$ *«) teentnr street 1^50 h’Kslli nvenne (Kdgewood, Os.).,. 10.10 Marietta street n.$6 Laowe atreet io.oo Vachtree street ugoa Marietta street $.«) Ilemphlll swnue s.00 Marietta street 12.4 Jfnrth Foravth street.. £8 12.14 JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THK RENTING AGENT, 12 Auburn Avenue. Both Phone* IIS. SAVE YOUR EYES. THE KENT INVERTED LIGHT MAKE* reedlk! and atuiljlug t plea aura god ra tify a* eye a train. J. A. BROOKS, ^ Real Estate, 407 Fourth National Bank. Bell Phone 1393 Main. Look at. this and think |uiek. An 11-room North iide house, very close iu; extra fine improvements. Well, it’s just this: The owner, on account of health, is going to leave and says sell this for $1,000 less than he asked three months ago. See me for the price, ami I saV it is the cheapest place on • North Side. At price T have it, it will rent for 15 per cent. A. J. WEST & CO., Century Bldg. Phono 1754. SOMETHING ESPECIALLY AT- TRACTIVE IN REAL F.RTATF. NORTH HIDE HOME—WITHIN 2M FEET *>f brat part of Pracfctrw; mrurr of m g»nd atrrata: •ttrarUra lot; »*w uii tudnt* twivatory rraldrara; .vary modarn >';'n'' n law*; nn car Una. Ckll for apaalal 10 formation. COTTAGE HOME—BRAND-NEW COT- ir Grant park ackool and Boafarar ird. Lot M by IM to aa allay, rantar or a modal boat*. Mom paymanu; only (LUO. EAITIFUL WEST PEACHTREE. AT Etaraath atrrat. Flao ataratlon. fadne raat. ahanlatrly tk* moat commanding rant lot In dty: all aarmadlog lota ba>°4 built .on or win k* Improve! Ihla ajirlnr. toat rhaoca to gat a bargain la tkfa >»» aarpaaaad aacttoa. A rlalt there la all Ilia will li* oacaaaary. LIST TOPE SALABLE PEOrERTT WITH a* Wa will glra jou prompt a»d a*"*' factory mult* MONET FOB BEAL ESTATE LOAS* d good purckaaa mooay aolr*