The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 19, 1907, Image 16

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' ! '7WT" V *TA GBOM<HAN t HA1UMU8Y. JANUARY u. un. - -• - ^ r • COTTON MARKET Puturos in Liverpool Market Left Off a Slight Decline. SPOT SLIGHTLY LOWER In New York the Short See aion Was WithoutSpe cial feature. New York, Jio. It.—Th* undertone Ik* rollon mark*! tl lb* outHl Ikl* morn III «■ **sy. Slal prior* brio* 305 polnf* lower. Prim after lb* rail showed • 1**1 esey to d«*ll** I* lb* shorn re of support I III ordrrs. Uoaln**a wss hampered h y a poor trlr* sendee to lb* Boat* a ad Weal. Future* In Liverpool opened 1 point* lower than due on New York'* eloalnc on Friday, and closed quiet net X 1-1 to 1 1-1 point* lower. Bust- ntaa p-aa dull and the aeaalon very abort. Urarpobl today: * Opa*. Ulib. . y-Fshnaty ....6.47 5.4745 ■-April b.4< 6.44 Low. IS fmt .442 Let aly-Aoiuat 5.4*4* A4044 A fair hualneaa tor the abort aeaalon Ion* In apota. kilea swewslln* rtf* tag.! i at 1 point* decline for mid dling to 6.14, In New York Ih* abort aeaalon waa without aperlal feature, 1 . t|M openln* belna easier I to'l point*, and during the flrat hour on evenlna up over the Bunday Interval, the loaa waa more than recovered, the do** beta* very ateady at the hlfheat point of the day, net l to » point* above Friday'* finals. Estimated receipt* Monday: 1666. 1107. New Orleans .. .. *,#oo to 10,500 4,140 Oalveaton li.ono to 24,ooo (,5»l Houaton 12.000 to 14,000 4,454 .Movement at Atlanta _ TOtWliti-Tnday-.—■■ ,. v. rr—TS4 Same day laat year lncreaae 5*4 Shipment* today 6*5 Same day laat 650 ..14.120 ... 7.55* .. 5,427 Stock on hand today Same day Ikbt year . Increase .. .. ...... •POT COTTON MARKET. Liverpool, eaaler; mldillln* upland! S.Md. Atlanta, ateady; fislddllo* lAe. New York, vary ateadv: mlddlu 1 Sew Orleans, arm; rolddltni ijiacv Memphis. atradr: mlddlln* 16 6 lie. NEWS AND GOSSIP «f tb* Piecey Staple. KBITS AND OOMIP.. New York. Jan. 4. It. Ilaeba A Co.: Uvarpeel waa due uocbsnxrd to I point blcbvr. Onraed quiet at 646 point* dr.llue. t.'loaed quirt. net 15b to lij lower, Knot., fair business dole* * lower; —6/o. A marl ran 7.000: middling 5*4] speeelstlou and export 600, Import* 1,000 bole*, all Edited by rt • q. Joseph B: Lively Mr. Ueetfa twratf-fire yeeae' esperles-e at *4- fttaa aaarkata la Atlanta aad tba fieur* kaa node bln * lecofelwd *»• I barf lr to bla apa dally. TIPS FLASHED From W*ll Street RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCKS AND COTTON MARKETS *S3tow|yr la tb* alaUatleal poallio* of rot- S/TUt tfSEZl VriflT • br uauanigr Vlalbla nppij American |4,*2.4J? I’orf receipt*.... I’ert itorki Ka port* ntrrlor shipment*..** I yy^H| interior receipts..^] 242.112 It* -' - — ' ntrrlor storks. ^D^slfht,^ w»«> j Mrw Ctsrk: futures Orleans, Jan. if.-liaywa Ursnool ateady. about wui suture* 1 to 2 lowsr; spot sales 1,000. -Hayward. Vlrk * “ x»ut as expect* spots t down HESTER’S WEEKLY COTTON STATEMENT berretary Haatar, In bla waably atalamrnt of tba movamant of cottoa, abowa a*. In- rreaaa to tb* movtmeut late alxkt, tom- pared, with tb* aavan day* radln* Ibla date laat yaar la rossd Oxurea of 211.000, in Inrrkk** evar tb* aamr daya yaar befor* 1*1* of 152,000, end an a aam* tlm* In 1364 of 174,1 . ^ .urraaaa ovar Ibe Fer tb* stfbtrao J daya *of January, tb* Inula abow an Incraaa* ovar laat ' 575.000. an larraaaa year I-rfora laat ef ovar Ibe mn tbee For tb* HO day* ef the eaatoo 1 aurearggar Tb* amoeat uroufbt Int rlfbtvan daya of January Tb* movamant nine*..September 1 abowa receipt* at all United Slat** porta of A713.. MO, illicit 6.470,541 last year, 5.646,383 aar baton I*- ' — A - - 1 .a 1*04. Overl Ohio aad I’olnt and Canada 5W.111, tliA floss of ths MI il yanruzm sfalnst M2.417,Ust your. J.29I ysnr before Ust and 40snniu time In 1994: Houtnerh mills taking* DJfliS? Ji3 7 ^ , ^ r uiSM* r Ttaeae make lb* total movamant for tbe 14a day* of tb* aaaann from September I to date 5.155,574, acaloat 7.427,717 laat year. 1.675,25: year brfor* laat and 7,50.105 aauia Knrelfo export* for tb* week hav* been U55. agaloat 176.634 laat year, making the >ta! tkua far for tka aaaavn 4.M4.304. nlnat AR2.M4 laat yaar, a* Incrwa* of , N'orthrrn tnllli taklnxi 1*1 the paat aevan daya of 26,519. aa compared wli NOTES ON GRAIN. Pointer* on Provisions. and Canada dar. .. abow an lurreaa* with the correspood- rliiftou: We kad tka more yeatarday: "Con blda from ahru.ul are Ir per baaUrl out of line. Tb* wbrat hualneaa to the other aid* from thla market boa I wen on a haala of about Me for No. 2 red Weateru, 77c lor contract No. 2 rad and ' atramar grade, all f. o. b. ocean Tbeae price* ara relatively 6««c -nd eve* ao tbc busl- i country contlyuou* Ul ■■ tvHi|wim< win !*C period Jtat.yaar, andI JMrJotaJ, tab- eountry rosde’lu Ma INTERIOR RECEIPTS. Hayward Vlok A Clark's Dally Vattar. New Orlaana, Jan. 15.—Inacllva, but ateady In short, describe* the markets. Both faction* are walttnc for en ad- vantnne In future developments to gel a majority of following. Liverpool wea About a* expected, future* and epot price* about S lower; total spot enlea I.#00—pretty good for a Baturday. Price chenge* In our market today were without elgnldcence. Home large room tradere In New York were cov- erlng ehorta over the week end, whl<5> caueed advance In a narrow market, n move which wna followed her* In the last two hour*. The visible supply statement, published lu»t night, wua unusually bullish, We arc now nearing tbe end of January and mill Yaking* continue on nn nverage well above *00,500 a week. We all know that thla crop la limited In alae. therefore A rate of consumption like this, which la on the lutsla of 14.500,000 bulm. must eat up supplies before the end of the. season, no mntter what weekly mldl- tlona temporarily there are In the vlsl- bl* supply In aeneral. A check to such consumption would In I Into become a necessity. At present bullish ennaump- tlon atntlMtlc* olTaet bearish movement figures and rauac Inactivity In »i«e- Ulutlon Aa the dally demand for has a direct bearing on this rale of con sumption. n break In the present lockup in futuree will probably come from spot news and that pretty soon. The spot markets, under the circumstance* bear close watching. Late*! development* are not Httofactory. F.xpm ter* gener ally complain of abeam demand from abroad and factor* here want to kail Anticipation of a bullish census report next week prevent* this from affecting future* nt the moment. COTTON SEED OIL MARKET. , Following are ibe uiwnlag an,I cl.wias tattoos of llte New York colluu s.s-1 oil mff*' nunl., .-Is—In* 4:mi4t>, l.'Vlkt 4I>»*t4I\ •lace Keptember 1 bare lurraaaed _ Tbe total taklaga ol American mills, isortb, Houlb and I'anada, tbna far for th* asaanu hare beau 2.525.IM. agalast 2.718.0» laat year. The** Include 1.471,541 by North ern aplanera, against 1.412,557. Htocka at tb* seaboard and tb* twenty- Inc leading Koutbero Interior ranters bav* _ „„ ■creased during tb* week 68,011 bales, oar Uv. against a daereaae during the eorraapoudlng perknl laat aeaaon of 0.7*1. and are bow Kl.Ttt larger Iban at this date to 1104. • — '— 1 —tan orer at porta abd ku-sa. m the last crop and lb* Tha brought Into sight tbna of nod «*- -.—i- net a eountry rondo In Maryland, Virginia, etc., Improv* sugkleelly to ponott ruruiera haollng It." New York wlroo: "Con And very little dlepaaltton on tbo port of Iho Europeau buyers of wheel to follaw thla recant rapid adraur*. In some Instances abort* bav* tb* pa: erpoel 1 iuyara." bouse cables: "Wheat la pectad. Cera aeaad off on American ad S unbar or Mien nrougni into otgbt ir from tba new erotC the supply to la 5,461,444. agaluat 1,571.751 for Iho ■ 5 b P.WJI.vra, eguai period iMI.Jver, WORLD’S VISIBLE — SUPPLY STATEMENT The world's visible aopply of rottoo, com piled br Heeretarr Beatar of Ibo New Or- leouo Cotton Exchange, shorn an Increase for Ih* week Jut eloood of 105A75, against a decree*e of 20 last year and a daclaas* * riii vmp baftaN lift. He totalrlslbl* la G, 472.704, iRAlnat 8.174.- laat waak, 6.43.U1 laat rear ao«l 4.U4.1S year lialora last. Or tbls th* total of Amerlrab cotton la 5.541,7N, agaluat 4.20,127 laat wash, 5.041,451 last year and S.597.1M rear bafoee laMaaed of oil other kinds. Including Kaypt. Braxll. Indli, elr.. 1.1M.0M. sxnlnsM.106,«d last week, 1,143,000 laat yaar and 5R.«M yaar before laat. Tb* total world's visible supply of cot. Inn. aa above, shown on lucre**,, romp*rod with loot week of 105^71, no tneroooe raa- pored with lant year of 61.275 ami an la- crease compared with /Mr before loot of •16,5*1. Of tb* world's vial his supply of rottoo, aa above, thorn to nowaboot and b*M4u Ur eat llrttaln and eoatloaotal Europa 2.M6.000, agaluat 2.10,506 laat yaar and 1.414,000 yeat before laat; la Egypt 145.000. against 200.000 laat year aad tOl.QoO year before laat; In India 475,000. against 7*7.000 laat year and 4O4.CO0 yaar bafor* laat, and tn th* United mate* 1,544,000, agatnat 1,465,000 last year and 1,541,000 yaar bahrr* laat. SPINNERS’ TAKINGS AMERICAN COTTON Aniriii'an cottoa hj tb« ■pinner* worlil at follow: of Otw Uat jroar anil I74.<tfO year Total alnca RcntnulM-r 1, thia year, ono, agalnat 8.22A.OUO laat year ami G.Mi.oui »l»i* year before. Of thla. Northern splnnera ami rainnlit took 1.472.000 balra thla year. a*«ln«t 1.412. iW laat year ami l.SlCoro the year iH-fun-: Southern aptnnera I.M0.000. agalnRt l.l'4,iui laat year ami 1.034.000 the year l^for.*; ami forelan aplnnem 2.044.010, aanliiRt 2.712. uoo last year, aud 2.W7.000 the yi-ar before. COTTON MOVEMENT DURING PAST WEEK The movement of cottbtn fur the wn-U nn.l •eoRitn. aa t^tmtillti! by Hu|M-r!utk-iiate*ut Kina of the New \ork 4'utton K\i hmujr. iq iu fullowa: Weakly Movamant. or good apnnf wheat In tha a lower grade*. 71 car*; winter wheat, 50 car*, and rnirum. Meara^TbaLof course, gives ers tbara srli’blddlng 1 foe tbo^o. 1 norlh- ovirYirllnaa ■ 1 Hchwahocher'i aotlmato or I oral provi sion otocko shows, as compared with those of a weak ago, tha following change*. Old pork, k reduction of 1.250 barrels; new. on Increase of LOOO barrel*. Lard 5.500 lie res* deerenaa, and riba au Increase of S&QOO pounds. Th a Price Current soyol "Warm, wet weather uofavorabls * - — , for corn, and some reports of damage to grain tn rrilie, llmw- lug wheat tn good raudltlun. miusllnn nut much changed. Interior grain mumuieut light. Parking 515,uoo, kgoluot etiO.Ouu n year ago." A broker In oats pH aald: “I'ntten brok en Unyltig all the uat*. I'ntten prraoiuilly bought m.»> baobelo Mny nnt* near the top prire wads on tbe forenoon bulge." THE WEATHERREPORT LOCAL FORECAST. Por Atlantn and Vlrlnlty-I'mhalily rain tonight or Monday; warmer toulfhl. WEATHER~C0NDITI0N8. An area «»f low nn*Mure of ronililernblo Inteniitty hna tlereli>|HM| In the northwt>Rt ami la now rentrnl near llunm. s. !>., where tha liarometer r**«Uter.i| 2».£* ln«*hee. i The truujb of thla low extend* eonth Intoi Texaa. The oreMiire la hlghett along the Atlantic ami rMclllc conata. The ailvati<*r of the low area hat caused n foucral rta»* In tem|M*rature over the northern half ot tha map. areoiuii«ule<l by rlomllnea ami con- alderablti ruin from the upper Mlaalaalppl to the ivnm. Over the eolith the pressure haa deereaaetl roudilernlily, loit the temperature element In*r t'lmiigetl 15iit little. The roiiilltloiiB ar«* favorable for unset- tlftl wont her amt probably rain lu this see- tlon toulght or Mumlay; warmer toulght. Minimum and Maximum Tam para turns and Rainfall. Oiiaerratlooa taken at 2 a. ax. nth Meri dian tine. MARKET FOR WHEAT SHOWED STREHGTR Buying Was of Good Char acter and Prices Were Forced Higher. Chicago. Jan. 15.—Wheat opened strong to 1-2 cent higher than yester- day'e do**. Higher; cable* and th* ■trong market la coeree gratae, togeth er with continued light receipt* In th* Northwest, are the principal cause*. THE CHICAGO ORAIN MARKET. & I * _ a ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. EGOS—Csndlcd. *ellve, Hr. LIVE POULTHY-U***. netlv*. 1715043c each; chicken* »ctlv*. »®»le e*eb; duck*. rvktu. Me *«eh; peddle, —me rack; gain, full feathered, 66c each; turkegk setlve, 14e *' < D^3SED POULTRY—Oeea*. undrawo, .cllre. 1001145c pound; turkeys, undrawo, rt3i l24k01«cpoaad: bans undrawn, f.ncy, Ur ptmadj.fries. *ellve. l*c |«>uial. PRODU^K—Tenn«**e* ribs *nd honea le: Tennessee ssnssg*. 5c: Isrd. 10* pound; - — -ied; shoulders aetlre, 5e lOe pound; butter, sc- beeswax sctlvs. 25c sctlvo, 5e pound; oner to l-ponod blorks, sellve, lie posod; Tied apples, le, potitid; whit* two* setlra is-. Udy pess, feou; stock. , ,.Hrft k Clark. I _ New York. J*u. l»—J. 8. Osrba k Cat Isnuliin market for Atuerirana generally Irma .WQik.kiawr. Us ao dies IMuauas tlouiilly nrak and I\ lower. 81. raul Is I per real higher. * The uniianal weakness to ss marh s Juys- lery to Igmilon sa It Is hers. • Rumor* res- ientoy.wet* s pleulr. but there hss Iweu no light thrown aa the violent llqnlilatlon. That there to n strong liesr clique *1 work to feelr admitted, but nrnsr ora okepll- eel oud srr lurllued to think Ihst some- thing to amiss and setltng of storks Is not oltogetber from *var wrnrreo. Market will probably be at .tiled ol Ibe opening, and 0 rally obouM onsite, lased os s good tank •tstemest. Town Tuples: Tbe opening will show for- 1 her ll.iuldstloo on account at margin rails, while the hear party will lurnws* their It- gtesslvruess. Itorly Operations' will esl- ‘tended with considerable Irrag- .... we tin mil brllerr Ibst yester day's lew price* will gruenlly l/r mare IBs* rcsi IkaigTIy n-ltsv-f WkTie lb* market •baabl rally sharply an what bids fair Is lie tbe lies! dank atatement lu moulkt. Investment buying. Is view of mnrh easier money roudltlnns, will Inriesae. aiul snrh shirks ss Ibe llartiuiaua. Penssylra- ttto, Hslllmore snd Obi... Atrhtona and Steel preferred are returning attractive div idends at their present price*. Various rumors are stoat roorernlng th* sleek market relation* at as lni|«irt*nt group of mpltsltoti. hat we ilo not lieUero the** gonllsieee will allow tbelr dlffereuee* lo permanenlly Injure tbelr areurlllrs. or Ibe credit of Ibe i-orporsllona they stosd iponsor foe. Recent liquidation has liees either esaa- lielled liy ureesaily or Impelled lev s tern- Isirary mauls of peoolnilsm. Tbe gaud stuck* sre an su svrrsgi' many |uluts be- low tbelr level of s year ago. Inereaasd dlvMeuds. Increased esndega, lucressed ■ nlsh so argument . eu U narks were rtslaly sre too low ~ - I stocks Inught on I he wreak (pots today and held for * month *r two wtlt doulitlesa return handoome profits. tin look for s reversal In market «*l _ turnt ot any moment, and there will not be le orer plentlfsl supply of slocks. Patton should be sold on oil sharp bulges. On breaks, wheal will do lo boy for h lorn. HEAVY COTTONS CLIMB) 8TAPLE 8HOW8 DECLINE. Th* New York t'ommrrrtol; In many re aper!* tbe market for heavy rations to bo- earning o derldrdly difficult cue tor era tn operate lu. lu tbe Oral plan-. era hay* little or uo goods to offer for spot sod beorliy delivery, aud on eoutraeto sre Sold slivail aa fur sa April and May nu many eonatntrtloua. The liayer lor tbe aeroudary murker* realize* that tbls alslls- ties! poalttou would In Itself Induce sell- era to bold firmly to tbelr price*, bat It Is not andentond liy the converter, rut ter STOCKS OPENED GENEflAUJf LOIR Anaconda Led in Weakness and Activity in Earlv Session. DECLINED SHARPLY Many of the Active Storks Started the Session Ln i^c Fractions Lower. JPvnJd graeniu/ - Si^wUk^n^u sas*. frUt&r; Ohio I*. Houtberp lHHeTL^tomto.nV Z\ mto : Northern ora cert XhltlTl Great , Atcblaou and ting down 44. MINING STOCKS. Boston. Jin. Mk—Trinity M. now ehuoetta (ton 1 THE LONDON STOCK MARKET. Eidte.«i, b 7 Looey In t-poanfi bloeka. 1 climb while Ibe - ■'—.. .. r ..., ._ ... i.lbolentoy. a liual , ns put tbruugk or heavy sheeting*, ablrilngo and rol expert there still route* to hand n moderate amount of boalnrso from points other than In th* -Orient. All of the- men's selling agents and the commlatlou houses handling men's wear lines report s livelier demand far mercerised worsteds for tbe.fall of INI. Manufacturing clothirra tnnklog garments lo retail rroin 113 down bare found dur. Ing tbe last few years that they can safe guard tbelr profits by ths use si* mrr rertssfi cloth during tbe It has been assy far . ... to continue the use ot mercerised goods In •easous when other condition* are normal. * ‘ -' I T*l**r finish tb* trade fisfiogfi- la lapsrtofi-1* lie rroin 36 lo K per cant heavier then *- ■—■ *" —‘ - —* l yooXa, wiiah goods and other‘'UnS'nF'cottoo*. pg-i.55.vt--.. ■- - UfM M'CULLOUQH BROTHERS’ _ FRUIT AND PRODUCE- LETTER. ...OO; straights, IL5O02.W. Flnnpple*. Flor- Atlantn, Jnu. - 19.-Oeurnilly apeoklng. Id* stock, per mte, 52.00. Oranges. Florid* Florid* vsgetslde*. owing to the oprlugllke stork, owing to site and condition on or- weather prevailing, sre lb* chief factors rival, per Cox. 12.0ftK2.60. Apple*, choice | n tbe market at present. Receipts sre _ " ■ “75;,NSW light, however, sod nothing Uk* sofflelent E-Qotll active, 15c btrb: doves active, 6c sseb; ducks, Msltotd, active, «0e each; ducks, mixed, sctlve. »e eseb: wfid turkey* sctlve. 15c pound: rabbits active, tOo each; squirrel* sell**. 5c “ *JYk X-Hk-*"* * Jilt May.. 16.60* 16.WH 14.40 Julr-.a LAUD— Jan .... Mny... *.40 0.46 t.40 ity... 9.60 9.10 9.45 81DC8- Jan May... 9.D7H July... 9.17H a 16.18 W 1.124* 5.224k 5.25 5.25 *** m In 5.2U 5.M CHRONICLE’S WEEKLY REPORT ON WEATHER. ■is. ■i*u tamprratuiw-haa'lNHFn nn iiEually hlxh for tbr mmEon. Tlia movauirut uf rollon to market I’ontluura I Ibo rat. Urt risvtpt I list N n\;43 of atork at Interior to*ns lilt: ItMiiRlit Into Bight for th«‘ Week .. .4C.NII Total Crop Movamcnt. ItlRiiiart’k. . . . ItfMton ... a ItiifTitlo Chnrlt'atiMi. . . . ('hirlotii*. . . . Glib-ngo ritiflmiatl. t'orinia 4‘lirUtl. |i(i%vii|Mirt. . . Kurt Knit Hi liulveatou. . Ilmrr .Ini-klMYliL■tile, .lnptter. Klll«.l6 UtJ. Key West . Know llli-. Iami Aii'li‘lf». Mai-on. Memphis . . M.-rMI'u HEAVY RECEIPTS ARE A NECESSITY crot aaya: "Yaatonlajr'a cotton market re* flecteil tba aawad nn couilltlou of tba con aervatlve rtnga, ami tbe geueral apathy of the trade. At tbe moment, tbe morement and the comlnc ftnnera' rv(iort. which bulls art* plenaed to expci't will abow pmcilcally the yield of the old crop, are exerting lit tle tangible Influence Us-nuae of tbe uar- rownesa «>f trading and tbe abaeure of In- tercat. Iah.tI o|icntton« are atlll bnuntcil l»y tbe fear of further illuiluutlon of htndiH’a* jfew Orleans uf an official atatement allowing tbe ntiniltcr of hnle« of each grmlc In the New York rertlflcitted atork bnmglit out ntneb mlverae crltlclMiii fr«mi local tmdera wb«* have re- 5H*lrei| cotton tender In New Y'tirk lM*»’|i5.e. they naaert. the aegn-gatlon of gradegi n« tbna mIiowii doca not uffect the dUtrtbu- tlon of grades that go to make up aucb ivrtlflcnte. nud Hint It l« the i-onipoattlou 5>f the Individual eerflltcnte. rather tbau the character of the New York atnek, nn a whole, that worrlea the holtler of the lung einl of a cmitrnct when notice day roll* nrouml. At'conllug to the week end atntlatka. atork at 3 counted Interior townn alioira a Ions of 12.W Itales, agaluat a Iom of 4.83> Inst year, while port atorka loat aome 4P,<W Imlea for the week, facta which ilenionatrwtc the uii'eiialty for e«doa- aal rvcelpla.”—Ilaywanl. Vick * Clark. THE COFFEE MARKET. Southern iuIIIr i.ikmgv i I lilt t C* 11 • k rtt Inlcilut town i’\i‘5’M uf Septcinlau »>7.<r-; 4».« t;i Nnwtnlli.. AiaONZO RICHARDSON & CO., PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Ln?iro Building. MclI Phoac, M.'.inC.i, ATLANTA. CLCl’.CIA. New \orL. Nurfoll. North 1‘lntti llttiitoirg l*ortlnn»:. ! l‘urtiRii>l. i *>* IaiiiU. , .’inx w. ! Jl’IIC .. July .. 1 A'lkOPi ..ri.dA.38 .UiVP . ’Ll . 5 :T» •. Clone. rLi^i.d ■V 2 % 5..11 2.SW6.U1 4-’l e.t* 1«»».7l 5.70^.78 o.s6J».wi IJavla, ork stst* s ** Nw. Yirkl» „ — owing to Ms stock, 'oat bundtvd. 60c. Nuts.’* fancy ElxA. lu bSira. par rack of 106. «llv* *1 64.60 rack. Pen milt In rafk tvcraglpg 166 noandk sack, owing to grad*. YJpaffTABLRS—Bosto. csbhora tlvs, 1250 erst*; csbltsg*. standard erst**. 1* pound: csbhsra, b#rials, te Ppusd; rg* plant sctlvs, 12.56 erst*; mtcnnili*r*. 52.56 erst*: tom*tors. Isncy. srtlyj. M crat»: tomatoes, choice, active. S2.00C2.26 crate; 12.60 cratr “*— “ p&jT luineb: pepper*, aetlre. 62.3 crate: okra, all baakots. email. 61.50 *nt*: csullflower, sr- k jmr - — 10c pound; Isttoe*. beaded. d, 11500 2.60 drum; ’awast pot* toe*, yetlow. actlrs, The hnabel: IWrat potstoea. wbtte ar. tire, file buatkt: kraut, bslf barrel. 5175: Strawberries, 2> FLOUR DRAIN AND PROVISIONS. ri-i'I’R—Illgbeat patent, 55.00; hast pst sat 84.80; standard patent. H25; belt pst rut. 6310; spring wbrat patant 15 rORN-rbmee whit*. 54*: No. 2 whit*. Or; So. 2 rellow, 51*: mixed, €2c; paw T*n- ness** whll*. Be; crack com. p*r bnsh*l. 70e. Hulls. 511.56. .. . .. .. . OAT8-rholo* whll* Cllptwd. 52c; No. 2 whll*, Ole; No. 2 mlte.1. Be; Tfias rn*l- jroof, 54c; Golden rats, 66c; Burl, 76e; blue, UKAT—Plain water ground, per buthel. - -mA liO nnnn.l Jut** p*T llUStl*) «V; raedloui 11.46; brown. I.S; mixed limn. 11.13 rietor f**d, 5L56. IIAY—Timothy, ehole* large l>*l»*. 11.16: a rhole* small Imles. 51.16: da. No. l lorrr, talked, 61.26; do No. 2 rlorer mlzr.1 “ — - Chicken feed, ■ 66c. Hurley K pure irlna feed, ’ifi;' do chdcc Email g over. mlxetl. ll.L . .16. C’holec Bermuda 90c. kjNMtad sack*. 90c. IcYK’-Ueorgla II; Teum 16c. The above prices are f. «. h. Atlanta rnOVIBIONH-anpreme h—*- 1 Rtna ]&c; t'allfornln ham* r xtra rllia. 9.89: bellies. 20i5 flat liocka. 9.*: plates. R.78; 10%: Snowdrift compound. 1.60. QR0CERIE8. srOAR-Mandnnl granulated 1509. New York refined, 4V: Plantation. 4Vc. roFKKK—Hoaateil Arbucklea ti459: bulk lu bn am 6tr liarrcla. lie: green. 1lffl2c. HICK—Carolina 4H07Hc, acconllng to tba * r'l'lVaKSFa-Fancy fall cream dairy, 18c; ''shradJSTblarbir. C case; No. 5 rolled Hack grlta. 94 ioojiihI bai tl r> caae. f’oeoa. 4fk-; chix'olnte, »c: anuff. -pound )ara. «*'. Rnnat l»eef. 9tft) caae. Komed l*eef, H99 caae. Cataup. |I.M caae. Simp. New Orleans. 35c gallou; corn, a* nlloii; 4'ulia 35c gallon; (Seorght enue 1m. Halt. 100 pound 60c. Axle grenae 81.18. Soiln ernrkcra. like pouud; lemou 7Hc: oyaler 7c. Ilarrel cmidy. per pound. 4c; nilxeil. \* T iMmml. 4%c. TofUBtoea. ? imuiiuI. H.Sl emu-, I puiiiul 12.25. .Navy lietina. 82: l.lnm lieaita. 45*. Heat matebea, per griHui. tl C. Mai n- nml. n»*4f7c per* mniih*. Hrinllnea. mua- I ml, W.r* case. iNitaah. tl 25H3.W •w»c. >tton, 18c. NdMp. to meet tbe strong demand and l! .. — order of tin day. Some little reaction l« noticeable In the beat variety sod quality of eating Irish prohibitive range of v peas, while scarce and high, are In more [literal supply, and. In comparison, selling for much lower prices than the colored va riety. The market la overstocked with cabbage, and tbe present supply la showing tbe re sults of the hot weather, aad will necea* ■arily Incur more or leae loaa for thosa handling, A strong and ateady demand prevails for rutabaga turnip*. Receipts of fresh gathered eggs compare favorably with tbe demand, and consump tion. with price* stationary. The market la showing aome recovery from the ..recent glut on dreasrd turkeys, which will no doubt reiult In receipt* of fresh gpoda In* limited way. selling at fair price*. The demand la quite suffi cient to move readily all receipts of dress ed Jjcua, fries, geese and duck* at good ^Jl.ive poultry la very active at good val- Itnftor of ordinary grade, and more F. po ** , £v. rlnSEed aa country mixed, mure plentiful, with prices ahnwlng a alight de cline. The flftnand. however, la very atrutfe aud active for the licet grades of tntde stock. The anrlngllke weather prevailing throughout the country la rrcntlng a tre- tucudona demand ami tunintniulug very high jfpulC rsraillM fmctfic Ubanpeoke ami Oblo «lo,' prefetTefi'| Great Wrattm Illinois Oolral Kansas ami Texs, lamtartlle and NssbrIU* Ontario and Western New York t’eutral IVnnaylTsnln f'klls. sod Rmdlnff Houthern Psdflc "•oira i''ari^ v.v;;:;;::v.v.v;: Uultrd Rtstea Bteel do. prrferred COFFEE ENDS WEEK AT LOWER PRICES. and Ibe cloitnjE flxurra on Sstunla. I from 10016 points t>etow those of the i . ' vlous Monday. Eorop* bss been srillu: country bare been l*r*s. which will, a shorts** tu bavin* orders bss smad th* market, somewhat oraraopplfsd. The M*. (cat brisk of tbe week cusw ttstur.l v tnornln* when cabin advices told of s tku. r Id tbe Kantoe market. Ths resron for n... ._ araikst. nsulrky mmdltlon iiarrot J for Hi,* tttgaatd. prices Immediately drooped s who' d tbs toral market followed mil from 36025 point* st the npeuhc blch was In part made up Ixl-.i NEW YORK BANK,STATEMENT. Bank cklni Jm I/O,ns, Incrcsra ttpecie. locfssra Ulrcalatlou, dserrate CHICAGO CAR LOTS. Below to *1nm receipts today tb mated receipts for tomorrow: ■■ Whest. ram. . Oats. , llOfiS. , THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. oranges, value* on iMinann*. Horae reaction notlccntdc .... with good proapecu In flu* tour future. UrajH* fruit plcutlful and coutlnuca drag at tow prices. Apple* plentiful and selling alow, lacmnns bolding thdr own, with change In valnvs. m ■ ■IH 14 ? 7 calve. aMmJBnttl ■ Khecp— Uccalpta E in. I m,.. . . quality fair; native h&rator *•' ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK ATLANTA. GA. C. E. CURRIER, Prnldtnt. A. E. THORNTON, Vle*-Pr*sld*nL H. T. INMAN, Vle*-Pr*lld*nt. OEO. R. DONOVAN, Cllhlkr. JAMES S. FLOYD, Aes’t Ctshlsr. Capital $500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $500,000.00 We Solicit Your Patronage. iV.VnntY 7\4c. Hope. 4 ply tl.Viffil.oj case. FISH. Rrnom. 7c ponu«l; #uu| 50 ». s.- imund: blue fl«h, paw*. JfW* |N>oni|; nmrlcwl Rah. I-* |Hinml: wntcr irtoi. ahail. hock shad. .'0(|’J5c. HAYWARD, VICK & CLARK, COTTON, STOCKS, BONDS, COFFEE,. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Csrandslst tnd Qrsvisr Sis, New Orlssns. MEMBERS; i"l 'telie,l J’"’’ Grlosua Totton tUrhenca, I New Orleans Future Broken' d**”', 1 ,?,'LI - I S* y.T '."’6 I'attau m. hauw- New Orlessa and Cblc**o Brard* of rr«ue- I ftoS ‘.""- "UKeeha***. I New York t offee Kxclui**.. _ „ ... . 1 4*6* U*rak... I lesrtuuil rotten As' A lit* LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. Cotton KxrtiAngv. W. J. DIBBL E Accountant and Auditor, 1114 Fourth National Bank Building, l URNM K: Ul. IVm. nu . ATLANTA, GA. I deiorltte Memben’ IJrarpool Colton At. t J- S. CACHE £M<Vli^%. C 1fJ5S^VBa.NGT0Il. ; - .-T PRIVATE WIRE8 TO ALL POINTS. i *- H. Fkirchila. g. j. Whits, L. H. FAIRCHILD & COMPANY. HEWOri LEANS. j NW vira” Sf 1 Vl Bn ‘ "" IP* Vrak Crffe* Rxrh.n**; i NSW u, «»7 H. Jt Urtesns Board of Trad*. Z ^ ^LIVEr'fO^U COTTOf| C A\ < 80ctAV7oN. r * tIf " ,rT * 1,1 NRW YORK »l\J CHICAGO. Ordsrk ioM.'l e<1 for W* luro dcll\try. oo above Exeban***. B. C.^OT:H'.a:.'.