The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 19, 1907, Image 19

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M. L. THROWER, 39 N. Forsyth Street. too* it w »Afi» mnrctfr-Two oo tot, MM! rented fMWftr We eta prove la your satisfaction a few Mlafs epeat on «ee<a titt M II, per l» P" ceDt- 'ATLANTA SANDERS, SMITH . trUWDIBUr BUILT i-BOOM COT- off Pryor oieeet, far 8JOO. ON "T. PAUL AVEMUE—A 6BTOBT dwelling; Mm iwrapled; bought « home end bow ■not be Mid bertaae w ho le oa out-of-town too a. la die- Iff±s'jrWVBf&R- mek. po f” *°0 ,h - arvi RAt. B. OKOBOIA AVENGE COT- y., heat part bf etreet aid ImUt far heme., for eale cheap oo easy terms. . an; BARGAIN IN COPENniLL—A 5- c*. peye, prettleet part of a Urge ,h„tv l< \ Wage up Monday morning eerie and let ue ebow you thla along with (oar other large ehady IOU In Mine local Yy. ( beep ae farm lands M. L. THROWER, ’ 39 N. Forsyth Street. ESTES BROS., Real Estate 706 Peters Building, Atlanta Phone. IN ONE BLOCK OP GRANT PARK WE hire flerea Iota, all together la the earn! Work, tor the bargain price of <UH. Tanas half rath, heleaca 1 tad t years. A FEW CHOICB LOYt IN COLLEGE Perk, ranging In price tram MM to MOO. ON WASHINGTON STREET—AN EIGHT- ro»ni honee. modern la arecy respect, with two bathe, etorerooam and drawing rooms; large let, 60x00 to M-fnot aUey. Price 17.600. Termi. - & CONWAY PHONES 5488. 412 PETERS BLDG. $3,850—New 8*r. house, on north side, near Peach- trees, rented on lease at $37.50; terms $1,000 cash; will sell for $3,800 all cash. Location the best. $50 foot—105x195 Spring street; best part of it; will sell 55 feet same rate. WiU bring $60 in 60 days when building season opens. $6,000—Prettiest brand-new 8-r. home on north side on large deop lot; $1,000 cash. SOUTH SIDE BARGAINS IN KIRKWOOD WE HAVE A NUMBER of I and «-room new cottage#, on nice leu, ranging In price from 8,(60 to 8,000. ON A.NOIBB AVENUE WE HAVE. new groom hawe, modern In enry way •til rant for KB • month. Price C.S0, eour tmna TARMS.IR jaX.fABTdjOP GEORGIA, tail aid an aar Ust. No trouble to ebow PS - ■ t C. M'CRORT. L. M. JOHNSON McCROBY & JOHNSON, Real Estate, 707 Peters Building. POR A HOME AND FUTURE E> Inurement, buy 137 Auburn aeeouei 8,001 two hlorko tram Candler bnlldlag. roll A BIO BUSINESS -PROPOSITION, buy that lot, 61 by 300, under the Waeb- Inci-m etreet viaduct. Let ua abow you thl«. You will bo eoaelaeed; 80,000. B.kS0 WILL BUT TUB VERY PRKT- tleet bourn of arr.n room* and all eon- rrnirncee on Cberokeo arena#; beautiful ■ N b» VARUS OP DEPOT AND C Rile. UI Bolton, we hare epleodld t •lory .even-room reaMaaca; 4-acre lot; '•ti.NNALLY STREET. FIVE-ROOM ''tune. all ImproremeaU; elnee la. Bee uimiit thia tad gat price. Il'e too good mention. ON I.OOMIR AVENUE. ALL CONVEX- i-n.-.-w; lovely cottage, for only 8.W- ■ timber Iiuotoeoa, eee P"U l OIXBOE PARK HOMES OR LOTS, 1). F. M ’CLATCHEY REAL ESTATE AND INVEST MENT COMPANY, 202 Candler Building, Hell Phone 220. Atla. Phone 854. K'SSa' WfifWTOrJK' ALEXANDER STBRET-MNE- boaae; lot 6d by MO fret; price N.- anoibr bniwe; lot at by WSr-K" walnut street - seven-room hoeae; lot 60by IW feet. lVIfe 8A9. WILLOW STREET—SIX-BOOM UOUdB; let 41 by I» feet Price «,!» Near Pryor and Ormond Sts, 5-room cottage, all conven iences, lot 45x195—$2,200. East Are, for quick sale, 6- room cottage, all conven iences, lot 50x150—$2,600. Waddell St—Inman Park, 5- room cottage and vacant lot; in all, 159x125—$2,500 Near Love and Washington Sts., 6-room cottage, all con veniences, good east front lot, $2,750. Terms. V. CHELENA, 706 4th Nat’l Bank Bldg. T. M. Giddens, Salesman. Bell Phone 3878. W. E. WORLEY, 325 Empire Bldg. Bell 3312; Atlanta 3983. HOMES ON EAST TERMS VERY FINE - EIGHT-ROOM NORTH SIDE INVEST MENT BARGAIN. Close in on the North side, in one block of car line, on a prominent'corner, I have 9 double bouses, renting for $1,400.00 per annum, with room on lot for 4 mi houses—3 street fronts, side walks, ete. Quick sale price $11,500.00. See me in per- son for particulars. CHAS.M. ROBERTS, 12 Auburn Ave. DOZIER & REAMS, Real Estate and Builders, 403 Peters Bldg. - Ball Phone 17fl9. Atl. 1252 A SNAP. IP TOU HAVE MONET—8,30d—READ; If yon don’t pourta the long green thh 111 not Intemt you: WE HATE TWO TEN-ROOM HOUSES and ■ double tenemrnt bonne; tbrje room# to ■ aide; tweaty-«Ji room# In «U; routed to white teninta; big Interest on money; mb eta ba,raised. loot think of Twent/alx 'roams for KIK Ton coo t bnll.l the home* for that mosey. TVs of for tbla bargain for a qolck sal# Moaday. Enough said. COTTAGE-SIX ROOMS AND BATH north aide; 8.600. Vary easy payments. SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, WITH BATH, sarrant room; East Fair street, near South Pryor street; for a qolck sale; 8.700. A GOOD COTTAGE HOME ON WASH-, lagton street for 00,000. 800 CASH. 86 PER MONTH, WILL GET A new ala-room bouse on Ormond ■tract, close to the park; price 8.360. none, wr micciv aural, rente,, HOW Ml SIS: would real for 8160; price 11.000; 800 each, 80 per month. Good borne or good Investment. Tbs rents will almost pay tor 8 SYLVAN AVENUE. NEW FIVE-ROOM honor, fine elevated lot; price 0L4SO; 6460 cash, 83 per moath. Iluy this; It will auks a neat home, and think of Init 83 per month. It's a good neighborhood and close to Capitol arenas. PACING INMAN PARK CAR LINE I have a good dvr-room house; lot 100 by 354; nr atopa In front of the door; price 8.160; EO each. IIS per month. NEW SIX-ROOM norSE, NEAR GRANT rk: charted attest, gas, enter and both; rash, I860 par month. SIX-ROOM HOUSES, 7 BLOCKS THIS aide of Grant park and near the aew SI, Fail church, at 8,80; 800 cash, 636 par month. I have four of them. , CLOSE IN ON IHI.b STREET, A IlEAUTI- ful ala-room honor, elevated, rant front lot; arte* 8.360; Ipso eaab. 80 per month. The bonce would rant for 89 per moath. 500 CASH AND 18 PEE MONTH WILL get a saw dve-reom haute on west Us ee attest. Price 8.100. FINE INVESTMENT—TBN LOTS RIGHT at Grant park, at only 860; by taking the bnnrb; half raeb. SIX FINE ELEVATED LOTS IN STONE S throw of the American Cau Company, oa Marietta etreet. By taking thaMmek, 8,- 80 orlll take them. .Sidewalks, water and eewvrage down. This means lust 186 dno elevated Iota, close la. with Impr meals. TWO CHOICE I.OTE ON WASHINGTON street If looking foe a boas op this etreet, let ua ebow you three Iota. Wo can build way kind of a bento oa aald Ie4e that you may slab. WHITE-TWO TU1IEE-BOOU manta; rent for 83; price 8,100. FIVE COTTAGES ON CONFEDERATE avenue; con be bought oa very easy pay ments. ON BAST NORTH AVENUE, NEAR Jackson street, ire have aa eight-room bouse, two coal honaea; lot 66 by 18; re cently reduced from 8,900 to 8-3601 neigh boring place sold for 8,80 recently. If wanting a home In thla section of the city, It will pay you to see thla place, WE HAVE OTHER HOMES AND vestment property. We build homes •ult owner for cash or easy payments. LET US KNOW YOUR WANTS. ANBLET PARK LOT, 78300 FBBT-A Iwantlful location; only 11,80. A a about Antloy Park; There It no section oq the north ride which baa the future that this property bat. Numerous houses be built there this spring and now la the time ta tug, 360 ACRES OP LAND, OVER ONE-HALF of It fro*ting an the railroad. Leas than right miles from the city. Part of this property hastily wooded. This property la worth Just twice the pries asked. Price 8.600. Easy turns, W. E. TREADWELL CO. Real F^tafe and Renting ANBLET BROS., TtTCAT, ESTATE, 10 E. Alabama St M Phone 839 Bell. 24 South Broad Street, ELEOANT NORTH SIDE HOME-HALF Bell Thone 2644. block from Peachtree street; faraicf- Atlanta ’PllOtie 3803. heated and built for . torn* BARGAIN IN NORTH END SUBURBAN PROP ERTY. 161-2 ACRES ON POW ERS FERRY ROAD; TWO ACRES FINE ORCHARD, 2-ROOM HOUSE, BARN AND OUTHOUSES; A FINE ROCK SPRING; IS 'rfeS.'SKTSSSa,22about»-miles mom ty tiro lent and otra-of the moefbeanttfnt OLD -PASSENGER STA- roloolal honaea In the Booth: four and one- half miles from coa tar of town and frosting double-track car Una. Price 81000, DR. J. W. MATSON. H. L. COBBS AND PAUL YOSE, Assistant Salesmen. aunooroi PHONE MAIN 4234. BERT CONSTRUCTED AND MOST RLE- cant Apartment building In Atlanta $37,000. «?/. .^ n, p."vT r W Kt-si sa-sr* tunltj. mm m fi« i giifU CliHE IX CORNER. raJmdtodWerant tetrint. at Ml per month: ooe Meek from WhltebaU etreet; 3l tmpraJamenta down on both etraeta, which are charted. rarmwprr month: luet over dtv Hue; •n excellenttnveetmeiil; Just reduced from ri.MQ for quick eale. IW NEGRO HOUSES. RENTINO can make you vary attraetlve -FOR A DOUBLE HOUSE. 3 BOOMS ._-b aide: negro bouae; ranted for 80. which eon bo Inc reeled to fos by a 176 addi tion to building. _ SOMES. SSwSpSfe K £ ly apiall amount of cash neceaoary pantrira, tela; onl] 8.UO-A LITTLE S-ROOM HOUSE. WITH imtb: a beauty; on the corner of two 01- reliant Wait Knd atreeta; oaet front and - convenience.. Eaey term*. 8,600—GRANT , PARK, EAST FRONT; wide etreet, • rooms and bath. 860 down, balance ae rent. 8.006—A room*. are no about GRANT PARK BAR with ail conveniences; bout this. BARGAIN .OF 0 860 TO 8.606—A between IF— - 8<» down ai 1 ••7?8 olftf^ESULTS." A WHOLE BLOCK ON FRASER STREET, priWKS^hriM: MS?: ORMOND BTRBET I£Tt. B BT 18. PAC- car line, for 800 each; one-fourth lie I. nee one, taro and three years, at BEAUTIFUL ELEVATED LOT. ON DB- rcr, WILL GET A PINE ELEVATED LOT in Inman ParE ft evariooka the city nd has an aaat front Sot W. E. Worley. J. A. BROOKS, Real Estate, 407 Fourth National Bank. Bell Phone 1393 Main. * wM GRANT 6TREPT. NBAR OLENNWOOI) sh»dy l *iotl* for only 6,400: an eaey tense. a ace 86 par DAROA1NS ON REMEMBEB. I GUARANTEE TITLES. R. M. JONES & CO., Real Estate Agents, 516 Empire Building, Bell Phone S453-J. $7,400—Near Grant St., on corner* we have four 6- room houses that are rented for $18 each. We have an offer now of $2^50 for one of these houses on terms. Can easily handle them so as to make $1,600 profit by selling separately on terms. These houses are modern thronghout and in fine home section. Near St. Pauls church. See us quick for these. REMOVAL SALE. On account of having to va cate our present location, we aro giving 25 per cent discount on all finished Ital ian and Georgia marble, also granite monuments. Chero kee Marble & Granite Works, Hunter street, oppo site State Capitol, FOR RENT .WSS&, S &A3 H ayioriM Attjg*. rivM Naw roots | G. J. & S. L. DALLAS, 317-318 Fourth National Bank. BABCOCK’S FULL LINE OF BUGGIES. Runabouts and Surreys to be seen at 92 and 94 South Forsyth Street, also other good makes of vehicles at right prices. You certain ly will lose nothing by call ing and seeing them before buying. We handle the best wagons on the market. SPRATLIN BUGGY AND WAGON CO. TION. PRICE $950. THIS IS THE PLACE FORA NICE COUNTRY HOME FOR THE BEST FAMILY. CAN SELL IN SMALLER LOTS. W. E. TREADWELL & CO. ROOFING SLATE. WE HAVE ON HAND A LARGE STOCK OF VIR GINIA SLATE IN STAND ARD SIZES—CAN FUR NISH ANY QUANTITY. ALSO NAILS, FELT/ CE MENT AND METAL TRIMMINGS. WE ARE PREPARED TO PUT ON YOUR ROOF COMPLETE. DOWMAN-DOZIER MFG. COMPANY. B. L. WILLINGHAM. H. Fraaldaat Vh W. B. WlLtXailAH, Sw ratify and ’ WILLLNGHAM-TIFT LUMBER COMPANY Rough sad Dtpasad Lumbar, Saab. Doors, Bllads, Builders' Hardware, too Murphy avannr. Taka Beat Paint or College Park ear and gat off at MeCall's Crossing, oa Las street. Ball 'pboie 8 want; Atlanta 'pbona TIL WOODWARD LUMBER COMPANY. HARDWOOD INTERIOR FINISH AND MANTELS, DOORS, SASH A BUNDS. SEND YOUR PLANS FOR ESTIMATES. ATLANTA - - GEORGIA. HOUSES WANTED! Have a great demand for houses in all sections. Are any of yours vacantf If so, list them with LIEBMAN, Real Estate—Renting, _28 Peachtree St. WOOD FIBER WALL PLASTER. THE ORIGINAL PROD UCT, AND THE ONLY PLASTER MANUFAC TURED IN ATLANTA. CAN BE PUT ON AT AS LOW COST AS THE LOW- ER GRADE SUBSTI TUTES THAT HAVE COME INTO THE MAR KET. WE CAN READI LY SHOW THIS, SO DO NOT BE MISLED. GEORGIA WOOD FIBER PLASTER COMPANY. WHITEHALL ST. & CEN TRAL R. R. PHONE 1152. FIELD FILLING FAST IN MAYORALTY RACE, Six Candidates Men tioned For Cam paign. LATEST ANNOUNCED ISH.H. CABANISS James L. Key, Quillian, Woodward, Goodwin and Curtis Mentioned. Five candidates, possibly six, will be In the racu for mayor in 1601. II la frit n certainty that the five will tyi In. and there may bo thoae who an contemplating tho race, and who have not ret let tbolr Intentions leak out. Alderman James I* Kay, of the Sixth ward, wlU probably be a candidate. Alderman Key hu., been one of Ihe strongest figures fn council for the past year and has a record for work that ta not eclipsed by that of any other In Una entire body. Although bis consistent and persist- ant advocacy of municipal ownership H. H. CABANIM. Latest sand Mate to anueunee far maysria rasa two years hawse. has made bltn many OAOIUJU IlUUdg Um politicians, who have not lost an oppor tunity to either hurt or obscure him, be has undoubtedly gained many new admirers and followers In Atlanta. Al derman Kay was tbs first man in tha old council to raise bis voice for batter pay for tha teachers and for those In tba ranks of the fire and police depart ment., and to hla work In their behalf, more than to the efforts of any other, was due the raising of these salaries. II. H. Cabanlaa, formerly business manager of The Atlanta Journal and afterwards of Tha Augusta Chronida, now In the Insurance business In tbla city, baa announced for the mayoralty. Hla friends believe be will make a Thomas H. Goodwin, attorney at law, who came so near being elected In tha race against W. It. Joyner last year, will probably be In the ram again next yrnr. and, judging from hla previous rare, he will be a candidate,to reckon •Ith. James O. Woodward, ex-mayor, la being mentioned for tha face next year, and, although ha baa not an nounced positively either that he will or will not run. It Is not unlikely that be will be a candidate. A. Quillian, alderman from tha Second ward, now mayor pro tern., will be In the race. Alderman Quillian has been an aggresstva fighter In the gen eral council, and ha will no doubt make a strong race for the mayoralty. Dr. A. L. Curtla. alderman from the JAMES L. KeY. Whom work for people In munsll makes him formidable should ho enter race. First ward, one of tha most, universally popular men In Atlanta, has been men tioned In tbe race for mayor, but'ha has never given out any statement to this effect GRAPHIC WRECK STORY TOLD BY CHICAGO MAN Former Gov. Heyward of South Carolina Makes Speech. HOADLEY’S SPEECH MUCH DISCUSSED PraiseB Jordan for Bol'd Stand Taken Against Cotton Exchange. By PAUL C. HARRIS, (Mr. Harris, a Chicago lawyer, on hla way In Florida, was In the sleeper Immediately behind the combination ear. whom tba slaughter of paaaangara occurred.) Fowler. Ind. Jan. 1*.—A conaenratlva estimate of tha number of dead Is twenty. Ed. Tripp, engineer of the flyer, was thrown thirty feet Into a ditch and la seriously It not foully Injured. Peter llenger, conductor of the flyer, le be lieved to have been In the combination coach at the time of the accident and h* cannot be found. The accident occurred three-quarters of a mile from Fowler and was due to the fact that the engineer of Ihe flyer disregarded the block signal, which was an order to him to stop so that' the freight might take the riding. Perhaps the engineer waa not so much to blame, however, aa there waa a heavy fog mingled with sleet. . Thrown Onto Car. - Tha flyer crashed with terrifle force Into the freight. The tender of the flyer’s anglno was jammed half way toward the rear of tha combination car. In which there were twenty-live passengers, only two or three of these have been thus far accounted for. Several persona ware killed outrisM and many wars pinioned beneath tba wreckage and burned alive, t canto# one man to the rear. He waa nearly dead. Ho told me he waa thrown Into the air find landed on top of on* of tha Pullman coache* In tha rear at Um comblnaUoa.«ar. Several were thrown elongate# of tha track Into the dltcha* tad wan res cued by fellow passenger*. Many were mutilated horribly. Several bad ansa and tags broken. — Coaahes Catch Fire. None of tho paaoengers In the thru* Pullman cars and tha private Mate that composed tha rest of tha SMa waa seriously hurt. Tba combiusMen coach caught-lira-tmmadlataly-after the accident. We tried to uahaak tha rest of the train by attaching a awttah engine to the rear. Thla waa at Brut Impossible, bocauao the CltwiaateU sleeper, whloh next adjolaad tha Ul- fatrd combination cobfh.'Waa liiaBaC We had put some of the Injured pas» aengcra from the combination roeoa ta the Cincinnati sleeper and were anatom* to save them from me flnmes that art**, fast drawing near. We took them atte and put them In tho next oar. But we found thla car waa also da- ralltd. Than wa had tn take ail tha In jured nut again and put tham ta the private car, which waa tha reerasoat of the train. This was net derauedaml the car waa hauled away and dis patched to Kankakee, where the Injured are now being cared for. The fire entirely consumed the com bination coach, the Cincinnati sleeper, a compartment sleeper and. the Indian- nnolta sleeper. MAY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF BACON’S ABSENCE Washlnston, Jan. ll.ra-There la a pos sibility that there may be an extra Na tion of congress called for tha ratifica tion of tha treaty with Santo Domingo, because It has just been discovered that Senator Bacon, of Georgia, one of the strongest opponents of tha treaty, could not be a member of the senate during the extra aeaalon. In order to ratify the treaty while bs U not a member of the senate; Its advocates believe, an extra aeaalon may be called. Senator Bacon Is tha head and front tha opposition to this treaty. Its will not be a member <>f the senate If a •pacts! sesafon should be called. Upon hla vote hangs the fate of tbs treaty In committee. The legislature of Georgia three year* ago changed th« dm* of meeting from November to June, to atilt the farmer members, who complained that November wa* a bail tlma for them to attend tha legislature. In changing thla tlma they forgot nil about tha senatorial election. Ms Bacon’s term expire March J. The legislature will not meet aattl June; there wlU be no vacancy by "death, resignation or otherwise" that would give tho govornor power to ap point. Necessarily, there will be a hia tus In tbe membership from Oeoaslte and Mr. Bacon will not be a senator at tbe time tbe friends of tha relieved of bla powerful nppoeitum, gas jamming It through tbe aenate. MOTHER DIES OF EXHAUSTION MINISTERING TO DYING SON Bpeclal to The Georgian. Wilmington. N. C„ Jan. II.—Owing tbe atreea of a constant vigil at tha bedalde of her Invalid son, Mr*. Helen Dixon, of Onslow county. Is dead of her exhaustion. Three her death the son died. ' The funeral of tbe wa* conducted today noon. V