The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 22, 1907, Image 12

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| Mlll)XET| ; BETTER THAR DUE Close . Was Very Steady at a *1 Fair Advance for ■Options. SPOT WAS EASIER Futures in "New York Show ed Moderate Strength Pending Report. New York. Jut 22.—Th* undertone of tho cotton market n« the outeet wee quite steady. The steadiness m due to thi cable*, which were especially Brm .'or the lete-poelllone, due. to pur- chaee* by spinners, on the continent A point of eomd Internet In eerty deni- lay* wee A report that the National turner* - AueodUtlon had eetlmated the amount of cotton, finned to January It at if,041.000 bale*.. < •, V r s The ea«1y market for future* In Lbr ,rtool Tuesday mornlna was a shad* better than expected, the ope nine being steady at about 1 point advance, when' a decline of a like amount was dn* on the close *f Naw Turk on Monday. Throughout the - remainder of the see- Won price# continued to Improve, the doeo being very steady -11-1 to 4 point* above the opening, and t to 41-1 higher than the dosing on Monday. Following la tho. rente In th* «etlv* months In Urerpool todey:. . tt^k tow Up**” Jsnuiry-retireiry ....4,41 C4» 4.44 it* B> 4.4414 The spot department was the dl* countgtng feature, sales tmounting to only 7,000 bales at a decline of 7 point*, making middling 4.74; tone easier. In New York options were steady at the opening, first prices showing ad venes* of from 1 to 4 points, which we* later Increased a few points on tho estimate of the National dinner*’ As- Jenuary 14 At lf.M4.004 balsa These figure*. however, are not far from general expectation* as to the. govern- mont report to be Issued Wednesday. It 1 p. in., Atlanta time, as estimate* range from 12.000.000 to 12,140,000 Believe cotton has gotten to a point where May or Joly Is a parch***. Following I* estimate of Kltloosl Ota- nsra* Association by *t*te* of th* eaooat Florida ,.... JMg Virgin I* 1*000 bale* m the figure# Oiqught likely by the (ovsmment. ■ be given „ .... Tho New York Commercial. In It* review of the market le*t Saturday, say*:’; "Th* bull* were not modest In:their ctedm* that |hhy would'bd able to force en advance before the census bureau report next Wednesday. The bull* claim that no matter whet the crop It. consumption Is sure to keep up with It, they hope for • decrease In the movement soon, and claim that the lo cal market will hate to advance to tvon up the difference between New York end Liverpool. It might be added that Total I U.044,000 New Orleans. Jen. ft—Ilerwerrt. Vick A Clerk: IJsoroool future* tlxmt right 144)2 point* up. hint price* 7 point* lawn un Market opened shoet unchanged, but eating off In eplte of hulllrt national gin- *ier* figure* of 11,044.000. _CootWenee de- ng. 'owing to falling off In spot fjuaP >ur of bullish conn* tomorrow prerenta If — L will he sboi * —- kel kfnu re port-between 9—11J100.00 and II. 100.000, and tha boars expect a report of scout 12.200.000. •The hear* think that eplnpera' Uk- ing* will f*U off bef.<r the movement does end ere confident of a crop of at -U4Xtll.fM.400 bale*. ’The feature of the market thle week will of course, be the glnnsra' report. mad* to dlecwmt a i ** a - ,t any on* will probable „ a go i deep on sack a gome. There Is strong bull crowd on th* floor, but the public does not come In and buy cotton, and (he fact that th* market hoe re- faaed to go to 4 cents I* hardly on ar gument that It I* going to 10 cents In the Immediate future." ' Tho New York market for futures dosed steady net 1 to 4 point* higher. Receipts at all United States porta: Nat receipt* todey *!•!!! ■am* day last year 4W0» Increase »».**# Total receipts for three day*.. 144,*17 Same days lost year 44.414 Increase 42.4IJ Total receipt* since Sept. 1..MU.1J} Same time lest year M44.47I Increase 1.444.474 "Eetlmated receipts tomorrow: 1107. 190A. New Orleans ....11.440to 14,400 4.714 alveeton 14.000 to 17,000 4.411 oueton 4.000 to 10.000 4.047 "movement at Atlanta: 412 14 Immii’. '^Shipments today .. . • Same day la*t year., if Increase .. .. •• • W Btqck on hand today . r Same day last year . Increase 74* 1.100 .. 1.100 ..14.171 .. 4.1*4 .. 4.4*0 NEED OP GOOD* BUYERS HAS BECOME UROENT The New York CommercUl: Vnd*r ordl wry circumstance* th* bad weather of the peat “ " "*“* “ he** ttaded to de hoik the primary and ut to urgent ha* I--- 1* lot rer* to get good* tor nets concluded tutor- hy commlMlon mer- rlr aele* for tho week lePSS r tetri taken at ^ mat of M MJ^rtnta m A firtor & pas t : I from rem and household llama i#r un a strong r* jortrt In tho wliole an* Itrlnjf York Jobbing bouses. iae* ha\4» Ii4s n nn»\*-l k than in any vqual isona Thu buyers i wrll «r tli'*R<* In thf .« svallrd themaelvi-a ints. ana have taken iduuie »•* carry thrni HHS WRswraa ■ Inc of 19)7 fall lines NEWS AND GOSSIP of the Fleecy Staple. Sptdel nyi _ fiTKIff ' lata months. Mnota In »o<ftraia daomnd, 7 pointa lower; rolddlfo* 6-79c; aal«a TfiOO: American fl,«0: specula, tlon and export SOO; Imports 71.000; In cluding *.000 .Abierlran. Fort reertut* to- day estimated early at 0400, against 36,100 Tha^hirp decline In takings of spots la the- Urerpool market Is disappointing. Tho scare ovrr th* Inalilllty to secure euppIlM le evidently subsiding, end th* smell sale* dr* color to reports of freer ogartn give ■ ol-ir to rep-.rlt of ffser sBsriagi- The Influence ‘of tho cable* this OMramg anil the ronUaoed big port moremtut ere likely, we fear, to Make for lower prices temporarily. 2 The narrowing difference between New ork end* checked JJrerpool un* ‘ — . to prevent boll lab cenl&eB«b P *s fflculf,to Inspire operatIona for an m t de^^Sl A* will b. lean, th* receipts-st the ports conttnae rerx Urge, sad tomorrow are ere iTOr-i.y.h.n. will l»i conatniod aa l>e*i- alrovo 12,100,1 Th* Newport Joernel „of Cotioterrej "Many -of las Bomfeh Mtn* oro raMd. t* sa a fiapfff ^ r knttre cotton-belt- (Jear add col U I* eald 'Urvrponr bou***: ha recently advfdng'purchase* of Ocl remlwr In thatraSlBveaUjll— October In New York. The.dlffemlcailia* about" 12 "poinli durthg lb* teat W dembw#*»kly receipt* it I 000. Winn tha aama (art . Mr. Elllaon ^cttmitaa th th. poMlbllttlm.logralna._ at Ilrnnhay war* 4). J — King aotl cease* some buying, to which narrow market readily reepoed*. Jpoti again very qntsl, with no grneral demand; only some old shorts buying Offerings of oodetirabl* cotton greatly lu- craeeed. HAYWARD, VICK A CLARK'S DAILY COTTON LETTER. New ortenin, Jon. **.—The Liver pool board this morning presented e ■IgnlOcent picture. Futures unchanged "showed a peculation and ipot price* 7 C lnte lower with total sales of 7.400, ar nJt-terenH Behle Information that spot isnpport Ja declining. ■ A* spot de- velopmenu are given tha preference In consideration here, our market weak ened soon after the opening In spit* of a steady New York end a bullish for* RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCKS AND COTTON MARKETS i la e trading position. THE WEATHERREPORT NOTES ON GRAIN. Pointers on Provisions. Hpelcal lo Th* Oeortgen. (From Heyward, Vick A Clark.) Chicago, Jen. 2t—Bartlett, Frailer A Car- rlagtoe: Car loti about e* «pec tod. It*, eatpta of hogs B.000 on an eetlmal* of O.- 000. Mnrhet steady. Weather through tho west dear and cold. Good export and domestic demand for com and e very good domestic demand for onto. No temperatures ns Jet sufficiently low to Injure winter wheat. On any recession —* irckas*. better* wheat, ran end aete e purchase. Her vary llttl* In provisions, but think they should work higher. An undertone of strength developed the wheat market, despite depression and dullness early In the day. Despite e fairly formidable array of bnllteh news current at th* opening, there wma J* not enough new buying to prorent wheat ragging In sympa thy with soft spots developed in com end eenonnrad-sotitien an the corn me Iwaa buying whenever It showed a weak ipot. quite g nugmur ef bretere end sera- imlaalon man who fraqurntly transect the iBMMiBiMMilfroitil ihsamMBMB % L | 1 i«s m ::± ft *:::: i I m 1 SAMS or STICK. ?3h r K!foL::::::: Ik A WMtvro. . f DsrlvaoUu ' jtrai '<> AM. elMd irate* Meet... do. pnfimd. * * * V».-Cx r. ChMilcal. . .. do. pr«f*tT«d. • . . Wmtm Uolo*. ■WAbtatk. .i. LIVERPOOl. flmeff^il.' !! c'.'.'-v- TIPS FLAXHXO Aob WsU OtreoE RpwU Tk* Osofftea ....ja HafsssTVkk d Clark.> N«w. Yarfc. jiui. JL—J. 8. Badw ft Ca.: 1 fata i . Tkt ftaHa wra nil dap sad wars Mddlac pdm up « ik« claw, laaktof tatMtec vi qu»#f!r dafaMar. aad ypaford*f will ao doubt fwvtr lb Ii’msb, aad tho lUriiaun stocks Humoral Huger/ crowd would put Ausal- Ximintci] hlflir-r fbls wrek. . laoodou strong and srjittinent brrr is bull- lac*. Towa ^^lte: roodlttaii saems to harr tirca aa* . is the abacs ca uf lktsidatlos. tem „ at laaat, and ralllra are likely «och clrrvtu0<nn<VM to be mere ftvqurnt, •oiae lime, wbfl Futurn opeoad qalst aad steady. FIRM TORE SROWN AT THE OPERIRG Demand Fair From Commis sion Houses for Wheat. Advanced Fraction. Chicago, Jan. 22.—Trader* In grain absorbed good profits, th* longs sell ing on the herd spots ' All.n'iir tiw.lura* mitf smle"'^ to^SeftiW 12.444,000. This figure, however. Is so | t a It might rar' small that anticipation of a bullish cen sus tomorrow was greatly strengthen ed, and some buying Induced thereby to whWh ajlgrrdw “ _ market quickly re spohdsd. The kpot market la quiet with no (snare) business—only some old shorts buying. It looks at present as If the bulk of foreign demand ware supplied. The f.o.b. basis hoe gone beck A little; good middling la now trading around 44 point* on. March fu- New York. Jen. 22.—J. 8. Bachs & Co.: Commission house business Is at a standstill, owing partly to uncer tainty of tomorrow'* glnnsra" report, end more, we think, to the failure of ths movement to show the expected falling off. The Liverpool market ex hibited considerable strength in ths speculative department In fac* of the heavy Imports of actual, but spinners' takings have dropped to disappoint ing proportions. Ths response hers was poor, but price# Improved after the call, on small estimate* for tomorrow’s rs- -cslpta and a scattered demand which met few offerings. There Is a general feeling of relist that tomoi row's report will b* the last until March, and that th* market will be left to th* Inllusncs of supply end demand. Ths report Is likely, we think, to be bullish, and we would not he surprised (o see e bull movement set In after Its publication under ths lead of prominent Interests. SPOT COTfON MARKET. 1-ltrrpooJ, easier; nMd n» unUniU 5.TTM. Atlanta. at«djrt Sew York, alradjr: nine upland Ulnar IW4c. ilddunx li t n*i») . .u.xedllat L-.j--- S>w Orleans. Hnvannab. stradjr; nlddlltiR rharlMton. qul*t Wilmington, atom Norfolk, ataady; Itosino, aiaau> ; Llltla Rook, attadj; middling 5V* TODAY'S PORT RECEIPTS. Tha following tibia ikowt r+catpta at tha parad with tht Porta. Now Orlaana. . OalTaaton Mobile Savannah t'harlaaton. . * . Wilmington. . . Norfolk Hoot mi . . . * * s Total. INTERIOR RECEIPTS. remain* atronc. .mil I M.-mnhls. . raluaa oo ttwH dellv* I Ht. IjmU ng. while the* yarna I nminnatl. ha full tuarkat quota- J ■■ - ■ - ALONZO RICHARDSON & CO. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Cmptaa Building. Bell Phone, Main 8J3. ATI ANTA. GEORGIA. . v V i.L daring tka early ruali of general hojtog ed on tha haary rain* and mild weal over the vorn bait Tha raab Intereata thar advlrea of larger offerings from the Weet, white aome of them reported Kaatern bar* era more dlapoaed to reaall than to add to former burchaaea. Merritt waa offered a of ifkOS) ' “ linn < ially create an acute attuatlon in cum. me long continued wat weather haa put a mat quantity of corn In condition where It will never leave the farm. Even Ita feeding value haa been greatly Impaired and there le quite a little proportion unfit either to feed or ahtp. Advices from Ar* gentlna yesterday ware rather contradic tory. Those from the northern sections continued to claim a serious outlook oo ac count of drouth, while tboee from the •oath were not unfavorable. The season the eve of tha usual mld-autnarr about dry • Sentiment pearly •• bullish as ft WmeamwmmmmmAm the provision trade Is not , _ » aa It waa and the market ia becoming more of ■ two-elded affalr._Al* though there la already a shortage of *75.- November 1 to Tittle ahead of thaee ef a year ago. The r ago. moat marked factor, however. In Tnflt leg trade la the fact that there la a good In tin* pit for future ... „ cash some and the find that the rket for their smaller Western ■Ml _ . f'hlrago pit to the tiest market for th< output. A number of hanl-headed, cnnaei atlve speculator* who were qnh-k to illace ‘ ntlrti ‘ “ „ dlacern and anticipate the recent big bulge In pro vision values now hold that the market la going ov«r the divide toward a lower level . prices. They admit, however, that their views are subject to modification If the hog marketings fall to run heavy. U In rhtcago tost week were about creator luga at i .IS — previous week. W. II. laake aaya: “Heutliucut haa been rather imnnlmouily bearish lately on ac- ••«unt of the light speculative trade, and the liberal atocka In this market, which have made t'hlcago a dumping gronnd not only for all the wheat bought In other mar ket a, but also for a large pmtMirtlou of the big speculative abort Interest. Tha stock here la not pressing on the market, and would no doubt be greatly reduced If cars conld t*e procured to move It out. Ex ports are big. home ctmanmntlon active, prices low and the season of crop scare* la at hand. The recent sharp rally re sulted! owing to an Improved cash demand, continued light receipt* Northwest, unfa vorable weather In the winter wheat ter ritory. nnd to entering by professional abort». who found the differing* light ow ing to the nversidd condition of the specula- market." EXPORTS OF COTTON HEAVY. e\v York. Jnn 23.—Exports for the day were heavy, exceeding port rr- elpt* hv it small margin. For the e«son thus far the United States hits exerted S,04e,StC Ivulea, compared with hlpmettt* of S.967.042 bnle* for same petiiMl UiSt settson. Aa all be veen fnmt the above, extorts are tb»" 90.900 .balea nhtnd of the big emp -ear and about LI'0.000 bn'c* ahead of hurt year to this date. TH^COFFEE MARKET. The following figures live Ike opening tmice mid aksie of the New York, coffev market f«»r today: Opening lbli<v. Olree. January k*v5»> 1.84(0 IVhnwrjr 5.23ADt .vaw&c March'v i.PVA.45 -5.50 4.5S April .. .. q.ftWAM 6 55^.90 M;\y ..‘..ASKAfia 4.«A|0 June IMATO V* If. July 6.M-5.75 August kteAkk •Wquemlier .. .. MAIM 6.«ft.P» Oetuber 4.«V5.r» NovcmWr ..a.aofi« LMAtf ltccetuls-r US CfiJ 1* Oh wed stead r • to develop. The short* were the buyers. Cash ealee were 11 loads of wheat, & loads of corn and >0,000 bushels of oats. Cash business here was >6,000 bush* els wheat, 60,000 bushels corn and 140,- 000 buahela oats. • Primary receipts wheat >21.000 bushels and corn 799,000 bushels, com* pared with 672,000 and 497,000 bush* els. respectively, a year ago. Clearances of wheat 199.000 bushels, corn IKMKH) buahels, and oata 12.^»0 bushels. 4 « Closing prices showed wheat as un changed to l-4c higher, corn l-4c up to l-«c off. out* l-ltfl-40 lower, and pro visions 6|yl0c lower. NEW ORIiEANS. Tks fsllawtsff Is tk* ran** Is ratio# fs- turaa la Maw Orleans Mu: ATLANTA MARKETS. ' FRUITS AND PRObUCE. mm Sp;Kl>IJfciw?en*rasee flbe^sS^ Imol EsrmvM'AAISNi pound; nMen nctlrn, 10c pound; -batter, no pound: bontwnx nctlrr, -4c mml;"wtitt* peas actlrc," tS'l) l'c«*. BOO; Mock, SB:::: ffi B. ffi 5S ft, s&8 £ 8 -8 8 *■£8-8 18 8 9.J7H O.ttVi 9,45 9.50 9,474 9.56 July. Bept FORK— May.!, it jo" iftliffift IfiSvt ll'.lv* July... 14J6 1S.6& 14.66 11.65 14.CS LARD— Jan.... 9.90 9.90 May... 9.10 9.90 ‘sly... 9.10 9.10 j 61DEB- £gt IM t'ASH WHEAT— No. 2 red 75VS nominal: No. 1 do 71073: No. 2 hard winter 7444094; No. 6 do <90 ■ 4H: No. l northern aprlut U4M2: No 2 do 77tfil: No. I do THtn. rAtill CORX- No. 3 corn 4114043; No. 3 white corn U m OATS- No. 2 rata J«H; No. 2 white oatt 24*4) JIU- i:«" 4.1TH l.»7H • 01% 4.20 LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. % highest Corn-Opened H higher; st 1:90 unchanged; clooed H lower. HIGH PERCENTAGE OF CROP IS WASTE •** .rav booth, covering considerable cot- ton mill territory, roporta the situation there as follows: "Rom* of the conditions prevailing are of grest Interest. Mill men universally corn'Me a crop of nearly. If not quite. 13.000.400 bales. They are also tty of the present crop, bellevlog It will show a much higher percentage than usual In waate, and make s much Wesker yarn on the average. Help la sot so acsrcc as , Os ordinary grades the mills are Well sold shear good nrlcee. The general feellfig Is cheerful. There Is little thought of mills are planning enlargements, more sre considering new machinery In plan* of their present equipment. J found mill lu the tfUmth ’ the practically eliminated! assist lu filling hoppers, fit another uim them were sixteen weaver* running Ndtrthrop hMuts each, on abettings, without artrsge ef S3 Jyr #md’ n higher |H*nvniage. of product than ihpee with iwd-iity-four efi twi*nty At snother mill they averaged twenty-two print It* the wester through* inent. nm| they get 100 |>e» gept produ •luce the htoiiia ran overtime sufficiently In tml litas mags during the reg ular eleien hours." fim fern rutabaga kifffelftmt "22.74: turnip*. 1HC. Btrawbanles. 24c R GRAIN AND FROVI8IONE. «*w«a.BaaBiH & nl -^JcSSi: i X £J!'°N ? o*i wait*. 4 yellow, flc; mixed. Or; new Tea- . 4XM; sprluff ORN—Choi** .. . Klc; No. I yellow. Hr; mixed. Or; new white. Oe; crack com. — — T °OAT«S^lo£i 10 whtt* cltppeil, 14c: No. 2 ff^.JSS'AS JffLIWK MEAL-Flel* wstefSTOsnd. per bushel. 12c: bolted 143-poond J*t*a per tiuakel 40c: Khorts. whits. 4L4*: lasdlUK il.ti: brows. do" A cS3S"°^iii 'St'ttT ili" cioatr, mixed. tLailo^s 2 Aww mixed Cfcotc* Bermuda 20c. Chicken (rod. feSJSi Ml Tenoesera 40c. Bar lay PlioVlSIoiFH^Supleme bam as Hat Recks. 1.3; plate*. 4.74; supreme RCGAR—RTeiidard craeuiated 44.44. New nt'GAR-RTeudard rranr INTEREST IN PRICE OF COTTON LAGGING New Orleans. Jan. 33.—The Times-Demo crat aaya: '‘The talent. Itelng tuu concerned with the tem|»er of leglalatnres and the devrtopment « of conciliation st New York that lu the cotton 'market during s i atngimtlon. left the rings alone prr all ilsy. Active alde-ateptdsg. • centlnse lo sdroesfe the Individual llmltattoos with conservative ac tion and professional Interpretations. Amalgamated ethlhlta a atror - “ tendency with Information Imllii "">((•» almre ifib. imt will \hate meet stork. \Ye think the tote itepreealoa yeetenlny was s final drive at Reading, which shownl sad. between. 1)6 sad Uo it "will nine probably fluctuate for a time with present tendvoclea rallying towani higher IbyHb. — ffttifp “ . — __ hern l'uclflc. Union tael flc. F sited Motes Hltvl. Brook lyn Rapid Trsnelt and flt. Fan!, Is fostsrolose' and should bo sold STOCKS STARTED Iff BETTER PRICfS Interherough Wan a Feature in Activity in the Ear- • ly Trading. a)-" OPENED UNCHANGED Lost BVaction Later—Press ed Steel, Copper and ReadingSold Off. • r ? Near York, Jsn." 22.—The market moved up'today as It moved down pre viously with r*B*rd exclusively for Its own Inside conditions. Indications were watched .for a renewal of ths forced liquidation which had ao upast last week's dssllnca, and It waa (antrally anrssd that urt>t> tha asttlemsnt of this qosatlon on* wsy or th* other would depend th* Immsdlsts copras at pries*. With th* course of the for*, noon. While there war* fraqosat Inter vals of th* comparative dullness, ther* eras a complst* sbsewcs.of pressure to e*ll. Accordlnply. th* Mndency toward further Improvsmsnt waa eonalatsntly maintained by midday, nod tha loodln* Issues had xslnsd e half point to a point from yaatardaCa elostzw. if thara waa an, .fas I nan a* air ao a ha apaeulattoa In Indlvtdoal atocka It .waa In praferencs to those of tho railway a roup. Tha Coppsrs, Btrale, Elactrir laeuaa and tha equipment stocks cam# In for apodal attention, tbs contention r Atlanta and Vlrlntty-Fatr tonltht ,Wednreday: no marked change la the tempera turr: weather'conditions. Tha reatar .. prraaure la now orar South , larbea. lu lb* last 24 hours lb* haromrtrr hat fallen qslt* rapidly to th* Ohio ratter sod southwest Into Texas, while or*r the r tbem tier of states a corresponding rise aeted. The temperature has risen la the Ohio ee It haa |g rlondlneaa tn tbe'ltkr region tad th* north east, where snows era general. The conditions faror fair weather In tbla ecctlon tonight aud Wedneeday. with no marked ehana* le temperature except wanner In low place*. Minimum and Maximum .Tsmpsraturao n ma,im.m i and. RalnfalL ( Obearrattoe* takeo at a a. a, nth mark a^v::. KaTwar?--: New Orleans. . Sew York. . . . Norfolk North rtstts. . OmShS. a sen FalCStlSC. a a a lMttslmrg. . . . Forttond, Ms. . Portland. Ort. . Rapid Off. . . Ht. Isouls. . . . 8L i*su). . . . Hsu .Frssetoco. Havsnnsb. . . . Booksse. . . . , Tamps* ■. * . * *::: a marbuhV. luctloa Ulractac COTTON SEED OIL MARKET. FoUowInt ere the opening end doting quotations st tho Now York cotton seed oil OpsMw market: January. . February. March. . . May. . . . July. . . . Heptrinber the twit chance for advance, because of th* enormous and aasorsd demand for their products and because of thstr freedom from the necessity of raising now capital, as tbs railroad companies have to do. Now York. Job. It—Ths stock market Opened almost generally higher. Isterbor. ough wee a feature In activity, opeoad an* changed; than lost 14. pressed B4eel starred Is H higher. Amal gamated Copper gained Vi aud lost Reading opened % lower Ynd lost la all % The recovery that alerted In the t*(t hour yesterday has continued In fnil swing since the opening. Important Interest* Beamed to he persistent buyers of stocks at higher prices, with th* execution of each order. There la a growing feeling of aa- Mtisau among the thorlt da* to the ready ibSorpttsa of offerings. Th* haying has bran wall distributed, with no stock shout 10,000 shares os Governments unchanged, steady. Other bond* MONEY AND EXCHANGE. New York, Jin. >7—Money on rail 2H44 2 per cast: time loans, sixty days, I; nine- ty days. OH; six mouths, M4. Posted rates, sterling exchange, 24.22W wUhactpal .butineae jn hanker.' 4)4.8141 fnr**Sxt: Commercial istfV hsstfs flm Us Ur o* U bosds iowsr. MINING ITOCK6 LONDON STOCK MARKET. pa ggffi Amalgamated Coppar .... s^sslf Ohio*:::: ChMspssks ■rteTTr.... do, prvfvrvsfl Orest Western Illinois Central ... ksyss sad Tsxss Looixvt^s*sod*NsshVuto. I snd Rssd.:! Southern _ %ywftftt4 *uio?itort)4e‘.v:::::::::: I’nltMl Htstrs ’steel preferred Wabssh- do. preferred CHICAGO CAR LOTS. Below fa fives receipts today sad idr ted receipts for tomorrow: THE METAL MARKET. New York, Jan. 22.—A fensrslly fair ton* prevailed is ths metal markvt. Prices on* chanced, except ter tin. which mined Me Is spot and near-by deliveries. 1 notices for s limited I yet Illctl exIstlUf price levels cnuleetsrinf rsble ersdes do nut wnr- PS-.. for. Consequently some ll<|utdstln Interests gnee the setuldsnre of to the local rtnf* Just when tmveyard si, lenee was mnklitf the crmvd fee* There was nothin* In the day n meats to esnse n I'lwiip «»f feell wsy."—Hayward. Vlrk ft t'lsrk. New York. Jsn.. 21—The Ksn k was thervany perl The fact that there win no tm ilifr while the memltqr* talked of | const, ttf the lack of GvoiMthy nwiiri to the effort made HstsMa the .market. The tpenlnc pc<c«»s i"»sr , s'" ii,#u.wiagr>a ■ raw, httslesl ,|MMI was the first. Tbe otsrkct ten prsctk-slly ‘ tfi durin* the afternoon."—Hmitheru Ex- W. J. DIBBLE Accountant and Auditor, 1114 Fourth National Bank Building. AuMSitf W •*•*-"* ATLANTA, GA. ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK ATLANTA. CA. C. B. CURRIER, FrssIdenL A. E. THORNTON, Vlg*eraM(*M. H. T. INMAN, Vke-Prseldeat GEO. R. DONOVAN, Csahlse. JAM EE B. FLOYD, Aset Cashier. Capital - $500,#40.40 Surplus and Undivided Profits $500,004.0# We Solicit Your Patronage. HAYWARD, VICK & CLARK, COTTON, 8TOCKB, BONOS, COFFEE, GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Carundalet and Ori*je •**, New Orleans. I yew OrlaSaa Futut* Biskere* kaeoclatlim j Naw GrlMns anil Chicago Boards of Trade, h*aj York and Chicago Correspondent*. ! * CO- AND BARTLETT, Ff " PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL POINTS. FRAZIER A CARRINGTON. U H. Fsirehlls. L. H. FAIRCHILD ft COMPANY. a j. whit,. NBW^OltUIANS. Saw Orleans Cotton Exct.onga, New York Crffs* Exchange. New York Cotton Kx< aangs. Now Orloans UoaVd of Trad*. Now Orioan* Stock Exchsaco. Chicago Ba,rd of Trad*, • Liverpool cotton association. •! S- Privets wires to NEW TORE .sal CWCAUO. Orders solMted far BMW Ball.ary. ow shorn Earhaugro. D. c. COTORAN. LhJhsa ffiflyfrs \1...... toh... Ad “l J iJ