The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 22, 1907, Image 14

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mt Ads Myl Gent a Word Na ad. tthM fur laaa than 29 canta. (ia writ *f average length make a line. Tha fellewing retee ara far aaaaaautlva inaartlanii 1 lima J timaa ( timaa N timaa U timaa 71 timaa ( cent* a llna. 5 canta a tina. V/ t aanta a llna. 4 canta a llna. Wa Will Etnd far Ycur Ad. WiMiaut Chirac fat Meeeengar Service. Gall Ua an Sell Phone mt Main, ar 4401 Atlanta Phone. Ratal dueled Ada. far Situation Wanted Will ha Ineerted Free. ODtSOTOKY. BICYCLE SUNDRIES. Blt'TCUM AND iPRDBIfS-MSOCTt l»!rrrl« god sundry dl>trfbat*ra la. Im •oath, Southern «i«nta for ritnw. \ak, Snell and lladooo lilcycl**. Write far uor ]Wt ntiTirua nod prica Hat. AleinmUr- Kijtn Company. ' * CARPENTERS ANO*CABINET MAX MODEM! ANIt NOVELTIES - . rEOJfPT aarrlr*. Ball - plioee IJ7I Atlauu Weed mil Iron Nataliy Werka. at Marietta atraat. HE'S THE MAN^TH ATWELLS HOT AIR, InatiUa fnmarae la old bouare. aa aril rra a cellar If you bare a. Ha prrpa tlourrlrf F'o nraace I.'*. Itetb 'pboaaa. mm«« •Mpri, ‘pboue C J. k. Iinrlen and J. ".Drtij FOR SACR-R^L ESTATE. PEACHTREE CIRCLE LOT. HIST HE 1.1. AT SACRIFICE. SIX-BOOM cat laaa. fear Uorba from Araaaa, near Pwrhlraa; R.MO. Urn tad at W awalbi oarer rare at. Perfect coudltiee. R O. Ram Lit BUI room bmw at Draurnt, U«.f wttbi _ . hloekn of riMmooc College; good .nefcool •ml nemmer neort Urn. A. It. W.. tt Capitol nrenue. WANTED HELR-MALE- W A M T ■ P—COMPETENT BEMINOTON <ns wEapjsF 8 mtmsnm TO OBT ALL BAR • \ infer Bor- nunttr nod WANTED—A GOOD VOtfMttt VAN AS drlrer. Apply at ear# at UN Fearbtree <& ■sftisa. WANTED H XLR—Wale and Female. - ef help. good pilar*. why not cnl. .. • noble Empire Burin era Bureau, < been hi thin bnelnnnn for nls nureenlyo » yen re. and nnrnr fnalln to ancure pooltlona iH Ceaturj nulldlDmHmp JSt REGISTER WITH Employment depart- o coat. S la 10 a. m. • Phono atl WANTED—AGENTS. PICTURE AGENTEwSEND TOCR R to oa for enlargement: fair price*, ■•lab; 14 by Ml Religion* and teener toraa ebaap. Tb* Garaar Coat l'rttra atraat. Atlanta. Ga. . WORK cup- * lib<»ut fEELS'FJSP.StSBi 1 P^rall. In^jamjr ini Patera atraat. Ctaty, .. SITUATIONS WANTED. . , la a chaiH-o of promotion'. can fire reference*. No. a, rare Oceanian. PHONE “' all lie* Department. SEWING MACHINES . ■ . RENTED—TtVO UOI.I.AHH I'EII MONTH either (loser or Wheeler A Wlleou. »■ teat uuljr near oarhtaae wltb of attachment*. Prompt delleair. Bat) phone* IRC. Hlaaer Satrlog Machine La. ■V Whitehall etreet. rALRIXO A MAfH?NKS A AND BBfORDS- Whoioaale and retail dtitrihutora of Vic- lor Talklaf Markina* and Recorf*. foal recelrod itrge roatlfoown’ of machine* and »m 10.00) reeordn. Immediate attention lefcln* denlere In , "b?M«waKo n^hiiKii. syMiSaSSBfennc Acetylene fie ptnntn furnished. Moore, 24Vft Wont llnatnr atraat. 0I.D HAT. cleaned or dyad and reshaped to law lyla*. Dommllr and foreign order* by mall and expreea given rapeclal ettcntlou. Bne- ala Whitehall Srcet. Atlaali, Ga. 'LANTA Mm^CEARGE 71 North Pryor atraat. Atlaata, Oa. Paatara In all make* typewriter*. C1HCULAR LETTERS A SPECIALTY. Will nil for poor dlrtailon. J. L. Naab. No. I Viaduct PDra. Bath pbonce HW. ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING. SHELDON AUDIT CO. rUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDIT. 114411 Tempi. Court., 0a. * Phee* nw. — A PEW MORE OP THOSE FJNB LOTS at Caalrsl railroad - ! narr yard! and' round bouaa; aarh; 1104 each lad R per month. They ara cheap. Oat aae while yen ran. C. H. WELLS & CO., II0« FOURTH NATIONAL BANK DLDO. FOR BALE—MISCELLANEOUS GRANDMOTHER’S SALVE. GUARANTEED TO CURB ANT CHRONIC •ore. carboulce, bulla, cola, borne, tet lar. eryilpetM,' chapped hand* and Upa. plica, catarrh. Pun, cleat aid harmtaca. Uaa been (Iran away for ahoot tighty yaara. Recently placed an tha market. If drugflat fall* to furalah It, atad ut !»e la etampa aid wa will tead you a hoi, pant- aft paid. National Olatmait Company, Atlanta. Ga. ctaa and price. Oreenabera, tin. OAK PARTITION WITH OLASS TOP. nah far aeraud-baud min. ad an. InreatlnUon for- law;art, cfcanta and corporation! a epaeleltr. I •at ratUmanlala Corraapaudrar* lnrli SS'J FOR RENT—HOUSES. FOR SALK OR RENT-NO. HI CAPITOL arenoa; will rent drat Boor. Sra room*, •ad aerraal'a room: larg* lot. Apply SS Century Bldg., ar on premia**. HORSE FOR SALE. BLOODED HAMILTONIAN, i TEARS old; city broke; kandaomrat hone In At- .fligaBiggiaigmcnBh.. . inquira at » ^arittU ; Vturt 'VBWitflf ■SKI Wi kiimm* IP' wnw I-t 1 n maple aadgmj "hk A tlq t - AUTKns 1 rn no r a n maple and beech flooring, we ecu tfiswiw. TOUXG LADT WANTS ' POSITION AS . laachae of moa - ^iSTV^Td' arenue, TOUNO MAN WANTS JB&i* wr ‘" s ff-» BOARDERS WANTED. tpE BON AIR, m Paacdtrea at,, mm • Bwmtamn. aiawatliin tad patranaga. BRISTOL 44 WALTON STREET. “ raoaw. large and amall, alartric t aid cold water. Tabla tha boat ♦won SENT—ONE LARGE FURNISHED J nan tar gaaUaaaan, at Ml fatchtraa at. FURMIRHRD BOO Mr. ana. cellar tl} par month. ‘ - HEAT. WA airy wladowa; _ _ _ i 4:a) and 1 p. m. MH raachlrec. Room. No. 10. RIIBCKLLANEOUR. IBRD SORGHUM. RYE. HABLET, aata. geaulaa Hart or Slariy-Darc car or leaa. luaWout foe tmltatl Hart note. T. II. Wllllama: ilatloii at IL V JYanklm Still Cloans Clean, I SUITS I1.M AMD 11.44, PANTS 60c. 1 III WHITEHALL BTHEET, BELL PHONE HO. «f>$25 CASH SAVED ON EVERY $100 SALE. L*jh GUARANTEE TO SAVE THIS ’TytlmMUt oh any dining room. Imn| room, rior, library or hall ault of furnltura. or mj odd plero of far attar* aold plM>«rh»ro u Atlanta. Yon run easily test this that tlut prices elsewhere ami fling them lost oars; sra will stand or fall by the rleon. our Aged ripen** Is only 5 per t wf our sales; every other dr«l>‘r rar- > same lln<* pays »> per rent on »elr sales. You ran easily perrelve how ■H Bhydfs dT fnmtture a jmt .rnt their purebaseu. Bee our splemlbl stork gefera placing your orders. U .North Uroad —* I*. II. Shook Furniture Company. DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MASTER PLUMBER. b«s 1253. 20 E. Hunter SL IURSERY FRIEZES AS _ FOLLOWS: » Xrk raaels. Putm Yard Bremw. ears Morning. Noon ami Night, 1ITK ITAI.I. PAFKU CO# Svrlk l r/v . BtrtyL ^ , a Veal , «-1gar ataod, a^®~‘ ft Vladuot m iMiifN... .- .... — or lessen furnished. 3 years lease, rood tfttii* * - w Inti, ttmng P* day. ^SSW* nmaafactari ng lalarcala. Hotel only _ W. Jooea A ft.., 4 Viaduct Plaoa. Phone. 4440. THE CELEBRATED BARRETT STITTES AMD MANGES Atlanta mart SlSff* MADAME MELLIE. THE NOTED EGYPTIAN PALMIST, cun be consulted on all aflTalra of life. Bhe reunites the sepurated. cauees a speedy marriage with the one of your choice, ghee hemes, dates ami facts in everything per taining to life, or no charges. Egyptian Eucempmeat. M Auburn aveaun. LOST, BTRAYRO OR 8TOI.RN—BAY horse, blind In. one eye. stocky, abort built; right ear pricked, fall Dell turquoise and pearls. Finder nlenee re turn to Miss Roberts, at rrankshaw's. or phone Mrs. Clayton Callaway, uorth 30ft. Reward. MONEY TO LOAN. MONF.Y TO LOAN—I IIAVK BOMR CA8II to loan on city real estate. Amounts to suit. Aildreaa t'apltal, eare Meorgtau. MONF.Y AOVANCKO HAl.ARIKO 1'KO- le am! others. Atnerli*au lavestuieut tpany, 7b4 Candler bulblltig. pie Comp Mortgage loans on real estate. TO LOAN 1»T 6. < AND t PER cent Interest, according to swcurtty of- fereil; small etpense nml prompt attention MONEY c*ent In Turmtd, real estate In and near Atlanta. or call B. W. Carson. 24 Mouth It road street. Herman, »«huub 302 2(0 Tempts court. Korn l»r.R CENT IIOMR MONEY TO lead on monthly pot went plan; no delay; ali4» tuiMiey for punhase money notes. Straight taut .made at ft i»er cent and np wauls, arconllng to deetrutdllty of loau. w. A Foster, l^hBoufTTircad straot. WALL PAPBR. ax. 1 Be, mar ha had for only 4c. by calHag at office UaopanUT* Book Co.. »7H Paacb- tree alraal. BIGGEST LOAD WOOD AND COAL. IN TOWN FOR THE MONEY. FOR dry atoTe tad grata wood, call Crawford Coal and Ira Co. Both phone, 2234. coal for tha c baa peat pricy. iLE - ONE THOROUGH BRED thoroughly city broke. Will aall r call. Call or addraaa N. 81. FOR 8ALE cfiTp r: ,i‘ John. 401 Pal era building SHOULD fOU HAVE A COLD AND A colab, tak* "Dawbarry'e DallghL" Nath- if bailor. Dragglala aril It. LIGHT RUNNING. THE STANDARD "ROTABT" HEWING marklaa aald aad ranted. Offlca 44 Sooth • Irccl. All makaa repaired. Bath i 2101. BY INVESTIGATING OUR STOCK AND TRICES TOU SAVE. Wa buy, aall aid exchange arcrything. Atlanta Wrackua Co., *<-B Wa«t Mitchell •trest. Both ’phones. FOR BALE—COUNTERS. SHELVING. abawcaaaa, atram table, roffca ara. tablaa. Inqulra at M kjarlOHa .tract ■Mmes-larobW rcichca; alao applca.l grapaa, n € a. ate.: alao WE ARE lIKADgl'AHTI'.RH FOR QUAIt- teraawad and plain onlr flooring; alao maple and brerb Boorlag. Wa can firnlabi ta any quaaUtlcn oa-abort notice. E. G. WUUagbam A Ban,. Sn Whitehall atraat. J M. A. SHELTON. DON'T FOROET M. A. SHELTON IS A practical atora and rang, raaalrar; boat work and malarial guarantaad. Both 'phonal 4274. 41 Sooth Pryor atraat. SECOND HAND SCHOOL BOOKS WE HAVE THRU FOR ALL SCHOOLS- Pl’BLIC AND PRIVATE, CITV AND COUNTTr WE BUY YOUR OLD BOOKS. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOL- I.AR MADE. Wa will aata you money aa all aehael hooka Wa rarrr lb# largaat aad bail aaaort meat of achool book, bolb new and acraad- band. In Iba city, and aall tbem at gnatly raducl price*. Our llna la complete, and If you ean - l And It ber*. It luri In Allauia. Bring or mall In your llat of aeroarTbaud hooka and w* will maka you an offer far them. SOUTHERN BOOK CONCERN. J. r. GAVAN. Manager, 71 Whitehall atraat. .MSg.'Sftb, ASTHMA CURED—I WILL SEND FREE W ANTED—PATIENTS TO REMEMBER that Dr. W. M. Durham haa removed hla office to Gould building, near Junction of Kilgawond n Ten no and Peachtree afreet. Hootna Noa. JU S*. Dr. J. I'. Houghton A t'o., Atlanta, Ga. OLD HATS MADE NEW. OLD SOFT AND STIFF FELT HATS cleaned nnd re ahaped for 94c. Randa ar tweat* Mr eaeb extra, nut-of toa u order, glreu prompt and careful alleallaa. Heat “ —Acma Hattara. OH FOR RENT »? I4T<>NKWALl^FlVE noUMl*. GA8 •ad water 112.94 TM EAST FAIR—THREE ROOMS....* 1.46 HI BRRF.AN FOR INFORMATION. 8KB LIEBMAN. BEAL ESTATE AND RENTING, a PKACHTREB. On the Cii^e, sear Peach tree St., I hare instructions to sell at once a" beautiful building lot This - lot is 76 feet front and lies slightly elevated and is nicely shad ed. Quick sale price $3,750. CHAS. M. ROBERTS, \ I 12 Auburn Ave. BABCOCK’S FULL LINE \ OF BUGGIES. Runabouts and Surreys to be seen at S2 and 94 South Forsyth Street, also ;other good-makes of vehicles at SANDERS, SMITH A CONWAY PHONES 5488. V ‘ 412 PETERS BLDG. $3350—New 8-r. house, on north side, near Peach- trees, rented on lease at $37.50; terms $1,000 cash; will sell for $3,800 all casK Location the best... $50 foot—105x195 Spring street; best part of it; will sell 55 feet same rate. Will briug $60 in 60 days when building season opens. $6,000—Prettiest.brand-new 8-r. home on north side on large deep lot; $1,000 cash.; right prices. You certain ly will lose nothing by call ing and seeing them before buying. We handle the best wagons on the market. SPRATLIN BUGGY AND WAGON CO. t C. U'CRORT. I. U. JOHNSON. McCRORY & JOHNSON, Real Estate, _ 707 Peters Building. FOR A HOME AND FUTURE EM baaramaat, buy in Auburn aranur; B.404; two tdacka from Candler building. FOR A BIO BUSINESS PROPOSITION. buy that lot, 41 by 204, undtr lb* Well ington atraat Tied act. Lei ua abow you IbTa. Tou wUl ba raarlarad; <14.000. I WILL BUE Tf it baaaa of aeran nSMML qa Chacwhaa araana: haaatlfal SB ahyad lati «*« front. Voa BO|t tf Cioa—NEW,' Sir ROOMS AMD IIALL; largo lot, la Grant atract. It'a a plum. itorr anan orchard, wn ON CON.NALLY STREET. FIVE-ROOM cottage, all Improrcmaiita; doaa la. See _• about thla and (at prlc*. lfh too good to mcatlao. «1 ACRES—IF TOU ARM AT ALL INTER- dated In the wood or timber hualaeaa, ana na about thla: 6 tallea oat; right clone to chert road. eod a laaa worth tha price. FOU COU.KOK PARK HOMES OR LOTS. FURNITURE AND RUG BARGAINS. 174 QUARTERED OAK SIDEBOARD....NS NS QUARTERED OAK SIDEBOARD....494 mTquartered oaX bTdeboard. ...W BEAUTIFUL SIDEROARDB (IT UP ALL OAK BEDROOM HUIT8 ABOVE 4S4 cut 110 a ault ALL BEDROOM RUIT(,.UNDER (44 CUT ....14 a ault N INGRAIN ART (QUAIIEE (tall) 17 114 BRUSNEMI ART (QUARKS 42X44 VELVET SQUARES (acamlraa) U4 12141 ANMINSTF.R SQUARES Oll]>....C2 W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans,: < -'12 S. Broad. • per am: railroad atalton ua the bob era. gin, mill an 1.JCO arrea larel uad: terma. balance two to ten yearn, 4 act: an or before. _ atora bouec; one-third da eh: per cent later- ON A CORNER comfortable at addltloual roomxl LOT. IN WEST END. A ma. m..ra. J i.h | .«wo •AVtS SZJVmFz SSJ" A North Side Residence. We have * very nice 19-room residence a block and a half east of Peachtree, for $7,500. This is the popular Calhoun Street School section, . and a very desirable place for any one who wants a large home. ' » , FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR; $1,750—$300 CASH, BAL ANCE $20 PER MONTH, BUYS SPLENDID NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE ON THE WEST SIDE; RE CEPTION HALL, CABI NET MANTEL; LARGE BED ROOMS, NICE KITCHEN; LEVEL.SHAD- ED LOT,PAVED STREET, HALF BLOCK ONLY FROM CAR LINE. BIG IMPROVEMENTS IN THAT VICINITY; GOOD NEIGHBORS. JAMES L. LOGAN & CO., 408 PETERS BUILDING. PHONE 2678-L. M. It baa home featnrrr me oomlaca - Home Jaaet«Fn, a —■ room collage frooting the car line, on Urga lot; 77 by III; good value far 41.400 caah. ON ENGLISH AVENUE. IN WESTERN Ilelgbta, a now (aar-mma cottage, with rttj water: on lot 41 tyr 177 to ntl*/;Jor IL- srw arenue, where _ A SMOOTH LITTLE 1NVE •ha fourth* ward, n Ant ~ sKfflfr&bS 2 - ELlcLOCATED FIVE-ROOM COT- gsr ^ ON A GOOD CROSS STREET, NEAR Whitehall atrael, aad anal her afreet: AM-OP FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. IN A.wrai. A. J. WEST & CO., Ccnttuy Bldg. Phone 1754. ROMETIIINO BBPKCIALLY AT- ' TRACTIVE- IN REAL ESTATE . WITHIN JOO FEET rktrra; oormr of two cckmI atrrata; attroctlvii lot; new up-to-tfat* fwo-atory rooldweo: every ttodor* ronven Irncp; on cor Hoe. Cell for apeclal Is* formation. MTS rood atreeln: attnctlea I UOTTAGE . HOME—BRAND-NEW WIT- face near Great park achool -ehd tha (aalfrard. Lot 44 by 144 to an allay. A garni renter or a model home. Monthly payment.; nhly->1.740. — r PBACIITREB. AT Fin* eterallou. faring moat ramm.ndlhg ra _ aurrouadlag lota Tialag dll Iw Improred Ihla iprlng. la gat a bargain In thla uu- tlna. A there la all that rant lot In eltr: all nrroundlng lot bulll on or dll I* Improved thla Lent rhanco factory reaulta. MONEY FOR REAL ESTATE lOANS aad. good pnrebiha money note*. •a every article la tha tomaa la cal. ROBISON-MARTIN FUR NITURE CO., 23 and 27 E. Hunter St. FOR SALE—MODEL HOMES. HAVE JUST AROUT FINISHED TWO timrawi that nra inotUls for 1*00ranIrara. od tnfttrrlnt* »utl k*k1 wiwkmkMhln. On* on I1*4mnut «r*u«r nml on* on Ja •tract. Euoh has right Ur a* Ira maple rl«*#tt. Urrailnt nirle*. flute every — ii**. rurna«*e bent, gm JnrkMW oib, he- room* •■<( r modern •nd electric light*. king tnbwk my dig. Prtce for rlther.’ 97*10$.' Apply to the owner. 2 Urant building. Atlanta 'phone 4M. REMOVAL SALE. On account of having to va cate our present location, we are giving 25 per cent discount on all finished Ital ian and Georgia marble, also granite monuments. Chero kee Marble As Granite Works, Him ter street, - oppo site State C'apitoL _ D. F. M’CLATCHEY REAL ESTATE AND INVEST MENT COMPANY, :0t CANDLER BUILDING, TOLL PHONE 1I0-—ATLANTA 854. GORDON STRERT-A LOVELY 1I ROOM ' trn In every particular; a love - - yaa FORREST AVESUE-AN 7 ROOM.HOUSE with all roavenlenrea, on Iba heat part of the atraat. for 49440. Year own lenaa. JUNIPER ETIIEHT—LOVELY bouar, with every conceivable c nnd comfort; well Price 4X440. (ROOM Toamaca •haded lot, Rx3N feat. ■broom 2-atory houae, etavaled lot; mii erhoola and cfcnrcbea; good car eervlce. Price 1X409. oonac; Thla will abort iliu. ... whole lot more money SPRING NKAIt FIFTH STREET—THE level haaae an the alreet; • large rnoou, blab acOhigx Urge float .porchea, furnace beat, all electrical ranveadencea, a large let; jwe can not do oattcr la town for the leeway. nT houlrta*i»-H!iand n.R'V (Room ha'lt hawar; neatly aaiehed: an m-ad k*« rrtaa Vm, UbanTl mm. S NHAR Jkt'ttat,N WT - ANSLEYBROS., REAL ESTATE, 10 E. Alabama St. Phone 339 Bell. ELEOANT NORTH SIDE HOME-HALF block from Pctcbtrae atraat; formaca- beated and built for a home. Haa nice rooms. Price 1X444. ANSLBT PARK LOT. 74x244 FEET-A bcautlfal location; aaly SLH4. A word •bout Aaalay Park: Tbem la ao oraUon on tha north aid* which baa tha fatura that thla prog arty haa kfaanraaa bouma wtn ba built there this spring and now Is tba time to bay. THINK of THIS—&UTIIEBLAND. THE boma of tba gnat Jobn B. Gordoa; twaa- ty-flve scree aad oa* of tba. moat baaattfnl In tba Banth; faaf-xnl.aM- double-track ear Uaa. Prlca 10.444. XO ACRES OF LAND. OVER ONE-HALF of It fronting on tba railroad. Laaa eight mllea from Ua city. Part of thla property heavily wooded. Thla proparty la worth Jost twice Ua prtea asked. Price 9X640. Easy terma R. M. JQNE8 A OO., Real Estate Agents, 1 516 Empire Building, Bell Phone 3453^1. ' $7,409—Near Grant'St.,, on comer, we have four 6- room houses that are rented for $18 each. We have an offer now of $2,259-for one of these houses on terms. Can easily handle them so aB to make $1,609 profit by selling separately on terms. ese houses are modem throughout and in fine home seetion. Near St. Pauls church. these. See us quiek for DR. J. W. MATSON. H. U COBBS AND PAULTOSE. AsalsUat Salaatncn. SPECIAL SALE TYPEWRITERS. Oa* Na. « Underwood, lataat aeries....M6.40 One No. 1 Ollvar, brand new... 7X44 On* No. 4 Remington wIU tabulator.. 7X44 One No. 7 Ktntth Premier 4X40 One L C. Hmllh Broa...... 4X00 Big aavlng In Uaa* macblacx No concern can offer batter ones. SOUTHERN STATES WRITING MACHINE COMPANY, -lepbont 14IX 42< S Candler Bldg. W. E. TREADWELL & CO. Real Estate and Renting fc Agents, All Classes City Property and Farms. 24 South Broad Street, Bell ’Phone 2644. Atlanta ’Phone 3803. 18 acres, locate d2 miles of Buckhead; good 5-r. house; road cherted, plenty out buildings, good orchard and shades. This little home will be sold at the low price of. $2300 if taken in a few days. 107 acres, about 30 acres in timber, well watered, new 6-r. house. This farm is in a high state of cultivation and one of the best in DeKalb county. Sec us quick for nice. All necessary out- juildings. $1,850 buys two houses— rent for $10. FOR SALE OR RENT. Excellent 8-room house, lot 163x246, on comer. Has good 3-room servant’s houBe, carriage bam and stable?. Never been rented, always occupied by owner as home; 2 blocks from Ludle avenue car line, West End. Just the place for a party with horses and cows who wants plenty of room. Possession given Febraary 1. Price $35 per month, or will sell. C. W. EDDINS, . 17 Grant Building, Bell Phone 5203. WEST END COTTAGES. _ ami *on~cor5*r"loT;"eeat RmThm porca- atb, hot and cold water: tlle walk. I oa a prominent, etraot, being - —- atraat car I avenue car balance can ba ar> 92,494—ON OAK STREET. NEAR LAW- tan atraat, wa have a good, wali-bullt ,0 ‘ : 4X004—NEW B1X-ROOM HOUSE ON LEE •treat, batwaaa Wait End arcane and Park .atraat; baa all modern caavcnlaacaa. Call and at* ua.for Weft Ead haaax Wa bare Ibcm. FORMWALT AND COOP ER STREET LOTS. ON THESE TWO RESIDENCE STREETS w* have aettral very dnlrtbla loto at fo rty la one block and oat block J» trim w® c or amiif® to bolld your bo irl u« alow tbem to you and fts. j lot* i «rty Is one I 1 009 l tofm L •. Cnll nnd Bmr,. wtto NEW COTTAGE AT LAKEWOOD. LAKEWOOD HEIGHTS, NEAR C nc, wa bare a new four-roam coin grave, corner lot; price 9LS4; ter IE4 caab aad balance a*ay tarmx ACREAGE. ford arena* •treat and Deratar car water. Load Uaa beautifully irTln*.^Nlra runalag aarifnlly fw r- — WHITE- W Fair . running ■nbdlvla- MONEY TO LEND. E HAVE SOME MONET TO LEND ON IralraMe property near tba city. Call for ir rant aad aata bulletin. S. B. TURMAN & CO., Cor. Broad A Ala. Sts. FOR RENT. STORKS AND OFFICE cjxscMDdidwa south (ftCtl ...... Raat AUUma Kdy*wood Wfot lluntrr ; ftratk Forsyth ... nufarturlog alto, av*nu* 2«< ifeoatar Hi “ Uri«ttn itfowad „ rat AblOM 56 Wfot Mltrbrll ..... US IWhtrra JOHN J. WOOD6IDE, THF. RENTING AGENT, 11 Auhara Araaaa. «>» ptom** air ^