The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 22, 1907, Image 16

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EXCITING SCENE IN A BIG STEEPLECHASE EVENT 4RT OF THE CUT IS A SNAPSHOT SHOWING DESERT CHIEF FALLINO IN THE iMABE. SELOW IS A PICTURE OF J. MADDEN. JOCKEY SEWELL AND FRANK THE UPPES SARATOGA STEEFI HITCHCOCK. . WHAT BASEBALL MEN ARE DOING RELAY TEAMS Nick start* hla tin* of march at 10:07 In the morning, ahakea handa with with which the Vicksburg team, under the leadership of George Blackburn. Log Cabla. and then holda a levee at CaatUlon'a He spends the afternoon touted all over the country a* * wllf make a'blfi for lhs CRM Beam rated and plenty of rare could be counted on to enter, aueh classifications rould be made aa to Interest all and the affair would doubtleaa do much to boom the auto same In Atlanta. alone In the pitcher's box/but recounting the atory of the flrat world’* champlonahlp game, and letting people aee the arm that mowed them down. In the evening he paradea home again, ahaklng handa with 7.74* people on tho way. Incidentally he goea to aee Co- mlekey and atrtvea to mace him for a ralae of 700 bonea.” Here la what Birmingham win* the next Southern League pennant with— maybe: Catcher*—Garvin. Meek*. Pitcher*—Wilhelm, Clark. Ragan, regular*: on* to be picked from Bruner. Turner, Denaau and Billiard. Ktrat Bare—Lister. League pennant: Inlleldera. FIl._.. ... Herald. Blackburn. Bell. Cook; on any part of the diamond. On the laat Weatern trip of the Yan kee*. drift waa told by manager* In the American League that h* had picked out a good on* In Brackett Deaplte aome rumor* that Cheabro would not be with the club next aeaaon the happy one from North Adam* will be on tfic rubber again for the Yankee* next aeaaon. | Cheabro like* the New York team and he ba« told the writer on different oceaalona that he would be with no other team but New York, and when he quit* that club he will leave the baaeball buntneaa. If Cheabro la not worked too much rext aeaaon hi* Wynne, Jonea, . ". catch er*.’Brennan. Will*; outfielder*. Bowen, Hooker, Sdlllvan, —— Hooker, Sdlllvan. McEvoy; | , Blabop. Barber, Taylor, Reab, Black burn. Boon*. The Texaa and South Texaa league* have been merged and will hereafter aall under one banner. Thla elimi nate* the probability of the organlxa- tlon of a new outlaw league, which threatened to aprlng up out In Texaa a few week* ago. The new Texaa circuit will comprla* Austin. Dalle*. Fort Worth. Oalveaton, Mempbla. Tenn.. Jan. St —Charley -Comltkey, ownar-of thd world’* cham pion*; Joe Cantlllon. the National*' new manager, and "Dutch" Schaeffer, the Detritt'a clown aecond baseman, who have been on a trip down the Htaalaalppl on ComUkeY* famoua houee boat. Whit* Sox. arrived her* yeaterday. Bealdea the three already mentioned, than are about ten other* In the party, moatly ball player*. The party ha* been Halting In the lowland* for the paat two waek*. Han Antonin. IIouMon, Cleburne and either Beaumont or Lake Chari**, La. The league will aleo have a oall on Shortatop—Oyler. Third Baee—Montgomery. Outfield—Smith, Oardne worth. own accord laat summer when he wae In no ahape to pitch. He wanted to win the pennant and the moult waa that the hard work told on him when the team reached Detroit. Temple, Tex., It a change of circuit la neeeded a little later. Here la what a Chicago exchange haa to aay of Nick Altrock'a recent vlalt to the City of Wind: 'The only Nlcholaa Altrock la In the city, and hi* career round town each '— *- ■'*— * — *— proceaalon. SUTTON WINS MATCH. Chicago, Jan. IS—Ora Mornlngatar made a good bid for the world's 11.1 a ae_ aa Laae lael nlwhl While many of the fan* are walling to aee what new men the Yankees will have for the coming season, says The New York Slob*. It ran be aald on good authority that there will be few new men, and It there are any there may bo J. W. Gardner, owner of the Dallas club of the Texaa League, has an nounced the sale of Pitcher Tom Rail ing to the Boston club, of the Ameri can League. championship hay* laat night, me against George Sutton. He' day 1* like a triumphal UP-TO-DATE NEWS OF SPORTING WORLD NE>VS OF SPORTS MAY HOLD A HILL CLIMB IN ATLANTA LOCAL AUTOMOBILI8TS WILL MEET AND DISCUSS THE PLAN. The long talked of hill climb for At lanta automobile* may at laat be held and an announcement of a meeting of those Interested haa been made. Thl* meeting of automoblllsta will be held Thursday evening at I p. m. at the publication room* of the' Frank- tfn-Turner Company, 4* Ivy street. The following gentlemen have been Invited to be present, and moat of them hare signified their Intention of being on hand: John F. Toole, F. E. Rostander, John E. Smith. James R. Gray, Edmund H. Inman. F. C. Stelnhauor, Alfred Aus- tttl. n H Jt-k-w". A“ Caadfaa, Jr. jTL Turner. W. C. MayvUla. John 8. Cone* and local newspaper men. The rhanoea for a successful hill enmb in Atlanta seem tmtti bright. These event* have proved pop- C0M1SKEY IS IN MEMPHIS No Decided Changes in Dates — For Mefropofifan Tracks New York. Jan. 42.—At a meeting el the etaward* of the Jockey Club yes- 9B& *L! l £X l £ t 3i? %L"85 til 2107 were decided upon, ntetaaea given to the various course# of the Metropolitan district are practically of last aeaaon. Th# Aqueduct, Pimlico, woi# appointed. Th* anpllogllon qf Charles Ball lot oommltiM. B*H ed at Brighton for an unsatisfactory rid* on Bobble Kean. The only change In th* date* of I get year I* that Bel li will have in the Rprtnjr two pf nine day* rich LOUISVILLE CLUB IS NOT A BIDDER FOR SOUTHERN GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP During th* long wrangle which ha* been In pragma among Southern golf ers a* to tho probability that the At lanta golf course would or would not be in condition for the champlonehip of the Southern Golf Aeeoctatlon next June, and a* to what course would get the tournament In caeo Atlanta de clined lo hold II. It wae frequently stated that Louisville woe at pment a bidder for the event. Louisville wanted * it for thl* year and mod* a strong tight for It at the annual meeting of the a* sedation lost year In New Orleans. Here tl what Hodman Grubb*, seer* tary of the Louisville dub, hoe to say In that connection In a letter Ike sporting editor of Tho Georgian “In regard lo your queetlon a* to whether the Louisville club will be a •bidder* tor th* Southern champlonahlp. provided Atlanta Is not ready. I will ■ay that thl* matter has not been given any official consideration, and will hardly be taken up at all prior to an nouncement from th* Atlanta club that It will be unable to meet Its obtlga tton In providings first-close, eighteen- hole course for the next meeting of the Southern Golf Association, or prior to a decision of the executive commit tee that the counts provided by At lanta will not bo satisfactory for the NOTES OF THE SPORTS. The Gulf Coast Baaeball league has been organised and will have clubs in the following places: Monroe. Alex, andrta. Opelousas and Lake Charles. In iMUlalana. and Orange, Texas. One more city will be added to make a six- dub circuit. From Beattie cornea word that D. K. - Dagdal* will try to obtain a Seattle franchise for s Northwest league team. Dugdale I* well known In bescball cir cles threughout the Weil. Officials of the South Atlantic league believe they will have another hot pen nant race the coming ereeon. Th* con. test lest season we* certainly a minia ture American League rat e. A Weatern acrlhe aake: "Will the Boston font appreciot* th* liberal poll, cy of George Dovey. Say, cul. alter laet eeaeott'a bunk Boston fan* will stand for anything. - Indoor baaeball I* now played quite a bit In the middle end Western states, but 'all over the East basket ball, roller polo and bowling have the call. NAT KAISER A CO. LOANS meeting. In any event, the I.oulsvllle club will not be u 'bidder,' and If the tournament shall be held here at all. It will only be to help the executive com mittee and th* Southern Aeeoctatlon out of an embarrassing position. •'W* expect to have our eighteen-hole course and new club house ready early In the spring. "We trust Atlanta will be able to hold the tournament, and our club ex- pecta to be represented. Vfry truly your*. "RODMAN GRUBBS, Secretary." WILL PLAY WITH DOBBS. • tl 1.V* Philadelphia. Jan. tl—Pennsylvania and Cornell will meet In a four-mile relay race In thla city on Washing ton’* birthday. Word came from Cor nell last night that Trainer Jack Moab- ley would send the fhmotis.quartet and a great race ts looked for. Pennsylvania haa three good men, Jones. - the croee-country champion; Hasklna and Root. Trainer Mike Mur phy will devote hla full time to de veloping a fourth. He haa several good candidates In Leary. Morris Moor* and c.rnuhsr* and Red *nrt Blue follower! feel confident that Murphy ’can' turn] out a winning team. HARD SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED FOR GEORGIA AND CANDIDATES FOR TEAM GET BUSY Athens Team Will Play 20 Games With Strong Teams. Ipertat to Th* Oeorglin. University of Georgia, Athens, Ca jon. SI.—Manager Homer Carmichael, of the Unlrerelty of Georgia baseball team, has announced hla completed schedule. It contains twenty game* with teams all of which play good The Georgia and Bouth Carolina teame will be taken on and aleo an extensive northern trip, Including game* with University of Virginia, Untied Htates Naval Academy, Wash- ingten-Lee;-George Washington Uni versity and th* Virginia Military In-f^ atltute. J This I* a hard schedule for any Southern team, and Georgia will do wen to break even on the eeaaofi, but she hopes to do even better. Coach atouch haa had all the can- diawer uni for a w—k of preette*. The new men are showing up wen and all Indications point to a very success- ful year In baseball. The complete schedule follows; March 17—Gordon Institute, In Ath ena. April 4— 1 Tech In Athena April 10—Meraer, In Athena. April IS—Clemson. In Athens. April 18—Hewanee, in Athena. April SO—Clemson, In Clemaoa. April I!—Washington-Lee. In Lex ington. Vo. April IS—Virginia Military Institute. In Lexington. Va. April St—United States Naval Acad emy, in Annapolis. April 16—George Washington, In NOT NEWS, BUT VIEWS By PERCY H. WHITING. The University of Georgia baseball team will tackle a long ami ambitious baaeball schedule this .war, but the Athenians are more than,'likely to get away with ibwith honor. Laat year Geor gia xurpriiied gome of the up-country teams by winning from them in rare style and only went over the bumps when her bunch hit Atlanta. Georgia has a couple of scores to pay up in this section of the earth and the Tech-Georgia games in the spring will be affairs worth talking about. The New York Americana report in Atlanta in 37 days. The Atlanta team reports in 47. Cheer up, ye fans. There is not long to wait. Coach Stouch Has Had His Men Working — For a Week. Washington, D. C. . April 14—University of Virginia, In Charlottesville. ■ April 17-eUnlverilty of Virginia,' In Charlotttsvlll*. May S, I and 4—Auburn, In Athens. May 11—Mercer In Athene. May II and 16—Tech, In Atlanta. May H and 14—Mercer. In Macon. Georgia play* three games with Tech, all of'-wTilch- will coant In the race for the state championship. Of tha.fDUr game* with Mercer only three will, cpynj In the championship race. The gam* with Mercer In Macon on May 21 la’an exhibition gmme. Philadelphia. Pa- Jan. 21.—Frank H. Donohue claims he hoe retired from baaeball because* Ban Johnson. prem ised him the management of th* Wash ington club and than threw him'down. The *oreel-topped twlrler claims that Johnson-and-Charles “ “ * summer that the American League had decided to make him manager of the Washington club In 1107, HA8 ANYBODY FOUND OTTO'# WATCH CHARM? "DOC" WISEMAN. Her* it a picture of Wittman, th* aptedy little outfialdae who will be with Naahvilla again this ate* ton. "Doc" it an* of the featset •ulfitldtra in th* buainata, handles hit position wall and can do th* R est set up and down th* tide- ill right field of Nashville's weird diamond b*tt*r than any ether man who *v*r tackled th* jab. At a recent meetiug of the advisory and executive com mit tees of the Intercollegiate Athletic Association of Amateur Athletes, the recommendation was unanimously adopted to limit tho competitors at the annual field and traok championihips to studenta who have been in residence at least one year at the in stitutions represented. This rule *is *coming, into the .South before long and Tech', and the rest of them may as well - begin to harden themselves to it. ’ It seems the' only" way to'curb certain athletio evils and it is quite certain to be "in our midst ” before many more years are passed. The local interest in yacht racing is not at a boiling point right now, but all the civilized world is interested in tho semi- occasional races for the America’s Cup. An being mado in England to put these races on • more sane basis by'having the conditions changed ao that the competing yachts will be more seaworthy and more practical affairs and not strictly rac ing machines which go on the junk pile as soon as the races are over. This scorns a reasonable request on the part of our English cousins and ought to be granted. The public would like more races for the America’■ cup, but now that the Americans have proved ao concluaively that they can build racing machinea which will beat anything that Great Britain can evolve there is little chance. Just for the fun of the thing, why not change tho condi tions and aee what the Eugliahmrn can do toward building boats which are capable of other stunta betides racing. If any of th* Atlanta,baseball fans want to do a favor for a.good ball player and a good sport, they will pleas find the .witch charm that Otto Jordan haa lost. In i-ddltlOn to doing i favor they will get a reward of 45 by returning the charm to Billy Smith's amr* on the eleventh floor of the Can dler building. Th* charm ha* .i horee's head on one aide and Olto'j Initials—"A. O. J."—on the other. , F. Donohue Quits Baseball; Claims Ban Threw Him Down "Somere toM me." Donohue sold, "ho I would get me the managerial berth. ■ Then I learned that Jo* Cantlllon. off Milwaukee, .had Men *lgn*J lor the f Job. and your* truly wa* left to Tiold , the bag.' That settled me with th* American League. Having been faith- i for aovon year* | 1 thought 1 woo entitled lo that Ington Job. especially In preference tol an outsider like Cantlllon." 1 A COUPLE OF RECENT RULINGS OF INTEREST.T0 LOCAL GOLFERS CARLSON'S FOOT RACE. Lewie rarsons tells a story of an tael dent which occurred la southern Alabama lark In 110) at th* txpenoe or Matt Carl son, the ahlfty noil era-eight boxer,. "t'arlaoo," saya Mr. 1‘sraone, "waa match ed to a*ht Ed Detlrootr. th* Freneh cham plon, a four round *n In-private. Th* two men met. hut Carlson ley running and hug ging tartlet Inal did ninnago to alay the limit. There was a lot of kidding orer th* bout, *nil.'lo fnet, an much noise waa jnndo over It-that both turn were'anally arrest, ed on the ehsrge ol prise aghtlng. They were hrouaht before tho .Judge next -day, and both pleaded .'net guilty.' . ' > •The flrat witness’ aonuhonetl' wa* eaked If he hail liekn'up fb .the bail, the ulabt before. ’ He admitted that h#J»4... Then the Judge aahed him If he W aee light, and he replied: •••No. air; It wa* a foot race.’ •• ’Who had the laat of It: or. rather. Who waa ahead V aahed the Jodge. " ‘Carbon, your honor; Detlrooie area a close oecoud, ,bnt he failed lo catrh him.’ That- wa* proof eaough for th* Judge, who discharged both .the me* and areooi- paaled Hrtlroote to a nearby rafr." FINAL STANDING OF Y. M. C. A. LEAGUE TEAMS. The final game* of Ih* Young Man’s Chrlatlah Association league ware played Baturday night. The T learn won from the C team by a score of 20 to If. The M team won over th* A team by a score of 44 to II. The final standing: At the new Eo*L Lobe golf course, where there' la mush naked earth, many worm castings, large ant bllla and top dressing of a loose and broken nature which might put It In. the "Impedi ment" close, the queetlon of what can and what can not be* removed from th* fair green near the ball ho* com* up with alarming frequency. A recent rul- Ing In thl* connection may be of Inter est and likewise the U. 8. G.' A. defini tion or an "amateur” a* question* on that count aria* now and then. They are given below; Q. In playlnE a match an opponent of-mine hit-the ball about s|g yards off the tee. and It lodged between . two molehills. He wished lo remove them. 1 paid, "No," but I agreed to allow him to smooth them down with th* back of hie hand. Rule 11 does not say anything about the back of th* hand, nor doe* tt soy a shovel may be used. Rule 18 bring*.In the use of the back ot the* hand. Would you kindly say what my opponent'mlght- have done. In my opinion he could not touch (to re move) the mnlehllle. A: The only method of removing molehills sanctioned by th* rule*, which have been several time* revised. Is "brushing lightly with the hand only.” but this la only allowed on th* putting green, and the hand must oe motod aerate the putt and not along Through the green the player Is enti tled to remove molehills near Ills ball, but no directions are given as to how their removal Is to be effected. Hiatus abroad Is t'etormlned by a definition mod* In 1446 t > govern th* renditions of the British amateur championship. The definition Is as fol lows: "An amateur golfer Is a golfer who haa never made for rale golf club*, balls or any other artfcl-j connected with |h* game; who has never egrried clubs for hire at any time within *<x, year* of the date on whlcn the rempe- \ / I iltlon begins: who ha* never received/ any consideration for playing In # match, or for giving lee son* In tR, li game, and who. for a period of five t t years prior to Beptembar 1, 1444 Ida’s . of first champlonehip). has never re- i calved a money prise In any open com. . petition." The V. R G. A. define* the omgteur I status aa follows: "No person thsll b* I considered an amateur golfer or shat! M eligible to compete In th* amateur championships of thl* association who receives a money consideration, either directly or Indirectly, by reason of con nection with or stdll displayed In play ing the game of golf or other branches of athletic*." B, H. S. and Y. M. C. A. Teams Win Games in Junior League Two game* were played - Monday njght In the Junior .section-?/ O)* city basket ball'league.' The' Boy*'■ High school defeptej the' Georgia Military Academy team .by-A. aeor* of 11 to, 14. and th* T. M. C. A. second “teem beat th* Bfdlle Mountain team by a score of 14 lo 14. ' ' ‘ Th* B. H 8 team, with U* heavy players, rather had It over the a. M. A. aggregation, though th* College Park boy* showed loU of speed and prem ise. Th* line-up of the teams was: Boys' High School—Kunchtnakl and Rloar forward*; Holms, center; Wright and Cope, guards. ’ O. M. A.—Forbes and Lee, forward*: t’hynoweth, center: Taylor, Fraser and d. guards. • _ he Stone Mountain team made an especially good showing and though defeated, after a lie, th* University school player* showed up perhaps bet- tar than any other team oa the,floor. Th* Y. M. C. A. Oecoad tbaju did notably sell and won out In fine style, after holding their speedy opponent! to a ilS to 14 tie at the end of the allotted me. The line-up follow*: / Stone Mountain—Janes and Doiler;! forwards: Smith, center; Tappan. Bar-/ ‘ lay and Blanton, guards / T. M. C. A. Second—Greet and Cal-I lahan. forward*; Arford, center; Jonea and Mitchell, guards. The senior league game planned fo« Monday night waa not played, owlnj to the fact that the A. A. C. team dl< not show up. QEORQIA BEAT MERCER. University of Oeorgla. Athens. Go, l ! Jan. X—The University of Georgia basket ball team defeated Mercer bar* I Saturday night, score 46 to 14. . The game was pie for the Georgia' / men from start to flnlih. \ Thl* mokes the second victory for'; J Oeorgla In four days Tutene was 1 f beaten here Wednesday night b/. ' am g U l* ' th*