The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 22, 1907, Image 5

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'•‘IT* 1 ATLANTA GEORGIAN. TCMOAV, JAN't'ABT B. IKT. V. B. MOORE, Receiver, REID DRY GOODS COMPAN THIS ENTIRE STOCK TO BE1SACRIFICED. I: * , ' _ * ‘ Permission has been given Mr. V. B. Moore, the receiver for the Reid Dry Goods Company, to open the doors of that well-known concern on Thursday next, January 24, and sell the stock at retail. A large force of clerks has been engaged in rearranging the stock. This gigantic sale will be an astonishment to all beholders, far surpassing every anticipation of the mosti sanguine. The sale will be held at The Reid Dry Goods Co.’s old stand, 165 to 169 Peters Street, and will be continued from day to day until the whole stock is disposed of. STORE OPENS AT 9 A. 11, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24. 165-167-169 PETERS STREET, CORNER WEST FAIR STREET. SOUTHERN GETS MILLIONS MRS. GOULD AND PARTY HOWE THE CASH” New York, Jan. It.—It was i flounced yesterday that J. P. Montan A Co. had purchaeed from the Southern Railway Company 111,000,000 three- year I per rent notea. The notea, have all been dlapoaad of, bavins been aold at IT, leaa n commtsalon of 1-1 per cent. On larse Iota, It waa aal<T, they were offered on a l.t per cent Jntereat bail*, conline the railway company T per cent. Proceed! of theae notea are to be lined to relmburae tho treaaury ot the company tor cnah heretofore expended er to be.expended under existing con tracts for construction and acquisition, of addlUona! tracks, equipment and other facilities upon the existing prop erty of the company. This will ba done In order to enable It to handle eco nomically the larse volume of traffle now ofrered and expected. - They will also be used to pay for the new properties heretofore acquired. Alt of these expenditures will be ultimate ly provided for by the lanuo and sale of development and general mortgage bonds which have been provided for such purposes. It became known also that'the Chi cago and Western Indiana railroad had sold to Boston banker* 15,000,000 three- year 6 par cent notes. COTTON EXCHANGE PLANS TO REVISE 05 CONTRACT —The first annual exhibition of the Piedmont Poultry Association will ba opened to the public at 11 West Ala bama street Wednesday morning and the show of prise winning chickens and turkeys will be on unUI next Tuesday night. A great number ot fine specimens have been received bf the offlclale of the association and ths.Initial show ot this organisation bids fair to bo an Im portant evtnt to breeders of fancy chickens. The judging will begin on Wednesday morning In order that the prise winning birds can be Inspected by the public. The o(Beers of the association are: Alt Bert ling, president. College Park: C. W. Larlmore. vice president. Atlan ta: F. L. Mixon, secretary-treasurer. Atlanta: F. W. Hitchcock, aupertntend- ent. Atlanta; F. J. Marshall. Judge. College Park. .Executive committee: F. J. Marshall. Dr. E. P. Mixon. John Low Smith, C. C. Muon and J. D. Jones.- — NEAR SCENE OF HER DEATH SHE WAS LAID TO REST The funeral services of Mrs. S. If. Phelan, who died In the sexton's office at West View cemetery, after an at tack of heart failure, Sunday afternoon, were Conducted Tuesday morning at St. Lukea church. Tha Intarment waa In Waat View. Before her marriage Mrs. Phelan was a Mies Graham, of Montgomery. Ala. She le survived by 8. H. Phelan, her husband, a well-known Atlanta business man: three eons, Malcolm, of Roberta, da.; Sidney H„ Jr„ of this city, and Leman; four daughters, Mrs. Palmer Graham Clark, Misers M. A. Phelan. Effle and McGowan; two sla ters, Mrs. Fannta Crlttendon and Mrs. John Stratford, of Montgomery, and one brother.' Malcolm D. Graham, ot Prattville. Ala. THK DIVORCE MILL BUSY ALL DAY Judge Pendleton's divorce mill worked over time Monday, five divorcee bring granted by thr Juries which sat on the cases. Of this number all wera first verdicts except one. The first verdict cases were: Mrs.' Maude D. Fnupet va. John Willie Faupel, deser tion; C. P. Cochran va. Matilda Coch ran, desertion; Nell E. Moore vs. John C. Moore, and Maurice J. Nolan vs. Winifred D. Nolan, cruelly. The lea- and verdict case wu W. F. Henderson Is. Annie Henderson, alias Ksle Rob ertson. In this case prior undlseolved marriage on the part of defendant wu .the cause. Masquerade Ball. The annual masquerade bell nr the Freundschaftabund will taka place Tuesday evening at the hall, Hi l-l Whitehall street, and a large assem blage Is expected. MUSICAL CRITIC COMMITS SUICIDE Chicago, Jan. 11,—Harry Falkanau. aged tl. well known In Chicago as a musical critic and bibliophile, commit ted suicide yeaterday at Coloma, Mich., a town on the shore of Pawpaw Lake. He awallowed carbolic acid and died three minutes after a physician ar rived. Mr. Falkanau had been troubled artth Insomnia for years. SECRETARY ELIHU ROOT IS QUE8T OF HONOR. Ottawa, Ont., Jan. 11.—In the spa doui banquet hall at Government house a brilliant gatherlng^wu held lar.t night, when Earl Greay, Canada'! gov ernor general, gave an official dinner In honor of Mr. Root, American aacre- lary ot state, who In this way closed a pleasant day of alght-sealng and din Ing. 4% Interest Compounded, Allowed In Our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT On and After January 1,1907 THE NEAL BANK E. B. THORNTON, President. W. T. MANKY, H. 0. CALDWELL, F. M. BERRY, Vice President. M — OMhler. i— AFTER THE FIRST SHOCK Q Mrs. Georgs Gould, whose picture here appears, was the hostess ot a yachting party which left New York for the West Indies, Intending to touch at Kingston, Jamaica. The Atelanta. In Which the voyage was made, reached Kingston shortly after thr first shock of the earthquake.. DECLARES OLIVER He and Partner Attend White House Con ference. Washington, Jan. 11.—W. J. Olive.-, of Knoxville, Term., and Anson M. Bang*. pf New York city, the contrac tors who have submitted the lowest tild for. tha construction of the .Panama canal, were granted a prating, at the White House by the president. Secre tary Taft and Chairman Shonla ot ths Isthmian canal commission. Frank Barnaby and J. L. Willi, bath of New York, counsel for the Otlver-Bangs combination, were present at the hear- , ——i . After—the conference, Chairman Bhonis said: _ “Messrs, Oliver and Bongs have sub mitted a statement of facts u to their financial responsibility to carry out tha contract. The matter will be fully In vestigated before any decision U reached." "There Is no question of our firm be ing able to qualify," said Oliver. "We have the money." SEWING MACHINE FOR RENT by week or month, at low rates. The Singer le acknowledged the lightest running and moat convenient of any. Try one and be convinced. Only at the Blger stores. Look for the red letter 8. 71 Whitehall atreeL ttlephone Bell 111-1; 414 Decatur street, telephone Bell 1171; 711 Marietta street, tele phone Bell 110. WIVES OF BIGAMIST LOOK LIKE SISTERS St. Louis. Jan. 11.—Frank B. Brock - lagt, a traveling salesman, has, been arrested on (he charge of bigamy. Hla two wires, who are so much alike In appearance that one would lake them for sisters, have burled the hatehet of Jealousy and are united In common cause to prosecute the men. TELEPHONE GIRL IS ELECTROCUTED toloomlngton. 111., Jen. IS.—Mies Nora Grove, aged It, a telephone operato.-, waa electrocuted while at tha switch board In Clinton yesterday, an electric light wire being blown across the tele phone wires. Ben Franklin Was a union man, but could not use this label: There was no label in his days. You have tho opj tunity. Use It 1 — ; It Will Help Your Businet* Union, S20 Candler Building. P. O. Box ML ] Atlanta Phone 873. SWORD OF UNION OFFICER DUG FROM BATTLEFIELDS iBY WORKERS ON STREi COLUMBUS METHODISTS TO BUILD NEW CHURCH. Special to The Georgian. Columbus, Os.. Jan. 11.—The Meth odists of Rosa Hill held a meeting at their church and examined plana for u new and much larger edifice which they propose to build at once. The present structure Is too amall for the congregation, which has’grown very fiat In the peat year, and hence a lar ger church la needed. Plans were submitted by Smith A Co., the archi tects. and will ba considered by the board. COTTON IN INDIA SHOWS BIG INCREASE Washington. Jan. 11.—Official ad vices from Calcutta state that the area under cotton In India la nearly a mil lion acres larger than last season. The output Is estimated at 1.101.000 bales, which Is the record, the largest total hitherto attained being 1.711.000 In ttOt.- Boll worm hat dlsnpepared from the Punjab. Sind furnishes 1,000 bales of Egyptian cotton. Kills Wlfet Commits Suicide. Chicago. Jan. 12.—Mary Sanford, col- ored. waa stabbed to death by her hus band. who then committed suicide by swallowing carbolic acid In a lodging house at 111 Dearborn atieeL We Want You to call this bank “Your Bank;' to have you Interested In Its growth and ’ worth In the com munity. In turn we want to number you among our custom- era; to have you know that we are Interested In your welfare. To the young people, wo call particular attention to our little Metal Safes which stimulate and assist In aavlng. They are free to our patrons. Start to day to form the habit of Sav ing. Wa pay 4 par cant Interest and compound ovary six months. TRUST COMPANY OF GEORGIA, Eqnitsble tydff. Capital, Surplus and Profits ....... 1680,000.00 Tales of battles fought and blood spilled, end memories of the greatest war the world has ever seen were re vived by the pick of a workman en gaged with a gang In grading an At lanta strati. And now. after being burled from eight for over forty yean, a swnnl- Federal captain's sword—hangs In tha office of Attorney William P. Hill of Ihe firm of Mayaon A Hill, waiting for the owner of the weapon‘to be found. It wea while a force of workmen were engaged a few ds.vs ago In grad ing beyond Weelvlew cemetery near Cascade avenue that thr pick of one of the workmen struck something met allic. An Investigation waa made and the ew-ord was brought to light. The blow of the pick broke scabbard end award near the end, but besides Ihe rotting away of the wwd around the handle, the weapon la well pre served. The scabbard le of copper end resist!d ths ravages of tlmi and greatly protected the iteel blade Inah'r. There wee no name engraved upon It. but the owner had scratched his name on the scabbaid, probably with a knife, and It Is this scratching that Is all the clew to Its owner. While faint Indeed. Attorney Hill Is nblt tc discern enough tellers to make It quite probable that Ihe owner's home was In Fltlrburg, Pa., and the abbre viation "Capt." Is also legible. In ad dition llierc is - something following which looks like H. B. or N. 8. and the name was probably a short one. The sword Is well made with gilt mounting, on which Is the United Staten coat of arms, and this Is also on the blade, where "E Pturlbus Unum" I* readily seen. The eword was recovered by J. A. Brown, and In an effort to find the owner, If he Is atUI living. It waa turned over t« Mr. Mill. There were no bone* burled with the sword end this leads to the belief that possibly the owner waa wounded and lost Ids sword whsn carried to the hoepltal. Near Ihe point where the sword was found th" battle ot Kara Church was fought and this was a bloody fight and a hard fought nne Mr. Hill la anxious to ascertain whether or not any Penn sylvania troops wen engaged !n '.his battle, end If none of the Confederate veterans who fought In that battle can enlighten him he will < with the war department. It Is quite possible that tha cr members of hla fondly are and If to the eword lost on aa , battlefield nearly a halt- caati would be gladly received and ' cherished aa a relic of that gf gle, which showed 'hat no _ tlon In the world, can flght Americans. AUDITOR-ELECT DIES BEFORE ASSUMINB OF Hpedst lo Tbe Georgian. Greenville, a C., Jan. 12.—Ai elect Hughes died last night elected at the fall elections, never been nbla to assume the U Injured In Runaway. ■pedal ta Ike Georgian. Macon, Ge., Jan. 21.—An runaway occurred Bunday aft Columbus road. In which two ladles ware Injured. The hone i the buggy became frightened, twinkling the young ladles, bug horse were all In a ditch ala road. Mlsa Lltxle Gibson. Minnie Berkner, the occupants^, slightly Injured. Dr. Carnes for CotmelL *' Dr. William Carnes may abler - rare for councilman from tha ward. Dr. Carnes Is well knows I lama, his work for the Atlanta I for the Prevention of Cruelty t mala having gained him great i nltlnn. Friends are urging him i ter the race, but he has not yet pressed his Intention to do so. 8TATI0N IS BURNED ON CENTRAL OF OIOROIA. Special to The Georgtsii. . Columbus, us.. Jan. 11.—The depot of the Central of Georgia railway ai Fort Mitchell, a station ten miles from the city. In Alabama, waa burned on Bunday, the amount of the loos being about 11,004, Cotton Continues te Coma. Specie I to Tke UrorgliB. Fayetteville, Oe.. Jen. II.—Wegeg loads ot rollon are still to dally nn the streets hers, brought In by tbe farm*