The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 25, 1907, Image 2

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THE ATLANTA. GEORGIAN. rnilUY, JANUARY *, twi. In the Name of Sense, that good common Sense of which all of us have a share, how can you continue to buy ordinary soda crackers, stale and dusty as they must be, when for 5^ you can get Uneeda Biscuit fresh from the oven, protected from dirt by a package the very beauty of which makes / you hungry. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY WATER BOND ELECTION POSTPONED UNTIL APRIL THE THEATERS Pritai Schsff in Light Optra. L— We lhouaht we knew Frltal Hcbeff when [ aha mm In grand Optra. We thought the r ■ 4eiunr* little maiden who aang Mlrharla to 1 Cairo's Carmen waa Just aa elerer aa could be, and we felt Jast a bit hurt when we I- board that Frltal Mrhaff had “dropped" Into r eomlr opera. Hat aba haaa't dropped. Hhe baa aaeen I ad. For ah* get a far ta»r*—and gives more ' —In “M'lle Modlate" than ah* ever did With the Metropolitan alugera. Hhe baa found hr reelf. For Frltal Heheff never had whnt alugera fall a “Mg'* voir*. It waa her p ratty aelf St made her a bright atar even !u that Uixy of stars. In comic opera ah* but n flier, a real rbance, and aha makes tlo ot it. Just file the part. From the tip of rh plume lo _ tin* .highb**ls of her Uppera ah* la French), ah* la a e. aba la n milliner. Hhe fits Into ___ Her manner la fetching. bewlfeHlng. irresistible. Hlie re- mlnda on* almoat or Aims Held. tier voice? It la unlike auythlug elae War heard In roml«- niter* aluce All«*»* Nell* sen tried to climb higher. We common peo- pl« uh.i rau not hear grand opent should give the aka that Frltal Rckeff left It and ao raise to ua. Her voice ran aot be described. Go and hear It. Her ciMupHijy la auperb. Claude (lining- S tar aa the American millionaire, la ao ferent from the wmal atage Inn* that l»* It north it whole notice to hlmaelf. There are orvemi gum! voice a and sujr uutnl*cr of pretty songs. Hut what Impresses one moat of all la the absolute baudllug «*f wm altnntfon. every grouping Thru there la Victor Iferliert'a nuislc- acme of hla l»c*t —* Look by Heart llli—oia. a. whole pro darUna nw*n wldeb baa beau iavlahied every dollrtr and every idea which could add to •It* l*e«nt>. Hoelt offering* a» “M’lle Mu dial*-'* me few and fnr Iwtweeti. U. 1*. (I. "It's All Your Fault." ••It's All Yuur Fault" la n genuine farce SITE FOB THE FIFTH DISTRICT NOT SELECTED Further time w»» given the peoyla of Monroe to decide upon the eiact loca tion for the agricultural school build ing* for the Fifth district at the meet ing held there Wednesday. Two hundred and fifty acres waa do. nated for the purpose, but there was a alight hitch about the beat point for the buildings. Thle »III be amicably adjusted within the next few days and contract! wilt be let for the work to begin. The following committee wn» ap pointed to pass on applications for teachers' places: Hon. t'. M. I'andter. ‘ Decatur, chairman; Hon. G, F. Hnnnl- cult. Atlanta, and lion. A D. Hamrick. 1 of .Conyers All applications for teach- era' places in the Fifth district should ba sent to ona of these gentlemen. Charged With Forgery. Bufrdlo. N. Y„ Jen. !.V—George .1 Lindner, aged If. formerly a United , Mutes government Interpreter, attach- • ad to the Immigration luirrau nt Wash. • tngton. was arreated here Inst night by . local detectives on o charge of forgery. • Hla wife la In South Carolina. WHITE BREAD Mskat Troubl# For Ftopla With Weak Intaatinal Oigoation. A lady In a Wisconsin town employed a physician who instructed her not to eat white hreiul for two years. She tells the details of her sickne»s ami aha certainly was a sick woman. “In the year 1857 I gave out from over-work, nnd until ltot 1 remained aa Invalid In bed a great part of the time. Had different doctors, but noth ing seemed to help. I suffered from cerabro-splnal congestion, female trou ble and serious stomach and bowel trouble. My husband called a new doctor and after having gone without any food for ten days the doctor or dered Grape-Nuts for me. I could eut the new* food from the very first mouth ful. The doctor kept me on Grape- Nuta and the only medicine was a little glycerine to heal the alimentary canal. "When I waa up again, doctor told me to eat Grape-Nuts twice a duy and no white bread for two years I got well In good time and hnve gained In atrength so I can do my own work again. "My brain haa been helped so much, and I know that the Grape-Nuts food did this. too. 1 found I hail been mad* III because I was not fed right, that Is I did not properly digest white bread and some other food 1 tried to live on. "1 have never been without Grape- Nuts food since and eat It every day. You may publish this letter If you like It sill help someone else." Name en by Pnrtum Company*. Hattie reek Mich. Get the Util* book, "The •I to Wellvllle," iu pkga. which will be seen st the Grand Hatnrday afternoon aad night, nnd which has boon led high praise nil over tin* theatrical .. ... n •t| ( . rrM f|}| run — .... . jvoy then ter, New York, the piny wits taken to Chlengn, where It was received with jnst as mini* enfhusl asm ns It had won on Broadway. Hlnct being on the mad the critical uotlces have Iweu fluttering In the extreme. The fariv Is said to be Jnst the sort of thing which elf. "Tbs Vanderbilt Cup." One of the most startling effects ever nt tempted upon a theater stage Is the wonder ful automobile rare In "The Vanderbilt Cup," which routes |o the Grand nett Mon day and Tuesday nights uud Tuesday nt matinee. This effeet has l»een designed built by Hnrney Oldfield, the chum pi At the Bijou. la perhnpa the Intense Interest thnt broadens nnd lives all through Its tunny lea flint has made "Aeross the Pacific" the most |io|iulnr of nil the Hlanoy met* dramatic ■Decease* that visit tlie Three times Indore this at traction, with Its hand. Its great scenic effect*. Its wonder fully rlerer story. Its iueclinuh*al equipment and Its grant battle scene, In widen the Gatling gun DjMMiks. has made Atlanta lb** ntorgner* pay tribute, nml on this visit it Is ju*t ns iwpular aa tnjr time before. old Keotlsml uiote than thirty years Age he little dreamed that his song would one day furnish Inspiration to n playwright for one of the l»*et melodramas In raoeut yesre. The theme permit* of many pees!- Wttrtss. aftrt Hsaair A, Morris Juts woven It luto a delightful rural comedy drama. It enjoyed n run of more than live mouths nt the Academy of Music In New York, nml the original cast nnd pnMtuctlnn assure a more than ordinary offering when It comps to the ItIJou uetl week. SCHOOL CONGESTION DISCUSSED BY BOARD Congestion of pupils In the schools of Atlanta formed un Interesting topic for discussion at the meeting of the board of education held Thursday aft ernoon, nml some facts which would demonstrate to the members of the general council the necessity of more schools were brought out. ' No action, however, was tnken along this line. Matter of a routine nature was, dis posed of and the board adjourned lo meet again In a special meeting on Mondny afternoon «t S o'clock. Mra. F. K. Whiteside, principal of Ivy street school, was granted a leave of nbaence from February 4 Jo 12. and at the re quest of J II. Hmtth. of the Hoys' High School, he was authorised to use n supplementary book In the bookkeeping deimrtment. The question of the stone wall and steps for the Ivy street school was left In the hands of the finance committee and further time was granted the spe cial committee on dot purchases in which to make a report. This commit tee. w hlch Is composed of Dr. Htevcns and Messrs. Mitchell and Hums, will make a report at the special meeting to tie held Monday. Half Million May be _. Cut to $300,- 000. KEY PUTS STOP TO SNAP ACTION Motion to Reconsider De lay h Date of Water Bond Election. The water bond election will not bo held March 6. as waa first decided by council, the date having been changed by tha aldermanlc board Ttiuraday aft ernoon to April t. In all probability the election will !*■ for lest than a half million, too; that l.«. although to be legal the people must vote on that amount, council will cut ,f jk*wn _by rfolutlon afterwards to $J«o.- •00 or 1400,000. These changes were practical I v agreed upon by the board Thursduy afternoon. In order to remove the oppo sition of Alderman Key. without whose Influence It was realised that the bond.? nuld stand n poor chance of carrying The hoard mat Immediately aft n iindl adjourned. When the ordi- nam e calling for the election came up. It was moved that the board concur as no discussion. When Al derman Key's name was railed he Arose to explain his vote. Mr. Key's Position, t a question with me," said Alderman Key, “whether there should bonds for waterworks Improve ments or whether there should not be. questions that are constantly be fore my mind are, should we have the election at this time, and for this amount. “Council Is exceeding the speed limit In calling for a bond election to be held In about two month* after the new members were sw*orn In. and called be- fore any of them could have acquainted themselves with the situation. It looks like snap Judgment to me. "It doesn't look exactly right to rne call fur a bond election Just at this time, when the people are not thinking about It. and pull It off so quickly Just have UK few (rtwiple register ns possi ble. The people pay for the bunds and we should have as many of them vote we possibly can. We are deep enough In debt be cause of these bond election* now. Wo shouldn't Issue a single dollar's worth nf bonds more than we Just havw to. When iMtsalhle, we should pay for what we need out of the regular revenues, nnd not Issue bonds, thus paying two Not more man ta actually needed. A half million I* entirely too much. 1 vote no.” Alderman t'urtla also voted "no." The •oiu stood six to concur In the nctlon >f council and two agnlnst. Alderman Key gave notice of a re consideration at the next meeting of the hoard. Alderman Peters sprang to his feet. “This, your honor, will kill the proj ect." he said. “If the matter Is not acted upon until the next regular ses sion, there won't be thirty days before the election, and the law requires thn» GEORGIAN’S STAND IS VINDICATED BY ACTION OF BOARD Th* Georgian, from tha drat, haa held that IS00.0M waa mora than waa -iiwntlat tor tha Improvement of the water arorha and that the effort to urge that amount ram*, not altogettwr from the friend, of the watrrtrorke. but pertly from t|te natural rnemlee of municipal ownerahlp *ho» .ole object wae ao to cripple the flty'a finance VETERANS ATTEND FI that ft would tie Impoeaible to build a municipal lighting plant. Tha Oeorglan haa alao atood on the ground that a bond election on March 1. before the people ran become acquainted with the laaue, waa "4fc victory achieved by A Mermen Kay In tha aldermanlc board Thureday In therefore, alao a vindication of the atand takan by The Georgian. Son of Famous Georgian ‘ Laid to Rest Friday. Washington. Jan. 25.—Funeral serv ices were held at 11.o'clock this morn ing at the undertaking establishment of Joseph Gawler, 1734 Pennsylvania avenue. Northwest, over the body of Major Frank Gordon, whose death oc curred at ihe Clayton Tuesday even ing. The servicer, were conducted by the Rev. W. D. T. Moss, pastor of the Washington Heights Presbyterian churen. The Interment was made In tlie Kllbournc family plot In Oak Hill cemetery. The honorary pull-bearers were members of the IJnlted-Bpanlsh War Veterans. Among the other organi zations which were represented at the funeral were the Confederate veterans and the Hons of Confederate Veterans. Mrs, J. It. Gordon, mother of Major Gordon, anti widow of General John R Gordon, arrived In the city yesterday from Atlanta. Mrs. Frank Goidon, It Is stated, la almost prostrated. MM SMS FOR POSTAL CLEfifS House Committee Agrees to Rerominend More Pav. ARE FIGHTING BID OF OLIVER-13ANGS Washington. !>. <?., Jen. If.—Th* .M«cArth'tfr-OtH**ple firm has been . , making, according to reports, a vlgor- «nd not Issue bonds, thus paying two ou „ campaign to secure the contract ilollnr* for every ° r 'J’ n f. k for digging the -Panama c«n«T. d*« V..t I»i*n xxnnnnn t* artuaHv lhe 7f, at Us bid Is greater than thnt of Oliver nnd Bangs, who offer to do the work for the estimated cost plus $4:75 per cent. It bus been charged thnt while Oli ver Is n contractor and business man of the first quality and eminently qual ified for handling such a task, hla associate Is no win arrears on some government contracts, and. further, that he was connected with the famous Navnnnnh harbor Improvement con tracts in connection with which the Greene-Gaynor episode arose. CENTRAL ROAD FILES NEW AMENDMENT Catarrh of the Stomach A Pleasant, Simple, But Safe and Effectual Cure for It. SHE TURNED DOWN LOVE OF PRESIDENT Si. laotil*. Jan. 25. The death early this morning of mi** Mary Ann Casey, aged 07. daughter of Samuel Casey, of Kentucky, who was treasurtr of the 1’nlted State* under the administration of President* Pierce find Buchanan, to- vealed u romance of the ante-bellum days. When President lluchanun had been Inaugurated she was thrown much Into hla society, and he fell In love with her. Kite did not look w Ith favor on the suit, a* she wa* In love with » first cousin. Governor Tattnall. Her father wtu against this love affair, and Tattnall finally married another. Miss Casey remained true to his memory, however, and never married. ALBANY BUSINESS LEAGUE GIVES ANNUAL DINNER. Special to The Georgian. Albany. Gn.. Jan. 25.—The first an nual dinner of the Albany Business league occurred last night in the din ing room of the New Albany hotel. Elaborate preparations had been made for the entertainment of the 125 busi ness men of the city. Th* Albany Business longue was or ganised less than a year ago, hut It has demonstrated already Its field of use fulness. Since Its organization It has added materially to this city's growth, anti If their plans for the future mate rialize, important enterprises will shortly be launched heic aa a result of their efforts. C08T8 NOTHING TO TRY. Catarrh of the stomach has long been onsldercd the next thing to Incurable. The usual symptoms are a full or bloating sensation after eating, accom- panled sometimes with sour or watery risings, a formation of gases, causing pressure on the heart and lungs nml difficult breathing, headaches, fickle ap petite, nervousness and a general play ed out. languid feeling. There Is often a foul tnste In the mouth, coated tongue nnd If the tnte- lor of the stomach could be seen It ould show a slimy, Inflamed condi tion. The cure for this common nnd obsti nate trouble Is found In a treatment which causes.the food to be reudily. thoroughly digested before It has time to ferment and Irritate the delicate mucous surfaces of the stomach. To secure a prompt and healthy digestion Is the one necessary thing to do and when normal digestion Is secured the catarrhal condition will have disap peared. According to Dr, Hatlnnson. the saf est and best treatment Is to use after each meal a tablet, composed of Dias tase. Aseptic Pepsin, a little Nux. Gold en Kent and fruit acids. Those tablets can now be found at all drug stores under the name of Rtunrt's Dyspepsia Tablets and not being a patent medi cine can be used with perfect safety and assurance that healthy appetite and thorough digestion will follow their regular use after meals. Mr. R. S Workman. Chicago. HI., writes: “Catanti la a local condition resulting from a neglected cold in the head, whereby the lining membrane *f the np*« become* Inflamed and the poisonous discharge therefrom passing backward Into the throat reachea tha stomach, thus producing catarrh of the stomach. Medical authorities pre sort bed for me for three years for ca tarrh of stomach without cure, bat to day I am the happiest of men after using only one box of Ktuart'a 4>ys- Itepsia Tablets 1 can not find appro priate words to express my good feel ing 1 have found lleah. appetite and sound rest from their uae." Ktuart’a Dyspepsia Tablets I* the safest preparation ns well us Ihe sim plest and most convenient remedy far any form of Indigestion, catarrh »f stomach, blltousnesa. sour stomach, heartburn und bloating after meals. Kend your name and address today for k free trial package and see for yourself Address K A. Stuart Co., 51 Stuart Building. Marshall. Mich. Judge Newman on Thursday allowed Ihe amendment to Its original bill to be filed by the Central of Georgia rail way In the litigation M*ttvc*n the toad and the rnllrofbl commission, the amendment showing why this road Is not charging the maximum rates al lowed by the commission. The .amendment .alleges thnt the Cen tral does not charge full rates In a number of insl.incei* because other loads hn\f lower rates nnd shorter hauls, nnd It Is necessary that competi tion bo met In order thnt It may get Its share of the traffic in the movement of freight. The amendment was In cluded in the bill Jnnuury 22. OLD TREASURY BUILDING 18 TO BE STRENGTHENED. Washington. Jan. 24.—The house committee on appropriations has awak. ened to the necessity of doing some thing to pi meet the treasury building from further disintegration. It Is prob able the sundry civil bill will carry on appropriation of $.100,0OP for re placing the old standMone columns on the facades of the old part of the build ing with granite. n bond election be advertised thirty da vs." Alderman Key declined to withdraw his notice, and Alderman Peters moved for an Immediate reconsideration. The motion was adopted. He then Intro- duced ar. amendment, changing the date of the* election to April more then a month Inter than the original date. 1300.000 la Enough. Tluf boatd informally agreed that no more bonds should be issued than Alderman Key. after thorough investi gation. found to be absolutely necessa ry. Alderman K«y thinks $100,000 ta enough, but he will Investigate more thoroughly now. * The board practically agreed that $40o.u00 would eoler the necessary inv provrm*r.tH and tril* was off* red as u compromise between $500,000. the orig inal amount, and $300,000, the amount h« hi >»ut f< r' by Alderman Key. Th* tatter would not accept the cutipro- irnte. * -The amendment of Alderman Petera. changing the dale. >vns adopted hy a vnte of~4 to 2. Ablet men Key and Cur tis voting in the negative Than the ordinance as amended was voted on. nnd Alderman Key and L'urtls. under the agreement atated. voted In the af firmative mttHng ft unanimous. } Council must now act oft the o-di- nhch :»* amended at the neat session, IrVbi uarj 4. Washington. Jan. $$.—A sub-com- intttee of the h iuse jpostofflce commit tee haa agreed l > favorably report an Increase of $i<>0 per year fn salary to all railway derka under the grade of chief clerk. There are about 14.000 clerks affected by this Increase, the aggregate amount of which will be about $1,400,000. 8t. laouls. New York, Chicago, Atlanta. Cincinnati. Boston. Cleveland. Kansas City, Pittsburg, New Orleans and Ban Francisco are the principal headquarters of these clerks. WALTER BALLARD OPTICAL COMPANY have moved Info their new store. 75 Peachtree street, where you can find everything carrloiiln an exclusive opti cal house. T!i*» Mallard Plfocal has gained a reputation for this firm in less than 2 years no other house has mad* In g half century. Not how cheap, but how well we can serve you. Comfort—Quality ---Style Perfect in fit, first- class in construc tion, beautiful in design. HOES >00 can’t forget Economy and Satisfaction ^MAR.t3 H0ES ft POOMCnAMeeRLIN-JOHNSON-OuBOK Cft ST. LOT Tha larga brick building at U4 ftouth Forryth ati—ct, <*ccuptcd by Ad* ama, Wright A Company, wholesale gcocara, and by tha Novelty Hat Com-' patty. ha« twi antd by it M- Tow tn Will V. Zimmer, the conalderatlon br ing *40,000. The building ronidnt* ot three Morlra and n hanrmrnt, the first floor nnd basement bring rented hv Aduma. Wright A <'ntu|>any, nnd the two top by the Novelty Hat Co. PILES CURED IN S TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT la guaranteed to cure any raae of Itching. Blind. Blred- Ing or Protruding Pile. In C to 14 days or money refunded. Me. BUILDING NEW TOWN IN BERRIEN COUNTY Bpoelol to Tin* Georgian. Bannockburn, Qa., Jan. 25,—The big new saw-mill of the Masses A Felton Lumber Company at this place has be gun operations. This plant Is one of the largest In the state nnd has a dally capacity of about 75,000 feet. In addition to building this large suw-tnlll plant, the company has erect ed about fifty dwelling houses. Among thete houses I* a fine tw o-story hotel, a large commissary building, a nice of fice and a number of nice dwelling houses for their white families, which arc all thoroughly furnished and paint ed. It is th* Intention of the manage ment to build some twenty-five or thir ty more dwellings before they have .1 sufficiency for the accommodation of their employees. In connection with the other Im provements, Ihe !>.. A. Ar G. railway has In the course of construction n depot with nice office and waiting room Accommodation*. | ' This place Is located on above the ... ,. . - „ *. railroad tlfuu-n inllw east of Naahvlllo, Waahlngton, J>n. T, “' In Berrien county, and until live month* I vosterday passed the hill abolishing all ago there was nothing heie except two pension agencies nnd making Washing- or three farm houses, which have been tun the sole agency f*ie the payment of torn out end streets laid off and nice loll |>en*lon* substantial residences nnd business houses erected Instead. The Mnssee A- Felton Lumber <*• pony also own a large saw.mill Mnssee, Ga. EIRE DESTROYS HARTWELL SCHOOL Building Caught While Stu dents Were at Dinner anti Burned. 8pec!a! to The Georgian. Hartwell. Ga.. Jan. 25.—The Hart well institute building caught fire yes terday about 1 o'clock and the entire building was destroyed. It caught while most of the pupils were at din ner. Stuart’s Gin aad Bucbu a quick cure for Bright’s disease, liver and stomach troubles. All Druggists $1.00. ' SPAHISHWAHVETERANS MUSTER IN OFFICERS At n meeting held Thursday night In ihe nrmorv of the Third baitnMon of the. National Guard, on East Hunter street; the recently org*ul«*d‘ camp of Bpnn- Ish-American war ve.ernns was mus tered In hy Captain Charles W. Porker, stale command! :* of the organization, vt Elberton. In addition, the following officers were elected: Commander. Captain 8am W. Small; senior vice commander, C&ptaln K. B. Dish man; Junior vice commander. Janu"* T. Ellis; adjutun*. Captain Winfield Jones; quartermaster. Captain 1. T. Cation; officer of the guard, K. E. Lilly; officer of the day, James C. Rather; «haplaln. A. Erlich, und trustee**, r. h. Ktewatt. D, P. Wood and \V. H. Gllham. The camp was named In honor of Lieutenant Thomas M. Brumby, wh • was ting lieutenant on hoard Admiral Dewey’s flagship, oiymplu, a- the battle of MAntlA Ray, and It starta off In n nourishing manner with * membership that will reach over four hundred. The next meeting will ‘*e held In the armory Thursday night next and all veterans of the Spanish-American war or the campaigns In tlx? Philippines or Chinn, whether soldiers or sailors, regulars or volunteers, are Invited to be present and Join the organisation. Materia ffiaass Pale Blood. The Old Ktandard. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, drives out malaria and builds up the system. Bold by all dealers for 27 years. Price 5o cento. PENSION AGENCIES ARE ABOLISHED ANNOUNCEMENT. We ulsh to thank our many friends and the general public who have so generously patronised us nt our old stand, $1 Peachtree street. We now extend a most cordial Invitation to visit us nt our new store, 75 Peachtree street, where we have more room and many Improvements added. We will strive harder than ever to offer nptltal service which few glass wearers have enjoyed. Our entire time given to optics. No side lines. The only ex- • luslvc manufacturing retail optical h-uise In Atlanta. WALTER BALLARD A CO. BRITISH ARMY OFFICERS THANK THE PRESIDENT. , Washington. Jan. 25.—Major C. *\ Cln.*e and Captain O. R. Firth, «>f the lit Ulsh army, identified with the topo graphical section *>f the war office at tendon, called to see the president an I thanked him for ah) that has been ex tended t*» them In their work In the Lotted States APPEALS COURT DECIDES NOTED CORE WILL CASE gpe* 1st to Tbn Georgian. Norfolk. Vo., Jan. 25 —The court of appeals of Virginia decided yesterday famous Core will contest case form Norfolk, by which It Is held John H. Core, husband of tho Testatix In right- U* In p4irsensl**n of $2t>0,«>00 worth of Norfolk property, conveyed to him by deed* nnd will made by Mrs. Cor* ut a time, when It was alleged, before mar ried women had a right to execute wills In Virginia. . The heir* at law of Mrs. Core sought to take property from Core, a leading cltlten. 7W5EWI 7KJTH ••PAGE'** "PERFECT" fence, erectad. Vehicles and Farm Tools,* W. T. DABNEY IMP. CO., Jobber!. 61 8o. Forayth St., Atlanta, Qa. • CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Arrive Frnm — j liepart To— Hftvnmmli —T.OOawlMitcnn 11.40 put Jacksonville . T.GOnui'Mncmi MOntu Macon 11.40 nui Jacksonville ..10.44nui Macon 4.15 pip Mucon 4.0J pui . 6.51 pnrJnrkonnvIHe .. MApm “' " •.15 pm 8.10 piulfchrannnh OK WHMKIY HABITS cured et home with. —ta. Book of ee^ . .Jara aent rUB- M.xreotXBT.a.1 104 H.r WANTED Carpenters, Masons and Plasterers at P. J. Cooledge & Son, 150 Pe ters street, where wo will give yon lowest prices on all Tools. F. J. COOLEDGE 0 SON. OHARA IS ACQUITTED IN THE SECOND TRIAL Special to Tlie Georgtnu. Jacksonville. Fla.. Jan. 25— In the Atlantic City, N. J., Jan. 2$.—Aria .—,4. a..* tornc)r * n lh * American fcrmy wai at< case «»f F. G. Oharq. on trial for peon-1 1° a speech before n^ large goth DEMAND FOR CASH AT STATE TREASURY gperlsl. to The Georgian, Montgomery. Ala., Jan. 25.—The house Is passing Appropriation bills tlie first thing and out »t four billJ passed the house, three of them colled for an additional appropriation. Three hundred thousand goes to tha public schools, $250,000 to the capttol Improvement commission and the Jus tices of the supreme court had their salary raised front $$,C00 to $5,000 per year. The State University wants $25,000 for m/dntalntng the school and $100,000 annually for Improvements. Auburn wants $56,000 annually for four years; the Deaf ami Blind School wants $10,- 000; $25,000 Is wanted to establish another norrnul college, $.100,000 will go to the old soldiers; $50,000 for erect ing nnd maintaining public rural scho-il buildings. New Route to Cuba. The steamship "Brunswick.** of the Brunswick Steamship Company, will sail from Brunswick. Qa.. for Havana, Cuba, on the following schedule, until further notice: Leave Brunswick notin Tuesdays, January 22d. February 5th. February 10th. March 5th, March 18th. April 2d. nml every other Tuesday thereafter, arriving nt Havana every following Thursday at $ p. m. Returning. Leave Havana noon Saturdays, Jan uary 26th. February Ith. February 2$d, March oth, March 23d, April 6th, and every other Hnturday thereafter, ar riving Brunswick e very following .Mon day at s a. m. Rates Brunswick to Havana. One way, first cabin $25.00 One way. second cabin $12.00 Round trip, first cabin $40.00 Including meals and berth on steamer. For state room t enervations and fur ther information, apply to H. C. M'FADDEN. Gen. Pass. Agent A. B. A A. R. R.. Roll 'Phone 4145. Atlantiv Georgia. ARMY ARISTOCRACY ASSAILED BY GAINES ngr. the Jury <’Ut llftcen niluut*', und acquitted the,defendant. Till. In the necartl trial of Ohara. He nna found no; guilty tmth time*. The government made u hard tight to convict btm. ering of churchmen by Colonel Noel Oalnee. late of the Called Stale, arm* and the Kentucky mtHttn. He flen-elv aaaatled the argument! of advocqtue if the nrmy canteen. Colonel (lalnea le a relative of Congreaaman Ualnee: