The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 26, 1907, Image 2

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THE ATLANTA. GEORGIAN. *. •ATL'BDAT. JANTABT fi , We refer to that boon to week, nervous, raffreww MM kaowta U Dr. PlaTM'S fcrartw fnwrtrllnii. Dr. Jabs Fyle one of the F-ditortel Staff «t Tar b'11 ■ TMJ IlHUi. Urat up af Unicorn toot Utdanlat Dtotai) whlrh U on* of the eh leflngredlent* of the "Fa, !HdOf MON! DID VE GANG OUT TO TOAST BOBBIE? GUDE SCOTS WERE THERE iptlpo frith- aasaffjss.'&i& PRESBYTERIAN UNION MS FINE MEETING Thr annual meeting of the Pre»- Ayteiian Union of Atlanu waa held Friday night In tho Inman Park Pru- bytertan march and In addition to the election of officer* an Interesting ad- dreee war made hy Rev. A. L. Phillip*, retary of Sunday achoot and people 1 . work In the Sooth. The following officers were elected for the year: Dr. Marlon MrH. Hull. preaidant; J. Hulow Campbell. (Irat vice president. Charter R. Normandy, eecnnd vice preeldent. A. N. Sharp, eecretary, and Charter D. Puller, treas urer. The folio wing member* of the execu tive committee wee* -alerted. the first three her two year*, and tne second three for one ye«r: Rev. I. P. Walker. Rev. R. G. Ktlnn, Charles B. Montgom ery. Rev. H. C. Hammond. Albert Bel- Itngrmth and Cart Harmses Dr. Phllllpe' address was an Inter esting one gad In It he pointed out what plans had been made for the fu- Impmeemesl of the work and ‘ shat great progress had been With song and vrttknd toothsome viands, the Atlanta Hums Club cele brated Its eleventh analveraary and the birthday of Bobble Burns In the Etowah annas Friday evening. If It Is given to shades to come back in the mundane sphere and look upon the doing* of those left her* la Rashly form, then the astral form of Robbie must have gaaed with delight on that goodly galkering at admirer* la Colo nel Hilvermon'e cafe. And the gonial coleael had done him self and the good Scottish poet proud with the preparations for the feast of wit and dainty toads. Both came with such mingled charm that the IMT celebration of the Bums Club will linger long la tho memory. of thorn on tho long table extending the length of the dining hall, with a small none* at right anglea, rovers for forty, spirits hod boon laid the anas ■ rtfully had arranged jdiLIh presiding officer. Awivf MiiittANSi President H. p. Bell called I he meet. Ing to order, gad Frank Ryan, for year* secretary of the club, read the minutes of the IHd meeting. Not the dull, dry kind of minutes that make you wish you hadn't come, but the wtt. ty. crisp, original sort that sends you off chortling in great good humor. In retiring Preeldent Bell made a most Interesting and charming address, which met with frequent applause. Then the vote for officers was taken ami the result announced as follows; I'rsaldsnt—John H. Cameron. Vice President—B. M. Blackburn. Hrrretory—Frank T. Ryan. Chaplain^W. B. Upshaw. Trustees John Graham. H. H. Cab- anise, Alex Taylor, J. Frank Beck and JOHN ff-CAMKIWN. Who Woe ffleetod FmilJeM of the Bums Club at the Anfiuel Dinner Friday. Eugene Obgrdorfer. A ffeetsh Dinner. ' Then followed the "deoncr" and dur- Ing II* pragmas rare duals of wit took place between gome of tho Choice spir its. It was an atoning of rarest en- lerlalnmelH. Those present were John M. Graham. T. J. Flaks, Thomas H Morgan. Otto Schwab, Eugene tiber- dorfer. J. Frank Reck. Donald M. Hein. Peromla H. Bell of Decatar. Os., Alex ander Kelly. B. M. Blackburn. H Rtl- vermin. D. B. Evans, Jams* Kelly, william Oardcr. Frank T. Ryan. David t'ralg, Joseph Jacobs. F. U. Palmer. I-ouls Gholstln. H. H. CabsutUs. Dr. George Brown. Alex Bey, John P. Mui - phy. George Bell. George Traver. W. Jerdlne. A. A. Cralr Hugh Crawford. W Fredell, Robert M. Me Whiter. J. W. Otho. G. A. Kggxrt. A. J. McBride. 8 W. Small. E. ( Rruffy. Eugene F. King. A. < ‘rulckshank. A. McLeod. D. Blu-i- herd.. J. H. Thnmxon.. A. JiacUonHl I, Charles AT Smith. A. B. Taylor. J. K M< l-aurhlln, <*. c McCUughry. J. 8 Cameron, B. M. Blackburn. MINING SCHOOL NEEDED; ATLANTA IS PLACE FOR 17; PROF. M'CALLIE'S ARTICLE TARIFF CAUCUS BEING PLANNED Washington. Jan. I*.—Another move ment la on to bring about a caucus of home Republicans to consider the set- vteebtllty of n special session of the sixtieth congress for revision nf the tariff. This time Uie movement Is be- Ins engineered by members from the northwest. Representative Cooper, of Wisconsin, and Bteener. of Minnesota, have-circulated petitions and hops to get enough signatures to call the rau- Profeeaor B. W. McCallle, assistant state geologist of Georgia, contributes to The Manufacturers' Record for Jan. oary 21 n most comprehensive article ss to the demand In the Hoath for Professor McCallle shows by a table that there are t.ooa Students receiving mining engineering courses In tech nical institutes nf the country A ftxrtltng fact la revealed tn the table— that less thnn I par rent or this num ber Is recetvbig training fit rrhool* at the South. • Through prteate correspondence Pro fessor MeCatlle shows that the mineral only 50 mining engineer degrees have been conferred by Southern schools In til years—an average of one a year! As against this condition of affairs Pro fessor McCIHe shows that the mineral products nf Georgia. Alabama. Tennes see, North Carolina. South Carolina nnd Florida aggregates JIS.noo.Ooe per an num. end the manufactured products tio.ntw.oo*. WXgrv In these mining In ga rd tn our mines nnd quarries. It lx ■ rue there are no mines or quarries of Importance In the Immedlnte vicinity of Atlanta, but within a distance of lass than 1.10 miles ere to be found the ma jority of the great mines and quarrlaa of the Mouth. Many of these mines and quarries are so very near Atlanta that the student by taking an early morning ■ rain would be able to spend the greul- cr part of the day at the mine or qunf- ry and return TO the city at night. - “Have we not x rather remarkable array of mines and quarries, all within a comparatively short distance of At- tantar What a great opportunity is '••end • In the etsdeal. tp familiarise htmMJf with tvlsaa and quarries of va rious kinds! "A mining school. If established In Atlanta, should heroms a port of the fteorgla School of Technology, or rath er a development and an exiuinslon nf the department of mining engineering recently established In tlpit Institution. Hy such a relationship a modem up-tn. date school nf mines might be estab lished ui a comparatively small outlay. The complex rmiurt of the training of a mining engine, r requires numerous x|»enslve laboratories. Much of his dual rise amount to tit.MMi.nuo. With these figures clearly set out j time musi necessarily lie taken up In Profsraor McCallle stresses the need ,|,e physical, the chemical, the elw- 0£L STOVE FOUND IN SING SING CELL New York. Jan. It.—Until some one comas forward with an explanation as to bow on oil alovs got |*ii tha sup posedly Impregnable banters of Ring Ring prtxon and found lodgment In a convict's call, the prubleta >lf the live toad recently discovered In a rack 2.000 year* old. I* easy A night keeper lo cated the stove, well supplied with nth and a convict toasting his shins In Its worm glow. An Investigation Is on. CARDINAL GIBBONS PRAISES CAROLINA Baltimore, Jan. *«.—Henatnr Tillman, of Mouth Carolina, and Cardinal Gib bons were guasta or honor at the annual banquet of the North Carolina Hoclely here last night. Cardinal Olbbona said: “Tour stats It, noted for Its solid worth, and for Ita social and family virtues, hut It Is pre-eminently note,I for netting 11s fare against the crime of divorce. Its few dlmrrra are heenuae of Its many virtues. Uejoirr, than, that your state has set Its face against this groat evil." of a mining school In the South, says that the location of this school Is uf the moat vital Importance. Along this line ha says: Atlanta tha Plaos. “The most favorable location of this kind to be found anywhere within Ihe limits of the six above-named states appear* to b* the city of Atlanta. It will be noticed by on examination of a map of the Untied (itaisa that Atlanta Is practically Ihe geographical renter of these six Moulhem sintes. Further, more, a mineral map of these stales would ahow that Atlanta oecuple* equally as conspicuous a place In rn- NEGRESS SAYS DUGAN 11AS HER *:K),(X)0 A DOCTOR S SLEEP Found Ho Hod to Loovo Off Coffoo. N>w York. Jan. 26.—Hannah Kiln a, Ur ncfroMn who obtained $914,OQo from J im H. riatt, got * aummoni* t«Mluy f. i 1*. \\\ Dugan from Muglatrut* Har low Dugan la a curtain draper nnd th* wrottitn rUilma he mill ban $10,000. amne Jfw».y uml afum» navlnga bank ac count ««• a bitlnnco of 9151,000 ah# turnt'H *»ver to him a» balloo when ehe ' sinoking, drinking trlcnl, the tnecImnlcMl aiu! the aa«uy laboratory, nil of which. now properly equipped nnd under the direction of n corp* of ublt* profeenore. are found nt the 0'*nr*rin 8eh«>o| of Technology. Moreover, wul*«* find here excellent department* «»f civil engineering nnd drawing, both «»f which constitute very importnnt factor* of the mining «ch«H»l. w THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL. <eMed In June. 1904. and the ieel of h.-r money wa« put in the hart-la >f u receiver. Few People Know How Useful It la in Pratarvino Haalth and Boauty. Coata Nothing to Try. Nearly everybody known that char coal I* ihe aafeat and moat efficient <11*. Itifcctunt uml purifier in uuturo. but few reullie It* value when taken Into the human eyMem for the *nnu* ciann*. Ing purpose t'lmicoal in u remedy that tin* more you take of It the hotter, it In not n dm* at all. hut "Imply abaorbn Ihe girnen and Imputltien ulwny** prenent In the ntomach and IntPPtinp* ,ttnl carrlex them out of thr xyntetn t'harconl *u»*«*tcn* the hi.*iith after at Ing on: SUTHERLAND The former home of the late General John B. Gordon / IS OFFERED This famous home of this great man, who was so well loved by the entire South, was made more famous by being duplicated and used as the Georgia Building at the St. Louis Expo sition. It is one of the most beautiful and magnificent sttburban homes in the Southern States, being situated at just the right distance from the business center of Atlanta* only 41-2 miles, and fronting oh the double car line which runs to Decatur. ... THERE IS NO GRANDER SUBURBAN HOME To Si OttiM, and It Is 0 fined at $21,000. > ANSLEY BROTHERS, 10 EAST ALABAMA STREET. WIFE OF SENATOR PLATT SUES PAPERS FOR $500,000 Washington. Jan. 29.—Mra. Lillian Platt, wife of Hcnalor Platt of Kew York, bwgan ault yesterday agalnat.The Washington Post Company for $200,000 damage", which. ah# aajra. she auatalned through the alleged publication of ma. lidoua anil defamatory matter. Mr*. Matt at the name time filed suit against The Washington Times Com pany for 9200,000 damages for the pub. Ilcatlon of alleged libelous articles. lira. Platt says the publication of tha allaged libelous articles are false and without foundation In fact and have Injured her good name, fame and repu tation among her friends and tha pub lic. The articlaa referred to by Mrs. Platt In her dec la ratios, which was Bled Attorney Wineblp Wheatley, were alleged to have been copied and re published from a Kew York newspa per. CARS WILL STOP NOW; OAKLAND Cl'J Y CITIZENS GET ON ANY OLD PL A CE Oakland City's Ash I • aaalnst Ills Grorxla Railway and Electric t’mn- pany. which attracted considerable at tention last spring, was determined finally Friday afternoon. Judge Pen dleton dissolved the temporary Injunc tion he had Issued against Oakland City, thus giving the city the right m force the company's cars to stop wherever an ordinance required. An ordinance wns passed by the mayor nnd council of Oakland t'liy Inst April requiring the cars of the company to stop at certain points In the town. Tilts changed some of the company's previous slops and added new ones. The railway company re fused tn be bound by the ordinance, claiming that they could not make the schedule In good time If they changed their farmer plan. • 'are of the company felled to etnp at Ihe designated places end the authori ties of Oaklnnd made arrests qf the motnrmen and conductor* In such cases. The fight between the mayor and council and the railway company was continued In this way for some time. Schedules were broken up by the action nf the town authorities and the company took the matter to the courts. A temporary Injunction was secured from Judge Pendleton restraining Ihe authorities of Oaklund t'liy from Inter fering ivlih the company nnd from en forcing the ordinance over which Ihe dispute arose. Thte wee tile Injunc tion whlrh wee dissolved by Judge Pendleton Frtduy. SOUTHERN MUTUAL PLANS BIG BUILDING AT A THENS HORDE OF OFFICE-SEEKERS AFTER MAYOR TIKOEMAN. Many arsons dn n«.t rr&Uie that bad stonmvh will count* Insomnia. drinking, being such an an- «i*»t and fcsprctahls form of stlmuJn- tl«m, few rwallaw that the drug-caff vine —contained In infftc ami teu. Is one of th# principal causes of dyspepsia and nervous troubles Without their usual portion of cof fee or tea, the ckfTelne t»>|M*n* are nrrv. oue, irritable and fretful That's the way with a whisky drinker ll.» has got to have his dram “to settle his Berves“—-habli To leave off coffee Is an easy matter If y»u w ant to try it. because Font urn — well boiled according to directions — give* a gentle but natural support to the nerve# and does not contbin any drug—nothing but food. . Phyaldana know this to be true, a °ne from Qa. writes: *t have cured myself of u long-si ami Ing ease of Nervous Dy*pe|>*ln by lea\ Ing off coffee and using I'ostum! Coffee.*' says the doctor. "I ulfcG «*nj**y refreshing sleep, to which I've been an utter stranger for $0 years. Special to Tb** CeorcUD. j Stvnnn.ili Oft., .Jan 2< Tlode matt has i»een working for several days endeavoring to give ear to the army of ofth-e-seeker* who call dully at the city hall A hatch «'f applications that a greyhound wouid l«Mtk at twice befote he attempted to lea|» over has been placed tn thr hand* of the mayor, and the usplrants. besides calling in person. h,ive a host of friends who make personal calls on the city’s chief executive. All of the city’s ofllcere have been elected, but there are a large number who ore yet to be appointed. a ail other odnrouh vegetable" J Charcoal effevtually clear* and Im proves the complexion, it whitens the j teeth nnd fuPther acts as a natural | and eminently safe cathartic. i It absorbs the Injurious gases which | collect In the stomach and bowels; It Mayor disinfects the mouth and tht«*at from eitlme I ihe poison of catarrh, it give! All druggists sell charcoal la one s who | form or another, but probably the best charcoal and Ihe most for the money Is In Stuart’s Charcoal Lozenge*., they are compo*«d of the finest powdered Willow charcoal, and other hat tales antiseptics In tablet form or rulhei In the form of large, pleasant lasting lozenge*, the charcoal being mixed with The dally use of these lozenge* will Sism tell In a much Improved condition of the general health, better complex- ! Ion. sweeter breath and purer blood, j ami the beauty of It Is, that no possible i can result from tlieir continued hut. on the contrary, great benefit, liuffulu physician, in speaking of New York. Jan. 2$ —The exact dute i ihe benefits of charcoal, says “I advise J»l„n the New York American* will suinr, '» «'her.wal l.aienxes nil |,a- , report in Atlanta ha. not .iraMrt. ”1^,1,'." ^1'^' . I« Win probably be about.March 1:. ‘“ an.r’.urU^th'e HIGHLANDERS REPORT AOOUT MARCH TWELFTH use. ArrnnX' Mirnts have practically been complete,1 fur the last office bull,link lo Im> ere, let by the Southern Mutual Insurance Company In Athens. The building w III be .even .toriq. In helvht. with n basement, nnd It I. es timated .that It will co.t 1260.0,W. In addition t„ PelnR the hnmo nnd head quarters „f the Insurance company, It will be ,^1„ nf the Pest equipped nttlce bulldlnys in Ihe .tale Haralson Bleckley, nn Atlanta archi tect, has nb„ul c*nuplelcd Ihe draivInK up of Ihe plan" nnd .pacification. f'»l the Rtructurc. Miles A Brandt, of At lanta. will the contractora. It I. planned to have the work be- trun aa —n,n a. pn»«tble. and It le hoped that the bulldtnit will be ready for oc cupancy within a year, at the moet. Ferro-concrete will be u.ed In ih. con- ■truetlnn „f Ihe building. This. It la .aid, will be one of the lartte*' office bulldlnff. In the Mouth made / ferro concrete. The Mrueture will bo mod ern In every respect. The Southern Mutual In.uranre t'ompnny ha. crown to great propor tion. In the In.uranre world, end the erection of this splendid building I. taken a. an alienation of II. great prosperity. | There was no label in his days. You have the oppor- i tunity. Ub« It) It Will Help Your Business Atlanta Typographical Union } j S20 Candler Building. Atlanta Phone 873. P. O. Box 266. NEW ORLEANS DELEOATION Iff GIVEN A HEARING. I throat I also believr the liver I.- great, ly heni'tlled by the dully use of them; they cost but 2* cent* a box at drug stores, and although In wilin' sense a 2t» — Secretaries! | N itmt preparation, yet 1 believe *“ gey*' a t more an«l bettor charcoal in tftuart’i Washington. Jan Hhow and Htraus yesterday -I" mealing l>y.|»p.l„ in It. vartouaI hearing i„ Repmeniatlve. Meyer nnd | I'hnrroal le,tenges than in anv „f the type*. I nnd little trouble when I can Braassanl ami a dvlexntlon fram New ordinary chare,ut luhlcts." Induce patient, lo quit coffee knd Orleans reprelentlpg the sufnr and lit.,-1 Rend your name and-nd,trese f.slay adopt Postum " The l>r. I. right and I industry of t-outstniia. on the lf,, r n fi,^, tilal tatekaxe and see for “there', a reason." Be,id the little qu,sip,n of the sulpliui fume, and Nine yourself F A Sluurt *'»., ii Stuart book, "The Rond »o LVellvIlle," in pkgs 1 In that district. . Building, Marshall, Mich. HALLMAN 8IM8 WON'T GET PARDON. Washington. Jan 2* —It l» not likely that Hallman Mims, the >oung Atlanta hunk clerk w ho Is In the Federal prt.m; for cmbextllug I92.U"". will lie xrnnled a pardon to save hl» cltl.en.hlp, as Ihe trial judge nnd district attorney arc opposed i„ any such plan. To Drive Out Malaria ~luild . Take the Old Standard Q1 TABTELKMM CHILI. TONIC. You know Wliat you are taking. Tha formula la pfhlnly printed on every bot tle, .honing It Is .imply Quinine and Iran In a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out the malaria end the Iran builds up the ey.tem. Mold by ell dealere for 27 years. Price 60 cent* DR. LENlii. BROUGHTON FLAYS “SOCIETY GAMBLING." Special to The fleorglsn. Greenville. 8. Jnn. 2* —Dr cl. Broughton, of Atlanta. Is holding a series of service. In Greenville at Ihe Kir si Baptist church. Ho lies already I begun i„ wake things up. He an- ip.unced Inst night that he had pre- ; pared the way and was now ready to "shell the Wtsrds." Dr. Ilroughlon place, poker playing | and bridge wlilst on the same plane a. , craps s|p„,|lng nnd chicken lighting. He I ha. attacked nil norte ot "social sins." i LAYING THE n RA.L8 u|)a ffpef l.l to The r.raret.. . Greenville. 8. C„ Jen. 26 —\Vork Is proceeding rapidly on Ihe Saluda Val ley railway, the good weather affording line opportunity for rail laying. The toad I. being built to Marietta. 26 mile* fram here In Ihe mountain., with the ultimate purpoae of going through to th. coal Arid.. In fact the road I. graded a. far at Knoxville. , TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Qnlnln. Tablets. Druggists refund money If It falle to cure. E. W. GROVES signa ture on each box. 26c. .us pesslmlam. Sir. Mitchell will con Ilnur Id. aerlea of lectures at St. James j ti|x,n hi. return from a t„ur In South j Ihe 'state troope ami tfxe .late of equip- i 'arollna. nient aa well. REGULAR ARMY GENERAL WILL INSPECT TROOPS. Htwclst lo Th* Georgian. Macon, Oa.. Jun. 26.—All three mili tary companies of Macon and the mem bers of the staff as well, will be In spected on February 12 and 12 by Gen eral Joseph Wheeler, of tt\e regular army, and Inspector General Obear, it the slate troops. This Inspection Is an annual affair and I. conducted for the purpose «f ascertaining Ihe condition of Lecture at St. James Rev. William C. Mitchell, n well- known lecturer, addressed an appre- i latlve audience t-Ytday night nt Hi. Jnmm. Methodist church, where he de livered Ids 1 crime, "Man. Monkey, or Mouse." a discussion uf optimism ver- To Life Insurance Agents: The Security Life and Annuity Com pany of Greensboro, N. C-, writes the best policies on the market. We want a few Rood District Agents to tepreseat this STRONG OLD LINE COM* PANY in the State of Georgia, to whom wc will give liberal contracts. Come to sec us and talk it over or write to us. RAY & YATES, a General Agents, - Exchange Bank Building, MACON, 0A. ■■rut" ««0 "«!«(? • fmu ImH Toole. J0„ Jobbers- Atlanta, da. run* mmw riariw rfKI Vahielaa and Farm T< W. J. DABNEY IMP. CO- >1 So. Forsyth Si, Allan CONTRACTORS AND BUTLDERS1 We will five you the lowest prices on Builders' Hardware, Tools and Nalls, In Atlanta. Call on ua at our new (tore—ISO Peters Street. F. J. COOLEDGE & SON. WE BUY Copper. Lead, Brass, Zinc, Rags, Bot tles. Burlap, Wash Cotton. Sacks. All out of town orders solicited. PIEDMONT IRON AND METAL CO. ITS MadleonAvenue, Both Phenes 17M. ATLANTA. GA. g KlHfffb fnPanf hi Vlhtfy. foliu. Ihf. C , CewM, CMwMi M ni IwuNs j TIm Only K«ffl«y Isstt* Ueii twill 329 Woofwrl tou ATLAMT1 M. OS' ft Ryos ATHESTS E. E. B: PHYSICIAN AN oeoN Offices; 33441S Century Sldg- Bell Phone SMI ■ CENTRAL OF GEORGIA NAILWAY. Arrlv** From - Irwpart Tt>- niNH* 11.40 pm „,.,noo« *.Mfti»» Mftmu Uftnwi Keren . UMi JIIIIVII ........ -11.4*1 NmiJnrkMtiivUlf ..10.4*1 41$ put {Karen $0i pin 6*41 miu JtfkMnvIlle .. M*te*» $ W ptujtfcrantMh