The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 29, 1907, Image 2

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. MDAT, JANUARY A BIT. THOUSANDS HAVE KIDNEY TROOBLE AND DON'T KNOW IT Baaftzr— Weak and unhealthy kidneys are reeponaible for more eiokneee and goffering than any other diseasei; therefore, when through neglect or other cauaet, kidney trouble ia permitted to continue; many fatal results are rare to follow. Tour other organs may need attention—but your kidneys most, because they do most and should have attention BSt If you are sick or “feel badly,” begin taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, because as soon as your kidneys begin to get better they will help all other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. Tha mild and Immediate effect of Swamp-Root, the great kidney an>l bladder remedy, la noon realised. It stands the highest because Its remark able curative power has been proven in thousands of the moat distressing case*. If you need a medicine, you should have the best. Wilson. Coon.. Feb. It. 1906. Hear Hint: **A nun rouhl not I* tu nny worse ron<ll tlon than I trss with kidney nmt lilmbler trealties. I dneliirstl with serernl S"od line- font slid otie pliysb'lsu told uu* I Imd Brtfir# Ihsewsi* 4b** I a««M w»4 Uvti mer six month*. Another t<dd tne It *u* gall stone*. I Imd seven* pain* In uiy kM ueys all the while, eonlil not stoop over, would lie dlsay. could tint lie down without some one helped me up; my Imck tvn* wenk a ihI pit I lied mine wn* ns tltlek os <*resm and It would srald me soniethlus d rout Ifni. 1 hod to gst up tunny times In the night to urinate. I took Mwnuip-lt<»’t nnd today f njn n well man nrnl never felt lietter. All of my tronldes have puie nnd nliovv no signs of retsrnliur. I tnke my oath Hint Kwitiiip Hoot put rue where J mu today nnd J run prove It by acquit lut* tiros." Very truly yours. K. II. HANI Kwamp-Ront Is not recommended for everything, but It promptly overcomes kidney, liver and bladder troubles, the symptoms of which are: Obliged to juts* your water frequently night and day. smarting or Irritation In passing, hrfckdust or sediment In the urine, heudache, backache, lame back, dtsst- nene. pooc digestion, sleeplessness, ner vousness. heart disturbance due to bad kidney trouble, skin eruptions from bad blood, neuralgia, rheumatism, diabetes, bloating. Irritability, wornout feeling, lack of ambition, may be loss of flesh sallow rnmptnrtnn,-m* Rrtght's disease. If your muter, when allowed to re main undisturbed In a glass or bottle for twenty-four hours, forms a aedl incut or settling or ban a cloudy «?»- pea ranee. It Is also evidence that your kidneys and bladder need Immediate attention. Hwnlnp-Root Is pleasant to take nnd Is for sale at drug stores the world ov-r In bottles of two sixes and two prices— fifty cents and one dollar. Remember the name, Nwtunp-Root, Ur. Klltner'i I Hwntnp-Root, nnd the uddress. King- 1 humton. X. Y., on every bottle. EDITORIAL NOTE In order to prove the wonderful merits of Kwamp- Root you may have n sample bottle and a book of valuable Information, both sent absolutely free by'mail. The Imok contains many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and women who Toufid WwaiHp-Rtw>t't<r1»e lust the Temedv they needed. The value and cess of.Hwump-Risit are so well knowii (hat'our readers are advised to sen ! for a sample bottle. In sending your address to I)r. Kilmer A .Ring- humton, N. Y.. be sure to say you read Ibis generous offer fn The Atlanta Georgian. The genuineness of this offer Is guaranteed. W. P. FIFE, EX-EVANGELIST, DIES SUDDENLY, LEAVING ESTATE VALUED AT $350,000 Bt. Loula, Mo.. Jan. It.—The coroner hai ordered an inquest today Into the death of William P. HI*, a former evangelist. tvho. during fifteen yeara, held thousand* or ramp meeting, In North t'arollna. Virginia, Texas, Mis souri, Mississippi and other stales. He era. particularly well known In Fay- ellevinp. N. his birthplace, and In Thomaavllle, N. C.: Lynchburg. Va., and Charlnitaavlllr. Va. Fifteen mlnuira after purchasing see. eral papers al tha hotel news etanda ha went to hla room. A chambermalo. Bhe ron down stairs and Ur. wus summoned from the Southern nu- tcl. across the street. When he ar rived Fife was dead. The body lay on the bed fully dressed. Dr. Behrens believes Mr. Fite's death was due tu heart failure. Mr. Fife was born about SO years ago. About tinea years ago throat trouble. It ts said, forced hla retirement from the rvungrllral held, lie became a mining agent, and accumulated a fortune which 1s estimated by T. 8. Henderson, of 81. leruls. mining broker, one of Mr. Fife's closest friends, at 1150.000. MANY PRISONERS ARK TURNED LOOSE Leavenworth. Kami.. Jan. 2k.—High- ty-four military prisoner* at Fort Lea venworth,* moat of thanf deserters. were released today on an order from the secretary of war. Thin I* the largest number of men ever freed from nny military prison at one time. They were recommended for clemency by Lieu tenant Colonel Young, commandant of the prlnon. because of good behavior. There wan not enough cltlaen’n clothing In the prlnon for them, no neveral will remain for n few day* until It can be supplied. IRON PLANT HANDS TO GET MORE PAY Troy. X Y.. Jan 29 The Harden Iron Company ban notified It* em ployee* that on February t there will be a general advance In their wage*. Puddlern are to get an tncrenne of :•:> cent* a ton. Two thou*.md men are affected. GEO. COHAN’S WIFE SEEKING DIVORCE _ XdW—XtfrJu— Jun. 23.—The report# that matrimonial differences had arisen between George >!. Cohan, the actor, and hi* wife. Grace Hthella Cohan, known on the stage as Ethel Levy, were confirmed today by an order mada In the supreme court by Justice *Lcv- cntrltt. The order directs that a commission Issue to John A. Itrown, of Chicago, to take testimony in that city In the suit for an absolute divorce brought by the wife. Court of Appeals. The second call of the coui pesl* docket began Monday i at 1:30 o'clock with the follow for consideration: llninmack Harris v. fttnte. Southern Company vs State. Elliott \ State, Johnson, v. State. Wright \ State Ed mondson v. State. Stngfteld v State. Oglesby vn. State. <'unntugham \ State, Shirley v State. Shit ley v State. Mill v. State. Duncan v. State. Kin- aid V. State. Itirt v. State. Hughes v State, Miller v State. Hardaway v State, Sheffield V. .State. Merritt v State, Richardson v 'State, John*on v State, Fews. v * State. Few Itewa v. State. r COMMISSION MEMEBERS TO ADDRE88 LAW 8TUDENT8. Special to The Georgian. Macon tin., Jan. 29 — On Tuesday evening at the conclusion of the day's sitting of the interstate commerce com* mission, lion. Judson Clement nnd Hon. J S. Harlan, member* of the commls- nlon. will addle** the Mercer law clans. The subject of their lectures will be In legat'd to the scope and purpose* of the Interstate commerce law. These nd- 1 dresses will be made In the I’nltcd ! States court room at 8 o'clock. «l>- I ANTI TOXIN TREATMENT "■"> MAY CURE MACON MAN. V state Kkpresi State A Hint Coffee MAY be your trouble, Stop 10 days and use well-made POSTUM It', May to Bud oat, tad -THERE'* A REA#0N." K|**« ini t«k The lirorglun. * Macon, tin. Jan 29.—W W. Sissons, of Hugucnln Heights, who has been at the |»olnt of death fot a week as the re sult'’of lockjaw, has taken « turn for the better since Saturday, and It Is now believed'that be will recover Mr. Sisson* Is a carpenter and stuck u nail In his foot about throe weeks ago Since Sunday a w eek ago he has been fighting for life against this ter rible disease, nnd It now seems that be will »*e one of the few who survive The antt-to*hi treatment Ijus been used throughout the treatment. i HEIGHT RITES (BUM FRUIT Commerce Commission Will Conclude Inquiry at What Do They Cure? The abSve queetion 1* often asked con cerning IN. Pleree'a two leading medl- cine,, "Golden Medical Dlacoyery" «nd "Favorite PncrlptlHk- Tbe answer U that -Golden Hedies) I* n met potent alterative or tonic or lovlgorator favorably In a cure- Macon. fpeclal to The OkkiUI Macon; Os., Jan. J*.—During two loitp and tedious aeaglona yesterday the hearing before the Interetate commerce commleelon of the caee brought by J. J. Waxelbaum against the rallroade of the South, held away, and whan the commleelon decided to adjourn for tha day there wae etUI much left to be done. Judeon V. Clemmente and James C. Harlan were the examiners In the hear ing. Among the first called was Mr. Waxelbaum himself, who Is Interested In the fruit arrowing business In Geor gia. Mr. Waxelbaum' act up the charge that the rates now charged by the different rallroade for tha transpor tation of fruits from Southern points tw.1 i.,. In .K. W... Aeee nnt nwlv mi. reasonable, but exorbitant In many Instance*. In hla a petting statement he ■eld that the rates charged for the haullnc of fruits to the Eastern mar ket, were higher by to per rent than were the isles from the West to tin East. This morning the case Is to be taken up again and tha concluding testimony will probably be given before the noon hour. ATLANTA NEWSPAPER SCORED IN EULOGY 8|w»rl*l to Thu Georgian. Young Harris. Ga.. Jan. 29.—Sunday nt a meeting of the Total Abstinence Society of Young Harris College an mid t ens was delivered by Rev. \V. L. Kllgh. n student of the college, on Rev. Ham Jones. In the course of the uddross Mr. Hllgh us speaking of Mr. Jones as a tem perance advocate, and he held, for the audience to see, a copy of un Atlanta puper of October 18, 1906, In which, on page 6 was given an account of "Funer al of Ham Jones" and "Last Act <ff Hum Jonas Was to Aid Dying Young Men" placed side by side with a liquor ad- vert Dement. Referring to this the speaker said: "It Is an Insult to propriety: h bur lesque »in journalism; a reflection on the esteem In which Bam Jones was held, and a challenge to all the forces f light and temperance. It Is the de fiance of evil-shaken In the face of a dead champion of right; un exultation f sin nt the departure of an erstwhile lUtunt knight, but now ascended aalut Despite this brazen face of wrong, the Influence or Sam Jones wtti live* to dispute and destroy the sway of rum and shall be the accolane of crowned manhoqd which, shall raise to knighthood and chivalrous honor the future champions of the cause of tem perance. Ismg live 8am Jones In the heurts of men." Prescription "will be’found malt effective In building up thn strength, regulating tha womanly functions subduing pain and bringing about a healthy, vigorous condition of tbo whole system. A book of particular, wrap, each bottle giving the formula! of both medlclnea and quoting what score* of amlorot mad- leal authors, whoso works are consulted by pbyiklaaaot all tbaachcoliof practice aa guldaa In preacrlblng, say ol each In- grad lent entering Into three, medicines. The words of praise beatowod,on the eeverat Ingredient, enterteg-Into Doetor Pierce', modlclnaa by auch writer, abould bare more weight than any amount of non - profaealfnal teetlmonlala, because NORFOLK & WESTERN AWARDS CONTRACT FOR THREE TUNNELS Fluvial In The flaergiaa. HT-«». J*« *,—The Norfolk and Western Railway company, now reconstructing and doublt-tracklng on a large scale In Virginia and west Virginia, hai let'the contract for six tunnel. In tVeat Virginia, which are to be driven aa a meana of battering the grade of the road through the moun tain, of that atate. Tha contract prlca for thla work la tt.oeo.MO. The etx tunnel* Aggregate ,.10, feet In length, and It will require three year, to com plete tha work. Malaria Caueee Lea, of Appetite. Tha Old Standard, Orova'a Taatalaaa Chill Tonic, drlvaa out malaria and build* up tb* ayejem. Bold 'by alt dealers for SI yean. Price M cent,. SWINDLE SCHEME FAILED TO WORK aped,I to The flaorgtee. , Decatur, Ala., Jan. If.—A few weeks oko a letter wax received at the poat- nfTU-e In Cullman, Ala., addressed to a „ , , . C. Albes. The 'letter bore the pagt* auchmenan wriUng for^jlmgiiklaiiccjif4. w » f) , ^ Vetenele. apatn. Ae C Albee * “ * * ” " died aom* time before the letter waa received, the letter waa forwarded to due Albee, of Decatur, a relative of C. Alba* and an uncle of C. Ed Albea, the proprietor of Hotel Blemarck. The letter went on to .pay that the writer had a handsome 15-year-old daughter, that her mother waa dead nnd thnt he (her father) waa a political prisoner In Hpaln uind waa on tha verge of death. The letter stated that the girl wae heir to a vest fortune In cash and that her father, the writer of he letter, wanted Mr. C. Albee to take tha girl and care for her and that some of the money would be hi*. After reading the letter Ooe Albes turned It over to a firm of local lawyer* who In turn communicated with the American conatiV~ai’ 'Valencia. Bpaln The consul stated In a letter that the rlter wae a fraud and II wae a swin dle scheme. their medical brethren and know whereof medicine* are nonalcoholic, non- eeeret, and contain no harmful habit- forming druga, being com posed of glyceric nxtrocu of the roots of native. American medicinal foreat plants. They are both sold by dealer. In medicine. You can't afford to accept at a substitute for one of these medicine* of known composition, any secret nostrum. Dr. Plena’, Pellet*, small, sugar-coated, jay to take ae candy, regulate and In vigorate stomach, liver ana bowels. "MCI" a no ntftcrr,.„, Vstic/M firm TmIi W.). 01NET IMPLEMENT CO.. Jobbirt: 61 Bo. fforayjh ft, Atlanta, Ga. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Qulnlnt Tablet,. Druggists refund money If It falls to cure. E. IV. GROVE'S signa ture on each box. lie. Suits and Overcoats One-Fourth Off.. This means every garment in the house, including the staple garments, blues and blacks. You probably know the class of goods we carry here, and may be a bit sur prised that we should sacri fice so early in the game, but we must uphold the motto of the shop and to of fer them as new at some later day wouldn’t be ex actly “Modes of the Mo ment.” Levy & Stanford 17 Peachtree HOWARD GELDERT HEADS HERALD The friend* of Howard Geldert will be glad to learn that he Is now in prac tical charge of the affair* of The lu- Murance Herald. On account of other hu*lne*a ronnec. tlon* and the condition of hi* wife's health, Louis N. Geldert ha* re*lgned the presidency of The Herald fompaivy. which poult I* »n he had filled *lnce 1896. Mr. Geldert la rtacceeded by A. U. Hall, of Xew York. Howard Geldert. who hav been a*so. dated with the management of The Herald for over *lx year*, ha* been nrpnlntett-mnnager and aeeumea direct ontrol or *upervhilon of editorial aa ell aa business ends of The Herald. Mr. Howard Geldart la a Canadian by birth, originally from Windsor. He •mo to the Union before he was 21 ears old. Hi* residence In Atlanta date* from 1901. when The Herald nved Its office* here from Louisville. Ky. Pile Sufferer Saved From An Operation By a Half Box of the Pyramid Pile Cure. You Can Try It Free. REPORT OP COMMITTEE WILL BE POSTPONED. H|Mtinl to Tb# Gforglsil. Macon. Ga.. Jan. 29.—Messrs. W. W. William*. John T. Moore. W. It. Fox and «*. It* Willingham. Jr., left Macon HatuHny afternoon last on a hunting trip through southwestern Georgia. The absence of Mr. William* from the ses sion of the city council tonight will mean that several important Issue* will be |Ht*i|»on*d fur one week. It I* In the hand of the finance com mittee, of which Mr. Williams In chair man. that the matter of Increasing the police force lie*. The appropriation of the Jamestown Kxpoaltlon la likewise In ibe hands of this commit lee. "I cannot help writing to >ou about ur wonderful cure for pile*. When 1 •ote to you for a sample I was think, tng of going through an operation. Rut thought I would give your remedies a trial, f am so happy that I did. for I ured. and only uaed half a box. I rite this for humanity's sake. I had lie* ever since the year 1891. 1 wish tvould publish my name through the itulletln imper, for 1 am well known in the fturlnc Corps. Use my name the best way you know how. Trnnklng you for your go«>d advice. Yours truly, Cleopha* Forte. Marine Barrack*. V. 8. X. Training Htatlon. San Francisco, t'al " What should Induce this United State* seaman to write us In this man ner If not gratitude for being cured of a disease which had tortured Mm for nfteen years? Mr. Forte was positive- ly unknown to us until he wrote for the sample of our wonderful remedy. Possibly you, too, are driven nearly tit madness with plies and have thought an operation the only cure Let us urge you before going to this expense nnd suffering and HUhmtttlng to this humiliation, write us today for the free trial package of the Fyrmnld p||r fure. Its action Is Immediate and relief Is sure. The reputation of It* makers Is a guarantee of Its freedom from harmful Ingredient* There I* nothing In It but healing, aoothlng elements, which work upon tne fevered tissue*, bring new life to the bowel and make It* action pain less and natural. The sample we *end you contalna exactly the same remedy as you buy at any druggist's at 60 cts. per box. Bend today and see what wonderful results this sample will bring. It coots you nothing to try. Pyramid Drug Co, 76 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich SAY HE ROBBED TELEPHONE GIRLS Ktbv;u-<1 Murray Is Ht-lil at Nashville on Charge. Washington. Jan. 29.—Inspector Roardnmn. of police heudquarters, re ceived word from the police of Xash- vide. Tent)., last night stating thut Kdward J. Murray, alias R. 8. Hnmll ton, was under arrest there, charged with stealing pocket-books from sale*, women In thnt city. He Is believed to be the man wanted here for the lar ceny of pocket-book* belonging to va rious telegraph and telephone operators of the several hotels In this city. The photograph of Murray, or Hamilton, which accomiHinied the communication, hu* been shown to the several victims and Identified us that of the man wuo did the steullng. The young women who suffered from the theft* are: Miss Mollle Davis, of the Raleigh, who lost u poeket-book and S5 In cash; Mrs. J. K. Janney, $35 and a hand hag In the Hhorehum; Mlsa Francis Joullan. of the 8t. Juinc:< Ger. mun silver chatelaine bog and $16 In cash, and Mbs Maty K. iliauson. of the Rlrvs, a small pocket-book and $16 In canh. If the Xushvllle authorities will give their consent, a headquarters detective will be sent to Tennessee for Murray. MISSING MAYOR - IS TO BE SOUGHT Bloomington. III., Jan. 29.—Mayor A. G. Erickson has mysteriously disap peared. It l* believed he has become temporarily derangtMi by worry. A searching party Is going to Chicago to look for him. Saturday morning Mayor Erickson told Alderman George Freese that he had disgraced his family and himself and Intended to go to Sweden, his na tive land. He handed Alderman Freese an envelope containing $3,500. which, he said, he hud drawn from the hank, expecting to spend It on his trip. He asked that the money be turned over hi* family. NOTICES FAIL TO 8TIR MACON TAX-PAYER8. Special to The Georgian. Macon. Ga.. Jun. 29.—Pleasant Hill property owners Imve exhibited, ac- ordlng to t’lty Marshal \V. B. Chap- man's views of the affair, a very mark et! determination to avoid paying taxre of last year. The wholesale a 1strtbu tton of tax 11. fa* amyng the delin quent tax-payer* ha* had an effect In •mne qUHrter*.J>nt those who own land and houses updh the section known os Pleasant Hill have been stirred up but little by these notice*. IMPOSED HEAVY PENALTY ON NEGRO SLASHER. Special to The OeorffUn— Macon. Ua., Jan. 39.—One of the orst negroes the police have landed In a long time wn* Bert Adam*, who was arrested Sunduy night, charged with being drunk and disorderly, re sisting an officer and anaault with In tent to kill. When the officers made the arrest Adam* slashed at Officer Uurnhardt and literally cut hla coat Into shreds. Judge ('nbanlss fined Adams $25 or thirty days for drunk and disorderly.- $76 or thirty days for resisting an officer, and bound the de fendant over to tha auperlor court for cutting with Intent to kill- under bond of $600. | THE THEATERiT] That Vanderbilt (Empty) Cup. —■=- To read the effusions of the genial press agent and Rmze upon the festive billboards, one would have thought "The Vanderbilt t?up" was a thousand- horse power forty-cylinder marvel of an ants■ mualeal ■ oemedy-drama. But It waan't. Like other auto af fairs, It started off well—and broke down early Iff the game. nm dwth wh sr wve sa* the ptetore machine In the gallery burst a tire and kerffummuxed: It was repaired In time for the last act and gave a very real istic seiils of scenes In the great cup race. But the "real racing car race," the muchly touted, hair-raising, dare devil, oh-comc-all-ye real auto race on the real stage! It was a frost. Awful spluttering behind (he scenes, dreadful popping like u gatlin gun, and up goes the cur tain. Two low, rakish craft, alleged to be racing cars, roll gently In on a track, with little rtpesd and great explosive ness. A curtain In the background gives a few convulsive movements In the reverse direction. The race la over. And Kddlc Cannon Bald, the adver tised hero of the race! Where Is he? He might have been In the front car nnd ho might not. Nobody waited to see. for the curtain was falling and the audience was leaving. Rut It seem* a pity to drag four automobiles nil over the country, even at the factory** **- prnsc, Just to show them on a dark stage for a moment or two. Even the. manufacturers are being bunkoed. The company was capable enough. Alice Dovey made a very dainty and pretty Dorothy. William Keojh. whose work a* 'The Unknown” in "Little Johnny Jones" made him near-famous, was very clever In a small part. Otis Thayer as Banting was up to the mark. There I* some pretty music and some really excellent voices. a D. G. “The Ninety and Nine.” "The Ninety and Nine," a rural drama which oftan trespassed on the Held of melltrdrammer," was presented at the Bijou Monday night to a big audience, whose size was all out of proportion to Its enthusiasm. There ore any number of reasons why the attraction did not please. Ru ral plays of this class and caliber passed out of the reulm of popularity years and years ago. And this wns ilecldcdly, distinctively too rural. Even those who decorate the peanut gallery f an evening nt the Bijou do not ap preciate a "who-stole-me-cheelld?” voice and a "father-dear-farher-come- home-with-mc-now" manner under all (rcumstances. anywhere, nt any time md to anybody. The cAst Is better than the play by ai*. The leading male lole of Tom Bllvcrton. a stranger In Marlow, was ably portrayed by William Marble. Junior. The -Mark Beverodge of J. P. Lockney was also good, while Master Ralph Rowan furnished much amuse ment In his role of Red, the trans planted New York "kid." Miss Bayonne Whipple, as Ruth Blake, the heroine, also pleased many. Taken In Its entirety. Che cast Is a splendid one for the Bijou, but the se lection of the play was a most unfortu nate one. The train scene, the climax of tha third act. was put on with a realism that thrilled the audlance and brought round after round of applause. "The Ninety nnd Nine” will be here for the entire week. J. D. O. Lillian Russall Protests Bird*. Miss Lillian Russell asks every wom an who loves birds to become a police officer. Lady policemen are doing duty In England on behalf of the birds whoee plumage Is used In millinery. The Royal Society for the Protection M Birds Is carrying on an active cam paign against the slaughter of rare and beautiful birds for the adornment of ladle* bats, and at one of Its meet ings a member said that she had past ed a lady policeman at every church to her district to take notes on the women with feathers In their bat*. The offenders thus picked out received let oni JSLBS-JSTWIE B.N.WOOI.LHY.M.D. WINDOW GLASS, tarx from tha uociaty urging them to i p] Q * a nt... atop wearing bird*' plumngo un an * laMJ WOOD, ornament, film Ruaaell hux uakeil tlto Audnbon Society to folluiv the anmu plan In thla country. Whan aha aturted on hvr lour In thu netv comedy, "The Buttcrlly." a friend aent her a canary In a hundaonic cage far her room In hgr private car, which tgta been made ax homelike ns poaal- Me. ' Mire Ruencii prekenled the "Wrd to the aviary In Bronx park, Naw York, find wrote a tneaaage to the tender laying ahe could not endure aeelng blrda kept In captivity. The tender hearted Mina Ruaaell will be seen at the Orand on Wedneeday and Thura- day nlgtita In "The Butterfly." The Roger* Brother,. "The Roger. Brother, In Ireland,' the great mualeal comedy aucceau of laat Reason, la announced for preienta- tlon at the Grand on Friday and Sat urday nlghta and Haturday matinee. The production waa given for more than 100 nlghta In New York city and haa atnee achieved flattering aucreaa In Boaton. Chicago and Philadelphia. Something more than the average ut- tractlvenea* muat account” for ao pro nounced a aucreaa, and the fame of the Roger, Brother, aaaurea play goer, of Ita manifold merit,. The Roger* Brother*, the atara of the or- gonlaatlon, are aaalated by Marlon Stanley, Beaala Dr Vole, an exceed ingly clever company of comedian., and a remarkame aggregation of pretty gtrlo. The detalla of the engagement will be announced later. Builders’ Hardware, Tools. F. J. C00LEDGE & BOS, Branch Store 160 Peters St O0TE A 'Byon ATHISTS E. E. Bragg AN tUlU PHYSICIAN AN QE0N Office*: 324-325 Cantury Bldg. 6 K tarifff« friecn ari gtararifa. \ Hava you aaan naw 1t07 Paerlaaa Franklin and Stavena-Duryea CaraJuat received by Capital City Aute Co., Paaehteaa auditorium? INFIRMARY TREASURY HOLOS CASH BALANCE. irsr XVST. i A.Sl 7:21 6:36 I'M. |Af- ■ ' 7:42 Whaler A*M ' Monroe.,.. Ar. ?«• If Bperlal to The Oeorgtat). Montgomery, Ala.. Jan. 29.—At the annual meeting or the honrd of mnn agere of the Montgomery Inllrmarv Mr*. J. A. Kirkpatrick waa elected preahtent nnd the following other of ficer* aelecled r — Vice preaidant, Mr*. C. A. Htakely: aecretary Mr*. 8. D. Seelye; treaaurer. Mra. J. H. Crenshaw. The report of Mra. Kirkpatrick allow * there la a balance In the treaaury of tl.55f.f7 and that !f<> patient, were treated during the part year. A HI I AltfC ANNOUNCEMENT. We wlah to thank our many friend, and the general public who' hava ao generoualy patronlted ua at our old •tand. ft Peachtree afreet. We now extend a moat cordial Invitation to vlitt u* at nur new atnre, 75 Peachtree atreet, where we have more room and many tmprovamenta addad. We will atrlv* harder than ever to offer optical service which fatg glaas wearers hava enjoyad. Our antlre time given to opUca. No side line*. The only ex- cfuetv* manufacturing ten Tkfcl; Ii*T Mk Uih iMrgb* 279 Worimrl fflmiTi Si. O/klNEaVILLl MIDLAND RAILWAY - Li ltolu iV" ••'hUoeerllle.. I.v.t' jjfjfP Atbea. KfigUI T*r T tW 1:26 IV M. CENTRAL-PF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Arrlvs Krom - ” Ftojmrt To- ' ' fte —MB JnrkaonvIU* ..10.4* am - From — Harannah .... f.eonni Jarkaoarifle . 7.f0aoi ...11.40 .to II nr. mi Macau Uneon ... 4.It pi* Hares CHUM OF HARRY THAW JAILED FOR DESERTING, Philadelphia. Jan. Sf.—Malcolm’ B. Parkin, of Pittsburg, a format' chum of Harry K. Thaw, and acton of a prominent family, la a prisoner at the league Island navy yard charged with deserting from the marine corp*. Laat flay Parkin. It Is alleged, became In volved with n young woman of baauty. The young man then ran away from home and enlisted In the marine corps. Buit far 320,000. Judge Reed and a Jury In the city court were busy on Monday hearing tha suit of Mra. Bvelyn V. Austin against the Central or Oeorgla railroad for m,000 for the death of her aon In tioe. The caa* ha, been once to the supreme court and to now being tried tn ihe’ctty court the second time. It will probably consume several days. LOW PMCES UNTIL IAN. 28. GOOD SETOF4 TEETH., GOLD CltOWNSg£ r $3 best 22-k gold tal wore at very lew riHS- DR. Red. GRIFFIN’S W/m Whitehall Bt " * I- All other Dental work at prices. Caaw r' vantage or thla _ Atlanta If ysara. plate, delivered terns day. GATE CITY DENTAL ROOMS Phana I70E. Lady Attendant , Sundays 9 a. m. ♦« 4 p. m.