The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 30, 1907, Image 11

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'] M. L. THROWER, Real Estate. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN WSDPfEHDAT. JANUARY t». Iffl?. S tMt — eta rant for 9M par month. Prtco AN UP-TO-DATE IATTM5* FIVE ROOM eottafi m and; ptaM, In Wnt Ena, for vejojr strict for 64,300. ON WENT FAIR BTRERT. TWO rotttfN and oo« r a rant j A SPLENDID SEVEN-ROOM TOT on Cherokee avenue; lot 60 t»; 190. 16-foot front, on North Iloulvviirri; beet Mctlou; only $46 i»*r front foot. You will hare to 1* quirk if 64.000 WILL BUY AN RIOI1T ROOM TWO story modern bouse; at«*rm mid (tnnlde-floured; lirat sort ion north side. «n, Third street. near t’eacbtree itrert. You ahoatd arc thiA ^ WT CAN SELL A SIX-ROOM C OTTAGE With percelsln hath, lot 60 by 126. luiunn Park, for only- SXO -rath; bslsncc small tnouthly permeate. Ilkr rent. THREE- NEW TWO-STORY ELEGANT hootra on North Jsrkaon street. built "f vary beat material; double floors. storm- sheathed* furnace beat, gst mid electric lights, rail Bella. Kvrrrtblns that makes a lorely home. Our of three resilience* baa ten rooms; lot 40 by )?5: I8.uu». end on corner. The other two eight and ten rooms, lot 46 by 176; one $7,000 and the other 67,500; 12.000 cnab, bnlmice easy, geta.tbeyr elegant homes. $66 PER FRONT FOOT OETS THE VBUY prettiest lot on North Booh H6 feat. Another lot ftdf site, can not Im* lionght i lot la three doors from < M. L. THROWER, Real Estate. 39 N. Forsyth St. i. c. Mi-cRonr—u m. Johnson McCRORY & JOHNSON, Real Estate, 503 Peters Building Phone 4091. LET Bit snow YOU A 81-I.KXIHD mm: room two-story residence on the north Side.' No nsr to try to fell you all mIkmi! WE WOULD LIKE TO HIlOW YOU A ten-room residence on the north side. it 1 * large lot. Unlit for n home. with all ON NORTH BOULEVARD -ELEVEN • room* residence; very largo lot, aide and rear alleys. Very beat part of this lord ly street. It has west front, but lorely shade and grass, with tile walk. ('all and let us show you; only $7,000. D. F. M’CLATCHEY RFat. ESTATE AND INVEST MENT COMPANY, 102 CANDLER BUILDING, BELL PHONE 220-—ATLANTA 854. * ACBKS. TKN MII.KH FIIOM AT J* electric Un.-: so acres ™ of ,l "' r "°": '•>' '»wl lira tin.-; non t >ou kuow you euu uot miss It on ,|(, .VG PLANT WITHIN 4U tt5n*»°l Atlanta, on West I'niut railroad, Br " wu deli out of It and in»w ... » ut .. uim •„ aacrttlre; everything in rt» nctlri - ludltlon. This will Inter the energy, posh, It at and pros|»eroua «•» ywu. |f y_„ _ some money., you inu Kuciveil, L'ALAZIAL HOME ^I 1 *' < «• bln* wishes to oxelniiigo ItnproviHl propert) in Atlanta. t Itelfer home better drink the most Where 4 htea »#*d, where %n nuteil heallh-givluj cun*. jiiHt «- T. den res«/ur< health-giving enter, nature's own just as It springs from nature's bid- A „, , ; ov,:| .V HOME OX hit n *'' bolUl* Ulbxrry rr8|irri, ( Interest you tf you are looking for i $4.[)00 HOME ON NORTH HIDE: THREE doors of Itouievard; a eholee" URUMI.EY STREET-A 2 STORY NEW fc'.*SM; fSiO i-asii, balauee $J6 |*er n ought to take this up* If yon oiith. C LOHE JN on WAHIIINGTON STREET— c-nnwt palatial home* lu At- large corner jot; tl»»-re Is no tlmn this In Atlanta; It will •"hey, t.H., Ian to, oil liner lioiH make you TlfREK NORTH HIDE HOMES JtHT ChiIII; eoteioely hi bastion; l*uilt\4'f lit** best inntert!il: you «-t*n IF YOU HAVE A HIR E OF l’ROPKUTY that r«u want to w-;i. list It with us. 1\V ran sell it. SUBURBAN HOME. GOOD NEW 5 ROOM COTTAGE A NO sere fine, level, shady lot. 2>) feel fro. tine; In eliob*e resident $I.*D. $5*1 down and $15 per C. H. WELLS & CO., 1! *1 FOl'UTII NATIONAL BANK APPEARED BEFORE THE COMMISSION Special |o The (.oof,Ian. Xturnn Urn Jan in—1, I. vary nmh. nbl, thnt the hearing In the case of J. J. Waxelbnum against the rail rod a will be cloned title afternoon. Mr. Wtnborn. of the Central of Geor gia railroad, and a few other road of ficial* havo yet to leatlfy and upon the clone of their atatememe the bualne.s wtll practically bo wound up. There la to be no decision made at the end of the rate by the two mem- bera of the Intejrstat* commerce com- mlrelon that are In charge of the pro ceedings and the evidence that le brine heard la taken as Information only and will be used as such should the Issue rained by J. J. Waxalbaum be carried before the commission In Washington. It requires a presence of a quorum of the commissioners before a definite de. clslon can bt raachad, and as but two of the members have been present at this merlins no declalon will be ren dered. HIGGINS STEPS UP. WITH WEST POINT some money. 4tet\ mcfifh. We .can a you will bre to burry. IN WEBT END, SPLENDID MIX ROOM cottage; new; year's Icaae $26 per month, I>1 tm show you thli rtgbt quirk for In -YHtmcWfr B««y term* and will beat 12 A. J. WEST & CO., Century Bldg. Phone 1754. NORTH SIDE HOME—WITHIN 200 FEET of beat port of Peachtree; coruer of two good atreetu; attractive lot; new up-toilnte two-ltory realdence; every modern ronven- Ifttce; on car line. Call for apet-lul In formation. * COTTAGE HOME-BRAND NEW COT and the payment*; only $1,766. thl* anring. Loaf chance to get a luirgnln In this un- attrauMed section. A visit there la all that -wMbe LIST TOUR SALABLE PROPERTY WITH ua. Wa wtlP gtra you prompt and aatla- factory reaulta. ' TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS TirtwiUTOi am.ii; tvi-kwritrim esenang«‘d; typewriter* rented, ndiullt and repnlrwl. In aft the different line* of fig* butlueM we are lietter prepurtNl to aerva you. Rupullea for nil kind*, t *11 or write for tab) Hat aeroml hand nnd rebuilt type writer*. We carry tin* largeat ntock In the Mouth. Price* the lowest. SOUTHERN STATES WRITING MACHINE COMPANY, ' Telephone IM. 424-25 Caudler Itldg. For Sale On Easy Trmis. ho J-A PIVR-ROOU rOTTAfJR. «SH lilnck nf env Hue; lot to liy iW I" alley. Bail front; price It,400; liW cn»b; tnlaace monthly. NO. S-mk-ROOM rtVTTAtlK; roltNKIt lot', ear line In front; w.ter, «.« anil bath; price 41^00; l»0 ca.h, Imlnnce month. Ijr. XO. 8-riVE-ROOM NKW t’OTTAOB. near tlrant park; tl.TOO; IIM ca.h; balance monthly. WHY DON’T tor OWN VOI’R iiomk: I hat e others Call at the office. J. A. BROOKS, Real Estate, 407 Fourth National Bank. Bell Phone 1393 Main. BLACK HUNDRED TERRORIZES TIFLIS Jt. Petentbur*. Jan. SO —A dispatch says Tlflla la bain* terrorised by mem bers of the lllack Hundred, who nro levylntf tribute upon all person, of property. They abducted the, son of j millionaire named Armanjan, and are holdlna him for runaocn They alao murdered a wealthy merchant named ChfooroO. Joseph A. Higgln*, n well-known young railroad tnan, han been appoint *d «*HlHtnnt general pnHenprafthi of the Atlanta nnd Went Point rail road, effective February L Mr. lilggln*' clone application to hi dutle* him made him valuable and hl» promotion* have been won by hard work He I* one 4>f the beet postal pain*enger men In the city. lie ha* a large number of friend* who will con gratulate. him upon hi* promotion. PROFESSOR AND TRUSTEES RESIK* their offices. Speed to The Georgian. Norwood, Oa., Jan. So—The school has been cloned tem;»irarily because of the resignation of Professor Krnest Neal ns the result. It I* stnted. of a clash between the teacher and the trustees. To compllcnlc matters, the trustees of the academy, subsequent to the resignation of Professor Neal, resigned In n body, so that the school Is now without teacher or trustees. EXTREMELY LOW PRICES WILL PREVAIL HERE UNTIL SATURDAY, WHEN WE MOVE TO TENTH AND * PEACHTREE STREETS. AN EXCELLENT OP PORTUNITY TO GET A SUP PLY OF HOUSEHOLD GROCER IES AT REAL BARGAINS. WIL- KERSON A BRO., 77 PEACH TREE ST. W. L. Woodrow Hore. \V. I„ Woodrow, of New York, gen eral freight agent of the old Domin ion Steamship t’ompnny. was a visit or In .Mlnnln Tuesday. He l on old Atlantan nnd n great many friends anil acquaintances among the rullrod people In this city. ANNOUNCEMENT. We wish to Ihnnk our many frlenda and the general public who have ao generously patronised us at our old stund, «t Peachtree street. We,now extend a most cordial Invitation to visit us at our new store, 7S Peachtree street, where we have more room nnd many Improvements added. We will strive haruer than ever to offer optical service which few glass wearers have enloyed. Our entire time given to onth-s No side lines. The only ex clusive manufacturing retail optical house ln w A A «j*"ft BALLARD A CO. T“—~ Another Convict Captured. Hpedal to The Georgian. Amerlcus, Go., Jan. 30 — Another of the negroes who escaped when the gen eral Jail delivery was effected here was captured by Sheriff Hell nt Tlfton. This makes three captures, four prluonern being at large now. IT HOLDS IE DOES HOT APPLY The Ruprome court of Georgia will Im* «sk€»l by the Genrglu railroad com mission to BUfttaln Its order No. 1 forc ing a continuous mileage rule on all rail nmd*. aysterr,* and connection* where an. additional charge on a per- entago bn*!* la made for movements over two rood* practically owned and opera ti’d by one aygttnr—' Judge (Sober, of the .Cobb Hupei lor court', ffa* upheld the Wudley Knuth- ern. u juirt of the Central of Georgtu ami operated by that nyptein. in It* appllcatbin for nn Injunction agalnat the operation «'f the railroad comml*- *lon» rule No. 1. Judge Gober held that tht* rule could not apply to road* owned and oi»crated by one synteiu u iter. they were operated under a sep arate charter. This rule vvua forinu- latcil by thh commlaalon for Juat auch mad* and It tend* to reduce the freight rate*. MONTGOMERY FIRM CONTRACT FOR BIST COLLEGE Kimm-UI lit Tbi' Gearcliiu. Sparta, Gil. Jan. £0.—Governor J. M. Terrell and the board of truhten of the Agricultural iMlteg* cf th* Tenth congrecstonal district, arrived In Spar ta yeeterdny- morning for the purpo«P of holding an executive aewalon of the hoard to Tier We the matter of who the ■ucce**fut bldjj^ior constructing the achool buildings will be. The morning tvaa consumed In u trip to Qmnlte Hill, the site of the achool, to allow the trus tees to look over the land. At 12 o’clock Governor Terrell de livered an nddres* to the people of the county In the court house, which wa* crowded until standing room was not available. The uddres* was In the main on the subject of the achool and a* enthusiastically received. The executive session of the trustees as held In the court house at 3 o’clock, nnd all of the details In regard to the construction of the school build ings were arranged. After a careful consideration nf all the bids submitted the contract for tho construction of the building* was awarded to Algernon Hlalr, of Montgomery. Ala., on a bid of $31,000, The contract waa not let f »r the shop today; ELDEST DAUGHTER OF NINE EDWARD LORD CRIS.RERESFORO, BROTHER OF BERESFORD MAY HIVE CANCER LATELY KILLED IN TEXAS TM, picture I, from the latent photograph of tht duche,, of Plf,. »ld*»t daughter of King Edvrtrd, who I, non alowly recnv.rlng from a fourth aurglral operation. It I, feared *he I, afflicted with cancer. Lard CharlM Bemford. the fa- moua British naval officer, brother of Lord Deltral Bare,ford, who re cently wae killed In a railroad acci dent In Texa*. WIFE AND BABE SLAIN; HUSBAND ARRESTED Washington, Jan. 30.—ns wet lug a cull from W. G. Copely, a census of- ffee clerk, Dr. John H. Dorsey, a phy- Mlclan at Langdon. rushed to the man a residence last nigh: and there found the wife and Ruth, three-months-o!d child of the clerk, dead, with several bullet wounds In their bodies. Dr. Dorsey notified the police a« soon as he had grasped the situation, and a* n result the husband and father wo* placed under arrest. Hf was taken to the ninth precinct station house. Copely sold he wo* In the front room or the second story of the residence when he heard a shot In the bed room occupied by hU wife. He did not move Instantly, h« said, and soon another shot was fired. He ran Into the roopi and found Ills wife dying with a bullet wound Ju*t behind her right eur. With out making a further examination he hurried to the residence of Dr. Dorsey. Mrs. Copely was 29 years old. H*r maiden name was Amanda M. Bunker. The baby was found on nn Improvised bed, made of two chairs, placed near the side of the bed occupied by the mother. -OnOhe-other aide of the bed was a crib In which a son. Raymond, aged 2, slept. He was not molested. .The weapon with which the ahoottng was done was of 32 caliber. It was found lying near the foot of the bed with two empty shells. Dr. Dorsey said Copely told him hH wife performed the deed white in a temper. The police said It wculd have been next to Impossible for the woman to have Inflicted tho Injury herself. COMMITTEE TURNS DOWN HIGHER TEACHERS' PAY Arkan,a« Elect. Senator. Hprrlfll to The Grorgtcn. Little Rock, Ark., Jan. 30.—Former Governor Da via tru elect-d t’nlted Htnte* nenatnr by the Irglatn- turr yeMerdny. receiving 118 vote* out or it total of 134, Former t'ongreiw- mnn Rreiklnrldge received I vote and John IV. Worthington, the Ute-He- puhllran candidate for governor, re ceived 5 vote*. Alderman Key ha* won another point In hi* tight for better salaries for thoae employed In the ranks of the different deportment* of the city government, the ordinance committee having re ported favorably on hi* ordinance to have police aergeunt* paid 485 per month and patrolmen 175. HI* other ordinance, "the one making the pay of no teacher less than 450 per month, was adversely reported by the committee. It being believed that the provision that thl* did not operato where teachem worked under a •pe dal contract with the board—would nullify the ordinance. Both ordinance* will come up for ac- , t Ion at the council meeting Monday. Alderman Key will either make an ef- fort to have the ordinance raising teacher*' salaries adopted a* It stand*, despite the rei*>rt of the committee, or otherwise will change It. so aa to do unity with the objection raised. 11c will make a determined effort to have the ordinance raising the policemen's salaries adopted. ,Fer Electric Signs. The committee also dlacussed a pro posed ordinance for the regulation of electric signs In the city. The city at torney. the rhalrman of the committee, the building Inspector and the rlty elrc. trlclnn. were requested to draft an ordinance. The ordinance by Alderman Peter*, looking to the holding of aecnnd pri mary elertlona where no one receives a majority In the Aral, waa referred to a sub-committee, composed of Council man Terrell, chairman of the commit tee. and the city attorney. Councilman Terrell'* ordinance, mak ing the term of the recorder's clerk two years Instead of one, waa reported upon favorably. Alderman Curila requested that this ordinance to appropriate money lor printing n new city coda and the an nual report* of officer*, be held up. The ordinance Introduced by Alderman Reutell to require the removal of Head wires from buildings was adversely re ported. COTTON PRODUCTS PLANT IN GEORGIA The round bale presses, natures and offlco fumltuv of the Georgia Colton Product* Company In the state of Geor, gla. will he sold to the highest bidder at the court house dour of Fulton roun ty on February r> at noon. In accord anrp with a decree Issued by Judge William T. Newman, of the United Htates court. The tale I* the result of the consolidated litigation against the company by Cornelius N. Bliss, Me chanics National bank and others •gainst the company. The company ha* twenty-nine double round bait presses, bat reformers and condensers, complete for baling round bats cotton. They are located a Blakely, Bmwnwood. Burns Vista, Ca mill*. Dublin. Ashhurn. El lav llle. Car negle. Herod Meigs, Omaha. Parrott (J). Plains, 4Uchlai)d (3), Hmnrra. Tem ple, Turin, Vienna. Washington. Wrlghtavlllr. Boston. Huckbead. Ellcrs- lle. Eason Hill, Upniol, Orovanla, Odes ■•dale nnd Dnwaon. ATLANTA BUILDER IS GIVEN CONTRACT FOR FIRST COLLEGE •pedal to The Georgian. fitatesbaro, Qa., Jan. 30.—Governor Joseph ,\l. Terrell, with the trustees of the agricultural roll*** of the First congressional district, met here ,Mon day and selected sites for the college building* on the magnlcent tract of land near the city. The contract for the building* waa awarded an Atlanta Ann for $47,000. The location for thl* college la aald to be the mom beautiful yot found In th«* *»a(4\ sihI- the noil uduptuU to the cultivation of the greatest variety of crops. Hon. J. M. Miller, chairman of the executive committee, tra* selected tc superintend work to be done on th* farm before the opening of the college In October. FREE GARDEN SEED WILL BE DISTRIBUTED Washington, Jan, - Iff.—The house In committee of the whole yesterday voted to continue the free distribution of gar den and flower seeds along old line* and nut according to the methods ns recommended by the agricultural com mittee tn the appropriation bill. The amendment appropriating 4314,- m for the free distribution of ordinary seeds was then adopted, ea has been the practice for n number of years WALKED OYER ROADS HUNDREDS OF MILES R|mtIsI to The Georgian. Macon, Ga„ Jan. 40.—Hon. O. B. Rio. vens, known In the state as "Uncle Obe," one of the member* of the roll road commission of Georgia. Ii In Ms con attending the seselone of the tn terstate commerce commission. For the post four months Mr. Btevene has been very buey Inspecting the various lines of railroads In the Mate, going over them In person. He has looked at tracks from the rear end of observation cars and hat ridden over them on hand can used by section gangs. And more than that, he has wslked several hundred miles on the cross ties, and stales that he fully sympathises with the tramps who •re frequently fired from the trains and compelled to get along by the way nf the personal effort route. WOODROW WILSON WILL NOT STAND FOR U. S. SENATE SALARIES OF TEACHERS AS SCHEDULED BY BOARD WOMAN ATTORNEY FOR “UNCLE SAM” MAY FACE SUIT ALABASTINE We have n large supply on hand to meet the heavy demltnd for this season. Dealers will please put In their orders early. GEORGIA PAINT HKD GLASS CO., Oislribulsra. ATLANTA. QQ000000900000Q00000900 J’lOxUcul Woodimv Wilfon. of PrlMttoo JDMvsrsHy, whose ple ura here ppf»ara. has positively ,tfum4 t» • allow J»|g name to> be m4 u a ctpdiAate for United ptatss senator from Smw Jersey. Th* MHlarl** of teacher* In Atlanta'* public *chool* will range from $45 to $65 a month hereafter, If the proposed new schedule I* adopted. It will be remembered that council. In tho apportionment nheet. made pro vision for higher pay for the teacher* thl* year, hut left It to th* board or education to rearrange the salaries. The following schedule, to go lntt» ef fect April l. will be proposed at th* next meeting of the board; on**year teacher*. 1450. or #4u a month. Two-year teacher*. $4** a year. >r $5oo a year, or ysar, or $47.50 a month. Three-year teacher* $6o a month. Four-year teacher*. $525 $52.60 a month. Five-year teacher*, $550 a year, $65 a month. Six-year teacher*. $575 a year. $57.50 u month. Heven-year teacher*. $600 a year, ir t«n a month. Right-year teacher*. $625 a year, or $02.60 n month. Nine-year teacher*. $650 a year, or $65 a month. ••fiir vino “timer’ fmo emiei Vtbitlti Ilf firm Tub V. J. DiBIET HeiEMUT CO., Mterc df So. Forsyth 8t., Atlanta, Oa. LOOK OVER laundry and If you find ; dlttdir ' — •on* for dtoatfifietton you sand your llnon to ua, for wt |1MN ant** to — Launder Your Linen and att othtr article* In » way that cannot be surps.atd. ■X0EL8I0B LAUNDRY, 40-42 Wall Street Phon**, Main, 41. BUILDERS’HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TOOLS. F. J. C00LEDQE A SON, 160 Peters St GAINESVILLE MIDLAND DEAF AND DUMB W/7NESS MA Y BHING FE LFS LIBER 7 Y If the rourt nf apprala turn* down thr plra made by Attorney John R. t'ooper, of Mnrnn, tn behalf of Henry Pews, th* negro retttenced to serve twenty year* In the pen for shooting two young Moron men and who was brought to Atlanta to keep him out of the hsnda of a mob. tho fate of thr nrgro will probably rest with • deaf mute. It will then he upon the.testimony of this mute that Attorney t'ooper will hopo to acquit his client. It waa upon n constitutional point nf former Jeopardy that the case waa rgued before the court of appeals, but. after that brief was prepared Attorney t'ooper discovered thl* man, who had been an eye witness tn th* shooting which came so hear J4*lng fatal. Thl* mut* told .Attorney Cooper trad evidence. through an Interprrter that he saw the negro knocked down and stamped be fore hr began Ids shooting* nnd If n new trial Is secured he will be used. But Juet how his testimony will be brought before the Jury’ Attorney Coop. *r doe* not yet know. He dorsn't know whether th* questions should be will- ten nnd the answers submitted In tin- same manner or whether an Interpreter should be provided who will ask Ihe questions by the aid of rapidly moving finger*. Of one thing, however, Attorney Cooper Is sail sited. That Is, lhat his witness will not become rattled, and run not be bulldoard and frightened by any thundering quration* asked him. No matter how loud thr prosecution may talk, th* wltneea won't hear it. Should the appeal ant be granted on constitutions! grounds. Attorney Coop, er will probably maka an extraordinary motion on tho ground ef newly dlacov- ' **-''•* .'a Utomi