The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 31, 1907, Image 12

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. rmmauAi, jamjaki jt. to nmBHKr. WISMKM Under Liberal Selling by Beara Prices Were Forced Sbarplv Lower. RECOVERED LATER Due to Shorts Covering on Fear of Lighter Receipts Account Bad Weather. NEWS AND GOSSIP of tbo Fleecy Staple. •f which was io inurement uiuil eventually alirlnk: In .. It la claimed hr |ien|ile In n inwKIah know that the alula Wage will rogue lu Xef York. Jan 31.—The cotton market The beara ntaUe it bant after the call, the effect _ .) catch it lot of alo|i lo#t ordere lu March and May. These options Iraki a boat t ffetota from laat night. Liverpool opened steady at 6 Mou de dine for future* Thursday morning. 1’rbn from that center were due to abnw* 31k to ft lidtata decline. A rery alight Improvement was pqted lu the early trading, hut It waa latar loaf, the market cloalng quiet, net 4H to fH points decline. ftpot cotton waa la good demand at 2 points decline for middling at fiat?. Hales aggregated 10.209. ha lea at the derllue. Hi New York the futures market opened Irregular, first prices I wing 3 pointa higher fo 1 points lower. A selling movement set la Immediately after the opening, and the "Hue following caught stop-loss orders, »(luting tbs aarty morning session rul legitimate .j aa Influence making for ■toady prices for the raw material, and epor prices arc not fully following tlo* aluuip lu the contract market. The receipts at tin P ts are still rery henry, hut It aiuat go t«i ports to he exported. It has he. n sold r * * — its— ——j. — the rery near future. It la for this reason spot cotton an reluctantly follows declines In the coutrset markets. All mills are running full time, and earn faaa are Increasing. They are manufactur- lag goods on a lasts of If to 12c for cotton. Tho following Is proof that they are pur- chasing raw material at too low a coat t» allow the farmer to participate (n the pros pertty l-elng enjoyed by the spinner in loan tifartoriag hls product: •The directors of the Massachusetts rot ten Mill* declared today an extra dlvldeud of 1 per cent aa well as the regular acini annual dividend of 2 per cent on fljwuiw capital Mock. The extra divdlcnd was just I fled by great Increase In gross and net oaru IMS during the laat three tunntba." lie decline to a point some a points lie- low the close of yesterday WM followed hy short covering and prices recovorod to the •penlog level. The New Turk market closed steady net ^pMats lawer to 13 polata. the latter for Comparative receipts at all r. P. ports S et receipts -today ime time Inst year I acres at* otol receipts for font days me fMyu Inst year nr reuse C tal receipts el m o llep!*M ur time Inst year.... inrrcAM Katlmatcd tomorrow: flpechii t<» The Georgian. • l iout ilaywanT Vick A Clark ! Now York. Jan. 3J -Idti-rimoi due Sty to lower. Opened steady 6 |**fnta «J«*rllu**. At 13:11 p. m. It waa steady net 214 to 4ty lower. Knott lu good dcuiund 3 |Milatn lowor; middling 4.17: sales 10,041. Amrrimu •.not; sfHt uisflou nud export 2.400, Imports 17.006 lMiles, all American. I'urt receipts, estlmnicd early. M.Ottt, against 4ft.W7 last ffeafc and 14.49ft Inst year. I4ver|MM>l cahlc says: "Contlncatal spin aero buying new crop mouths.** ^ffwllo - * - Map •— —. The cut ton market does not Irok a* If Iharc an* Indications of further liquidation III which stop-orders will In* uncovered. h’lirili'T yesterday's decline was due to ik|uM<itloii on account of the movement, or bacaumu uf lbs uutfuok In the stock market caumi.'g selling for tvnJJ ■ street acconnf. The decline was lu large part hysterical, and has not lieeu responded to abroad. The titration In the cotton market, however. Is om wTitPb pntnra tn the pwssHdlll^of lower prices trniitorarlly. There Is su entire ah- sence of public iMiylag. and the strength of the a|m.* sttiinttnii aurt the ••ondlll’Hia In the giHuia trade are swamped and lost sight Of lu ihe figures of the receipts. The house yesterday at Washington made lit minu«I appropriation for the extinction of tlie IniII wih*( II and other hug |n-ata. .New Orleans Times Ifc-morrat: **Af the moment the ttilde dcmiiiid Is less kceu nud low {rradea for the moat part are friend Marshall. Hpader A Co.: “It It |M»luted out that q heller demand exists for both the higher and lower grades of cotton, and that February exports will be of record n Motions. We do not expect the decline MH-ome Inmortigut." ' • John llulr it Co.: “The weakness of yes terday. may have the tendency to Induce further liquidation hy tired longs. especially ns there Is considerable Interest lu tho March position which will have to be liqui dated before notin’ dayr In thte mouth ami mi such dull, narrow tnarketa aa we have recently had It Is hard to aril without raua ig u decline “ Atwood. Violet! A Co.: “The cotton would not t*e moving had It not In-eu sold nud therefore henry receipts at the |»nrts la a bullish feature from u consumptive point of view, ns the cotton arriving at thear porta la on the way to milts, domestic and foreign, luirtlnilnrly the hitt«:r.“ New Orleans. Jan. 31 —llaynnrd. Vick A Clark: Jtrviker* with New York connections are the principal sellers. Another break la expected In New York nud scalpers are sell ing. Would buy on n break lwtoxr 10c. “pots steady, with a good Inquiry and ■ fair demand; aliout 114 lower, mostly on low grades. Mpot business picked up In Inst half hour, mi low grades In-lug taken. Edited by Joseph B. Lively MARKETS Mr. Lively*, Itraaty-Iv* yaort eipartauca of *d- •ad «b« Soulk hat mad* klm • recogaited aa- ttortty la kla apcctalty. RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCKS AND COTTON MARKETS NAME Off STOCK. Amalgamated Copgftr • Atlantic Coast l.llie . Americas Hugar Hef - Aaacoada American Ijocomotlr* do, praforroit . . .. Am. Hmeltlng Ref. . . do, preferred . . .. SPOT COTTON HOLDING ITS OWN WELL ENOUQH. Xew 'XSSBtzvz'M ■ &j®s‘ ..J hand today.. flame day Mat year... luercaae well enough, all things considered. New *’“*■ * ‘ w now have nothing value of spot cotton. Hut the old matter „ —ludpatcd one forgot for a moment they ueetl no longer fear the rod. The New Orleans net decline, however, waa «mly stew! half aa great aa that of New York. Hitch experience need bother nntmdjr for the good and sufficient reason that the backbone of Illegitimate speculative power waa broken several years r ». as was Illustrated by the success the New Orleans hull campaign. Hlnce then a combination of Koutliern Interests has grow’ll big with succcws In Its light ‘ unfair conditions. Tlic New Orleans ... , exchange tight is for cotton, not against. The farmers and the Interior mer- ...... chants having adopted Intelligent methods *' a ‘® 4 «f -marketings-sustain.rather thnn wantop- ly depress values, as they once dld.-llsy- ward, Vick it Clark. •w prwirrrsu • » • American Cattoa Oil.. Am. Car Foundry . , , Its I timers A Okie . . . Brooklyn Ilapld Tran.. Colorado Foal A Iron. Central Leather .... do, preferred I Ms ware A Hudson. . Distiller s Hecurltlsa. - Erie do, preferred . . .. General Electric . . . Illinois Central .... Am. Ice Beeurtttai . . Louisville A Ndshvlll*. lures ta New NEW YORK. w LIVERPOOL. ! H 13 2S!:V ! 9.2lj 9.J4J f.24 Ml 9.47j D.3»| 9.44 t.»; 9.41 h.aM U V 9.41 U.2 9.«: 9.7&! 9 4 NOTES ON GRAIN. Pointer* on Provision*. TODAY’S PORT RECEIPTS. TIM followlog (able .bow. receipt, *1 Ik. I .wo* today, compared with tk. mu. day laat jaor: INTERIOR RECEIPTS. TM faU.wta, ttbk Mow. racvlpta .1 Ik, l.wrt.i town, today, napand with tka aa. day tut yaar: SPOT COTTON MARKET. I.licronol. at.aily: middling upland, 6 57d. Allan'.. arnofty: uWdllaa iiifiu-. NMt York, ati-Jdy; wlrtlln* lift X.w iiriNK Una: mlMlInc law*- WUMlanou, atMdy: mi.ld o* !«%«. IJlik- Iliwk. MMdy: u ildl ae l Para.nali. qnMt: uldd liw lOS Ik; i*. atMdy; rolddllni WV*. Norfolk atMdy; • -■«' •ialTMtnu. atMdy: «»i , M 1 »k».RV; ,ta '- MwMklt. MMdy; ulddlla, I 1 ) 7 14c. HAYWARD. VICK S CLARK'S DAILY COTTON LETTER N.w OH.ana. Jan. Sl.-Urarpml waa r->d '.Lough; apnti only I low»r. aol-a 10.'W) and oar uiark.t ofWMd at nackangwl Adirra. Ml s*w Tort h»k* Utdly at tk. Mi;i and .... ik, o'h-r Uowu wlik li. N-ar IM lkr for March IMm waa. howawr, au.-b iMItlaa Mm that lb. dlB.imcw (mai tfiwtirt wldMTd to or»r *J |0Unla Now i ln< Matril alrongtb. and ar. attmi-itng i amin TMf* at. Tory good rMaoaa In MaVraf fcwylng mw nwp. Cd.w |0o. With wllM.t a.rtoM iloorMatMi In pH*-'*, tho iVwmi oow riwp optloa. Mid aiwmor worn hor.IT aw. Ml Mlow nrromi now Now wo aro oaUgLlroM about wtoid’a rooutnaaMt.; aanthor lart. T- TTnMedT'htMpMta for a UtMt v,' r T —would not roaroy lb. nav hoar- lahldMt and will uadouhtodly Iw a lare- alwcrldtig dMMBd for Mfly rooolid. ,Mir grad. All thla pnl.ia i» Imp." (yit prlrodn-toatio”’ I" mw orotw thla ytt? .IS luark.t la Qitlol flpo.1 bioklnc NO GOODS AVAILABLE FOR SPOT DELIVERY. Ihe New Twrk r«»m»uercUt: tn ordur tn appreciate the present position In the cot. ton guods division of the primary market construction Cloths and fancy colored colfott **ia« yror. Hint are aslllog better than they gtHMls. They will And practically n«» g«od#f »rre at I be lower pries. In {UMiry. «f aval aMq tar^pft.di’llveMr and,the aellera koMlng vm-y firm on all forward contracts, there Is a stronger demand on the general lines of cottons for the spring and for the balance of the year 1W7 than has been witnessed before In fully a aro re of years. It la not n matter of figuring exact values lM>tweea tho flolstird product and the staple that determines the price which buyers will pay. but morn a matter of deciding bow urg«at the heed for gmuis Is. Where buy ers find .they tmve pracllcaly exhausted their rnatrve they are paying premiums •»u nearby delivery that rnna anywhere from 3 to 6 per cent. The business now ronilug to light on colored cottons and wash fab* rlca la strong enough. It Is stated, to ex- haute til supplies and leave the market cnmpletelv lure nt the conclusion of the spring season The Weatern jobbers now realise that the early offer I age made Ibis moath ware tho last opportunities that wort to be prviwotbd at which they could fill out their stocks, and they are now compelled to pay a round advance on any additional kihmIs they get In the way of prints, gtngbauis or other wash fabrics. COTTON SEED OIL MARKET. February March April 41 May. 43 Jul) . Kentembcr Fluted steady. THE COFFEE MARKET. Tba following flgaros give tha opening ibge and close of thU Now York coffee arket for today: Opening usage. The lato altbt fer the week iiwka Ilka as. ■ nst prjJQK and 29.411 In 1V4>. I*« S!vSofthc loan. ITaden February .. .. i Match .. .. April May .lime July August September .. . October November .. I »•*.-ember .. ., t'toard easy. . .4.9-4.70 ..S.43AIO ..I.T64.74 . .6.75-5. If» ..6. S6A.IT. . .4 (BAM . .4.94 4.00 . .4.0641.04 ,.4.0041. K» ..4.144 30 age. Floss. 4.40-3.43 4.60-.VR5 .V44 3.40 3t«345 4.KV4 00 4.00 4.04 4.044 10 LIVERPOOL GRAIN. Wheat -Opened H04 higher; at 1M » - 'xCS higher: «joaed higher. torn-Opened H higher; n 1:1) p. tu . higher; closed higher. watch New York aud ai'e'tS^ltln^for de claim news from the spot market. The Chicago Record Herald:. Prealdent Morris Kchwnltncker. of the North Amerl can I'rorfslou Company, |a a belloeer In higher price for provisions. “I do not aeo how It can he otherwise." said be. “The caah trade is taking all product aa fast as It can be turned nnt. The ittna tlou la phenomenal for this time of the year. Usually at this season everybody has plenty of stuff to sell, aa stocks are pil ing up. This year there Is nothing to tie luid anywhere. Pure lard Is a product only of Hi** middle aectloua of the United Htatev, nud nowhere else In the world Is there a surplus of It. There Is no substitute for It. despite the many attempts to utilise cocoa huttct.nml other ftta. Ordinary tat- low la aelllng at ?>4C a pound for the low est grade; no-called compound lard, which Is not ,lx>g lard, sells at 8\fcc. and cotton seed oil is hrluglug BV a gallon. At the present moment, tiermnny has less than 4u tier cent of the lard on hand that It had a year ago. Oermsny. of roaroe. has shot «kut our meats, bat Will be coming after lord. Olle of the rnrimts things about the sitoatlon. too, la that the advanced i have not curtailed consumption, meats are S'/ge per pound higher than IS last year, the stock of isrd lb Chicago lu creased ll.twn tierces. The stork In January tbta year will decrease.“ "It U seldom one see* a stronger situa tion In corn,” said J. A. Fatten. “The visible supply now Is 7.000,000 bushels, last year It was 14.u00.00o butbele. Europe has bought not over 4,000.000 bushels thus far, whereas last year she had taken 40,000.000 bushels; supplies afloat for Europe new are only bushels, last year ibey were 21,000.000 Imsbcls. Utt year we had a stork of over 3.000,000 bushels la public elevators here, while this year we have leas than 1.000,000 bushels. Thera Is n good shipping demand and we will have to pile up a stock of corn here mighty quick to take care of the shipping business from now until after the plautlng season. K I,. Merritt had occasion to canvass the trade for buyers of corn yesterday, with the result that he Is vastly Impressed with the large numt*er and the character of the Items than corn. It laeludad Tlmberlak< . Wagner. Htilblen. Kinney. NreJanks. Htraua, Graff. Griffin. Itumsev-While. Mer- rltt. Bar tint-Frailer. Bacon. Hchaffner, Ar mour, J. Roafnbnum Grain Company. Itoseu- liaum Br«*s.yMltchel|-Kennedy, Merrlll-I.yon, llllss. Husband. American Oraal t'omnaoy. I.lpsey, M A. Heymour. !e>rd Garland and been correct lu their view*. The of 7c yesterday for hogs- generally scouted two mouths ago. was a strong point tn their favor. The claims of losses of pigs last spring are being more than made good. Very few paid any attention to thess claims nt the time liecnum the weather waa gen erally seasonable. t’anadlan millers Tuesday took tho last lot of No. 1 non hern Manitoba wheat held bv Chicago Interest! at Georgian Hay porta. Tha following 'rItso tha opening rang* and el use. compared with yesterday. Futures opened steady. * Onenlug ' Precious Knags, s D. rn. close. Close. January 4J9WL3M6 Jan.-Feb. Fell.-Mar. ...4.44K-I.# Mar. Aur 4.43 4.C 3Iay ....4.43 J.r AtirIM ... Ikflh U4 4-44 5.43 'IN 5.44 " 4.43H May-Juno ... 4.41 •4.42*4 ftpflsr. •••.« m - Oct.-Nav. ....4.37 -4.26 5.: 4.41 _ 6.10 ** f igH 4.S .. 6.39 4.27 I ir '— NEW ORLEANS. TM (dratag la tk. nag* It MU.ft f» Ium Ik N.w OrtMM tadar: ill S3 p?rr. I ■ March. . . .I10.|6|10.U;10.(Q May.*! 1 ! '.|io‘.ii'iaiiib!r« *. 11 h>*. iij iaffiiisK ii . ■■ Mil 6A31 Ml sternly. Juno. Jul] Oct i ii ■TTncsmi WMl'IlUt IMUII ......Iw.ia-iTiio.nij 10.11iliu«l»10.1lll iltt.1k-3LI0.I4lg itt:4‘io.3-:4 ittia jo k.KllttOI-WI ».»■« VIPS FLASHED From Wall Street Hpeclal to The Georgian. (From Hayward. Vick A Clark.1 _ New York. Jan. 31.—J. M. Barbe it Co,: Americans lu l^indou Irregular and without feature. ...» Th” Interview gtvcu out by Jacob Hcblff In Faria should bare somewhat of a reas suring effect, aud will go a long way to ward dispelling fours of severe reaction In business. The liquidation has been vgry heavy and lias discounted many gnfnvornblo factors that had- Ihwu pointed out alnro the first of the year. Many of the good dividend- liaylug st’M-ka are now below prices that woubl net better than prevailing time money rates. The Ibfrrliusn and Hill stacks seemed to l*c well taken yesterday. The stock mar ket may lie aubJected to further attacks, imi a rally should come anon, tint are not aggressive buyers. Today's buying In Cnlou Pacific Is un doubtedly the lieat seen In a lous time. Town Tonic*: The Important stocks aver age considerably lielow the lowest levels * “ twenty months. the prosperity of _______ tut year la prac tically assured, whan corporations nrs earn lug more than ever, aud many of them distributing larger dividends. Monetary considerations are. In the main, satisfactory aud tin* only arguiueuts the bears have an- the hostile attitude of the adminis tration toward corperstlous aud the fact • would Imy on _.— x , —, lilll sleeks. Ht. Paul. Atchison. Read lug. New York L'eutrsl. Northwestern. Some Short-Lived Success Attended Their Efforts. RECOVERY WAS SWIFT Union and Southern Pacific Have Resisted the Ear ly Attacks. r York. Jan. 21.—Another mnremeut eat niiccrtnluty reflecting Iwth fresh utlou and strong support characterised *“■" After mndH luillir of 1 lb- l.a-lTu,'U.u,V f,ll 'i«rk l " l!‘, Ibiuliliitliiu .ml ainiug ,uu|iurt rbarai-t the glift'k rii'luiige draliiigi luday. * oijenlng. « grtvv ... ngftlnat Ike Hat. I. Ike eaarae of •IK, •-I nr* g.f illrsl. .luniiwnurro. ■ i nw luiluta ... « _ « ‘ ' ’••ousylvanlu. Itnltlnion- nud Ohio. Norfolk. I J^'.ITlYlle A went jurist |lle and Nashellle. Atlantic Coast | r ^/a prmlpt «H Hgnl wira* ^ K.tnsaa mol Tessa will do much better, ■•rices lire so tow that the market Is In |M»«lthMi to disregard or (Hoary bearish devebqsueuta. ( oxer short cotton on soft apotf. no probability of any further material ar rivals of Manitoba wheat from the North west before the opening of lake navigation. New York. J*n 31 ~J H Itn. he A C\» The character of the trading thla forenoon disclosed further liquidation by the tired | aud discouraged longs, many stop orders I Havaunah 4s. 1 «• Macon U. IMO .. Atlanta 6". 1911 .. Atlanta 44«. 1222.. Atlanta and West Point Pbts. t'vntral of Ge**rg1a. 1st Inc. ... do. 2d Income Georgia Augusta aud llaxauuah Houthwestera Georgia Pa rifle Dta Mr*. Annia Jtnkina. The funeral services of Mr In West view cemetery. Annie tenders In that month wlfl lie bn«vy,'"as I Tuesday night, were conducted tn the ?. n !! of rtrgPRtMTff. Bond A Hlooin- Mar widens out to a fair carrying charge t* ni”' C ®S» K ‘ This foretmon's low |M>tnt would appear to! was the wife of J. K. Jenklnn. Tit- haxe represented n pretty thorough llqul . Interment “ X1 ‘— dttlon of weekly held long rotton ami a ! very steady toue actsunpaolcd the rusuing rally, but It l« difficult. If nnt Impossible, to create bullish eentlment while the crop Movement mores slang on the present scale, amt local professionals are cuufldeQt that further liquidation must take place In-for* •e rqu expect auy substantial tmpr’ 1 lU’-nt ttnr own oidinou Is that r ** selling lielow In decline Is Itrlng carried too far, ALONZO RICHARDSON & CO. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Empire Building. Bell Phone, Main&S. ATLANTA. GEORGIA. 30 Brekd BtrMt, Ntw York. COTTON. STOCKS AND DRAIN. T.l,gr,ph your ord.r, dirict to •ur N.w York elfio*. which it ac cording to law. W. d..l in fr.c- tiknal lot* on mMfkrat* margin*. Our infarmatian ia tha ba*t and it talagraphad ta th*M who apan ac count, with ut. Correspondence in vited. START IN WHEAT STRONGJkNO HIGHER Livei-pool Advance and Con tinued Light Receipts iVere the Main Influences. Chicago. 111. Jan. 11.—Beat price* eacbad ’or wheal, corn *nd oata. *» well aa hog product., (•led to hold. There were Heavy profit taking tales during the day, and reactions and de cllnes from best prices were made. Wheat rlosed 1-tOI-lc batter: corn ns unchanged lo 1-tc up; oate l-4tt ■2c better, and provlelon, were IO IT l-8c belter. Argentine shlpinenln urwnearTor the n-rek are estimated at 1.000,AO0 buah- els and com nt 10,000 bushels, com- pnred with 3,111,000 and 3*3,000 bush els. respectively, a year ago. Primary receipts of wheat 307.000 bushels and com *41,000 bushels, com pared with 431,000 and <**,000 bushels, respectively, a year ago. I'learances were ^ ttt.000 bushels wheat. 301,000 bushel* com and 3,000 bushels oats. I’ltsh sale* wtre 3 loads whitt, 3 and <0.000 bushels oats at Ihe seaboard. At Chicago lo.myo buth- rlM whrnt, 50,000 bushels corriwnd 70,- 000 bushels oats. CHICAGO DRAIN MARKET. cloas of Hi, < Opra. WHEAT— j m «*J::::: & 7,1 Mny 4fi*. July.... 481, 3S; 7’C 47 48* kept OATH Wny.... July Meet folIK Jan May.. 17.274 17.4.’4 17.224 July... 17.6 S’* K‘* 3»«; s 37*. Sj 40, 48S 4«S If. ss laiik- Jnn.... 9 .. „ May... 9.274 ion.. May. July. 17.46 17.49 17.50 B.75 9.72*4 9.7.1 9.96 9.17»* 9.9» 9.* P.»J 9.96 «N 15 18 S74 17.1744 17.371* *.*71, »*) * V. , 7* , ft'. y.w *.7« CHICAGO CAR LOTS. w I. gieea recHal, today receipt, foe louorrew: LIVE STOCK MARKET. 4.,ji,; hetivy" ’ 9k.i90C.f6: tough 4a.koxj4.7t*; pig* *6<h«^i Mwlwr, gg,W44.«'j; g.H«l tu cliolci* naavy 0,00194. rmilv-Haripli 1.9I1U. Market sti-atly; l»n»v»»s fiaa* 7; raws 21-5003; ho-lft-rs 42 *i*vf»A>t; ralviM* 1402; gaml prinin atm-rs $&4j7; |HM»r to m<-<tlmu |4(j6.36; atiwki-rs aud ft-rdrrs 22.7601.96. 9h«’|t-llwt»|uu 12.<W. Mark«-t staady; natlxi- 23 PNlCkl; wsstrrn |.:.kofi.V€•: y«*sr- lings *5 ;:*f|J.4t); lambs 0 7.776; w«*stvtu 26.400* id. THE WEATHERREPOKT LOCAL FORECAST. STATE FORECASTS. loulgli . warmer warmer touighf. warmer portion. Alabama—Rain tonight and Friday; colder Friday lu western portion. weatherTonditions. est pressure baa moved eastward from ; nesota to tbe coast of New England. Its n«i- vanco baa canard colder weather In the northeastern states and ptwrlpliatlou over the states In the Mtssiaaipuf tilley and eastward to the coast. lUln waa falling this moralng In Alabama. Georgia, Tennes see, and snow at a number or stations iu rote rains are general lu that sectlou of the country. There hat been n wnr! ■■ -two in teal pern- tnre lu tho iHikotns. tin. Nebraska. Kansas and Ml** »urt. tin- south t*ut Utile change has pceitr. nwpt at « frw scattered stations. Rain la Indicated for this section Insight and Friday; somewhat warmer tonight. Minimum find Maximum Tamparatursa and Rainfall. Observations tnktn at 2 a. ta.. 7ltb meri dian time. ATLANTA. . . . Abilene Amarillo. . . . Aah-vllle. . . . Augusta Birmingham. . . Rlamarrlft Boston Buffalo Charleston. . . Chariot le. . . . Iilcngo Cincinnati . . . Corpus ciirlstl. . Haven port. . . . BnK2."’;: Fort Hmltb. . . , Galvsston. . . . Havre Huron Jacksonville. . . Kauans cit>. . . Knoxville , . , Ista Aagelt-h . , Macon Memphis. . . . Meridian Illes City. . . labile Montgomery. . . Nashville. . . New Orleans. . . New York. . . . Norfolk North Platte . , Omaha Palestine. . . . Pittsburg. . . . Portland. Me. . Portland. Ore. . Rapid City. . . . M. l.oult. . . . !*nul. . . . Han Francisco. . Hnvsunsh Hpokanr Tsntpn. . . . . . Taylor Thoiunsvllle. . . Vlrksbnrg. . . . Washington. . . Wllmtpgton. . « i ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. KIIIIH— I'nmlliHl. in'llvr. J0r. LIVE I-OIILTUV—ll-n, «i-tlre. 48 <vnl, . j-h: vlilvkro, acllve, 3744#»v eorh; iliirk,. I'.kilt, 36c r,cli: puddle. Mt*>c revh; grew, full fnlbvred, (5c i-rck; lurk.y, actlrr, 44. 'TriltliMKn I^OUI.TKT—Oreee, uodreoo, ■lelira, IMiltHc poood: lurkeao unUrawo, rrttre. lSVICr |Miuml; hen,, uoilrawu, fancy, c JM04MI: frlre, «rliy«. lie pottod. l-nODL'C*—fenneMee rlli, amt boon, 7r; TennrHre wnug., *r; Urd. ICe Mood: ham,, acllve 15c pun ml: •houluer, arflyc, *e pound: aMre aclly*. 10c pound; hutlar, ac. lire. l.'UfiTOc pound: triwu active. 3Jc t onnd: honey, lirlgkt. active, kc pound; oncy lo |.|>oftnd lilucka, active, Uc pound; drlwf applca, gc pound: wklta prea actlvr, *7.^g7.4« uuahal; lady pea*. R.M; atuek. <Uoi'j^Qu>ll acUvc. «re7'dwk7! C Si.'^cllre. S*»-«h; wild turkeys active, lie pound; rabblts actiro, 13Hc ench: squirrels arrive, tr each; opos sum. dressed, active. 11c pound; opossum, live, active. 9r pound- FillTTN—Lemons, fancy FICLTTN—Lemons, fancy Meassna. 24X00 fi%: *.’M Ida itock. per erstr. 0.00. Oranges. Florid* stuck, owing to Mse and condltloo ff&rwsr titirki hrapea. New York tlate. In SpouMI* 1‘oncovd*. MSSHc. Orenberrle*. fane; • nd*colnr. per Mx, J3SStt75. IJ rare, Hor Ida alock, per kondred. *8c, Note, fancy mlaeil, In boara, per eack of 100. acllve at 54.50 aack. l-aonula lo aack averaging IN ponkda each, owing to grade, per pound, VBQRTAnLBS-BaeU. eobbege rratea^ te- cmle; caMiagn. aland*rd cratre. SORT, tire, 53.50 7c pound: cabbage, barrel*, *c noaad: egg plant native, 47.40 crate: cucumiiar*, 57.M crete; toningoaa, fane;, nctlva, gt50 Crete: lew five, ttoiotx crate; "3 ante; onlona. dry. The Ixnnlnn market waa rrimrtcd general ly cheerful and Aiocrkou .hick* .Iroug la I tic corlr dcallnga. Now York. Jan. H.-The alock market npruml Irregular. Canadian radge and Hi. I*anl atarlril In klgk “ " -- - waa np 4*. Houlbrrn I Brooklyn Ilapld Trenal a point. Prciacl Hlrcl . .. , cr. t’nlou I’nddc o|H-ocd S I MINING STOCKS. Iluatnn. Jan. SI.—Opening atocka: Trlnl- ty J7\: Shannon si: l-nmitt J): North Hutlr 110; Uld Ihimloion 51: t’Ub 70; Quia- cy ISt'i: Mokawli nw; Conjor Rang? N; Oatvola IS; klawarhuaelta Mining «U. LONDON STOCK MARKET. Atrhloon do. ureferred Baltlmon* and Ohio t'hroapeake and Ohio Mrt0 •*##•**.•• Z~,i ,#•••• TaTiTTVrr Krie. flrat Grrat Wootorn flllnnla Central Isoulavlllo and NathrlUo New York (’ontral Norfolk ami Western Ontario and Western iMi | 1-vimsThauls M-te - nt Southern Pnciie Southern Hallway tlo, tireferrad Rt. Paul Union Pacific United State* Steel do, preferred Wabaah. preferred *1% ii" ? lopnlf pea/cio* No. 1. Bfraoc tmabrl: edref, foocy,! _ .. bunch; prpprre, arttre, creir; okra, ala haakclaTanmll. 1150 ereto: canlllowor. mr ‘ r. ORIOc ponnd: lettoce, budrd. 51000 3 dram; awret potatoes, yellow, active, wic bnab.l; awret potatore, wh te. ac tiro 70c bnahal; kreul. half-barrel, t5.fl; riilnlNiga tnrnlpa, like. Blrawberrlea, 30c q FLOUR GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. MONEY AND EXCHANGE. New York, Jon. J!.—Money on call 1 *, J per cent. Time loan.: Hilly days 5li; Incty day*. 64; «li month. HMHl rnated rate, atcyRng exchaugv It.87S4.tC. with actnal boat ore. lo hoakcra' biria ok *1 H4S0«4.5l» for demand and 54.t0ttO4.MV for alaly day* Mila. roomidvbU hill. I credo. Area Httd. Railroad imnrta Arm. Frodorick Janaan. The funeral aervleea of Frederick PIjrtm—lllghral potent, 55.00: brer pet.. Jensen, who died Thursday morning ot iS!. W»: Tmlrat’tm I ?. wnlUHum. will be conducted t’ORN—Okolre 'white *e: No. - white Me; No. 3 yellow Ge; mlaed «c; Tenuaaare while Me: cracked corn, per bathed, 7tc. Iliilln {11.10. ... hlte ell; white lie; ReC 3 mlaed ♦tei’Teaee niat-nroof S8r: Uoldeo oata 5*c; Rnrt Tie; Bine Uc. MRAIc-Plaln witer crnnnd. per nuahel. 07e: Imltrd 144-pound menl, plain, per *4 p ,—.— t.-iMiiind aaria, tie: plain, 34-ponnd aarka. _ \ 51.3b. Sc; ctrerti m«*l. 51.35. , , HAY-Ttaaothy. d»oter Urge halee. 5 30, do rbote*. amall hair*. 51.M; do No. 1 third bilre 51.35: do Nm : tlAd halre il.a): No. I clover mlaed 11.30; choice prairie 5t; ber. "pnolcrS—Chelee while |J.N^Tn.a whll« II 40: foney. gOpoahd, 51.35; brown togito- ^rmi'KF.N FEKD—Flfty-pooad aoeka. 50c; Pnrloo chick fee.1 51.50; victor foed 51.»; nsnnt-r fswtl 21.0. . „ ... PHOVIBIONR—Hnprams bams lie; Califor nia hams 10.40. dry sslt extra Him t.«2; 53SS5 componnd, ^ QRoe|R| „ RtXJAII-FTehderd .greenloted IS.N. Ka bilk 1 "n'l'MJ-C.rolln* 7tt*»4?7eeordRg C U) tht •’ciitRHrc-Faney full cream dairy. 15e HAYWARD, VICK « CLARK'S DAILY STOCK LETTER New York. Jon. 31.—J. s llnclic ft iv.: The oervnna, heall.llng iiii.I iipicrlalii mar k»-t |tr*-vsll*-il stain ittdti* Tht-rt- was nn Irtvgnlnr opmiing with muiih stsbllltv In I’nluii Psrltli- rml Hnnlhrru Pst-lfli*. After th»- flrs; half h**nr th*- In-ar fon-t-s got to > us usual nn«l lisimut-nfl tin- imirki-t. • NiirrtHw Sttt-uilliig tln-lr t-ffnrts, but ns slnwt llvstl, mitl th** rrruvrry wSs l I'nlnn Ps.itlf lias In*^ii lio-nxily Ituiigbi l»y big l»anki*r*. and Hotitliorii l*s- •Ifir ss^Mtis nlitiost tlivulunrsblfk. Till- ri-slst• nit-** tn Gir attiU'ks baa Ihi-ii t*ff1iwt litiis for flit- |»5vs«Mit, but tin- iiinrkt-t Is JiirI ns llabb- lo rt-nowixl stinrks ns svt-r. It will ivqulrv nggn-tslxi-iu-sa to drivi- ih- Invars lo t-oxer. W. J. DIBBLE Accountant and Auditor, 1114 Fourth National Bank Building, fttialua NaUaoU Oaok B,U ,,fcoM ,U ‘ ATLANTA, QA. pound. Tepper lie. Baking pawdera, |3 raw. Red aelmoe 15 race. iHnk aalmoo 14.35 enac. Coco., 40c; choral,te. Me; anucr. Strap, KlI° "|i)0 pouod 60cr _ Atle greoae 11.75." Boda, llarrel c* nu r • ‘ w, per poood. ftV'. Tomalora. 3 ponod. Sl.*o rare; . pound 52.75. Navy heoba, 52; Lima beaaa, 4c. Hear matchea, per grew. 11.45. blare rent, “* lard. . Poanoti 51.5004... Brsam, 7c |x>nnd; snsppsr, 19c pound; trout. t<: pound; hlno fish, Ic pound; pom- nnno. 24c pound; msrkrral lOe ponml; Mix*! fish.'V .pound: frasb wstrr trout. 209c pound; rdo shad. CUtfCOr: buck tbnd. »024c. d. 8SFea£ r PSSrt. raw inota, Ttte. Rope, t ply cotton, lie. Soap, —4.00 caae. Friday morning In Ihe chapel of Green- here. Bond A Bloomfield. Tho Inter ment w|ll bo In Weatvlew cemetery, BIRTH RATE BETTER: PttYSIGIBNS REPORTING Aa Ihe result of the agitation by The Georgian and tho stinging letter of Health Officer Kennedy, the phyot- clen* of Atlanta teem to have awaken ed to their sense of responsibility In reporting births to the board of hoalth. Thors were 50 births reported at the board of health office Wednesday, and at noon Thursday 15 more had boon reported, so It appears that the work of The Oeortlan haa been rewarded and the warning of Dr. Kennedy heed ed. The health officer Instate that every lime ho learns of a physician falling to report a birth, he will have a caae made and will prosecute the offender and ace that a heavy penalty I* enforc ed. HOODLUMS THOW ACID ON STUDENTS Alton, WIs., Jan. 31.—After throw ing sulphuric arid Into a banquet hall that had been darkened by the culling off of electric wire*, and severely burn ing live of a party of 135 Lawrence rnivcrsli.v student* at a hotel at Kaukauna. twenty Kaukauna hoodlum* kidnaped Leland N'ye, and were apply ing a coat of tar to him when Inter rupted by policemen and Nye's fellow students. ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK ATLANTA. GA. " C. B. CURRIER, Prealdent. A. E. THORNTON. VIce-FreeWenL H. T. INMAN, Vice-President. GEO. R. OONOVAN, Ctthlor, JAMES 8. FLOYD, Alt'! Cethltr. Capital $500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $500,000.00 We Solicit Your Patronage. t_ H. Fairohilo. g. j, Whl!fc L. H. FAIRCHILD & COMPANY. NEW OKLGANB. Member*: 9 rl ? ,B * .f®"!" Bfcl.eng*. New York Ccff*. recharge. New York ' otlon Ek.hanft# New Orlean. Board of Trade. New Orlean. Bin.* Exchange. I’hlceto Board of Treila. , . LIVERPOOL COTTON ASSOCIATION. FHvat* wire, to N F. \\ TORN on J CHICAGO. Order* *011,-1.ret for go* tuf9 dc.l\«n, on tbovt ZiriuntM 0, COTUIIAN. HAYWARD, VICK & CLARK, COTTON* STOCKS, BONOS. COFFEE, GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. ! rirleana Cotton Rxrlianft. Now York Cotton Kxrhancv. j Gal cotton rotten Exobanffo. ( llouatou Cotton Eirhangv. MEMBERS: {j** Orlttax Pnturo Broker*' AMocItttoi. Now Or leant ami Cbloafo Board! of Trade Now \ork t.’offfo Exrbanc^- Araoriatv Momnora l.trorpool Coltf»» AU4 Now York and Chicago CorreaDondtnt* J. S. BACHE A COre AND BARTLETT, FRAZIER 4 CARRINGTON. fJIIVATE WIRES TO ALL POINTS,