The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 31, 1907, Image 15

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r M. I* Beal Estate. jiT£<,“ tor IM per “ ouUl - **• VenBraw ”t*g ~ m Cierot** ims^® ayyv gf £?. lo bo quirt “ 1 J3j| ire tbi*. I jBg#4FSjJjSSKS 'ftjj.ra&enia. Hi* rent. HIT bMt . m Z.mhrat ni and electric ss^Mhm S'SS3T£SB wv&jng* Sfono^ 1 •[*1, tbrif iloora from do***' aoonoo. M. L. THROWER, Real Estate. 39 N. Forsyth St. thrower, cotttf* * .Mrno. iM COTTAGE you gat THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. THURSDAY, JANUARY II. MOT. . SOUTHERN SOCIETY WADLEY. MIm Helen Howard haa gone to At lanta to visit (Honda (or a week, after which aba oalla (rom Now Tork to the Holy Land on February 7. i Mlaa Mary Stroud, of Bnmesvllle. la vlattlng her slater. Mra. O. P. Llndaay. Mlaa Maud Hudson, o( Tennllle, vis ited Mlaa Ruby Hollomon Thursday and Friday. Mra A. B. Donovan, who haa been visiting relative! In Macon, haa re- turned home. Mr. Charles Outlaw spent Sunday In Wad ley. Mayor Cockrlll visited In Swatnaboro last week. Mlaa Mabel Norris, who haa been vis iting Allas Duren, haa returned to her home In WHghtavllle. Mr. C. M. Allison la In Amerlcus. Mrs. C. E. Pyron la vlattlng her rela. lives In Marietta. Mlaa Iris Perkins haa returned (rom Perkins. ItMMMMMMMSMMMMdMMMMMFfMMMM tlon at the Methodist church Tuesday night. Mlaa Leverett was entertained nigni. Mias Leverett was entertained by Mra. Hal Lawson while in the city. Mra. J. B. CHrardeau and little Mrs. J. B. CHrardeau and little daughter are visiting at ML Vernon. Mrs. Serepta Oarbutt, of Wrights, la the guest of Mrs. Hal Lawson. Mra. w. Carswell, of Valdosta, was the guest of her ulster, Mra. O. L. Deane, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Herbert Ward, o( Savannah, is visiting his sister, Mra. Oscar Can non. Mra. W. A. Cherry la home after a lengthy visit to her father. Mlaa Ada Cary haa returned after absence of several weeks. Mrs. C; F. Ford haa returned after a visit to her mother in North Caro- srsxna. Mias Ailene Eve, of Keysvllle, la vis iting the Mlaeea Eve. 8PARTA. The Epworth League was entertained this week by Mrs. D. P. Ferguson, at her home on Broad (treat. Mrs. Nelson, of Devercaux, was the guest of Bparta friends this week. Mra. Benjamin Ohltnan Is visiting In Atlanta. Mlaa Hodges, of Mayfield, visited friends In Sparta thla week. Mlaa Annie McComb, after a pleas- ant visit to Mrs. Gordon McComb, at thla place, haa returned to her home In Milledgevltlc. Mrs Will Kendrick, of Mayfleld, was the guest of Mri. A. II. Birdsong, of this place, thla weak. Mlaa Wooten, of Washington, Oa.. was a visitor to (Hands In Sparta thla week. For Sale On Easy Terms, J V A FITE-BOOM CdTTAOB. ONE "L’k-ofcsV BnsTlot Why MO to alley. .Stront; price SUM: SUM ceeb; balance wethlj ■rlVEHOOUCOTTAOE; CORNEIl ■E..* cir Itn* lo front; wittr, —* JS; prim SUOO; SSM cast, balance month “luKIVE BOOM NEW COTTAOE. K Grant park; Si,"*; H» *»»b: balance STpon-t too own TonB home? 1 bite other*. Coll at the oBct. ,T. A, BROOKS, Real Estate, 407 Fourth National Bank. Bell Phone 1393 Main. D. F. M’CLATCHEY REAL ESTATE AND INVEST MENT COMPANY, 202 CANDLER BtJlLDINO, ELL PHONE 220—ATLANTA 854 ■OSTY ACRES. TEN MILES FROM AT tea. on Marietta electric tine: » ilews a swh eM* of Ua raadi tlwAaadBaa fin*, ■at yen know yoa saw nae Mil it on t*l»? le owner ha* fKlMfkb Wt Pf Jf. *1 t>ruaiwroua condition. Tfria will Inter- MLifyMibava the mergy. push, money, yon can succeed. ISA Itl-RKERT-S PALATIAL HOME tt Llthla. tla. She wtabaa to CTcbanfe •l MIDI*. Ul. DM WWW w E8M« A §§ nted. where you eaa drink the moat r iving water, nature* own t spring* from nature 1 ! bid- I.OVF.I.Y HOME ON LEE NT.-A •P-todate bona tn every raepect; this wU Sweet yon If you are looking foe a home. k*io ROME ON NORTH SIDE; THEBE faora of Boulevard; a ekolca bom ■l!Lr,I hTHEKT—A gmxvmi >•»«■ for »» cash, balance S» par «tk. You ought to tako thla op If you UWE IN on WASHINGTON STEBBT- noat 1 palatial homes In At bar of the moat piuouo. ewM.. —- ata. on a larga corner lot; them taJJj* »r home than this la Atlanta; It will ■r, uomn inull uin yon money, too. . • YOI* HAVE A PIECE OP PROPERTY that rmi want to sell, ttst It with o*. We id wu It. C. McCRORY L, M. JOHNSON leCRORY & JOHNSON, Real Estate, 003 Peters Building, Phone 4691. OK EXCHANGE—NINE-ROOM RESI trace on North Boulavard; *11 Improve- rota; large aknded lot; ride nnd retV '•'eeay. Owner want* six or teron-room ktate In Went End. clot* to aebool kla la your chance to get n lovely borne ‘ eortb aide. E ALSO HAVE A NICE HOME ON Whitehall atreet; M by SM; beck to Iltoad Owner has been bolding tbl* for Ho now wants a largo place with * s acres In Edge wood or Kirkwood, •a ran get t good trad* on this valuable atnni property by assuming n Iona of out SLUM, |f you hava something good ; MU| ar of the above locations. E HAVE 8EVEBAL CUSTOMERS tuung four or dra-eoom cottag* ou 'I payment!. List them with **- M CnORY A JOnNSOJt. FOR RENT. H‘ i .mS?" A . N . D .. ....*20.00 J'Vi 1 J*W>» avenue 14.00 [^•ntor ttri«t W.« f»trr, .tie., 31.00 i atreet iSfKSJCTSSti K-S 7’ h . nr *Vth !”"tur atreet. J, atur atreet. Writ* atreet... ll.W It road atreet M.Od E MISSIS sa-;r. :i- J 0ilN J. WOODSIDE, THE renting agent, IS Auburn Aveno*. Both Phones 111. 8AVANNAH. Hna been marked by In- Mra. Leggett, of South Carolina, la the guest of her daughter, Mra 8. B. Cole. Mra. D. W. Paulk and llttla son hsvo returned to Oellla after visiting her mother, Mra. S. W. Mitchell, for several week*. Mlaa Ida Latimer, who baa sold her millinery buslnass, has returned to har home, several milts from the city. Mlaa Latimer’s father has been quite III, but Is Improving. • Mr. O. C. McWhorter, of Cartera- vllle, was here Thursday. He la on his way to Monchula, Fla, to open a bank ing business. Mr. Bailey and Miss Cortaz Greene, of Cortes; Mr. Ferguson, of Tlfton; Mlaa Annie Lee Maahburn, of Haw- klnsvllle, and Mr. C. L. Naaae were the guests of Mlaa Agnes Deane Sunday. General R. E. Lee's birthday was appropriately observed by the Upltad Daughters of the Confederacy. A most Interesting program waa rendered and crosses of honor bestowed upon veter- ana The week nui uecn murneu oy in numerable small affairs, particularly teas and Informal brldgo parties, which have crowded upon each other each morning and afternoon. The only large afternoon card party wa* that of the Married Women's Club, which met with Mrs. J. M. Lang on East Hall atreet on Tuesday. On the aarne day Mrs. A. R. Lawton gava a luncheon of ten cover* for Mra. Sea- sums Cleveland, of Houston, Tex. Mra. Randolph Anderson gave an Informal morning party on Monday for Mra. Robert Harrison, of Atlanta, and Mra. W. W. Williamson gave a little tea la her honor Monday afternoon. Mra. A. L. Alexander gave a small bridge party Monday morning for Mlaa Mary Houston, of Baltimore, and Mrs. Jack Rauera entertained a congenial party of eight on Tuesday morning for Mra. John' Cochran, of Anderson, S. C. Mr*. Rauers’ guests were Miss Emma Huger, Mian Betty Miller, of Virginia; Mrs. Otto Frlue, Mrs. Julian Chisholm, Mr*. Paul T. Haskell. Mrn. Wayne Cunningham and Mra. Coch ran. Tha aolrce on Thursday evening waa perhaps tha largest one thin season. Notably attractive among a number of visiting belles was MIsb Jane Swin dell. of Baltimore, who wore a gown of pale pink Uses embroidered In pink roses. Miss Hnxen, of KnoxvUle. wore an empire gown of pink crape da chine. Miss Jennings, of Newark, waa very* handsome In yellow, Mins Priscilla Jewett, of Cambridge, wore white. Mine Boyd, of Richmond, was admired In a white net dancing frock and Mra. John Cochran wore while embroidered In ^Tea at the Country Club Saturday afternoon was nerved by Mrs. Clarence Anderson nntt Mrsr lienry B. Skeeie. The auction parly given on Wednes day evening by Mr. and Mra William son for the Misses Stevens was a unique and exceptionally clever enter tainment. enjoyed by society's young unmarried contingent. Mrs. JuRn" Schley aetad as auctioneer and the sale proved a distinctly clever one. Fortune telling by Madame Zltta proved an equally fascinating feature of the even- ln Mra. Robert Wayne gave a bridge party on Wedneadny afternoon for Mrs. Lewis Warfield, of *i* r niMtn were Mrs. W. Gordon, nr., Mrs. James T. Dent, Mr*. T. 8. W*ynj» Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. W. Gordon Har rison. Mrs. Fred Sampnon Mlss KUra Wayne, Mra. George Screven, Mrs. w. W. Gordon. Jr., Mra- ' cr , 1 l t ® rt 1‘ Mrs. Tracy Hunter and Mrs. John H hTra! n A. B. M. Olbbes' bridge tea on Thursday afternoon was npret*y com pliment to Mrs. Andereon Chisholm, of Charlottesville,, Va. Her guests were Mrs. John Cochran. Mra. Clarence An derson. Mra. WrtMT Hartridgk Mto Judge. Mlaa Harwood- Miss M« mure. Mrs. W. Gordon Harrison. Mre. Ja'['®* Mre°^k” ra. Mre. H. Lane. M's^JewetOlra. Paul Julia Hunter! hire. Juilan Ohiwholm, t^ Mra Wr^HunfrM^rJln K Mrs. Clark Howell and Mre. " Mlsn ^Frelda n Rnuers gave a beautiful EFSvSHHk 7HE LAST PICTURE OF THE CASTELLANES TAKEN TOGETHER BEFORE SEPARATION ACWORTH. Mr. Will lee, of CnrtertTlUe, spent Sun "SjInawT letln ytoore and Lillian Orlst. o Marlatt*. vtrited friend* hers tha drat of tne week. Mlaa Mnybelle Johnson spent Friday In Atlanta. Mis* Card* Balia Dunn, of Smyrna, (pent Saturday and Snnday with Mra Bid Rainer. Messrs. C. F. Wagaer aad Paul Smith, of Carlerarllle, Halted Arwortb Friday. Mr. I- A. Ilalnejr spent Monday lu At- l* lit*. Mr. nnd Mr*. Wllllnm McClenkey spent Sunday with Mra Walter Eldson at Kenne* saw. VILLA RICA. Mlaa Edna Teal, of Atlanta, visited her parents, Mr. and Mia B. J. Teal. Uda week areula air. auu ura aa. e. aaai. uue ana. Mr; Aiea Wittier I* at twme from amath Georgia for a few day*. . -■ ■ *•— *” V Upahaw apent Sunday Sir. and Mr*. W. A. -i~-- In Bremen, the guests of their parents. Mlaa Ethel Henderson Is apeodlng a few daya la Temple. . Mra. F. A. Pritchett *p Atlanta. spent Tuesday "yfia'w. A. Cpahaw spent Thtirwlay * guest of ■’— 1 Atlanta, the guest of Mira Pearl White. Mlaa Bryan, of Temple, (pent one day recently with Mrn A L «bite. WAYCROS8. , Mlaa Annie Lou Arrington, who ha* hean spending aararal weeks with relatlvea nnd friends In Florida, baa returoad home Mrs. >1. L Harley arrived In Warcreai Friday night from ■reomarrllle aml will rTHWT RIRUl irvui * •pend *ome tlm* Ylatttug her *0U. and C. II. Harley. "-Sri/ (T lL , %kla.,of.nirer wr .lU, Alr brother,* Mr."Henry 1*. Gray, nn GHmora atreet, left Monday for Brnnawlek, wher* •he will ba the neat of relatUea. Mtn. McK.lxht.ofCh.rje.ton, Tran, nr rlreir In" Waycroea Friday and will arc of tna winter with her niece, af the reat y_. T S!ra 8 \vflKln°M*tth,wn of Orifflo, to ex- p«ud In * law dart from •nmamnvllln where ahe ha* been vWting relatives, and Will i*e the gnent of Mr. and Mr*. Ward "cajvtaln le-muel Jobaaoa cam* np Yrom St. Mary* mid apenl u few days aritb bl» i $&a L WnUerJeJt^o**^ She Urges Her Readers to Keep on Striving and Hoping, Instead of Becoming Discouraged. SUtMlwro to a^eotl a month with frltuda. ' MrchaV'. Vcoatn of Ulrmloxham t t Sunday of Mrs J. C. Nlchola. the guest I Mra'i" p.’ stewart and her nlera. Mia* „dtth TUIot, left SuwUy tor V rm! Ala., lo attend the marriage of Ml— To Romovo Fingar Mark*. To remove finger mnrkn from door*, nib the flnaor mnrkn wltk n clean ploe, of finn* not dipped, In * OT y n ”,°J!',^^'S r I SrJiui iiiHinttfar llko ontic. Aftcrwnrd wipe wiii acleanT eloth wran, titkih iwar ths odor. I hi* la hat tar tato urIuc aoftp nnd water, aa It doea not dcatroy th. Dfint Keroaene oil la alao neollnnt for cleaning vnrnlaked hnll doom which face a dnaty roadway. AMERICftl GIRLS m MARRY TITLES ADD YET BE HAPPY “A., wa-a snsssus formally * II J' Mra Henry Taylor. “Mra Wlin»mVong.v.a .mall bridge ,.a Friday afternoon for Mr*. War held. Chlabolnt. of Char- l, )t rd.. A e n “gne h :; h of Mrs. Georg. T ^sPr.acll.a Jewe.L _ visiting Mr. “,5?«Ii”of Knoxville, t* Miss Eve'yn Hagan, f B Hull. ttygftjSi wiS? h »« hM re,umed from abroad. rtanJ left Thura- anf’nlrtur’hcr'homc In Hou.ton, T M,a. M»%i"?- ,n *K.n«man! t,n8 h " Slater, Mra. ,J’ an n ' liU era hna returned from” vWoJJ- "'" ‘"JTr!Tr.'c. Schley have re Dr and * tumid O 0 "* "“nnSbury. of Mlnnf ,? r p ; Mr. Cnrleton * * ,uter. Mrs. ,,a r Ts^y Bridge Luncheon 1 luu ABBEVILLE- hff BMna . a , Mr ht»?^«isS* LtUlr- are visit- wS' 1 " haVe ,n I,r and M's James I ‘“^^rsr^Sub was entertain- irned nub wa* entertain- Charles Donaldson thl" Ha. K..a tn home *. ,t,r ,-mna. > delivered a m<>*t r„^re.UnV."ci-r. n*«.- o-M. is a picture Of the duchaaa ^ne zTma^marX'cin^nnmi ss«5h?2 r -ssar* s f i r lL y . .hat hl. daughter la P«r- that hi. daughter fectly happy- "?A0l" AfiD "Hinci" Faairi frarlad Vikltlts aad rara Taali V. J. DABNEY IMPIEHEIT CO., Mfcrti 81 80. Forsyth 8L. AtlanU, Qa. OAINE1VILLE MIDLAND J KfWB'irTfflSMVnEil «:* 10:00 P.U. A M. Ar. ..Oalneavllle.. I.v.f 7:00 i 6SO Lv. ....Athena.... Ar.l •;»! 6d» K**WEi:N-<5j[ISf*ViTXl! i iioNKOE. rsi.iiriTi’h; 1-URT 7:S 1 7:43 • JS IIS P.M. A.M. Ar. ..Galnaarilla.. Lv. 7:00 1^0 Winder....... u ‘ ,ooro * •• Ar - ai/. ! i CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. ArrlveFrum- Uvennab..... J.JOSta Jackaon.llla . 7.60 am Macoo Il.«am Macon J-JJ pm Macon 110 pm l)rpert Ta- HISS ::::::::*a.85S Jacksoovllle ..10.46am Macoo 4.00 pm B:?S{ «aKHMBWMaw^ TROUBLE HAVE DEALT WITH T HE COUNTtSS. ■Ask her where, then," I aajd. - . Tvs asked her a hundred times, and •be won’t tell uie." . . •"Then tell her that you want a wlfa of Arab and blood; not n busnlog In your **"V*ry well. I’ll walk nlong by the am tad talk to her and come luck to you ‘'Tn right." I agreed. He wglked briskly •ad hummed a eneerfw tune. ••Hhe’a real’ he rrled. “Hhe a nwl. nh* Wou’l tall me her name, of .anything: aiioui beraelf. but ahe any* If I’ll ««* «® h** 1 - tar aba'll meet me there—at the Drlatol We'll go by the mail." i'mph!" 1 nalil. "Wrli, wa may (Copyright, 1M7, by Am«rloatt-Jounmi-B»amln*r.) If all the end of tbta contlnuoua atrtvlng Were simply to attain. . How poor would aaemAto J(to«nin« “4 »Mdriving, Tt» vadtenn urging on4 thn hurried qrtyinf Of body, heart and brain! But ever In the wake of true achieving. There shines this glowlng trell— Some Other eoul will be epurred on, conceiving New strength and hope. In lt» P° w#r bettOVlnf Because thou didst not fall. Not thine alone the glory—nor the eoreow, If thou doet mlaa the goal; Undreamed of Uvea In many a far tomorrow From thee their weakness or their force shall borrow On, on, ambitious eoul! a RE YOU WEARY WITH TRYING to do your beet, and have you about A wb * lbw you succeed or ^™* 1 ' ieri^nllTunlt In the universe, and that tha bra? thin* tor you to do tajusMo ^Je^dAU^moraJly or finan- aSS-Vj; ‘rricrof , t«e?Si-.« t ? r .o» Z** nr. you con- Uro ClV n *s.op r *a n nd n mmk n . 0f hlL 1 Suppoae Columbus had jrie.d- to «ch a mo °^ ^rTw^iX 1 ^ — -*•jar* ,D bu w,y youth, or Benjamin v^f h Jp|S P up^he emiggle to accomplish any- “Virem’iffe , Tori^ W tS*rare mflu“ nre^n*’*™**^ know succesa or failure ln R.f^KiJvLnr nositlon may be. e dleturbance of the watera. fade away Invisible to tho c.'theyarefeR *r *!»•Sre effraVlng every Ilf. you encounter It is so with each onoofus. You 0 f beings yet unborn on life’s Journey to *»me degrra. ^pouibie to tell; buL nev- ^ -> ,h « ,h * r de - tln, Thf^ b o y f ?Sl» U wh*^ dtscouraged and disheartened and pueh ahead. Friday end Saturday—Msttnaa Saturday. - i GU8 AND MAX ROGERS Preaent tbetnaslTM la the best of all tbelr’ ‘‘THE ROGERS BROTHERS IN: IRELAND” Night *c to tiro. Matinee Me to 8L4A welt (b 'there na anywhere’ elae; but you know thot It# utter folly- Monday and Tuesday—Mnt TuaeJUa^ KLAW A ERLANGER PRESENT THE 80USA OPERA COMPANY With i JOSEPH CAWTHORN In Bonn tt Smith’s Comic Opera X THE FREE LANCE Original New York Production and Coat Night Jlc to—Mat. lie to IL00. must mini anow umi »»*aj; . . '0*re;, ao«k!"a w >“„{ t ', nrt mia , Wend, with and ... , good ,o*aJ I notiml lOPUI ■IttlllK AUHfaaeja •« duak lu the llttla garden oppoatta to Uie ^•Wert you talking to Mlaa Dorta to s 'Vlolev tealoua?” 1 aakad him, when ba “q?ol5i.’’ be Mid. “I W«a tnlhlng to bet for baraelf. 1 did oot say anythlM that mattered, anfl-aml a fellow muat talk to aomebodjr. Hbe'a got rather the aame aort unirni ■■ 'Vlolpt. She'* a deal mpyotcTaa ’VlSlet.’'-gbi’TVdrarBBftjPrL nil tho same. If I woro.nnra aha would all tne aame. n * ww* Tuattf w? do. Bra. You bar# got to get rid of H oafimt yra ve eny right to mak# lore to Doris Fan,. •A haven't done tnythlnf of tlis aort For the next weak he wn* loo* with Dorta; but when * fortnight had petard and Violet did not npprar, halwgan to pny marked attenrion to her train. "I do lore Dorta, ’ ha aald to me, Mt- but It aaema dialoyal to the other. ITnleaa -Slon'trm think that may be what .N. iaM im to entne hart) »n t you inioB h»i «•/ — —t tnt when ah* told me to oome here! That I should meet DortaY . Vo you -Think ,*«>. w l^oor' I aakad. 11 ra-vLiYvmm* In life You are to !••▼« »n infli auceeaa w hurabl# your poaltlon may be. 2SaSa6SwacgsS£« don't thins anoai « n * bnot. Violet la real. Bhe lored me. hhe meant tocom* hero to me. Bhe haau’t come becauee-ahe •»«- *•»•« my baart tore to her a* I’va paver dope,to any living betng-1 call I Heart’—I mnat have her. j the voice of the heart By OWEN OLIVER T IN TRUE ENOUGH that you eansri gyh.EiiagvSiSt lS! f SS3l.'sS , rSMBS ta Uynienthlnk. that «f Bar mood. ,.d bUckVlriraianraglyjSrara -»» Wfi" £*ra rad hlnlS? .TTl iSnS!d m Urn delation. talks to «“ raamUyiipraS tSTeffly® JSKnT&M'Ilf T -TT. iSnattcT aad re* from me In Tar- g, s psrsTd 1 Thera now. of .crane. Am IF “ frit his vpulae and looked clorty Into r utp. "you are not. hut _ TV'T aa.7wt.xHa hallncinetl come? you rinniory lady"' When draa •»« ■Inea tha aayt And what do ra ravr'i’ re> h ;M ’’! east betray ,har M . n ^;rhraf b . e «M , .rit*°«o m *wo , rV , SS , cnra want Voo**to ntny with me tor * tl—> :^. h »y s?J«i i Drat with “Come, ram.," I aid. "Yoo’ra iehlngl "No." bo deeland, "I’m not. lva bran ea tha point of gatttng angtged three tlmra -but tho’a tlwtya mtda a»* broth It <>*. If I were to begin dlrtlng ebe’d come beck ^Then* 1 yoo’d batter begin dlrtlng," l told him. ... . "That’a whnt I wan thinking, he agreed ralmly. "The curtoue thing la that l al wnya went her to come back, though I aup- poar It’a til foolerjr.” aWVWtTP' I naeure.1 him. "Rnt It'pthe foolery tbit Ire got to cure you 0 .Tk.”»L7^ n,p *,.^V':P^h? lr to!ii w Ai a’ oolden'ha'lrrd widow nt th«* hotel. At about 10 o'rlAck h** anddwuly l<*ft her and watk*l oS*t u> im*. Th-ro waa a atraug* l0 "cJme b (*unide." he whlepered hotraely. I went out with him at once Yhe'.reJ. hack'’ho “raid. I. t load, oarae whleper. "•'a^lS!® "lluah! l^ntrMlA'vrillhrar. honrao People v.. " 1.. „ 1 rare for her. yon all tha time. xannaw e ,'IF Will lie mi. "itTra. only pUy,, Vlriet/' he deelared. : you." ,# ff| * do 7 n"t: rare," h. tniwered. -If ah. w« reii Yd-ikrrj^ar^fih^ re.l M _ - Do you honcatly think "No^he'erlad panleoatalv. on’t think about it at alt n't. I any firing tHog-l ral" Vra ’ Voio# of My '"Y’o'u ran” U ra»\ha? L'Jift'fJeo rr Just bow you frel. ASk her If aba In them. - MWaomo one elae. If aho la. aak her to plfilgo y°u brr word \9 come to you °The 0 rie*t mornlmr he looked hag*nr«J and It Wo would leave by tha neat mall# ht aald I waan’t there when ho told Dorta. Her eyoa were red. ne If ebe had 1-eeu cry- lug, when I met her lo tbr afternoon. it waa a very wretched time, and I wot wtad when the Yaat ofenlng eume. 1 edfb’ 5d to DWteut their being alone together. SSKL-t sars!hs. ta «!fc. u as raw.. —n aiwrin* ■* their thought* ware far away. Suddenly ba * • aloud. ■aid aoftly. ■poke riouu. „ ‘••Voice of my beart," VimopLV'uii*aud put my hand on hla rm to etep him. but DartJ ho.l liear.1. Her ;™ eye” were aurlug and rto atretched •fttt* Voice’ of my heart,’’ aho cried. -Voice of mine. Was tt you all the time! Y And suddenly they were In one another’! ''They never told mo the whole of the •tore, 7 but It eremed thel Dorie bed euf- ‘.red from en helluctnnilon ne he tad. she ‘ leu In love, ns » child of It, with Itoymoiid, the author, ni nhe kuow L. Uko I...I n fitllPM hdfM convereitions' wiVhtTi uuTlI "ehe fSidad conirrHiiitma that they were real. .... ._ Theae Imaginary eonveraatloo* that ha had told me of were nil real, t hey.dec farad, nnd each of them remeiul*ered them P? r * fectly. Hhe had been aahnmail to give him bar real nama. after avowing her lov* far him. and of eourao aha had not known hla, nnd had not idenUletl Edward layue with Arthur Raymond, from on* of whojo book* * * adopted the name of Violet. aha had i LONG WINTER EVENINGS DEMAND 600D READING Then why not get tbe “whole tomny group"—The Delineator. McClure a group"—The Delineator, atcviura. Maganlne and Yhe Woride Work, to gether with The Oeorgtan for ItH per re." la adviioe. The price of these raagaalaes stone te It- The Oeorgtan UlttO. But aU of. then Mate ob- talaed"for”a' yjr by $6.50, or you can gat Uwe* aid walti Georgian now »*.•*! -• #*• The JeffenotUan (Wateoaa new ramga- alne) and Tbe Georgian each on. year tor $4-50. GRAND TONIGHT ONLY. , JOSEPH BROOKS PRESENTS \ LILLIAN RUSSELLi IN TnE NEW COMEDY, “THE BUTTERFLY' Tonlnht—MaAlneeTodey. Ramsey fiorria w Rural Maltarploct* —THE— NINETY AND NINE Direct from Re second New Tort run. Next Week: > —THE RAYS— ^ The Battle of Tomorrow. ’ 1 From The Cleveland Plain DaoJer. •*t think wa had better attack them o„ ,h. left flank, general." ••No. captain, th* mortof pictwu, machine wUI catch ua better oitBw right" _____ An Unluoky MerrieB*. From Figaro. Frauleln A.— mu —-Poor Mnru. her wed-., ding was a dlelllueloa. Fraullen B^—How aoT . „ .. Frauleln A.—Bhe dldn’j Jrttjta^ wedding presents nhe had English Frlandahlp. From The London Truth. In England you Mldom make fnenof Jr you buy them. j Wouldn’t Work With Ml.eeurl thraHr. From The Kanra. Clty^BUr.^^ , a bet, but the echeme was entirely too "palpable.’’ .1 The Feminine Puree In Oklahoma. * From The Kansas City Time*. Bren ghe dublou.equawhaelearaed the usefulness of tbe feminine Stoek-o Ing. Mra. Chinn, en Apache Indian WUIIiaii . pint of firewater tn per detected by a policeman Tho pollce- man was a rude knave and grabbed tbe whleky. A Wire Kid. From Argonaut. Modern bualneen methods favor don- ble-entry bookkeeping. In the Mg ness college* whan tha Instructor aaxa whatthtaVr. of ImohlMMtaErU. the pupil will reply, winking And emlltog. ■'Double-entry bookkeeplngla the keep- ing of two set* of books, one of wMon may be produced In court If required. Without Honer. From Tho WaehlngUmBtar. ••What became of that man you.or- "T’Mei’^eT.^ Kuu Pert. T fiom.* n n* & “n“h*d thdr doubt*, *o we're goln to call some wit* newcH an’ alt evidence that he tealhr were the guilty party. A Mi»und*r*t*ndlng. Prom lUrper’e WMjUr. Rnilth "Olve me a ticket to Pierre, south Dakota.** t •Tf 7 wo» I wouldn’t hava to go to South Dakota." . A Man Worth Knowing. From The Clayelnnd Praea “There"* a man who could be <ma of the country’s greatest poets It ha wished." “And he Isn’t?" Y "No." “Introduce me." I