The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 31, 1907, Image 5

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Mrs. Mary E. Craigie Is First Registered WOman Lobbyist Georgian Will Decline Aid in Work of Dig ging Big Ditch. Spw-1,1 In The Georgian.' I'.iliu.ibui*. Ofl.; Jnn. 81.—It. H. Hard. tr.iv. civil engineer, and member of t> beard of ivater commlsslohera of mi. city. Ha* been offered a partner- ,ni|i In the contract with J. W. Oliver t „ build the Panama canal. .Mi. Hurdaway, who la the aon of Mnj- r Hardaway, formerly a promt- pent engineer and artillery officer of uc.t r.i I Lee's urmy In the civil war. j> mi expert civil conatructlva and con- niai lion engineer, and haa had auc- ,,.■1.1 contracts to buld eztenelve In- duet-' ll and railroad works In the Satim. He "lx now building the large ,7,im it-rnaa the Chattahoochee river 1.1 ilie City Mtlla Company and haa a tract on the Northern railway from Apalachicola to Quincy, Flu. IP built the cxtenalve damn of the Cbiuiaciix Power Company and the liil'i. .Manufacturing Company here jui.l ha* had much larger contracta In .uv, Southern ntatex. .M>. I Pll -'Til THOMASVILLE TO GET ANOTHER RAILROAD The Thomaavllle and Northeaatern Rall«u>" Company. with Ita principal eilliei In Thomaavllle, waa chartered Thursday nioming by Secretary of mate Phil Cook. It liu. a capital stqck of 175,000, and xdi tun nurilieuxterty from Thomas- Till- through Thomas, Brooks, Colquitt and Herrien counties, a distance of fiteiui in miles, terminating at a point ■m the Nashville and Sparks railroad. The Incorporators are J. K. Harris, 1.. Adams, H. RoMrte, C. C. Shelly, I'll' •. Thomas county; J. J. Hodges, I Ike I-Ilco, Brooks county; Berry Craft. Hdiipxtead, Colquitt county; E. M. Smith. J. F. Evans and C. W. Cooper, Thomusvllle. SMALL STOCKHOLDERS PLEASED WITH DECISION. fcperlal to The Georgia a. Savannah. Ga.. Jan. SI.—The decision of Judge Liober. In Cobb superior court, In which hs held the Wadley Southern railway an Independent organisation was read with widespread Interest In Savannah. Particularly pleating wax the decision to a large number of Parauna who own blocks of stock In some of the short lines which are con trolled by the Central of Georgia. In •peaking of the matter. J. B. Wood, the lergext Individual stockholder In (he Wrlghtevllle and TermlUa road, aakl: —T know that If the rule of the cotn- mixxlon placing these ebon lines on the continuous mileage baste were to be enforced many of tha roade would be bankrupt." WILL CITE ASYLUM BOARD TO COURT FOR CONTEMPT. Special to The Ooorglan. Norfolk. Va.. Jan. SI Judge D. Gar dner Tylar. aon of ex-Preeldent Tyler, at Williamsburg, Va., today reversed an Injunction granted by Judge R. Car- ter BcotL of Richmond, last night, re- •training Dr. L. 8. Poster, In charge of tho Eastern Virginia Insane Asylum, from Interfering with the acts of the New York has the credit of having the flret registered woman lobylst i the United State*. 8ne I* Mary E. Craigie, who»e picture here appears, and ahe repreaent* the New York State Woman’s Suffrage Association at Albany during the present legislative session. THE THEATERS gnvernlng board and compelling Dr. ?, 0, ' er to torn the asylum over to Dr. o. c, Bruno, elected to euccoed Foster, removed for alleged mismanagement, l,i r Tylerhad yesterday grant- , * n Injunction restraining the board l**»lug on tho charges against for’irla* 0 '* ^ rln ** 11 * tnto court Judge Tyler wlU cite the asylum &°*rd for contempt. WIFE DIES BY SIDE OF H6R PARALYZED HUSBAND. Special to The Georgian. Norfolk, Va., Jan. II.—H. Clay Guy, ***2, 77 y«*ra. lay paralysed by the side o hie dead wife until negroes, who the habit of bringing tho PwSmJra't entered their *l ome - ° u >- with no ono Kin»“J®r, 7oi L. hlm - wn * moved to tho Daughter* hospital. Miss Lillian Rusttll. JLlllinn RuNsell Is clever. There Is n«» getting around that. So clever^ that she surprised half her audience by the charm of hef acting and the other half by the marvelous way she re tains her good looks. Surely the blonde prlnceiss. ha* found old Ponce De Leon's spring of perennial youth. 'The Butterfly" Is a three-act com edy by KelletL Chambers, and It gives MJas Ruaaeli the Deal DQ**it»lC nppor tunlty. The story Is that of a young widow who marries a stranger, to part at once and sue for divorce In order that she may marry a title and dodge her first husband's will. Of course she falls In love with her makeshift hux band—that was Inevitable—and the earl goes away to marry a girl from Pittsburg. If the comedy did not dwell so strongly on the question as to wheth. er the husband and wife occupied the same room It would be greatly Im proved In tone. That Is *he one objec tionable feature. Miss Russell is as pretty to look upon as In the years gone by, even though her figure Is not so willowy, her step so light. Her acting Is spontaneous, her good humor Irresistible. It was only In her curtpln call, when she respond ed by singing two numbers, that she was disappointing. Miss Russell'* voice has not stood the test of time > well as her face and manner. The supporting company ^excellent. Fred L. Tlden, as the earl, Is perhaps the best of the cast. Ills stage Eng lishman la n different conception from the usual. Mr. Tyler, as Tutwller, •Mr. Flood, as Teddy Bacon, were ciny In their work, while the lrlsh-ltalla.i. Impression that predicts a future, and a great many of the younger genera tion. who come with the Bijou plays arc watched with Interest. In 'The Ninety and Nine" at ths Bijou. Hugo Goldsmith, a young actor, Is ^haring honors with those who have been given leading and more prominent roles. This young man Is callad upon to portray one of the moat difficult roles possible to assign an actor, tir.d hls„ success la established. As Hud Bryson, a half-witted boy. young Gold, smith Is required to actually act. T«* enact such a role, real ability and tal ent are required, and Goldsmith pos* sesses every qualification. Down the Pike," one of the jolitest hits of musics I satire ever presented. Ith Johnny and Emma Ray In the principal roles, will come to tbe Bijou next week. This Is the third year of this satirical digest, therefore It Is not on untried quantity. Musical numbers nnd ensembles are plentiful—all aro costumed In the richest gowns, gnd the scenic embellishment Is a wealth of •olor and beAuty, set with a chorus of 30 sprightly and handsome show girls. Madame AbatonL" was delightfully portrayed by Miss Rosalie de Vaux. Eu gene Ormonde, the leading man. was disappointing In many ways. He seem- **1 to never be In the spirit of the thing. In some way he “did not fit." The engagement Is for Thursday night. No matinee will bo given. G. D. G. At ths Bijou. In every production that visits At lanta there Is a player who makes an Ths Rogers Brothers. 'The Rogers Brothers In Ireland." the merriest musical farce of the past season, will be at the Grand opera house for two nights and a matinee, opening Friday. This Is the first time the Rogers brothers have retained one of their plays for a second tour, but the success of Inst year has made It advlsuble, especially ns only a small portion of territory has been repre sented. and many cities which have heard of tge clever comedians have never been Able to secure a date. "The Rogers Brother* In Ireland" is doubt less the best play of the repertoire; It la more than a farcical skit, for In ad dition to the uproarious nonsense which bus made the players famous, there Is a neat little story which Is truly typi cal of the EmerAld Isle, With the exception of a new leading lady. Marion Stanley, the organisation remains the same as Inst season, and with new costumes and scenery a sat- CHILDREN'S SUITS and OVERCOATS. $2.50 qualities reduced. .$1.00 $3.00 qualities reduced- .$2.25 $3.50 qualities reduced. .$2.65 $4.00 qualities reduced. .$3.00 $4.50 qualities reduced. .$3.40 $5.00 qualities reduced. .$3.75 $6.00 qualities reduced. .$4.50 $6.60-qualities reduced. .$4.00 $7.00 qualities reduced. .$5.25 $7.50 qualities reduced. .$0.65 $8.50 qualities reduced. .$6.40 $10.00 qualities reduced.$7.50 “The Daylight Corner.” EISEMAN & WEIL February Clearance Salt Gomminces Tomorrow, Fringe 1st. Every Child’s Suit and Overcoat, Every young Men’s Suit and Overcoat. Every Men’s fancy Suit and Overcoat, Every pair of odd Trousers, All Winter Underwear, All Fancy Stiff and Pleated Shirts, AH Fancy Neckwear will be offered at % DiscwMt $ 7.50 Tooths’ Suita, now. .$5.65 10.00 Youths’ Suits, now. $7.50 15.00 Men’a-Touths’ Suita.$11.25 12.50 Youtha ’Suita, now. .$9.50 18.50 Men’a-Youtha’ Suita.$13.00 20.0Q Jlen’s-Youths’ Suita.$J5.00 22.50 Men’s-Youths’ Suita.$16.00 25.00 Men’a.Youtha’ Suita.$18.76 27.50 Men’a Suita.. $20.65 30.00 Men ’a Suita. . .$22.50 35.00 Men’a Suita ,..$2625 40.00 Men'a Suita....... .$30.00 $12.50 Overcoats and Raincoats, now $9.40 $15.00 Overcoats and Raincoats, now $11.25 $18.50 Overcoats and Raincoats, now $13.90 $20.00 Overcoats and Raincoats, now $15.00 $22.50 Overcoats and Raincoats, now $16.90 ,$25.00 Overcoats and Raincoats, now $18.75 $27.50 Overcoats and Raincoats, now $20.65 $30.00 Overcoats and Raincoats, now $22.50 $35.00 Overcoats and Raincoats, now $26.25. $37.50 Overcoats and Raincoats, now $28.15 tinker When we announce a cut in prices it’s not the time to stop and ponder—it’s time for action if you want the pick of the pack. Anything you buy in haste you can return at leisure. Well buy it back. Come, phone, or write. BEAD TO FOOT 1 Whitehall Street. FOR MEN AND BOYS, “The Daylight Corner.” (■factory en»amble Is Insured. “Ths Free Lino#." John Philip Sousa's Isteet military comic opera, "The Free Lance." which, with Joseph Cswthorn ** the star of tho orlklnsl cast, the main factor* of which are Nells Bersen. Jesnette Low. rle, Albert Hart. Oeorse Tollman, (ltnrte Schiller. Stanley Murphy. Mon. tc Elmo and an ensemble of seventy- five which will be the attraction at the Uranil next Monday and Tuesday nlvhts and Tuesday st matlitee. Is do dared by many erudlts musk: lovers hla best work. collabbratlon with Harry B Smith, who Is the lyricist, the famous bandxmsster Is said to have turned out one of the most fascInsUnk plays since tho days of "Robin Hood." Klaw A Erlanger have given It a sumptuous •ettinc and the original cast, ensem CONDENSED REPORT OK THE CONDITION OF THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK OK ATLANTA, GA., At Close of Business, January 2(5, 1907, as Called for by the Comptroller of the Currency. RESOURCES. Loans nnd Discounts $2,506,442.18 Overdrafts, Secured and Unsecured.. 2,109.60 Stocks and Bonds 251,545.00 U. S. Bonds, at par. 250,000.00 Redemption Fund 7,500.00 Cash on hand and in Banks 1,105,759.67 LIABILITIES. Capital Surplus Net Profits Circulation Dividends Unpaid Deposits Bond 'Account i 200,000.00 300.000. 00 82,615.25 147,200.00 112.00 3,269,429.20 124.000. 00 $4,123,356.45 $4,123,356.46 We Invite Your Attention to the Above Statement. JOS. A. McOORD, Vice President. H. M. ATKINSON, Vice President. FRANK HAWKINS, President. THOS. 0. ERWIN, Cashier. R. W. B7ERS, Assistant Cashier. DR. A. W. AaLHOUN MILTON DARGAN JOHN W. GRANT H. Y. MeCORD DIRECTORS FRANK HAWKINS H. M. ATKINSON JOS. A. MeCORD J. H. NUNNALLY J. CARROLL PAYNE E. a ROSSER DAVID WOODWARD ble and production art guaranteed. “Mrs.”WIbbs.” "Mrs. Win* of the Cabbage Patch' will be the attraction at the Grand next Wednesday nl*ht Mrs. Madge Carr Cook, as quslaL motherly Mrs. Wlgir*. will afsln portray this delight' ful role. This expert character come dlenne has scored the hit of her career In thlv past, which lx so Inviting In both Its humorous possibilities and Its heart Interest. The cast of character* comprises al| of the now familiar lie urex of Mrs. Rice's two books, " v * — Wlfgs" and “Lovsy Mary." ' "Mrs. WALTER BALLARD OPTICAL COMPANY have moved Into their new store, 75 Peachtree street, where you can And everything carried In en exclusive opti cal house. The Ballard Bifocal has gained a reputation for this Arm In less than I years no other hauee haa mad* In a half nentnry. Not how cheap, but how wstt we can serve you. ON SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK WE MOVE TO CORNER TENTH AND PEACHTREE STREETS. EVERY LINE OF GROCERIES HERE WILL BE SOLD AT A SACRIFICE. WIL- KERSON A BRO., 77 PEACH- TREE ST. ' 4% Interest Compounded, Allowed In Oar SAVINGS DEPARTMENT On and After January 1,1907 TH E NEAL BANK E. H. THORNTON, Frwideat. W. F. MANKY, H. 0. CALDWELL, F. M. BERRY, Vice Pruldent. Ouhltr. Aas't OaaUar. MPT. C, ALEXANDER DIES OHMS Large Planter Passes Away at Washington—Was Ex-Represcntat i ve. New Route to Cuba. The steamship "Brunswick," of ths Brunswick Steamship Company, will •all from Ilrunxwlck, Os., for Havana, Cuba, on ths following schedule, until further notice: Leave Brunswick noon. February 5lh, February I*th, March 6th, March lflh. April Id, and every other Tuesday thereafter, arriving at Havana ever)’ following Thursday at I p. m. Returning. Leave Havana noon Febninry nth. February 2ld. March Ith. March 23d. April Sth, and every other Saturday thereafter, arriving Brunswick every following Monday at I a. m. Rates Brunswick te Havana. On* way, Arat cabin 123 on One way. second cabin 112.00 Round trip, Arat cabin 140.00 Including meals and berth on steamer. For slat* room reservations and fur ther Information, apply to II. C. M'FADDEN, Oen. Pass. Agent A. B. A A. R. Bell 'Phone 4143. Atlanta, Georgia. gpeclsl to The Gi-orglm. Washington, an., Jan II.—Captain Charles Alexander, a prominent cltlsen of Washington, died last night at • o'clock as the result of n severe attack of grippe, which was followed by par- alyals. j lie was a large plainer end a man of affairs. lie represented Wilkes county In tha atate legislature In 1101-4, and wn* u lending niumber of the Presby- lorlun churrn. Captain Alexander survived by his second wife and two daughters, Ida and Corlotta Alexan der, two sister and two brothers. The funeral service* will be conduct ed at his late residence Friday morn ing at 11 o'clock. He was II years old. DORtCY’8 CLA8SMATE8 ■INTERESTED IN TRIAL. Special to The Georgian. Savannah. Ga, Jan. II.—Thera la no little Interest here In certain quarters over the trial of John Tucker Dorsey, charged with ths murder of Curtis Twltty, which win take place at Oalnoovllle, according to assignment, today. Doney has many friends and frater nity men In Savannah, he being in alumnus of the University of Oeorgta, and there being many alumni of tha Institution here, particularly of the class of which Doney was a member. The average savings depositor in the United States has $400 to his credit. Are you up to the paver-p • age • TRUST COMPANY OF GEORGIA, Equitable Bid* CspHsI, {orpin mi MRS $650,000. j-i ...