The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 31, 1907, Image 7

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. I 1 TOTJRSDAT, JANUARY U, UK* Friday Morning the Reduction Sale Begins at Muse*s Apd if rgjjl cleverness consists in comprehending the situation, this store will be filled with clever men tomorrow morning, Men always take kindly to a Muse Sale, for, coupled with any price changing, is that unchangeable Muse factor, of quality. Men*sand Youths*Suits Mixtures m 10.00 Suits reduced to.. 12.50 Suits reduced to ......... .7.60 15.00 Suits reduced to 16J0 Suits reduced to. 18.50 Suits reduced to. 20.00 Suits reduced to .*. 22.50 Suits reduced to. 25.00 Suits reduced to 27.50 Suits reduced to 30.00 Suits reduced to 32.50 Suits reduced to 35.00 Suits reduced to. 40.00 Suits reduced to All Sa ok Saits in Blaes and Black 10 per cent oil Men*s and Youths* Over coats, Raincoats, etc. All Classes Light Weight, Heavy Weight and Top Coats. 15.00, reduced to...* 11.25 18.00, induced to ...., 13,50 20.00, reducfed to ; 15.00 22.50, reduced to 1 17.00 25.00, reduced to. ........ 18.75 27.50, reduced to 20.75 30.00, reduced to,. 22.50 32.50, reduced to 2150 35.00, reduced to...;. '.Ttrrrr 26.25 40.00, reduced to. „.. 30.00 45.00, reduced to . “..... .T7;;... rrrrrrrm-n-i—33,75— 50.00, reduced to 37.60 A Sale of Hats 95 c A special lot of Soft Felt and Derby Hats that were priced froih 2.00 to 5.00. In the Soft Hats are pearls, browns^ nutria and black. In Derbies, ton, brown and black. « Muse 9 8 All Odd Trousers Reduced 3.50 Trousers . 2.75 4.00 Trousers.... 3.00 5.00 Trousers 3.75 6.00 Trousers 4.50 6.50 Trousers 5.00 7.00 Trousers. TIT. 5.25 7.50 Trousers 5.75 8.00 Trousers 6.00 8.50 Trousers 6.50 10.00 Trousers.7.50 The Reduction in Outing Nightshirts and Outing or Oxford Pajamas Reduced 50c Night Shirts at 40c 75c Night Shirts at 60c 1.00 Night Shirts at 75c 1.50 Night Shirts at 1.15 3.00 Night Shirts at 2.00 1.00 Pajamas 75c 1.50 Pnjftmfln 1.15 2.00 Pajamas. 1.40 2.50 Pajamas. 1-75 3.00 Pajamas 2.00 5.00 Pajamas 3.75 Underwear Redactions Priced by the Garment 50c Underwear 40c 1.00 Underwear 75c 1.50 Underwear 1.15 2.00 Underwear 1.50 2.50 Underwear 1.76 3.50 Underwear 2.76 7.50 Underwear 5.00 Colored Stiff Bosom and Negligee Shirts 1.00 Shirts reduced to 65c 1.50, 2.00 and 2.50, reduced to 95c Fancy Neckwear 50c Neckwear reduced to : .36c (3 for 1.00) 1.00 to 1.50 Neckwear reduced to 60c Fancy Half Hose 25c Half Hose at 20c 50c Half Hose at 35c (3 for 1.00) Boys* Double- Boys* Underwear i Breasted Suits in 506 Qarment8.« K .*« s .40» Fancy Weaves , 7 £ j 1.00 Garments...780* 3.50 Suits reduced to'2.65 4.00 Suits reduced to 3.00 A . ... . - , 5.00 Suits reduced to 3.95 Outmg Nightshirts 6.00 Suits reduced to 150 an J Pajamas 6.50 Suits reduced to 4.90 ; 7.50 Suits reduced to 5.85 500 Garments -•••••• 400 "1 8.00 Suits reduced to 6.00 75c Garments. . ,60c ‘i 8.50 Suits reduced to 6.40 1.00 Garments* 75c ] 9.00 Suits reduced to 6.76 10.00 Suits reduced to 7 JO Sweaters 12.50 SuitB reduced to 0.4Q ~ Boys’ fancy Norfolk Suits, 1.00 Sweaters 75c I reduced Suits that were L50 Sweater8 1.00. 5.00 to 10.00, Leggins to $7.50 1.00 Leggins at . r § Boys 9 Overcoats and Raincoats Boys’Overcoats and Boys’ Raincoats, that were 4.00 to 12.50, this sale. ... .; 3.00 to 9.40 % # Geo. Muse Clothing Company MAN Y A TLAN TA BIRDS WILL BE EXHIBITED •whl to Tbt Grorgtsn. Marietta, a*., Jon. 11.—The poultry. m,n or Marietta an making great t> r,, i'ftrMion« for their poultry exhlbl- ' lon - which will bo hold boro on Tues- Wednesday and Thurodoy of next *eek The eseoclntlon bu only been recent lv "manlied, but now hen e I erf* mem- t>* r »hlp which It eteedlly Increasing. The office re of the eneoeletlon, which b known ee the Cobb County Poultry A '" dtUon, ere an fbllown: '-"ring Brown, of Bollmont Farm, Smynu, president. J'.hn p. Cheney, of Ueriatta, eecre Ur v end treenurer. J- Black, of Marietta. ffret vies ftreldent. ' W. Powler. of Smyrna, nncond ' ■' * president. Judte p. D. UcClenky, of Marietta. t ***• President. The exocutlvo committee le oompoeed ,r Ju< *«e PeD. HcCItakey, C. W. Pow- ,' r - J H. Orovea, Dr. J. D. Reynold». H. ll0 Clatchey, Loring Brown. John * Cheney. I, The merchante end butlneet men of 'alette hero mede eplendld done- he awarded ae tpeclel pre- to thoee who win at the poultry ''"a ■ A large number of Atlanta pout- trymen end other* have notified the ateoclatlon her* that they would send exhibit* end It le thought that the *how will be one of the hlggeit that ha* yet been held by eny county In Ihe etete. Cobb county ha* a larg* number of fancy poultry rel»er* who are making n financial eucceee of the Induetry and thla county 1* the home of Bellmont Farm, which hae quite a reputation throughout the South. Among the member* *re W. J. Black, John P. Cheney, J. M. Auetln, P. D. Me. Cleakey, C. A. Guyton. T. W. White. R. W. Boone. Dr. W. M. Kemp. E O. Gilbert. J. M. Gann, John Awtrey, C. W. DuPre, John I.. Reed. R. R. Man ning. J. E Murray. J. D. Reynold*. E. M. Cook, W. A. Sent*. H. R- McClatch- ey. B. O. Brumby. B. F. Blmpson. J. H. Grove*. E d. Dy»on. Jame* T. An- deraon, M. J. Hindi. R. W. Northcult, s I, Allen. R- E. Butler. Albert M. Dobbin? F B Chandler. Herr}- DuPre. iTb Robleon. J. W Fowler, ft A. Gar. wood. J. U Dunn. W ■ P- Stephen*. W J. Frey. W. B. Power. R. T. Agrlco- la. J. Ghl Morrla. Edward H- Reynold*. E H. Olay. Clarence E Power, all of Marietta, Ga.: Mira AnhU- Bryeon. of Atlanta; Dorlng Brown./ eMork Ril L \Vbrhl. ». N. P*n*. i* "• Whitfield. Edward O. Mile*. Howard Gilbert W. Fowler, nil of Smyrna, Si; J.’ M. Hut*, of Hlackuell. da. FLOYD DEALERS KICK ON COMMISSARY TRAIN Ha* a Mate railroad the right to op* erate a commlaaary train and do a general grocery bualnea* along lla line? Thl* rather unique point ha* been brought before the railroad commla- elon by N. H. Baae, a merchant of Lav- endar, Floyd county. Mr. Base com- plained that the Central railroad wan operating a commhranry train, telling supplies to II* employees, deducting Ihe amount from their salaries on ‘pay day*. The complaint nay* that thla I* In juring the merchante of Lavender and other polnta along the road In two way*—one by taking from them legltt. mhte bu*lne»* end the other by load ing bad debta on them when they credit tome employee* of the Central. The commission held that It waa not a matter with which It could deal, and that Mr. It***' proper recourse would be the court*. It I* the lint time this point he* ev*r been raised. MAIL UNDER FRANK MUST OF FORWARDED Died ef Hurt Failure. Rperlsl to Th* fteorgfsa Huntsville. Ala, Jen. 11.New* ha* reached Ihe city of the death of Charles McElderry/ who dropped deed from heart failure. Mr. McElderry mede frequent visit* to Huntsville and hi* death I* regretted by many here. Mall matter tent under the frank at a member of congress may be for warded. and mutt be forwarded, by postmaster* In all casea where a new address le furnished, according to n letter received by Hon. Thome* M. Dell, of (he Ninth district, from Post master General George B. Cortelyou. In the past there ha* been a tenden cy on Ihe part of many postmaster* to destroy mall received under a frank, and which was not properly addressed. Representative Bell took thla matter up with Mr. Cortelyou recently, and In renly received a letter elating that such matter should be forwarded ex actly ee any other mall. NO CASH TO FIGHT Washington, Jan. 11.—In the house yesterday the Item of 140,000 In the agricultural appropriation bill, made Immediately available tor cotton boll weevil investigation, wee stricken out Thl* action wo* taken ne a result of a point of order of Representative Fltsgeraid, who eald ft waa an urgent deficiency Item and should be Included In a deficiency appropriation bill. Ap propriations to light other peats were made, however, and tha bill passed. GEORGIAN IDENTIFIES , ANCHOR OF MERRIMAC. HAE ACCEPTED CALL TO BIRMINGHAM CHURCH. gpeclsl to The Geergtee. Norfolk. Va, Jan. II.—Rev. Dr. Wil liam E Evans, who while one of Ihe leading clergymen In the ministry of the Southern Methodist church, chant ed hie faith end *1 Norfolk flftoon peer* ago became an Episcopal preacher, has Just resigned a* pastor of historic Mon uments! P. E. church In Richmond. Va., t<> accept the rectorste ot the Church of the Advent. Birmingham. Ala, Ihe leading Episcopal church In the South. Special lo The Oeorglan. Norfolk. Va, Jan. It.—That Ihe an chor and chain recently recovered from the bottom of Hampton Roads os the result of a fishing schooned getting her anchor caught In It was that ot the famous Cosfederats Iron clad “Merrl- mar" or Vrgtnla, hae been established beyond n doubt. After a careful exam ination of the anchor and chain, which weigh live tone, Captain E V. White, formerly of Macuo, Ga, engineer on the Merrlmec when she, fought the fa mous battle, and Charles C. Curtis, a mechanic employed on Ihe veasel while she wee under construction at the Nor folk navy yard, have pronounced the recovered anchor and chain as thoee formerly on the war craft. ENGLISH BATTLESHIPS AT OPENING OF EXPO. ■pedal to Tie Oeorglse. Norfolk, Va, Jan. II.—The battleship Dread naught, the most powerful Ship of war afloat, will be among England's naval fleet In Hampton Roads at the Tlio other veeaels In the Brttlih fleet will be the armored cruisers Good Hope. Hampshire, Antrim, Roxburgh. Argyde and Devonshire. EVANGELIST MORSE CONFINED IN HOSPITAL. Rperiel lo The Oeorglse Charlotte, N. C, Jan. II.—W. M. Morse, of this city, has received In formation to the effect that his father, the renowned evangelist Dick Morse. Is dangerously III In the California ho*, pllal at Los Angelea Mr. Morse has been eutrertng lately with a carbuncle on tile neck end It la feared that he has blood poisoning. AT HOSPITAL IS PLAN OF PEARCE CLAY ASKS $2,500 FOR EACH COLLEQE. Washington. Jan. II.—Senator Clay has Introduced In Ihe senate a bill providing for an appropriation ot 11.100 annually for each branch-expert station established under authority of S state, the amount to be paid on the first day of July of each year, direct to the treasurer or other officer of each branch station. Thl* bill la the same aa that Intro duced In tha house by Representative Adamson, and It I* for the purpose it Increasing the chances for considera tion at this session. FATHER DEALS ROUGH The Introduction of the resolution ot Councilman Pearce, abolishing the present board of trustees of the Grady hospital, will be tbs next step In the light on Ihe present management of the hospital. The resolution will be ottered at the next session of (he general council on Monday. Councilman Pearoa intend* to push It for all It Is worth, and then le no doubt that ha will hairs backing from other members, although It la doubtful If this will bs enough lo se cure lie adoption. Dr. Longlno, who sprang the sensa tion at the meeting of Ihe board Tues day afternoon by giving Incidents he I had heard nf where Inexperienced In- ! lernee had been allowed to perform delicate and dangerous operations, says he has nothing further to say now. Dr. Pearce will eay nothing else until coun. ell meets Monday. Dr. Pearce says he la not against the personnel of the board, hut Inasmuch ae ihq member* are la favor of pay wards, he ease no way or abolishing pay wards othtr than Brat abolishing Iho board. JIM