The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, February 01, 1907, Image 11

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P. f. M’CLATCSET real ESTATE AND INVEST MENT COMPANY, •m candleb building. bE llpho£b ,20~at^anta ml 050-AORE farm at Douglas- dllc.Ga., 130 acres in cul tivation. 30 acres in virgin foirst. balance in pasture; mip o-room house, one 4- rooro house and one 3-room house: plenty of out-build- Lg at each setlement, all under good repair; schools an «l churches; plenty of run ning water at each settle ment: place rents for 4,000 pounds of lint cotton per {ear. delivered at Douglas- Ville. Ga. This place is-just outside of the city limits of PouRlasvillc and 27 miles West of Atlanta; gray land, some red. Price $4,125. E. L. MORSE, 1114 Fourth National Bank. JOHNSON AVKNL'B, BLOCK OK HIGH I.nil ntenue; A-room boooo, rreestly «• nilntr.) tDlldr oorl mt lol oomr Smw from <11,. Hentel vsloe 8740 yssr. C (■■■II ami B monthly. rBBlV HTItEET COKKML ttalH-A mlnulld «-r.K.ui rofUfr; rwlffH rooms. ,-Vt ir iniwml. spsewns /root and aid* irntii'tna; imlti of 5Tl mot.rlal for ■ bout. |i*l). ' ■ t mi III.IICK OK HIGHLAND AVENUE North lUmlrrard; now p« peris, and ptuuil.liis: lol U feel Rent: all Improve- uiriita: »» raab and SX> month. Vt:\V stoHK AND TIIBEE BOOMS CON- un-mi. l to Usriett* atrrat. (touted ,15 fr..r 8LS#. b»h.i:vauii-a beautiful cohneii lot. VnlS»: I hit aldo Augler nrrnur. 6J.800. HIM. KTIIKKT—A 4-UOOW COTTAGE: * •; larrr root cash and LI Biuatlily. L.S60. « ACHES. MILE NORTH OB COURT bam. ni Heritor. About U seres la niaal Will rut too or CM cords, which can tv al I meat nr to sitrsnlsfr; S- mill tiiilaiim) bouar. atoblr, etc. Dprlun n.l lirnurbra: would make rood truck, nt— tmrm. Price redOCsd for I t|ulrk aile to L.IOO. For Sale Real Estate W. JONES & CO., 5 Viaduct Place, Phones .5560. FIVE-BOOM COTTAOE IK Uaui a bi'r£t« ,,rw *. be srmeged!^ " ** **•**• K * v 'mat cau A hh5i?'l» 0 ? U COTTAOE IN K0C8 blocka of Aragoe for W.H0 raab. A k '’EN ReOM HOUSE, ONE AND A JkaH blocka of Peeehtree. at 61,764, on cat. A 5K £T TH “*S ABE BARGAINS AT »ltS» JSS** n,IU '' 1 ' , ‘* t ** Hnr ssd con- NEWTON L. THOMAS, 422 Century Building, Bell Phone 2154 L. T. T. BRENT, J. T. MANOUM. BOCTH SIDE IH?MN m |N n HIIORT WALK- >«* totnniw: u room*, lot 70*110; In Una ahiiw. coat R.SOO j ,rara a(»; owner la in- injf to Imre clt» •*««• ... -~u imrgaln ln»n». ^Tf -nr xtitTVh AhAI'* -fUftftEl.f. nark Iota; wo bare a line proposition to abate fou In tbla auliurb; the plataara rendj and «• think we esn show rou I tblua Idea- bare. The Jala arc fuo each, ami there arc mane fra turn wo can eiplaln Ht^yeraon lietter than In print Rough Weather Coats at Three at H —i III nrinl. m:UAL /MAlX AaM£ ■uitnlilr fur truck and imultry farms: one near llnpevillc for less than $100 psr nire, and tftla I* a g*ntilnr bargain; only a acrea In the tract. First coiue first atvrad. £0 A<*UKH—HOOD, HTHONG, PRODUCT ’ tic land; 17 mllea arwit of Atlanta; can rent for fMHinda lint cotton or *lv# InimMlatr imhiwssIoii. See uie for full par tlcultn. I ’rice $4,400. CHAMHI.UK. 12 MIMES NORTH OF AT* I Jauf/i; J* acrea, with food 8-room house. InttTEccfciTliT RoOlhern Hallway anti Peach- HENDRICK & CO., Heal Estate and Loans, 23 1-2 Whitehall Street, Both Phones. k—two-vtoiiy lroonI uodkiin milt|»-mt*: turner lot, KWx200; httllt of hi* Nvfiil tii«(i*Mat. wtfh rrt*ry known ihhivuii leii'f. Inciiniiiu; roiiililnittlon kum nml cli^ ttxtuhn. arrblU*ctural dealgti na gooil till- 114*44 J i *m- wi;ht pkachthkk lot, 101x20l olli.v iii 1,.nr; at htgheat point nn«l splctu, *y terms: worth InvcatlgatlnR. $4'««* LOT 100x300; MLIOHTI.Y EI.K intiii; well ahatlH; beat location In In mnn park. 15 -INMAN PARK; 2 STORY 'f-ROOM h"u*M*: tN*Aiitlfully designed; comlilnntlon ehffrii* nii«l ana fixtures: anlendtd bntli; beautifully fitilshed; well located on 90-tool lot Kaay teriiin. r.\;-VL Moll i*e* lH*nutlful)y shaded and elevated * l'once DeLeon; alley aide nnd WANT OFFER FOR 24-ROOM HOUSE. two til«M*ka of I'eachtrei*; will rent for $*> |-r month, nnd will never be vacant; Ideal It::*' WITH APARTMENT IIOPHE rent lug nt $62.40 per month: In first-elans * wV *** ,u,nute *’ from the post HF.K Kt SSF.I.L SHIRLEY OR I* II. HEN M. L. THROWER, Real Estates 63 >' w:s REST FARMING LAND: *» »rr., in one 11.1,1; JVk mile* of Leeeburf, • 1 *'*- ciiuntf, on Centrol railroad; »!*• ,IM| > Mowt; tblrtf-ttro balea cotton rent. * "uM irt for*,. Tenant bouaea. Well «■ |pr " 1 - •• l »t«n at price: RO per acre; U.000 1,1,1 '’“lance one and two yean, 7 per cent “ r trn.le for Atlanta propertf. " 'VERT BAKER—TEN-ROOM; FI R '•“r,. ti-nt; cal.lnct manldi; Iwo porcelain ''“lb., fnldlat doora, atablea. with aide ap- | t"«r|i. t . 40 bp 100, The bluet liar « ' " ever offered In Atlanta raal eatate. M. L. THROWER, Real Estate. 30 N. Forsyth St. NOTICE. " WE FURNISH MONEY TO BUILD HOUSES. IF YOUR LOT IS NOT QUITE PAID FOR,. WE WILL TAKE UP THE NOTES AND BUILD YOU A HOUSE; THEN YOU CAN PAY US IN MONTH LY PAYMENTS LIKE RENT; OR WILL BUY YOU A LOT, BUILD A HOUSE ACCORDING TO YOUR PLANS AND SELL TO YOU ON YOUR OWN TERMS. CALL; LET’S TALK IT OVER. WILSON & NEAL. REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENTS. 215 EMPIRE BLDG. SUBURBAN HOME. h’OOD NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE AND tt acre fine, level, shady lot. 3M feet from Lakewood ear line; In. choice rcaldent aee* lion. $i,«W. $300 down and |15 per month. C. H. WELLS & CO., 1104 FOURTH NATIONAL BANIy C. McCRORT h. M. JOHNSON McCRORY & JOHNSON, Real Estate, 503 Peters Building, Phone 4691. FOR EXCHANGE—NINK-ROOM RES, denrn on North Boulevard; all Improrm ments; large shaded lot; side and rear driveway. Owner want* six or seven-room cottage In West End, close to school. This Is yonr chance to get a lovely home an north aide. WE ALSO I1AVE A NICE HOME ON Whitehall atreot; 60 by 300; back to railroad. Owner has been bolding this for $10,00}. Ue now wants n large place with $ or 6 acres In Edgewood or Kirkwood. Yon can get a good trade on this valuable business property by assuming a loan of about ISeOOO, If you hare something good In either of the above locations. WE HAVE SEVERAL CUSTOMERS wanting four or five room cottage on eaay payments. List them with ns. M'CRORY * JOHNSON. YOUTHFUL ROBBERS ENTER THREE STORES gpccIM to Th- Ccorffton. Chkrlotlc, N. C., Fob. I.—Duntlarn „hn. If Is though*, wore not over IS yonro old. entered three stores here Inst night and attempted to break Into three more In the business district. Cash registers were broken open and safes rlltcl. burglars securing only about t-.'< and some Jewelry. A negro youth has been arrested on suspicion. Half the Regular Price ~ Genuine imported Cravenette, and there’s a world of difference under the sajne name, sometimes, you know. And the making of these is worthy ofthe good ma terials. Not the “thrown together” affairs with glued seams, but tailoring—tailor ing that shows the exactness and care bestowed upon men’s custom-made garments. The points that make a rough weather coat smart, and which, when lacking,* make it just a “rain coat”—that is, serve the purpose, but stop at that Half-Fitted and Loos? 20.00 and 22.50 at Caster, Oxford andLight Coats. Regular PricSs. Grey and Tans. And a few three-quarter Craver^ettes in olives, tan and Oxfords.— The fin-- est of imported fabrics. Coats that were 20.00 and 25.00 15.00 and 17.50 Cravenett? Coats in Good -Colors, at 8.75 CHILDREN’S 12.75 10.00 and 12.50 Crav?n?ttes I? Lot, in I 5 at A small lot of children’s raincoats in sizes 8, 10 and 12. Coats that were 5.00 and 6.00. 3.98 ChambeHin-Johnson-DuBos? Co. LADY DOROTHY CUTHBER7 IS SLAIN BY HUSBAND Iaondon, Feb. I.—Lady Dorothy Cuth- btrt met with a tragic death at tha hand, of her huaband during a pheaa- ant .hoot at Beaufort Caatle, North umberland. yeet.rday. She wai two yard, dtatant from her huaband, Cap- , announcement. We Wlih to thank our many friend, and the general public who have »o palronl.ed u» al our old ■land. «t Peachtree atreel. We now Mt.nd a mail cordial Invitation to u. at our new .tore, 76 Peachtree ■tree!, where we have more room and many Improvement, added. W. will drive haroer than ever to offer optical aervlce which few gla*. wearer, have enjoyed. Our entire time given to j optic*. No .Me line*. The only e*- clu.lve manufacturing retail optical j bouse MALLARD * CO, CIGARETTE SELLERS SHOULD GET BUSY There I. trouble brewing ahead for dealer. In cigarette, outside the city hi Fulton county, unless Jhey the of. flee, of the ordinary ,’nd (ax collector. Note Itb.hndlng the fact that the law say. each Aw'er In Ihl. clan of good, must register with the ordinary on tho first of Janukry. and In addition pay a •pedal tax of lit a year. Chief Turner says only Iwo dealer, outside the et<V have paid the tax. A. a result of \hls state of affairs he Issued orders to Hts me* on Friday -o notify all storekeepers dealing In cigar • ettes to pay the tax. Bach one will b* given a show, but unison tht license I, paid cases against them will be mads. The county police were also Instruct ed to watch out for dealers who sold lain James Hamlrt Cuthbert. when hts gun was accidentally discharged. The charge entered her head and she fell dead on the spot. Lady Dorothy was a daughter of tha present enrl of Stratford, who married Mrs. Samuel Colgate, of New York. STATISTICS. smoking, tobaoco and gavs cigarette papers away with the purchase. This makes them liable for the cigarette snx and the men on the force will keep a •harp lookout tor such dealers. KLAW * ERLANQER ' ®OTH GIVE A BOND. New York, Feb. 1.—The grand jury has returned an Indictment against the so-called theatrical truat, charging con spiracy and restraint of trade. Abraham Krlanger and Marc Klaw have been admitted to bond In 11,040 each, and pleading (o the Indictments has gone over for a week. FANCY GROCERIES AT AND BELOW COST. A CLEAN SWEEP. ONLY ONE DAY MORE. COME QUICK. WIL- KERfiON A BRO., 77 PEACH TREE ST. PROPBRTY TRANSFERS. t(lt—The South Atlanta land Com pany to W. T. Ashford, lot on Metson avenue. Warranty deed. 61—James R. Wylie to W. P. Inman, lot on West Peachtree street. 61,640—Mrs. Leila (*. lirldwell to Mrs. Fannie W. Treadwell, lot on Mills street. 66—t'. P. Brldwell to Mrs. Anna Kil patrick. lot on Williams street. 61.864— Mia. Fannie W. Treadwell to Mrs. Anna Kilpatrick, lot on Mills street. 81—W. P. Inman to James R. Wylie, lot on 'Vest Peachtree street. War ranty deed. 81.400—A. M. Covle to T. J. Trend- well. land In .land lot No. 66. War ranty deed. 8604—J. M. toe to A. M. forrle, land In land lot 81. 8140—John B. Thompson to Forrest Adair, executor of the estate of cl W. Adair, deceased, lot on Basswood ave nue. Warranty deed. — OEATH8. Mrs. Aide Perryman, age 81 years, dltd at If' Chapel street. E. Atkinson Hardaway, ago SI years, died at Fort McPherson. Os. W. I. Smith, ago SR years, died of pneumonia at Grady hospital. Clifford Berry, colored, age !f years, died from railroad accident on L. A N. yards. Peter Seseor. age 48 years, died of heart failure, at 117 Richardson streat.- C. Handera, colored, age 1 years, died of pneumonia, at 161 Houston street. O. Hitt, age 81 years, died of asthma. at 881 Formwalt street. Jack Brannen. colored, age 80 years, died of pneumonia, at Oakland City. O. Pierce, age 21 years, died at V8 King street. BUILOINQ~PERMIT8. 16.764—A. B. Andrews, to hulld three frame dwellings ai 412-16-18 Capitol avenue. 141)4—Mrs. Mary O. Dickson, to build frame bum on Eleventh street. 1600—Judge Herman, to repair Are damage 210-8 Central avenue. 8104—K. 6'. Crussell, make changes In basement at frame dwelling at 117 East North avenue. 8864—A. D. Luck, to make addition to frame dwelling at 8 West End ave nue. 62,464— E. N. Morris, to build two story frame dwelling at 120 Windsor. 12.460—E. H. Morris, to build two- story frame dwelling at 112 Windsor street. * Tailor Turns Up. A. Lasker, the tailor of 6S Armstrong street, who mysteriously .disappeared Tuesday morning, lias been found. Isisker Is an Inmate of the Wesley Memorial hospital. He has been 111 for soma time nnd went to the hospital without notifying the people at his boarding house of his Intentions. "*Stols a Watch. Viola Stafford, a negro servant girl, was lined 116.76 nr thirty days In the stockade Friday morning by Recorder Broyles on the charge of stealing a watch nnd chain (ruin the home o; George Dairy. 64 Currier street, where she was employed. The woman wan arrested by Policemen Pearson and Jameson nnd the stolen property re covered. The prosecutors asked that the girl not be bound uver to the state court*. BIG LAID COMPANY AGIO FOR CHARTER i Special 14 Tbs □ Krillt. Sparta, Go., Feb. 1.—An application for a charter has been Died to the superior court of Hancock county by Messrs. W. H. QUartermah. E. M. Bla lock, C. J. Hadden, J. P. Thurman, E. A. Rosier, D. P. Ferguson, J. H. Ad ams and other for the Hancock Coun ty Land Company. This corporation has been Organised with a capital stock of 840,004, all of which has been paid In. • The headquarters of thle concern will be In Sparta and It will engage In the buslnes* of buying, leasing, renting and eelllng real estate.* They propose to also operate one' ot (he largest sawmills In this section of , the state. ANNOUNCEMENT! G. Arthur Howell kss been admitted a, j menilH'r ot our Arm, whk-k will here- utter tie known as Aaron lists, Ses 4k lionet). GENERAL IKRCBANCB AGENTS, W. L Smith. The funeral service* of W. I. Smith, who died In a private sanitarium on Thursday morning, were conducted In the chapel of Barclay 4k Brandon, nt 10 o'clock Friday morning. Tho Inter ment waa In HpUywood cemetery. LiuLk