The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, February 01, 1907, Image 2

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN; FRIDAY, FEBRUARY I, UK. SOUTH IS UNTOUCHED BYIRONRATE ADVANCE Notwithstanding th# statements of Increase freight official, that th* recent or it cent, per ton on pic Iron will not offc-t Atlanta or ita MrrHorr, Presl- •ant'Sam P. Job*,, of the Frelgfn Bureau,'baa started an Invos Win Ucapon for th* purpow of determlAIng Whether th* Increase affects Atlanta oven Indirectly. / President Jonea I* of |h, opinion, keverer, that th* rat* only affect* th* Cateway* and paint* beyond th* Ml* ataelppl, Ohio and Potomac rttrer*, and that tha rata* In thl* territory will remain th, name. President Jonea I* al*o pmtdent of th* Atlanta Stove Work* and I* doubly,Interested In th* chance. • ■1 do not think," Mid he Friday nioimnc, "that Atlanta will b* affected by the chance. It waa the underetand- Inc that th* rate* on pic Iron from —Btfmlncham to Atlanta would remain at ft per ton. T uhaerMand Gtir rate on pic Iron I* baaed upon the quo. latlons. and thta commodity haa been pretty high forsomemonth*. Statement I* Untrue. "The atatement made editorially In an afternoon paper that the ft rate to Atlanta ha* been In force for year* la untrue. For at leaat fifteen year* the rat* waa 21.90 per ton. At the confer* enco held at the Piedmont two year* ■Co a decreaee of it rente wa, allowed, pinking the rale ft.IS. About elc month* aco the remalnlnc IS cent* w«, taken off. makinc the rate tl, a* at “Chattanooc*. however, ha* n nit* of 71 rent* per ton. Thle rate haa been In effect for eorne time and Atlanta , Chould have tone similar consideration from th* railroad*. 1 am Inveatlcatlnc -thl* increa*e, althnuch I do not believe U will affect Iran manufacturtac In thl, tit of th A hlch Tzwsr*;. uwhi which uae* 1,000 ton, of pic Iron y« . , n , com pan* _ __ __ _ on yearly ■aid that h* mad* an Immedlat* Inve*. tlcatlnn of th* notice of the Increa** and went to Birmingham, where he found It only affected th* river and Vlrdnla calewaya. and *ome' of th* moaet town* Ilk* Charleston and Oat veeton. He Mid It would not affect Atlanta.' Southern Official. FrelCht Traffic Manacer I,. Qreen, of the Southern railway, who waa la At* the Southern railway, who wt lanta Thurnday. apok* of the In rat**, and Mid that It did not . Atlanta or any Southern city.* In epeahlnc of the delay In maklnf'tha idVtflCt, he Mild; "The furnace companlee very reoanl impanl . ly mad* repreeentatlon to th* railway able, companies that they had not been because of shortac* of care, to com- this statement, and dealrtac to do *n tire Juatlca to the furnace*' Intnreeta, undertook to suspend th* advene* for a period of thirty day* In order that' th* furnace compenlec might have fur. ortunltty to complete th* ship. . Iron told on lb* former rat** Th* tariff* bad been published aod Died with tb* Interstate commerce cornrnl*- •lon. aod could net, under th* lateretate commerce commission act, ha chanetd except upon thirty days' notloe, with* out authority from th* Interstate com merce cnmmtMlan, to make tha chance notice. Therefor*, th* earner, applied to the Interstate commerce commlmaelon for p*rml**lon to suspend (he advance for. a period of thirty days, and 'lint permission ha* been cranted today. Therefore, the relief soucht by th* furnace people for r suspension of these rates will be ob talned." — - — COTTON CASE HEARD LEAVE FOR WEST Sleep And Rest Hearing Against Railroads In Georgia Complete! I ' For Present. Special t* Tb* Ueoritaa Macon. On.. Feb. 1.—Yeoterdnr aft ernoon the two members of the Inter state commerce commission who have bam conducllnc a hear!ns In Macon alnc* Monday moraine, left for/tUltl* Rock, Ark., where several case* await their attenlloo. Since Monday last the coromlxlorfer* rd three cases In Mscn. the OtlS CUCTgy. Idal on* twine dosed at noon yesterday. Th* last caM was broucht by nter Tha other two ease* heard durlns tha esMlona of th* commission ‘In Macon were those of J. J. Waxelbeum agulnet the -railroads and tha caae renterlnc around th* movement of cotton from a compress at Union Springe, Ala. From Llttla Rock th* commissioners will so to tha Indian Territory. SWETTENHAM DEFENDED BY SIR ALFRED JONES London. Feb. 1.—The steamer Port Kingston, with f*tr Alfred Jonea and party aboard, reached Bristol at I o'clock this moraine. Blr Alfred Jones. Hennlker Heaton and Hamsr Green wood emphatically support Qovemot Bwattenhnm'* action and declare no body could have behaved better. Bwettenham's position amid the cha- aa mu one of the gr**t**t..difficulty. Tha paMencere daolara-Amadcan nit - lea are lenomnt of the real fart*. Alfred Jones say* th< dlMuter will not affect the prosperity of Jamaica. “Sir Alexander Swettrnhnm was the richt man In the rlchl place.” derlifted Sir Alfred Jones. "A* for (he assist anre proffered by Admiral On vis, as slstanre from any quarter was welcome to the eufferers. but the governor was quite rlclit In not allnwlnc an armed force to land without permission “The American admiral I* * very nice fellow and was anxious lo help. When Admiral Dnvta requested to land force. Governor Bwettenlixm was dhiaotrr.. Tlir deputy hlef of ts.iice venlured to give oermleslon- wllhout consulting hie superior. Governor Bwettenham, knowing the local feeling regarding the Americans, requested thrlr withdrawal Immediately he was Informed of the landing." PREA CHERS IN THE A TERS; DR. BROUGHTON WILL TALK Dr. Broughton will tale up ’The Preacher and th* Theater at hi* aer man nt th* Tabernacle next Sunder night. He hu* Just returned from K —vtxtt toGreenvtlle, S. C. where n series of successful services were cunducted. "1 shall take Issue with the editorial In the moral ago, Ing. "on preacher* In the theater, have some few things to say on the subject which may sting some." Has Purchased Store. • Special to The (leorxlsn. Wrlghlsvllle. (In , Feb. 1 — M M. Da vie hn* purchased (he entire s(ock of the Farmers' Bupply Company and will ii*A\ lake charge about the first of KebrueF ; "C. V. Walker, Jr.. Resign*. rheJnahy fIf*'nils of Mr. CIV. Wnlk- -ae.- Will regret lo learn that he haa been compelled to resign his post lion al the Georgia railroad and go u> account of his falling George B. Nmrenui. Th* funeral service* of (trorgr B h'ntarenu*. who died nt n private sani tarium Wednesday afternoon, were conducted Friday morning In the chap el of Green be nr. Bond A Bloomfield by Rev. William Vnllhrechl, pastor of the German Lutheran church. BUILDINGS MENACE]) BY PENNSY TUNNEL Method of Sinking Shaft May Have to Be Changed. N>w York. F#b. I.—That the path of the Pennsylvania railroad tunnel under Manhattan haa bleu found to be honey* combed with qulrkxand and running Mtrraina, which threaten to undermlfv the foundatlona of the Waldorf-Aatorlu and acorea of other big bulldlnga In Thlrly-aecond and Thirty-third afreet*, from Madlaon to 'Seventh"avenue*, tin* abandoned, waa the atartltng diacloaure made before the Rapid Transit board COMER STANDS PAT; TELLS ENGINEERS BILL WILL BE PASSED 'Sirens Sing and people are led to their ruin as trulv todnv as in the ancient times. !• One of the Sirens who creates the greatest havoc H|»erlat to The (leorgtan. Montgomery. Ala.. Feb. 1.—Oovernui Comer ytaiarday h um waited upon by u delegation of locom5it\<• engineers in reference to the nntl-Hunday frelgh*. bUt. they oppoaltiK It. The bill pmltlb- the running of freight train* on Sunday. _ ■ Tim rniiroftd men cmtrmm tnnt it ouhl work u lmrilMht|i upon tli'in. (hut It would cut off much of their time, and that frequently they would have to rrmatn nvn—In wnmp» “tin Sunday. The governor warn kind but positive tn hla answer. He aald he fovored tl»> hill nnd that It waa Included in the Democratic platform and that lie In tended to *e© that the wlidies of the Democratic party were carried out aa far n* posidble. GETS LICENSE TO WEO “AL" ADAMS' DAUGHTER. • among those who listen to her honeyed words is named : COFFEE Many and nmnv a silent sufferer wanders «m blind- , ly mid wonders why the strength fails, heart and nerves i tremble or other symptoms of trouble show themselves. Try leaving coffee alone 10 days and using Pure Postum Food .Coffee j The “waking up" lias 'Startled many and will star tle you. reader, if you have physical ails. \ it’s worth a 10-days ^rinl. Ever read one of these genuine letters? DOCTOR EXPLAINS Hi* Artielt in Tht Medical Magazine About CofVee. • Mtc of tin* iiinat fninntm medical pub- McattonH In the United States i* the "Alkabtidnl t'ltntc." In u fwftu number *»f which nn entertaining.article on cof- fec h> ii progrcRslvc physician nnd wur- gc*»n wits puhJiNhcd In explaining hi* |H»ntt|.in in the matter thin physician ently md: “In the article in question I really touchetl hut lightly upon the merltH of PoNtum Food t'ofTce 1 have had nev. cval vn»e« of beavt trouble. ImllgruUon and nervotianeaM where a iHTtuanent cure wa« effected by merclv u*ltw Poatum In place of coffee without nnv »»ther treatment. "In my own family Ip have uned Pomunt for three yearn and my chil dren actually cry for it and will not be MntlNfh>d with any other be\er«ge. In deed the> refuse to eat until they have had the customary cup of P.mtum and as It I* a rebulltler nnd ilium nothing but good I ant only too glnd to let them New York, eon (hiltalln. of this* city, took out u licence in Providence. R. I. to marry Ida Koblnann Adame, the aecond daughter of the late “AP Adame, the pollo\ king. The appllcallnn state* that it will be Mien Adame* Href marriage ami the groom’i* eecond. Mien Adame* age Is given ae 2-. Her father e|»ent much moneyMn ed- ucntiiig her and aurrounded her Every movement of the body consumes energy. So does mental effort. En ergy is supplied by the nerves. It follows that physical or mental exhaus tion simply means an over-draft on the nerves. Nature restores energy through -rest and sleep. You cannot sleep with tired nerves. Dr. Miles’ Nervine soothes the irri tation and restores nerv- ‘Although I have lived nearly 71 the un- ice of Dr. Miles’ Re storative Nervine, aa a medicine for MlledTi: * Inherent Insomnia. Int< , i ten aided by long residence In a high altitude compel] me to recognise Tt* superiority over every other medicine l have ever used for nervousness and sleepli rlnes for Insomnia, and can eonselent* mnnnd It to the MKH W. II. Firi Colorado Hprings. Caio. Dr. Mllss* Nervine It sold by your druBOist. who will ousrsnioo that the first bottls will bontfU. If It falls, ho will rofund your monsy. Miles Medical Co„ Elkhart, Ind SAFE DYNAMITED; . CRACKSMEN FLED Ixplosion Aroused tin* Citi zens Who Rushed to the Scene. . Special to The fgcorglan. Rome, Oa.. Feb. I —At Lyrrly, i small town about twenty-live mile from this city, at un curly hour yostcr day morning, one of the moat daring pnstofflce robberies ever perpetrated 1 the history of the state wan effected. The big Iron safe used by the post master at that place was complete!' * ‘own to pieces by nltro glycerine. United States detectives, assisted IA ounty and state officers, are working to apprehend the guilty parties. The robbers used three charges of explosive, the shock being heard foe miles around. People In all parts of the town were alarmed and rushed out vf their homes, fearing some calamity had taken place. The robbers evidently did not expect to cause such a heavy explosion, consequently they failed M secure any booty at-jcMlteiiUftKe* They succeeded In getting a lndy‘.< ntrh and chain valued nt about $f»0u. This Is the second time that this >stoffice has been attacked and safe It Is evident that the gang of cracks- t*»» Hie professional* *o the business. IX NIGHT CLOTHES FAIR GUESTS FLEE ■ailng her and aurrounueq her with erything In the way of eulture that his millions could buy. James Nichol son dullatln. better known un "Jack" u alia tin. is a great-grand sop of Albert tiallatln. secretary of the tieasurv un- fb*r President Jefferson and founder of the O^lutln National bank of this New York, Feb. 1.—Just a few min utes before midnight great volumes of smoke were ween bursting up from the basement of the .Martha Washington hotel. In West Twenty-ninth street. The fire alarms In the hotel were s% going, and a panic resulted, the guests. omen, most of whom were awak ened from sleep by the clanging of gongs, ran screaming Into the lnbb£. many In their night -Hesses and pa- Jamus, nrtd out In the streets, some of them with their valuables In their hands. It was only the work of a minute or two after the firemen arrived for them t«> extinguish the (lames. The loss was nominal. VESSEL WAS KEPT UNDER SHIP’S GUNS SHORTAGE OF COTTON SEEDS WILL FORCE MILLS TO CLOSE. Special to The Georgian. Huntsville, Ala. Feb. 1 oil mills announce thnt on the very short supply of they will be compelled to their oil mills here nt an This has been the shortest •otton seed oil mill men hnv north Alabama In many year The lot iccount ttnn lose dow n early day uson the • seen In Found Guilty of Arton. Baltimore, Md.. Feb. 1.—Faith In the •called hypnotic powers' of Uaptuln of Detectives Humphrey received a Jolt at the hands of the Jury In the case of William F. Hose, nn trlsl for three days In the criminal court on the charge of setting die to the plant of the Edwin Bennett Pottery Company. tVntral and union avenues, last fall The Jury returned a verdict of guilt> LUMBER MILLS CHARGED WITH RUNNING ON SUNDAY. have it “There’s a Reason” for POSTUM "To get the brut result-* we boll the Postum Mt least trt minutes apd B •* then settled by addin-; a little cold water, then the addition of fresh cream makes n le verage ] now prefer to the very best coffee" Name given bv Postum «•*>.. Rattle t’rrek. Midi. Authorities arc agreed that Plistum Is a wonderfully quick and sun* r.*- hulldcr. Ten flays* trial In place of coffee proves It. -*|| snoiunj »qi joj saftinfowd U| giHej Jtl* book, "The Road to W«tlvlllc. M S|»eclal to The (teorglan. * Jackson. Miss., Feb. 1 The lum ber manufacturers in south Mississippi, owing to a rush of order* the last few month*, it Is churned, have been tun- nlrg on Sunday. Several of the largest of these mills have hoi»n Indicted for violating the Sunday law-, ami they may be heavily lined In court. . Lott Hit Arm. Frank Orelgrr. a car (talnter. re. turned to his home, lit Richardson street, from Birmingham Thtirsdn) afternoon, having lost his left arm in a machine used for burning off pntrn. He was employed by the Seaboard Air Line simps. His atyn was so harilv crushed that amputation was neces sary. New* York. Feb 1 The captain of the niBTsh ~ RTewvJSTitp Dumtonbin. which arrived tmlay fmm Tampico and 4'lenfuegos. cimii|)IhIiih1 of detention nml annoyance at t'lenfuegoa owing to a inlNUt'drrptanding about bills health. The (*uban authorities luamletl a Oiban bill of health from Home previous port, but at there was no t’ulgin consul sit Tampico, t'aptaln Smith could get none. The captain arrested and the Dundonlnn was kept under the guns of the United States cruiser Dixie. WHOLESALE THEFT AMMG EMPLOYEES) TEH NEGROES HELD In the Name' of Sense, Hundreds of Dollars’ Worth of Goods Taken From Cara. ■psetsl to Tbs OssrgUa. Rninbridgs, Osl. Fsb. Tsn nt employsd nt th* AUUrtle Const Un* frslght dspot has* b**n amotod for ■tcatlng and car brraUag. For ssvsral wssk* car* hnvs been broken open at Interval* and cases of merchandise In the warehouse have been robbed. Th* afflclal* of the road put defective* lo work WRIi the rtsull that tsn of the n-gross or* softly lodged In Jsll and many of tb* stotsn goods hnvs been rrrnvsrod. Tb* offiesra did not sutpset that so many wars Involved In th* stsallng. The first nagro torrsstod gave th* rost of th*. bunch away. Tb* goods stolen amounted to several hundred dollars and -Included silks, whisky, guns and groceries. These articles were stored In the garrets of several negro house*. that good common sense of which all of us have a share, how can you continue to buy ordinary soda crackers, stale and dusty as they must be, when for 5ff you can get Uneeda Biscuit fresh from the oven, protected from dirt by a package the very beauty of which makes you hungry. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY BIO DREDOE ATLANTIC DAMAGED IN COLLISION. Sysclal te Tht Georgian. Brunswick, Gs, Fsb. I .—The bla dredge Atlantic, which It Is expsctsJ will dn w great deal of th* work on tht timber basin to b* constructed for the Atlanta. Birmingham and Atlantic rail road In thl* city was recently damaged off Dames Point, tn th* 8t. Johns rlvsr. below Jacksonville, as the fssult df s collision with the Dutch Steamship j Zssburg. The Injury to th* dredge I* about If,ooo Th* dredge will be Im mediately repaired nnd after complei ■ Ing the contract on which It I* engaged- In Florida will probably return to Brunswick. WILL ACCEPT TENDER I OF CHANCELLORSHIP. Bpsclal to Ths Georgian. Jackson. Miss.. Fsb. I.—It Is rsport- I that the board of trusts** of the Htate Vntveratty will again tender the hanceliorshlp of th* university to Hon. l. A. KlncnnJion. president of ths In dustrial Institute and College, nnd It I* said.that Hr. Ktncnnnon will accept! pmHtton fore, but declined ths offer. The uni- erslty has been without n chancellor all this ssMlon. IMPOSED HEAVY FINE ON WIFE BEATER Hpeclal to 'J'h* Georgia a. Macon. Go-, Fsb. 1.—Wife beater* receive no mercy In the hands Judge Cabanlss, os Morgan Johnson, n whits' man, found out yesterday when he was fined SIS or thirty days for beating hi* wife and daughter. Last night. It was charged. Johnson went to his home drunk. He first tore down the kitchen stove and dragged tt nil over the houne, turning over all the furniture In sight, and then tore down the stove In the living room. When hi* wlfe approeehed him he bent her over the head and about the body and treat ed hi* daughter tn a like manner. for le Stomach f2.000.000 IN BUILDINGS IN COURSE OF ERECTION. SiwUI to Tfco» G*org1*u. Montgomery. Ala.. Feb. 1 —Wl'n about I2.M0.U00 In Imlltllng* unde* con templation of erection. Montgomery Is JUNtly proud of :he I9I»> movement. There la more builillng going on In Montgomery .now than ever before. Thew ate n few of the large ami t oatlv huiMings to he erected and gome of which are in the cournc of erection now : Finn National Bank. 9277.000; tho day building, fjoonoo; N. J Bell office tmildlng. I275.0O-I. Weetern Railway of Alabama round limine, USO.omi; Mo* Idle and Ohio. S'•"0.000: Montgomeiv Fair, HOO.OOo; Schhmg K- Kahn. I HO.', ouo. I'elser Brother", $32.non. Roemrr hulhUng. tSi.ono; \ U Tymm. Im- provetnentx Uourt Square. $22,000; N. J Bell in ddliking of cretting a theater t«» corn about $100,000. MONTH'S CHARTER FEES BREAK ALL RECORDS. Special to The fleArulan Jack eon. Ml**. K» b 1 —The ifiimdi of January broke all record* In the office the ffcretar) of Mate for charter feee. dennally the fee* In thin office for reconi Ing new chnitem and amend*, meats* to .dd onea rura between $1,500 and |2.oo«, but Inat tmmth over $ wa-* received by the aecrvlAT)* of state (or recording churtcra. If Your Stomaoh is Lacking in Di gextive Power, Why Not Help the Stomach Do Ite Work— When It Costs Nothing to Try? Not w ith drug*, hut with n reinforce ment of digestive ngente, such a* are naturally At work In the stomach? Scientific analysis shows that digestion require* pepsin, nitrogenous ferments, and the secretion of hydrochloric add. When your food falls to digest. It Is proor positive that soma of these agents are lacking In your digestive apparatus Btunn's Dyspepsia Tablets contain nothing but these natural elements necessary to digestion nnd when placed nt work In the weak stomach and amall Intestine*, supply what these organs nesd. They stimulate the gostrlc xlands ami xraduatly bring th* diges tive organs hnck to their normal condi tion. •tuarl's Dyspepsia Tablet, have been subjected to critical chemical testa at home nnd abroad and art found lo con tain nothing but natural digestives. Chemical laboratory. Telegraphic iffidrrss. "Dimndo," London. Telephone Nn. 11029 Central. 20 futlum street. Fenchurch street, E. C. London, 9th Aug.. 1903. I have analysed moat carefully box of Rttmrt'n Dyspepsia Tablets (which I bought myself at a city chem ist's -shop for the purpose), manufac tured by the F A. Bfuart Company. Temple Chambers. London, K. C„ and have to reisirt Hint 1 can not find any •of vegetable or mineral poisons. Knowing the Ingredients of the tablets, I am of opinion that they are sdmtra, hly adaptable for the purpose for which they are Intended. (Signer)) JOHN R. BROOKE. K. 1. C., F. C. 8. There Is nn secret In the preparation of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Their composition Is commonly known among physicians, ns is shown by the recom mendations of to.ttoo licensed physl- clnfis In the I'nlted Stales and Canada. They are the most popular of all reme dies for Indigestion, dyspepsia, water brush. Insomnia, loan of appetite, mel ancholia. constipation, dysentery and ktndred dlseadfs originating from Im- *, because they are thoroughly re liable and harmless to man nr child. Stunrls Dyspepsia Tablets are at once n safe nnd n powerful remedy, one nraln of these tablet, being strong enough (by test) tn digest 2,000 grain* of Steak, eggs and other foods. Stu art's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest your fisul for you when your stomach can't. Ask your druggls- for n fifty-cent package or send to u* direct for n free trial sample package nnd you will be surprised nt the result. F. A. Stuart Company, 94 Stuart Building, Marshall. On YOUR NEXT TRIP Louisville & Nashville R. R. THE NEW USE TO Cincinnati Louisville L. N A Solid VsotiMod Traia LfdUod by Css sad Boetrldty Wares Colon Station Atlanta 3:20 pst- Dally. Modern Sleeping Cara and On TWO*! DINING SERVICE Offered Anywhere. City Ticket Office. 4 Peachtree Street PHONES, MAIN 1088. ATLANTA 178 REBEL LEADERS PLAN SUNDAY COCK FIGHTS Havana, Feb. 1.—Big cock fight* and other gambling arrangements have been mode by General Pino Guerra and other revolutionary tenders for n fair which opens at Consolaclon del Bur, In (lie Buell* Abajo. on February 2. A special excursion train will leave Havana for Consolaclon del Bur at 9 o'clock 8unday morning. Those at the head of the uffalr boast that tho rural?" at Consolsclon del Bur are too few to dare to Interfere. Malaria Maksa Pals Blsed. The old standard. Grove 1 *-Tasteless Tonic, drives out malaria and builds up th* system. Bold by all dealers for 27 years. Price 60 cents. EX-OOVBRNOR NORTHEN SPEAKS AT MONTEZUMA. S|mm-IsI to The Georgian. Montesum*. Oa., Feb. 1.—Hon. W. J. Northern of Atlanta, president of the Business Men's Gospel Union, ad dressed the people at Montesum* at the opera houes Thursday, on the sub ject of "Law and Order." There Is s probability of a union be ing established In this county os a re sult of his address. PILES CURED IN • TO 14 0AYS. PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to ire any case of Itching. Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Plies In 9 to 14 day* or money refunded. 20c. COMPANIES DRILLING FOR ANNUAL INSPECTION (pcclsl to The Geeigtso. Macon, On., Feb. 1.—Preparation* are being mad* by the three military com panies of Macon for the annual Inspec. tlon thnt Is to be conducted in Macon by mate Inspector Oenefal Obear and by General Joseph Wheeler, of "Uncle 8*m’a" regular army. , At the three armories, occupied by the local militia, the drllle are being held oftener than usnsl. and the finer points In the manual of arms that were hot thoroughly learned In the pnst are now being bi irought to perfection All three companlee seem very anx ious to present the best possible front to th* two tnepectore. and each com pany will do Ite best to make the beet appearance. or Pastor Declines Call. Special to The Georgian. Greenwood, 8. C., Feb. I.—Rev. H. A. Bagby, of this city, one of the best- knnwn and moet able ministers In the state, has received a call to the pastor ate of a large church In Tennessee, which he hoe declined. Greenwood and the state could III afford to give up such an able man. Cheney'» Expectorant cures coughs, coldi, LaQrippe and croup. 60 years on the market. All Drug gie ti 26c. Charged With Trunk Robbing. Special to The Oeorglan. Huntsville. Ala., Feb. 1.—Charlie Gilliam, a young man, has been ar rested here and placed In jtll on the charge of breaking Into a trunk be longing to John James, who resides In thi he Big Cove neighborhood. DISTANCE— There is no need for the busy man to take a tire- some trip or waste time in writing about affairs in a distant city. It’s easier to stay at home and use the long dis tance Bell Telephone. It is the modem way. There’s no delay. , Reasonable Rates Call ‘‘Long Distance" BELL SERVICE IS SATIS FACTORY. WANTED Carpenteri, Masons and Plaxtererg at P. J. Cooledgo A Son, 150 P«. ters street, where we will give you lowest prices on all Tools. F. J. C00LEDGE A SON. THINK 8PICIAL SESSION OF CONFERENCE NECESSARY. Bpsclal to The Oeorglan. Jnckeon, Miss., Feb. 2.—The Metho dists of fhe elate are much Interested In the report that there Is to be n special session of the general confer ence for the nurpose of electing several bishop*. Churchmen In Mississippi are agreed that a special saqalon of tha conference le necessary thlt the bleh- ope are now much overworked and Siat there ehould be others. BIO SALE OP LOTS PLANNED IN STATESBORO. ■pedal to The Ocorstao. , Btaleaboro. Oa., Feb. 1.—No event In the history of Statesharn seems to promise more for th* development ?r the city than the opening up of a large tract of land In North Btatoobdta for development a* a residence portion. The Dean Realty and Improvement Company has a large fore* grading street* and beautifying (he ground*. At an early date an excursion win bn run from many points In Georgia aqd loti offered for tale. Mich. Jt.l