The Rockdale record. (Conyers, Ga.) 1928-1930, February 13, 1929, Image 2

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ROCKDALE RECORD Official Organ of RorUilalc County and the City of Conyers PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY J. M. TOWNS Editor W. E. ATKINSON Publisher Entered at tie jx>st office at Conyers. (iCoi'Klu. hs second-class mall matter. SCItSCRIPTION, IN ADVANCE One year $1.50 Six months .75 THE ItOCKDALE UKCOKI) assumes no responsibility for views expressed by <airres|xindents or contributors- All copy submitted for jiublicution must be slKned by the author. Community Life The city of Conyers is happily mov ing on toward a more vivid apprecia tion of its own community life. A lit tle reflo-lion, however, minbt quicken its step. AVe are so near a larger city Hint there is danger of forgetting our own virtues because of the glare Hud boom of the bigger. It means some thing to live in a community which Is not so large, but that every citizen may know and enter into the live of every other. There is tin* sense of fineness, of inter-relationship in the small town that one largely loses in the big city There is more of the family spirit None of our lieople are so wealthy as to lose interest in tJmiu* not wealthy, and none so poor as to lie forced to beg or steal. If in some rare case poverty pinches too hard the. sufferer only needs to let it he known to have relief offered. The more for tunate look on the less fortunate as brothers and seek to relieve tills strain while the whole family rejoice together when fortune smiles on any. Now it may be we do not properly appraise this fact. When we go to spend our money we often go to some other and thus im|ioverlsh our own <‘oinmiisi ty purse. Making ourselves less aide to carry on. Then I would say a word about our church life. We are one people and ns one iieople are interested in the church life of tlie community. There is not denominational strife. We hll want (every chim b to prosper because we know that tin* church life is tlie heart life of the whole. The day lius passed when men feel that in order to build their house, they must tear down another's. Thinking of t lie ill ter-rela tions hi f> of the community, can we not see that the laxnrss or indifference of one tones down the effectiveness of the whole? One lawless man affeefs the whole as does one broken finger the man. I pi end for the deepening of com munity interest. 1 plead for loyalty to our churches- I plead for u deeper interest in one a not her. ,1. ROBT. JORDAN. Methodist Church Notes On last Sunday our church was a center of life and interest. The morn ing service was given to a study of ‘‘Tin* World's Cry for Christ and the Response of the Church- Some Ureeks came to one of Christ's disciples and asked to see Jesus. These Greeks rep resented the millions who do not know God as he is seen In Christ Will the church answer their cry? We can If we will. The evening service was en livened by a group of boys helping the pastor detail tin* life of John Mark. This was a fine service. The boya were Hutton (Heaton. Hlllie Patrick, Ward H. Galley, Joseph Brown, Harry McElvaney, and W. O. Mann. The boys did well and showed liow well they could do with more training. Next Sunday the morning service will lie given to a study of “The Man That Missed Heaven and Why.” Tin evening sermon will be preached by a group of our flue girls —tlie theme. “Robbery.” "Who is hurt, the person robbed or the robber?” Baptist Church Sunday morning Sunday school serv ice brought forth a marked increase in attendance, consequently showing an increase in interest. The morning worship was well at tended. The pastor brought out splen did thoughts concerning Christian be liefs and negative beliefs. Mr Coop er rendered the vocal solo “Whisper a Prayer,” which was very effective- Why is it that the people today seem so bent toward pleasure? Do they not stop to think of consequences? Tbt lsistor in tin* evening service brought an inspiring and thoughtful message, pointing out the sin of worldly rather than Godly people- His subject was “Towers of Pleasure." You are cordially invited to attend tlie services of tlie church. Why not turn your hearts on Sunday at least, to tlie jieace which comes from true worship? “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” 801 l Weevils for 1929 tThc indications arc tiiat we will have lots of hull weevile in Hock dale county early in the season tills year. II is far from safe to “guess that some how we will not lie bother inir-li with them," for every indication is that they will la* here in abundance. There are reasons for saying this- Now, there is a lot of guessing for tlie farmer to do on tilings tlml con cern t|ie weather, or about things that flu* weather affect, but still there are a lot of things about which we do not have to depend on guessing, and aiiier* guessing is so often tin* cause if a lot of trouble, it behooves us to leave off guessing on the things that we can find out the facts about, and act on facts that we know exist. Now, let’s figure some on some fads about tills Imll weevil business; What determines the amount of boll weevils that we have in the spring at (lie be ginning of tlie boll weevil infestation? I>e you know the answer? Well, you do know the answer if you have been studying this business as much as you should have. Tlie answer is simply based on three tilings and they arc tlj.ese: First, how many and liow gen eriil were boll weevils jn Rockdale county lust fall before frost? The an awer to tills question is that we laid plenty of them all over the county be fore tlie season was over last year. Second, how late in the fall were ill Weevils fed and allowed to thrive lie Ijpre killing frost? The answer to tlii question is that we had second growth leaves and blooms in our cotton and the hull weevils thrived and multiplied until late in tlie fall, or about 'til tin first of December. Y'ou remember we had a very late date for killing frost last year. Third, How- cold a winter is there to kill the weevils out that go into winter quarters? The answer to this question is that we have lmd lit tie weather cold enough to give Hie boll weevils much trouble yet, and a this is nearly tin* middle of February we cannot count on Mr. 801 l Weevi being injured very badly before om cotton comes up this spring. Now, since we will have so many weevils at planting time this year and since we do not know whether 1h summer weather will la* in favor of the boll weevil or against him. and since we cannot handle a large acre age of cotton and fight the weevil on it and projierly cultivate it at tlie same time, especially if it rains much and since we do not want to get h the place that if we stop to fight tin boll weevil, tin* grass will eat up oui cotton crop, and if we stop to kill Hit grass, (lie boll weevils wil eat up oui cotton crop, we liad better lie aide 1i tBBB*BmB*BSBBBfiNr*BSB!B^SB% , . , .^*. , . , . , .*.%*.‘.* , *^. , *?* ? *^^SB!BBSSBBBBSi%'!SBBBSi'' 1 i Several hundred baby chicks ;] I now ready, and each Thurs- | | day, Redsjand Barred Rocks | 'i fine stock. j #s *• I Covington Hatchery | I Phone 200-W Covington, Ga | New Ford Battery | /TT7\ Only $0.50 |;!|Rf A genuine Ford 13-plate Battery will give you dependable service the year around. It is built for quick starting, reliablefperformance and long life. At its present price, the Ford battery is a genuine bar gain. Langford Motor Cos. j Conyers, Ga. 1 - ! ROCKDALE RECORD, CONYERS, GEORGIA take care of the boll weevils and grass 1 both if we want to lie reasonably sure] of making a cotton crop. Now, we can do these things and make a good cotton crop with the boll weevils here if we will reduce our acreage to tiiat amount that we have good laud to plant on, fertilize well, and cultivate well and fight the boll weevil well on- Now, let’s play safe, and plaut only that amount of cotton tiiat we can .veil handle this way. This is a ser ious proposition and I am worrying a lot about the fellow who puts in more icrcagc than la* can handle with the toll w evils here this year. Now, fel lows let's don’t make tills mistake- 1 want to ask you fellows who see the reason in what I am talking about here to help get tills across to every body, mil let’s put and keep Rockdale coun ty on top by thinking and acting as inteliigf ntly as we know how in every thing. I want you fellows to know that I like you and like to work for you in every way I can to help you. I want to see you have tin* best year you have ever had in ltKii). Remember tiiat ‘‘‘Forward” iw j ftur solgnn- Fallows, I'm with you and for you. Come on. let’s all pull together and let’s go. every one pulling together for old Rdekdale- Think it over. Y'ours very truly, ERNEST l> HOLMES, County Agent. IL. A. SHARP Dealer In Choice Horses and Mules. Every Ani mal Guaranteed. The Best Mules for the Price. • • • • #O#C •O* -•(.-•< *•(_>• ‘•'-■•o9Q9o*o*. /OO9OO*OOa ;5 LIVO MI N T ’• ' * *• If it fails to enable you to eat *• $ anything you like without pain •8 or gas forming afterwards or if a S. ** double dose fails to give you re- J* .* lief within 15 minutes to the most severe gas pains. _lf S teaspoons ij> ’* full of Livomint in 1-4 glass of i* it water before breakfast "fails to % ’ fully relieve Toxic poison or fails $ to restore your appetite, your dea- * *S U>r will refund your money. * | Livomint is a mild laxative and .• >*, is tlie modern treatment for •* -J Stomach, Liver And Kidneys * “8 Contains no alcohol or harmfy' .J drugs and is steam cooked from Si •J vegetable matter with mineral .• ’• substance added and is guaran- § •5 teed harmless. S. “Try it for your stomach's sake” ;• For Sale Everywhere % LIVOMINT LABORATORIES ’. *8 Atlanta, (la, •8 .f ,SSV^.V.V.V.V.:B%Vi3SSB*i%BSSSBS2?reS c. h. McDonald Phone 10 THE FURNITURE STORE Lithonia, Ga. | A full line of household necessities, new I . i and stylish goods. Silk Moirhatr up-1 V j holstered Living Room Suits. Large I ■ assortment of Rugs. Nifty End tables, | / \ j Hall Trees, Floor Lamps, Smoking I 1 * *>) , Stands, Art Mirrors. I ■> j BRUNSWICK and KOLSTER RADIOS I | 'p'l I( f Perfection Oil Stoves. I I U., Our Service and Prices Will Please You | To Our Friends 5 Customers f MMimimHH'Tll - ITnrWfMIT— ——■ We take this method of expressing to you our highest ap 1 preciation for your words of encouragement and liberal patronage during the few days we have been open tor business and we want you to know that we are doing our 0 very best to supply this store with both Hardware and Fur niture of quality and at prices that will be worth your while to know about. COME TO SEE US We repair Talking Machines, Frame Pictures any kind of 4 Plumbing Work. Call Phone No. 7 and we will try to serve you in a satisfac tory way. / i: fMf Rockdale Hardware Cos. I* > v Conyers, Ga. ■_- , l t THE Jlhgis AUTHORITY I \ ITS CLASS r* S “ttl Whippet ■™ r /■%]! j; , IS (.HEATER BEAUTY, LARGER BODIES WIN* Coupe*69s; Coupe (with SI . rumble seat) 8725 5 Sedan PUBLIC APPROVAL AT AATIOA S ALTO SHOWS fi - - RECORD SALES EVERYWHERE! WUlya-Overlandprice's g f. o. b. Toledo, Ohio, and rr. i , i ... specifications subject to _, With longer bodies—higher radiator and hood—graceful change without notice. lines—rich, harmonious colors—sweeping one-piece full L—_____ H CM crown fenders—the new Superior Whippet definitely M establishes an ultra-modem style trend for Fours and £V light Sixes. Mechanically, too, the new Superior Whippet furthers With the new Jfj aits distinguished predecessor’s long lead over competi- ** FINGER-TIP ff tion. A higher compression engine gives more than 20% FAITRBBI ” P added horsepower, effecting faster speed, quicker pick- § KML gj YA U P greater hill-climbing ability. Low consumption * “ in ß le button, iu the cen I oof gasoline and oil and dependaHe performance, make f * tins new car qualified to carry on Whippet’s unsur. the lights and sounds the B passed reputation for operating economy and minimum mTb’Z 4 service costs. Order now for early delivery. when starting or re-startin* Q WILLYS-OVERLAND.INCToiedoOhio B l Whippet™, \ I Louis L. Brooks, Agent gj | Lithonia, Ga! 5 8 9 McClelland’s Garage Sub Agent, H Conyers, Ga.