The Rockdale record. (Conyers, Ga.) 1928-1930, May 08, 1929, Image 12

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Fred (Buddy) Love Killed Sunday Nityhi l-'ied l.nvo, twenty • >ii* .vcar old soli of Mr. ami Mrs. .1. I> Love, formerly of Comers, was ran down l>.\ a liil and ian maniac upon ilh* sireils of Atlanta lata Sunday afternoon His r. mains were brought to Conyers Tiu -day ninni'.iig for luirial in Ids mi live soil The fnta'fal was held at the Conyers Baptist rliurch of which lie was a model young man memher. It I- int resting to a great many id' it' t i reeall that memorahle Monday night of .lane 2nd, 1921. when this young man led the way for more than a dozen hoys and girls, men and worn en during the areal revival eonda •( < I hy Pastor Tom Callaway and sing <r tirimlle. who along with twenty two others, was baptized hy Mr. Cal In way Sunday night .lane Sth. I’aslor .1 I I iralo* preached the funeral and Ids remains were laid to rest down in the old family cemetery. Fred was known wherever lie went as “Buddy" hcranse lie was a luiddy, first, to his mother and the lilt I* • brothers and sisters at home and he was a buddy to his bos- Buddy found more ways of doing deeds of kindness than anybody we ever knew, lie did not finish high school for life was til ways hard with him and be was de nied ninny things that most hoys have, and yet hiv life was so clean bit ion so great that lie walked around graduates In his every line of endeav or. lie was two nly one years of age ill hie time of his death, tail for more than a year he had traveled through out the stales east of the Mississippi river alone, representing Vaney Broth ers, of Atlanta. A gnat host of people throughout this section feel like they have in deed lost a "buddy" in the untimely and startling death of this splendid boy and along with the family, we cx tend to them the henW felt sympathy of the Ueeord, Mrs. (i. A. Mel low el| was called to Monroe Saturday on account of the death of her father. Mr. E. T. I’rather. FOR SALE Chevrolet Truck Chassis only. This is a 1926 year model and is in good condi tion. See Anl ie Bennett or myself. LEROY BRI.SINDINE I MOTHER’S DAY —^—— —— —— mm m ——— I—— Our Second Anniversary 1927 in Conyers 1929 MR. JAMES R. CHAPMAN A native of Liberty Kentucky, and an only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Chapman. Liberty, Ky., continues to be the home of his parents, also one of his two sisters, Mrs. W. W. Bradley, with Mrs. Essie Sharpe, of Cincinnatti, completing the family group. Mr. Chapman took up bookkeeping on leaving home which he followed for nine years. He has followed the barber business for the past eighteen years, coming to Conyers direct from Washington City, in May, 1927. He served in the Cuban Pacification Army, 1908-1911, following the Spanish-American war. Mr. Chapman was married in Atlanta in 1916 to Miss 11a Hale, daughter of the late Mr. R. J. D. Hale and Mrs. Georgia Hale, who now re sides in Conyers. s Half of the Entire Population at Church Can you imagine IHI of our ‘JIMto people being at Sunday Well. we have it from Hubert I’irklc, who with his family, visited Mr. and Mrs. .1 hi> It. I'lrkle. Sunday, that Mayfield Insists of only two hundred p ople and that there are more than one bun dled of them in Sunday school every Sunday With our present attendance el siindity school and preaching, too. if you please, it would la* terrible it our population fell off to two hun dred people. Why, bless your heart, it's got so there's not enough people at church | (l even have a choir an average choir 101 l would hold the en tire audience. We laymen say its the preachers’ fault and it may he that the preacher says it's the laymen's fault anyway, so far as we've heard, neither lias admitted any faults. It used to he that you could go out to eliurcli and find the pastor in a scrap with the devil, at least talking hack to him, hut now it's different, 'ton don't even hear 'em condemn card playing, dancing or divorces. About the only thing they harp on much is lieker drinking just like they don’t know that there ain’t no lieker. It's true, we drank something the other night that wasn’t water, hut old man I!. M. Hose never would say it was lieker and likewise, when you see us out on the floor, you never would swear 'hat we were dancing. There fore. the only thing against us is that what we drunk smells had and when on the floor we hold a lady around the waist instead id' by the arm. We went up to the Methodist, church Sunday morning and led the singing. Had those people walking about, too. It was right funny the way we caught ,Superintendent Vaughn napping. He wanted just the men to sing a verse and they did and did it well. We then had Supt. Vaughn and Secretary Dan Patrick to sing the next verse with us as a triple. The difference lie tween a triple and a trio is that you listen to one and laugh at the othei — even Billy Mann and Clifford Patrick, two hard boiled school hoard members, smiled when Clarence got up to sing whatever it is that he doesn’t sing. Sorry, hut it looks like we won’t he invited up there any more on account of this. Mrs. G. C. (ioggans visited h r par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1!. Parker, re- A Tribute to Their Memory THE ROCKDALE RECORD. CONYERS. GEORGIA Old Gold and Silver for Wesley Hospital Wesley M iimrial Hospital in At junta is making an urgent, slate wide . ppcnl for a collection of old gold and • ilvei during Hospital Week May IT 111. All broken silver ware, plated ware, rings, spectacle frames, gold teeth, in fact, anything discarded w hie 1 1 contains gold or silver is ask id for. The collection will he inline dinlely s. nl on to he smelted and the hospital will, within a week’s time, icicivc a check for the amount assay id. This money is to he used for the iharity work of the hospital. The calls are so urgent and the funds available so small, thtil it is Imped a large amount can he realized from tills old gold and silver collection. It can he if every* one will cooperate. At once t oiled ion in Boston, old Trinity ihureli realiz'd something over $7OllO. Will you not take time to accumu late all your old gold and silver and send it in to Mrs. K, L. Hale, who is chairman of this collection realiz ing, as you do sir, that you are help ing someone less fortunate in the against illness. The (iolihn CWTSs annual enrollment will he from the ill th to the 19th of May. Let every body he ready, as this is a great opportunity to he a good •Samaritan. .s.'{.oo per day will take iare of a charity patient, this being the expenses of the "inannimute” part of the hospital —the doctors and nurs es give their services. Adult member ship is SI.OO per enrollment —25c for hildren; active members, $5.00. Other memberships are SIO.OO, $25.00, etc. I hope every one in Conyers and sur rounding country will help in this great work. You do not know how great tin* call is and how few who are willing to help those who are not able to help themselves. May God show you the true situation. MBS. R. I [AT,If, Director. Mr. E. T. Prather Dies at Home in Monroe Mr. K. T. I’rather died suddenly at Ills home in Monroe, Ga., on May 2. in his stth year. He was a devoted mem her of tl>e Baptist church since boy hood and was always ready to do any thing for the gortd of his church and community. He is survived hy three sons, Mr. J. ,T. Prather, Mr K. P. Prather, of Monroe, and Mr. F. P. Prather, of Atlanta; five daughters, Mrs. (). A. McDowell. Conyers; Mrs. James R. Chapman an only son of MR. AND MRS. J. S. CHAPMAN in Memory of Mrs. T. S. Chandler (in Wednesday night. April 10, 1929 God .sent his death angel to visit the home of Mr. 'l'. S. ('handler, who plucked from them their Iteloved wife and mol her. Imt pleased are the dead who die in Hie Lord’s name and we are sure she is now bathing in the sunlight of God's love. For we have cvi ry reason to believe she was pre pared to go. She had a bright smile and kind word for everyone and to know her was to love her. She was a memher of Philadelphia church, of which she was a faithful memher un til her death. She was sick for only a short period of time and everything was doen for her that doctors, rela tives and friends could do. Yet noth ing did any good. It was God calling her, was God and God alone who could heal the suffering. She leaves to mourn her deatli her husband, two daughters and two sons and a host of other relatives and many friends. Dear parents weep no more, hut on ly rejoice and think how much bet ter off she is than we are and live in hope and trust to meet her in the sweet hy and by —her funeral was con ducted hy Itev Young at 2 o’clock Fri day afternoon, April 12 and interment took place in Philadelphia cemetery. \Ve extend a heart full of sympathy to each of the grieved ones. A precious one from us is gone A voice we loved is stilled, A place is vacant in our home That never can he filled. Written by a friend, MISS EDNA JOHNSON. •I. M. Higginbotham, Bogart; Mrs, J. M. Gregg, Johnson City, Tenn.; Mrs. I. M. Blasingaine, Atlnata; Mrs. E. S. Gordon. Monroe, and one sister, Mrs. Will Robinson, of Atlanta, and a large number of grand children and great grand children. Funeral services were conducted Saturday afternoon at the Baptist church in Monroe and were largely attended hy relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. 1,. M. McDowell and Mr. and Mrs. T. A. M-Dowell attend ed the funeral of their grandfather, Mr. E. T. Prather, in Monroe, Satur day afternoon. Mr. W. B. Parker and daughter, Mrs. Gog-gaus, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. TI. A. Breedlove, at Mon roe. The G. A. met at the church Satur day afternoon, May 4. at three o'clock with :m attendance of seven. Most of the members have reported having written to the missionaries. The program follows: Leaders introduction, Sum Stephen son. ‘‘Wonderful Counselor” —Wisdom — He Knows, hy Lois Reagan. “Almighty God” —Power —“He Can,’’ hy Elisabeth Wheeler. “Everlasting Father Love He Cares, hy Julia Kate Tribble. “Prill e of Peace" —Peace —Hite will, h.v Sara Baker. Closing challenge, by Margaret Ivy. The Voice of Melody, hy Frances Mayfield. Closing son, “Pass Me Not.” Pryner by Margaret Ivy. FRANCES MAYFIELD, Secy. MARKAHET IVY, Pres. This union has been blessed with two children, Wilbur, age 11 and Ruth, age 5. He was reared in the faith of the Christian church, since, joining with his wife in the Meth odist faith and is one of the many valued mem bers of the Conyers church. Mr. Chapman operates one of the outstanding barber shops of this section of the state, also hot and cold, shower and tub baths. “CHANGE OF PRICES” Haircut, Shampoo, Shave and Tonic SI.OO. Haircut and Shave 50c. Shave and Massage 50c Od Shampoos 50c, Childrens Haircut, except Saturday 25c. Bath tickets 6 for SI.OO. Chapman Barber Shop J. R. Chapman W. Hayden Alexander RELI AD L E FORD SERVICE New Fordor Sedan [ jt\ (F.0.8. Dc.roii) * *p®lL— __ iiel r V r |’"ti T ■ ibuw Wfjf / .v-J - v -'i ** n* I m\W : To help you get the greatest possible use from your car Our customers arc satisfied customers because we give good service. Wc take a persona! interest in helping you to get the greatest possible use from your car at a minimum of trouble and expense. In other words, we treat your car as if it were our own. Keep our name in vagjgywjjfex mind for oiling and greasing and that all-important checking over at regular LANGFORD MOTOR CO. Conyers, Georgia WEDNESDAY, MAY 8. \dg|7he YELLOW tea PENCIL ( YJ/REDBAM) MIKADO