The Rockdale record. (Conyers, Ga.) 1928-1930, May 08, 1929, Image 6

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THE ROCKDALE RECORD PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY J. M. TOWNS Editor W. E. ATKINSON Publisher A dollar will not go as far ns used to but It goes a dinged sight faster. Happiness A sufficiently cjulck change in the succession of one’s troubles. Rerlin has one doctor for every 600 people. Whether they are sick, or not, we presume. A “portable typewriter” means one a porter carries Into a hotel for you, or on to u train. There are more delicate ways of passing the lie than to yell "Liar!” I*'or instance, you could say "Yeah?” liolenSe the money held out of cir culation by people who cry hard times and there would be no hard tiroes. It Is proclaimed tlint there will he hut little change in woman’s clothes this season. Men’s clothes: Ditto. Recent technical publication men tions a “standard" for alligator pears. Now here is a real Job for savants. A porch light is that large, round thing which is absent-mindedly left on all night after the guests depart. A dermatologist says there were no blondes until after the Ice age. A blonde, it seems, is a brunette thawed out. You can tell a civilized country. It’s one where people kill the birds and then spend millions to light in jects. Science brings out anew serum to lure rheumatism, thereby threatening ;o take away our best weather fore laster. A radio was stolen from a home in tine of our thickly settled residential districts, and every neighbor is sus pected. It seems that one obstacle to mak ing new endurance flight records is the difficulty of keeping the plane in the air. When one merger is complete, an other looms up as a possibility. liusi ness promises to be “just one big hap py family.” Omaha judge rules that a wife Is a luxury, but wives have been with us almost long enough to have become necessities. Just think what fun the belligerent nations will have in tlie next war in Interfering with the radio programs of the enemy. Oreen Ten —A beverage steeped from the dried leaves of a Chinese shrub, commonly served when you or der black tea. In case of a 13-month calendar, how about just making the extra one a month of grace to be applied any where, as needed? The early pioneer who used n crack er barrel for a chaise lounge left a grandson who reclines in something quite similar, called modern furni ture. Probably Nature knows best, but we can’t see why a white fox terrier has to begin unraveling spontaneous ly in the presence of a blue serge suit. Quite often the added word will completely alter the sense, as in the case where it is said, "Chile and Peru have settled the Tacna-Arica dispute, again.” To support his .claim to genius, a Turkish poet has had X-rays inadp of his brain. It is rather hoped some dentist will advise him to have it pulled. An old question to which we have never heard a satisfactory answer: Who puts the “Danger” signs in the holes in the ice, as shown in the com ic strips? The idea of a 13-month year, with months of four weeks each, wouldn’t help, in certain cases, because the judge would probably go right on say ing “30 days” or "00 days,” as at present. The office cynic lias anew seed catalogue covering about everything needed for a spring garden hut the belladonna plaster. Our idea of a matter of doubtful im portance, in the business of preserv ing the social structure. Is what a coroner’s jury thinks. "A London night club queen lias beep sentenced to a year in custody.’ The trend in penology being what il is. we expect all the jails will be hav ing: hostesses. For Doctor Einstein there are larger problems ahead: Wait until lie lias tried to figure out a “popular inter pretation” of his theory. in the game of high finance a white chip used to cost only a hundred thousand dollars or so. Now it repre scats at least a million. Unfair to Ask Citizens to Pass, by Their Vote, on Scientific Problems By CIRCUIT JUDGE ROBERT M. TOMS, Detroit. THE modern tendency toward democracy is a vicious perversion of our representative form of government. I am not referring to the political parties in speaking of the democratic and repub lican forms of government. In a democracy the people them selves elect their own officers and pass their laws, as they (lid in the town meetings in New England years ago. In a republic, the government is by proxy. In Detroit we are getting away from the republican form of gov ernment when we submit important propositions to the people for vote. And what fools the people have made of themselves! A recent election demonstrated the folly of asking the voter, the man of the lathe or the grocery counter, to vote on an issue which should be decided by scientific and economic experts. At that election the rapid-transit proposition proved to be a popular “no” issue. Consequently the voters rejected the two other propositions on the ballot, which had nothing to do with the expenditure of money. The people vote in cycles. Eight or ten years ago, we had a “yes” epi demic among voters. After the people got stuck on a couple of proposi tions, they began to vote “hq,” and they are still voting “no” regardless of the merits of the issue. A few years ago Detroit voters decided they wanted street car tracks on the Belle Isle bridge. They voted “yes,” without taking engineering problems into consideration. The tracks were laid and are there today, a monument of public legislation. They go nowhere, and not a wheel has been turned, but thousands'of dollars wore wasted. It is not fair to the people to submit such matters to them. The city should not expect the public to make decisions that can only be reached bv men scientifically informed. This government either federal or municipal was never intended to be democratic. To call on the people to pass their own laws and ordinances is a vicious perversion of repub licanism. “Fear-Thoughts” Too Much in the Minds of the Present Generation By REV. HENRY DARLINGTON (Episcopal), New York. One of the great things that Jesus sought to give us was happiness, joy and peace. God meant us to get the most out of life. God could not have put beauty and harmony and music into the world unless he meant for us to enjoy it. II ere in America we seem to think that unless a man is working his finger nails off there is something wrong with him. We seem unable to relax, to sit content on a beach and listen to the music of the waves. Do we ask ourselves ever, “What would Jesus do in the presence of a sun set? Would he not have sat in the cool of the evening and enjoyed it?” Instead, are we not so anxious to go through the picture galleries that we never stop to look at the pictures on the walls? So eager to plan our children’s careers that we haven’t time to take them by the hand and let them enjoy the sunset? Beside the inability of Americans to relax, there are three other “joy killers.” These Puritanical ideas which too frequently make people think that to enjoy themselves would in itself be wrong, worry, and jealousy. Jesus preached against worry. In one of the modern translations we find Ilim saying “Don’t let those fear-thoughts get the better of you.” Worry implies our lack of faith in the love of God and it tends to destroy what faitli we have. Let us remember that even in the garden of Geth semane, when exhaustion and anxiety hung over Him, these did not pre vent Jesus from stretching out Ilis hand and healing the man who was wounded. Reign of Democracy Endangered by System of Choosing Chief Executive By PROF. G. DICKINSON, University of Illinois. The electoral college method of choosing the Chief Executive of the United States endangers the reign of the majority, upon which democ racy is based. One of the chief faults in the system is the difference often found between the percentages of popular votes and electoral votes that a candidate receives. Hayes in 1870 and Harrison in 1888 were elected, although more popular votes were east for their opponents. It is possible, although improbable, to get the necessary 200 electoral votes with less than ten per cent, of the popular votes cast. It' is high time the United States abandoned an election system which endangers the rule of the majority. Although President Hoover received only 5S per cent- of the popu lar vote, he was given 444 electoral votes, which is more than 81 per cent of the total. Furthermore, a shift of only 500,000 votes from Hoov er to Smith would have resulted in the election of a minority President, and a shift of 118,000 votes in the other direction would have deprived Smith of any electoral votes. The average number of popular votes per each electoral vote was (!0,000. In Illinois 107,000 votes were required for one electoral vote, whereas in South Carolina only 8,000 votes were necessary. That is, a vote in South Carolina was worth more than thirteen in Illinois and more than seventeen in California. We elect our governors bv popular vote; why not our-Chief Execu tive? Orphanages of Country Called on to Develop Special Type of Education By AARON JACOBY, Brooklyn Hebrew’ Orphan Asylum. The public institutions of today have become an educative force. Thov afford the children the advantages of contact with the outside world. Their charges .are allowed to go to public libraries and schools, and to outside social functions. But the institution of tomorrow must be different. The children of tomorrow will need things which neither the congregate nor the cottage type of institution can furnish them. They will need psychological treat ment, vocational guidance and other things that our present institutions have not the physical facilities with which to supply them. One of the great causes for anew kind of asylum is the fact that children committed today nre no longer those who have lost one or both parents, but those from homes disrupted by economic or domestic trou ble. In my opinion, they represent a group whose intelligence is con siderably lower than those of 15 years ago. THE ROCKDALE RECORD. Conyers, Ca., Wed.. May 8- Hl-iT mhf Mm \ i| I 0^ TAOCTORS quite approve the quick comfort of Bayer Aspi rin. These perfectly harmless tab lets ease an aching head without penalty. Their increasing use year after year is proof that they do help and can't harm. Take them for any ache; to avoid the pain peculiar to women; many have found them marvelous at such times. The proven directions with every pack age of Bayer Aspirin tell how to treat colds, sore throat, neuralgia, neuritis, etc. All druggists. ©ASPIRIN Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of SaUcylicacid 1 CHILDREN WITH WORMS NEED HELP QUICKLY Don’t delay a minute if your child has worms. They will destroy his health. If he grits his teeth, picks his nostrils— beware! These are worm symptoms. Disordered stom ach is another. Immediately give him Frey’s Ver mifuge. It has been the safe, vege table worm medicine for 75 years. Don’t wait! Buy Frey's Vermifuge at your druggist’s today. Frey’s Vermifuge Expels Worms [{ltching Skin)] Eczema. Poison Ivy, Barber's Iteji, Scalp Affections. Ringworms, etc., quickly yield to McKinnie's Mexican Remedy. Used since 1877 on Pacific Coast. Doctors say "best for skin trouble.” Send ds your druggist’s name and receive free sample. Large size $1 postpaid. F. C. McKlnnie, Ph. C. 649 E. 22nd Si. Los Angeles, Calif. f^ARBUNCLES I/_ W and Boils-stopped quickly I spread on Carboil. Special HJT “n ingredients quickly draw out core 4-3 of worst boil or carbuncle. Lanc |<tyj ing unnecessary. Prevents I spreading. Get Carboil today from ■- V druggist. Or send 50£ to Spurlock- Neal Cos., Nashville, Tenn. Ask Any Gardener If Mr. Edison really can make rub ber out of weeds he'll be guaranteed a lasting supply of the raw material. —San Bernardino Sun. WhenFbod Sours Lots of folks who think they have ‘indigestion” have only an acid condi tlon which could be corrected in five or ten minutes. An effective anti-acid like Phillips Milk of Magnesia soon restores digestion to normal. Phillips does away wdth all that sourness and gas right after meals. It prevents the distress so apt to occur two hours after eating. What a pleas ant preparation to take! And how good it is for the system! Unlike a burning dose of soda—which is but temporary relief at best—Phillips Milk of Magnesia neutralizes many times its volume in acid. Next time a hearty meal, or too rich a diet has brought on the least dis comfort, try— Phillips F „ Milk . of Magnesia 11 CHILLTONIC 3 y^sSbeL 0 [Malaria the household C'Kill® remedy for all v4111i5 forms of and It is a Reliable, FcVCI* General Invig- 1% orating Tonic. l/CD^UC Home Grown Seed Make Good Crops Best Insurance for Profitable Yield of Yams or Sweet Potatoes Growing sweet potato plants at home is the best insurance for a good crop. For eurl.v potatoes, the seed j roots may be bedded six weeks before danger of frost is past. “A good general rule Is to bed po tatoes six weeks before plants are wanted for setting," recommends E. R. Morrow, extension horticulturist at the North Carolina State college. “Use disease-free, medium-sized roots for the seed stock and about eight bush els of such seed is required to set an acre of land from the first pulling. If it is not desired to have all the slips at one time, four bushels should produce enough for planting an acre.’ Best Seed Bed Type. Mr. Morrow says the kind of bed to use will depend on the time the crop is to be set and rhe acreage grown. Some kind of heated bed is needed for an early crop. The type best suited to the average farm is the manure heated hotbed. Fresh stable manure, piled and repiled until it is heating uniformly, and then packed into a pit to a depth of 12 inches will give suffi cient heat Cover this with three or four inches of sand or sandy loam soil and bed the roots on this. To prevent crowding of the slips, the roots should be placed nearly one inch apart, says Mr. Morrow. Spindly plants will be secured when the po tatoes are crowded too close together. Liberal watering is necessary. A plank frame and some kind of covering is also needed. About 12 square feet of space will be needed to bed a bushel of average size potatoes. Disease Free Seed. It is important that the seed be free from disease and this may he guaranteed by treating the roots in a solution made of one ounce of bi chloride of mercury to eight gallons of water. Soak the potatoes in this for 15 minutes and allow to dry before covering in the bed. It is not neces sary to wash the potatoes after such treatment. Increase Value of Farm Timber by Cutting Plan A cutting of farm timber should take only the trees most profitable for lumber and those that should come out for improvement of the stand. It should leave standing, for cutting some years later, a well-thinned stand of rapidly-growing “poles” and sap lings. Not all of the profit from the farm woods comes from the care and pro tection bestowed upon it during the growth of the trees. Avery apprecia ble share of the profit comes from the manner in which the crop of timber is cut. The total value of the lumber in a 2G-inch tree is 3G times that of the lumber in a 9-inch tree, although the volume is only 19 times as great. Little Orchard Work An orchard plot giving the names of the species and varieties and desig nating their location is needed as a permanent record of tiie orchard plantings. Heeled-in trees must be properly guarded against injury by field mice, rabbits and live stock. It may be even necessary to place around them an inclosure that will prevent the entrance of rabbits as well as live stock. The small, fibrous roots of transplanted fruit trees usu ally dig, unless they can lie dug and reset immediately with as much soil as possible. ♦j $ j ♦s ♦j* *l* j* ♦♦♦ j* *j *j* *j j ♦♦♦ j* j* <g ♦j* ♦j* j j t Agricultural Notes * *?♦ I* *s* *l* *s* *l* ♦J* *3* *5 *3* J* *3* *!♦ ♦3 4 *3* ♦♦♦ ♦3* *s* A dry, waterproof tractor shed is a good investment. ... Soil preparation is one of the most important factors in successful tree growing. . * * An abundance of home-grown leg ume hay establishes a basis for an economical dairy ration. • • * It is advisable to have alfalfa or sweet clover in the crop rotation where potatoes are planted. ... Sanitation as a means of disease prevention, is just as important on the farm as in the hospital. * * * Alsike clover and timothy are host on a ground that is sour or wet. Sov beans will also do fairly well on acid soil. * * • Flax for planting should be plump, clean, bright seed which lias not been injured by beating in storage or in other ways. * • * Any land that will grow sweet clover will be satisfactory for potatoes. Sometimes, however, scab is very bad on such soils. * • * Many greens such as chard, kale and lettuce can be grown in the gar den, the best to be used on the table and the rest fed to the chickens. * * • Invest some money in growing trees on your idle land. Each year they will be worth more to you. New buildings look like more at first but they are worth less each year. QUICK WAY TO END 1 LIVER TROUBLES j Free Proofl Nothing else known to medical Sc |. I ence acts so quickly and surely— oD( j I yet so gentjy —as Dodson’s I,eve r . I tone, to regulate balky liver and I bowels; to purge the system of th e poisonous waste which makes people headachy, bilious, weak; with coated tongue, bad breath, no appetite or energy. Thousands say they have tried everything and never found its equal. Y T ou can prove its merit for yourself. Just write Sterling p ro( j, ucts, Wheeling, W. Va., for u ritgg sample bottle. Dq it today. DODSON ’S LiJZAMIAAjOTUI TASTES GOOD “ACTS QUICK For Old Sores Hanford s Balsam of Myrrh 1 All dealer* are anthorized to refund your mone; (nr tfit | firit bottle if not enited. Worms expelled promptly from the; human ■ystem with Dr. Feery’a Vermifuge “Dead Shot.” One single dose doea the trick. 60c. All Druggists. /g=S\DrPaerv’s vsSy verroirue?* I At drutfuists or 372 Pearl Street. JS’ew York City GRADUATING CAPS-1 GOWNSand COSTUMES You may rent or buy from stock of more than 5,000 costumes for graduating or any play you wish to stage. Large production enables us to quote low prices on attractive line. Estimates gladly furnished. May we help your civic club or class make some money? The W. E. FLODING CO. 410-418 W. Peachtree St. Atlanta, Ga. Don’t think that a dog is a dentist because lie occasionally inserts teeth. A country school teacher says he whips his pupils to make them smart. it MayJ3e ■■ ii ' " When your Children Cry for It Castoria is a comfort when Baby is fretful. No sooner taken than the little one is at ease. If restless, a few drops soon bring contentment. No harm done, for Castoria is a baby remedy, meaiit for babies. Perfectly safe to give the youngest infant; you have the doctors word for that! It is a vegetable pro duct and you could use it every day. But it’s in an emergency that Castoria means most. Some night when consti pation must be relieved—or colic pains —or other suffering. Never be without it; some mothers keep an extra bottle, unopened, to make sure there will al ways be Castoria in the house. It is effective for older children, too; read the book that comes with it. CASTORI A ■■■ - . ;■ ; _ Man who buys a model home fro fluently has to spend a lot of money making alterations. A Bad Wreck of the constitution may follow in the track of a disordered system, impure blood or inactive liver. Don’t run the risk 1 Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis covery is an alterative extract of herbs and roots that drives out impurities — acts on the liver. When you’re debilitated, and your weight is below a healthy standard, vo regain health and strength by using the “Discovery.” It builds up the bodv. Mrs. Mary Watson of 2132 Hubbard St, Jacksonville, Fla., said: "When I became run down I took the ‘Discovery’ and its tonic effect was very noticeable from the first.” Sold in tablet or liquid form. If your dealer does not have it, send 65 cents for the tablets to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.