The Rockdale record. (Conyers, Ga.) 1928-1930, May 29, 1929, Image 3

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Vl ~ !) * Four'fifths of Highway System Is Still Unpaved Highway Map of Georgia, as of April 1; paved roads shown by heavy lines, unpaved by light lines. The state highway system now com- I prises 6,300 miles, of which 1,396 miles I are paved with either high or low type lof paving, 2,767 miles have been im- I proved but not paved, and 2,137 miles [are still unimproved, according to | highway department reports. This [represents the result of ten years of work of the state highway depart ment, operating under existing high |way laws. The total highway still to be paved is 4,903 miles, or four-fifths of the entire system. The largest amount of paving laid down in any one year will be the pres ent year, when 309 miles now finish jed or under contract, will be placed in commission. During 1925, a total of 252 miles were paved. Practically all paving laid down in 1928, and 1929, was contracted for in December, 1927, and May and June, 1928, when more than 500 miles of hard surfaced roads were placed un der contract. At that time, it was be lieved that this amount could be fin ished uuder existing schedules nearly within a year’s limit. However, the I system of financing under which the [department was operating failed to provide the necessary funds, with the result that many of the contracts were B k Jb gllj^ TRY THESE MENUS in your GE Refrigerator Informal Luncheon Iced Fruit Soup French Toast Sandwich with Chopped Ham Filling Currant Jelly Stringiest) Bean Salad Eclairs with Hot Chocolate Sauce Coffee Afternoon Bridge Pineapple Mint Smash Macaroons Assorted Wafers After-Theater Lunch ' Tomato Rarebit on Crackers Fudge Luxuro Eclair Coffee delayed, while still others were held over until the present year. Up until the present time, no new contracts of moment have been let this year, and iu the state auditor’s re port published in April, it was indi cated that no funds would be avail able for new construction until the end of the year. Commenting upon these facts, the Joint Committee for Highway Bonds states that while the funds of the state derived from gas tax and auto mobile license fees are growing from year to year, the state cannot hope to accelerate its paving program to any great extent for a number of years under the existing method of financing. Even if the annual paving laid down was raised to four hundred miles, it would still take too long to finish the system. Much of the paving already laid down, it insists, is of such a light type that it will have to be re laid before many years have passed, and this will still further delay the completion of the entire system. By issuing bonds to carry on a paving program just -s rapidly as such paving can be laid economically, the committee states that millions of dol lars will be sav'd, both in the upkeep and maintenance of the highways themselves and in the operation and upkeep of automobiles. No Trouble to Prepare! TT’S hard to realize, if you -*• haven’t owned or used a Gen eral Electric Refrigerator, just how easy it is to prepare a host of tasty, appetizing frozen salads and desserts in it. It’s really no trouble at all! You can have sherbets, ices, cold drinks, salads as often as you wish make your General Electric Refrigerator take the place of the range for many an entire meal these hot days! That’s better than standing over a hot stove? That is one of the many reasons why you should investigate at once the new GENERAL 0 ELECTRIC Refrigerator . . i Find out how economical it is; how it protects health, how it does away with inconvenience and dirt. And how easy it is to own ONLY $lO DOWN and 30 Months to Pay the Balance! But this offer closes soon —so act now! Georgia POWER COMPANY V $ A CITIZEN P WHEREVER WE SERVE THE ROCKDALE RECORD. CONYERS. GEORGIA Mrs. C. .1. Prescott and young son, Hilly, of West Palm Beach, Fla., siienl last week in Conyers, guest ot her mother, Mrs. W. s. Veal. Mrs. Ida Livingston Veal and son, Sainluy, of Atlanta, spent the week end in Conyers, guests of Mrs. W. S. Veal. Mrs. J. \V. McDaniel and daughter, Miss Annie Parks M Daniel, of Atlan ta, sjient the day in Conyers last Sun day, visiting relatives and old ac quaintances. Mrs. (J. S. Morris rtuerned over the week-end from a week's visit at Madi son, where she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Eston Tucker. Mrs. G. A. Alma lid and daughter. Miss Loulie Alma ml. spent last week in Atlanta, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Almand. Mr. W. E. McMillan, of Montgom ery, Ala., stopped over in Conyers and spent last Wednesday and Thursday witli Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whitaker, at Velta. Mr. and Mrs. Stokes Kent and Mrs. Eunice Kent Smith, of Atlanta, spent Sunday in Conyers, guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Kent. Miss Sara Whitaker returned over the week-end from an extended visit with friends at Tifton, Ga., Chatta hoochee, Fla., and Montgomery, Ala. BIG PRE-SOMMER TRADE • IN SALE DON’T LET OLD TIRES SPOIL SUMMERTRIP&. TRADE THEM IN ON NEW ONES NOW! ★ * Are you planning an automobile trip over the week end? Then don’t take chances with tire troubles. That’s foolish. Come in and let us show you how to get a brand new set of Silvertowns at wonderful savings. W |m2 If f# ?11 :|s§k ll Ik II 4 I \Mm pr 1 te IMS ™ 1 Ki T mmmk I' Mk / ” wMgmglM v ■?!;■ ■% 3 WyMj&MxyjjSStk. i YMfflSwi&wMm fc ?"//& | v4vjim^L Goodrich ♦ Silver tow ns McClelland’s Garage Phone No. 16 Conyers, Georgia Mrs. Sidney I>. Stembridge ami dulighters, of Milldgeville, will spend tills wivk la Conyers guests of Miss Kate Smith ami al I lie home of Mrs. G. V. Cowan. Miss May Plunkett, of Atlanta, spent last week-end in Conyers with Mr. J. C. Plunkett and the Misses Lillian and Susie Lee Plunkett. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Plunkett and son, George, of Decatur, spent Sunday in Conyers, gjiest of Mrs. Mollie Mc- Collum. Misses Julietle Granade and l.a verne Stephenson, of Atlanta, spool the week-end with home folks in Con yers. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Baird, ot Atlanta, sjient Sunday in Conyers, guests of Mr. .1. Tom Tucker. CITATION Dismission from Arihiiuist ration GEORGIA, Rockdale County. WHEREAS, A. F. Walker. Adminis trator of .1, W. Kirkpatrick, repre seats to the Court, in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that In* has fully administered said estate: This is, therefore, to cite alii tier sons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should not he dis eha-rged from his administration, and receive Letters of Dismission on the first Monday in June. 1929. TIKIS. It MARSTON, Ordinary. JUST AN OLD TIRE TO YOU...BUT IT’S WORTH GOOD MONEY HERE ) YES, we mean what wo say. Old tires are worth good money, here. For a limited time only, we’re offering motorists !>ig allowances on old tires. Don’t let tire troubles spoil the pleasure of your summer motoring. Instead, just let us fix you up with a fine 3et of brand new Silvertowns . . . and take the worry of old, run down tires off your mind. Surely you couldn’t ask for a fairer CITATION —Year’s Support. GEORGIA, Rockdale County. ’l’o all Whom it May Concern: No tice is hereby given, that the apprais ers appointed to set npart and as sign a year's supimrt to Mrs. K. J. Granade, the widow of Emory J. Granade, deceased, have filed their award, and unless good and suffi cient cause is shown, the same will be made the judgment of the court at the June Term. 1929, of the Court of < irdimiry. This April 2d, 1020. TIKIS. 11. MARSTON. Ordinary |buyyourto^here| / _1 New Fordor Sederl | ( “ \\ <FO.B.*Deiroii) \ ) Free Inspection Service at \ \ 500, 7,000 and 1,500 miles l f This includes a chcck-up of the battery, generator charging rate, dis- f \ tiibutor, carburetor adjustment, lights, brakes, shock absorbers, tire I 1 inflation and steering gear. The engine oil is also changed and the \ / chassis lubricated A check-up of wheel alignment and spring shackles / I is included as part of the 1,500 mile inspection. Everything h free f \ except the cost of new oil and grease j / Come in and see all the Newest Ford Cars V / 1..11 ngford Motor Cos! I ( Conyers, Georgia j O. S. 21 CITATION —YEAR’S SUPPORT GEORGIA, Rockdale County. To All Whom it May Concern: No tice is hereby given, that lite apprais ers appointed to set apart and assign a year's support to Mrs. J. P. Tilley, the widow of J. P. Tilley, deceased, have filed their award, and unless good and sufficient cause is shown, the same will lie made liu> judgment, of the court at the June Term, 192!), of the Court of Ordinary. This May 1. 1929. Till IS. H. MARSTON, Ordinary Rockdale County. or cquarer proposition than that. And you couldn’t ask for finer tires than Goodrich Silvertowns. Come in today. You’ll be sur prised to find out how much your old tires are worth. And don’t forget that good rubber always adds to the value of your car when you trade it in. See us . . . we’re headquarters in this city for Goodrich Silvertowns ... the best tires your money can buy.