The Rockdale record. (Conyers, Ga.) 1928-1930, May 29, 1929, Image 7

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IT’S folly to suffer long from neu- X ritis. neuralgia, or headaches when elief is swift and sure, with Bayer Aspirin. For 28 years the medical irofession has recommended it. It ioes not affect the heart. Take it for colds, rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago. Gargle it for a sore throat or tonsilitis. Proven directions for its many uses, in every package. All drug stores have genuine Bayer Aspirin which is readily identified bv the name on the box and the Bayer cross on every tablet. ©ASPIRIN Wnirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture A of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylieacid 4N3OILS ) ENDED—NO LANCING \l Carboil contains ingredients y y that quickly draw out cere of W ~V/ worst boil or carbuncle. Stops pain —prevents spreading. Get Carboil today from druggist. Or send 50£ to Spurlock- Heal Cos., NashviUe, Tenn. H Itching Skin 3 Kczema. Poison Ivy, Barber’s Itch, Bcalp Affections. Ringworms, etc., quickly yield to McKinnle's Mexican Remedy. Used since 1877 on Pacific Coast. Doctors say “best for skin trouble.'’Send ns your druggist’s name and receive free sample. Large elxe tl postpaid. F. C. Me Klnnle, Ph. C. 649 E. aaud St. Eos Angeles, Calif. City Changing Its Job The eit.v of Lowell, Mass., once the inter of the cotton weaving industry, as adapted itself to the new order of lings and is changing over to arti cial silk. There are several large es iblishments which were once en aged in the manufacture of cotton oods that are now turning out rayon i large quantities. A study of the ssic principles of rayon treatment as darted in the public schools many ears ago, with the result that many f its young people were familiar with le manufacture of rayon when they ■ft school. Voters Assorted Portnocklie, Scotland, town of pres nt political troubles because the eiti ens do not want to hold office, again ame into the limelight recently when Is system of naming its voters was eveaied. The Banffshire fishing community as a population of 1,700 of whom 560 re voters, and of the voters 141 are amed Mair, 55 Wood and 33 Slater, o prevent confusion the system of tee'' names or “to” names exists, and n individual is best known by his tee" name. Ready to Loan His Tuxedo First Student —Could T borrow your uxedo tonight, old man? Second Student—Sure, if you’ll re turn it to Joe Brown and tell him to le sure and give it back to Tom ones.—Life. A henpecked man Is the silent part tor of liis wife’s woes. DR. CALDWELL’S THREE RULES Dr. Caldwell watched the results of for 47 years, and believed of n -° ma, iA er how careful people are their health, diet and exercise, con tpation will occur from time to time, if ltn portsuice, then, is how to treat “ When it comes. Dr. Caldwell always J" 8 ln ,av °r of getting as close to nature t , hence his remedy for consti- L_ 10n is a mild vegetable compound. It _ not harm the most delicate system Th' 8 rv ot a bit forming. * Doctor never did approve of dras- Jv F • 8108 an d purges. He did not believe ini *T ere human beings to put You, B y®tem. Use Syrup Pepsin for con *• an< i members of the family in ‘Pation,biliousness, sour and crampy & . ac h, bad breath, no appetite, head- Oef 68 ' break up fevers and colds, owl , t,e Dfday, at any drugstore and a. these three rules of health: Keep otien v w> °i' the feet warm, the bowels 4 F °T a free trial bottle, just write Pepsin,” Dept. 88, MonticeUo, Gratifying Growth of Zoning Activity Noted During the last year, 87 municipal ities passed zoning ordinances, while 101 either adopted more comprehen sive zoning ordinances or amended existing regulations to make them more effective. An analysis of the 87 new zoning ordinances which were passed shows that 44 were compre hensive; that is, the use, height and area of buildings were regulated; 27 merely controlled the use of build ings; seven regulated the use and area of buildings; and two were merely temporary ordinances, pend ing the preparation of a zoning ordi nance to suit local requirements. Zoning activity is evident in prac tically all states, the report shows. New York led in the number of mu nicipalities zoned during 1928, with 23 cities, towns and villages. Ohio and Pennsylvania tied for second place with six each. Youngstown, Ohio; Waterbury, Conn., and Altoona, Pa., were three of the largest cities which adopted zoning legislation last year. South Dakota ami Idaho were added to the states having zoned municipalities when four cities in* yte former and three in the latter adopt ed zoning ordinances during the year. New York is the foremost state in the Union in the number of its mu nicipalities having zoning ordinances in effect with a total of 131. New Jersey is second with 84; California, third with 73; Illinois, fourth with 71, and Massachusetts, fifth with '62. Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wis consin and Kansas follow in the order named. Little Difficulty in Remodeling Old Home As the average family grows more prosperous, it begins to think in terms of greater home prestige and comfort. The subject of new furniture for the living room comes up, the thought of moving to other quarters is given con sideration, and there is a general un easy feeling that the family is not get ting all out of its home life that it should. Many families who own their own home would not hesitate for an in stant to leave the neighborhood for more pretentious quarters were it not for the fact that old friends and ac quaintances would be out of easy reach. The desire for a bigger home and one with more modern improvements can be accomplished through modern izing. Exterior walls can either be overcoated with shingles or stucco. The interior may be livened and made pleasant through the use of paint and varnish, new trim, the installation of a second bath and replacement of the wqrn-out heating system with a color ful, jacketed and insulated boiler and decorative thin tube radiators. Brightening the Garden It is surprising how much a few cans of paint can do in the way of brightening up the garden when up piled to fences, lattice and arbors. This should be done before growth starts and the actual rush of painting begins. Also, garden furniture that has been stored inside or left out should be painted to look its best. Bird houses should be put out so that they may weather a bit before the birds take possession. If they are home-made, do not paint the in ner edges of the doorway or the in side of the house. These little houses will bring the friend of the garden nearer home and will help greatly iD fighting against insects. Shade Trees and Health Tlse health of a community is vital ly affected by shade tree growth; leaves are continually, through trans piration and chemical processes, send ing moisture particles into the air we breathe. They are absorbing, through the tiny openings (or stomata) of their leaf tissues the noxious and harmful gases of a crowded city and their growth is breaking up the heat of the sun, giving cooling and refresh ing shade—Boston Herald. For Road-Sign Regulation During the annual convention of the American Association of State Highway Officials held in Chicago, ad vertising signboards which tend to dis figure the landscape were discussed. A resolution was passed that advertis ing signs along highways are liable to create serious traffic hazards by distracting attention of drivers and should be placed at least 000 feet from all highways. Quality Always Pays From master to apprentice, from fa ther to son, Colonial craftsmen passed their pride of manual skill. To them home building was an art. Charming, sturdy homes, many still standing, re flect 'the builders’ dreams of anew empire. The home builder of today can have no finer examples of the worth of good materials and good workmanship. Quality always pays. Hoov.r Model Act Followed North Dakota has passed a city planning enabling act folio whig In gen eral the Hoover model act. Lnder this new law, territory within stx miles of a North Dakota city can be made subject to the control of the city planning commission. 1 HK R(>( KD,\LE RECORD, Conyers, Ga., Wed., May 29, 1929. It May Be rm M When your Children Cry for It Castoria is a comfort when Baby is fretful. No sooner taken than the little one is at ease. If restless, a few drops soon bring contentment. No harm done, for Castoria is a baby remedy, meant for babies. Perfectly safe to give the youngest infant; you have the doctors’ word for tiiat! It is a vegetable pro duct and you could use it every day. But it’s in an emergency that Castoria means most. Some night when consti pation must be relieved—or colic pains —or other suffering. Never be without it; some mothers keep an extra bottle, unopened, to make sure there will al ways be Castoria in the house. It is effective for older children, too; read the book that comes with it. CASTORIA Must Move Whole City to Reach Herculaneum What to do with the city of Itesina, the heart of which is exactly over the dead heart of Herculaneum, is the problem that is bothering the excava tors of the ancient city. The excava tions, under the direction of Professor Ventimiglia, have reached a point where the present inhabitants are in the way. Fully 15.000 people are on the site of the city that was overwhelmed by the great Vesuvius eruption nearly 2,000 years ago. New homes must be found for them, property owners must be compensated, and churches, cafes and tenements must he carted piece meal away. Already Professor Ventimiglia is having houses at the edge of the city removed, one at a time, but the prob lem of the disposition of the heart of the city is still to. he solved. Favor American Machetes Machetes, heavy knives which orig inated in the tropics and were widelly used in South America for virtually every conceivable cutting purpose, are most popular in Brazil when of Amer ican make. About 1,500 are bought monthly and hardware dealers stock sharp, clean machetes imported from the United States. How About the Rest? He —You liked my new book? She —I did —those quotations from Tennyson and Longfellow were mar velous. . Second sight is the only cure for a case of love at first sight. Makes Life Sweeter Next time a coated tongue, fetid breath, or acrid skin gives evidence of sour stomach —try Phillips Milk of Magnesia! Get acquainted with this perfect an ti-acid that helps the system keep sound and sweet. That every stomach needs at times. Take it whenever a hearty meal brings any discomfort. Phillips Milk of Magnesia has won medical endorsement. And convinced millions of men and women they didn’t have “indigestion.” Don’t diet, and don’t suffer; just remember Phillips Pleasant to take, and always effective The name Phillips is Important; it identifies the genuine product. “Milk of Magnesia” has been the U. S. regis tered trade mark of the Charles H Phillips Chemical Cos. and its pre decessor Charles H. rhillips since 1875 PHILLIPS T Milk . of Magnesia ****************X"*******4t * . * * Penknife Operation | Saves Friend’s Life I * Budapest.—Prof. Ernst Pol- * * laesek, noted pharyngologlst, $ £ saved the life of his friend, * * Prof. Rudolf Dniint, at the J * Balint home recently by using is * Ids penknife for u hurried op- * * eratlon. Balint suddenly faint- * * ed and was suffocating when * $ Pollacsek pulled out his knife * * nml slit his friend’s throat, sav- * * ing him from strangulation. * -x-*************.>i.******** # *:)i HE SELLS JAIL TO FELLOW PRISONER Salesman Closes Deal, but Sheriff Balks. Grand Island, Neb.—Once upon a time the Brooklyn bridge was fre quently sold to yokels, but the busi ness acumen of a prisoner in the coun ty Jail here, who sold the jail itself to a fellow prisoner, overshadows the feats of tlie smooth-talking gentlemen of the past. The salesman in this case was Charles W. (Tubby) McMillan, who became a county guest by calling a bootlegger from the local Y. M. C. A. The “purchaser” was Elroy Guy, a young farmer, who was charged with writing checks without funds. When Guy arrived at the jail Mc- Millan casually told him that the jail was leased from the county by Jailer King. The jailer, McMillan said, had to furnish equipment, such as bed ding and tableware; but that the county paid him so much per prisoner —enough to make a nice profit. Furthermore, said McMillan, Jailer King was anxious to go to California and wanted to sell the business cheap. Gu.v was deeply interested. With McMillan guiding him, he spent two days inspecting the equipment and checking over the figures. “It’s a good buy,” he announced fin nil.v. “It beats farming.” Gu.v told McMillan that he had $3,000 loaned on a second mortgage and that he could get some of the money to make a down payment. Mc- Millan said the jailer would take $250 down and SJ,OOO more in monthly in stalments. Guy said he could get tlie $250, and would meet the monthly *n stalments out of his profits. McMillan assured Gu.v that the pa pers would be ready for his signa ture In a few days. Jailer King and Sheriff Palmer learned of the deal while it was in progress, but decided not to spoil the plot. Now they are wondering how to break the sad news to the prospective jail magnate. Boys’ Prank Almost Costs Lives of Three Berryville, Va.—A trick which two young mountain boys near here thought to play on a third who had goqe “a-courtin’ ” for his first time nearly cost the lives of three Alex andria men who were driving from their home to Winchester. Willie Corder, twelve years old, and Andrew Jackson Elsea, thirteen, are said to have made a dummy in the form of a person and placed it in the middle of the road the other night at the top of the Blue Ridge in Clarke county. As Thomas McWhorter, Melvin Rambo and W. R. Wilson, all of Alex andria, rounded a curve they took the dummy to be a child and the driver swerved the car to avoid striking It. The car went over an embankment and turned over. The three men were injured, Wilson seriously. Suits were filed by the Alexandria trio against the parents of Corder and Elsea. Owing to a lack of informa tion, Magistrate G. EL. Levi, of Berry ville, continued the cases for two weeks recently. H. Noel Garner, of Alexandria, represents the plaintiffs. Inch-Long Gun Wounds Youth, Jails Brother New York. A miniature pistol about an inch long that ordinarily serves as a watch charm and which discharged a bullet about the size of a pin point in a friendly tussle be tween two brothers recently landed Carl Malmberg in court on a charge of carrying concealed weapons. Carl’s brother, Lloyd, seventeen, made the complaint on which the youth was arrested. Lloyd, his shoulder wrapped In ban dages, appeared in the police station and deposed that his brother’s pygmy weapon discharged accidentally as they were scufiling and lodged its di minutive shell in his shoulder. He thought nothing ot it until the wound became infected. Detective Barrellman asked Lloyd if he wanted to make a formal com plaint of assault against his brother. The boy said he didn’t, but the detec tive went around to the Malmberg home and took Carl in custody. Nebraska Thieves Make Way With 29,520 Eggs Falls City, Neb.—l>ee Peterson, deputy sheriff of Nemaha county, Is looking for 29,520 eggs, and not one of them hard boiled. According to the deputy, the Auburn Fruit and Produce company loaded a car with eggs for shipment East Some time during the night before the car was to start thieves entered the car while it was in the railroad yards and made away with the eggs. The theft amounted to 82 cases. Crabs Four Feet Long King crabs measuring four feet In length and even longer have recently been found In the Alaskan waters and they are being taken in grnt quan tities and their meat shipped to the United States, where it is highly es teemed, as evldened by n rapidly growing dmand. The crabs are caught in nets sunk deep in the wa ter of Cook inlet, and when brought to the surface and dressed, the aver age yield of meat is six and a half pounds per crab. These are said to be far superior to the great crabs which have been taken from the Jap anese waters. I Capital Punishment The punishment for first degree murder is death if the crime Is com mitted on lands and waters within the admiralty and maritime jurisdiction of the United States. This includes ves sels registered under the laws of the United States, which are on voyage upon the waters of any of the Great Lakes or any of tlie waters connect ing these lakes. Tf it weren’t for the daily news paper a man’s trousers would become lopsided with pennies. With some people the season for killing time is always open. MOTHER! Child's Best Laxative is “California fig Syrup” Flurry Mother! A teaspoonful of "California Fig Syrup” now will thor oughly clean the little bowels and in a few hours you have a well, play ful child again. Even if cross, fever ish, bilious, constipated or full of cold, children love its pleasant taste. Tell your druggist you want only the genuine “California Fig Syrup” which lias directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother, you must say “California.” Refuse any imitation. Bilious ? Take N? —Nature’s Remedy—to night. You'll be “fit and fine” by morning tongue clear, headache gone, appetite hack, bowels acting pleasantly, bilious at tack forgotten. For constipation, too. Bet ter than any mere laxative. Safe, mild, purely vegetablt— only 25c Hold Everything Young Husband —Good-by, darling, I’m going to run down town and buy some kniekknacks. Young Wife —Oh, but are you sure they’ll be becoming to you, dear —re- member, you’re just a teensy bit bow legged ! —Judge. Of 25,000 miles of possible inland waterways in the United States, not more than 7,000 are really modern ized. s.. Mosquitoes • Die, or JMT Money Back Flit is the world-famous “sure thing’' in killing mosquitoes, flies,roaches,bed hugs, ants and fleas. More people use Flit because it kills faster (thanks to \ more insect-killing ingredients), and is . \ easier to use in the handy Flit sprayer. L \ More for your money in the quart size. I hlack hand” }jm FLIT Sliaby's Tender Skin Duticura TAL.CUM The ideal powder for his daily toilet and for assuring his personal comfort. Daintily medicated and unexcelled in purity, it pre vents chafing and irritation, and soothes, cools and comforts tender skins. Sold everywhere. Talcum 25c. Soap 25c. Oincment 25c. Sample each free. Addrtii: "Cuticura," Dept. B(s,Malden, Mass. BEWARE OF WORMS IN CHILDREN Worms quickly ruin a child’s health. If your child grits his teeth, picks his nostrils, has a disordered stomach—beware! These are worm symptoms! Quickly—without delay—free your child's body of theie heilth-deetroy ing parasites. Give him Frey's Ver mifuge America's safe, vegetable worm medicine for 7S years. Buy it today! All druggists! Frey’s Vermifuge Expels Worms 1 | PARKER’S r'&hair balsam Re mo v'Bl >aiulrtiir 8 tops Hair Falling [ Restores Color and IB Beauty to Gray and Faded Haif Iv' 60c. $ 1 00 at DriuririsU. Wks. rateluiKue. N. Y. FLORESTON SHAMPOO—IdeaI for use in connection with I’urker’s llair Balsam. Makesth* hair soft ami dully. 60 cent* by mail or at drug gists. iliscox Chemical Works, I‘atchogue, N. Y. SHcalfli (jiving _s. unslain All Winter Long • m - M Murvcloua riimnlo Good Holds Tourist ('amps—Splendid Ronds—Gorgeous Mountain Views. Tito tronderfu l desert resort of the West PWrlto Croo A Chaffoy •aim Isprinsi^ CALIFORNIA FOR SALE To Merchants New and rcflnished Northey Coolers, Refrig erators, Freezer and Display Cases, Fish Chests, etc. Send for Special list, to South eastern Sales Cos., 223 Spring St., S. W., At lanta; Thomas & Schultz Cos., 131 Patton Avo.. Asheville, N. 0.,; A. I*. Solomon, Sr., 226 West Bay St., Savannah; Florida Fixture Cos., 709 East Bay St.. Jacksonville; H. P. Bramlett. 210 Peach Place, Tampa; Berner Store Equipment Cos., 824-S2B N. E. Ist Ave., Miami, or write to Northey Mfir> Cos., Box 538-1, Waterloo, lowa. High-class salesmen wanted, disease of the (jams. Pyorrhea, test the new AVIVA Massage Treatment without risking a single penny. Com plete home treatment. Send name today! Address: The AVIVA CO.. 5002 Calhoun St.. Fort Waynt. Ind. S. <’. Standard Blood Tested Kliode Island Rod Chicks, electrically hatched; sls per 100; ('. O. I>. Shipments. COMMUNITY HATCHERY, Manning, 8. C. Double Your Dollars. Pint wteh Amazing Auto polish cleaner; Fragrant Insecticide; Glass cleaner; Package Gastone mileage increaser. working outfit sl. Sells $1.76. Representatives wanted. Write Teasdale Cos., Savannah, Ga. POULTRY BUSINESS Chattanooga, Tenn.; est. 8 yrs. big profits; owner retiring. Price only $5,000. File 0-304. THE APPLE-C OLE COMPANY 1002 Transportation Bldg. - Detroit, MLrh. PORTO RICAN POTATO PLANTS $1.60 M; G.OOO lots $1.50; 10,000 lots $1.40 M, Tomato Plants $1 M. Cash with order. BARBER PLANT CO.- BAXLEY. GA. WANTED—TEN SALESMEN AND SYIFS LADIKS to sell New Patent Roller Wash hoard in cities, towns and country. Big money to sellers. Address W. O. TALLEY, State Agent, Box 5, Decatur, Ala. MONEY SECRETS! HEALTH SECRETS! Youth secrets! Beauty secrets! Thrilling,glor ious, happy life secrets. Send one dollar. Dehll Kahn, Box D, Station C, Atlanta, Ga. Business Opportunities—Gigantic Mall—Ex cellent and unlimited money-making propo sitions forwarded for 6 months, $2.00. Henry Weiss & Cos., 824 Park Ave., Weehawken, N.J. MEN, WOMEN OR STUDENTS: Money-mak ing information; free descriptive folders. It may mean millions to you. Write Nicolas Cos., 417 So. Dearborn, Chicago, 111. MEN OB WOMEN Full or Part Time, hand some income, selling Corn-Rid for corns, cal louses, warts. Get particulars. ALLIED PRODUCTS, 675 49th St., Milwaukee, Wis. CHICKS. Rocks, Reds; 100, $11; Heavy mixed, $lO. Hatch every Wednesday. Prepaid live delivery. Sutillti Fa ruin. Way cross, Ga. Agents—make big money selling Ideal Product* direct to consumer. Hundred items —Toilet articles,Extracts.Medicines. Big profits. Write Waxahachie Medicine Cos., Waxahachte, Tex. Single Girls—Answer This. Send your name and address and receive a one-dollar coupon and valuable personal information FREE. The Kerox Cos., Box 442-K, Indianapolis, Ind. W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 22-1929. Unavoidably Absent Brown (to employer)—Jones won’t he at tlie office this week, sir, owing to a bereavement in his family. Employer—Oh, indeed, and who's dead this time? 0 Brown Jones, sir. Everybody’s Weekly. The driver of a horse cab has just driven his vehicle from Berlin to Paris and back, (lie double journey taking him 22 weeks.