The Rockdale record. (Conyers, Ga.) 1928-1930, June 12, 1929, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY. JUNE 12. 1929 M,-. mid Mrs. W. O. Miinii and fain jjv entertained over the week-end Mr. faff ■ a Tn m . ** ff£ FOOD SAFETY for only $lO DOWN ! A ND 30 months to pay the bal ** ance! Surely you don’t want to risk food contamination due to inadequate refrigeration, when you can have the best, the safest, surest refrigeration known to modem science put in your home on these reasonable terms. It’s up to you to decide—but re member, your family’s health may be endangered through neg lect to take advantage of this generous offer. See today th (GENERAL ©ELECTRIC Refrigerator And decide which of the various models and sizes best suits your needs. Come in and get the facts. Let us explain why it is so economical to operate a General Electric Refrigerator on the new electric rates. Note how quiet this refrigerator is—you barely hear it. Absolutely automatic, too—never even needs oiling! Act Now—Today—or tomorrow at the latest. Geoilgia POWER COMPANY A CITIZEN . WHEREVER WE SERVE * (The News Editor turned to the r pelephone When floods isolated southern Alabama, and press " approached with little definite news of the isaster or extent of the damage, the news editors of t e irming a , Alabama, Age-Herald naturally turned to the long distance operators. They knew from experience that the telephone s would not fail if loyalty, courage and uman inge could maintain it. The story of what appene is ° this letter from Harry C. Frye, assistant managing of the paper: . "May I express the appreciation o( the Birmingham M<- Herald for the one hundred per cent cooperation a , tiveness of the long distance service during the Alabama flood disaster. ... In twenty-five years expc in the newspaper business I have found t at can overcome most any difficulty in gathering news beyond ‘he local borders simply by turning the responsi 1 the telephone operators. They have never failed me, and in the flood crisis your operators performe not on form* but met and-overcame new problems wi nuity that is beyond all understanding o a urn paper-man.” . . • l The telephone , organization t is t^j\ encourages, them in their&dctermtnation that sc notfaiL. SOCTHERN&BELL TELEPHONE ' "mod Telegraph Company * ,uul Mrs - V. P. Folds, of Leesburg, and Miss Mable Stovall, of Atlanta. Mnshi Halph Almaud is sixmdiug this week in Decatur, guest or Master (leorge Plunkett. Messrs. A. G. and Eli Walker, of At lanta, spent the week-end at Wulkcr- Pottsvllle, guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Patrick and grand son, Wayne Patrick, spent last week-end at Indian Springs. Miss Sara Whitaker, young and at tractive daughter of lion, and Mrs. A. Whitaker, of Veltu, spent last week in Conyers, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Tucker. J Miss (da Mann spent last week In Decatur, guest of her sister, Miss Clide Mann, in the closing exercises of the Decatur schools. Mrs. W. F. McDaniel returned over the week-end from an extended visit with her children, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. McDaniel and other relatives in and around Asheville, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Dan H. Patrick spent last week-end at lioanoke, Ala., guests of Mr. and Mrs. Blake Wood. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Ilieks have mov ed back to their summer home down at Oakhill, where Mr. Hicks will en gage in agricultural pursuits. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Langford and talented young daughter, Miss Alpha Seamans Langford, of Atlanta, visited relatives and friends in Conyers sev eral days last week in connection with the happy privilege of attending church and again hearing their old pastor, Rev. Frank J. Fleming as he preached in the series of meetings at the Baptist church. Mr. Langford is one of the outstanding successful Con yers men who is running things in other sections and Conyers feels hon ored to claim this most excellent fam ily. Miss Elizabeth Alinand is visiting in Mt. Vernon this week, guest of Miss Goldie Mcßae. Mrs. O. P. Almand and young daughter, Louvenia, of East Point, ar rived in Conyers Tuesday for several days’ visit at the home of Mrs. John T. A. McCollum and her other many relatives and friends in Conyers. Mr. Curtis Almand, of San Francis co, stopped off in Conyers last week for a visit with his mother, Mrs. Min nie Almand, at the Conyers hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McClung, of THE ROCKDALE RECORD. CONYERS, GEORGIA Atlanta, spent Sunday in Conyers, guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McClung. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cowan and young son, John, of Knoxville, were recent guests of Mrs. J. W. Cowan, on Milstead, avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Claud E. Anthony, of High Shoals, are in Conyers, visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jim. R. Pirkle. Air. Charles Cowan, of Gainesville, spent last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cowan. Miss Louise Tucker, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Maddox, of De catur, spent last Tuesday at G. S. C. W., Milledgeville. Mrs. Maddox will re main for the six-weeks session of sum mer school. THE J. R. WATKINS COMPANY world famous Vanilla and other products may be had in Conyers at Conyers Hardware Company, in Milstead at R. P. Harbin’s Barber Shop. Oders phoned No. 83 or 13 hj fill ed following day. H. K. FORRESTER The Watkins Dealer ★ 4TH OF JULY TRADE-IN SALE Replace your worn tires now! Make them pay part of the * price on brand new Silver- YES SIR ... THAT TIRE’S WORTH GOOD MONEY during this big trade-in sale of ours, towns! The tread is smooth and it may cause you a lot of trouble. But we’ll cheerfully accept ... It as part payment on aibrand new set of Silvertowns. You escape all the tire trouble* We’re making special a- # _ ,-jde on new rubber over the holiday. Sounds like a good proposition . . . doesn’t it? lowances now on worn tires. serve as part payment on I . j|L .<■>. what we recommend. They’re new ones. ma de by the famous water-cure , . store 111 M Jp W ■. ‘ ||| W process . . . and that means the Just drive m jm w w l aßt raC *'° n 80 ' weor ® f B JK J|G immeasurably to their wearing qUa^ty ’ Gome in and let ul Goodrich Silvertowns McClelland’s Garage —PHONE- ConYers, No. 1(5 Georgia Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Floyd, of Brad enton, Fla., arrived in Conyers this week, where they will spend tin' sum mer at the home of her mother, .Mrs. John T. A. McCollum. Mr. W. H. Tucker, Jr., left Con yers Thursday morning for Birming ham, Ala., to s|K*ml a few days with his friend, Captain Joyce, before tak ing up his work for the summer, lit 1 will travel the neighboring stales in the interest of Columbia Military Academy. Miss Robbie Morris, the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. \V. 11. Mor ris, of Chamklee, spent the week-end as guest of Miss Louise Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Parr, of Coving ton, spent Sunday in Conyers, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bennett. Watch the Flies I Cenol Fly Destroyer Kills Flies and Mosquitoes 50c, 75c, $1.25 CANNON DRUG STORE