The Rockdale record. (Conyers, Ga.) 1928-1930, October 04, 1929, Image 2

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_ TANARUS" FOR BETTER sh °es I O \3lqlicy S FOR LESS MONEY ROCKDALE RECORD Official Organ f Rorkilale ( aunty and Hie City of Conyers R. F. TAYLOR, Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION, IN ADVANCE One year $1.50 Six months *75 THE ROCKDALE RECORD assumes no responsibility far views expressed by correspondents or contributors- All copy submitted for publication must be signed by the author. YOUTH—AND THE NEW LEADERSHIP By CRAIG B. HAZLEWOOD President American Bankers Associa tion Leadership is a picturesque word. With It, ono pictures Ilannlbal fighting his way through the passes of tho Alps— many resp e c ts Craig Q. Hazlewood than any of these. It ts the onrush of our business life. Our economic progress plunges ahead at a rate unheard of In the history of tho nations of tho world and every industrial and financial loader Is dally brought face to face with new and perplexing problems requiring the highest courage and Intelligence for their solution. Ninety billions a year, they tell us, this country Is now producing in new wealth. The rate of increase is even more staggering than tho amount. It is difficult, to say where It may lead us In oven ten or fifteen years. We are moving exceptionally fast. Our economic and industrial structure Is placing before us problems of greater and greater magnitude. Few men can see far ahead. Few are In complete control, for this Is a chang ing world, as evon the most inexperi enced business man will readily tes tify. Our methods of adjusting our selves rapidly to economic changes nnd of cooperating are far from per fect. What an opportunity tho leadership of five, ten or fifteen years from now presents! What an advonture it will be! What responsibilities It will lay upon tho broadest shoulders that may be found! This is tho challenge to leadership as I see It. In tho hands of the young men must rest the respon sibility for this leadership. Boys Who Reached the Pinnacles Business Is full of the romance of youngsters whose chief characteristic was working hard and keeping at It. There was a green farmer boy who de cided he would lather stand behind a counter than follow a plow. Ho seomod so obviously lacking In sales ability that for a time no merchant would hire him. He failed in his first position, and in his second his salary was reduced. He even agreed that he was a misfit —hut he stuck. Out of his first five stores, I believe, three failed. But he persisted and worked hard. And that boy, Frank W. Wool worth, became tho greatest retail merchant in the world with a storo In every city of eight thousand or more population In this country. There was another lad who clerked in a grocery store sixteen hours a day and studied mathematics in his odd moments. He became Interested In the doings of the steel plant whose em ployees traded at this store. He be gan to study steel and sought a posi tion in the plant. Ho carried a sur veyor's chain and drove stakes. At night he studied mathematics and en gineering. He did not despair. He could not be diverted. Ho kept the pressure on for seven years. And that boy, Charles Schwab, mastered the iron industry and became one of tho country’s groat industrial leaders. There was a lad who sold papers on a train. When he grew up, several million men and a score of billions of dollars of capital were given profitable employment through his inventions. Even In middle life L Thomas Edison I 4 7 ■] 11 4 ’25 Ford Touring, new ’27 Ford Touring. Good- *2B Chevrolet Sedan, new I en^r moto?per paint, good rubber, fine year tires, motor runs fine paint, car completely over-1 f g 00( j ru bber, car runs running shape. Each hauled and guaranteed ; snlendid— sloo S2OO $450 S3OO 8 3 9 2 2 ’26 Chevrolet Road- ’26 Chevrolet Touring. ’26 Chevrolet Coupe, good ’26 Ford Coupe, new paint sters. Good running shape Duco paint, motor over- tires, motor in first class motor overhauled— Take your choice— .hauled, good tires shape— sl9o S2OO $l5O $l5O ii * -- - - 10 5 6 12 ■2G Chevrolet Touring, mo^o^hauled" 1 *AKE YOUR CHOICE reconditioned <ir 1 O C\C\ 1-7 K r\r\ 24 Franklm Touring H* $135 P. J. ROGERS MOTOR CO. $75 Sales Service COVINGTON, GEORGIA THE ROCKDALE RECUkd, ixinfYERS, GEORGIA continued to work twenty hours a day, if necessary to achiovo his purpose. Leadership is not pluy. Leadership offers countless positions of varying opportunity, of which the highest pin nacles will moan almost unbearable responsibility In tho new ora. There will bo men with the fire and Iron to qualify even for these places. Such men must have had the very finest preparation and the most grueling tosts. Their reward will be tho attain ment of these highest pinnacles of achievement, and tho rendering of an Immeasurable service to their times. SCRUB BULL IS HALED TO COURT Placed on Trial for Hindering Development and Prosperity of Dairy Industry. Indicted for robbery, larceny, and a few ether such charges, Scrub Bull went on trial for his life at Laurel, Mississippi, recently. It seems that for some time people had suspicions that Mr. Bull was hindering the right and lawful development of the dairy industry, thereby “maliciously and wilfully lowering production and de creasing profits In the dairy business,’’ says the Bulletin of the American Bankers Association Agricultural Commission In commenting on the case. This, it says, was the first trial of its kind ever held in that section and was attended by several hundred peo ple. The jury, representing every vo cation within the boundaries of the Laurel trade territory, rendered a unanimous verdict of “guilty.’’ The death sentence was pronounced, “but during the night, before the sentence could be carried out, friends of the convict secretly spirited him away and he has not been seen since.” The arraignment came during the Milk Products Show sponsored by the banks of Laurel. People attending the show had the opportunity of also attending the bull’s “trial” and went away firmly convinced of the serious ness of lax and out-of-date methods In the pursuit, of dairying. The p.ujr- poses of both the Milk Products Show and trial were threefold, namely: to develop public sentiment for more and better Jerseys; to foster a more cooperative spirit for dairying and livestock growing, and to promote tick eradication. Tho banks of Laurel entered Into a cooperative arrangement In tholr ef forts for fostering agricultural devel opment and successful farming In the community, offering $2,105 as premi ums to the outstanding farm workers throughout the territory during 1929. An instructive booklet has been is sued, showing tho agricultural activity of the banks, together with announce ments of contests for farmers, exhibits in the hank lobbies and prizes offered. Good Qualities of Fruits Nutrition nnd Diet snys: “The npple lends among (he orchard fruits. It car ries smnll amounts of vltnmlnes A, B, and 0. It has definite laxative proper ties, probably owing to the large cel lulose content. The young npple con tains a Inrge amount of starch, but ns It ripens tlds Is rapidly converted Into sugar until when fully ripe It con tains little or no starch. The acid content decreases as the sugar In creases. In like manner Its pectin, val uable In the formation of Jelly, de creases with the ripening process. The citrus fruits are next In Importance to the apple, nnd their culture Is be ing enormously Increased. Oranges come first They offer an excellent source of readily assimilable glucose, and for this reason orange Juice Is used when there Is necessity for quick assimilable carbohydrate which will throw the least burden on the digestive organs. The orange contains both vi ta mines A and B." SALE UNDER POWER OF SALE GEORGIA, Rockdale County. The undersigned, under and by vir tue of the terms of a loan deed trom Jaimes P. and Ella Swann it Othe John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Com pany, daitied March 26, 192.3, and re eorded in deed book Q pages 356-7-8 Rockdale County Records, and in ac cordance with the terms of the note for which said loan deed! was given to secure, will, on the first Tuesday in November, 1029, within the legal hours of sale, liefore the court house door of Rockdale County, Georgia, sell at pub lic out,cry, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described’ real es tate : Tract A. All that tract of land lying and l>elng in land lots 181i and 172, of tine 11th District of Roekdlale County, Georgia, described as fol lows : Beginning at an iron spike corner on the East line of land lot 172 (said cor ner lieing on the North side of the Public Road > ; thence north on the East line of Lind lots 172 and 181, 43.20 chains; thence South 88% de grees West 17.12 chains; thence South 18.20 chains; thence East 17.12 Chains to the beginning' point, said tract con taining 73 acres, arwl l>eing known as lot 3 of Ihe John T. Swann prop erty. y Tract B. All that tract of land ly ing and l>eirg in land lot 171 of the 11 Mi District of Rockdale County, Georgia, beginning at the Northeast corner of said land lot, and running thence South on the Bast line 38.72 chains; thence West 13.20 Chains to the center of South River; thence Northwesterly along the center of South River to the point where the center of said River intersects the West line of land k>t 171; thence We give very careful attention to all business entrusted to us. An opportunity to serve you will be appreciated. Bank of Conyers W. T. Baldwin, President R- L. Huff, V. Pres. M. W. Hull, Cashier H. D. Austin, Asst. Cash. North 1% degrees West on said West line 17.25 chains; theme East ou the North lino of said land lot 4500 chains to the beginning polmt, said tract containing 146 acres, and being known as lots 7 and 8 of the J,d„, T Swann property. Recorded In ix-od Book “F”, ixage 478, Rockdale Cos records. The above described note i for $2000.00, with interest on same at 6 per cent payable annually, said note fulling due January It, 1925; said note provides ithat if any Interest couion is not paid promptly when due, the holder of said note has the right to de clare the entire loan due and collecta ble. The interest of $120.00 on said note, together with the principal of $2000.00, lading due and unpaid since January 1, 1928, ithe above described property will be sold as tile property of .Tames P. and Ella Swtann to satisfy said note and interest, together with unpaid taxes for 1925 of $21.94; 1926 of $20.15 and 1927 of $18.72, and all costs of holding this sale. John Hancock Mutual Life In isnnanco Company As Attorney In Fact for James P. Swann and Ell la Swann. Scottt. Oamller, Attorney Hiwiley Bldg., Atlanta, Georgia. 1 Oct. 4-11-18-25. Nov. 1.