The Rockdale record. (Conyers, Ga.) 1928-1930, October 04, 1929, Image 4

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County Agent From l’age One building. and the fir>*t year sown. Oar of Lime Ordered A car load of lime has Imvii ordered for alfalfa. There will he a few tons of it that are not s|x>kcn for yet. Next orders will got it. Those wanting lime s<mmi slum id mention the amount they will want to me. or to Mr. it. F. Tucker. Yon should haw an alfalfa pat<*h. Some Queer Things in KoehiiHle County Why can’t farmers generally make it ti rt of their business to hitild nnd take care of their soils, when lliey know that it pays several dollars Ituek for o:u<li dollar put in to if. and when they know by cxiierienee that there is no money to he made by continuing to farm thin |w>o r land, and that there is good profit in farming good land, and that such crops at veteli Is the cheapest fertilizer they can buy? Why will a man pull fodder when one acre of alfalfa will make more and licit r mule feed than four tliousand hrndles of fodder, and when pulling folder hurts his corn lmt alfalfa takes tin 1 pi are of all the fodder and half of the corn in fissling mules? Why will a farmer lei his good soil wash away when he can build good terraces to hold it so it will remain fit to cultivate? Wily will a farmer not s|>en<i four to five dollars an acre to sow vetch when it is clearly dhown in several places in Rockdale County that cot ton or corn will make 'twice as much when a crop of vetch is turned under? When will we really get down to business and do as we know we should do. Yours for a lie)ter Rockdale County, Ernest I). Holmes, County Agent. FERNS FOR SALE Some beautiful ferns of various varieties. Hen ry Reagan. Come To The NEWTON COUNTY FAIR OCTOBER 1-sth. •.'*‘’ ' > j ' - AT COVINGTON, GA. ) , > * 4 ~ ~ .< v ; ~ ;/ EVERY DAY WILL BE A BIG DAY! r • • ■ ■ • v 'V- • - ~ • -'j •• Vf 1 ’ ■ . y %\* \ : ’ ■ ... Friday Agricultural and School Day when every pupil will be admitted for 10c. Thursday Jersey Cattle Day. The Alabama Amusement Company Will Furnish The Fun • ♦ - "v • ~ 1 ' • .if--- h? .-isev.'j?', ■ r ' ' Keeps His Old Pep as 50 Years Nears Jimmy Austin, peppery conch of the St. Louis Browns, re fuses to grow old. The once great shortstop Is now nenrlng fifty years of nge but there Is no youngster on the field who can outhustle Idm. Austin is ono of the first men out nnd with ids colleague in coaching, Rill Klllefcr, the Inst to leave. Klllefcr, however, Is younger. Possibly no major league club lias two more energetic man agerial assistants. The Brown pair assay heavily In bnsebnll knowledge nnd are real lieuten ants to Capt Dan Flowley. I'M i(ai rim noil i’ Three-horse farm for rent, third and fourth or standing rent. Good land, houses, barns, and pasture. Apply to M. F. Farmer, Conyers, Ga. EXECUTORS SALE OF THE WM. I. PEEK FARM GEORGIA, Rockdale County. Pursuant to the provisions of the last will and testament of Win. L. Peek, tale of said county, the under signed executors will sell to the high est bidder for cash, the land and tone merits belonging to said estate, uiidler the terms and conditions hereinafter set out. The farm is situated four miles southeast of Conyers, in Rock da Id county, and contains 727 acres, more or less, with Improvements con sisting of an eight room dwelling, barn and out building's, twelve tenant houses, mill and gin house. To lie sold for the purpose of paying debts and ELLOW E PENCIL I'SHk 'with the l WyREDRAND jEagle f EAGLE^ 2^ MIKADO * * THE ROCKDALE RECORD. CONYERS. GEORGIA distribution under the will. All bhls are to lie in writing and nc conipanhd by a certified cheek of ten H>r rent of the amount hid, imynble to the executors. Any bid to lie considered* must be in flic bands of the executors not later titan 12:00 o’clock, noon the .’list day of October, 11)29. The H xeeittors reserve the right to Pennsylvania Tires Are Let us equip your automobile with i a set of these world famous tires Lkll and your tire trouble ceases; that is a part of the service and the J %jgj; guarantee. They cost no more than J|f / bSI any other good tire and you get the guarantee along with the price Guarantee a Real T3 o jr THE GUARANTEE oennett CSL JVIcHIIX Tires guaranteed against eve ' rything, except natural wear Phone 69 Conyers, Ga. out for Eighteen Months. reject any and all bids. The certified ( .)teck accompanying any hid not ae cepted ly the executors will be re turned on November 4th, 1929. October Ist, 1929. E. L. PEEK, H. H. PEEK, Executors Win/L. Peek estate. SeOct. 4-1 l-IS-2. r x. Nov. 1. Let The Rockdale Record Do Your Job Printing