The Rockdale record. (Conyers, Ga.) 1928-1930, January 03, 1930, Image 2

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Go To Galley’s Big Cash Sal ROCKDALE RECORD .... -p Official Organ of Rockdale County and the City of Conyers ft. F. TAYLOR, Editor and Publisher gfeMCßwiow" IN ADVANCE One year Six months .73 Entered at tie post office at Conyers. Georgia, us second-class mail matter. THE ROCKDALE RECORD assume* no responsibility (or views expressed by correspondents or contributors. All copy submitted for publication must be signed by the author. NEW WAR MACHINE ; IS FAST TRAVELER | a “greyhound" army tank that ! charges over sand dunes and plowed i fields at 40 miles an hour and streaks down highways at a mile a minute is j the latest addition to the lighting 'strength of the United States. The ! speedy war machine, which c/irrles i three men, pusses the ordinary tank as though the latter were standing still nnd gets under way before the | more unwieldy machines of tlie past ' Itegin to move, says Popular Science | Monthly, j The spectacular now tank showed ; what it can do recently in tests con ducted before army otlicers it Camp ■Meade, Md. Over rough ground, its caterpillar treads carried It at 42.. r ifi j miles an hour. When the trends were , removed, the armored tighter, running on wheels, was clocked over a trial i course ut GO miles an hour. The i machine, which was designet, by .1 Walter Christie, nil armament expert Is about two thirds the size of 1 in* nvernge army tank. It Is intended Its Inventor point out, for quick smashing surprise attacks upon enem> ilines rather than for heavy combat work. SMALL BOY’S GUESS LOGICAL, AT LEAST I Every night, nt the Sequoia Nn tlonnl park they have a campfire which .Includes nn impromptu entertainment, and frequently a brief talk on the giant trees or some phase of wild life, given by some attache of the park. One night recently, the topic wag reptiles nnd In tlie course of describ ing the various snakes that arc to be found in California the speaker re marked : "The particular snake to which J refer, is said to st rike with mat lie mntical precision." “I know what Unit is!" piped up a small boy. "You're talking about an adder." —Los Angeles Times. SELECTED “SHOTS” : Climate Itsn't e/irythlng; but it Is more tlmn half. For us few friends as a cal has. it lives pretty well. There’s no like tho present for putting off tilings. The man who blames (lie woman is one kind of JiMlytish. A mad who Isn't horn shiftless can’i acquire Unit weakness. One half of (lie world knows how ko work' (lid qther half. 1 InvesfthenN that pay enorinouitj' are usually matters of luck. 1 The wofnnn with lias tact Invari ably knows what not to do. If moral aphorisms rolled expoiif ence, they aril guides to live by. 1 A jealous mdn Is always In lov!| but It’s more sklf-lovd limit nnythm| .else. ; Strangers in a city are never In [t ■hurry, aiid they see more titan tins (body else. It Is those who don’t know bow hS do anything who clamor for the mos vacations. If yof .disapprove of dancing, Icartt to dnnc& nnd she If It doesn't chain# jjour views. *’ We shall be judged, not by what we have been, but wlint.u’e Itav# beedT—Sewell.. Profess affection, and changing your tnihd is always resented as if you had no iuMr'rtght. I* Even the dptimist who sees fbut sunshine Is shy about lending his iumbrella to a friend. ' In condemning the vanity of woiff en, ~hien complain of tlie tire the* [themselves have kindbd.—Llngree. 0 High-Priced Clay I Evieh clay ‘seems to be high priced in these days. Kaolin, from which j pottery, t>orcelaiii, wnjl (paper, oilclojh and other products are jmadh, whs produced to the ex Lent * 1496,000 tons last year, nnd the valu%i .at approximately $8 a ton, was Hr, *088,003. Afore than 4,0Q0,(XK) ton? of [ a 'l types, of clay were produced, aim (the total Value was si<ooo,ooo. ® i” t Labor Problem Visitor—Why do you take the* magazines? There’s nothing in them but serial stories. Hhus^wlffe—^Well, the servants git interested in them and stay on just to how the storifes end.—-Montreal THE ROCKDALE RECORD. CONYERS. GEORGIA^ fIhaJfEVER before and probably never again will \ the subscribers of this paper be given the opportunity of this unheard of bargain. „ Either of these offers carry a variety of high class publications—enough reading for the entire family for a whole year. This is a very limited offer so send jJSSSEij. JSM Progressive Parmer, 1 year \ *tt CI7VVV Alabama Times (Weekly), 1 year 1 Home Circle, 1 year * I PAR ONI Y JjßjSjSiStbj American Poultry Journal, 1 year \ 1 ' Gentlewoman Maftazinc, 1 year f 'A Farm Journal, 1 year V gfc* •# QC AND THIS NEWSPAPER ! ) | jgg Southern Ituralist, 1 year \ _ T opirj! w Alabama Times (Weekly), 1 year I ALL hr,vC-Ia American Poultry Journal, 1 year V Harm K Fireside, 1 year L a&V J QC AND THIS NEWSPAPER j | -g-g. I YES -MR. EDITOR. Send Bargain No. *° Q H Brins or mail tills Coupon to our oflleo today NOW f ISISHBiBBIBiBIiHaiISBSf