Conyers courier. (Conyers, GA.) 1876-18??, January 12, 1878, Image 1

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mcx Ukdkx Whwhbad Hook. | VOL. 2. *;THE BRIDE’S WARNING. Hold I Pledge me not in such a draught as this For well I know within the goblet lies The deadly bane of every earthly bits?; The fiend that tears apart all human ties; The demon that feeds all the fires of lust, And robs the eye and cheek of light and bloom; The power that bows all nauhood to the dust, And fills with ruined hopes the tomb. Ah ! I have marked this subtle, sun ny tide. That sparkles now so temptingly ana bright, Engulf health, beauty purity and pride, And plunge the wretched soul in darkest night! Then, from some crystal fount the goblet fill, Ere yet ’tis raised to those fond ; lips of thine, Eor never did a serpent’s fang dis till So dire a poison as flows from the vine, The Rochester Express says: ‘The atory told, and it l* said to bs en true, that at the reeent dedica iron of a Baptist Church in this country the ceremony of immersion was performed for the Arst time in that ebureb by a well known Baptist minister f this city. When he had entered the water, and while waiting for the candidate, the minuter sug gested that somebody s-owld smg an appropriate hymn* One of the dea eons who stood near by heard tbs' suggestion, and without thinking, •treck up the familiar hymn, ’Puli for the Shore.* Ti e hymn proved so suggestive bat tether the minis ter cor the congregation could re train from au audible smile for some time, and the Ceremony had to be postponed nutif the preacher eeeld recover hie gravity.* * A BEAR STO3Y." Among the various sketches-, read before the Georgia Historical Society by Captain W. W. Ptine, and re ported by the Savannah New#, was the following which created great a musement in the audience : 4 'Morgan Gillis Was a hunter of some renown, and a hold and power* fnl man. One day hunting in the piney woods he killed a fine buck, and while engaged in skinning it he discovered several Indians creeping toward* him. There was no time te deliberate or to tarry. Springing to his feet and leaving rifle and venison behind, he ran for life, and reached the swamp, where be noticed a large poplar, which Lad been broken off near its top and had the appearanoe of being hollow. A knarled or k nag ged hicory which rested against this enabled him to easily climb tha tree, When, to his great jey, Jkt found it hollow, with an opening in the top sufficient for him to enter. He enter ed and sliding to the bottom, found it tenanted by two fat cubs, and at once discovered that he was in the den of a bear which fortunately for him was absent from heme. About three feet from the bottom of the dan was a small knot-hole from whieh Gilis saw the Indians approaching and who seemed .much puttied at not finding him. After hunting around the Indiana disappeared supposing that Gilis had eaoaped to the rirar. Waiting some time and the Indians not re-appearing, Gilis thought it time to leave his hidiw-plaee and at tempting to do so found to his dismay that he could not do so and that he win entombed in the wooden walls of a tree. “ Our friend was not the first man Mr the last who has gotten easily in- ] to a scraps and fouua it difficult to (Kflttgenj (Courier. get out. ,l Gillie could not perish with hun ger for some days, for he coutd cat the cnbs: but he might persih for water. Having his large hunting knife with him he cotnmenoed trying to cut his way out of the hoi ow, and while thus engaged he heard as he supposed someone climbing on the outside of the tree- lie thought of the Indians and gave himself up for lost. Soon the apature at the top of the tree was darkened and an object cmmenced to descend, and horror of horrors it was the old bear. Bears always descend a tree backwards —and as Airs. Bruin neared the bottom, Gillis in terror commenced using his knife vigorously upon her, and she not expecting such a warm reception in her quarters, hastily ascended and Gillis taking advantage of her diseorn fiture and hasty retreat, seized hold of her shaggy hair and was drawn to the tip. lie escaped and reached home in safety, a wiser if not a bet ter man.” ‘•Hi ! where dil you eet them trousers ?’ a-ked an Irishman of a man who happened to he passing with a pair of remarkably short trousers on’ ‘l got them where they grew,’ was the indignant re ply. ‘Then, be me consciene ,’ said Pat, ‘you’ve pulled them a year too soon.’ The Emperor Napoleon said Whoever possesses Cors'atilinople ean govern the work;.* He forgo t out America. ■ ■■♦♦to ■ - ■ - John B- Gough is aid to be liv 1 ing on the interest of his nicety, instead of the interest created in the bosom* of his audk-uees. Gan. Stovall, of Augusta, is of opinion that the Great Western canal, which has long been a net pro ject with General Frebel, is an **- •ured fact, and that in five or six years steamers *will he running be* tween the Atlantic and the Missis sippi - A phenomena! horse drover made hts appearance in Lawranceville the other day- He lad never ridden in • buggy; never taken a drink of whisky nor a ehew of tobacco and bad never sworn au oath. The Chicago Tribune speaks of 4 Mrs. Ontea and other articles of vertu.” A uian that ran’t spoil better than that ought not to be permitted to spell at all. Ex President Grant visite&Meur.t Veauvia*. Beta were off red, two to one, and ye takers, that the Ki. Could out-smoke the old volcano. The mountain declined the conteat, and the bet* were withdrawn. Never take the bull hi the hom young man, but take him bi the tale an<F then you kao let go when you want t. A Washington eomsp mdent writes that Senator Ferry is a* crid as ie, as hard as marble. and as dig nifled as the top grasabepper on a head of cabbage. I mi mill General Colquiti has been selec ted to deliver the address of welcome to the international Sunday School Convention, which assembles in At lauta is April oext. Genera! Skobeioff nyt to bis •oldiera ,* A ooward can fire a gua bat it takes a brave soldier to use a bay onet. “You can’t drink too much brandy with impunity,” said a New York nhyatcian to a gouty patient. . ‘ Perhaps aot with impunity Doe tor but 'with a little pepperment I think I ccuid go it, ” was the serene reply! * COME**, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, J\l. 12 1873. A Cobb county girl worked the motto, ‘I need the every hour,’ and preseated it to her ehap. He says lie can’t help it. It takes him two hours to milk aud feed the pigs morning and night, and business has got to be attended to' ‘Marish! Mariah ‘ please let me in !’ said a man to his wife, who was looking out of the wiudow watching him trying to open the door with a toothpick, Tsh tread on my key. and it sh all flattened out,’ •Is it is good taste for girls to giggle at funerals ?’ is ihe query in Wbstera Alabama - Agirlwhocaut cry at a funeral would not boa good hand to do up a sore too. Rev. ROC bb voluntarily re turned lis salary, S3OO a year Aro y u going to live on corn. Cobb? letroir Free Or are you going to live on ground corn, (.’ebb ? If tbe kcr icl should call around for the pith of this matter what shall we tell him ? A tramp was arrested, taken he fore a magistrate and sentei oed for three months. The Justice, in ex plaining the sentence, remarked that while there was no evidence that the prisoner l*en pui ty of anv crime he thought it prudent to com mit him. as he had the wild, hagga and look of a roan about to start a uews : ap- r. M hen Chari ie Ross war first stolen his fathei was worth about $60,000 He bas his entire means in prosecu ting the search, and has not yet abandoned it, tb ugh it is little that he can now do. We do not know whether be v married more than onee, hut probably not, as Oharle i* this wife's son, and bis cruel (ate bas made a wreck of her. Tbe quarrel among the Massachu setts Good Templars, arising from the exclusion ef colored members from the order, culminated Moodav in the disaolniioa of tbe Grand Lodg- of Ma*Mehwaet;s. and the fur matinn of anew Grand Lodge. The prime mover in the revolution was William Wells Brown, a colored msn who *s supported in kia action by tbe English officials. The expression, ‘so long;’ raed sometimes in ihe sense good-bye in V-e Soothers States, was borrowed from nerroes. It i a corruption of tbe Turkish word ‘salian.’ which, with the spread of Mohammedanism, traveled to tbe w-i' c >st of Afriea. whence tluve cargoes Were procured. Ihe expression became also e onmon in Glasgow aod Bristol, during th* last ctintury, whither it was carried by sailor* of slave skips. Raid Mr. Whitter once ; ‘lt was a wonderful thing to sen ones *!f in print for the first time. I shall never feel so well again. • • • It is not true, as has been arid, tl at I da*b off my writing rapidly Anil send it to the printer without any correc tion l don’t believe anybody does that, or has a right to do it,’ A white fifteen year old girl mar ried a negro in Fairfax, W No clergyman r magistrate could be found who would perform the ocre raany, and so the couple simply swore cm the Bible in the presence •f witnesses that- they would be faith ful as bnsband and wife, Tbe girls bather, on of the marriage, killed the negro. Father to son just from College— ‘What have you learned at your eol lege V ‘We never learn anything ; they neter let yen eee tbe newapa pvw.’ if % t ’ v* i I, finw&aßTl >{ 7 We offer the above magnificent AMMONIATED SUPER PHOSPHATE _ ; , _ ** • i \..uwr TO THE p&AWTmm o r &mnmjk AND HAVE NO HESITATION <IM RECOMMENDING \ •** If TO THE FULLEST E2TENT. We shall endeavor to n*et all legitimate eompefcifian, awd fed *- sored that all who use our article* w ll be high ly pleased with tbe results. WE OFFER ALSO CUR— "EUTAW ACID PHOSPHAU” .. / V, Which we believe •* e" islboany in the market* WSfittQM QWTtQW Given if flr i ed Call on -Agenti for and Prices. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. FBOFBIBTOR3, CHA.H LBSTOM, 8. C. H. P. A D. M. Au‘ age to; confers Gu. 113. 33. | SoscttrnoM: $1 in Aovah^