Conyers courier. (Conyers, GA.) 1876-18??, January 19, 1878, Image 1

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off ce Under Whithead House | VOL. 2. LOCAL: ADVERTISEMENTS. One column, one time $3.00 One column, two times 5.00 One column, f-ur times __B.oo One column, one year 75.00 Halt’ column, one time 2.00 Half column, two times 3.00 Half column, four times 5.00 Haif column, one year 40.00 Quarter column, one time 1.25 -Quarter column, two times 2.00 Quarter column, tour times 3.00 Quarter Column, one year 20.00 L teal Motions tea cents & line. OUR SUBSCRIBERS will greatly oblige us by settling their indebtedness to this office, at as early a date as possible. The small sums due us for subscrip tion’s now represent in the aggregate a artre amount of money, and we de sire to collect it all between now and 15th of January. Gen L: Due, U S. Commissioner of Agriculture, has our thanks for an interesting pamphlet on the culture •of the Tea and Coffee plants in Amer ica. If yon want first class garden seed or anything in that line, write to James Vick, Rochester, N Y. We have never yet been disappointed in anything that we ordered from Vick. The Covington Enterprise speaks f the last week’s Courier as the first that had appeared in a month. have not missed an is-aie except dur iim ch -istmas week, when we followed t he example of the other week dan. The news editor of the Savaunali News locates a terrible accident in Rockdale county. The accident oc curred in Alabama, and an account of it was copied by the Examiner and credited to the Ala Star A number of G u vington people will leive on an excursion to Florida, next Monday. Cary Cox, Jr., is on a visit to Cov ington. Mr, Cox is n wan officer on a vessel, and he is well pleased with life on an ocean wave. Now is the time to send all your gills awd boys to school. Our town is certainly well-supplied with education a' facilities. Several parties came off this week. The Christmas Tree chicken pre sented to Rev. Mr. Reynolds has been fowl-ly dealt with. Mr. Reynolds says he never knew a chicken to be raised with such wonderful rapidity. T II Bryans & Cos is the name of a new firm in this place, the firm of Bryans A Speer having dissolved. Capt, S,.ecr, we learn, is going to Texas, This is fine courting weather. Some of our merchants are largely interested in cotton, at present, and there is much coryectu.e as to what effect the winding op of the Eastern war will have upon the fleeq^itaple, -IroMsiead ~ r .."house ir doing a good business Our local department will hereafter appear on the first page of our paper, the editorial and news on the fourth page, and the miscellaneous matter on the inside. The Post Office is to have an addi tional number of boxes. Everybody who receives a good sized mail ought to have a box. Cfongm (touricr. Will Rosser was thrown by a mule yesterday on Centre Street, but es caped any serious injury. Col Jim Anderson has bought on e of Walcott & Hollingsworth’s patent bee hives, and prououucea favora bly. Read the communication on the fourth page concerning the new jail. Now let's hear f om the other side. Mr. t?, M. Shaver left on Tuesday night, for Augusta on a visit to his father, R-v I)r, Shaver, who, we re gret to say, is suffering from a pro tracted illness, We hope soon to be able to chronicle the Doctor’s full and complete recovery judge Seamans i having soie Macadamizing done in front of the courthouse. What is the matter with the Oa- R. R. ? Their employees in the work shops in Augusta have been put on half time until further notice. Sheriff Taylor and Bailiff Mitchell have abundance to do in the civil line at present. Both of these officers are hard to surpass when there is work to be done. We take pleasure in calling atten tion to the new advertisement of Dr W H Lee on this page. Dr Lee is an experienced druggist, keeps a fine stock, and those who deal with him will always got satisfaction. The cotton receipts <tt. im >i ■* * - the present season are much a g than for any pievluus year Ag e* , , ■•*'* h/r>r\ ** ,vv and Gwinnett that never came before. Great quantities of the staple winch formerly went to Atlanta was th s son attracted to the Queen C ity of Rockdale. Of course Bn*. Hawkins will make a note of this. TIIE FEMALE COLLEGE. The exercises of this institution will be resumed next Monday 21st. The President will be assisted by Mrs Cain of North Carolina, and Mrs. Mont gomery, a lady well known in this community. Mrs. Bailey will have charge of the musical department. Terms same as last session. Clemmons and Petty offer for sale this season the well known and pop ular Wattson & Clark Guano, for which they have the agency. Head their advertisemeut and give them a call- Mr. Lucien Smith, whose arrival we noticed last week, has become a member of the firm of Ayres k Cos. Mr. Smith is known all ov*r Geor> gia, as a first class business man, and those who deal with him will not he long is discovering him to be a clover aud courteous gentleman The mule trade has bem go >d fot.elv. Mr. J H Kuhns, photographic nr list, has gone to Covington. He is •i first class artist anl deserves a good patronage wherever he goes. There is some talk of organizing * Greenback Club in Conyers. That’s our line. Sandford is selling lemons at yoar own price. The following are the officers of the Union Agricultural club for 1878 ; A Whitaker, President, J J cowan' Vice-President, R B Vaughn, Sec’y, D Vaughn, Treasurer, CONKERS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JAR. 19, 1373 The voice of the guano agent now makes music in the air, but his mer chandise doesn’t smell like it. . Ninety per cent of the babies in V alton arc boys—a siga of war. Gov. Hubbard, cf Texas, has writ ten a three column letter to the Pres-, ident on Mexican border affairs. He demands that his State be protected from Mexican violence. Senator Dan Voorhees made a grand speech in the Senate, on the 15th inst., on fiuancial affairs. It is needless to say that this big brained, big hearted Satriot is the determined foe of the esumptionists and Bondholders. VICK’S Illustrated Prico Catalogue Seventy-five pages—3oo illustra tions, with descriptions of thousands of the best flowers and vegetable* in thd world, and the way to grow them —all for a two-cent postage stamp. Printed in English and German. Vick’s Flower and Vegetable Gar den, 50 cents in paper covers ; in ele gant cloth colors, SI.OO - Illustrated Monthly Maga*> z ne, 32 pages, fine illu trations, and colored plate in every number. Price. $1.25 a year ; five copies for $5. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N Y. SAV Ajn ,*•- Tit’s largest, best and cheapest of Southern Weeklies will begin in it issue of Jan. 26th the publication o another prize story, entitled ‘‘Henry S nclair, or the Doctor’s Revenge Send $2 to J- 11. Estill, Savannah. Griffin complains of too niaiy stores- ' ' Oliver White is going on a bee hi e trip. The style of J. k W. E. Treadwell has been changed to J. k IV, i-. Treadwell k Cos. By a notice in 1 .so othe column it will ho seen that th'* new firm require all their debtors lo settle up 1 y Fob. Ist- Swann. Elliott if Cos. have opened a heavy stock of goods in Judge Boss or’s old stand. Judge Rosser has moved into the store formerly occupied by Dr. J. W. Crum. MARRIED, Cn the 17th inst.. at the residence of the bride’s parents in BeKalb county, by Rev. H. F. Buchanan, Mr, W. H. Wood to Miss F. E. Phillips. Toe time business has already open ed. - f jcrßeo Ilill is to' addre-* the Tennessee pr< Association n June. There is o public man in the country who knows less about journalism than Ben Hill. Butte county farmers have the Tex as fever. Bullock has been acquitted on an other indictment for cheating and swinding in Fulton Superior court. Gen. Gartrell and Judge McOay were defendant’s counsel. We hope that the State will make n, more such mis takes in future. For years we have raised a great hue and cry over Bul lock, and now when the test comes he is declared an innocent man. Gov. Smith’s folly in beginning this prose cution is beyond description. 8i Hawkins invests his income from subscriptions in pigs. Cei-tuin papers and politicians are still engaged in condemning the Elec toral Com mission and its lesults. It is no use crying over spilt milk. The mischiol is done. The faith of the country is pledged to abide the result, 1 he, I resident did not make the Elec toral Commission ; ha merely reaped the advantages of its decision, and doubtless any politician in the country would have done the same thing, ' ... _ B/iBYLAND FOB JANUARY. A fine double number, full of tiny Christmas Stories and lovely Christ mas Pictures, all in big print, on thick paper, just the magazine to teach babies tr read. It is only Fifty cents a year. I). Lothrop & Co-, publishers, Boston, Mass. Consumption Cured, An old physician re tin and from active practice, h iving had placed in his hands by an Hast Indi m mis-d inayy the f •rmiila of a simple vegetable remedy for too speedy aid perniH neut eti-e of O" sumption. Bnuiohit ■i I ’, (.'atsirli, Asthuia, and ill Throat adLu ig ;.ff *ti us and a’so a pos itive ad rad eal erc fir General Debility a <1 alj nervous complain s, after aii g thoroughly Used its wo Tide i ,ul ouri'ivc powers in thous ands of eases, feel- it his duty to jiake it known to his fellow sufferers The rce ipt will be sent free of dnect.ons h r pfr pari tig aud success fully using. Ai lress with stinnp. Homing ihis pap r. Dr, J. G Stone 41 North Ninth Street, Pbiladel i hit, Pa, Oct 30 —ly IfE.vDd -fi? FvMtLl <t Will and . well to buy their tin ware hardware, crockiry, drugs, groceries at ( lemuious k Potty a. Go aud examine their stock. i.B6A. Tiie 01 Reliable I ISP’S. DR. W. H. Dll, constantly en hand, at his Drag Store on Centre St. • foil line of Drops, Oils, Medicines. Paints, Patent Medicines, Potty, Glass. Toil t Articles, Varnishes, Fancy Soap, Garden Seed. - * Cgars. Glaziers Materials, x.d everything kept in . FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. PRESCRIPTION DFPARTFERT. i Dr Lee h many year* experience In compounding prescriptions, a<* he will nee that nil prose rip tiocs tad erders nre ewefully filled. The put. rtmt& of oidund new customers in Rockdale aud adj dicing ooantiea is rc* •peetfoliy solicUd. IMyr, N). 34. | SosciirrtoN: 81 iv \ D . nV K WOU BIXE, SEASON OF 1878. WATTSON & CLARK Gf IX Atf 0. We beg to off ir this popular Gti a”o to the publ'c, as being one of the best Fertilizers on our Southern market. Cotton Option, CLEMMONS 4 PEiTY, Vgt, Conyers, Ga. West Bros. Gent Acts. 31-4 mos. Savannah Ga-